
This commit is contained in:
bgArray 2022-01-19 17:48:47 +08:00
parent 7e13b22d46
commit 81eb8e5376
17 changed files with 433 additions and 419 deletions

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@ -658,6 +658,7 @@ def __main__():
except ValueError: # 测试完为ValueError故修改语法
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(title=READABLETEXT[0], message=READABLETEXT[117])
Outdire = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(title=READABLETEXT[29], initialdir=r'./')
if Outdire is None or Outdire == '':

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"""音创系列的音符对照表 以及一系列常数"""
# 诸葛亮与八卦阵帮忙修改语法 日期:---2022年1月19日
# 统计致命三级错误0个警告二级错误0个语法一级错误109个
notes = {
@ -96,9 +97,6 @@ notes = {
音符:[MC音调, 声音频率, 方块名称, 数据值]'''
# 方块
blocks = {
@ -195,7 +193,6 @@ blocks = {
Blocks = {
0.074: 'barrel',
0.0787: 'beacon',
@ -290,8 +287,6 @@ Blocks = {
# 乐器
Instuments = {
'note.banjo': '班卓',
@ -315,6 +310,3 @@ Instuments = {

View File

@ -1,17 +1,53 @@
# 诸葛亮与八卦阵帮忙修改语法 日期:---2022年1月19日
# 统计致命三级错误0个警告二级错误0个语法一级错误9个
import datetime,os
import logging
import os
import datetime
import sys
StrStartTime = str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(':', '_')[:-7]
time = StrStartTime
main_path = './log/'
position = main_path + time
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.FileHandler(position + ".logger")
print(position + ".logger")
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
console = logging.StreamHandler()
print("using Timbre_resources_package_generator_lib \n --made by 诸葛亮与八卦阵")
print(sys.path[0].replace("nmcsup\\logger", "log\\"))
# import logger
# 载入日志功能
StrStartTime = str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(':', '_')[:-7]
# logger.setting(StrStartTime)
def log(info:str = '',isPrinted:bool = True):
def log(info: str = '', isPrinted: bool = False, isLoggerLibRecord: bool = True):
# isLoggerLibRecord: 是否同时在logger库中记录
if not os.path.exists('./log/'):
with open('./log/' + StrStartTime + '.msct.log', 'a', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
f.write(str(datetime.datetime.now())[11:19] + ' ' + info + '\n')
if isPrinted:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now())[11:19] + ' ' + info)
if isLoggerLibRecord:

View File

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
# 诸葛亮与八卦阵帮忙修改语法 日期:---2022年1月19日
# 统计致命三级错误0个警告二级错误3个语法一级错误22个
from nmcsup.log import log
from nmcsup.const import notes
# 从格式文本文件读入一个音轨并存入一个列表
def ReadFile(fn : str) -> list:
def ReadFile(fn: str): # -> list
from nmcsup.trans import note2list
log('打开' + fn + "并读取音符")
nat = open(fn, 'r', encoding='UTF-8').read().split(" ")
del fn
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
Notes = []
@ -29,20 +28,21 @@ def ReadFile(fn : str) -> list:
# 从midi读入多个音轨返回多个音轨列表
def ReadMidi(midfile : str ) -> list:
def ReadMidi(midfile: str): # -> list
import mido
from msctspt.threadOpera import NewThread
Notes = []
mid = mido.MidiFile(midfile)
except FileNotFoundError:
log("找不到文件或无法读取文件" + midfile)
return False
# 解析
ks = list(notes.values())
def loadMidi(track):
def loadMidi(track1):
datas = []
for i in track:
for i in track1:
if i.is_meta:
log('元信息' + str(i))
pass # 不处理元信息
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ def ReadMidi(midfile : str ) -> list:
del msg
log('音符增加' + str(datas))
return datas
for j, track in enumerate(mid.tracks):
th = NewThread(loadMidi, (track,))
@ -66,16 +67,14 @@ def ReadMidi(midfile : str ) -> list:
return Notes
def ReadOldProject(fn:str) -> list:
def ReadOldProject(fn: str): # -> list
import json
from nmcsup.trans import note2list
log("读取文件:" + fn)
with open(fn, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as c:
dataset = json.load(c)
except FileNotFoundError:
print('找不到文件:' + fn + ",请查看您是否输入正确")
log("丢失" + fn)
return False
@ -83,5 +82,3 @@ def ReadOldProject(fn:str) -> list:
dataset['musics'][i]['notes'] = note2list(dataset['musics'][i]['notes'])
# 返回 音轨列表 选择器
return dataset

View File

@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
# 诸葛亮与八卦阵帮忙修改语法 日期:---2022年1月19日
# 统计致命三级错误0个警告二级错误2个语法一级错误192个
from nmcsup.log import log
import amulet
import amulet_nbt
from amulet.api.block import Block
from amulet.api.block_entity import BlockEntity
from amulet.utils.world_utils import block_coords_to_chunk_coords
from amulet_nbt import TAG_String, TAG_Compound, TAG_Byte
# 输入一个列表 [ [str, float ], [], ... ] 音符str 值为持续时间float
def note2list(Notes: list) -> list:
from nmcsup.const import notes
def change(base):
enwo = {
'a': 'A',
@ -40,6 +44,7 @@ def note2list(Notes : list) -> list:
if k in base:
base = base.replace(k, v)
return base
res = []
log(" === 音符列表=>音调列表")
for i in Notes:
@ -55,8 +60,6 @@ def note2list(Notes : list) -> list:
return res
def mcnote2freq(Notes):
from nmcsup.const import notes
mcnback = {}
@ -71,78 +74,70 @@ def mcnote2freq(Notes):
return res
# MP3文件转midi文件
def Mp32Mid(mp3File, midFile):
from piano_transcription_inference import PianoTranscription, sample_rate, load_audio
# 加载
(audio, _) = load_audio(mp3File, sr=sample_rate, mono=True)
(audio, _) = load_audio(mp3File, sr=sample_rate) # , mono=True
# 实例化并转换
PianoTranscription(device="cpu").transcribe(audio, midFile)
# 传入一个音符列表转为指令列表
def Note2Cmd(Notes : list,ScoreboardName:str,Instrument:str, PlayerSelect:str='',isProsess:bool=False) -> list:
def Note2Cmd(Notes: list, ScoreboardName: str, Instrument: str, PlayerSelect: str = '',
isProsess: bool = False) -> list:
commands = []
a = 0.0
if isProsess:
length = len(Notes)
j = 1
for i in range(len(Notes)):
commands.append("execute @a"+PlayerSelect+" ~ ~ ~ execute @s[scores={"+ScoreboardName+"="+str(int((a+2)*5+int(Notes[i][1]*5)))+"}] ~ ~ ~ playsound "+Instrument+" @s ~ ~ ~ 1000 "+str(Notes[i][0])+" 1000\n")
commands.append("execute @a" + PlayerSelect + " ~ ~ ~ execute @s[scores={" + ScoreboardName + "=" + str(
int((a + 2) * 5 + int(Notes[i][1] * 5))) + "}] ~ ~ ~ playsound " + Instrument + " @s ~ ~ ~ 1000 " + str(
Notes[i][0]) + " 1000\n")
a += Notes[i][1]
if isProsess:
commands.append("execute @a"+PlayerSelect+" ~ ~ ~ execute @s[scores={"+ScoreboardName+"="+str(int((a+2)*5+int(Notes[i][1]*5)))+"}] ~ ~ ~ title @s actionbar §e▶ 播放中: §a"+str(j)+"/"+str(length)+" || "+str(int(j/length*1000)/10)+"\n")
commands.append("execute @a" + PlayerSelect + " ~ ~ ~ execute @s[scores={" + ScoreboardName + "=" + str(
int((a + 2) * 5 + int(Notes[i][1] * 5))) + "}] ~ ~ ~ title @s actionbar §e▶ 播放中: §a" + str(
j) + "/" + str(length) + " || " + str(int(j / length * 1000) / 10) + "\n")
j += 1
commands.append("\n\n# 凌云我的世界开发团队 x 凌云软件开发团队 : W-YI金羿\n")
return commands
import amulet
import amulet_nbt
from amulet.api.block import Block
from amulet.api.block_entity import BlockEntity
from amulet.utils.world_utils import block_coords_to_chunk_coords
from amulet_nbt import TAG_String,TAG_Compound,TAG_Byte
# 简单载入方块
# level.set_version_block(posx,posy,posz,"minecraft:overworld",("bedrock", (1, 16, 20)),Block(namespace, name))
# 转入指令列表与位置信息转至世界
def Cmd2World(cmd: list, world: str, dire: list):
level = amulet.load_level(world)
cdl = []
for i in cmd:
e = True
if (i[:i.index('#')].replace(' ', '') != '\n') and (i[:i.index('#')].replace(' ', '') != ''):
e = False
except ValueError:
if e is True:
i = 0
# 第一个是特殊
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft','command_block',{'conditional':TAG_String("false"),'facing':TAG_String('up'),'mode':TAG_String("repeating")})
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft', 'command_block',
{'conditional': TAG_String("false"), 'facing': TAG_String('up'),
'mode': TAG_String("repeating")})
cx, cz = block_coords_to_chunk_coords(dire[0], dire[2])
chunk = level.get_chunk(cx, cz, "minecraft:overworld")
offset_x, offset_z = dire[0] - 16 * cx, dire[2] - 16 * cz
universal_block_entity = BlockEntity( 'universal_minecraft','command_block',dire[0],dire[1],dire[2],amulet_nbt.NBTFile(TAG_Compound({'utags': TAG_Compound({'auto': TAG_Byte(0),'Command': TAG_String(cdl.pop(0))}) })))
universal_block_entity = BlockEntity('universal_minecraft', 'command_block', dire[0], dire[1], dire[2],
amulet_nbt.NBTFile(TAG_Compound({'utags': TAG_Compound(
{'auto': TAG_Byte(0), 'Command': TAG_String(cdl.pop(0))})})))
chunk.blocks[offset_x, dire[1], offset_z] = level.block_palette.get_add_block(universal_block)
chunk.block_entities[(dire[0], dire[1], dire[2])] = universal_block_entity
chunk.changed = True
@ -157,26 +152,36 @@ def Cmd2World(cmd:list,world:str,dire:list):
down = not down
# 定义此方块
if dire[1] + i == 254:
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft','command_block',{'conditional':TAG_String("false"),'facing':TAG_String('east'),'mode':TAG_String("chain")})
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft', 'command_block',
{'conditional': TAG_String("false"), 'facing': TAG_String('east'),
'mode': TAG_String("chain")})
if down:
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft','command_block',{'conditional':TAG_String("false"),'facing':TAG_String('down'),'mode':TAG_String("chain")})
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft', 'command_block',
{'conditional': TAG_String("false"), 'facing': TAG_String('down'),
'mode': TAG_String("chain")})
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft','command_block',{'conditional':TAG_String("false"),'facing':TAG_String('up'),'mode':TAG_String("chain")})
universal_block = Block('universal_minecraft', 'command_block',
{'conditional': TAG_String("false"), 'facing': TAG_String('up'),
'mode': TAG_String("chain")})
cx, cz = block_coords_to_chunk_coords(dire[0], dire[2])
# 获取区块
chunk = level.get_chunk(cx, cz, "minecraft:overworld")
offset_x, offset_z = dire[0] - 16 * cx, dire[2] - 16 * cz
if down:
# 定义方块实体
universal_block_entity = BlockEntity( 'universal_minecraft','command_block',dire[0],254-i,dire[2],amulet_nbt.NBTFile(TAG_Compound({'utags': TAG_Compound({'auto': TAG_Byte(1),'Command': TAG_String(j)}) })))
universal_block_entity = BlockEntity('universal_minecraft', 'command_block', dire[0], 254 - i, dire[2],
amulet_nbt.NBTFile(TAG_Compound({'utags': TAG_Compound(
{'auto': TAG_Byte(1), 'Command': TAG_String(j)})})))
# 将方块加入世界
chunk.blocks[offset_x, 254 - i, offset_z] = level.block_palette.get_add_block(universal_block)
chunk.block_entities[(dire[0], 254 - i, dire[2])] = universal_block_entity
# 定义方块实体
universal_block_entity = BlockEntity( 'universal_minecraft','command_block',dire[0],dire[1]+i,dire[2],amulet_nbt.NBTFile(TAG_Compound({'utags': TAG_Compound({'auto': TAG_Byte(1),'Command': TAG_String(j)}) })))
universal_block_entity = BlockEntity('universal_minecraft', 'command_block', dire[0], dire[1] + i, dire[2],
amulet_nbt.NBTFile(TAG_Compound({'utags': TAG_Compound(
{'auto': TAG_Byte(1), 'Command': TAG_String(j)})})))
# 将方块加入世界
chunk.blocks[offset_x, dire[1] + i, offset_z] = level.block_palette.get_add_block(universal_block)
@ -190,23 +195,20 @@ def Cmd2World(cmd:list,world:str,dire:list):
# 音符转成方块再加载到世界里头
def Blocks2World(world: str, dire: list, Datas: list):
from nmcsup.const import Blocks
level = amulet.load_level(world)
i = 0
def setblock(block: str, pos: list):
'''pos : list[int,int,int]'''
"""pos : list[int,int,int]"""
cx, cz = block_coords_to_chunk_coords(pos[0], pos[2])
chunk = level.get_chunk(cx, cz, "minecraft:overworld")
offset_x, offset_z = pos[0] - 16 * cx, pos[2] - 16 * cz
chunk.blocks[offset_x, pos[1], offset_z] = level.block_palette.get_add_block(Block("minecraft", block))
chunk.changed = True
for j in Datas:
if dire[1] + 1 >= 255:
i = 0
@ -217,16 +219,9 @@ def Blocks2World(world:str,dire:list,Datas:list):
# 传入音符列表制作播放器指令
def Notes2Player(Note, dire: list, CmdData: dict):
Notes = {}
for i in Note:
Notes[i[0]] = ''
@ -234,21 +229,17 @@ def Notes2Player(Note,dire:list,CmdData:dict):
from nmcsup.const import Blocks
Cmds = []
for j in Notes:
Cmds.append('execute @e[x='+str(dire[0])+',y='+str(dire[1])+',z='+str(dire[2])+',dy='+str(255-dire[1])+',name='+CmdData['Ent']+'] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ '+Blocks[j]+' 0 execute @a '+CmdData['Pls']+' ~ ~ ~ playsound '+CmdData['Ins']+' @s ~ ~ ~ 1000 '+str(j)+' 1000\n')
Cmds+=['#本函数由 金羿 音·创 生成\n','execute @e[y='+str(dire[1])+',dy='+str(255-dire[1])+',name='+CmdData['Ent']+'] ~ ~ ~ tp ~ ~1 ~\n','execute @e[y=255,dy=100,name='+CmdData['Ent']+'] ~ ~ ~ tp ~1 '+str(dire[1])+' ~\n','#音·创 开发交流群 861684859']
Cmds.append('execute @e[x=' + str(dire[0]) + ',y=' + str(dire[1]) + ',z=' + str(dire[2]) + ',dy=' + str(
255 - dire[1]) + ',name=' + CmdData['Ent'] + '] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ ' + Blocks[j] + ' 0 execute @a ' +
CmdData['Pls'] + ' ~ ~ ~ playsound ' + CmdData['Ins'] + ' @s ~ ~ ~ 1000 ' + str(j) + ' 1000\n')
Cmds += ['#本函数由 金羿 音·创 生成\n', 'execute @e[y=' + str(dire[1]) + ',dy=' + str(255 - dire[1]) + ',name=' + CmdData[
'Ent'] + '] ~ ~ ~ tp ~ ~1 ~\n',
'execute @e[y=255,dy=100,name=' + CmdData['Ent'] + '] ~ ~ ~ tp ~1 ' + str(dire[1]) + ' ~\n',
'#音·创 开发交流群 861684859']
return Cmds
# 传入音符列表生成方块至世界
def Datas2BlkWorld(NoteData, world: str, dire: list):
for i in range(len(NoteData)):
Blocks2World(world, [dire[0], dire[1], dire[2] + i], NoteData[i])

View File

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
# 统计致命三级错误0个警告二级错误0个语法一级错误24个
from msctspt.bugReporter import version
import os
# 以下下两个值请在 msctspt/bugReporter 的version类中修改
VER = version.version
LIBS = version.libraries
# 判断版本、临时文件与补全库
@ -39,6 +38,8 @@ def compver(ver1, ver2):
return -1
return 1
# ————————————————
# 版权声明上面的函数compver为CSDN博主「基友死得早」的原创文章中的函数遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。
@ -46,19 +47,18 @@ def compver(ver1, ver2):
# ————————————————
import os
def InstallLibs(now,LIBS):
def InstallLibs(now, LIBS1):
from os import system as run
for i in LIBS:
if not i in now:
for i in LIBS1:
if i not in now:
print("安装库:" + i)
run("python -m pip install " + i + " -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple")
def chkver(ver=VER, libs=LIBS):
if not os.path.exists(os.getenv('APPDATA') + '\\Musicreater\\msct.ActiveDatas.msct'):
os.makedirs(os.getenv('APPDATA') + '\\Musicreater\\')
@ -81,9 +81,6 @@ def chkver(ver = VER,libs = LIBS):
def resetver():
import shutil
shutil.rmtree(os.getenv('APPDATA') + '\\Musicreater\\')