

Musicreater(音·创) is an Eilles(W-YI)'s app that is used for creating musics in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

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Using Python to develop, using Tkinter as a graphics library.

Support Windows7+ && Linux (that supports Python3.8)


Comming soon...

Run with Source Code


  1. First, download the source code pack of Musicreater. Download from Gitee (Need to Login) Download from Github
  2. Install Python 3.8.10 Download the 64-bit Python Installer Download the 32-bit Python Installer
  3. After completing installation, we need to install the libraries :
    • Open "Start Menu" and find cmd
    • Run cmd as Administrator
    • Drag "补全库.py" into the opened window and press Enter
  4. After completing installationdouble click to run


  1. If you 're not sure whether your environment is good enough, please run these commands on Terminal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install git
  1. Now if you are confident enough about your runtime environment, open Terminal on the place which you want to download Musicreater, and run these
sudo git clone
cd Musicreater
python3 补全库.py


  1. Just make u understand the Chinese
  2. If u dont understand, u can come to the QQ group or email me to ask questions
  3. The English Edition is comming soon.


  1. Thank Fuckcraft “鸣凤鸽子”and so on for the function of Creating the Websocket Server for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.
  2. Thank 昀梦<QQ1515399885> for finding and correcting the bugs in the commands that Musicreater Created.
  3. Thank Charlie_Ping “查理平” for bdx convert funtion.
  4. Thank CMA_2401PT for BDXWorkShop as the .bdx structure's operation guide.
  5. Thanks for a lot of groupmates who support me and help me to test the program.
  6. If u have give me some help but u haven't been in the list, please contact me.

Contact Eilles(W-YI)(金羿)

  1. QQ 2647547478
  2. E-mail
  3. WeChat WYI_DoctorYI
a free open-source library of converting midi files into Minecraft formats.|一款免费开源的 《我的世界》 MIDI音乐转换库
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