import datetime import time import aiohttp from nonebot import require from nonebot.plugin import PluginMetadata from liteyuki.utils.base.config import get_config from import Database, LiteModel from liteyuki.utils.base.resource import get_path from liteyuki.utils.message.html_tool import template2image require("nonebot_plugin_alconna") require("nonebot_plugin_apscheduler") from nonebot_plugin_apscheduler import scheduler from nonebot_plugin_alconna import Alconna, AlconnaResult, CommandResult, Subcommand, UniMessage, on_alconna, Args __author__ = "snowykami" __plugin_meta__ = PluginMetadata( name="签名服务器状态", description="适用于ntqq的签名状态查看", usage=( "sign count 查看当前签名数\n" "sign data 查看签名数变化\n" "sign chart [limit] 查看签名数变化图表\n" ), type="application", homepage="", extra={ "liteyuki" : True, "toggleable" : True, "default_enable": True, } ) SIGN_COUNT_URLS: dict[str, str] = get_config("sign_count_urls", None) SIGN_COUNT_DURATION = get_config("sign_count_duration", 10) class SignCount(LiteModel): TABLE_NAME: str = "sign_count" time: float = 0.0 count: int = 0 sid: str = "" sign_db = Database("data/liteyuki/ntqq_sign.ldb") sign_db.auto_migrate(SignCount()) sign_status = on_alconna(Alconna( "sign", Subcommand( "chart", Args["limit", int, 10000] ), Subcommand( "count" ), Subcommand( "data" ) )) cache_img: bytes = None @sign_status.assign("count") async def _(): reply = "Current sign count:" for name, count in (await get_now_sign()).items(): reply += f"\n{name}: {count[1]}" await sign_status.send(reply) @sign_status.assign("data") async def _(): query_stamp = [1, 5, 10, 15] reply = "QPS from last " + ", ".join([str(i) for i in query_stamp]) + "mins" for name, url in SIGN_COUNT_URLS.items(): count_data = [] for stamp in query_stamp: count_rows = sign_db.where_all(SignCount(), "sid = ? and time > ?", url, time.time() - 60 * stamp) if len(count_rows) < 2: count_data.append(-1) else: count_data.append((count_rows[-1].count - count_rows[0].count)/(stamp*60)) reply += f"\n{name}: " + ", ".join([f"{i:.1f}" for i in count_data]) await sign_status.send(reply) @sign_status.assign("chart") async def _(arp: CommandResult = AlconnaResult()): limit = arp.result.subcommands.get("chart").args.get("limit") if limit == 10000: if cache_img: await sign_status.send(UniMessage.image(raw=cache_img)) return img = await generate_chart(limit) await sign_status.send(UniMessage.image(raw=img)) @scheduler.scheduled_job("interval", seconds=SIGN_COUNT_DURATION, async def update_sign_count(): global cache_img if not SIGN_COUNT_URLS: return data = await get_now_sign() for name, count in data.items(): await save_sign_count(count[0], count[1], SIGN_COUNT_URLS[name]) cache_img = await generate_chart(10000) async def get_now_sign() -> dict[str, tuple[float, int]]: """ Get the sign count and the time of the latest sign Returns: tuple[float, int] | None: (time, count) """ data = {} now = time.time() async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client: for name, url in SIGN_COUNT_URLS.items(): async with client.get(url) as resp: count = (await resp.json())["count"] data[name] = (now, count) return data async def save_sign_count(timestamp: float, count: int, sid: str): """ Save the sign count to the database Args: sid: the sign id, use url as the id count: timestamp (float): the time of the sign count (int): the count of the sign """, count=count, sid=sid)) async def generate_chart(limit): data = [] for name, url in SIGN_COUNT_URLS.items(): count_rows = sign_db.where_all(SignCount(), "sid = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?", url, limit) count_rows.reverse() data.append( { "name" : name, # "data": [[row.time, row.count] for row in count_rows] "times" : [row.time for row in count_rows], "counts": [row.count for row in count_rows] } ) img = await template2image( template=get_path("templates/sign_status.html", debug=True), templates={ "data": data }, debug=True ) return img