> 是谁把科技的领域布满政治的火药 > > 是谁把纯净的蓝天染上暗淡的沉灰 > > 中国人民无不热爱自己伟大的祖国 > > 我们不会忘记屈辱历史留下的惨痛 > > 我们希望世界和平 > > 我们希望获得世界的尊重 > > 愿世上再也没有战争 > > 无论是热还是冷 > > 无论是经济还是政治 > > 让美妙的和平的优雅的音乐响彻世界 > > ——金羿 > 2022 5 7 > Who has dropped political gunpowder into the technology > > Who has dyed clear blue sky into the dark grey > > All Chinese people love our great homeland > > We *WILL* remember the remain pain of the humiliating history > > We love the whole world but in peace > > We love everyone but under respect > > It is to be hoped that the war ends forever > > Whatever it is cold or hot > > Whatever it is economical or political > > Just let the wonderful music of peace surround the world > > ---- Eilles Wan > 7/5 2022