
This commit is contained in:
EillesWan 2022-04-07 18:07:32 +08:00
parent ae83f9c21e
commit 7edf979aee
3 changed files with 17 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ def music2cmdBlocks(direction: Iterable, music: dict, isProsess: bool = False, h
direction = list(direction)
def trackDealing(direction,track):
print('=========DEBUG=========音轨起方块:', direction)
blocks = []
cmdList = classList_conversion_SinglePlayer(track['notes'], track['set']['ScoreboardName'],
music['mainset']['PlayerSelect'], isProsess)
@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ def music2cmdBlocks(direction: Iterable, music: dict, isProsess: bool = False, h
return []
elif cmdList is []:
return []
dire = direction
dire = direction.copy()
down = False
# 开头的指令方块
@ -297,8 +298,9 @@ def music2cmdBlocks(direction: Iterable, music: dict, isProsess: bool = False, h
# :4 x轴负方向 无条件
# :5 x轴正方向 无条件
for cmd in cmdList:
print('=========DEBUG=========方块:', dire)
blocks.append(formCmdBlock(dire, cmd, 5 if (down is False and dire[1] == height + direction[1]) or (
down and dire[1] == direction + 1) else 0 if down else 1, 2, needRedstone=False))
down and dire[1] == direction[1] + 1) else 0 if down else 1, 2, needRedstone=False))
if down:
if dire[1] > direction[1] + 1:
dire[1] -= 1
@ -306,14 +308,14 @@ def music2cmdBlocks(direction: Iterable, music: dict, isProsess: bool = False, h
if dire[1] < height + direction[1]:
dire[1] += 1
if (down is False and dire[1] == height + direction[1]) or (down and dire[1] == direction + 1):
if (down is False and dire[1] == height + direction[1]) or (down and dire[1] == direction[1] + 1):
down = not down
dire[0] += 1
return blocks
threads = []
for track in music['musics']:
direction[2] += 2

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ A man achieve with challenges.
你们——会祝福下一个时代吗? ——原神
任何旅途中的旅伴同行,都会有分别的一日。 ——原神
「永恒」最接近于天理 ——原神
等旅途到达了终点,再考虑停留于何处吧 ——原神
等旅途到达了终点,再考虑停留于何处吧 ——原神
人海中相遇,本是缘分。 ——原神
因果红尘渺渺,烟消 ——原神
@ -128,3 +128,13 @@ A dream is a wish that you have or something that you have dreamed of in your mi
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, nor the fastest. ——GitHub Copliot
To be a dreamer is to be a free spirit. ——GitHub Copliot
To be or not to be is a question. ——莎士比亚
即使身躯残破,也要在战场上拼杀到最后一刻,要战斗到流干最后一滴血为止。 ——原神
朋友之间,也许就是要心知肚明才好 ——原神
轻盈的风,偶尔也会变得沉重…虽然,只是凡人难以察觉的短短一瞬 ——原神
我听过树的歌、乌云和雨的歌、遥远北方的青色飞龙悠远的吟唱,也听过我降落在地面上时,狐、兔,和地里的虫颤抖的协奏 ——原神
故事的种子是生活与旅行 ——原神
每个人的「生活(故事)」,都只属于自己… ——原神
如果我们要再会,就在夕阳与海面相遇的地方再会吧。 ——原神
到那时,再让我看看你如同钻石一般明净而璀璨的灵魂,是否蒙上了一缕尘埃吧。 ——原神