import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as path from 'path' import {downloadVersion, tryGetFromToolCache} from './download/download-version' import {restoreCache} from './cache/restore-cache' import {downloadLatest} from './download/download-latest' import {Architecture, getArch, getPlatform, Platform} from './utils/platforms' import { cacheLocalPath, checkSum, enableCache, githubToken, version } from './utils/inputs' async function run(): Promise { const platform = getPlatform() const arch = getArch() try { if (platform === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unsupported platform: ${process.platform}`) } if (arch === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unsupported architecture: ${process.arch}`) } const installedVersion = await setupUv( platform, arch, version, checkSum, githubToken ) addMatchers() setCacheDir(cacheLocalPath) if (enableCache) { await restoreCache(installedVersion) } } catch (err) { core.setFailed((err as Error).message) } process.exit(0) } async function setupUv( platform: Platform, arch: Architecture, versionInput: string, checkSum: string | undefined, githubToken: string | undefined ): Promise { let installedPath: string | undefined let downloadDir: string let version: string if (versionInput === 'latest') { const result = await downloadLatest(platform, arch, checkSum, githubToken) version = result.version downloadDir = result.downloadDir } else { version = versionInput installedPath = tryGetFromToolCache(arch, versionInput) if (installedPath) {`Found uv in tool-cache for ${versionInput}`) return version } downloadDir = await downloadVersion( platform, arch, versionInput, checkSum, githubToken ) } addUvToPath(downloadDir) core.setOutput('uv-version', version)`Successfully installed uv version ${version}`) return version } function addUvToPath(cachedPath: string): void { core.addPath(cachedPath)`Added ${cachedPath} to the path`) } function setCacheDir(cacheLocalPath: string): void { core.exportVariable('UV_CACHE_DIR', cacheLocalPath)`Set UV_CACHE_DIR to ${cacheLocalPath}`) } function addMatchers(): void { const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, `..${path.sep}..`, '.github')`##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'python.json')}`) } run()