mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 04:11:43 +08:00
181 lines
7.0 KiB
181 lines
7.0 KiB
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# 由金羿翻译工具生成字符串列表
# 请在所需翻译的文件前from 此文件 import READABLETEXT
'Translator': (("Eilles Wan (金羿)", True),),
# 此处是语言翻译者列表,其中每个元组第一项为显示文本,第二项为此文本是否为开发者名字
0: "ERROR❌",
1: "TIPS❗",
2: "Clearing log(this wont be in the file)",
3: "Could not clear the temporary files or logs",
4: "saved",
5: "New Musicreater Project",
6: "Select old-type project",
7: "Select Musicreater Project",
8: "Cant open:{}, please check if youve entered the right name",
9: "Musicreat - About",
10: "Musicreater",
11: "Ver. {}",
12: """Team-Ryoun for Minecraft\n×\nTeam-Ryoun for Software Development""",
13: "OK",
14: "Inpute Notes",
15: (("- Developers -", False),
("Eilles Wan (金羿)", True), ("EillesWan@outlook.com", False), ("QQ 2647547478", False),
("bgArray “诸葛亮与八卦阵”", True), ("QQ 474037765", False)),
# 此处是开发者列表,其中每个元组第一项为显示文本,第二项为此文本是否为开发者名字
16: "- Translators -",
# 17:"",
18: "QQ Group: 861684859",
19: "Musicreater - Help",
20: "Select sound file",
21: "Select MIDI file",
22: "Select NoteText file",
23: "Get Note info",
24: "Write in Note info: {}",
25: "Select generating file",
26: "Select generating folder",
27: "Select generating .mcpack file",
28: "Input position info",
29: "Select generating world folder",
30: "Select generating Function Pack",
31: "Select .mcfunction file ",
32: "Select .bdx file ",
33: "DONE✔",
34: "Input playing rate",
35: "Generating",
36: "Select a world folder",
37: "Make sure",
38: "Generate .RyStruct file",
39: "FAILED❌",
40: "Report message inpution",
41: "Musicreater - {}",
42: "ExecutingEntityName: {}",
43: "ScoreboardName: {}",
44: "Instrument: {}",
45: "TrackName: {}",
46: "PackName: {}",
47: "MusicTitle: {}",
48: "IsRepeat?: {}",
49: "Player'sTargetSelector: {}",
50: "Modify Main Option",
51: "Modify Track Option",
52: "Default Instrument: Enter English\n",
53: "Open...",
54: "Open Old Project...",
55: "Save",
56: "Save as...",
57: "Exit",
58: "File",
59: "Load tracks from sound",
60: "Load tracks from Midi",
61: "Load tracks from Text",
62: "Input notes to track",
63: "Edit",
64: "Generate file...",
65: "Generate function pack...",
66: "Generate .mcpack file...",
67: "Functions(Pack)",
68: "Save music as blocks into a map",
69: "Save music as blocks into a exist map...",
70: "Save music as commands into a map",
71: "Save music as commands into a exist map...",
72: "Save music as notebox into a map",
73: "Save music as notebox into a exist map...",
74: "World",
75: "Generate a function that fits current music...",
76: "Export selected track as commands in .bdx...",
77: "Export .bdx file from map...",
78: "Export .RyStruct file from map...",
79: "Load functions into a world...",
80: "Separate long .mcfunction file into small ones and set them into a world as a chain...",
81: "Additional Functions",
82: "Show generating result",
83: "Set a websocket server on localhost:8080 and play the selected track",
84: "Experimental Functions",
85: "Clear log file",
86: "Clear save file(obsolete)",
87: "Help",
88: "About",
89: "Send a bug report",
90: "Q&A",
91: "Main Options",
92: "Export music as .BDX...",
93: "请输入指令链生成最高相对高度(≥5)",
94: "❌You should input a number which is not lower then 4, please reinput again.",
95: "Structure",
96: "Reset Main Options",
97: "Track Options",
# 98:"",
# 99:"",
# 100:"",
# 101:"",
102: "Delete Selected Track",
# 103:"",
# 104:"",
105: "Error with finding or reading file😢:{}",
106: "Project is unsaved, save before close?",
107: "Saved in: {}",
108: ("Musicreater 0.0.X Project","Musicreater 0.1+ Project","Musicreater 0.1+ TESTver Project"),
109: "Any Type",
110: "NoteFunCreater Project",
111: "MMFM (V0.0.6) Project",
112: "All Types",
113: ".MP3 file(piano sound)",
114: "Midi file",
115: "Text file",
116: "Position Inpution",
117: "Format Error❌, please Reinput!",
119: "The position of the ChainCB for execution:",
# 120: "",
121: "您的函数文件不大于一万条指令,无需进行分割操作。",
122: "请输入执行链生成相对坐标:",
123: "FastBuilder Structure",
124: "Done!\n{}",
125: "一秒,音乐走几拍?",
126: "按下确认后,在游戏中使用connect指令连接localhost:8080,即可播放",
127: "请输入区域选择的开始坐标:",
128: "请输入区域选择的结束坐标:",
129: "Whether air block remain when export?",
130: "Musicreater Structure",
131: "Done😃\n{}",
132: "Failed❌\n{}\n{}",
133: "Have not developed yet...",
134: "Your name",
135: "Your contact",
136: "Your description of Problem",
137: "Log file will be cleared when you exit.",
138: "Log file will NOT be cleared when you exit.",
139: "修改包名",
140: "修改音乐标题",
141: "修改玩家选择器\n注意!要加上中括号“[]”",
142: "修改本音轨的执行实体名",
143: "修改本音轨所用的积分板",
144: "修改本音轨所用乐器",
145: "您输入的乐器并非游戏内置乐器,是否继续用您输入的字符作为乐器?",
146: "修改本音轨生成的文件名",
# -----2022.1.25更新
147: "生成新文件至...",
148: "从midi导入音轨且用新方法解析",
149: "Open New: Musicreater Project...",
150: "保存为新项目",
151: "另存为新项...",
152: "(开发调试)关闭本次日志记录",
153: "生成新函数包至...",
154: "生成新函数附加包文件至...",
155: "生成新函数附加包文件,并将神羽资源包以散包形式放置至...",
156: "Select [MiraclePlumeResourcePack]...",
157: "没有路径文件(.rpposi文件),请仔细阅读Readme或先试用:帮助与疑问->[神羽资源包位置选择]:选择文件夹... 方法添加路径文件吧!",
158: "有路径文件(.rpposi文件),但路径指示错误,请仔细阅读Readme或先用:帮助与疑问->[神羽资源包位置选择]:选择文件夹... 更改路径!",
159: "更改路径文件(.rpposi文件)成功!!",
160: "从midi导入音轨且用类方法解析",
161: "打开 类方法: 音·创项目...",
162: "保存为类方法项目",
163: "另存为类方法项...",