2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
title: liteyuki.mkdoc
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
### *func* `get_relative_path() -> str`
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
**Description**: 获取相对路径
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2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
> - base_path: 基础路径
> - target_path: 目标路径
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< details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
< summary > < b > Source code< / b > < / summary >
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
def get_relative_path(base_path: str, target_path: str) -> str:
base_path: 基础路径
target_path: 目标路径
return os.path.relpath(target_path, base_path)
< / details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
### *func* `write_to_files()`
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
**Description**: 输出文件
> - file_data: 文件数据 相对路径
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
< details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
< summary > < b > Source code< / b > < / summary >
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
def write_to_files(file_data: dict[str, str]):
file_data: 文件数据 相对路径
for rp, data in file_data.items():
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(rp)):
with open(rp, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
< / details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
### *func* `get_file_list()`
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
< details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
< summary > < b > Source code< / b > < / summary >
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
def get_file_list(module_folder: str):
file_list = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(module_folder):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(('.py', '.pyi')):
file_list.append(os.path.join(root, file))
return file_list
< / details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
### *func* `get_module_info_normal(file_path: str = True) -> ModuleInfo`
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
**Description**: 获取函数和类
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
> - file_path: Python 文件路径
> - ignore_private: 忽略私有函数和类
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2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
**Return**: 模块信息
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
< details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
< summary > < b > Source code< / b > < / summary >
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
def get_module_info_normal(file_path: str, ignore_private: bool=True) -> ModuleInfo:
file_path: Python 文件路径
ignore_private: 忽略私有函数和类
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
file_content = file.read()
tree = ast.parse(file_content)
dot_sep_module_path = file_path.replace(os.sep, '.').replace('.py', '').replace('.pyi', '')
module_docstring = ast.get_docstring(tree)
module_info = ModuleInfo(module_path=dot_sep_module_path, functions=[], classes=[], attributes=[], docstring=module_docstring if module_docstring else '')
for node in ast.walk(tree):
if isinstance(node, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef)):
if not any((isinstance(parent, ast.ClassDef) for parent in ast.iter_child_nodes(node))) and (not ignore_private or not node.name.startswith('_')):
if node.args.args:
first_arg = node.args.args[0]
if first_arg.arg in ('self', 'cls'):
function_docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
func_info = FunctionInfo(name=node.name, args=[(arg.arg, ast.unparse(arg.annotation) if arg.annotation else NO_TYPE_ANY) for arg in node.args.args], return_type=ast.unparse(node.returns) if node.returns else 'None', docstring=function_docstring if function_docstring else '', type=DefType.FUNCTION, is_async=isinstance(node, ast.AsyncFunctionDef), source_code=ast.unparse(node))
elif isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
class_docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
class_info = ClassInfo(name=node.name, docstring=class_docstring if class_docstring else '', methods=[], attributes=[], inherit=[ast.unparse(base) for base in node.bases])
for class_node in node.body:
if isinstance(class_node, ast.FunctionDef) and (not ignore_private or not class_node.name.startswith('_') or class_node.name == '__init__'):
method_docstring = ast.get_docstring(class_node)
def_type = DefType.METHOD
if class_node.decorator_list:
if any((isinstance(decorator, ast.Name) and decorator.id == 'staticmethod' for decorator in class_node.decorator_list)):
def_type = DefType.STATIC_METHOD
elif any((isinstance(decorator, ast.Name) and decorator.id == 'classmethod' for decorator in class_node.decorator_list)):
def_type = DefType.CLASS_METHOD
elif any((isinstance(decorator, ast.Name) and decorator.id == 'property' for decorator in class_node.decorator_list)):
def_type = DefType.PROPERTY
class_info.methods.append(FunctionInfo(name=class_node.name, args=[(arg.arg, ast.unparse(arg.annotation) if arg.annotation else NO_TYPE_ANY) for arg in class_node.args.args], return_type=ast.unparse(class_node.returns) if class_node.returns else 'None', docstring=method_docstring if method_docstring else '', type=def_type, is_async=isinstance(class_node, ast.AsyncFunctionDef), source_code=ast.unparse(class_node)))
elif isinstance(class_node, ast.Assign):
for target in class_node.targets:
if isinstance(target, ast.Name):
class_info.attributes.append(AttributeInfo(name=target.id, type=ast.unparse(class_node.value)))
elif isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
if not any((isinstance(parent, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef)) for parent in ast.iter_child_nodes(node))):
for target in node.targets:
if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and (not ignore_private or not target.id.startswith('_')):
attr_type = NO_TYPE_HINT
if isinstance(node.value, ast.AnnAssign) and node.value.annotation:
attr_type = ast.unparse(node.value.annotation)
module_info.attributes.append(AttributeInfo(name=target.id, type=attr_type, value=ast.unparse(node.value) if node.value else None))
return module_info
< / details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
### *func* `generate_markdown(module_info: ModuleInfo = None, front_matter = 'zh-CN') -> str`
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
**Description**: 生成模块的Markdown
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
> - module_info: 模块信息
> - front_matter: 自定义选项title, index, icon, category
> - lang: 语言
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
**Return**: Markdown 字符串
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
< details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
< summary > < b > Source code< / b > < / summary >
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
def generate_markdown(module_info: ModuleInfo, front_matter=None, lang: str='zh-CN') -> str:
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
module_info: 模块信息
front_matter: 自定义选项title, index, icon, category
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
lang: 语言
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
Markdown 字符串
content = ''
front_matter = '---\n' + '\n'.join([f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in front_matter.items()]) + '\n---\n\n'
content += front_matter
for func in module_info.functions:
args_with_type = [f'{arg[0]}: {arg[1]}' if arg[1] else arg[0] for arg in func.args]
content += f"### ** *{('async ' if func.is_async else '')}def*** `{func.name}({', '.join(args_with_type)}) -> {func.return_type}` \n\n"
func.docstring = func.docstring.replace('\n', '\n\n')
content += f'{func.docstring}\n\n'
content += f'< details > \n< summary > 源代码</ summary > \n\n```python\n{func.source_code}\n` ``\n</ details > \n\n'
for cls in module_info.classes:
if cls.inherit:
inherit = f"({', '.join(cls.inherit)})" if cls.inherit else ''
content += f'### ** *class*** `{cls.name}{inherit}` \n\n'
content += f'### ** *class*** `{cls.name}` \n\n'
cls.docstring = cls.docstring.replace('\n', '\n\n')
content += f'{cls.docstring}\n\n'
for method in cls.methods:
if method.type != DefType.METHOD:
args_with_type = [f'{arg[0]}: {arg[1]}' if arg[1] else arg[0] for arg in method.args]
content += f'###   ** *@{method.type.value}***\n'
args_with_type = [f'{arg[0]}: {arg[1]}' if arg[1] and arg[0] != 'self' else arg[0] for arg in method.args]
content += f"###   ** *{('async ' if method.is_async else '')}def*** `{method.name}({', '.join(args_with_type)}) -> {method.return_type}` \n\n"
method.docstring = method.docstring.replace('\n', '\n\n')
content += f'  {method.docstring}\n\n'
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
if lang == 'zh-CN':
TEXT_SOURCE_CODE = 'Source Code'
content += f'< details > \n< summary > {TEXT_SOURCE_CODE}</ summary > \n\n```python\n{method.source_code}\n` ``\n</ details > \n\n'
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
for attr in cls.attributes:
content += f'###   ** *attr*** `{attr.name}: {attr.type}` \n\n'
for attr in module_info.attributes:
if attr.type == NO_TYPE_HINT:
content += f'### ** *var*** `{attr.name} = {attr.value}` \n\n'
content += f'### ** *var*** `{attr.name}: {attr.type} = {attr.value}` \n\n'
attr.docstring = attr.docstring.replace('\n', '\n\n')
content += f'{attr.docstring}\n\n'
return content
< / details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
### *func* `generate_docs(module_folder: str = False, output_dir: str = 'zh-CN', with_top: bool = None)`
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
**Description**: 生成文档
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
> - module_folder: 模块文件夹
> - output_dir: 输出文件夹
> - with_top: 是否包含顶层文件夹 False时例如docs/api/module_a, docs/api/module_b, True时例如docs/api/module/module_a.md, docs/api/module/module_b.md
> - ignored_paths: 忽略的路径
> - lang: 语言
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
< details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
< summary > < b > Source code< / b > < / summary >
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
def generate_docs(module_folder: str, output_dir: str, with_top: bool=False, lang: str='zh-CN', ignored_paths=None):
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
module_folder: 模块文件夹
output_dir: 输出文件夹
with_top: 是否包含顶层文件夹 False时例如docs/api/module_a, docs/api/module_b, True时例如docs/api/module/module_a.md, docs/api/module/module_b.md
ignored_paths: 忽略的路径
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
lang: 语言
2024-08-21 17:59:21 +08:00
if ignored_paths is None:
ignored_paths = []
file_data: dict[str, str] = {}
file_list = get_file_list(module_folder)
shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True)
replace_data = {'__init__': 'README', '.py': '.md'}
for pyfile_path in file_list:
if any((ignored_path.replace('\\', '/') in pyfile_path.replace('\\', '/') for ignored_path in ignored_paths)):
no_module_name_pyfile_path = get_relative_path(module_folder, pyfile_path)
rel_md_path = pyfile_path if with_top else no_module_name_pyfile_path
for rk, rv in replace_data.items():
rel_md_path = rel_md_path.replace(rk, rv)
abs_md_path = os.path.join(output_dir, rel_md_path)
module_info = get_module_info_normal(pyfile_path)
if 'README' in abs_md_path:
front_matter = {'title': module_info.module_path.replace('.__init__', '').replace('_', '\\n'), 'index': 'true', 'icon': 'laptop-code', 'category': 'API'}
front_matter = {'title': module_info.module_path.replace('_', '\\n'), 'order': '1', 'icon': 'laptop-code', 'category': 'API'}
md_content = generate_markdown(module_info, front_matter)
print(f'Generate {pyfile_path} -> {abs_md_path}')
file_data[abs_md_path] = md_content
< / details >
2024-08-29 14:19:39 +08:00
### **class** `DefType(Enum)`
### **class** `FunctionInfo(BaseModel)`
### **class** `AttributeInfo(BaseModel)`
### **class** `ClassInfo(BaseModel)`
### **class** `ModuleInfo(BaseModel)`