2.6 KiB

Before we Use

Installing Terminal APP

We choose Termux as the Terminal APP as it is the powerful Linux simulator.

  1. Dowloading

    From both GitHub or F-Droid to download is OK.

  2. Installing

    APK file is easy to install and you must know it without my instruments, you can see something like below after opening this app.

  3. Finish

    OK, congratulations for ok installing Termux.

Installing Runtime Environment

  1. Installing Python

    apt-get install python3

    The picture left below is while you may enter Y to continue. Aftering succeed in installing you will see as right bicture below.

    OK, let try whether success installing Python via

    python3 -V

    Sth. like Python 3.X.X will occur if so.

  2. Installing dependences

    pip install mido
    pip install brotli

    Sth. like below will occur if successful.

Install Downloading Tool

Tired to translate, QwQ..... Sleep for a while and this can be a TO-DO.


pkg install git



  1. 使用Git下载本库及其示例代码

    git clone -b pkgver https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git MSCTpkgver

    当上述命令执行成功,你会在执行此命令的所在位置发现一个名为 MSCTpkgver 的文件夹,其中包含的正是我们心心念念下载的本程序和示例代码。 而我们要运行的也正是示例代码,因此,赶快进入下载到的文件夹:

    cd MSCTpkgver
  2. 开始使用演示程序


    python magicDemo.py
