"""音·创的日志消息处理""" # 诸葛亮与八卦阵帮忙修改语法 日期:---2022年1月19日 # 统计:致命(三级)错误:0个;警告(二级)错误:0个;语法(一级)错误:9个 # 对开发者说的话: # # 请不要修改这里的日志,日志是给开发者和专业人士看的 # 而不是给普通用户看的,因此,没必要使用开发者自己也 # 不习惯的日志系统,比如说,之前诸葛亮与八卦阵 (bgArray) # 用了 logging 库来改写我原来的日志支持,但是我反 # 而找不到我想要的信息了,所以,日志系统给我们开发者 # 自己看得好就可以了昂,真的别改了。而且,诸葛八卦改 # 了之后并没有多好,喵喵喵,所以我就换回来了。我知道 # logging 库比较常用,而且功能也好,但是我们毕竟没 # 这个必要,就别用那个库了昂,球球了~ # ——金羿 Eilles # 2022 03 09 # To ALL the developers who will change this part: # # Please do NOT change anything in this file! # The log file is only for developers or # someone who knows a lot about our program # to see, but not the common users. So it # is NOT NECESSARY to use a logging system # that we do not familiar or we do not like. # Take bgAray “诸葛亮与八卦阵” as a example, # he once change this `log.py` into # logging-library-based log support system. # But after the change had done, I could NOT # find useful infomation according to the # log file... So use this file but not to # make changes PLEASE!!! I know some libraries # like logging is usually better than the # simple system in this file and it is normal # to use but, I think it is not necessery, # so PLEASE DO NOT USE OTHER LIBs TO # OVERWRITE MY LIBRARY, THANKS. # ——Eilles 金羿 # 03/09/2022 import datetime,os #载入日志功能 StrStartTime = str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(':', '_')[:-7] '''字符串型的程序开始时间''' def log(info:str = '',level : str = 'INFO', isPrinted:bool = True): '''将信息连同当前时间载入日志 :param info : str 日志信息 :param level : str['INFO','WARRING','ERROR','CRASH'] 或 int[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] 信息等级 :param isPrinted : bool 是否在控制台打印 :return bool 表示是否完成任务''' if type(level) == type(1): level = ['INFO','WARRING','ERROR','CRASH'][level-1] try: if not os.path.exists('./logs/'): os.makedirs('./logs/') outputinfo = f'{str(datetime.datetime.now())[11:19]}-[{level}] {info}' with open('./logs/'+StrStartTime+'.msct.log', 'a',encoding='UTF-8') as f: f.write(outputinfo+'\n') if isPrinted: input(outputinfo) return True except: return False