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"""音·创 的转换工具库"""
# 诸葛亮与八卦阵帮忙修改语法 日期:---2022年1月19日
# 统计致命三级错误0个警告二级错误4个--未解决1个语法一级错误302个
import amulet
from amulet.api.block import Block
from amulet.utils.world_utils import block_coords_to_chunk_coords as bc2cc
from amulet_nbt import TAG_String as ts
from nmcsup.log import log
def hans2pinyin(hans, style=3):
from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin
result = lazy_pinyin(hans=hans, style=style)
final = ''
for i in result:
final += i
return final
def formCmdBlock(direction: list, command: str, particularValue: int, impluse: int, condition: bool = False,
needRedstone: bool = True, tickDelay: int = 0, customName: str = '', lastOutput: str = '',
executeOnFirstTick: bool = False, trackOutput: bool = True):
:param trackOutput:
:param executeOnFirstTick:
:param lastOutput:
:param customName:
:param tickDelay:
:param needRedstone:
:param condition:
:param impluse:
:param particularValue:
:param command:
:param direction:
:return: 指令方块字典结构
:param block: {
"direction": [x: int, y: int, z: int] #方块位置
"block_name": str, #方块名称无需指定默认为command_block
"particular_value": int, #方块特殊值
"impluse": int, #方块类型0脉冲 1循环 2连锁 unsigned_int32
"command": str, #指令
"customName": str, #悬浮字
"lastOutput": str, #上次输出
"tickdelay": int, #方块延时 int32
"executeOnFirstTick": int, #执行第一个选项 1 bytes
"trackOutput": int, #是否输出 1 bytes
"conditional": int, #是否有条件 1 bytes
"needRedstone": int #是否需要红石 1 bytes
return {"direction": direction,
"block_name": "command_block",
"particular_value": particularValue,
"impluse": impluse,
"command": command,
"customName": customName,
"lastOutput": lastOutput,
"tickdelay": tickDelay,
"executeOnFirstTick": executeOnFirstTick,
"trackOutput": trackOutput,
"conditional": condition,
"needRedstone": needRedstone
def note2bdx(filePath: str, dire: list, Notes: list, ScoreboardName: str, Instrument: str, PlayerSelect: str = '',
isProsess: bool = False, height: int = 200):
:param 参数说明:
filePath: 生成.bdx文件的位置
dire: 指令方块在地图中生成的起始位置(相对位置)
Notes: 以 list[ list[ float我的世界playsound指令音调 , float延续时常单位s ] ] 格式存储的音符列表
ScoreboardName: 用于执行的计分板名称
Instrument: 播放的乐器
PlayerSelect: 执行的玩家选择器
isProsess: 是否显示进度条(会很卡)
height: 生成结构的最高高度
:return 返回一个BdxConverter类实际上没研究过同时在指定位置生成.bdx文件"""
# from msctspt.transfer import formCmdBlock
from nmcsup.trans import Note2Cmd
from msctspt.bdxOpera_CP import BdxConverter
cmd = Note2Cmd(Notes, ScoreboardName, Instrument, PlayerSelect, isProsess)
cdl = []
for i in cmd:
# e = True
if (i[:i.index('#')].replace(' ', '') != '\n') and (i[:i.index('#')].replace(' ', '') != ''):
# e = False
except: # ValueError
# finally:
# if e is True:
# cdl.append(i)
i = 0
down = False
blocks = [formCmdBlock(dire, cdl.pop(0), 1, 1)]
dire[1] += 1
for j in cdl:
if dire[1] + i > height:
dire[0] += 1
i = 0
down = not down
if dire[1] + i == height:
blocks.append(formCmdBlock([dire[0], dire[1] + i, dire[2]], j, 5, 2, False, False))
if down:
blocks.append(formCmdBlock([dire[0], dire[1] + i, dire[2]], j, 0, 2, False, False))
blocks.append(formCmdBlock([dire[0], dire[1] + i, dire[2]], j, 1, 2, False, False))
i += 1
del i, cdl, down, cmd
return BdxConverter(filePath, 'Build by RyounMusicreater', blocks)
def note2webs(Notes: list, Instrument: str, speed: float = 5.0, PlayerSelect: str = '', isProsess: bool = False):
:param 参数说明:
Notes: 以 list[ list[ float我的世界playsound指令音调 , float延续时常单位s ] ] 格式存储的音符列表
Instrument: 播放的乐器
speed: 用于控制播放速度,数值越大,播放速度越快,相当于把一秒变为几拍
PlayerSelect: 执行的玩家选择器
isProsess: 是否显示进度条
:return None"""
import time
import fcwslib
# import asyncio
from nmcsup.log import log
from nmcsup.vers import VER
async def run_server(websocket): # , path
await fcwslib.tellraw(websocket, '已连接服务器——音·创' + VER[1] + VER[0] + ' 作者:金羿(W-YI)')
length = len(Notes)
j = 1
for i in range(len(Notes)):
await fcwslib.send_command(websocket,
f'execute @a{PlayerSelect} ~ ~ ~ playsound {Instrument} @s ~ ~ ~ 1000 '
f'{Notes[i][0]} 1000')
if isProsess:
await fcwslib.send_command(websocket,
'execute @a' + PlayerSelect + ' ~ ~ ~ title @s actionbar §e▶ 播放中: §a' +
j) + '/' + str(length) + ' || ' + str(int(j / length * 1000) / 10))
j += 1
time.sleep(Notes[i][1] / speed)
def note2RSworld(world: str, startpos: list, notes: list, instrument: str, speed: float = 2.5,
posadder: list = [1, 0, 0], baseblock: str = 'stone'): # -> bool
:param 参数说明:
world: 地图文件的路径
startpos: list[int,int,int] 开始生成的坐标
notes: list[list[float,float]] 以 list[ list[ float我的世界playsound指令音调 , float延续时常单位s ] ]
格式存储的音符列表 例如Musicreater.py的dataset[0]['musics'][NowMusic]['notes']
instrument: 播放的乐器
speed: 一拍占多少个中继器延迟(红石刻/rt)
posadder: list[int,int,int] 坐标增加规律,即红石的延长时按照此增加规律增加坐标
baseblock: 在中继器下垫着啥方块呢~
:return 是否生成成功
from msctspt.values import height2note, instuments
def formNoteBlock(note: int, instrument1: str = 'note.harp', powered: bool = False):
:param powered:
:param instrument1:
:param note: 0~24
:return Block()"""
if powered:
powered = 'true'
powered = 'false'
return Block('universal_minecraft', 'noteblock',
{"instrument": ts(instrument1.replace("note.", '')), 'note': ts(str(note)),
'powered': ts(powered)})
def formRepeater(delay: int, facing: str, locked: bool = False, powered: bool = False):
:param powered:
:param locked:
:param facing:
:param delay: 1~4
:return Block()"""
if powered:
powered = 'true'
powered = 'false'
if locked:
locked = 'true'
locked = 'false'
return Block('universal_minecraft', 'repeater',
{"delay": ts(str(delay)), 'facing': ts(facing), 'locked': ts(locked), 'powered': ts(powered)})
level = amulet.load_level(world)
def setblock(block: Block, pos: list):
"""pos : list[int,int,int]"""
cx, cz = bc2cc(pos[0], pos[2])
chunk = level.get_chunk(cx, cz, "minecraft:overworld")
offset_x, offset_z = pos[0] - 16 * cx, pos[2] - 16 * cz
chunk.blocks[offset_x, pos[1], offset_z] = level.block_palette.get_add_block(block)
chunk.changed = True
# 1拍 x 2.5 rt
def placeNoteBlock():
for i in notes:
error = True
setblock(formNoteBlock(height2note[i[0]], instrument), [startpos[0], startpos[1] + 1, startpos[2]])
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", instuments[i[0]][1]), startpos)
error = False
except ValueError:
log("无法放置音符:" + str(i) + '' + str(startpos))
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", baseblock), startpos)
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", baseblock), [startpos[0], startpos[1] + 1, startpos[2]])
if error is True:
log("无法放置音符:" + str(i) + '' + str(startpos))
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", baseblock), startpos)
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", baseblock), [startpos[0], startpos[1] + 1, startpos[2]])
delay = int(i[1] * speed + 0.5)
if delay <= 4:
startpos[0] += 1
setblock(formRepeater(delay, 'west'), [startpos[0], startpos[1] + 1, startpos[2]])
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", baseblock), startpos)
for j in range(int(delay / 4)):
startpos[0] += 1
setblock(formRepeater(4, 'west'), [startpos[0], startpos[1] + 1, startpos[2]])
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", baseblock), startpos)
if delay % 4 != 0:
startpos[0] += 1
setblock(formRepeater(delay % 4, 'west'), [startpos[0], startpos[1] + 1, startpos[2]])
setblock(Block("universal_minecraft", baseblock), startpos)
startpos[0] += posadder[0]
startpos[1] += posadder[1]
startpos[2] += posadder[2]
# e = True
# e = False
except: # ValueError
# finally:
# if e:
# log("无法放置方块了,可能是因为区块未加载叭")
class ryStruct:
def __init__(self, world: str) -> None:
self.RyStruct = dict()
self._world = world
self._level = amulet.load_level(world)
def reloadLevel(self):
# e = True
self._level = amulet.load_level(
# e = False
except: # ValueError
# finally:
# if e:
# log("无法重载地图")
def closeLevel(self):
# e = True
# e = False
except: # ValueError
# finally:
# if e:
# log("无法重载地图")
def world2Rys(self, startp: list, endp: list, includeAir: bool = False):
"""将世界转换为RyStruct字典注意此函数运行成功后将关闭地图若要打开需要运行 reloadLevel
:param startp: [x,y,z] 转化的起始坐标
:param endp : [x,y,z] 转换的终止坐标,注意,终止坐标需要大于起始坐标,且最终结果包含终止坐标
:param includeAir : bool = False 是否包含空气,即空气是否在生成之时覆盖地图内容
:return dict RyStruct """
level = self._level
for x in range(startp[0], endp[0] + 1):
for y in range(startp[1], endp[1] + 1):
for z in range(startp[2], endp[2] + 1):
RyStructBlock = dict()
cx, cz = bc2cc(x, z)
chunk = level.get_chunk(cx, cz, "minecraft:overworld")
universal_block = chunk.block_palette[chunk.blocks[x - 16 * cx, y, z - 16 * cz]]
if universal_block == Block("universal_minecraft", "air") and includeAir:
universal_block_entity = chunk.block_entities.get((x, y, z), None)
RyStructBlock["block"] = str(universal_block)
RyStructBlock["blockEntity"] = str(universal_block_entity)
log("载入方块数据" + str(RyStructBlock))
self.RyStruct[(x, y, z)] = RyStructBlock
return self.RyStruct
RyStruct = {
(0,0,0) = {
"block": str 完整的方块结构
"blockEntity": str | 'None'