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import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache';
import * as core from '@actions/core';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as semver from 'semver';
import * as httpm from '@actions/http-client';
import * as sys from './system';
import os from 'os';
type InstallationType = 'dist' | 'manifest';
export interface IGoVersionFile {
filename: string;
// darwin, linux, windows
os: string;
arch: string;
export interface IGoVersion {
version: string;
stable: boolean;
files: IGoVersionFile[];
export interface IGoVersionInfo {
type: InstallationType;
downloadUrl: string;
resolvedVersion: string;
fileName: string;
export async function getGo(
versionSpec: string,
checkLatest: boolean,
auth: string | undefined
) {
let osPlat: string = os.platform();
let osArch: string = os.arch();
if (checkLatest) {
core.info('Attempting to resolve the latest version from the manifest...');
const resolvedVersion = await resolveVersionFromManifest(
if (resolvedVersion) {
versionSpec = resolvedVersion;
core.info(`Resolved as '${versionSpec}'`);
} else {
core.info(`Failed to resolve version ${versionSpec} from manifest`);
// check cache
let toolPath: string;
toolPath = tc.find('go', versionSpec);
// If not found in cache, download
if (toolPath) {
core.info(`Found in cache @ ${toolPath}`);
return toolPath;
core.info(`Attempting to download ${versionSpec}...`);
let downloadPath = '';
let info: IGoVersionInfo | null = null;
// Try download from internal distribution (popular versions only)
try {
info = await getInfoFromManifest(versionSpec, true, auth);
if (info) {
downloadPath = await installGoVersion(info, auth);
} else {
'Not found in manifest. Falling back to download directly from Go'
} catch (err) {
if (
err instanceof tc.HTTPError &&
(err.httpStatusCode === 403 || err.httpStatusCode === 429)
) {
`Received HTTP status code ${err.httpStatusCode}. This usually indicates the rate limit has been exceeded`
} else {
core.info('Falling back to download directly from Go');
// Download from storage.googleapis.com
if (!downloadPath) {
info = await getInfoFromDist(versionSpec);
if (!info) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to find Go version '${versionSpec}' for platform ${osPlat} and architecture ${osArch}.`
try {
core.info('Install from dist');
downloadPath = await installGoVersion(info, undefined);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Failed to download version ${versionSpec}: ${err}`);
return downloadPath;
async function resolveVersionFromManifest(
versionSpec: string,
stable: boolean,
auth: string | undefined
): Promise<string | undefined> {
try {
const info = await getInfoFromManifest(versionSpec, stable, auth);
return info?.resolvedVersion;
} catch (err) {
core.info('Unable to resolve a version from the manifest...');
async function installGoVersion(
info: IGoVersionInfo,
auth: string | undefined
): Promise<string> {
core.info(`Acquiring ${info.resolvedVersion} from ${info.downloadUrl}`);
const downloadPath = await tc.downloadTool(info.downloadUrl, undefined, auth);
core.info('Extracting Go...');
let extPath = await extractGoArchive(downloadPath);
core.info(`Successfully extracted go to ${extPath}`);
if (info.type === 'dist') {
extPath = path.join(extPath, 'go');
core.info('Adding to the cache ...');
const cachedDir = await tc.cacheDir(
core.info(`Successfully cached go to ${cachedDir}`);
return cachedDir;
export async function extractGoArchive(archivePath: string): Promise<string> {
const platform = os.platform();
let extPath: string;
if (platform === 'win32') {
extPath = await tc.extractZip(archivePath);
} else {
extPath = await tc.extractTar(archivePath);
return extPath;
export async function getInfoFromManifest(
versionSpec: string,
stable: boolean,
auth: string | undefined
): Promise<IGoVersionInfo | null> {
let info: IGoVersionInfo | null = null;
const releases = await tc.getManifestFromRepo(
core.info(`matching ${versionSpec}...`);
const rel = await tc.findFromManifest(versionSpec, stable, releases);
if (rel && rel.files.length > 0) {
info = <IGoVersionInfo>{};
info.type = 'manifest';
info.resolvedVersion = rel.version;
info.downloadUrl = rel.files[0].download_url;
info.fileName = rel.files[0].filename;
return info;
async function getInfoFromDist(
versionSpec: string
): Promise<IGoVersionInfo | null> {
let version: IGoVersion | undefined;
version = await findMatch(versionSpec);
if (!version) {
return null;
let downloadUrl: string = `https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/${version.files[0].filename}`;
return <IGoVersionInfo>{
type: 'dist',
downloadUrl: downloadUrl,
resolvedVersion: version.version,
fileName: version.files[0].filename
export async function findMatch(
versionSpec: string
): Promise<IGoVersion | undefined> {
let archFilter = sys.getArch();
let platFilter = sys.getPlatform();
let result: IGoVersion | undefined;
let match: IGoVersion | undefined;
const dlUrl: string = 'https://golang.org/dl/?mode=json&include=all';
let candidates: IGoVersion[] | null = await module.exports.getVersionsDist(
if (!candidates) {
throw new Error(`golang download url did not return results`);
let goFile: IGoVersionFile | undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
let candidate: IGoVersion = candidates[i];
let version = makeSemver(candidate.version);
core.debug(`check ${version} satisfies ${versionSpec}`);
if (semver.satisfies(version, versionSpec)) {
goFile = candidate.files.find(file => {
`${file.arch}===${archFilter} && ${file.os}===${platFilter}`
return file.arch === archFilter && file.os === platFilter;
if (goFile) {
core.debug(`matched ${candidate.version}`);
match = candidate;
if (match && goFile) {
// clone since we're mutating the file list to be only the file that matches
result = <IGoVersion>Object.assign({}, match);
result.files = [goFile];
return result;
export async function getVersionsDist(
dlUrl: string
): Promise<IGoVersion[] | null> {
// this returns versions descending so latest is first
let http: httpm.HttpClient = new httpm.HttpClient('setup-go', [], {
allowRedirects: true,
maxRedirects: 3
return (await http.getJson<IGoVersion[]>(dlUrl)).result;
// Convert the go version syntax into semver for semver matching
// 1.13.1 => 1.13.1
// 1.13 => 1.13.0
// 1.10beta1 => 1.10.0-beta.1, 1.10rc1 => 1.10.0-rc.1
// 1.8.5beta1 => 1.8.5-beta.1, 1.8.5rc1 => 1.8.5-rc.1
export function makeSemver(version: string): string {
version = version.replace('go', '');
version = version.replace('beta', '-beta.').replace('rc', '-rc.');
let parts = version.split('-');
let semVersion = semver.coerce(parts[0])?.version;
if (!semVersion) {
throw new Error(
`The version: ${version} can't be changed to SemVer notation`
if (!parts[1]) {
return semVersion;
const fullVersion = semver.valid(`${semVersion}-${parts[1]}`);
if (!fullVersion) {
throw new Error(
`The version: ${version} can't be changed to SemVer notation`
return fullVersion;