# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # THIS PROGRAM IS ONLY A TEST EXAMPLE # 音·创 开发交流群 861684859 # Email EillesWan2006@163.com W-YI_DoctorYI@outlook.com EillesWan@outlook.com # 版权所有 金羿("Eilles Wan") & 诸葛亮与八卦阵("bgArray") & 鸣凤鸽子("MingFengPigeon") # 若需转载或借鉴 许可声明请查看仓库目录下的 Lisence.md """ 音·创 库版 MIDI转换展示程序 Musicreater Package Version : Demo for Midi Conversion Copyright 2023 all the developers of Musicreater 开源相关声明请见 ./Lisence.md Terms & Conditions: ./Lisence.md """ from msctPkgver.main import * convertion = midiConvert() while True: midipath = input('请输入midi文件路径:') if os.path.exists(midipath): break else: print('文件不存在,请重新输入') outpath = input('请输入输出路径:') if not os.path.exists(outpath): os.makedirs(outpath) while True: try: authorname = input('请输入作者:') while True: isProgress = input('*进度条[本Demo不支持自定义]:') if isProgress != '': if isProgress in ('1', 'True'): isProgress = True elif isProgress in ('0', 'False'): isProgress = False else: isProgress = isProgress else: continue break volume = input('请输入音量(0-1):') if volume != '': volume = float(volume) speed = input('请输入速度倍率:') if speed != '': speed = float(speed) player = input('请输入玩家选择器:') heightmax = input('请输入指令结构最大生成高度:') if heightmax != '': heightmax = int(heightmax) break except BaseException: print('输入错误,请重新输入') def operation( i, ): print(f'正在操作{i}') convertion.convert(midipath + '/' + i, outpath) print( convertion.toBDXfile_withDelay( 1, authorname if authorname != '' else input('请输入作者:'), isProgress, heightmax if heightmax != '' else int(input('请输入指令结构最大生成高度:')), volume if volume != '' else float(input('请输入音量(0-1]:')), speed if speed != '' else float(input('请输入速度倍率:')), player if player != '' else input('请输入玩家选择器:'), ) ) if os.path.isdir(midipath): import threading for i in os.listdir(midipath): if i.lower().endswith('.mid'): threading.Thread(target=operation, args=(i,)).start() else: convertion.convert(midipath, outpath) print( convertion.toBDXfile_withDelay( 1, authorname if authorname != '' else input('请输入作者:'), isProgress, heightmax if heightmax != '' else int(input('请输入指令结构最大生成高度:')), volume if volume != '' else float(input('请输入音量(0-1]:')), speed if speed != '' else float(input('请输入速度倍率:')), player if player != '' else input('请输入玩家选择器:'), ) )