# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- '''对于音·创的语言支持兼语言文件编辑器''' """ Copyright 2022 all the developers of Musicreater """ DEFAULTLANGUAGE = 'zh-CN' LANGUAGELIST = { # 第一个是语言的中文名称和地区 # 第二个是语言的英文名称和地区 # 第三个是语言的本地名称和地区 'zh-CN': ( "简体中文 中国大陆", "Simplified Chinese - China Mainland", "简体中文 中国大陆", ), 'zh-TW': ( "繁体中文 中国台湾省", "Traditional Chinese - Taiwan Province, China", "正體中文,中国台灣省", ), # 'zh-HK': ( # "繁体中文 香港", # "Traditional Chinese - Hong Kong SAR", # "繁體中文,香港特別行政區", # ), # 'zh-MO': ( # "繁体中文 澳门", # "Traditional Chinese - Macau SAR", # "繁體中文,澳門特別行政區", # ), 'en-GB': ( "英语 英国", "British English - the United Kingdom", "British English - the United Kingdom", ), 'zh-ME' : ( "喵喵文 中国大陆", "Meow Catsnese - China Mainland" "喵喵喵~ 种花家~" ) } from msctLib.log import log def __loadLanguage(languageFilename: str): with open(languageFilename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as languageFile: _text = {} for line in languageFile: if line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.split(' ', 1) _text[line[0]] = line[1].replace('\n', '') langkeys = _text.keys() with open(languageFilename.replace(languageFilename[-10:-5], 'zh-CN'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as defaultLangFile: for line in defaultLangFile: if line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.split(' ', 1) if not line[0] in langkeys: _text[line[0]] = line[1].replace('\n', '') from msctLib.log import log log(f'丢失对于 {line[0]} 的本地化文本', 'WARRING') langkeys = _text.keys() # print(_text) return _text if DEFAULTLANGUAGE in LANGUAGELIST.keys(): _TEXT = __loadLanguage('./languages/' + DEFAULTLANGUAGE + '.lang') else: log(f"无法打开当前本地化文本{DEFAULTLANGUAGE}", level='ERROR') raise KeyError(f'无法打开默认语言{DEFAULTLANGUAGE}') def wordTranslate(singleWord: str, debug: bool = False): import requests try: return \ requests.post('https://fanyi.baidu.com/sug', data={'kw': f'{singleWord}'}).json()['data'][0]['v'].split( '; ')[0] except: log(f"无法翻译文本{singleWord}", level='WARRING', isPrinted=debug) return None def _(text: str, debug: bool = False): try: return _TEXT[text] except: if debug: raise KeyError(f'无法找到翻译文本{text}') else: log(f'无法找到本地化文本{text}','WARRING') return ''