2024-03-19 00:27:40 +08:00
import os
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import pickle
2024-03-01 00:07:49 +08:00
import sqlite3
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
from types import NoneType
from typing import Any
2024-03-19 00:27:40 +08:00
import nonebot
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
import pydantic
2024-03-01 00:07:49 +08:00
from pydantic import BaseModel
2024-03-01 23:24:36 +08:00
2024-03-01 00:07:49 +08:00
class LiteModel ( BaseModel ) :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
TABLE_NAME : str = None
2024-03-20 12:30:17 +08:00
id : int = None
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2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
def dump ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
if pydantic . __version__ < " 1.8.2 " :
return self . dict ( by_alias = True )
else :
return self . model_dump ( by_alias = True )
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class Database :
def __init__ ( self , db_name : str ) :
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2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
if os . path . dirname ( db_name ) != " " and not os . path . exists ( os . path . dirname ( db_name ) ) :
os . makedirs ( os . path . dirname ( db_name ) )
2024-03-01 23:24:36 +08:00
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
self . db_name = db_name
self . conn = sqlite3 . connect ( db_name )
self . cursor = self . conn . cursor ( )
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def first ( self , model : LiteModel , condition : str , * args : Any , default : Any = None ) - > LiteModel | Any | None :
""" 查询第一个
Args :
model : 数据模型实例
condition : 查询条件 , 不给定则查询所有
* args : 参数化查询参数
default : 默认值
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Returns :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
all_results = self . all ( model , condition , * args )
return all_results [ 0 ] if all_results else default
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2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
def all ( self , model : LiteModel , condition : str = " " , * args : Any , default : Any = None ) - > list [ LiteModel | Any ] | None :
""" 查询所有
Args :
model : 数据模型实例
condition : 查询条件 , 不给定则查询所有
* args : 参数化查询参数
default : 默认值
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Returns :
2024-03-01 23:24:36 +08:00
2024-03-01 00:07:49 +08:00
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
table_name = model . TABLE_NAME
model_type = type ( model )
if not table_name :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型 { model_type . __name__ } 未提供表名 " )
# condition = f"WHERE {condition}"
# print(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}", args)
# if len(args) == 0:
# results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}").fetchall()
# else:
# results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}", args).fetchall()
if condition :
results = self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT * FROM { table_name } WHERE { condition } " , args ) . fetchall ( )
else :
results = self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT * FROM { table_name } " ) . fetchall ( )
fields = [ description [ 0 ] for description in self . cursor . description ]
if not results :
return default
else :
return [ model_type ( * * self . _load ( dict ( zip ( fields , result ) ) ) ) for result in results ]
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def upsert ( self , * args : LiteModel ) :
""" 增/改操作
Args :
* args :
2024-03-01 00:07:49 +08:00
Returns :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
table_list = [ item [ 0 ] for item in self . cursor . execute ( " SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type= ' table ' " ) . fetchall ( ) ]
for model in args :
if not model . TABLE_NAME :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型 { model . __class__ . __name__ } 未提供表名 " )
elif model . TABLE_NAME not in table_list :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型 { model . __class__ . __name__ } 的表 { model . TABLE_NAME } 不存在,请先迁移 " )
else :
self . _save ( model . dump ( by_alias = True ) )
def _save ( self , obj : Any ) - > Any :
# obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
if isinstance ( obj , dict ) :
table_name = obj . get ( " TABLE_NAME " )
row_id = obj . get ( " id " )
new_obj = { }
for field , value in obj . items ( ) :
if isinstance ( value , self . ITERABLE_TYPE ) :
new_obj [ self . _get_stored_field_prefix ( value ) + field ] = self . _save ( value ) # self._save(value) # -> bytes
elif isinstance ( value , self . BASIC_TYPE ) :
new_obj [ field ] = value
else :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型 { table_name } 包含不支持的数据类型,字段: { field } 值: { value } 值类型: { type ( value ) } " )
if table_name :
fields , values = [ ] , [ ]
for n_field , n_value in new_obj . items ( ) :
if n_field not in [ " TABLE_NAME " , " id " ] :
fields . append ( n_field )
values . append ( n_value )
fields = list ( fields )
values = list ( values )
if row_id is not None :
# 如果 _id 不为空,将 'id' 插入到字段列表的开始
fields . insert ( 0 , ' id ' )
# 将 _id 插入到值列表的开始
values . insert ( 0 , row_id )
fields = ' , ' . join ( [ f ' " { field } " ' for field in fields ] )
placeholders = ' , ' . join ( ' ? ' for _ in values )
self . cursor . execute ( f " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO { table_name } ( { fields } ) VALUES ( { placeholders } ) " , tuple ( values ) )
self . conn . commit ( )
foreign_id = self . cursor . execute ( " SELECT last_insert_rowid() " ) . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ]
return f " { self . FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX } { foreign_id } @ { table_name } " # -> FOREIGN_KEY_123456@{table_name} id@{table_name}
else :
return pickle . dumps ( new_obj ) # -> bytes
elif isinstance ( obj , ( list , set , tuple ) ) :
obj_type = type ( obj ) # 到时候转回去
new_obj = [ ]
for item in obj :
if isinstance ( item , self . ITERABLE_TYPE ) :
new_obj . append ( self . _save ( item ) )
elif isinstance ( item , self . BASIC_TYPE ) :
new_obj . append ( item )
else :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型包含不支持的数据类型,值: { item } 值类型: { type ( item ) } " )
return pickle . dumps ( obj_type ( new_obj ) ) # -> bytes
else :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型包含不支持的数据类型,值: { obj } 值类型: { type ( obj ) } " )
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def _load ( self , obj : Any ) - > Any :
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if isinstance ( obj , dict ) :
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2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
new_obj = { }
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for field , value in obj . items ( ) :
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field : str
2024-03-01 23:24:36 +08:00
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if field . startswith ( self . BYTES_PREFIX ) :
2024-03-01 00:07:49 +08:00
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new_obj [ field . replace ( self . BYTES_PREFIX , " " ) ] = self . _load ( pickle . loads ( value ) )
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elif field . startswith ( self . FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX ) :
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
new_obj [ field . replace ( self . FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX , " " ) ] = self . _load ( self . _get_foreign_data ( value ) )
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2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
else :
new_obj [ field ] = value
return new_obj
elif isinstance ( obj , ( list , set , tuple ) ) :
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print ( " - Load as List " )
2024-03-20 12:30:17 +08:00
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
new_obj = [ ]
for item in obj :
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print ( " - Loading Item " , item )
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if isinstance ( item , bytes ) :
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# 对bytes进行尝试解析, 解析失败则返回原始bytes
try :
new_obj . append ( self . _load ( pickle . loads ( item ) ) )
except Exception as e :
new_obj . append ( self . _load ( item ) )
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print ( " - Load as Bytes | Result: " , new_obj [ - 1 ] )
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elif isinstance ( item , str ) and item . startswith ( self . FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX ) :
new_obj . append ( self . _load ( self . _get_foreign_data ( item ) ) )
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else :
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new_obj . append ( self . _load ( item ) )
return new_obj
else :
return obj
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def delete ( self , model : LiteModel , condition : str , * args : Any , allow_empty : bool = False ) :
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2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
Args :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
allow_empty : 允许空条件删除整个表
model :
condition :
* args :
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Returns :
2024-03-01 23:24:36 +08:00
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
table_name = model . TABLE_NAME
if not table_name :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型 { model . __class__ . __name__ } 未提供表名 " )
if not condition and not allow_empty :
raise ValueError ( " 删除操作必须提供条件 " )
self . cursor . execute ( f " DELETE FROM { table_name } WHERE { condition } " , args )
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def auto_migrate ( self , * args : LiteModel ) :
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2024-03-21 14:52:02 +08:00
Args :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
* args : 模型类实例化对象 , 支持空默认值 , 不支持嵌套迁移
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Returns :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
for model in args :
if not model . TABLE_NAME :
raise ValueError ( f " 数据模型 { type ( model ) . __name__ } 未提供表名 " )
# 若无则创建表
self . cursor . execute (
# 获取表结构,field -> SqliteType
new_structure = { }
for n_field , n_value in model . dump ( by_alias = True ) . items ( ) :
if n_field not in [ " TABLE_NAME " , " id " ] :
new_structure [ self . _get_stored_field_prefix ( n_value ) + n_field ] = self . _get_stored_type ( n_value )
# 原有的字段列表
existing_structure = dict ( [ ( column [ 1 ] , column [ 2 ] ) for column in self . cursor . execute ( f ' PRAGMA table_info( { model . TABLE_NAME } ) ' ) . fetchall ( ) ] )
# 检测缺失字段, 由于SQLite是动态类型, 所以不需要检测类型
for n_field , n_type in new_structure . items ( ) :
if n_field not in existing_structure . keys ( ) and n_field . lower ( ) not in [ " id " , " table_name " ] :
2024-03-26 22:41:34 +08:00
default_value = self . DEFAULT_MAPPING . get ( n_type , ' NULL ' )
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
self . cursor . execute (
2024-03-26 22:36:16 +08:00
f " ALTER TABLE ' { model . TABLE_NAME } ' ADD COLUMN { n_field } { n_type } DEFAULT { self . DEFAULT_MAPPING . get ( n_type , default_value ) } "
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# 检测多余字段进行删除
for e_field in existing_structure . keys ( ) :
if e_field not in new_structure . keys ( ) and e_field . lower ( ) not in [ ' id ' ] :
self . cursor . execute (
f ' ALTER TABLE " { model . TABLE_NAME } " DROP COLUMN " { e_field } " '
self . conn . commit ( )
# 已完成
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def _get_stored_field_prefix ( self , value ) - > str :
""" 根据类型获取存储字段前缀,一定在后加上字段名
* - > " "
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
Args :
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value : 储存的值
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Returns :
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2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
if isinstance ( value , LiteModel ) or isinstance ( value , dict ) and " TABLE_NAME " in value :
return self . FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX
elif type ( value ) in self . ITERABLE_TYPE :
return self . BYTES_PREFIX
return " "
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
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def _get_stored_type ( self , value ) - > str :
""" 获取存储类型
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
Args :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
value : 储存的值
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Returns :
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2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
if isinstance ( value , dict ) and " TABLE_NAME " in value :
# 是一个模型字典,储存外键
return " INTEGER "
return self . TYPE_MAPPING . get ( type ( value ) , " TEXT " )
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def _get_foreign_data ( self , foreign_value : str ) - > dict :
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Args :
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
foreign_value :
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
Returns :
2024-03-01 23:24:36 +08:00
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
foreign_value = foreign_value . replace ( self . FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX , " " )
table_name = foreign_value . split ( " @ " ) [ - 1 ]
foreign_id = foreign_value . split ( " @ " ) [ 0 ]
fields = [ description [ 1 ] for description in self . cursor . execute ( f " PRAGMA table_info( { table_name } ) " ) . fetchall ( ) ]
result = self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT * FROM { table_name } WHERE id = ? " , ( foreign_id , ) ) . fetchone ( )
return dict ( zip ( fields , result ) )
int : " INTEGER " ,
float : " REAL " ,
str : " TEXT " ,
bool : " INTEGER " ,
bytes : " BLOB " ,
NoneType : " NULL " ,
# dict : "TEXT",
# list : "TEXT",
# tuple : "TEXT",
# set : "TEXT",
dict : " BLOB " , # LITEYUKIDICT{key_name}
list : " BLOB " , # LITEYUKILIST{key_name}
tuple : " BLOB " , # LITEYUKITUPLE{key_name}
set : " BLOB " , # LITEYUKISET{key_name}
LiteModel : " TEXT " # FOREIGN_KEY_{table_name}
" TEXT " : " ' ' " ,
" INTEGER " : 0 ,
" REAL " : 0.0 ,
2024-03-26 22:41:34 +08:00
" BLOB " : None ,
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
" NULL " : None
2024-03-02 02:43:18 +08:00
2024-03-26 21:33:40 +08:00
# 基础类型
BASIC_TYPE = ( int , float , str , bool , bytes , NoneType )
# 可序列化类型
ITERABLE_TYPE = ( dict , list , tuple , set , LiteModel )
# 外键前缀
# 转换为的字节前缀
def check_sqlite_keyword ( name ) :
sqlite_keywords = [
" ABORT " , " ACTION " , " ADD " , " AFTER " , " ALL " , " ALTER " , " ANALYZE " , " AND " , " AS " , " ASC " ,
" ATTACH " , " AUTOINCREMENT " , " BEFORE " , " BEGIN " , " BETWEEN " , " BY " , " CASCADE " , " CASE " ,
" CAST " , " CHECK " , " COLLATE " , " COLUMN " , " COMMIT " , " CONFLICT " , " CONSTRAINT " , " CREATE " ,
" DEFERRABLE " , " DEFERRED " , " DELETE " , " DESC " , " DETACH " , " DISTINCT " , " DROP " , " EACH " ,
" ELSE " , " END " , " ESCAPE " , " EXCEPT " , " EXCLUSIVE " , " EXISTS " , " EXPLAIN " , " FAIL " , " FOR " ,
" FOREIGN " , " FROM " , " FULL " , " GLOB " , " GROUP " , " HAVING " , " IF " , " IGNORE " , " IMMEDIATE " ,
" IN " , " INDEX " , " INDEXED " , " INITIALLY " , " INNER " , " INSERT " , " INSTEAD " , " INTERSECT " ,
" INTO " , " IS " , " ISNULL " , " JOIN " , " KEY " , " LEFT " , " LIKE " , " LIMIT " , " MATCH " , " NATURAL " ,
" NO " , " NOT " , " NOTNULL " , " NULL " , " OF " , " OFFSET " , " ON " , " OR " , " ORDER " , " OUTER " , " PLAN " ,
" PRAGMA " , " PRIMARY " , " QUERY " , " RAISE " , " RECURSIVE " , " REFERENCES " , " REGEXP " , " REINDEX " ,
" RELEASE " , " RENAME " , " REPLACE " , " RESTRICT " , " RIGHT " , " ROLLBACK " , " ROW " , " SAVEPOINT " ,
" SELECT " , " SET " , " TABLE " , " TEMP " , " TEMPORARY " , " THEN " , " TO " , " TRANSACTION " , " TRIGGER " ,
" UNION " , " UNIQUE " , " UPDATE " , " USING " , " VACUUM " , " VALUES " , " VIEW " , " VIRTUAL " , " WHEN " ,
" WHERE " , " WITH " , " WITHOUT "
return True
# if name.upper() in sqlite_keywords:
# raise ValueError(f"'{name}' 是SQLite保留字, 不建议使用, 请更换名称")