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音·创 Musicreater

A free open-source library of converting digital music files into Minecraft formats.

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简体中文 🇨🇳 | English🇬🇧

Notice that the language translation of Musicreater may be a little SLOW.


Musicreater is a free open-source library used for converting digital music files into formats that could be read in Minecraft.

Welcome to join our QQ group: 861684859

Installation 🔳

  • Via pypi

    pip install Musicreater
  • If not work, also try:

    pip install -i https://pypi.python.org/simple Musicreater
  • Update:

    pip install -i https://pypi.python.org/simple Musicreater --upgrade
  • Clone repo and Install:

    git clone https://github.com/TriM-Organization/Musicreater.git
    cd Musicreater
    python setup.py install

Commands such as pythonpip could be changed to some like python3 or pip3 according to the difference of platforms.


(Not in English yet)


仓库 API 文档


Eilles (金羿)A senior high school student, individual developer, unfamous Bilibili UPer, which knows a little about commands in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition

bgArray "诸葛亮与八卦阵": A junior high school student, player of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, which is a fan of music and programming.


This list is not in any order.

  • Thank 昀梦<QQ1515399885> for finding and correcting the bugs in the commands that Musicreater generated.
  • Thank Charlie_Ping “查理平” for the bdx convert function for reference, and the reference chart that's used to convert the mid's instruments into Minecraft's instruments.
  • Thank CMA_2401PT for BDXWorkShop for reference of the .bdx structure's operation, and his guidance in some aspects of our development.
  • Thank Dislink Sforza “断联·斯福尔扎” <QQ1600515314> for his midi analysis algorithm brought to us, we had adapted it and made it applied in one of our working method; Also, thank him for the WebConvertor which brought us so much pressure and power to develop as well as update our projects better, instead of loaf on our project. We hope he can get into a good university as he wantted to!
  • Thank Touch “偷吃”<QQ1793537164> for support of debugging and testing program and algorithm, as well his/her suggestions to the improvement of our project
  • Thank Mono<QQ738893087> for reporting problems while installing
  • Thank Ammelia “艾米利亚”<QQ2838334637> for urging us to develop new functions, and put forward a lot of excellent suggestions for new functions, as well as the BDX file's importing test support provided, which has given a lot of practical theoretical support for our new Structure Generating Algorithm
  • Thank 神羽SnowyKami for supporting and promoting our project. Hope he could get into a good university!
  • Thank 指令师_苦力怕 playjuice123<QQ240667197> for finding bugs within our code, and noticed us to repair a big problem.
  • Thank 雷霆<QQ3555268519> for his annoying and provoking operations which may awake some problems within the program by chance and reminding us to repair.

Thanks for a lot of groupmates' support and help

If you have given contribution but haven't been in the list, please contact us!

Contact Us📞

Meet problems? Welcome to give out your issue here!

Want to get in contact of developers? Welcome to join our Chat QQ group.




此项目并非一个官方 《我的世界》(Minecraft)项目

此项目不隶属或关联于 Mojang Studios 或 微软

此项目亦不隶属或关联于 网易 相关

“Minecraft”是 Mojang Synergies AB 的商标此项目中所有对于“我的世界”、“Minecraft”等相关称呼均为引用性使用

  • 上文提及的 网易 公司,指代的是在中国大陆运营《我的世界:中国版》的上海网之易网络科技发展有限公司
a free open-source library of converting midi files into Minecraft formats.|一款免费开源的 《我的世界》 MIDI音乐转换库
Readme 42 MiB