import * as core from "@actions/core"; import * as path from "node:path"; import { downloadVersion, tryGetFromToolCache, } from "./download/download-version"; import { restoreCache } from "./cache/restore-cache"; import { downloadLatest } from "./download/download-latest"; import { type Architecture, getArch, getPlatform, type Platform, } from "./utils/platforms"; import { cacheLocalPath, checkSum, enableCache, githubToken, pythonVersion, toolBinDir, toolDir, version, } from "./utils/inputs"; async function run(): Promise { const platform = getPlatform(); const arch = getArch(); try { if (platform === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unsupported platform: ${process.platform}`); } if (arch === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unsupported architecture: ${process.arch}`); } const setupResult = await setupUv( platform, arch, version, checkSum, githubToken, ); addUvToPath(setupResult.uvDir); addToolBinToPath(); setToolDir(); setupPython(); addMatchers(); setCacheDir(cacheLocalPath); core.setOutput("uv-version", setupResult.version);`Successfully installed uv version ${setupResult.version}`); if (enableCache) { await restoreCache(setupResult.version); } process.exit(0); } catch (err) { core.setFailed((err as Error).message); } } async function setupUv( platform: Platform, arch: Architecture, versionInput: string, checkSum: string | undefined, githubToken: string, ): Promise<{ uvDir: string; version: string }> { let installedPath: string | undefined; let cachedToolDir: string; let version: string; if (versionInput === "latest") { const latestResult = await downloadLatest( platform, arch, checkSum, githubToken, ); version = latestResult.version; cachedToolDir = latestResult.cachedToolDir; } else { const toolCacheResult = tryGetFromToolCache(arch, versionInput); version = toolCacheResult.version; installedPath = toolCacheResult.installedPath; if (installedPath) {`Found uv in tool-cache for ${versionInput}`); return { uvDir: installedPath, version }; } const versionResult = await downloadVersion( platform, arch, versionInput, checkSum, githubToken, ); cachedToolDir = versionResult.cachedToolDir; version = versionResult.version; } return { uvDir: cachedToolDir, version }; } function addUvToPath(cachedPath: string): void { core.addPath(cachedPath);`Added ${cachedPath} to the path`); } function addToolBinToPath(): void { if (toolBinDir !== undefined) { core.exportVariable("UV_TOOL_BIN_DIR", toolBinDir);`Set UV_TOOL_BIN_DIR to ${toolBinDir}`); core.addPath(toolBinDir);`Added ${toolBinDir} to the path`); } else { if (process.env.XDG_BIN_HOME !== undefined) { core.addPath(process.env.XDG_BIN_HOME);`Added ${process.env.XDG_BIN_HOME} to the path`); } else if (process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME !== undefined) { core.addPath(`${process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME}/../bin`);`Added ${process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME}/../bin to the path`); } else { core.addPath(`${process.env.HOME}/.local/bin`);`Added ${process.env.HOME}/.local/bin to the path`); } } } function setToolDir(): void { if (toolDir !== undefined) { core.exportVariable("UV_TOOL_DIR", toolDir);`Set UV_TOOL_DIR to ${toolDir}`); } } function setupPython(): void { if (pythonVersion !== "") { core.exportVariable("UV_PYTHON", pythonVersion);`Set UV_PYTHON to ${pythonVersion}`); } } function setCacheDir(cacheLocalPath: string): void { core.exportVariable("UV_CACHE_DIR", cacheLocalPath);`Set UV_CACHE_DIR to ${cacheLocalPath}`); } function addMatchers(): void { const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, `..${path.sep}..`, ".github");`##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, "python.json")}`); } run();