import math import os key = { "x": [b"\x0f", b"\x0e", b"\x1c", b"\x14", b"\x15"], "y": [b"\x11", b"\x10", b"\x1d", b"\x16", b"\x17"], "z": [b"\x13", b"\x12", b"\x1e", b"\x18", b"\x19"], } """key存储了方块移动指令的数据,其中可以用key[x|y|z][0|1]来表示xyz的减或增 而key[][2+]是用来增加指定数目的""" x = "x" y = "y" z = "z" def move(axis: str, value: int): if value == 0: return b'' if abs(value) == 1: return key[axis][0 if value == -1 else 1] pointer = sum( [ 1 if i else 0 for i in ( value != -1, value < -1 or value > 1, value < -128 or value > 127, value < -32768 or value > 32767, ) ] ) return key[axis][pointer] + value.to_bytes(2 ** (pointer - 2), 'big', signed=True) def makeZip(sourceDir, outFilename, compression=8, exceptFile=None): """使用compression指定的算法打包目录为zip文件\n 默认算法为DEFLATED(8),可用算法如下:\n STORED = 0\n DEFLATED = 8\n BZIP2 = 12\n LZMA = 14\n """ import zipfile zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(outFilename, "w", compression) pre_len = len(os.path.dirname(sourceDir)) for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(sourceDir): for filename in filenames: if filename == exceptFile: continue pathfile = os.path.join(parent, filename) arcname = pathfile[pre_len:].strip(os.path.sep) # 相对路径 zipf.write(pathfile, arcname) zipf.close() def formCMDblk( command: str, particularValue: int, impluse: int = 0, condition: bool = False, needRedstone: bool = True, tickDelay: int = 0, customName: str = "", executeOnFirstTick: bool = False, trackOutput: bool = True, ): """ 使用指定项目返回指定的指令方块放置指令项 :param command: `str` 指令 :param particularValue: 方块特殊值,即朝向 :0 下 无条件 :1 上 无条件 :2 z轴负方向 无条件 :3 z轴正方向 无条件 :4 x轴负方向 无条件 :5 x轴正方向 无条件 :6 下 无条件 :7 下 无条件 :8 下 有条件 :9 上 有条件 :10 z轴负方向 有条件 :11 z轴正方向 有条件 :12 x轴负方向 有条件 :13 x轴正方向 有条件 :14 下 有条件 :14 下 有条件 注意!此处特殊值中的条件会被下面condition参数覆写 :param impluse: `int 0|1|2` 方块类型 0脉冲 1循环 2连锁 :param condition: `bool` 是否有条件 :param needRedstone: `bool` 是否需要红石 :param tickDelay: `int` 执行延时 :param customName: `str` 悬浮字 lastOutput: `str` 上次输出字符串,注意此处需要留空 :param executeOnFirstTick: `bool` 执行第一个已选项(循环指令方块是否激活后立即执行,若为False,则从激活时起延迟后第一次执行) :param trackOutput: `bool` 是否输出 :return:str """ block = b"\x24" + particularValue.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big", signed=False) for i in [ impluse.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big", signed=False), bytes(command, encoding="utf-8") + b"\x00", bytes(customName, encoding="utf-8") + b"\x00", bytes("", encoding="utf-8") + b"\x00", tickDelay.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big", signed=True), executeOnFirstTick.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), trackOutput.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), condition.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), needRedstone.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), ]: block += i return block def __fillSquareSideLength(total: int, maxHeight: int): """给定总方块数量和最大高度,返回所构成的图形外切正方形的边长 :param total: 总方块数量 :param maxHeight: 最大高度 :return: 外切正方形的边长 int""" return math.ceil(math.sqrt(math.ceil(total / maxHeight))) def toBDXbytes( commands: list, maxheight: int = 64, ): """ :param commands: 指令列表(指令, 延迟) :param maxheight: 生成结构最大高度 :return 成功与否,成功返回(True,未经过压缩的源,结构占用大小),失败返回(False,str失败原因) """ _sideLength = __fillSquareSideLength(len(commands), maxheight) _bytes = b'' yforward = True zforward = True nowy = 0 nowz = 0 nowx = 0 for cmd, delay in commands: _bytes += formCMDblk( cmd, (1 if yforward else 0) if ( ((nowy != 0) and (not yforward)) or ((yforward) and (nowy != (maxheight - 1))) ) else (3 if zforward else 2) if ( ((nowz != 0) and (not zforward)) or ((zforward) and (nowz != _sideLength)) ) else 5, impluse=2, condition=False, needRedstone=False, tickDelay=delay, customName="", executeOnFirstTick=False, trackOutput=True, ) nowy += 1 if yforward else -1 if ((nowy >= maxheight) and (yforward)) or ((nowy < 0) and (not yforward)): nowy -= 1 if yforward else -1 yforward = not yforward nowz += 1 if zforward else -1 if ((nowz > _sideLength) and (zforward)) or ((nowz < 0) and (not zforward)): nowz -= 1 if zforward else -1 zforward = not zforward _bytes += key[x][1] nowx += 1 else: _bytes += key[z][int(zforward)] else: _bytes += key[y][int(yforward)] return ( _bytes, [nowx + 1, maxheight if nowx or nowz else nowy, _sideLength if nowx else nowz], [nowx, nowy, nowz], )