# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 音·创 开发交流群 861684859 # Email EillesWan2006@163.com W-YI_DoctorYI@outlook.com EillesWan@outlook.com # 版权所有 金羿("Eilles Wan") & 诸葛亮与八卦阵("bgArray") & 鸣凤鸽子("MingFengPigeon") # 若需使用或借鉴 请依照 Apache 2.0 许可证进行许可 """ 音·创 库版 (Musicreater Package Version) 是一款免费开源的针对《我的世界:基岩版》的midi音乐转换库 注意!除了此源文件以外,任何属于此仓库以及此项目的文件均依照Apache许可证进行许可 Musicreater pkgver (Package Version 音·创 库版) A free open source library used for convert midi file into formats that is suitable for **Minecraft: Bedrock Edition**. Note! Except for this source file, all the files in this repository and this project are licensed under Apache License 2.0 Copyright 2022 all the developers of Musicreater Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from operator import index import os import mido import brotli import json import uuid import shutil import math from .exceptions import * def makeZip(sourceDir, outFilename, compression=8, exceptFile=None): """使用compression指定的算法打包目录为zip文件\n 默认算法为DEFLATED(8),可用算法如下:\n STORED = 0\n DEFLATED = 8\n BZIP2 = 12\n LZMA = 14\n """ import zipfile zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(outFilename, "w", compression) pre_len = len(os.path.dirname(sourceDir)) for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(sourceDir): for filename in filenames: if filename == exceptFile: continue pathfile = os.path.join(parent, filename) arcname = pathfile[pre_len:].strip(os.path.sep) # 相对路径 zipf.write(pathfile, arcname) zipf.close() class SingleNote: def __init__(self, instrument: int, pitch: int, velocity, startTime, lastTime): """用于存储单个音符的类 :param inst 乐器编号 :param pitch 音符编号 :param velocity 力度/响度 :param startTime 开始之时(ms) 注:此处的时间是用从乐曲开始到当前的毫秒数 :param lastTime 音符延续时间(ms)""" self.instrument = instrument self.note = pitch self.velocity = velocity self.startTime = startTime self.lastTime = lastTime @property def inst(self): return self.instrument @property def pitch(self): return self.note def __str__(self): return f"Note(inst = {self.inst}, pitch = {self.note}, velocity = {self.velocity}, startTime = {self.startTime}, lastTime = {self.lastTime}, )" def __tuple__(self): return (self.inst, self.note, self.velocity, self.startTime, self.lastTime) def __dict__(self): return { "inst": self.inst, "pitch": self.note, "velocity": self.velocity, "startTime": self.startTime, "lastTime": self.lastTime, } """ 学习笔记: tempo: microseconds per quarter note 毫秒每四分音符,换句话说就是一拍占多少毫秒 tick: midi帧 ticks_per_beat: 帧每拍,即一拍多少帧 那么: tick / ticks_per_beat => amount_of_beats 拍数(四分音符数) tempo * amount_of_beats => 毫秒数 所以: tempo * tick / ticks_per_beat => 毫秒数 """ class midiConvert: def __init__(self, debug: bool = False): """简单的midi转换类,将midi文件转换为我的世界结构或者包""" self.debugMode = debug self.methods = [ self._toCmdList_m1, self._toCmdList_m2, self._toCmdList_m3, ] self.methods_byDelay = [ self._toCmdList_withDelay_m1, ] def convert(self, midiFile: str, outputPath: str): """转换前需要先运行此函数来获取基本信息""" self.midiFile = midiFile """midi文件路径""" try: self.midi = mido.MidiFile(self.midiFile) """MidiFile对象""" except Exception as E: raise MidiDestroyedError(E) self.outputPath = os.path.abspath(outputPath) """输出路径""" # 将self.midiFile的文件名,不含路径且不含后缀存入self.midiFileName self.midFileName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.midiFile))[0] """文件名,不含路径且不含后缀""" def __Inst2soundIDwithX(self, instrumentID): """返回midi的乐器ID对应的我的世界乐器名,对于音域转换算法,如下: 2**( ( msg.note - 60 - X ) / 12 ) 即为MC的音高,其中 X的取值随乐器不同而变化: 竖琴harp、电钢琴pling、班卓琴banjo、方波bit、颤音琴iron_xylophone 的时候为6 吉他的时候为7 贝斯bass、迪吉里杜管didgeridoo的时候为8 长笛flute、牛铃cou_bell的时候为5 钟琴bell、管钟chime、木琴xylophone的时候为4 而存在一些打击乐器basedrum、hat、snare,没有音域,则没有X,那么我们返回7即可 :param instrumentID: midi的乐器ID default: 如果instrumentID不在范围内,返回的默认我的世界乐器名称 :return: (str我的世界乐器名, int转换算法中的X)""" try: a = { 0: ("note.harp", 6), 1: ("note.harp", 6), 2: ("note.pling", 6), 3: ("note.harp", 6), 4: ("note.pling", 6), 5: ("note.pling", 6), 6: ("note.harp", 6), 7: ("note.harp", 6), 8: ("note.share", 7), # 打击乐器无音域 9: ("note.harp", 6), 10: ("note.didgeridoo", 8), 11: ("note.harp", 6), 12: ("note.xylophone", 4), 13: ("note.chime", 4), 14: ("note.harp", 6), 15: ("note.harp", 6), 16: ("note.bass", 8), 17: ("note.harp", 6), 18: ("note.harp", 6), 19: ("note.harp", 6), 20: ("note.harp", 6), 21: ("note.harp", 6), 22: ("note.harp", 6), 23: ("note.guitar", 7), 24: ("note.guitar", 7), 25: ("note.guitar", 7), 26: ("note.guitar", 7), 27: ("note.guitar", 7), 28: ("note.guitar", 7), 29: ("note.guitar", 7), 30: ("note.guitar", 7), 31: ("note.bass", 8), 32: ("note.bass", 8), 33: ("note.bass", 8), 34: ("note.bass", 8), 35: ("note.bass", 8), 36: ("note.bass", 8), 37: ("note.bass", 8), 38: ("note.bass", 8), 39: ("note.bass", 8), 40: ("note.harp", 6), 41: ("note.harp", 6), 42: ("note.harp", 6), 43: ("note.harp", 6), 44: ("note.iron_xylophone", 6), 45: ("note.guitar", 7), 46: ("note.harp", 6), 47: ("note.harp", 6), 48: ("note.guitar", 7), 49: ("note.guitar", 7), 50: ("note.bit", 6), 51: ("note.bit", 6), 52: ("note.harp", 6), 53: ("note.harp", 6), 54: ("note.bit", 6), 55: ("note.flute", 5), 56: ("note.flute", 5), 57: ("note.flute", 5), 58: ("note.flute", 5), 59: ("note.flute", 5), 60: ("note.flute", 5), 61: ("note.flute", 5), 62: ("note.flute", 5), 63: ("note.flute", 5), 64: ("note.bit", 6), 65: ("note.bit", 6), 66: ("note.bit", 6), 67: ("note.bit", 6), 68: ("note.flute", 5), 69: ("note.harp", 6), 70: ("note.harp", 6), 71: ("note.flute", 5), 72: ("note.flute", 5), 73: ("note.flute", 5), 74: ("note.harp", 6), 75: ("note.flute", 5), 76: ("note.harp", 6), 77: ("note.harp", 6), 78: ("note.harp", 6), 79: ("note.harp", 6), 80: ("note.bit", 6), 81: ("note.bit", 6), 82: ("note.bit", 6), 83: ("note.bit", 6), 84: ("note.bit", 6), 85: ("note.bit", 6), 86: ("note.bit", 6), 87: ("note.bit", 6), 88: ("note.bit", 6), 89: ("note.bit", 6), 90: ("note.bit", 6), 91: ("note.bit", 6), 92: ("note.bit", 6), 93: ("note.bit", 6), 94: ("note.bit", 6), 95: ("note.bit", 6), 96: ("note.bit", 6), 97: ("note.bit", 6), 98: ("note.bit", 6), 99: ("note.bit", 6), 100: ("note.bit", 6), 101: ("note.bit", 6), 102: ("note.bit", 6), 103: ("note.bit", 6), 104: ("note.harp", 6), 105: ("note.banjo", 6), 106: ("note.harp", 6), 107: ("note.harp", 6), 108: ("note.harp", 6), 109: ("note.harp", 6), 110: ("note.harp", 6), 111: ("note.guitar", 7), 112: ("note.harp", 6), 113: ("note.bell", 4), 114: ("note.harp", 6), 115: ("note.cow_bell", 5), 116: ("note.basedrum", 7), # 打击乐器无音域 117: ("note.bass", 8), 118: ("note.bit", 6), 119: ("note.basedrum", 7), # 打击乐器无音域 120: ("note.guitar", 7), 121: ("note.harp", 6), 122: ("note.harp", 6), 123: ("note.harp", 6), 124: ("note.harp", 6), 125: ("note.hat", 7), # 打击乐器无音域 126: ("note.basedrum", 7), # 打击乐器无音域 127: ("note.snare", 7), # 打击乐器无音域 }[instrumentID] except BaseException: a = ("note.harp", 6) return a def __score2time(self, score: int): return str(int(int(score / 20) / 60)) + ":" + str(int(int(score / 20) % 60)) def __formProgressBar( self, maxscore: int, scoreboardname: str, progressbar: tuple = ( r"▶ %%N [ %%s/%^s %%% __________ %%t|%^t ]", ("§e=§r", "§7=§r"), ), ) -> list: pgsstyle = progressbar[0] """用于被替换的进度条原始样式""" """ | 标识符 | 指定的可变量 | |---------|----------------| | `%%N` | 乐曲名(即传入的文件名)| | `%%s` | 当前计分板值 | | `%^s` | 计分板最大值 | | `%%t` | 当前播放时间 | | `%^t` | 曲目总时长 | | `%%%` | 当前进度比率 | | `_` | 用以表示进度条占位| """ def __replace( s: str, tobeReplaced: str, replaceWith: str, times: int, other: str ): if times == 0: return s.replace(tobeReplaced, other) if times == s.count(tobeReplaced): return s.replace(tobeReplaced, replaceWith) result = "" t = 0 for i in s: if i == tobeReplaced: if t < times: result += replaceWith t += 1 else: result += other else: result += i return result idlist = { r"%%N": self.midFileName, r"%%s": r"%%s", r"%^s": str(maxscore), r"%%t": r"%%t", r"%^t": self.__score2time(maxscore), r"%%%": r"%%%", } ids = {} for i, j in idlist.items(): if i != j: if i in pgsstyle: pgsstyle = pgsstyle.replace(i, j) else: if i in pgsstyle: ids[i] = True else: ids[i] = False del idlist pgblength = pgsstyle.count("_") """进度条的“条”长度""" finalprgsbar = [] for i in range(maxscore): nowstr = pgsstyle if ids[r"%%s"]: nowstr = nowstr.replace(r"%%s", str(i + 1)) if ids[r"%%t"]: nowstr = nowstr.replace(r"%%t", self.__score2time(i + 1)) if ids[r"%%%"]: nowstr = nowstr.replace( r"%%%", str(int((i + 1) / maxscore * 10000) / 100) + "%" ) countof_s = int((i + 1) / maxscore * pgblength) finalprgsbar.append( "title @a[scores={" + scoreboardname + "=" + str(i + 1) + "}] actionbar " + __replace( nowstr, "_", progressbar[1][0], countof_s, progressbar[1][1] ) ) return finalprgsbar def __formCMDblk( self, command: str, particularValue: int, impluse: int = 0, condition: bool = False, needRedstone: bool = True, tickDelay: int = 0, customName: str = "", executeOnFirstTick: bool = False, trackOutput: bool = True, ): """ 使用指定项目返回指定的指令方块放置指令项 :param command: `str` 指令 :param particularValue: 方块特殊值,即朝向 :0 下 无条件 :1 上 无条件 :2 z轴负方向 无条件 :3 z轴正方向 无条件 :4 x轴负方向 无条件 :5 x轴正方向 无条件 :6 下 无条件 :7 下 无条件 :8 下 有条件 :9 上 有条件 :10 z轴负方向 有条件 :11 z轴正方向 有条件 :12 x轴负方向 有条件 :13 x轴正方向 有条件 :14 下 有条件 :14 下 有条件 注意!此处特殊值中的条件会被下面condition参数覆写 :param impluse: `int 0|1|2` 方块类型 0脉冲 1循环 2连锁 :param condition: `bool` 是否有条件 :param needRedstone: `bool` 是否需要红石 :param tickDelay: `int` 执行延时 :param customName: `str` 悬浮字 lastOutput: `str` 上次输出字符串,注意此处需要留空 :param executeOnFirstTick: `bool` 执行第一个已选项(循环指令方块是否激活后立即执行,若为False,则从激活时起延迟后第一次执行) :param trackOutput: `bool` 是否输出 :return:str """ block = b"\x24" + particularValue.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big", signed=False) for i in [ impluse.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big", signed=False), bytes(command, encoding="utf-8") + b"\x00", bytes(customName, encoding="utf-8") + b"\x00", bytes("", encoding="utf-8") + b"\x00", tickDelay.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big", signed=True), executeOnFirstTick.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), trackOutput.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), condition.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), needRedstone.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"), ]: block += i return block def _toCmdList_m1( self, scoreboardname: str = "mscplay", volume: float = 1.0, speed: float = 1.0 ) -> list: """ 使用Dislink Sforza的转换思路,将midi转换为我的世界命令列表 :param scoreboardname: 我的世界的计分板名称 :param volume: 音量,注意:这里的音量范围为(0,1],如果超出将被处理为正确值,其原理为在距离玩家 (1 / volume -1) 的地方播放音频 :param speed: 速度,注意:这里的速度指的是播放倍率,其原理为在播放音频的时候,每个音符的播放时间除以 speed :return: tuple(命令列表, 命令个数, 计分板最大值) """ tracks = [] if volume > 1: volume = 1 if volume <= 0: volume = 0.001 commands = 0 maxscore = 0 for i, track in enumerate(self.midi.tracks): ticks = 0 instrumentID = 0 singleTrack = [] for msg in track: ticks += msg.time # print(msg) if msg.is_meta: if msg.type == "set_tempo": tempo = msg.tempo else: if msg.type == "program_change": # print("TT") instrumentID = msg.program if msg.type == "note_on" and msg.velocity != 0: try: nowscore = round( (ticks * tempo) / ((self.midi.ticks_per_beat * float(speed)) * 50000) ) except NameError: raise NotDefineTempoError("计算当前分数时出错 未定义参量 Tempo") maxscore = max(maxscore, nowscore) soundID, _X = self.__Inst2soundIDwithX(instrumentID) singleTrack.append( "execute @a[scores={" + str(scoreboardname) + "=" + str(nowscore) + "}" + f"] ~ ~ ~ playsound {soundID} @s ~ ~{1 / volume - 1} ~ {msg.velocity * (0.7 if msg.channel == 0 else 0.9)} {2 ** ((msg.note - 60 - _X) / 12)}" ) commands += 1 if len(singleTrack) != 0: tracks.append(singleTrack) return [tracks, commands, maxscore] # 这与上面的算法几乎没有差别 甚至更慢了一点 但是是为了线性插值做准备 def _toCmdList_m2( self, scoreboardname: str = "mscplay", MaxVolume: float = 1.0, speed: float = 1.0, ) -> list: """ 使用金羿的转换思路,将midi转换为我的世界命令列表 :param scoreboardname: 我的世界的计分板名称 :param MaxVolume: 音量,注意:这里的音量范围为(0,1],如果超出将被处理为正确值,其原理为在距离玩家 (1 / volume -1) 的地方播放音频 :param speed: 速度,注意:这里的速度指的是播放倍率,其原理为在播放音频的时候,每个音符的播放时间除以 speed :return: tuple(命令列表, 命令个数, 计分板最大值) """ if MaxVolume > 1: MaxVolume = 1 if MaxVolume <= 0: MaxVolume = 0.001 # 一个midi中仅有16通道 我们通过通道来识别而不是音轨 channels = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] # 我们来用通道统计音乐信息 for i, track in enumerate(self.midi.tracks): microseconds = 0 for msg in track: if msg.time != 0: try: microseconds += msg.time * tempo / self.midi.ticks_per_beat except NameError: raise NotDefineTempoError("计算当前分数时出错 未定义参量 Tempo") if msg.is_meta: if msg.type == "set_tempo": tempo = msg.tempo else: try: msg.channel channelMsg = True except: channelMsg = False if channelMsg: if msg.channel > 15: raise ChannelOverFlowError(f"当前消息 {msg} 的通道超限(≤15)") if msg.type == "program_change": channels[msg.channel].append( ("PgmC", msg.program, microseconds) ) elif msg.type == "note_on" and msg.velocity != 0: channels[msg.channel].append( ("NoteS", msg.note, msg.velocity, microseconds) ) elif (msg.type == "note_on" and msg.velocity == 0) or ( msg.type == "note_off" ): channels[msg.channel].append(("NoteE", msg.note, microseconds)) """整合后的音乐通道格式 每个通道包括若干消息元素其中逃不过这三种: 1 切换乐器消息 ("PgmC", 切换后的乐器ID: int, 距离演奏开始的毫秒) 2 音符开始消息 ("NoteS", 开始的音符ID, 力度(响度), 距离演奏开始的毫秒) 3 音符结束消息 ("NoteS", 结束的音符ID, 距离演奏开始的毫秒)""" tracks = [] cmdAmount = 0 maxScore = 0 CheckFirstChannel = False # 此处 我们把通道视为音轨 for track in channels: # 如果当前通道为空 则跳过 if not track: continue if channels.index(track) == 0: CheckFirstChannel = True else: CheckFirstChannel = False nowTrack = [] for msg in track: if msg[0] == "PgmC": InstID = msg[1] elif msg[0] == "NoteS": soundID, _X = self.__Inst2soundIDwithX(InstID) score_now = round(msg[-1] / float(speed) / 50000) maxScore = max(maxScore, score_now) nowTrack.append( "execute @a[scores={" + str(scoreboardname) + "=" + str(score_now) + "}" + f"] ~ ~ ~ playsound {soundID} @s ~ ~{1 / MaxVolume - 1} ~ {msg[2] * (0.7 if CheckFirstChannel else 0.9)} {2 ** ((msg[1] - 60 - _X) / 12)}" ) cmdAmount += 1 tracks.append(nowTrack) return [tracks, cmdAmount, maxScore] # 这才是加了线性插值的算法 # 此算法有巨大问题 # 暂时无法使用 # 已经经过验证 需要再次修改 # 等一段时间后我来通知 def _toCmdList_m3( self, scoreboardname: str = "mscplay", MaxVolume: float = 1.0, speed: float = 1.0, ) -> list: """ 使用金羿的转换思路,将midi转换为我的世界命令列表,并使用线性插值算法优化音量 :param scoreboardname: 我的世界的计分板名称 :param MaxVolume: 音量,注意:这里的音量范围为(0,1],如果超出将被处理为正确值,其原理为在距离玩家 (1 / volume -1) 的地方播放音频 :param speed: 速度,注意:这里的速度指的是播放倍率,其原理为在播放音频的时候,每个音符的播放时间除以 speed :return: tuple(命令列表, 命令个数, 计分板最大值) """ if MaxVolume > 1: MaxVolume = 1.0 if MaxVolume <= 0: MaxVolume = 0.001 # 一个midi中仅有16通道 我们通过通道来识别而不是音轨 channels = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] # 我们来用通道统计音乐信息 for i, track in enumerate(self.midi.tracks): microseconds = 0 for msg in track: if msg.time != 0: try: microseconds += msg.time * tempo / self.midi.ticks_per_beat except NameError: raise NotDefineTempoError("计算当前分数时出错 未定义参量 Tempo") if msg.is_meta: if msg.type == "set_tempo": tempo = msg.tempo else: try: msg.channel channelMsg = True except: channelMsg = False if channelMsg: if msg.channel > 15: raise ChannelOverFlowError(f"当前消息 {msg} 的通道超限(≤15)") if msg.type == "program_change": channels[msg.channel].append( ("PgmC", msg.program, microseconds) ) elif msg.type == "note_on" and msg.velocity != 0: channels[msg.channel].append( ("NoteS", msg.note, msg.velocity, microseconds) ) elif (msg.type == "note_on" and msg.velocity == 0) or ( msg.type == "note_off" ): channels[msg.channel].append(("NoteE", msg.note, microseconds)) """整合后的音乐通道格式 每个通道包括若干消息元素其中逃不过这三种: 1 切换乐器消息 ("PgmC", 切换后的乐器ID: int, 距离演奏开始的毫秒) 2 音符开始消息 ("NoteS", 开始的音符ID, 力度(响度), 距离演奏开始的毫秒) 3 音符结束消息 ("NoteS", 结束的音符ID, 距离演奏开始的毫秒)""" note_channels = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] # 此处 我们把通道视为音轨 for i in range(len(channels)): # 如果当前通道为空 则跳过 noteMsgs = [] MsgIndex = [] for msg in channels[i]: if msg[0] == "PgmC": InstID = msg[1] elif msg[0] == "NoteS": noteMsgs.append(msg[1:]) MsgIndex.append(msg[1]) elif msg[0] == "NoteE": if msg[1] in MsgIndex: note_channels[i].append( SingleNote( InstID, msg[1], noteMsgs[MsgIndex.index(msg[1])][1], noteMsgs[MsgIndex.index(msg[1])][2], msg[-1] - noteMsgs[MsgIndex.index(msg[1])][2], ) ) noteMsgs.pop(MsgIndex.index(msg[1])) MsgIndex.pop(MsgIndex.index(msg[1])) tracks = [] cmdAmount = 0 maxScore = 0 CheckFirstChannel = False # 临时用的插值计算函数 def _linearFun(note: SingleNote) -> list: '''传入音符数据,返回以半秒为分割的插值列表 :param note: SingleNote 音符 :return list[tuple(int开始时间(毫秒), int乐器, int音符, int力度(内置), float音量(播放)),]''' result = [] totalCount = int(note.lastTime / 500000) for i in range(totalCount): result.append((note.startTime+i*500000,note.instrument,note.pitch,note.velocity,MaxVolume*((totalCount-i)/totalCount))) return result # 此处 我们把通道视为音轨 for track in note_channels: # 如果当前通道为空 则跳过 if not track: continue if note_channels.index(track) == 0: CheckFirstChannel = True else: CheckFirstChannel = False nowTrack = [] for note in track: for everynote in _linearFun(note): # 应该是计算的时候出了点小问题 # 我们应该用一个MC帧作为时间单位而不是半秒 soundID, _X = self.__Inst2soundIDwithX(everynote[1]) score_now = round( everynote[0] / speed / 50000 ) maxScore = max(maxScore, score_now) nowTrack.append( "execute @a[scores={" + str(scoreboardname) + "=" + str(score_now) + "}" + f"] ~ ~ ~ playsound {soundID} @s ~ ~{1 / everynote[4] - 1} ~ {note.velocity * (0.7 if CheckFirstChannel else 0.9)} {2 ** ((note.pitch - 60 - _X) / 12)}" ) cmdAmount += 1 tracks.append(nowTrack) return [tracks, cmdAmount, maxScore] def _toCmdList_withDelay_m1( self, volume: float = 1.0, speed: float = 1.0, player: str = "@a", isMixedWithPrograssBar=False, ) -> list: """ 使用Dislink Sforza的转换思路,将midi转换为我的世界命令列表,并输出每个音符之后的延迟 :param volume: 音量,注意:这里的音量范围为(0,1],如果超出将被处理为正确值,其原理为在距离玩家 (1 / volume -1) 的地方播放音频 :param speed: 速度,注意:这里的速度指的是播放倍率,其原理为在播放音频的时候,每个音符的播放时间除以 speed :param player: 玩家选择器,默认为`@a` :param isMixedWithPrograssBar: 进度条,(当此参数为True时使用默认进度条,当此参数为其他值为真的表达式时识别为进度条自定义参数,若为其他值为假的表达式则不生成进度条) :return: 全部指令列表[ ( str指令, int距离上一个指令的延迟 ),...] """ tracks = {} if volume > 1: volume = 1 if volume <= 0: volume = 0.001 # 此处是对于仅有 True 的参数和自定义参数的判断 if isMixedWithPrograssBar == True: isMixedWithPrograssBar = ( r"▶ %%N [ %%s/%^s %%% __________ %%t|%^t ]", ("§e=§r", "§7=§r"), ) for i, track in enumerate(self.midi.tracks): instrumentID = 0 ticks = 0 for msg in track: ticks += msg.time if msg.is_meta: if msg.type == "set_tempo": tempo = msg.tempo else: if msg.type == "program_change": instrumentID = msg.program if msg.type == "note_on" and msg.velocity != 0: nowtick = round( (ticks * tempo) / ((self.midi.ticks_per_beat * float(speed)) * 50000) ) soundID, _X = self.__Inst2soundIDwithX(instrumentID) try: tracks[nowtick].append( f"execute {player} ~ ~ ~ playsound {soundID} @s ~ ~{1 / volume - 1} ~ {msg.velocity * (0.7 if msg.channel == 0 else 0.9)} {2 ** ((msg.note - 60 - _X) / 12)}" ) except BaseException: tracks[nowtick] = [ f"execute {player} ~ ~ ~ playsound {soundID} @s ~ ~{1 / volume - 1} ~ {msg.velocity * (0.7 if msg.channel == 0 else 0.9)} {2 ** ((msg.note - 60 - _X) / 12)}", ] allticks = list(tracks.keys()) if isMixedWithPrograssBar: pgsstyle = isMixedWithPrograssBar[0] """用于被替换的进度条原始样式""" """ | 标识符 | 指定的可变量 | |---------|----------------| | `%%N` | 乐曲名(即传入的文件名)| | `%%s` | 当前计分板值 | | `%^s` | 计分板最大值 | | `%%t` | 当前播放时间 | | `%^t` | 曲目总时长 | | `%%%` | 当前进度比率 | | `_` | 用以表示进度条占位| """ def __replace( s: str, tobeReplaced: str, replaceWith: str, times: int, other: str ): if times == 0: return s.replace(tobeReplaced, other) if times == s.count(tobeReplaced): return s.replace(tobeReplaced, replaceWith) result = "" t = 0 for i in s: if i == tobeReplaced: if t < times: result += replaceWith t += 1 else: result += other else: result += i return result idlist = { r"%%N": self.midFileName, r"%%s": r"%%s", r"%^s": str(allticks[-1]), r"%%t": r"%%t", r"%^t": self.__score2time(allticks[-1]), r"%%%": r"%%%", } ids = {} for i, j in idlist.items(): if i != j: if i in pgsstyle: pgsstyle = pgsstyle.replace(i, j) else: if i in pgsstyle: ids[i] = True else: ids[i] = False del idlist pgblength = pgsstyle.count("_") """进度条的“条”长度""" results = [] for i in range(len(allticks)): if i != 0: for j in range(len(tracks[allticks[i]])): if j != 0: results.append((tracks[allticks[i]][j], 0)) else: results.append( (tracks[allticks[i]][j], allticks[i] - allticks[i - 1]) ) else: for j in range(len(tracks[allticks[i]])): results.append((tracks[allticks[i]][j], allticks[i])) if isMixedWithPrograssBar: nowstr = pgsstyle if ids[r"%%s"]: nowstr = nowstr.replace(r"%%s", str(allticks[i] + 1)) if ids[r"%%t"]: nowstr = nowstr.replace(r"%%t", self.__score2time(allticks[i] + 1)) if ids[r"%%%"]: nowstr = nowstr.replace( r"%%%", str(int((allticks[i] + 1) / allticks[-1] * 10000) / 100) + "%", ) countof_s = int((allticks[i] + 1) / allticks[-1] * pgblength) titlenow = __replace( nowstr, "_", isMixedWithPrograssBar[1][0], countof_s, isMixedWithPrograssBar[1][1], ) results.append( ( f"title {player} actionbar {titlenow}", 0, ) ) return results def __fillSquareSideLength(self, total: int, maxHeight: int): """给定总方块数量和最大高度,返回所构成的图形外切正方形的边长 :param total: 总方块数量 :param maxHeight: 最大高度 :return: 外切正方形的边长 int""" return math.ceil(math.sqrt(math.ceil(total / maxHeight))) def tomcpack( self, method: int = 1, isAutoReset: bool = False, progressbar=None, scoreboardname: str = "mscplay", volume: float = 1.0, speed: float = 1.0, ) -> bool or tuple: """ 使用method指定的转换算法,将midi转换为我的世界mcpack格式的包 :param method: 转换算法 :param isAutoReset: 是否自动重置计分板 :param progressbar: 进度条,(当此参数为True时使用默认进度条,为其他的值为真的参数时识别为进度条自定义参数,为其他值为假的时候不生成进度条) :param scoreboardname: 我的世界的计分板名称 :param volume: 音量,注意:这里的音量范围为(0,1],其原理为在距离玩家 (1 / volume -1) 的地方播放音频 :param speed: 速度,注意:这里的速度指的是播放倍率,其原理为在播放音频的时候,每个音符的播放时间除以 speed :return 成功与否,成功返回(True,True),失败返回(False,str失败原因) """ # try: cmdlist, maxlen, maxscore = self.methods[method - 1]( scoreboardname, volume, speed ) # except: # return (False, f"无法找到算法ID{method}对应的转换算法") # 当文件f夹{self.outputPath}/temp/functions存在时清空其下所有项目,若其不存在则创建 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/functions/")): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/functions/")) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/functions/mscplay")) # 写入manifest.json if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/manifest.json",)): with open( os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/manifest.json",), "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as f: f.write( '{\n "format_version": 1,\n "header": {\n "description": "' + self.midFileName + ' Pack : behavior pack",\n "version": [ 0, 0, 1 ],\n "name": "' + self.midFileName + 'Pack",\n "uuid": "' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '"\n },\n "modules": [\n {\n "description": "' + f"the Player of the Music {self.midFileName}" + '",\n "type": "data",\n "version": [ 0, 0, 1 ],\n "uuid": "' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '"\n }\n ]\n}' ) else: with open( os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/manifest.json",), "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as manifest: data = json.loads(manifest.read()) data["header"][ "description" ] = f"the Player of the Music {self.midFileName}" data["header"]["name"] = self.midFileName data["header"]["uuid"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) data["modules"][0]["description"] = "None" data["modules"][0]["uuid"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) manifest.close() open(os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/manifest.json",), "w", encoding="utf-8").write( json.dumps(data) ) # 将命令列表写入文件 indexfile = open( os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/functions/index.mcfunction",), "w", encoding="utf-8" ) for track in cmdlist: indexfile.write( "function mscplay/track" + str(cmdlist.index(track) + 1) + "\n" ) with open( os.path.join(self.outputPath,f"/temp/functions/mscplay/track{cmdlist.index(track) + 1}.mcfunction",), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: f.write("\n".join(track)) indexfile.writelines( ( "scoreboard players add @a[scores={" + scoreboardname + "=1..}] " + scoreboardname + " 1\n", ( "scoreboard players reset @a[scores={" + scoreboardname + "=" + str(maxscore + 20) + "..}]" + f" {scoreboardname}\n" ) if isAutoReset else "", f"function mscplay/progressShow\n" if progressbar else "", ) ) if progressbar: if progressbar: with open( os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/functions/mscplay/progressShow.mcfunction",), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: f.writelines( "\n".join(self.__formProgressBar(maxscore, scoreboardname)) ) else: with open( os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/functions/mscplay/progressShow.mcfunction",), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: f.writelines( "\n".join( self.__formProgressBar( maxscore, scoreboardname, progressbar ) ) ) indexfile.close() makeZip( os.path.join(self.outputPath,"/temp/"), os.path.join(self.outputPath,f"/{self.midFileName}.mcpack"), ) shutil.rmtree(f"{self.outputPath}/temp/") return (True, f"转换完成,总长度{maxlen}") def toBDXfile( self, method: int = 1, author: str = "Eilles", progressbar=False, maxheight: int = 64, scoreboardname: str = "mscplay", volume: float = 1.0, speed: float = 1.0, isAutoReset: bool = False, ): """ 使用method指定的转换算法,将midi转换为BDX结构文件 :param method: 转换算法 :param author: 作者名称 :param progressbar: 进度条,(当此参数为True时使用默认进度条,为其他的值为真的参数时识别为进度条自定义参数,为其他值为假的时候不生成进度条) :param maxheight: 生成结构最大高度 :param scoreboardname: 我的世界的计分板名称 :param volume: 音量,注意:这里的音量范围为(0,1],如果超出将被处理为正确值,其原理为在距离玩家 (1 / volume -1) 的地方播放音频 :param speed: 速度,注意:这里的速度指的是播放倍率,其原理为在播放音频的时候,每个音符的播放时间除以 speed :param isAutoReset: 是否自动重置计分板 :return 成功与否,成功返回(True,未经过压缩的源,结构占用大小),失败返回(False,str失败原因) """ try: cmdlist, totalcount, maxScore = self.methods[method - 1]( scoreboardname, volume, speed ) except: return (False, f"无法找到算法ID{method}对应的转换算法") if not os.path.exists(self.outputPath): os.makedirs(self.outputPath) with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.outputPath,f"{self.midFileName}.bdx")), "w+") as f: f.write("BD@") _bytes = ( b"BDX\x00" + author.encode("utf-8") + b" & Musicreater\x00\x01command_block\x00" ) key = { "x": (b"\x0f", b"\x0e"), "y": (b"\x11", b"\x10"), "z": (b"\x13", b"\x12"), } """key存储了方块移动指令的数据,其中可以用key[x|y|z][0|1]来表示xyz的减或增""" x = "x" y = "y" z = "z" _sideLength = self.__fillSquareSideLength(totalcount, maxheight) yforward = True zforward = True nowy = 0 nowz = 0 nowx = 0 commands = [] for track in cmdlist: commands += track if isAutoReset: commands += ( "scoreboard players reset @a[scores={" + scoreboardname + "=" + str(maxScore + 20) + "}] " + scoreboardname ) # 此处是对于仅有 True 的参数和自定义参数的判断 if progressbar: if progressbar == True: commands += self.__formProgressBar(maxScore, scoreboardname) else: commands += self.__formProgressBar( maxScore, scoreboardname, progressbar ) for cmd in commands: _bytes += self.__formCMDblk( cmd, (1 if yforward else 0) if ( ((nowy != 0) and (not yforward)) or ((yforward) and (nowy != maxheight)) ) else (3 if zforward else 2) if ( ((nowz != 0) and (not zforward)) or ((zforward) and (nowz != _sideLength)) ) else 5, impluse=2, condition=False, needRedstone=False, tickDelay=0, customName="", executeOnFirstTick=False, trackOutput=True, ) nowy += 1 if yforward else -1 if ((nowy > maxheight) and (yforward)) or ((nowy < 0) and (not yforward)): nowy -= 1 if yforward else -1 yforward = not yforward nowz += 1 if zforward else -1 if ((nowz > _sideLength) and (zforward)) or ( (nowz < 0) and (not zforward) ): nowz -= 1 if zforward else -1 zforward = not zforward _bytes += key[x][1] nowx += 1 else: _bytes += key[z][int(zforward)] else: _bytes += key[y][int(yforward)] with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.outputPath,f"{self.midFileName}.bdx")), "ab+") as f: f.write(brotli.compress(_bytes + b"XE")) return (True, _bytes, (nowx, maxheight, _sideLength)) def toBDXfile_withDelay( self, method: int = 1, author: str = "Eilles", progressbar=False, maxheight: int = 64, volume: float = 1.0, speed: float = 1.0, player: str = "@a", ): """ 使用method指定的转换算法,将midi转换为BDX结构文件 :param method: 转换算法 :param author: 作者名称 :param progressbar: 进度条,(当此参数为True时使用默认进度条,为其他的值为真的参数时识别为进度条自定义参数,为其他值为假的时候不生成进度条) :param maxheight: 生成结构最大高度 :param volume: 音量,注意:这里的音量范围为(0,1],如果超出将被处理为正确值,其原理为在距离玩家 (1 / volume -1) 的地方播放音频 :param speed: 速度,注意:这里的速度指的是播放倍率,其原理为在播放音频的时候,每个音符的播放时间除以 speed :param player: 玩家选择器,默认为`@a` :return 成功与否,成功返回(True,未经过压缩的源,结构占用大小),失败返回(False,str失败原因) """ try: cmdlist = self.methods_byDelay[method - 1]( volume, speed, player, progressbar ) except: return (False, f"无法找到算法ID{method}对应的转换算法") if not os.path.exists(self.outputPath): os.makedirs(self.outputPath) with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.outputPath,f"{self.midFileName}.bdx")), "w+") as f: f.write("BD@") _bytes = ( b"BDX\x00" + author.encode("utf-8") + b" & Musicreater\x00\x01command_block\x00" ) key = { "x": (b"\x0f", b"\x0e"), "y": (b"\x11", b"\x10"), "z": (b"\x13", b"\x12"), } """key存储了方块移动指令的数据,其中可以用key[x|y|z][0|1]来表示xyz的减或增""" x = "x" y = "y" z = "z" _sideLength = self.__fillSquareSideLength(len(cmdlist), maxheight) yforward = True zforward = True nowy = 0 nowz = 0 nowx = 0 for cmd, delay in cmdlist: _bytes += self.__formCMDblk( cmd, (1 if yforward else 0) if ( ((nowy != 0) and (not yforward)) or ((yforward) and (nowy != maxheight)) ) else (3 if zforward else 2) if ( ((nowz != 0) and (not zforward)) or ((zforward) and (nowz != _sideLength)) ) else 5, impluse=2, condition=False, needRedstone=False, tickDelay=delay, customName="", executeOnFirstTick=False, trackOutput=True, ) nowy += 1 if yforward else -1 if ((nowy > maxheight) and (yforward)) or ((nowy < 0) and (not yforward)): nowy -= 1 if yforward else -1 yforward = not yforward nowz += 1 if zforward else -1 if ((nowz > _sideLength) and (zforward)) or ( (nowz < 0) and (not zforward) ): nowz -= 1 if zforward else -1 zforward = not zforward _bytes += key[x][1] nowx += 1 else: _bytes += key[z][int(zforward)] else: _bytes += key[y][int(yforward)] with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.outputPath,f"{self.midFileName}.bdx")), "ab+") as f: f.write(brotli.compress(_bytes + b"XE")) return (True, _bytes, (nowx, maxheight, _sideLength)) # def isProgressBar(pgbarLike:str): # '''判断所输入数据是否为进度条式样数据 # 注意,使用本函数时不得直接放在 if 后,正确用法如下: # 判断是否是合规进度条样式数据: # ``` # if isProgressBar(pgb) == False: # pass # 进度条样式错误 # else: # pass # 进度条样式正确 # ``` # 当仅需要判断正确的情况时也最好这样写: # ``` # if not isProgressBar(pgb) == False: # pass # 进度条样式正确 # ``` # :param phbarLike:str # 所需判断的字符串 # :return False | tuple # 是否为可读的进度条式样,如果是,则转换为进度条元组 # ''' # if pgbarLike.lower() in ('true','1'): # return (r"▶ %%N [ %%s/%^s %%% __________ %%t|%^t ]",("§e=§r", "§7=§r"),) # elif pgbarLike.lower() in ('false','0'): # return ()