import os from typing import List import nonebot import yaml from pydantic import BaseModel config = {} # 主进程全局配置,确保加载后读取 class SatoriNodeConfig(BaseModel): host: str = "" port: str = "5500" path: str = "" token: str = "" class SatoriConfig(BaseModel): comment: str = "此皆正处于开发之中,切勿在生产环境中启用。" enable: bool = False hosts: List[SatoriNodeConfig] = [SatoriNodeConfig()] class BasicConfig(BaseModel): host: str = "" port: int = 20247 superusers: list[str] = [] command_start: list[str] = ["/", ""] nickname: list[str] = [f"灵温"] satori: SatoriConfig = SatoriConfig() data_path: str = "data/liteyuki" def load_from_yaml(file: str) -> dict: global config nonebot.logger.debug("Loading config from %s" % file) if not os.path.exists(file): nonebot.logger.warning(f"未找到配置文件 {file} ,已创建默认配置,请修改后重启。") with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: yaml.dump(BasicConfig().dict(), f, default_flow_style=False) with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: conf = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) config = conf if conf is None: nonebot.logger.warning(f"配置文件 {file} 为空,已创建默认配置,请修改后重启。") conf = BasicConfig().dict() return conf