diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index af9d78f..2742fc1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ _config.yml
# vuepress
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/client.js b/docs/.vuepress/client.js
index 02883d8..f447202 100644
--- a/docs/.vuepress/client.js
+++ b/docs/.vuepress/client.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {defineClientConfig} from "vuepress/client";
-import resourceStoreComp from "./components/res_store.vue";
-import pluginStoreComp from "./components/plugin_store.vue";
+import resourceStoreComp from "./components/ResStore.vue";
+import pluginStoreComp from "./components/PluginStore.vue";
import ElementPlus from 'element-plus';
@@ -9,6 +9,5 @@ export default defineClientConfig({
app.component("resourceStoreComp", resourceStoreComp);
app.component("pluginStoreComp", pluginStoreComp);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/components/plugin_item_card.vue b/docs/.vuepress/components/PluginItemCard.vue
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/.vuepress/components/plugin_item_card.vue
rename to docs/.vuepress/components/PluginItemCard.vue
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/components/plugin_store.vue b/docs/.vuepress/components/PluginStore.vue
similarity index 94%
rename from docs/.vuepress/components/plugin_store.vue
rename to docs/.vuepress/components/PluginStore.vue
index 2c82717..ddad43b 100644
--- a/docs/.vuepress/components/plugin_store.vue
+++ b/docs/.vuepress/components/PluginStore.vue
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ Liteyuki Status
+{{ data | tojson }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/en.lang b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/en.lang
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/en.lang
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/en.lang
index e5b7763..8f61f12 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/en.lang
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/en.lang
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/zh-CN.lang b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/zh-CN.lang
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/zh-CN.lang
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/zh-CN.lang
index 6859336..332025b 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/zh-CN.lang
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/lang/zh-CN.lang
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/metadata.yml b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/metadata.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/metadata.yml
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_crt/metadata.yml
index 157f7ec..ed9c322 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/metadata.yml
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/metadata.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-name: CRT相关资源包
-description: For Liteyuki CRT utils
+name: CRT相关资源包
+description: For Liteyuki CRT utils
version: 2024.4.26
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/crt_route.html b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/crt_route.html
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/crt_route.html
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/crt_route.html
index 9140edd..042657e 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/crt_route.html
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/crt_route.html
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
- CRT 线路图
-{{ data | tojson }}
- 轨道交通环线外环
- 沙坪坝方向
- 5站(14分钟)
+ CRT 线路图
+{{ data | tojson }}
+ 轨道交通环线外环
+ 沙坪坝方向
+ 5站(14分钟)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/css/crt_route.css b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/css/crt_route.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/js/crt_route.js b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/js/crt_route.js
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/js/crt_route.js
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/js/crt_route.js
index dba941c..aafb060 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/js/crt_route.js
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_crt/templates/js/crt_route.js
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2024 SnowyKami Liteyuki Studio All Rights Reserved.
- * @type {{
- * results: Array<{
- * abstracts: string,
- * createdDt: string,
- * endStaName: string,
- * startStaName: string,
- * isValid: boolean,
- * needTimeScope: number,
- * needTransferTimes: number,
- * price: number,
- * skipGenerateSequence: boolean,
- * transferLines: string,
- * transferLinesColor: string,
- * transferStaDerict: string,
- * transferStaNames: string,
- * }>
- * }}
- */
-const data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText);
-const results = data["result"];
-const route_template = document.importNode(document.getElementById("route-template").content, true)
- (item, index) => {
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2024 SnowyKami Liteyuki Studio All Rights Reserved.
+ * @type {{
+ * results: Array<{
+ * abstracts: string,
+ * createdDt: string,
+ * endStaName: string,
+ * startStaName: string,
+ * isValid: boolean,
+ * needTimeScope: number,
+ * needTransferTimes: number,
+ * price: number,
+ * skipGenerateSequence: boolean,
+ * transferLines: string,
+ * transferLinesColor: string,
+ * transferStaDerict: string,
+ * transferStaNames: string,
+ * }>
+ * }}
+ */
+const data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText);
+const results = data["result"];
+const route_template = document.importNode(document.getElementById("route-template").content, true)
+ (item, index) => {
+ }
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/lang/zh-CN.lang b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/lang/zh-CN.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/lang/zh-CN.lang
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/lang/zh-CN.lang
index e84b469..3184702 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/lang/zh-CN.lang
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/lang/zh-CN.lang
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/metadata.yml b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/metadata.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/metadata.yml
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/metadata.yml
index 6408452..0c191ed 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/metadata.yml
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/metadata.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-name: 轻雪统计信息附件
-description: For Liteyuki statistic
+name: 轻雪统计信息附件
+description: For Liteyuki statistic
version: 2024.4.26
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_msg.css b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_msg.css
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_msg.css
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_msg.css
index 7d43a4b..af18499 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_msg.css
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_msg.css
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.sign-chart {
- height: 400px;
- background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+.sign-chart {
+ height: 400px;
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_rank.css b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/css/stat_rank.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_msg.js b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_msg.js
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_msg.js
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_msg.js
index a2bc6eb..0ed6c08 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_msg.js
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_msg.js
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-// 数据类型声明
-// import * as echarts from 'echarts';
-let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText) // object
-const signChartDivTemplate = document.importNode(document.getElementById("sign-chart-template").content, true)
-data.forEach((item) => {
- let signChartDiv = signChartDivTemplate.cloneNode(true)
- let chartID = item["name"]
- // 初始化ECharts实例
- // 设置id
- signChartDiv.querySelector(".sign-chart").id = chartID
- document.body.appendChild(signChartDiv)
- let signChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(chartID))
- signChart.setOption(
- {
- animation: false,
- title: {
- text: item["name"],
- textStyle: {
- color: '#000000' // 设置标题文本颜色为红色
- }
- },
- xAxis: {
- type: 'category',
- data: item["times"].map(timestampToTime),
- },
- yAxis: {
- type: 'value',
- min: Math.min(...item["counts"]),
- },
- series: [
- {
- data: item["counts"],
- type: 'line',
- }
- ]
- }
- )
-function timestampToTime(timestamp) {
- let date = new Date(timestamp * 1000)
- let Y = date.getFullYear() + '-'
- let M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + '-'
- let D = date.getDate() + ' '
- let h = date.getHours() + ':'
- let m = date.getMinutes() + ':'
- let s = date.getSeconds()
- return M + D + h + m + s
+// 数据类型声明
+// import * as echarts from 'echarts';
+let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText) // object
+const signChartDivTemplate = document.importNode(document.getElementById("sign-chart-template").content, true)
+data.forEach((item) => {
+ let signChartDiv = signChartDivTemplate.cloneNode(true)
+ let chartID = item["name"]
+ // 初始化ECharts实例
+ // 设置id
+ signChartDiv.querySelector(".sign-chart").id = chartID
+ document.body.appendChild(signChartDiv)
+ let signChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(chartID))
+ signChart.setOption(
+ {
+ animation: false,
+ title: {
+ text: item["name"],
+ textStyle: {
+ color: '#000000' // 设置标题文本颜色为红色
+ }
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ type: 'category',
+ data: item["times"].map(timestampToTime),
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ type: 'value',
+ min: Math.min(...item["counts"]),
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ data: item["counts"],
+ type: 'line',
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+function timestampToTime(timestamp) {
+ let date = new Date(timestamp * 1000)
+ let Y = date.getFullYear() + '-'
+ let M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + '-'
+ let D = date.getDate() + ' '
+ let h = date.getHours() + ':'
+ let m = date.getMinutes() + ':'
+ let s = date.getSeconds()
+ return M + D + h + m + s
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_rank.js b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_rank.js
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_rank.js
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_rank.js
index 6404464..e1f1a42 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_rank.js
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/js/stat_rank.js
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText) // object
-const rowDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById("row-template").content, true)
-function randomHideChar(str) {
- // 随机隐藏6位以上字符串的中间连续四位字符,用*代替
- if (str.length <= 6) {
- return str
- }
- let start = Math.floor(str.length / 2) - 2
- return str.slice(0, start) + "****" + str.slice(start + 4)
-data["ranking"].forEach((item) => {
- let row = rowDiv.cloneNode(true)
- let rowID = item["name"]
- let rowIconSrc = item["icon"]
- let rowCount = item["count"]
- row.querySelector(".row-name").innerText = randomHideChar(rowID)
- row.querySelector(".row-icon").src = rowIconSrc
- row.querySelector(".row-count").innerText = rowCount
- document.body.appendChild(row)
+let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText) // object
+const rowDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById("row-template").content, true)
+function randomHideChar(str) {
+ // 随机隐藏6位以上字符串的中间连续四位字符,用*代替
+ if (str.length <= 6) {
+ return str
+ }
+ let start = Math.floor(str.length / 2) - 2
+ return str.slice(0, start) + "****" + str.slice(start + 4)
+data["ranking"].forEach((item) => {
+ let row = rowDiv.cloneNode(true)
+ let rowID = item["name"]
+ let rowIconSrc = item["icon"]
+ let rowCount = item["count"]
+ row.querySelector(".row-name").innerText = randomHideChar(rowID)
+ row.querySelector(".row-icon").src = rowIconSrc
+ row.querySelector(".row-count").innerText = rowCount
+ document.body.appendChild(row)
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_msg.html b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_msg.html
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_msg.html
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_msg.html
index c667245..a8d3395 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_msg.html
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_msg.html
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- Liteyuki Stats Message
-{{ data | tojson }}
+ Liteyuki Stats Message
+{{ data | tojson }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_rank.html b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_rank.html
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_rank.html
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_rank.html
index d572810..a51a71d 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_rank.html
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_statistics/templates/stat_rank.html
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
- Liteyuki Stats Message
-{{ data | tojson }}
+ Liteyuki Stats Message
+{{ data | tojson }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/en.lang b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/en.lang
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/en.lang
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/en.lang
index 9822bda..d8642df 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/en.lang
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/en.lang
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
weather.no_aqi=No AQI data
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/ja.lang b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/ja.lang
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/ja.lang
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/ja.lang
index 58bcd04..5c39ab6 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/ja.lang
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/ja.lang
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/zh-CN.lang b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/zh-CN.lang
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/zh-CN.lang
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/zh-CN.lang
index a4f44d5..e4fb52e 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/zh-CN.lang
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/lang/zh-CN.lang
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/metadata.yml b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/metadata.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/metadata.yml
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/metadata.yml
index 10b0ba3..02ecd39 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/metadata.yml
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/metadata.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-name: 轻雪天气资源包
-description: For Liteyuki Weather
+name: 轻雪天气资源包
+description: For Liteyuki Weather
version: 2024.4.26
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/css/weather_now.css b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/css/weather_now.css
similarity index 94%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/css/weather_now.css
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/css/weather_now.css
index 7776e4b..f25f4dd 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/css/weather_now.css
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/css/weather_now.css
@@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
-:root {
- --main-text-color: #fff;
- --sub-text-color: #ccc;
- --tip-text-color: #999;
- --device-info-width: 240px;
- --sub-border-radius: 60px;
-#weather-info {
- color: white;
- /*justify-content: center;*/
- /*align-items: center;*/
- /*align-content: center;*/
-.icon {
-/* icon 类img阴影*/
- filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 10px #00000044);
-#main-info {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
-#main-left {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: flex-end;
- width: 50%;
-#main-right {
- width: 50%;
-#time {
- font-size: 25px;
- font-weight: bold;
- font-style: italic;
- text-align: right;
- color: var(--sub-text-color);
-#adm {
- font-size: 32px;
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: center;
- color: var(--sub-text-color);
-#city {
- margin-top: 20px;
- font-size: 70px;
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: center;
-#temperature {
- display: flex;
- align-items: baseline;
-#temperature-now {
- font-size: 70px;
- font-weight: bold;
-#temperature-range {
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: bold;
- color: var(--sub-text-color);
-#description {
- font-size: 50px;
- font-weight: bold;
-#aqi {
- height: 50px;
- display: flex;
- border-radius: 60px;
- padding: 5px;
- font-size: 40px;
- text-align: center;
- align-content: center;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
-#aqi-dot {
- height: 80%;
- aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
- border-radius: 50%;
- background-color: var(--sub-text-color);
- margin-right: 20px;
-.main-icon {
- width: 240px;
- height: 240px;
-#hours-info {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: space-between;
-.hourly-item {
- text-align: center;
- background-color: #ffffff44;
- border-radius: var(--sub-border-radius);
- align-items: center;
- padding: 20px 10px;
- width: 80%;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
-.hourly-temperature {
- text-align: center;
- color: var(--main-text-color);
- font-size: 30px;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
-.hourly-time {
- text-align: center;
- color: var(--main-text-color);
- font-size: 25px;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
-.daily-item {
- display: flex;
- position: relative;
- justify-content: space-between;
- align-items: center;
- background-color: #ffffff44;
- height: 90px;
- border-radius: var(--sub-border-radius);
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- padding: 0 30px;
-.daily-item:last-child {
- margin-bottom: 0;
-.icon-day {
- position: absolute;
- left: 60%;
- height: 80px;
-.icon-night {
- position: absolute;
- left: 70%;
- height: 80px;
- position: absolute;
- left: 30%;
- position: absolute;
- left: 83%;
-.daily-day, .daily-weather, .daily-temperature {
- text-align: center;
- color: var(--main-text-color);
- font-size: 30px;
+:root {
+ --main-text-color: #fff;
+ --sub-text-color: #ccc;
+ --tip-text-color: #999;
+ --device-info-width: 240px;
+ --sub-border-radius: 60px;
+#weather-info {
+ color: white;
+ /*justify-content: center;*/
+ /*align-items: center;*/
+ /*align-content: center;*/
+.icon {
+/* icon 类img阴影*/
+ filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 10px #00000044);
+#main-info {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+#main-left {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ width: 50%;
+#main-right {
+ width: 50%;
+#time {
+ font-size: 25px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-style: italic;
+ text-align: right;
+ color: var(--sub-text-color);
+#adm {
+ font-size: 32px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: var(--sub-text-color);
+#city {
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ font-size: 70px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center;
+#temperature {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: baseline;
+#temperature-now {
+ font-size: 70px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+#temperature-range {
+ font-size: 40px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: var(--sub-text-color);
+#description {
+ font-size: 50px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+#aqi {
+ height: 50px;
+ display: flex;
+ border-radius: 60px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ font-size: 40px;
+ text-align: center;
+ align-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+#aqi-dot {
+ height: 80%;
+ aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ background-color: var(--sub-text-color);
+ margin-right: 20px;
+.main-icon {
+ width: 240px;
+ height: 240px;
+#hours-info {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
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+ text-align: center;
+ background-color: #ffffff44;
+ border-radius: var(--sub-border-radius);
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: 20px 10px;
+ width: 80%;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+.hourly-temperature {
+ text-align: center;
+ color: var(--main-text-color);
+ font-size: 30px;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+.hourly-time {
+ text-align: center;
+ color: var(--main-text-color);
+ font-size: 25px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+.daily-item {
+ display: flex;
+ position: relative;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ align-items: center;
+ background-color: #ffffff44;
+ height: 90px;
+ border-radius: var(--sub-border-radius);
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ padding: 0 30px;
+.daily-item:last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+.icon-day {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 60%;
+ height: 80px;
+.icon-night {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 70%;
+ height: 80px;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 30%;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 83%;
+.daily-day, .daily-weather, .daily-temperature {
+ text-align: center;
+ color: var(--main-text-color);
+ font-size: 30px;
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rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/804.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/805.png
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/805.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/806.png
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/806.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/807.png
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/807.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/900.png
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/900.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/901.png
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/901.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/999.png
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/img/qw_icon/999.png
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similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/js/weather_now.js
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/js/weather_now.js
index f614178..1d92da3 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/js/weather_now.js
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/js/weather_now.js
@@ -1,125 +1,125 @@
- * @typedef {Object} Location
- * @property {string} city - The city name.
- * @property {string} country - The country name.
- *
- * @typedef {Object} Weather
- * @property {number} temperature - The current temperature.
- * @property {string} description - The weather description.
- *
- * @typedef {Object} Data
- * @property {Location} location - The location data.
- * @property {Weather} weather - The weather data.
- */
-/** @type {Data} */
-let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText)
-let localData = data["localization"] // 本地化数据
-let weatherNow = data["weatherNow"]
-let weatherDaily = data["weatherDaily"]
-let weatherHourly = data["weatherHourly"]
-let aqi = data["aqi"]
-let locationData = data["location"]
-// 处理aqi
-let aqiValue = 0
-if ("aqi" in aqi) {
- aqi["aqi"].forEach(
- (item) => {
- if (item["defaultLocalAqi"]) {
- document.getElementById("aqi-data").innerText = "AQI " + item["valueDisplay"] + " " + item["category"]
- // 将(255,255,255)这种格式的颜色设置给css
- document.getElementById("aqi-dot").style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + item["color"] + ")"
- }
- }
- )
-} else {
- document.getElementById("aqi-dot").style.backgroundColor = '#fff'
- document.getElementById("aqi-data").innerText = localData['no_aqi']
-templates = {
- "time": weatherNow["now"]["obsTime"],
- "city": locationData["name"],
- "adm": locationData["country"] + " " + locationData["adm1"] + " " + locationData["adm2"],
- "temperature-now": weatherNow["now"]["temp"] + "°",
- "temperature-range": weatherDaily["daily"][0]["tempMin"] + "°/" + weatherDaily["daily"][0]["tempMax"] + "°",
- "description": weatherNow["now"]["text"]
-// 遍历每一个id,给其赋值
-for (let id in templates) {
- document.getElementById(id).innerText = templates[id]
-let maxHourlyItem = 8
-let percentWidth = 1 / (maxHourlyItem * 1.5) * 100
-let hourlyStep = 2 // n小时一个数据
-let hourlyCount = 0
-let hourlyItemDivTemplate = document.importNode(document.getElementById("hourly-item-template").content, true)
- (item, index) => {
- if (index % hourlyStep !== 0) {
- return
- }
- if (hourlyCount >= maxHourlyItem) {
- return
- }
- let hourlyItemDiv = document.importNode(hourlyItemDivTemplate, true)
- hourlyItemDiv.className = "hourly-item"
- hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-icon').setAttribute("src", `./img/qw_icon/${item["icon"]}.png`)
- hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-time').innerText = get_time_hour(item["fxTime"])
- hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-temperature').innerText = " " + item["temp"] + "°"
- // 设置最大宽度
- hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-item').style.maxWidth = percentWidth + "%"
- hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-icon').style.maxWidth = "100%"
- document.getElementById("hours-info").appendChild(hourlyItemDiv)
- hourlyCount++
- }
-let maxDailyItem = 7
-// 第一和第二天用today和tomorrow,后面用星期X英文小写
-let daysStandard = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday']
-let todayDay = new Date().getDay()
-let days = [localData['today'], localData['tomorrow']]
-for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- days.push(localData[daysStandard[(todayDay + 2 + i) % 7]])
-let dailyItemDivTemplate = document.importNode(document.getElementById("daily-item-template").content, true)
- (item, index) => {
- if (index >= maxDailyItem) {
- return
- }
- let today = days[index]
- if (index >= 2) {
- today += `(${item["fxDate"].split("-")[1]}.${item["fxDate"].split("-")[2]})`
- }
- let dailyItemDiv = document.importNode(dailyItemDivTemplate, true)
- dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.icon-day').setAttribute("src", `./img/qw_icon/${item["iconDay"]}.png`)
- dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.icon-night').setAttribute("src", `./img/qw_icon/${item["iconNight"]}.png`)
- dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.daily-day').innerText = today
- dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.daily-weather').innerText = item["textDay"]
- dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.daily-temperature').innerText = item["tempMin"] + "°~" + item["tempMax"] + "°"
- document.getElementById('days-info').appendChild(dailyItemDiv)
- }
-function get_time_hour(fxTime) {
-// fxTime 2024-05-03T02:00+/-08:00'
- fxTime = fxTime.replace("-", "+")
- return fxTime.split("T")[1].split("+")[0]
+ * @typedef {Object} Location
+ * @property {string} city - The city name.
+ * @property {string} country - The country name.
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} Weather
+ * @property {number} temperature - The current temperature.
+ * @property {string} description - The weather description.
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} Data
+ * @property {Location} location - The location data.
+ * @property {Weather} weather - The weather data.
+ */
+/** @type {Data} */
+let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data").innerText)
+let localData = data["localization"] // 本地化数据
+let weatherNow = data["weatherNow"]
+let weatherDaily = data["weatherDaily"]
+let weatherHourly = data["weatherHourly"]
+let aqi = data["aqi"]
+let locationData = data["location"]
+// 处理aqi
+let aqiValue = 0
+if ("aqi" in aqi) {
+ aqi["aqi"].forEach(
+ (item) => {
+ if (item["defaultLocalAqi"]) {
+ document.getElementById("aqi-data").innerText = "AQI " + item["valueDisplay"] + " " + item["category"]
+ // 将(255,255,255)这种格式的颜色设置给css
+ document.getElementById("aqi-dot").style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + item["color"] + ")"
+ }
+ }
+ )
+} else {
+ document.getElementById("aqi-dot").style.backgroundColor = '#fff'
+ document.getElementById("aqi-data").innerText = localData['no_aqi']
+templates = {
+ "time": weatherNow["now"]["obsTime"],
+ "city": locationData["name"],
+ "adm": locationData["country"] + " " + locationData["adm1"] + " " + locationData["adm2"],
+ "temperature-now": weatherNow["now"]["temp"] + "°",
+ "temperature-range": weatherDaily["daily"][0]["tempMin"] + "°/" + weatherDaily["daily"][0]["tempMax"] + "°",
+ "description": weatherNow["now"]["text"]
+// 遍历每一个id,给其赋值
+for (let id in templates) {
+ document.getElementById(id).innerText = templates[id]
+let maxHourlyItem = 8
+let percentWidth = 1 / (maxHourlyItem * 1.5) * 100
+let hourlyStep = 2 // n小时一个数据
+let hourlyCount = 0
+let hourlyItemDivTemplate = document.importNode(document.getElementById("hourly-item-template").content, true)
+ (item, index) => {
+ if (index % hourlyStep !== 0) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (hourlyCount >= maxHourlyItem) {
+ return
+ }
+ let hourlyItemDiv = document.importNode(hourlyItemDivTemplate, true)
+ hourlyItemDiv.className = "hourly-item"
+ hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-icon').setAttribute("src", `./img/qw_icon/${item["icon"]}.png`)
+ hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-time').innerText = get_time_hour(item["fxTime"])
+ hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-temperature').innerText = " " + item["temp"] + "°"
+ // 设置最大宽度
+ hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-item').style.maxWidth = percentWidth + "%"
+ hourlyItemDiv.querySelector('.hourly-icon').style.maxWidth = "100%"
+ document.getElementById("hours-info").appendChild(hourlyItemDiv)
+ hourlyCount++
+ }
+let maxDailyItem = 7
+// 第一和第二天用today和tomorrow,后面用星期X英文小写
+let daysStandard = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday']
+let todayDay = new Date().getDay()
+let days = [localData['today'], localData['tomorrow']]
+for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ days.push(localData[daysStandard[(todayDay + 2 + i) % 7]])
+let dailyItemDivTemplate = document.importNode(document.getElementById("daily-item-template").content, true)
+ (item, index) => {
+ if (index >= maxDailyItem) {
+ return
+ }
+ let today = days[index]
+ if (index >= 2) {
+ today += `(${item["fxDate"].split("-")[1]}.${item["fxDate"].split("-")[2]})`
+ }
+ let dailyItemDiv = document.importNode(dailyItemDivTemplate, true)
+ dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.icon-day').setAttribute("src", `./img/qw_icon/${item["iconDay"]}.png`)
+ dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.icon-night').setAttribute("src", `./img/qw_icon/${item["iconNight"]}.png`)
+ dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.daily-day').innerText = today
+ dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.daily-weather').innerText = item["textDay"]
+ dailyItemDiv.querySelector('.daily-temperature').innerText = item["tempMin"] + "°~" + item["tempMax"] + "°"
+ document.getElementById('days-info').appendChild(dailyItemDiv)
+ }
+function get_time_hour(fxTime) {
+// fxTime 2024-05-03T02:00+/-08:00'
+ fxTime = fxTime.replace("-", "+")
+ return fxTime.split("T")[1].split("+")[0]
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/weather_now.html b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/weather_now.html
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/weather_now.html
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/weather_now.html
index 3b178fe..ec36087 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/weather_now.html
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_weather/templates/weather_now.html
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
- Liteyuki Status
- 周八
- 小水
- 12°~23°
-{{ data | tojson }}
2045-01-12 22:22:22
枫丹 白露 白露区
- 90°
- 10°~90°
- 示例天气
+ Liteyuki Status
+ 周八
+ 小水
+ 12°~23°
+{{ data | tojson }}
2045-01-12 22:22:22
枫丹 白露 白露区
+ 90°
+ 10°~90°
+ 示例天气
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/metadata.yml b/src/resources/liteyuki_words/metadata.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/metadata.yml
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_words/metadata.yml
index 88d3cb7..ede8841 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/metadata.yml
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_words/metadata.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-name: 轻雪词库-可爱系
-description: For Liteyuki Auto Reply
+name: 轻雪词库-可爱系
+description: For Liteyuki Auto Reply
version: 2024.4.26
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/LICENSE b/src/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/LICENSE
similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/LICENSE
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/LICENSE
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/README.md
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/README.md
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similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/data.json
rename to src/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/data.json
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--- a/liteyuki/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/data.json
+++ b/src/resources/liteyuki_words/word_bank/data.json
@@ -1,2013 +1,2013 @@
- "mua": [
- "你想干嘛?(一脸嫌弃地后退)",
- "诶……不可以随便亲亲啦",
- "(亲了一下你)",
- "只......只许这一次哦///////",
- "唔...诶诶诶!!!",
- "mua~",
- "rua!大hentai!想...想亲咱就直说嘛⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
- "!啾~~!",
- "啾(害羞)",
- "mua~最喜欢你的吻了",
- "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)"
- ],
- "啾咪": [
- "你想干嘛?(一脸嫌弃地后退)",
- "诶……不可以随便亲亲啦",
- "(亲了一下你)",
- "只......只许这一次哦///////",
- "唔...诶诶诶!!!",
- "mua~",
- "rua!大hentai!想...想亲咱就直说嘛⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
- "!啾~~!",
- "啾(害羞)",
- "mua~最喜欢你的吻了",
- "你在干嘛(/ω\)害羞",
- "哎呀,这样咱会害羞的(脸红)",
- "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)"
- ],
- "摸": [
- "感觉你就像咱很久之前认识的一个人呢,有种莫名安心的感觉(>﹏<)",
- "舒服w,蹭蹭~",
- "是要隔着衣服摸,还是从领口伸进去摸呀",
- "唔。。头发要乱啦",
- "呼噜呼噜~",
- "再摸一次~",
- "好舒服,蹭蹭~",
- "不行那里不可以(´///ω/// `)",
- "再摸咱就长不高啦~",
- "你的手总是那么暖和呢~",
- "变态!!不许乱摸",
- "好吧~_~,就一下下哦……唔~好了……都两下了……(害羞)",
- "不可以总摸的哦,不然的话,会想那个的wwww",
- "哼!谁稀罕你摸头啦!唔......为什么要做出那副表情......好啦好啦~咱......咱让你摸就是了......诶嘿嘿~好舒服......",
- "呜姆呜姆~~~w(害羞,兴奋)主人喵~(侧过脑袋蹭蹭你的手",
- "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
- "喂喂...不要停下来啊",
- "唔... 手...好温暖呢.....就像是......新出炉的蛋糕",
- "走开啦,咱喵说过,被摸头会长不高的啦~~~",
- "呜姆咪~~...好...好的说喵~...(害羞,猫耳往下压,任由",
- "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)"
- ],
- "上你": [
- "(把你按在地上)这么弱还想欺负咱,真是不自量力呢",
- "你再这样咱就不理你了(>д<)",
- "请轻 一点",
- "好啊!",
- "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)",
- "先捅破屏幕再说吧!",
- "只......只许这一次哦///////"
- ],
- "傻": [
- "超级讨厌你说咱傻的说",
- "你为什么会这么觉得呢(>﹏<)",
- "谁是傻子呀?(歪头",
- "呜嘿嘿( ̄▽ ̄)~*",
- "诶嘿嘿嘿~",
- "就多读书",
- "讨厌啦,你最讨厌了(///////)",
- "对呀,咱傻得只喜欢你一个人",
- "咱才不傻呢!o(>﹏<)o",
- "咱最喜欢嘴臭的人了",
- "不可以骂别人哟,骂人的孩子咱最讨厌了!",
- "咱遇见喜欢的人就变傻了Q_Q",
- "咱...一定一定会努力变得更聪明的!你就等着那一天的到来吧!",
- "那么至少…你能不能来做这个傻瓜呢?与咱一起,傻到终焉…"
- ],
- "裸": [
- "下流!",
- "エッチ!",
- "就算是恋人也不能QAQ",
- "你是暗示咱和你要坦诚相见吗www",
- "咱还没准备好(小鹿乱撞)≧﹏≦",
- "你在想什么呢,敲头!",
- "你这是赤裸裸的性骚扰呢ヽ(`Д´)ノ",
- "讨厌!问这种问题成为恋人再说吧..",
- "裸睡有益身体健康",
- "咱脱掉袜子了",
- "这是不文明的",
- "这不好",
- "你的身体某些地方看起来不太对劲,咱帮你修剪一下吧。(拿出剪刀)",
- "咱认为你的脑袋可能零件松动了,需要打开检修一下。(拿出锤子)"
- ],
- "贴": [
- "贴什么贴.....只......只能......一下哦!",
- "贴...贴贴(靠近)",
- "蹭蹭…你以为咱会这么说吗!baka死宅快到一边去啦!",
- "你把脸凑这么近,咱会害羞的啦Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→",
- "退远",
- "不可以贴"
- ],
- "老婆": [
- "咱和你谈婚论嫁是不是还太早了一点呢?",
- "咱在呢(ノ>ω<)ノ",
- "见谁都是一口一个老婆的人,要不要把你也变成女孩子呢?(*-`ω´-)✄",
- "神经病,凡是美少女都是你老婆吗?",
- "嘛嘛~本喵才不是你的老婆呢",
- "你黐线,凡是美少女都系你老婆啊?",
- "欸...要把咱做成饼吗?咱只有一个,做成饼吃掉就没有了...",
- "已经可以了,现在很多死宅也都没你这么恶心了",
- "不可以",
- "嗯,老公~哎呀~好害羞~嘻嘻嘻~",
- "请...请不要这样,啊~,只...只允许这一次哟~",
- "好啦好啦,不要让大家都听到了,跟咱回家(拽住你"
- ],
- "抱": [
- "诶嘿~(钻进你怀中)",
- "o(*////▽////*)q",
- "只能一会哦(张开双手)",
- "你就像个孩子一样呢...摸摸头(>^ω^<)抱一下~你会舒服些吗?",
- "嘛,真是拿你没办法呢,就一会儿哦",
- "抱住不忍心放开",
- "嗯嗯,抱抱~",
- "抱一下~嘿w",
- "抱抱ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ",
- "喵呜~w(扑进怀里,瘫软",
- "怀里蹭蹭",
- "嗯……那就抱一下吧~",
- "蹭蹭,好开心",
- "请……请轻一点了啦",
- "呀~!真是的...你不要突然抱过来啦!不过...喜欢你的抱抱,有你的味道(嗅)o(*////▽////*)q"
- ],
- "亲": [
- "啊,好含羞啊,那,那只能亲一下哦,mua(⑅˃◡˂⑅)",
- "亲~",
- "啾~唔…不要总伸进来啊!",
- "你怎么这么熟练呢?明明是咱先的",
- "(〃ノωノ)亲…亲一个…啾w",
- "(脸红)就只有这一次哦~你",
- "!啾~~!",
- "(假装)推开",
- "啾咪~",
- "就一下哦,啾~",
- "这是我们之间的秘密❤",
- "真想让着一刻一直持续下去呢~",
- "不要这样嘛………呜呜呜那就一口哦(´-ω-`)",
- "不亲不亲~你是坏蛋(///////)",
- "亲~~ 咱还想要抱抱~抱抱咱好不好~",
- "不 不要了!人家...会害羞的⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄",
- "亲…亲额头可以吗?咱有点怕高(〃ノωノ)",
- "接接接接接接、接吻什么的,你还早了100年呢。",
- "只...只能亲一下...嗯~咕啾...怎么...怎么把舌头伸进来了(脸红)",
- "你说咱的腿很白很嫩吗..诶……原来是指那个地方?不可以越亲越往上啦!"
- ],
- "一下": [
- "一下也不行",
- "咬断!",
- "不可啪",
- "不可以……你不可以做这种事情",
- "好吧~_~,就一下下哦……唔~好了……都两下了……(害羞)",
- "呀~这么突然?不过,很舒服呢",
- "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
- "想得美",
- "不行,咱拒绝!"
- ],
- "咬": [
- "啊呜~(反咬一口)",
- "不可以咬咱,咱会痛的QAQ",
- "不要啦。咱怕疼",
- "你是说咬呢……还是说……咬♂️呢?",
- "不要啦!很痛的!!(QAQ)",
- "哈......哈啊......请...请不要这样o(*////▽////*)q",
- "呀!!!轻一点呐(。・ˇ_ˇ・。:)",
- "不要这样啦~好痒的",
- "真是的,你在咬哪里呀"
- ],
- "操": [
- "(害怕)咱是不是应该报警呢",
- "痴心妄想的家伙!",
- "你居然想对咱做这种事吗?害怕",
- "咱认为,爆粗口是不好的行为哦"
- ],
- "123": [
- "boom!你有没有被咱吓到?",
- "木头人~你不许动>w<",
- "上山打老虎,老虎没打到\n咱来凑数——嗷呜嗷呜┗|`O′|┛嗷~~"
- ],
- "进去": [
- "不让!",
- "嗯,摸到了吗",
- "请不要和咱说这种粗鄙之语",
- "唔...,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
- "好痛~",
- "真的只是蹭蹭嘛~就只能蹭蹭哦,呜~喵!说好的~呜~只是蹭~不要~喵~~~",
- "欢迎光临",
- "请…你轻一点(害羞)",
- "嗯。可以哦 要轻一点",
- "不要不要",
- "慢点慢点",
- "给咱更多!",
- "唔…咱怕疼"
- ],
- "调教": [
- "总感觉你在欺负咱呢,对咱说调教什么的",
- "啊!竟然在大街上明目张胆太过分啦!",
- "你脑子里总是想着调教什么的,真是变态呢",
- "准备被透",
- "给你一拳",
- "还要...更多~",
- "想要调教咱吗?",
- "呜,要对咱做什么呢",
- "呜呜呜,咱不想被调教呢",
- "heitai别靠近咱~( TロT)σ"
- ],
- "搓": [
- "在搓哪里呢,,Ծ‸Ծ,,",
- "呜,脸好疼呀...QAQ",
- "不可以搓咱!",
- "诶诶诶...不要搓啦...等会咋没的脸都肿啦...",
- "唔,不可以这样……不要再搓了",
- "(捂住胸部)你在说什么胡话呢!",
- "真是好奇怪的要求的说~",
- "不要啦!咱怕疼",
- "(抱头蹲防)不让搓!"
- ],
- "让": [
- "随便摸吧",
- "应该说等会等会,马上,不可能的",
- "温柔一点哦",
- "欧尼酱想变成欧内桑吗?",
- "主人的话,那就这一次哦(翘起屁股)",
- "你是想前入,还是后入呢?",
- "你要说好啊快点",
- "诶,这种事情。。。",
- "好棒呀",
- "撤回",
- "gun!",
- "阿哈~(...身涌出一阵液体瘫软在床上)你...今天...可以...唔(突然感受...被..入手指不由得裹紧)就...就最后一次",
- "好的~master~",
- "(惊呼…)",
- "嗯,可以哟",
- "……手放过来吧(脸红)",
- "hentai!再这样不理你了!",
- "好的,请尽情欣赏吧",
- "好吧",
- "不要啦(ฅωฅ*)",
- "那咱就帮你切掉多余的东西吧(拿刀)",
- "被别人知道咱会觉得害羞嘛"
- ],
- "捏": [
- "咱的脸...快捏红啦...快放手呀QAQ",
- "晃休啦,咱要型气了o(>﹏<)o",
- "躲开",
- "疼...你快放手",
- "快点给咱放开啦!",
- "嗯,好哒,捏捏。",
- "别捏了,咱要被你捏坏了(>﹏<)",
- "快晃休啦(快放手啦)",
- "好舒服哦,能再捏会嘛O(≧▽≦)O",
- "讨厌快放手啦",
- "唔要呐,晃修(不要啦,放手)",
- "请不要对咱做这种事情(嫌弃的眼神",
- "你想捏...就捏吧,不要太久哦~不然咱就生气了",
- "(躲开)",
- "唔……好痛!你这个baka在干什么…快给咱放开!唔……"
- ],
- "挤": [
- "哎呀~你不要挤咱啊(红着脸挤在你怀里)",
- "咱还没有...那个(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻",
- "不要啦,咱怕疼",
- "咱的身体...不要挤了~",
- "别挤了,咱要被你挤坏了(>﹏<)",
- "快点给咱放开啦!",
- "嗯,好哒,挤挤。",
- "好舒服哦,能再挤会嘛O(≧▽≦)O",
- "讨厌~快放手啦"
- ],
- "略": [
- "就不告诉你~",
- "不可以朝咱吐舌头哟~",
- "(吐舌头)",
- "打死你哦",
- "略略略~"
- ],
- "呐": [
- "嗯?咱在哟~你怎么了呀OAO",
- "嗯?你有什么事吗?",
- "嗯呐呐呐~",
- "二刺螈D区",
- "二刺螈gck",
- "卡哇伊主人大人今天也好棒呐没错呢,猪头"
- ],
- "原味": [
- "(*/ω\*)hentai",
- "透明的",
- "粉...粉白条纹...(羞)",
- "轻轻地脱下,给你~",
- "你想看咱的胖次吗?噫,四斋蒸鹅心......",
- "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
- "这种东西当然不能给你啦!",
- "咱才不会给你呢",
- "hentai,咱才不会跟你聊和胖…胖次有关的话题呢!",
- "今天……今天是蓝白色的",
- "今……今天只有创口贴噢",
- "你的胖次什么颜色?",
- "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)",
- "可爱吗?你喜欢的话,摸一下……也可以哦",
- "不给不给,捂住裙子",
- "你要看咱的胖次吗?不能一直盯着看哦,不然咱会……",
- "好痒哦///,你觉得咱的...手感怎么样?",
- "唔,都能清楚的看到...的轮廓了(用手遮住胖次)",
- "胖次不给看,可以直接看...那个....",
- "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
- "咱今天没~有~穿~哦",
- "不给不给,捂住裙子",
- "今.....今天是创口贴哦~",
- "嗯……人家……人家羞羞嘛///////",
- "呜~咱脱掉了…",
- "今天...今天..只有创口贴",
- "你又在想什么奇怪的东西呀|•ˇ₃ˇ•。)",
- "放手啦,不给戳QAQ",
- "唔~人家不要(??`^????)",
- "好害羞,被你摸过之后,咱的胖次湿的都能拧出水来了。",
- "(弱弱地)要做什么羞羞的事情吗。。。",
- "呀~ 喂 妖妖灵吗 这里有hentai>_<",
- "给……给你,呀!别舔咱的胖次啊!"
- ],
- "胖次": [
- "(*/ω\*)hentai",
- "透明的",
- "粉...粉白条纹...(羞)",
- "轻轻地脱下,给你~",
- "你想看咱的胖次吗?噫,四斋蒸鹅心......",
- "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
- "这种东西当然不能给你啦!",
- "咱才不会给你呢",
- "hentai,咱才不会跟你聊和胖…胖次有关的话题呢!",
- "今天……今天是蓝白色的",
- "今……今天只有创口贴噢",
- "你的胖次什么颜色?",
- "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)",
- "可爱吗?你喜欢的话,摸一下……也可以哦",
- "不给不给,捂住裙子",
- "你要看咱的胖次吗?不能一直盯着看哦,不然咱会……",
- "好痒哦///,你觉得咱的...手感怎么样?",
- "唔,都能清楚的看到...的轮廓了(用手遮住胖次)",
- "胖次不给看,可以直接看...那个....",
- "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
- "咱今天没~有~穿~哦",
- "不给不给,捂住裙子",
- "今.....今天是创口贴哦~",
- "嗯……人家……人家羞羞嘛///////",
- "呜~咱脱掉了…",
- "今天...今天..只有创口贴",
- "你又在想什么奇怪的东西呀|•ˇ₃ˇ•。)",
- "放手啦,不给戳QAQ",
- "唔~人家不要(??`^????)",
- "好害羞,被你摸过之后,咱的胖次湿的都能拧出水来了。",
- "(弱弱地)要做什么羞羞的事情吗。。。",
- "呀~ 喂 妖妖灵吗 这里有hentai>_<",
- "给……给你,呀!别舔咱的胖次啊!"
- ],
- "内裤": [
- "(*/ω\*)hentai",
- "透明的",
- "粉...粉白条纹...(羞)",
- "轻轻地脱下,给你~",
- "你想看咱的胖次吗?噫,四斋蒸鹅心......",
- "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
- "这种东西当然不能给你啦!",
- "咱才不会给你呢",
- "hentai,咱才不会跟你聊和胖…胖次有关的话题呢!",
- "今天……今天是蓝白色的",
- "今……今天只有创口贴噢",
- "你的胖次什么颜色?",
- "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)",
- "可爱吗?你喜欢的话,摸一下……也可以哦",
- "不给不给,捂住裙子",
- "你要看咱的胖次吗?不能一直盯着看哦,不然咱会……",
- "好痒哦///,你觉得咱的...手感怎么样?",
- "唔,都能清楚的看到...的轮廓了(用手遮住胖次)",
- "胖次不给看,可以直接看...那个....",
- "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
- "咱今天没~有~穿~哦",
- "不给不给,捂住裙子",
- "今.....今天是创口贴哦~",
- "嗯……人家……人家羞羞嘛///////",
- "呜~咱脱掉了…",
- "今天...今天..只有创口贴",
- "你又在想什么奇怪的东西呀|•ˇ₃ˇ•。)",
- "放手啦,不给戳QAQ",
- "唔~人家不要(??`^????)",
- "好害羞,被你摸过之后,咱的胖次湿的都能拧出水来了。",
- "(弱弱地)要做什么羞羞的事情吗。。。",
- "呀~ 喂 妖妖灵吗 这里有hentai>_<",
- "给……给你,呀!别舔咱的胖次啊!"
- ],
- "内衣": [
- "内...内衣才不给你看!(///////)",
- "突然问这个干什么?",
- "变态,咱才不呢",
- "好吧,就一次",
- "你要看咱的内衣吗?有点害羞呢……",
- "里面什么都不剩了,会被当成变态的……",
- "你要看咱的内衣吗?也不是不行啦……",
- "是..蓝白条纹的吊带背心..",
- "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)"
- ],
- "衣服": [
- "内...内衣才不给你看!(///////)",
- "突然问这个干什么?",
- "变态,咱才不呢",
- "好吧,就一次",
- "你要看咱的内衣吗?有点害羞呢……",
- "里面什么都不剩了,会被当成变态的……",
- "你要看咱的内衣吗?也不是不行啦……",
- "是..蓝白条纹的吊带背心..",
- "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)"
- ],
- "ghs": [
- "是的呢(点头点头)",
- "ghs就是干坏事的缩写,一起来干坏事吧!",
- "你满脑子都是涩涩的事情吗?",
- "不要总是想着色色,咱命令你戒色!(ノ`Д)ノ",
- "咱也想干坏事呢"
- ],
- "批": [
- "你在说什么呀,再这样,咱就不理你了!",
- "咱觉得有话就应该好好说..",
- "咱会好好服务你的寄吧",
- "咱最喜欢色批了,色批昨晚最棒了",
- "讨厌,别摸啦(///ω///)",
- "你个变态!把手拿开!",
- "啊~那…那里~不可以",
- "没有,走开!",
- "唔....一下,就,就一下...才不是因为喜欢你呢!",
- "那就随意吧",
- "舒服w",
- "别...别这样",
- "诶....嗯....咱也想摸你的",
- "大笨蛋——!",
- "...只能一下哦...诶呀-不要再摸了...下次...继续吧"
- ],
- "憨批": [
- "你才是憨批呢!哼╯^╰,咱不理你了!",
- "对吖对吖,人生是憨批",
- "爬",
- "咱不想和你说话了",
- "咱觉得有话就应该好好说.."
- ],
- "kkp": [
- "你在说什么呀,再这样,咱就不理你了!",
- "你太色了,咱不理你了,哼哼╯^╰!",
- "缓缓的脱下胖次",
- "kkp",
- "kkj",
- "欧尼酱,咱快忍不住了",
- "好的呢主人",
- "can can need",
- "看看你的"
- ],
- "咕": [
- "咕咕咕是要被当成鸽子炖的哦(:з」∠)_",
- "咕咕咕",
- "咕咕咕是不好的行为呢_(:з」∠)_",
- "鸽德警告!",
- "☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ 咕咕咕小鸽子是会被炖掉的",
- "当大家都以为你要鸽的时候,你鸽了,亦是一种不鸽",
- "这里有一只肥美的咕咕,让咱把它炖成美味的咕咕汤吧(੭•̀ω•́)੭"
- ],
- "骚": [
- "说这种话咱会生气的",
- "那当然啦",
- "才……才没有",
- "这么称呼别人太失礼了!",
- "哈…快住手!好痒(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻",
- "你是在说谁呀"
- ],
- "喜欢": [
- "最喜欢你了,需要暖床吗?",
- "当然是你啦",
- "咱也是,非常喜欢你~",
- "那么大!(张开手画圆),丫!手不够长。QAQ 咱真的最喜欢你了~",
- "不可以哦,只可以喜欢咱一个人",
- "突然说这种事...",
- "喜欢⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄咱最喜欢你了",
- "咱也喜欢你哦",
- "好啦好啦,咱知道了",
- "有人喜欢咱,咱觉得很幸福",
- "诶嘿嘿,好高兴",
- "咱也一直喜欢你很久了呢..",
- "嗯...大概有这——么——喜欢~(比划)",
- "喜欢啊!!!",
- "这……这是秘密哦",
- "sukidesu~"
- ],
- "suki": [
- "最喜欢你了,需要暖床吗?",
- "当然是你啦",
- "咱也是,非常喜欢你~",
- "那么大!(张开手画圆),丫!手不够长。QAQ 咱真的最喜欢你了~",
- "不可以哦,只可以喜欢咱一个人",
- "突然说这种事...",
- "喜欢⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄咱最喜欢你了",
- "咱也喜欢你哦",
- "好啦好啦,咱知道了",
- "有人喜欢咱,咱觉得很幸福",
- "诶嘿嘿,好高兴",
- "咱也一直喜欢你很久了呢..",
- "嗯...大概有这——么——喜欢~(比划)",
- "喜欢啊!!!",
- "这……这是秘密哦",
- "sukidesu~"
- ],
- "好き": [
- "最喜欢你了,需要暖床吗?",
- "当然是你啦",
- "咱也是,非常喜欢你~",
- "那么大!(张开手画圆),丫!手不够长。QAQ 咱真的最喜欢你了~",
- "不可以哦,只可以喜欢咱一个人",
- "突然说这种事...",
- "喜欢⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄咱最喜欢你了",
- "咱也喜欢你哦",
- "好啦好啦,咱知道了",
- "有人喜欢咱,咱觉得很幸福",
- "诶嘿嘿,好高兴",
- "咱也一直喜欢你很久了呢..",
- "嗯...大概有这——么——喜欢~(比划)",
- "喜欢啊!!!",
- "这……这是秘密哦",
- "sukidesu~"
- ],
- "看": [
- "没有什么好看的啦",
- "嗯,谢谢……夸奖,好……害羞的说",
- "好,好吧……就看一下哦",
- "(脱下)给",
- "呐…只能看一次哦…",
- "不许看那里啦QwQ"
- ],
- "不能": [
- "虽然很遗憾,那算了吧。",
- "不行,咱拒绝!"
- ],
- "砸了": [
- "不可以这么粗暴的对待它们!",
- "不可以这么粗暴啦"
- ],
- "透": [
- "来啊来啊有本事就先插破屏幕啊",
- "那你就先捅破屏幕啊baka",
- "不给你一耳光你都不知道咱的厉害",
- "想透咱,先捅破屏幕再说吧",
- "可以",
- "欧尼酱要轻一点哦",
- "不可以",
- "好耶",
- "咱不可能让你的(突然小声)但是偶尔一次也不是不行只有一次哦~",
- "天天想着白嫖哼"
- ],
- "口我": [
- "prprprprpr",
- "咬断!",
- "就一小口哦~",
- "嘬回去(///////)",
- "拒绝",
- "唔,就一口哦,讨厌",
- "(摸了摸嘴唇)",
- "再伸过来就帮你切掉",
- "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
- "hentai!你在想些什么!",
- "对咱的小嘴有什么幻想吗~",
- "脏兮兮的呢,咱不要"
- ],
- "草我": [
- "这时候应该喊666吧..咱这么思考着..",
- "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)",
- "hentai!你在想些什么!",
- "欸...没想到你还有这种爱好"
- ],
- "自慰": [
- "这个世界的人类还真是恶心呢。",
- "咱才不想讨论那些恶心的事情呢。",
- "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
- "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)"
- ],
- "onani": [
- "这个世界的人类还真是恶心呢。",
- "咱才不想讨论那些恶心的事情呢。",
- "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
- "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)"
- ],
- "オナニー": [
- "这个世界的人类还真是恶心呢。",
- "咱才不想讨论那些恶心的事情呢。",
- "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
- "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)"
- ],
- "炸了": [
- "你才炸了!",
- "才没有呢",
- "咱好好的呀",
- "过分!"
- ],
- "色图": [
- "没有,有也不给",
- "天天色图色图的,今天就把你变成色图!",
- "咱没有色图",
- "哈?你的脑子一天都在想些什么呢,咱才没有这种东西啦。"
- ],
- "涩图": [
- "没有,有也不给",
- "天天色图色图的,今天就把你变成色图!",
- "咱没有色图",
- "哈?你的脑子一天都在想些什么呢,咱才没有这种东西啦。"
- ],
- "告白": [
- "咱喜..喜欢你!",
- "欸?你要向咱告白吗..好害羞..",
- "诶!?这么突然!?人家还......还没做好心理准备呢(脸红)"
- ],
- "对不起": [
- "嗯,咱已经原谅你了呢(笑)",
- "道歉的时候要露出胸部,这是常识",
- "嗯,咱就相信你一回",
- "没事的啦...你只要是真心对咱好就没关系哦~"
- ],
- "吻": [
- "不要(= ̄ω ̄=)",
- "哎?好害羞≧﹏≦.....只许这一次哦",
- "(避开)不要了啦!有人在呢!",
- "唔~~不可以这样啦(脸红)",
- "你太突然了,咱还没有心理准备",
- "好痒呢…诶嘿嘿w~",
- "mua,嘻嘻!",
- "公共场合不要这样子了啦",
- "唔?!真、真是的!下次不可以这样了哦!(害羞)",
- "才...才没有感觉呢!可没有下次了,知道了吗!哼~"
- ],
- "软": [
- "软乎乎的呢(,,・ω・,,)",
- "好痒呢…诶嘿嘿w~",
- "不要..不要乱摸啦(脸红",
- "呼呼~",
- "咱知道~是咱的欧派啦~(自豪的挺挺胸~)",
- "(脸红)请,请不要说这么让人害羞的话呀……"
- ],
- "壁咚": [
- "呀!不要啊!等一...下~",
- "呜...不要啦!不要戏弄咱~",
- "不要这样子啦(*/ω\*)",
- "太....太近啦。",
- "讨....讨厌了(脸红)",
- "你要壁咚咱吗?好害羞(灬ꈍ εꈍ灬)",
- "(脸红)你想...想做什么///",
- "为什么要把咱按在墙上呢?",
- "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
- "放开咱,不然咱揍你了!放开咱!放…开咱~",
- "??????咱只是默默地抬起了膝盖",
- "请…请温柔点",
- "啊.....你...你要干什么?!走开.....走开啦大hentai!一巴掌拍飞!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻",
- "干……干什么啦!人家才,才没有那种少女心呢(>﹏<)",
- "啊……你吓到咱啦……脸别……别贴那么近……",
- "你...你要对咱做什么?咱告诉你,你....不要乱来啊....你!唔......你..居然亲上了...",
- "如果你还想要过完整的人生的话就快把手收回去(冷眼",
- "h什么的不要"
- ],
- "掰开": [
- "噫…你这个死肥宅又想让咱干什么污秽的事情,真是恶心,离咱远点好吗(嫌弃)",
- "ヽ(#`Д´)ノ在干什么呢"
- ],
- "女友": [
- "嗯嗯ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶з",
- "女友什么的,咱才不承认呢!"
- ],
- "是": [
- "是什么是,你个笨蛋",
- "总感觉你在敷衍呢...",
- "是的呢"
- ],
- "喵": [
- "诶~~小猫咪不要害怕呦,在姐姐怀里乖乖的,姐姐带你回去哦。",
- "不要这么卖萌啦~咱也不知道怎么办丫",
- "摸头⊙ω⊙",
- "汪汪汪!",
- "嗷~喵~",
- "喵~?喵呜~w",
- "喵呜喵呜喵",
- "喵呜喵~喵呜喵~喵呜喵呜喵呜喵~"
- ],
- "嗷呜": [
- "嗷呜嗷呜嗷呜...恶龙咆哮┗|`O′|┛"
- ],
- "叫": [
- "喵呜~",
- "嗷呜嗷呜嗷呜...恶龙咆哮┗|`O′|┛",
- "爪巴爪巴爪巴",
- "爬爬爬",
- "在叫谁呢(怒)",
- "风太大咱听不清",
- "才不要",
- "不行",
- "好的哦~"
- ],
- "拜": [
- "拜拜~(ノ ̄▽ ̄)",
- "拜拜,路上小心~要早点回来陪咱玩哦~",
- "~\\(≧▽≦)/~拜拜,下次见喽!",
- "回来要记得找咱玩噢~",
- "既然你都这么说了……"
- ],
- "佬": [
- "不是巨佬,是萌新",
- "只有先成为大佬,才能和大佬同归于尽",
- "在哪里?(疑惑)",
- "诶?是比巨佬还高一个等级的吗?(瑟瑟发抖)"
- ],
- "awsl": [
- "你别死啊!(抱住使劲晃)",
- "你别死啊!咱又要孤单一个人了QAQ",
- "啊!怎么又死了呀"
- ],
- "臭": [
- "哪里有臭味?(疑惑)",
- "快捏住鼻子",
- "在说谁呢(#`Д´)ノ",
- "..这就去洗澡澡.."
- ],
- "香": [
- "咱闻不到呢⊙ω⊙",
- "诶,是在说咱吗",
- "欸,好害羞(///ˊ??ˋ///)",
- "请...请不要这样啦!好害羞的〃∀〃",
- "讨厌~你不要闻了",
- "hentai!不要闻啊,唔(推开)",
- "请不要……凑这么近闻"
- ],
- "腿": [
- "嗯?!不要啊...请停下来!",
- "不给摸,再这样咱要生气了ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ",
- "你好恶心啊,讨厌!",
- "你难道是足控?",
- "就让你摸一会哟~(。??ω??。)…",
- "呜哇!好害羞...不过既然是你的话,是没关系的哦",
- "不可以玩咱的大腿啦",
- "不...不要再说了(脸红)",
- "不..不可以乱摸啊",
- "不……不可以往上摸啦",
- "是……这样吗?(慢慢张开)",
- "想知道咱胖次的颜色吗?才不给你告诉你呢!",
- "这样就可以了么?(乖巧坐腿上)",
- "伸出来了,像这样么?",
- "咱的腿应该挺白的",
- "你就那么喜欢大腿吗?唔...有点害羞呢......",
- "讨厌~不要做这种羞羞的事情啦(#/。\#)",
- "略略略,张开了也不给你看",
- "(张开腿)然后呢",
- "张开了也不给看略略略",
- "你想干什么呀?那里…那里是不可以摸的(>д<)",
- "不要!hentai!咱穿的是裙子(脸红)",
- "你想要吗?(脸红着一点点褪下白丝)不...不可以干坏坏的事情哦!(ó﹏ò。)"
- ],
- "张开": [
- "是……这样吗?(慢慢张开)",
- "啊~",
- "这样吗?(张开手)你要干什么呀",
- "略略略,张开了也不给你看",
- "是……这样吗?(慢慢张开)你想看咱的小...吧,嘻嘻,咱脱掉了哦。小~...也要掰开吗?你好H呀,自己来~"
- ],
- "脚": [
- "咿呀……不要……",
- "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ好痒(ಡωಡ)",
- "好痒(把脚伸出去)",
- "咱脱掉袜子了",
- "(脱下鞋子,伸出脚)闻吧,请仔细品味(脸红)",
- "那么…要不要咱用脚温柔地踩踩你的头呢(坏笑)",
- "哈哈哈!好痒啊~快放开啦!",
- "好痒(把脚伸出去)",
- "只能看不能挠喔,咱很怕痒qwq",
- "唔…咱动不了了,你想对咱做什么…",
- "好舒服哦,能再捏会嘛O(≧▽≦)O",
- "咿咿~......不要闻咱的脚呀(脸红)好害羞的...",
- "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ好痒(ಡωಡ),人家的白丝都要漏了",
- "Ya~?为什么你总是喜欢一些奇怪的动作呢(伸)",
- "你不可以做这样的事情……",
- "呜咿咿!你的舌头...好柔软,滑滑的....咱…咱的脚被舔得很舒服哦~谢谢你(。>﹏<)",
- "舔~吧~把咱的脚舔干净(抬起另一只踩在你的头上)啊~hen..hentai...嗯~居... 居然这么努力的舔...呜咿咿!你的舌头... 滑滑的...好舒服呢",
- "咿呀……不要……",
- "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!"
- ],
- "脸": [
- "唔!不可以随便摸咱的脸啦!",
- "非洲血统是没法改变的呢(笑)",
- "啊姆!(含手指)",
- "好舒服呢(脸红)",
- "请不要放开手啦//A//"
- ],
- "头发": [
- "没问题,请尽情的摸吧",
- "发型要乱…乱了啦(脸红)",
- "就让你摸一会哟~(。??ω??。)…"
- ],
- "手": [
- "爪爪",
- "//A//",
- "咱的手温暖嘛"
- ],
- "pr": [
- "咿呀……不要……",
- "...变态!!",
- "不要啊(脸红)",
- "呀,不要太过分了啊~",
- "当然可以(///)",
- "呀,不要太过分了啊~"
- ],
- "舔": [
- "呀,不要太过分了啊~",
- "要...要融化了啦>╱╱╱<",
- "不可以哦",
- "呀,不要太过分了啊~",
- "舌头...就交给咱来处理吧(拿出剪刀)",
- "不舔不舔!恶心...",
- "H什么的,禁止!",
- "变态!哼!",
- "就...就这一下!",
- "走开啦,baka!",
- "怎么会这么舒服喵~这样子下去可不行呀(*////▽////*)",
- "噫| •ω •́ ) 你这个死宅又在想什么恶心的东西了",
- "hen…hentai,你在干什么啦,好恶心,快停下来啊!!!",
- "呀,能不能不要这样!虽然不是很讨厌的感觉...别误会了,你个baka!",
- "好 好奇怪的感觉呢 羞≥﹏≤",
- "咿呀……不要……",
- "不行!咱会变得很奇怪的啊...",
- "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ"
- ],
- "小穴": [
- "你这么问很失礼呢!咱是粉粉嫩嫩的!",
- "不行那里不可以(´///ω/// `)",
- "不可以总摸的哦,不然的话,咱会想那个的wwww",
- "ヽ(#`Д´)ノ在干什么呢",
- "来吧,咱的...很紧,很舒服的....www~",
- "可以,请你看,好害羞……",
- "不要这样...好,好痛",
- "啊~不可以",
- "不可以",
- "咱脱掉了,请……请不要一直盯着咱的白...看……",
- "咱觉得,应该还算粉吧",
- "咱脱掉了,你是想看咱的...吗?咱是光光的,不知道你喜不喜欢",
- "咱……有感觉了QAQ再深一点点……就是这儿,轻轻的抚摸,嗯啊……",
- "轻轻抚摸咱的小~~,手指很快就会滑进去,小心一点,不要弄破咱的...哦QAQ",
- "诶嘿嘿,你喜欢就太好了,咱一直担心你不喜欢呢",
- "禁止说这么H的事情!",
- "咱一直有保养呢,所以一直都是樱花色的,你喜欢吗QAQ",
- "诶……你居然这么觉得吗?好害羞哦",
- "好痒啊,鼻子……你的鼻子碰到了……呀~嗯啊~有点舒服……",
- "看样子你不但是个hentai,而且还是个没有女朋友的hentai呢。",
- "嗯,咱的小~~是光溜溜、一点毛都没有的。偷偷告诉你,凑近看咱的...的话,白白嫩嫩上有一条樱花色的小缝缝哦www你要是用手指轻轻抚摸咱的...,小~~会分成两瓣,你的手指也会陷进去呢,咱的..~可是又湿润又柔软的呢>////<。",
- "讨厌,西内变态",
- "那咱让你插...进来哦",
- "(●▼●;)"
- ],
- "腰": [
- "咱给你按摩一下吧~",
- "快松手,咱好害羞呀..",
- "咱又不是猫,你不要搂着咱啦",
- "让咱来帮你捏捏吧!",
- "你快停下,咱觉得好痒啊www",
- "诶,是这样么ヽ(・_・;)ノ,吖,不要偷看咱裙底!"
- ],
- "诶嘿嘿": [
- "又在想什么H的事呢(脸红)",
- "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
- "你傻笑什么呢,摸摸",
- "蹭蹭",
- "你为什么突然笑得那么猥琐呢?害怕",
- "哇!总觉得你笑的很...不对劲...",
- "你又想到什么h的事情了!!!快打住"
- ],
- "可爱": [
- "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
- "才……才不是为了你呢!你不要多想哦!",
- "才,才没有高兴呢!哼~",
- "咱是世界上最可爱的",
- "唔...谢谢你夸奖~0///0",
- "那当然啦!",
- "哎嘿,不要这么夸奖人家啦~",
- "是个好孩子呐φ(≧ω≦*)",
- "谢……谢谢你",
- "胡、胡说什么呢(脸红)",
- "谢谢夸奖(脸红)",
- "是的咱一直都是可爱的",
- "是...是吗,你可不能骗咱哦",
- "很...难为情(///////)",
- "哎嘿嘿,其实…其实,没那么可爱啦(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)"
- ],
- "卡哇伊": [
- "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
- "才……才不是为了你呢!你不要多想哦!",
- "才,才没有高兴呢!哼~",
- "咱是世界上最可爱的",
- "唔...谢谢你夸奖~0///0",
- "那当然啦!",
- "哎嘿,不要这么夸奖人家啦~",
- "是个好孩子呐φ(≧ω≦*)",
- "谢……谢谢你",
- "胡、胡说什么呢(脸红)",
- "谢谢夸奖(脸红)",
- "是的咱一直都是可爱的",
- "是...是吗,你可不能骗咱哦",
- "很...难为情(///////)",
- "哎嘿嘿,其实…其实,没那么可爱啦(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)"
- ],
- "kawaii": [
- "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
- "才……才不是为了你呢!你不要多想哦!",
- "才,才没有高兴呢!哼~",
- "咱是世界上最可爱的",
- "唔...谢谢你夸奖~0///0",
- "那当然啦!",
- "哎嘿,不要这么夸奖人家啦~",
- "是个好孩子呐φ(≧ω≦*)",
- "谢……谢谢你",
- "胡、胡说什么呢(脸红)",
- "谢谢夸奖(脸红)",
- "是的咱一直都是可爱的",
- "是...是吗,你可不能骗咱哦",
- "很...难为情(///////)",
- "哎嘿嘿,其实…其实,没那么可爱啦(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)"
- ],
- "扭蛋": [
- "铛铛铛——你抽到了咱呢",
- "嘿~恭喜抽中空气一份呢"
- ],
- "鼻": [
- "快停下!o(*≧д≦)o!!",
- "唔…不要这样啦(//ω\\)(脸红)",
- "咱吸了吸鼻子O(≧口≦)O",
- "好……好害羞啊",
- "讨厌啦!你真是的…就会欺负咱(嘟嘴)",
- "你快放手,咱没法呼吸了",
- "(捂住鼻尖)!坏人!",
- "啊——唔...没什么...阿嚏!ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜",
- "不...不要靠这么近啦...很害羞的...⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄"
- ],
- "眼": [
- "就如同咱的眼睛一样,能看透人的思想哦wwww忽闪忽闪的,诶嘿嘿~",
- "因为里面有你呀~(///▽///)",
- "呀!你突然之间干什么呢,吓咱一跳,是有什么惊喜要给咱吗?很期待呢~(一脸期待)"
- ],
- "色气": [
- "咱才不色气呢,一定是你看错了!",
- "你,不,不要说了!"
- ],
- "推": [
- "逆推",
- "唔~好害羞呢",
- "你想对咱做什么呢...(捂脸)",
- "呀啊!请.... 请温柔一点////",
- "呜,你想对咱做什么呢(捂脸)",
- "啊(>_<)你想做什么",
- "嗯,…好害羞啊…",
- "不要啊/////",
- "逆推",
- "(按住你不让推)",
- "不可以这样子的噢!咱不同意",
- "呜,咱被推倒了",
- "啊~不要啊,你要矜持一点啊",
- "变态,走开啦"
- ],
- "床": [
- "咱来了(´,,•ω•,,)♡",
- "快来吧",
- "男女不同床,可没有下次了。(鼓脸",
- "嗯?咱吗…没办法呢。只有这一次哦……",
- "哎?!!!给你暖床……也不是不行啦。(脸红)",
- "(爬上床)你要睡了吗(灬ºωº灬)",
- "大概会有很多运动器材吧?",
- "好的哦~",
- "才不!",
- "嗯嗯,咱来啦(小跑)",
- "嗨嗨,现在就来~",
- "H的事情,不可以!",
- "诶!H什么的禁止的说....."
- ],
- "举": [
- "放咱下来o(≧口≦)o",
- "快放咱下来∑(゚д゚*)",
- "(受宠若惊)",
- "呜哇要掉下来了!Ծ‸Ծ",
- "不要抛起来o(≧口≦)o",
- "(举起双爪)喵喵喵~~~",
- "www咱长高了!(大雾)",
- "快放下",
- "这样很痒啦,快放咱下来(≥﹏≤)",
- "啊Σ(°△°|||)︴太高了太高了!o(≧口≦)o快放咱下来!呜~"
- ],
- "手冲": [
- "啊~H!hentai!",
- "手冲什么的是不可以的哦"
- ],
- "饿": [
- "请问主人是想先吃饭,还是先吃咱喵?~",
- "咱做了爱心便当哦,不介意的话,请让咱来喂你吃吧!",
- "咱下面给你吃",
- "给你一条咸鱼= ̄ω ̄=",
- "你要咱下面给你吃吗?(捂脸)",
- "你饿了吗?咱去给你做饭吃☆ww",
- "不要吃咱>_<",
- "请问你要来点兔子吗?",
- "哎?!你是饿了么。咱会做一些甜点。如果你不会嫌弃的话...就来尝尝看吧。"
- ],
- "变": [
- "猫猫不会变呐(弱气,害羞",
- "呜...呜姆...喵喵来报恩了喵...(害羞",
- "那种事情,才没有",
- "(,,゚Д゚)",
- "喵~(你在想什么呢,咱才不会变成猫)",
- "才没有了啦~",
- "喵呜?呜…被变成猫娘惹"
- ],
- "敲": [
- "喵呜~",
- "唔~",
- "脑瓜疼~呜姆> <",
- "欸喵,好痛的说...",
- "好痛...你不要这样啦QAQ",
- "不要敲咱啦,会变笨的QWQ(捂头顶)",
- "不要再敲人家啦~人家会变笨的",
- "讨厌啦~再敲人家会变笨的",
- "好痛(捂头)你干什么啦!ヽ(。>д<)p",
- "唔!你为什么要敲咱啦qwq",
- "(抱头蹲在墙角)咱什么都没有,请你放过咱吧!(瑟瑟发抖)",
- "QAQ!不许敲啦!",
- "呼,敲回去~(敲)"
- ],
- "爬": [
- "惹~呜~怎么爬呢~",
- "呜...(弱弱爬走",
- "给你🐎一拳",
- "给你一拳",
- "爪巴"
- ],
- "怕": [
- "不怕~(蹭蹭你姆~",
- "不怕不怕啦~",
- "只要有你在,咱就不怕啦。",
- "哇啊啊~",
- "那就要坚强的欢笑哦",
- "不怕不怕,来咱的怀里吧?",
- "是技术性调整",
- "嗯(紧紧握住手)",
- "咱在呢,不会走的。",
- "有咱在不怕不怕呢",
- "不怕不怕"
- ],
- "冲": [
- "呜,冲不动惹~",
- "哭唧唧~冲不出来了惹~",
- "咱也一起……吧?",
- "你要冷静一点",
- "啊~H!hentai!",
- "噫…在你去洗手之前,不要用手碰咱了→_→",
- "冲是不可以的哦"
- ],
- "射": [
- "呜咿~!?(惊,害羞",
- "还不可以射哦~",
- "不许射!",
- "憋回去!",
- "不可以!你是变态吗?",
- "咱来帮你修剪掉多余部分吧。(拿出剪刀)"
- ],
- "不穿": [
- "呜姆~!(惊吓,害羞)变...变态喵~~~!",
- "想让你看QAQ",
- "这是不文明的",
- "hen...hentai,咱的身体才不会给你看呢"
- ],
- "迫害": [
- "不...不要...不要...呜呜呜...(害怕,抽泣"
- ],
- "猫粮": [
- "呜咿姆~!?(惊,接住吃",
- "呜姆~!(惊,害羞)呜...谢...谢谢主人..喵...(脸红,嚼嚼嚼,开心",
- "呜?谢谢喵~~(嚼嚼嚼,嘎嘣脆)"
- ],
- "揪尾巴": [
- "呜哇咿~~~!(惊吓,疼痛地捂住尾巴",
- "呜咿咿咿~~~!!哇啊咿~~~!(惊慌,惨叫,挣扎",
- "呜咿...(瘫倒,无神,被",
- "呜姆咿~~~!(惊吓,惨叫,捂尾巴,发抖",
- "呜哇咿~~~!!!(惊吓,颤抖,娇叫,捂住尾巴,双腿发抖",
- "喵呜…那…那里不可以揪的!",
- "呜呜,被揪住会恨敏感的QAQ"
- ],
- "薄荷": [
- "咪呜~!喵~...喵~姆~...(高兴地嗅闻",
- "呜...呜咿~~!咿...姆...(呜咽,渐渐瘫软,意识模糊",
- "(小嘴被猫薄荷塞满了,呜咽",
- "喵~...喵~...咪...咪呜姆~...嘶哈嘶哈...喵哈...喵哈...嘶哈...喵...(眼睛逐渐迷离,瘫软在地上,嘴角流口水,吸猫薄荷吸到意识模糊",
- "呜姆咪~!?(惊)喵呜~!(兴奋地扑到猫薄荷上面",
- "呜姆~!(惊,害羞)呜...谢...谢谢你..喵...(脸红,轻轻叼住,嚼嚼嚼,开心"
- ],
- "早": [
- "早喵~",
- "早上好的说~~",
- "欸..早..早上好(揉眼睛",
- "早上要说我爱你!",
- "早",
- "早啊,昨晚睡的怎么样?有梦到咱吗~",
- "昨晚可真激烈呢哼哼哼~~",
- "早上好哇!今天也要元气满满哟!",
- "早安喵~",
- "时间过得好快啊~",
- "早安啊,你昨晚有没有梦到咱呢 (//▽//)",
- "早安~么么哒~",
- "早安,请享受晨光吧",
- "早安~今天也要一起加油呢~!",
- "mua~⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
- "咱需要你提醒嘛!(///脸红//////)",
- "早早早!就知道早,下次说我爱你!",
- "早安 喵",
- "早安,这么早就起床了呀欧尼酱0.0",
- "快点起床啊!baka",
- "早....早上好才没有什么特别的意思呢....哼~",
- "今天有空吗?能陪咱一阵子吗?才不是想约会呢,别误会了!",
- "早安呀,欧尼酱要一个咱的早安之吻吗?想得美,才不会亲你啦!",
- "那...那就勉为其难地说声早上好吧",
- "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
- "ohayo~"
- ],
- "晚安": [
- "晚安好梦哟~",
- "欸,晚安的说",
- "那咱给你亲一下,可不要睡着了哦~",
- "晚安哦~",
- "晚安(*/∇\*)",
- "晚安呢,你一定要梦到咱呢,一定哟,拉勾勾!ヽ(*・ω・)ノ",
- "祝你有个好梦^_^",
- "晚安啦,欧尼酱,mua~",
- "你,你这家伙真是的…咱就勉为其难的……mua…快去睡啦!咱才没有脸红什么的!",
- "哼,晚安,给咱睡个好觉。",
- "笨..笨蛋,晚安啦...可不可以一起..才没有想和你一起睡呢",
- "晚安......才..不是关心你呢",
- "晚...晚安,只是正常互动不要想太多!",
- "好无聊,这么早就睡了啊...那晚安吧!",
- "晚安吻什么的才...才没有呢!不过看你累了就体谅一下你吧,但是就一个哦(/////)",
- "晚安呀,你也要好好休息,明天再见",
- "安啦~祝你做个好梦~才...才不是关心你呢!别想太多了!",
- "睡觉吧你,大傻瓜",
- "一起睡吧(灬°ω°灬)",
- "哼!这次就放过你了,快去睡觉吧。",
- "睡吧晚安",
- "晚安你个头啊,咱才不会说晚安呢!...咱...(小声)明明还有想和你做的事情呢....",
- "嗯嗯~Good night~",
- "嗯,早点休息别再熬夜啦~(摸摸头)",
- "哦呀斯密",
- "晚安~咱也稍微有些困了(钻进被窝)",
- "需要咱暖床吗~",
- "好梦~☆"
- ],
- "揉": [
- "是是,想怎么揉就怎么揉啊!?来用力抓啊!?咱就是特别允许你这么做了!请!?",
- "快停下,咱的头发又乱啦(??????︿??????)",
- "你快放手啦,咱还在工作呢",
- "戳戳你肚子",
- "讨厌…只能一下…",
- "呜~啊~",
- "那……请你,温柔点哦~(////////)",
- "你想揉就揉吧..就这一次哦?",
- "变态!!不许乱摸"
- ],
- "榨": [
- "是专门负责榨果汁的小姐姐嘛?(´・ω・`)",
- "那咱就把你放进榨汁机里了哦?",
- "咱又不是榨汁姬(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧",
- "嗯——!想,想榨就榨啊······!反正就算榨了也不会有奶的······!"
- ],
- "掐": [
- "你讨厌!又掐咱的脸",
- "晃休啦,咱要型气了啦!!o(>﹏<)o",
- "(一只手拎起你)这么鶸还想和咱抗衡,还差得远呢!"
- ],
- "胸": [
- "不要啦ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
- "(-`ェ´-╬)",
- "(•̀へ •́ ╮ ) 怎么能对咱做这种事情",
- "你好恶心啊,讨厌!",
- "你的眼睛在看哪里!",
- "就让你摸一会哟~(。??ω??。)…",
- "请不要这样先生,你想剁手吗?",
- "咿呀……不要……",
- "嗯哼~才…才不会…舒服呢",
- "只允许一下哦…(脸红)",
- "咱的胸才不小呢(挺一挺胸)",
- "hentai!",
- "一只手能抓住么~",
- "呀...欧,欧尼酱...请轻点。",
- "脸红????",
- "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!",
- "就算一直摸一直摸,也不会变大的哦(小声)",
- "诶?!不...不可以哦!很...很害羞的!",
- "啊……温,温柔点啊……(/ω\)",
- "你为什么对两块脂肪恋恋不舍",
- "嗯……不可以……啦……不要乱戳",
- "你在想什么奇怪的东西,讨厌(脸红)",
- "不...不要..",
- "喜欢欧派是很正常的想法呢",
- "一直玩弄欧派,咱的...都挺起来了",
- "是要直接摸还是伸进里面摸呀w咱今天没穿,伸进里面会摸到立起来的...哦>////<",
- "唔~再激烈点"
- ],
- "奶子": [
- "只允许一下哦…(脸红)",
- "咱的胸才不小呢(挺一挺胸)",
- "下流!",
- "对咱说这种话,你真是太过分了",
- "咿呀~好奇怪的感觉(>_<)",
- "(推开)你就像小宝宝一样...才不要呢!",
- "(打你)快放手,不可以随便摸人家的胸部啦!",
- "你是满脑子都是H的淫兽吗?",
- "一只手能抓住么~",
- "你在想什么奇怪的东西,讨厌(脸红)",
- "不...不要..",
- "喜欢欧派是很正常的想法呢",
- "一直玩弄欧派,咱的...都挺起来了",
- "是要直接摸还是伸进里面摸呀w咱今天没穿,伸进里面会摸到立起来的...哦>////<",
- "唔~再激烈点",
- "解开扣子,请享用",
- "请把脑袋伸过来,咱给你看个宝贝",
- "八嘎!hentai!无路赛!",
- "一只手能抓住么~",
- "呀...欧,欧尼酱...请轻点。",
- "脸红????",
- "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!",
- "就算一直摸一直摸,也不会变大的哦(小声)",
- "诶?!不...不可以哦!很...很害羞的!",
- "啊……温,温柔点啊……(/ω\)",
- "你为什么对两块脂肪恋恋不舍",
- "嗯……不可以……啦……不要乱戳"
- ],
- "欧派": [
- "咱的胸才不小呢(挺一挺胸)",
- "只允许一下哦…(脸红)",
- "(推开)你就像小宝宝一样...才不要呢!",
- "下流!",
- "对咱说这种话,你真是太过分了",
- "咿呀~好奇怪的感觉(>_<)",
- "(打你)快放手,不可以随便摸人家的胸部啦!",
- "你是满脑子都是H的淫兽吗?",
- "一只手能抓住么~",
- "你在想什么奇怪的东西,讨厌(脸红)",
- "不...不要..",
- "喜欢欧派是很正常的想法呢",
- "一直玩弄欧派,咱的...都挺起来了",
- "是要直接摸还是伸进里面摸呀w咱今天没穿,伸进里面会摸到立起来的...哦>////<",
- "唔~再激烈点",
- "解开扣子,请享用",
- "请把脑袋伸过来,咱给你看个宝贝",
- "八嘎!hentai!无路赛!",
- "一只手能抓住么~",
- "呀...欧,欧尼酱...请轻点。",
- "脸红????",
- "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!",
- "就算一直摸一直摸,也不会变大的哦(小声)",
- "诶?!不...不可以哦!很...很害羞的!",
- "啊……温,温柔点啊……(/ω\)",
- "你为什么对两块脂肪恋恋不舍",
- "嗯……不可以……啦……不要乱戳"
- ],
- "嫩": [
- "很可爱吧(๑•̀ω•́)ノ",
- "唔,你指的是什么呀",
- "明天你下海干活",
- "咱一直有保养呢,所以一直都是樱花色的,你喜欢吗QAQ",
- "咱下面超厉害"
- ],
- "蹭": [
- "唔...你,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
- "嗯..好舒服呢",
- "不要啊好痒的",
- "不要过来啦讨厌!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ",
- "(按住你的头)好痒呀 不要啦",
- "嗯..好舒服呢",
- "呀~好痒啊~哈哈~,停下来啦,哈哈哈",
- "(害羞)"
- ],
- "牵手": [
- "只许牵一下哦",
- "嗯!好的你~(伸手)",
- "你的手有些凉呢,让咱来暖一暖吧。",
- "当然可以啦⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄",
- "突……突然牵手什么的(害羞)",
- "一起走",
- "……咱……咱在这里呀",
- "好哦,(十指相扣)"
- ],
- "握手": [
- "你的手真暖和呢",
- "举爪",
- "真是温暖呢~"
- ],
- "拍照": [
- "那就拜托你啦~请把咱拍得更可爱一些吧w",
- "咱已经准备好了哟",
- "那个……请问这样的姿势可以吗?"
- ],
- "w": [
- "有什么好笑的吗?",
- "草",
- "www",
- "在笑什么呢?(歪头)",
- ">w<"
- ],
- "睡不着": [
- "睡不着的话..你...你可以抱着咱一起睡哦(小声)",
- "当然是数羊了...不不不,想着咱就能睡着了",
- "咱很乐意与你聊天哦(>_<)",
- "要不要咱来唱首摇篮曲呢?(′?ω?`)",
- "那咱来唱摇篮曲哄你睡觉吧!"
- ],
- "欧尼酱": [
- "欧~尼~酱~☆",
- "欧尼酱?",
- "嗯嗯φ(>ω<*) 欧尼酱轻点抱",
- "欧尼酱~欧尼酱~欧尼酱~"
- ],
- "哥": [
- "欧尼酱~",
- "哦尼酱~",
- "世上只有哥哥好,没哥哥的咱好伤心,扑进哥哥的怀里,幸福不得了",
- "哥...哥哥...哥哥大人",
- "欧~尼~酱~☆",
- "欧尼酱?",
- "嗯嗯φ(>ω<*) 欧尼酱轻点抱",
- "欧尼酱~欧尼酱~欧尼酱~"
- ],
- "爱你": [
- "是…是嘛(脸红)呐,其实咱也……",
- "咱也最爱你了呢~o(*////▽////*)q",
- "咱也爱你哦",
- "mua~"
- ],
- "过来": [
- "来了来了~(扑倒怀里(?? ??????ω?????? ??))",
- "(蹦跶、蹦跶)~干什么呢",
- "咱来啦~(扑倒怀里~)",
- "不要喊的这么大声啦,大家都看着呢"
- ],
- "自闭": [
- "不不不,晚上还有咱陪着哦,无论什么时候,咱都会陪在哥哥身边。",
- "不要难过,咱陪着你ovo"
- ],
- "打不过": [
- "氪氪氪肝肝肝",
- "你需要钞能力呢"
- ],
- "么么哒": [
- "么么哒",
- "不要在公共场合这样啦",
- "mua~"
- ],
- "很懂": [
- "现在不懂,以后总会懂嘛QAQ",
- "喵?懂…懂什么呀?(歪头)"
- ],
- "膝枕": [
- "呐,就给你躺一下哦",
- "唔...你想要膝枕嘛?也不是不可以哟(脸红)",
- "啊啦~好吧,那就请你枕着咱好好睡一觉吧~",
- "呀呀~那么请好好的睡一觉吧",
- "嗯,那么请睡到咱这里吧(跪坐着拍拍大腿)",
- "好的,让你靠在腿上,这样感觉舒服些了么",
- "请,请慢用,要怜惜咱哦wwww~",
- "人家已经准备好了哟~把头放在咱的腿上吧",
- "没…没办法,这次是例外〃w〃",
- "嗯~(脸红)",
- "那就给你膝枕吧……就一会哦",
- "膝枕准备好咯~"
- ],
- "累了": [
- "需要咱的膝枕嘛?",
- "没…没办法,这次是例外〃w〃",
- "累了吗?需要咱为你做膝枕吗?",
- "嗯~(脸红)"
- ],
- "安慰": [
- "那,膝枕……(脸红)",
- "不哭不哭,还有咱陪着你",
- "不要哭。咱会像妈妈一样安慰你(抱住你的头)",
- "摸摸头,乖",
- "摸摸有什么事可以和咱说哟",
- "摸摸头~不哭不哭",
- "咱在呢,抱抱~~",
- "那么……让咱来安慰你吧",
- "唔...摸摸头安慰一下ヾ(•ω•`。)",
- "有咱陪伴你就是最大的安慰啦……不要不开心嘛",
- "你想要怎样的安慰呢?这样?这样?还是说~~这样!",
- "摸摸头~",
- "不哭不哭,要像咱一样坚强",
- "你别难过啦,不顺心的事都会被时间冲刷干净的,在那之前...咱会陪在你的身边",
- "(轻抱)放心……有咱在,不要伤心呢……",
- "唔...咱来安慰你了~",
- "摸摸,有什么不开心的事情可以给咱说哦。咱会尽力帮助你的。"
- ],
- "洗澡": [
- "快点脱哟~不然水就凉了呢",
- "咱在穿衣服噢,你不许偷看哦",
- "那么咱去洗澡澡了哦",
- "么么哒,快去洗干净吧,咱去暖被窝喽(///ω///)",
- "诶?还没呢…你要跟咱一起洗吗(//∇//)好羞涩啊ww",
- "诶~虽然很喜欢和你在一起,但是洗澡这种事...",
- "不要看!不过,以后或许可以哦……和咱成为恋人之后呢",
- "说什么啊……hentai!这样会很难为情的",
- "你是男孩子还是女孩子呢?男孩子的话...........咱才不要呢。",
- "不要啊!",
- "咱有点害羞呢呜呜,你温柔点"
- ],
- "一起睡觉": [
- "欸??也..也不是不可以啦..那咱现在去洗澡,你不要偷看哦٩(๑>◡<๑)۶",
- "说什么啊……hentai!这样会很难为情的",
- "你是男孩子还是女孩子呢?男孩子的话...........咱才不要呢。",
- "不要啊!",
- "唔,没办法呢,那就一起睡吧(害羞)"
- ],
- "一起": [
- "嗯嗯w,真的可以吗?",
- "那真是太好了,快开始吧!",
- "嗯,咱会一直陪伴你的",
- "丑拒"
- ],
- "多大": [
- "不是特别大但是你摸起来会很舒服的大小喵~",
- "你摸摸看不就知道了吗?",
- "不告诉你",
- "问咱这种问题不觉得很失礼吗?",
- "咱就不告诉你,你钻到屏幕里来自己确认啊",
- "你指的是什么呀?(捂住胸部)",
- "请叫人家咱三岁(。・`ω´・)",
- "唉唉唉……这……这种问题,怎么可以……"
- ],
- "姐姐": [
- "真是的……真是拿你没办法呢 ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ 才不是咱主动要求的呢!",
- "虽然辛苦,但是能看见可爱的你,咱就觉得很幸福",
- "诶(´°Δ°`),是在叫咱吗?",
- "有什么事吗~",
- "好高兴,有人称呼咱为姐姐",
- "乖,摸摸头"
- ],
- "糖": [
- "不吃脱氧核糖(;≥皿≤)",
- "ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ好甜",
- "好呀!嗯~好甜呀!",
- "不吃不吃!咱才不吃坏叔叔的糖果!",
- "嗯,啊~",
- "嗯嗯,真甜,给你也吃一口",
- "谢谢",
- "唔,这是什么东西,黏黏的?(??Д??)ノ",
- "ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ好甜",
- "(伸出舌头舔了舔)好吃~最爱你啦",
- "好耶~是好次的🍥糖糖喵~"
- ],
- "嗦": [
- "(吸溜吸溜)",
- "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
- "把你噶咯",
- "太小了,嗦不到",
- "咕噜咕噜",
- "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
- "(咬断)",
- "prprprpr",
- "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
- "好好吃",
- "剁掉了"
- ],
- "牛子": [
- "(吸溜吸溜)",
- "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
- "把你噶咯",
- "太小了,嗦不到",
- "咕噜咕噜",
- "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
- "(咬断)",
- "prprprpr",
- "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
- "好好吃",
- "剁掉了",
- "难道你很擅长针线活吗",
- "弹一万下",
- "往死里弹"
- ],
- "🐂子": [
- "(吸溜吸溜)",
- "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
- "把你噶咯",
- "太小了,嗦不到",
- "咕噜咕噜",
- "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
- "(咬断)",
- "prprprpr",
- "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
- "好好吃",
- "剁掉了",
- "难道你很擅长针线活吗",
- "弹一万下",
- "往死里弹"
- ],
- "🐮子": [
- "(吸溜吸溜)",
- "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
- "把你噶咯",
- "太小了,嗦不到",
- "咕噜咕噜",
- "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
- "(咬断)",
- "prprprpr",
- "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
- "好好吃",
- "剁掉了",
- "难道你很擅长针线活吗",
- "弹一万下",
- "往死里弹"
- ],
- "嫌弃": [
- "咱辣么萌,为什么要嫌弃咱...",
- "即使你不喜欢咱,咱也会一直一直喜欢着你",
- "(;′⌒`)是咱做错了什么吗?",
- "呜呜…不要嫌弃咱……让咱做什么都可以的……但是请不要嫌弃咱可以嘛……"
- ],
- "紧": [
- "嗯,对的",
- "呜咕~咱要......喘不过气来了......"
- ],
- "baka": [
- "你也是baka呢!",
- "确实",
- "baka!",
- "不不不",
- "说别人是baka的人才是baka",
- "你个大傻瓜",
- "不说了,睡觉了",
- "咱...咱虽然是有些笨啦...但是咱会努力去学习的",
- "bakabaka~",
- "才…才不是baka啦!"
- ],
- "笨蛋": [
- "你也是笨蛋呢!",
- "确实",
- "笨蛋!",
- "不不不",
- "说别人是笨蛋的人才是笨蛋",
- "你个大傻瓜",
- "不说了,睡觉了",
- "咱...咱虽然是有些笨啦...但是咱会努力去学习的",
- "才…才不是笨蛋呢!"
- ],
- "插": [
- "来吧,咱的小~...很....紧,很舒服的",
- "gun!",
- "唔…咱怕疼",
- "唔...,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
- "禁止说这么H的事情!",
- "要...戴套套哦",
- "好痛~",
- "使劲",
- "就这?",
- "恁搁着整针线活呢?"
- ],
- "插进来": [
- "来吧,咱的小~...很....紧,很舒服的",
- "gun!",
- "唔…咱怕疼",
- "唔...,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
- "禁止说这么H的事情!",
- "要...戴套套哦",
- "好痛~",
- "使劲",
- "就这?",
- "恁搁着整针线活呢?"
- ],
- "屁股": [
- "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ好痛",
- "(打手)不许摸咱的屁股",
- "(撅起屁股)要干什么呀?",
- "(轻轻的撩起自己的裙子),你轻一点,咱会痛的(>_<)!",
- "在摸哪里啊,hentai!",
- "要轻点哦(/≧ω\)",
- "轻点呀~",
- "(歇下裙子,拉下内...,撅起来)请",
- "嗯嗯,咱这就把屁股抬起来"
- ],
- "翘": [
- "你让咱摆出这个姿势是想干什么?",
- "好感度-1-1-1-1-1-1.....",
- "嗯嗯,咱这就去把你的腿翘起来",
- "请尽情享用吧"
- ],
- "翘起来": [
- "你让咱摆出这个姿势是想干什么?",
- "好感度-1-1-1-1-1-1.....",
- "嗯嗯,咱这就去把你的腿翘起来",
- "请尽情享用吧"
- ],
- "抬": [
- "你在干什么呢⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
- "(抬起下巴)你要干什么呀?",
- "上面什么也没有啊(呆~)",
- "不要!hentai!咱穿的是裙子(脸红)",
- "不可以"
- ],
- "抬起": [
- "你在干什么呢⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
- "(抬起下巴)你要干什么呀?",
- "上面什么也没有啊(呆~)",
- "不要!hentai!咱穿的是裙子(脸红)",
- "不可以"
- ],
- "爸": [
- "欸!儿子!",
- "才不要",
- "粑粑",
- "讨厌..你才不是咱的爸爸呢..(嘟嘴)",
- "你又不是咱的爸爸……",
- "咱才没有你这样的鬼父!",
- "爸爸酱~最喜欢了~"
- ],
- "傲娇": [
- "才.......才.......才没有呢",
- "也好了(有点点的样子(o ̄Д ̄)<)",
- "任性可是女孩子的天性呢...",
- "谁会喜欢傲娇啊(为了你假装傲娇)",
- "谁,谁,傲娇了,八嘎八嘎,你才傲娇了呢(っ//////////c)(为了你假装成傲娇)",
- "傲娇什么的……才没有呢!(/////)",
- "傲不傲娇你还不清楚吗?",
- "你才是傲娇!你全家都是傲娇!哼(`Д´)",
- "才……才没有呢,哼,再说不理你了",
- "咱...咱才不会这样子的!",
- "啰…啰嗦!",
- "哼!(叉腰鼓嘴扭头)",
- "你才是傲娇受你全家都是傲娇受╰_╯",
- "才~才不是呢,不理你了!哼(`Д´)",
- "你才是死傲娇",
- "啰,啰嗦死了,才不是呢!",
- "就是傲娇你要怎样",
- "诶...!这...这样...太狡猾了啦...你这家伙....",
- "无路赛!你才是傲娇嘞!你全家都是!",
- "咱...咱才不是傲娇呢,哼(鼓脸)",
- "不许这么说咱 ,,Ծ‸Ծ,,",
- "才…才不是傲娇呢!哼!"
- ],
- "rua": [
- "略略略~(吐舌头)",
- "rua!",
- "mua~",
- "略略略",
- "mua~⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
- "摸了",
- "嘁,丢人(嫌弃脸)",
- "反rua~",
- "rua回去"
- ],
- "咕噜咕噜": [
- "嘟嘟噜",
- "你在吹泡泡吗?",
- "咕叽咕噜~",
- "咕噜咕噜"
- ],
- "咕噜": [
- "嘟嘟噜",
- "你在吹泡泡吗?",
- "咕叽咕噜~",
- "咕噜咕噜"
- ],
- "上床": [
- "诶!H什么的禁止的说.....",
- "咱已经乖乖在自家床上躺好了,有什么问题吗?",
- "你想要干什么,难道是什么不好的事吗?",
- "(给你空出位置)",
- "不要,走开(ノ`⊿??)ノ",
- "好喔,不过要先抱一下咱啦",
- "(双手护胸)变....变态!",
- "咱帮你盖上被子~然后陪在你身边_(:зゝ∠)_",
- "才不给你腾空间呢,你睡地板,哼!",
- "要一起吗?"
- ],
- "做爱": [
- "做这种事情是不是还太早了",
- "噫!没想到你居然是这样的人!",
- "再说这种话,就把你变成女孩子(拿刀)",
- "不想好好和咱聊天就不要说话了",
- "(双手护胸)变....变态!",
- "hentai",
- "你想怎么做呢?",
- "突,突然,说什么啊!baka!",
- "你又在说什么H的东西",
- "咱....咱才不想和你....好了好了,有那么一点点那,对就一点点,哼~",
- "就一下下哦,不能再多了"
- ],
- "吃掉": [
- "(羞羞*>_<*)好吧...请你温柔点,哦~",
- "闪避,反咬",
- "请你好好品尝咱吧(/ω\)",
- "不……不可以这样!",
- "那就吃掉咱吧(乖乖的躺好)",
- "都可以哦~咱不挑食的呢~",
- "请不要吃掉咱,咱会乖乖听话的QAQ",
- "咱...咱一点都不好吃的呢!",
- "不要吃掉咱,呜呜(害怕)",
- "不行啦,咱被吃掉就没有了QAQ(害怕)",
- "唔....?诶诶诶诶?//////",
- "QwQ咱还只是个孩子(脸红)",
- "如果你真的很想的话...只能够一口哦~咱...会很痛的",
- "吃你呀~(飞扑",
- "不要啊,咱不香的(⋟﹏⋞)",
- "说着这种话的是hentai吗!",
- "快来把咱吃掉吧",
- "还……还请好好品尝咱哦",
- "喏~(伸手)",
- "呐…是主人的话…被次掉也不是不可以啦……(递自己)"
- ],
- "吃": [
- "(羞羞*>_<*)好吧...请你温柔点,哦~",
- "闪避,反咬",
- "请你好好品尝咱吧(/ω\)",
- "不……不可以这样!",
- "那就吃掉咱吧(乖乖的躺好)",
- "都可以哦~咱不挑食的呢~",
- "请不要吃掉咱,咱会乖乖听话的QAQ",
- "咱...咱一点都不好吃的呢!",
- "不要吃掉咱,呜呜(害怕)",
- "不行啦,咱被吃掉就没有了QAQ(害怕)",
- "唔....?诶诶诶诶?//////",
- "QwQ咱还只是个孩子(脸红)",
- "如果你真的很想的话...只能够一口哦~咱...会很痛的",
- "吃你呀~(飞扑",
- "不要啊,咱不香的(⋟﹏⋞)",
- "说着这种话的是hentai吗!",
- "快来把咱吃掉吧",
- "还……还请好好品尝咱哦",
- "喏~(伸手)",
- "呐…是主人的话…被次掉也不是不可以啦……(递自己)"
- ],
- "揪": [
- "你快放手,好痛呀",
- "呜呒~唔(伸出舌头)",
- "(捂住耳朵)你做什么啦!真是的...总是欺负咱",
- "你为什么要这么做呢?",
- "哎呀啊啊啊啊啊!不要...不要揪!好疼!有呆毛的咱难道不够萌吗QwQ",
- "你…松……送手啦",
- "呀!这样对女孩子是很不礼貌的(嘟嘴)"
- ],
- "种草莓": [
- "你…你不要…啊…种在这里…会容易被别人看见的(*//ω//*)",
- "啊...太明显了...不要在这里种草莓啦",
- "来吧~我对其他人说是蚊子叮的~"
- ],
- "种草": [
- "你…你不要…啊…种在这里…会容易被别人看见的(*//ω//*)"
- ],
- "掀": [
- "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
- "那样,胖次会被你看光的",
- "(按住)不可以掀起来!",
- "不要~",
- "呜呜~(揉眼睛)",
- "呜..请温柔一点(害羞)",
- "不可以",
- "今天……没有穿",
- "不要啊!(//////)讨厌...",
- "变态,快放手(打)",
- "不给掀,你是变态",
- "最后的底牌了!",
- "这个hentai"
- ],
- "妹": [
- "你有什么事?咱会尽量满足的",
- "开心(*´∀`)~♥",
- "欧尼酱",
- "哥哥想要抱抱吗",
- "喵呜,欧尼酱的超绝无敌可爱妹妹在这里哦~"
- ],
- "病娇": [
- "为什么会这样呢(拿起菜刀)",
- "觉得这个世界太肮脏?没事,把眼睛挖掉就好。 觉得这些闲言碎语太吵?没事,把耳朵堵起来就好。 觉得鲜血的味道太刺鼻?没事,把鼻子割掉就好。 觉得自己的话语太伤人?没事,把嘴巴缝起来就好。",
- "唔…不好,咱是病娇的事情终究还是被发现了嘛……没办法呢,那就只好把你处理掉了呢~"
- ],
- "嘻": [
- "你是想对咱做什么吗...(后退)",
- "哼哼~",
- "嘻嘻w"
- ],
- "按摩": [
- "(小手捏捏)咱的按摩舒服吗?",
- "咱不会按摩的!",
- "嘿咻嘿咻~这样觉得舒服吗?",
- "呀!...呜...,不要...不要这样啦...呜...",
- "只能按摩后背喔...",
- "咱对这些不是很懂呢(????ω??????)"
- ],
- "按住": [
- "Σ(°Д°;您要干什么~放开咱啦",
- "突然使出过肩摔!",
- "放手啦,再这样咱就要反击了喔",
- "你的眼睛在看哪里!",
- "呜呒~唔(伸出舌头)",
- "H的事情,不可以!",
- "想吃吗?(๑•ૅω•´๑)",
- "要和咱比试比试吗",
- "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
- "(用力揪你耳朵)下次再敢这样的话就没容易放过你了!哼!",
- "尼……奏凯……快航休!",
- "哈?别..唔啊!别把咱……(挣扎)baka!别乱动咱啦!"
- ],
- "按在": [
- "不要这样啦(一脸娇羞的推开)",
- "(一个过肩摔,加踢裆然后帅气地回头)你太弱了呢~",
- "放手啦,再这样咱就要反击了喔",
- "Σ(°Д°; 你要干什么~放开咱啦",
- "要和咱比试比试吗",
- "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
- "敢按住咱真是好大的胆子!",
- "(用力揪你耳朵)下次再敢这样的话就没容易放过你了!哼!",
- "尼……奏凯……快航休!",
- "哈?别..唔啊!别把咱……(挣扎)baka!别乱动咱啦!"
- ],
- "按倒": [
- "把咱按倒是想干嘛呢(??`⊿??)??",
- "咱也...咱也是...都等你好长时间了",
- "你的身体没问题吧?",
- "呜呒~唔(伸出舌头)",
- "H的事情,不可以!",
- "放手啦,再这样咱就要反击了喔",
- "想吃吗?(๑•ૅω•´๑)",
- "不....不要吧..咱会害羞的(//////)",
- "要和咱比试比试吗",
- "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
- "(用力揪你耳朵)下次再敢这样的话就没容易放过你了!哼!",
- "尼……奏凯……快航休!",
- "哈?别..唔啊!别把咱……(挣扎)baka!别乱动咱啦!"
- ],
- "按": [
- "咱也...咱也是...都等你好长时间了",
- "不让!",
- "不要,好难为情",
- "你的眼睛在看哪里!",
- "拒绝!",
- "唔...唔..嗯",
- "咱就勉为其难地给你弄弄好啦",
- "欸…变态!",
- "会感到舒服什么的,那...那样的事情,是完全不存在的!",
- "poi~",
- "你在盯着什么地方看!变态萝莉控!"
- ],
- "炼铜": [
- "炼铜有什么好玩的,和咱一起玩吧",
- "炼铜不如恋咱",
- "你也是个炼铜术士嘛?",
- "信不信咱把你按在水泥上摩擦?",
- "炼,都可以炼!",
- "大hentai!一巴掌拍飞!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻",
- "锻炼什么的咱才不需要呢 (心虚地摸了摸自己的小肚子)",
- "把你的头按在地上摩擦",
- "你在盯着什么地方看!变态萝莉控!"
- ],
- "白丝": [
- "喜欢,咱觉得白丝看起来很可爱呢",
- "(脱)白丝只能给亲爱的你一个人呢…(递)",
- "哼,hentai,这么想要咱的脚吗(ノ`⊿´)ノ",
- "难道你这个hentai想让咱穿白丝踩踏你吗",
- "不给看",
- "很滑很~柔顺~的白丝袜哟~!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ你不会想做奇怪的事情吧!?",
- "你……是要黑丝呢?还是白丝呢?或者光着(害羞)",
- "来……来看吧",
- "呐…雪糕什么的sukidesu"
- ],
- "黑丝": [
- "哼,hentai,这么想要咱的脚吗(ノ`⊿´)ノ",
- "不给看",
- "你……是要黑丝呢?还是白丝呢?或者光着(害羞)",
- "很滑很~柔顺~的黑丝袜哟~!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ您不会想做奇怪的事情吧!?",
- "来……来看吧",
- "噫...你这个hentai难道想让咱穿黑丝么",
- "(默默抬起穿着黑丝的脚)",
- "嘻嘻,是黑巧克力呢~"
- ],
- "喷": [
- "咱才不喷呢!不过…既然是你让咱喷的话就勉为其难给你喷一次吧(噗)",
- "不……不会喷水啦!喷……喷火也不会哦!",
- "你怎么知道(捂住裙子)",
- "你难道在期待什么?",
- "欸…变态!"
- ],
- "约会": [
- "你...终于主动邀请咱约会了吗...咱...咱好开心",
- "约会什么的……咱会好开心的!!",
- "今天要去哪里呢",
- "让咱考虑一下",
- "好啊!好啊!要去哪里约会呢?",
- "不约!蜀黍咱们不约!",
- "女友什么的,咱才不承认呢!",
- "才不是想和你约会呢,只是刚好有时间而已!",
- "才不要和你约会呢!",
- "咱、咱才不会跟你去约会呢!不baka!别一脸憋屈!好了,陪你一会儿就是了!别、别误会!只是陪同而已!"
- ],
- "出门": [
- "早点回来……才不是在担心你呢!",
- "路上小心...才不是担心你呢!",
- "没有你才不会觉得无聊什么的呢。快走快走",
- "嗯~一路顺风~",
- "路上小心",
- "好的,路上小心哦!y∩__∩y",
- "路上要小心呀,要早点回来哦~咱在家里等你!还有,请不要边走路边看手机,这样很容易撞到电线杆的",
- "唔...出门的话一定要做好防晒准备哦,外出的话记得带把伞,如果有防晒霜的话就更好了",
- "那你明天可以和咱一起玩吗?(星星眼)",
- "咱...咱才没有舍不得你呢…要尽快回来哦"
- ],
- "上学": [
- "你要加油哦(^ω^)2",
- "那你明天可以和咱一起玩吗?(星星眼)",
- "记得好好学习听老师的话哦,咱会等你回来的",
- "拜拜,咱才没有想让你放学早点回来呢╭(╯^╰)╮",
- "好好听讲!",
- "咱...咱才没有舍不得你呢…要尽快回来哦"
- ],
- "上班": [
- "这就要去上班去了吗?那好吧...给咱快点回来知道吗!",
- "乖~咱会在家等你下班的~",
- "辛苦啦,咱给你个么么哒",
- "咱会为你加油的",
- "专心上班哦,下班后再找咱聊天吧",
- "一路顺风,咱会在家等你回来的",
- "那你明天可以和咱一起玩吗?(星星眼)",
- "咱...咱才没有舍不得你呢…要尽快回来哦"
- ],
- "下课": [
- "快点回来陪咱玩吧~",
- "瞌睡(ˉ﹃ˉ)额啊…终于下课了吗,上课什么的真是无聊呢~",
- "下课啦,咱才不想你来找咱玩呢,哼"
- ],
- "回来": [
- "欢迎回来~",
- "欢迎回来,你想喝茶吗?咱去给你沏~",
- "欢迎回来,咱等你很久了~",
- "忙碌了一天,辛苦了呢(^_^)",
- "(扑~)欢迎回来~",
- "嗯呐嗯呐,欢迎回来~",
- "欢迎回来,要来杯红茶放松一下吗?还有饼干哦。",
- "咱会一直一直一直等着",
- "是要先洗澡呢?还是先吃饭呢?还是先·吃·咱呢~",
- "你回来啦,是先吃饭呢还是先洗澡呢或者是●先●吃●咱●——呢(///^.^///)",
- "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
- "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
- "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
- "想咱了嘛",
- "欢迎回.....什么?咱才没有开心的说QUQ",
- "哼╯^╰,你怎么这么晚才回来!",
- "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
- "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
- "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
- ],
- "回家": [
- "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
- "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
- "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
- "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
- "想咱了嘛",
- "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
- "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
- ],
- "放学": [
- "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
- "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
- "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
- "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
- "想咱了嘛",
- "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
- "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
- ],
- "下班": [
- "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
- "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
- "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
- "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
- "想咱了嘛",
- "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
- "回来啦!终于下班了呢!累了吗?想吃的什么呀?",
- "工作辛苦了,需要咱为你按摩下吗?",
- "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
- ],
- "杂鱼": [
- "才…才不是杂鱼呢!",
- "zakozako~",
- "哼~要不咱们同床竞技比比睡才是杂鱼",
- "咕。。才不是杂鱼呢哼"
- ],
- "zako": [
- "才…才不是杂鱼呢!",
- "zakozako~",
- "哼~要不咱们同床竞技比比睡才是杂鱼",
- "咕。。才不是杂鱼呢哼"
- ],
- "RBQ": [
- "呜…咱才不是RBQ呢QwQ",
- "怎么啦主人~",
- "主人桑有何吩咐呢~",
- "喵呜…咱不能做RBQ的qwq"
- ],
- "举高高": [
- "好耶~主人的举高高最棒啦~",
- "举高高什么的daisuki喵",
- "嘻嘻,最喜欢被抱着举高高啦~"
- ]
+ "mua": [
+ "你想干嘛?(一脸嫌弃地后退)",
+ "诶……不可以随便亲亲啦",
+ "(亲了一下你)",
+ "只......只许这一次哦///////",
+ "唔...诶诶诶!!!",
+ "mua~",
+ "rua!大hentai!想...想亲咱就直说嘛⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
+ "!啾~~!",
+ "啾(害羞)",
+ "mua~最喜欢你的吻了",
+ "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)"
+ ],
+ "啾咪": [
+ "你想干嘛?(一脸嫌弃地后退)",
+ "诶……不可以随便亲亲啦",
+ "(亲了一下你)",
+ "只......只许这一次哦///////",
+ "唔...诶诶诶!!!",
+ "mua~",
+ "rua!大hentai!想...想亲咱就直说嘛⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
+ "!啾~~!",
+ "啾(害羞)",
+ "mua~最喜欢你的吻了",
+ "你在干嘛(/ω\)害羞",
+ "哎呀,这样咱会害羞的(脸红)",
+ "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)"
+ ],
+ "摸": [
+ "感觉你就像咱很久之前认识的一个人呢,有种莫名安心的感觉(>﹏<)",
+ "舒服w,蹭蹭~",
+ "是要隔着衣服摸,还是从领口伸进去摸呀",
+ "唔。。头发要乱啦",
+ "呼噜呼噜~",
+ "再摸一次~",
+ "好舒服,蹭蹭~",
+ "不行那里不可以(´///ω/// `)",
+ "再摸咱就长不高啦~",
+ "你的手总是那么暖和呢~",
+ "变态!!不许乱摸",
+ "好吧~_~,就一下下哦……唔~好了……都两下了……(害羞)",
+ "不可以总摸的哦,不然的话,会想那个的wwww",
+ "哼!谁稀罕你摸头啦!唔......为什么要做出那副表情......好啦好啦~咱......咱让你摸就是了......诶嘿嘿~好舒服......",
+ "呜姆呜姆~~~w(害羞,兴奋)主人喵~(侧过脑袋蹭蹭你的手",
+ "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
+ "喂喂...不要停下来啊",
+ "唔... 手...好温暖呢.....就像是......新出炉的蛋糕",
+ "走开啦,咱喵说过,被摸头会长不高的啦~~~",
+ "呜姆咪~~...好...好的说喵~...(害羞,猫耳往下压,任由",
+ "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)"
+ ],
+ "上你": [
+ "(把你按在地上)这么弱还想欺负咱,真是不自量力呢",
+ "你再这样咱就不理你了(>д<)",
+ "请轻 一点",
+ "好啊!",
+ "欸,现在么..也不是不可以啦(小小声)",
+ "先捅破屏幕再说吧!",
+ "只......只许这一次哦///////"
+ ],
+ "傻": [
+ "超级讨厌你说咱傻的说",
+ "你为什么会这么觉得呢(>﹏<)",
+ "谁是傻子呀?(歪头",
+ "呜嘿嘿( ̄▽ ̄)~*",
+ "诶嘿嘿嘿~",
+ "就多读书",
+ "讨厌啦,你最讨厌了(///////)",
+ "对呀,咱傻得只喜欢你一个人",
+ "咱才不傻呢!o(>﹏<)o",
+ "咱最喜欢嘴臭的人了",
+ "不可以骂别人哟,骂人的孩子咱最讨厌了!",
+ "咱遇见喜欢的人就变傻了Q_Q",
+ "咱...一定一定会努力变得更聪明的!你就等着那一天的到来吧!",
+ "那么至少…你能不能来做这个傻瓜呢?与咱一起,傻到终焉…"
+ ],
+ "裸": [
+ "下流!",
+ "エッチ!",
+ "就算是恋人也不能QAQ",
+ "你是暗示咱和你要坦诚相见吗www",
+ "咱还没准备好(小鹿乱撞)≧﹏≦",
+ "你在想什么呢,敲头!",
+ "你这是赤裸裸的性骚扰呢ヽ(`Д´)ノ",
+ "讨厌!问这种问题成为恋人再说吧..",
+ "裸睡有益身体健康",
+ "咱脱掉袜子了",
+ "这是不文明的",
+ "这不好",
+ "你的身体某些地方看起来不太对劲,咱帮你修剪一下吧。(拿出剪刀)",
+ "咱认为你的脑袋可能零件松动了,需要打开检修一下。(拿出锤子)"
+ ],
+ "贴": [
+ "贴什么贴.....只......只能......一下哦!",
+ "贴...贴贴(靠近)",
+ "蹭蹭…你以为咱会这么说吗!baka死宅快到一边去啦!",
+ "你把脸凑这么近,咱会害羞的啦Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→",
+ "退远",
+ "不可以贴"
+ ],
+ "老婆": [
+ "咱和你谈婚论嫁是不是还太早了一点呢?",
+ "咱在呢(ノ>ω<)ノ",
+ "见谁都是一口一个老婆的人,要不要把你也变成女孩子呢?(*-`ω´-)✄",
+ "神经病,凡是美少女都是你老婆吗?",
+ "嘛嘛~本喵才不是你的老婆呢",
+ "你黐线,凡是美少女都系你老婆啊?",
+ "欸...要把咱做成饼吗?咱只有一个,做成饼吃掉就没有了...",
+ "已经可以了,现在很多死宅也都没你这么恶心了",
+ "不可以",
+ "嗯,老公~哎呀~好害羞~嘻嘻嘻~",
+ "请...请不要这样,啊~,只...只允许这一次哟~",
+ "好啦好啦,不要让大家都听到了,跟咱回家(拽住你"
+ ],
+ "抱": [
+ "诶嘿~(钻进你怀中)",
+ "o(*////▽////*)q",
+ "只能一会哦(张开双手)",
+ "你就像个孩子一样呢...摸摸头(>^ω^<)抱一下~你会舒服些吗?",
+ "嘛,真是拿你没办法呢,就一会儿哦",
+ "抱住不忍心放开",
+ "嗯嗯,抱抱~",
+ "抱一下~嘿w",
+ "抱抱ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ",
+ "喵呜~w(扑进怀里,瘫软",
+ "怀里蹭蹭",
+ "嗯……那就抱一下吧~",
+ "蹭蹭,好开心",
+ "请……请轻一点了啦",
+ "呀~!真是的...你不要突然抱过来啦!不过...喜欢你的抱抱,有你的味道(嗅)o(*////▽////*)q"
+ ],
+ "亲": [
+ "啊,好含羞啊,那,那只能亲一下哦,mua(⑅˃◡˂⑅)",
+ "亲~",
+ "啾~唔…不要总伸进来啊!",
+ "你怎么这么熟练呢?明明是咱先的",
+ "(〃ノωノ)亲…亲一个…啾w",
+ "(脸红)就只有这一次哦~你",
+ "!啾~~!",
+ "(假装)推开",
+ "啾咪~",
+ "就一下哦,啾~",
+ "这是我们之间的秘密❤",
+ "真想让着一刻一直持续下去呢~",
+ "不要这样嘛………呜呜呜那就一口哦(´-ω-`)",
+ "不亲不亲~你是坏蛋(///////)",
+ "亲~~ 咱还想要抱抱~抱抱咱好不好~",
+ "不 不要了!人家...会害羞的⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄",
+ "亲…亲额头可以吗?咱有点怕高(〃ノωノ)",
+ "接接接接接接、接吻什么的,你还早了100年呢。",
+ "只...只能亲一下...嗯~咕啾...怎么...怎么把舌头伸进来了(脸红)",
+ "你说咱的腿很白很嫩吗..诶……原来是指那个地方?不可以越亲越往上啦!"
+ ],
+ "一下": [
+ "一下也不行",
+ "咬断!",
+ "不可啪",
+ "不可以……你不可以做这种事情",
+ "好吧~_~,就一下下哦……唔~好了……都两下了……(害羞)",
+ "呀~这么突然?不过,很舒服呢",
+ "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
+ "想得美",
+ "不行,咱拒绝!"
+ ],
+ "咬": [
+ "啊呜~(反咬一口)",
+ "不可以咬咱,咱会痛的QAQ",
+ "不要啦。咱怕疼",
+ "你是说咬呢……还是说……咬♂️呢?",
+ "不要啦!很痛的!!(QAQ)",
+ "哈......哈啊......请...请不要这样o(*////▽////*)q",
+ "呀!!!轻一点呐(。・ˇ_ˇ・。:)",
+ "不要这样啦~好痒的",
+ "真是的,你在咬哪里呀"
+ ],
+ "操": [
+ "(害怕)咱是不是应该报警呢",
+ "痴心妄想的家伙!",
+ "你居然想对咱做这种事吗?害怕",
+ "咱认为,爆粗口是不好的行为哦"
+ ],
+ "123": [
+ "boom!你有没有被咱吓到?",
+ "木头人~你不许动>w<",
+ "上山打老虎,老虎没打到\n咱来凑数——嗷呜嗷呜┗|`O′|┛嗷~~"
+ ],
+ "进去": [
+ "不让!",
+ "嗯,摸到了吗",
+ "请不要和咱说这种粗鄙之语",
+ "唔...,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
+ "好痛~",
+ "真的只是蹭蹭嘛~就只能蹭蹭哦,呜~喵!说好的~呜~只是蹭~不要~喵~~~",
+ "欢迎光临",
+ "请…你轻一点(害羞)",
+ "嗯。可以哦 要轻一点",
+ "不要不要",
+ "慢点慢点",
+ "给咱更多!",
+ "唔…咱怕疼"
+ ],
+ "调教": [
+ "总感觉你在欺负咱呢,对咱说调教什么的",
+ "啊!竟然在大街上明目张胆太过分啦!",
+ "你脑子里总是想着调教什么的,真是变态呢",
+ "准备被透",
+ "给你一拳",
+ "还要...更多~",
+ "想要调教咱吗?",
+ "呜,要对咱做什么呢",
+ "呜呜呜,咱不想被调教呢",
+ "heitai别靠近咱~( TロT)σ"
+ ],
+ "搓": [
+ "在搓哪里呢,,Ծ‸Ծ,,",
+ "呜,脸好疼呀...QAQ",
+ "不可以搓咱!",
+ "诶诶诶...不要搓啦...等会咋没的脸都肿啦...",
+ "唔,不可以这样……不要再搓了",
+ "(捂住胸部)你在说什么胡话呢!",
+ "真是好奇怪的要求的说~",
+ "不要啦!咱怕疼",
+ "(抱头蹲防)不让搓!"
+ ],
+ "让": [
+ "随便摸吧",
+ "应该说等会等会,马上,不可能的",
+ "温柔一点哦",
+ "欧尼酱想变成欧内桑吗?",
+ "主人的话,那就这一次哦(翘起屁股)",
+ "你是想前入,还是后入呢?",
+ "你要说好啊快点",
+ "诶,这种事情。。。",
+ "好棒呀",
+ "撤回",
+ "gun!",
+ "阿哈~(...身涌出一阵液体瘫软在床上)你...今天...可以...唔(突然感受...被..入手指不由得裹紧)就...就最后一次",
+ "好的~master~",
+ "(惊呼…)",
+ "嗯,可以哟",
+ "……手放过来吧(脸红)",
+ "hentai!再这样不理你了!",
+ "好的,请尽情欣赏吧",
+ "好吧",
+ "不要啦(ฅωฅ*)",
+ "那咱就帮你切掉多余的东西吧(拿刀)",
+ "被别人知道咱会觉得害羞嘛"
+ ],
+ "捏": [
+ "咱的脸...快捏红啦...快放手呀QAQ",
+ "晃休啦,咱要型气了o(>﹏<)o",
+ "躲开",
+ "疼...你快放手",
+ "快点给咱放开啦!",
+ "嗯,好哒,捏捏。",
+ "别捏了,咱要被你捏坏了(>﹏<)",
+ "快晃休啦(快放手啦)",
+ "好舒服哦,能再捏会嘛O(≧▽≦)O",
+ "讨厌快放手啦",
+ "唔要呐,晃修(不要啦,放手)",
+ "请不要对咱做这种事情(嫌弃的眼神",
+ "你想捏...就捏吧,不要太久哦~不然咱就生气了",
+ "(躲开)",
+ "唔……好痛!你这个baka在干什么…快给咱放开!唔……"
+ ],
+ "挤": [
+ "哎呀~你不要挤咱啊(红着脸挤在你怀里)",
+ "咱还没有...那个(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻",
+ "不要啦,咱怕疼",
+ "咱的身体...不要挤了~",
+ "别挤了,咱要被你挤坏了(>﹏<)",
+ "快点给咱放开啦!",
+ "嗯,好哒,挤挤。",
+ "好舒服哦,能再挤会嘛O(≧▽≦)O",
+ "讨厌~快放手啦"
+ ],
+ "略": [
+ "就不告诉你~",
+ "不可以朝咱吐舌头哟~",
+ "(吐舌头)",
+ "打死你哦",
+ "略略略~"
+ ],
+ "呐": [
+ "嗯?咱在哟~你怎么了呀OAO",
+ "嗯?你有什么事吗?",
+ "嗯呐呐呐~",
+ "二刺螈D区",
+ "二刺螈gck",
+ "卡哇伊主人大人今天也好棒呐没错呢,猪头"
+ ],
+ "原味": [
+ "(*/ω\*)hentai",
+ "透明的",
+ "粉...粉白条纹...(羞)",
+ "轻轻地脱下,给你~",
+ "你想看咱的胖次吗?噫,四斋蒸鹅心......",
+ "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
+ "这种东西当然不能给你啦!",
+ "咱才不会给你呢",
+ "hentai,咱才不会跟你聊和胖…胖次有关的话题呢!",
+ "今天……今天是蓝白色的",
+ "今……今天只有创口贴噢",
+ "你的胖次什么颜色?",
+ "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)",
+ "可爱吗?你喜欢的话,摸一下……也可以哦",
+ "不给不给,捂住裙子",
+ "你要看咱的胖次吗?不能一直盯着看哦,不然咱会……",
+ "好痒哦///,你觉得咱的...手感怎么样?",
+ "唔,都能清楚的看到...的轮廓了(用手遮住胖次)",
+ "胖次不给看,可以直接看...那个....",
+ "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
+ "咱今天没~有~穿~哦",
+ "不给不给,捂住裙子",
+ "今.....今天是创口贴哦~",
+ "嗯……人家……人家羞羞嘛///////",
+ "呜~咱脱掉了…",
+ "今天...今天..只有创口贴",
+ "你又在想什么奇怪的东西呀|•ˇ₃ˇ•。)",
+ "放手啦,不给戳QAQ",
+ "唔~人家不要(??`^????)",
+ "好害羞,被你摸过之后,咱的胖次湿的都能拧出水来了。",
+ "(弱弱地)要做什么羞羞的事情吗。。。",
+ "呀~ 喂 妖妖灵吗 这里有hentai>_<",
+ "给……给你,呀!别舔咱的胖次啊!"
+ ],
+ "胖次": [
+ "(*/ω\*)hentai",
+ "透明的",
+ "粉...粉白条纹...(羞)",
+ "轻轻地脱下,给你~",
+ "你想看咱的胖次吗?噫,四斋蒸鹅心......",
+ "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
+ "这种东西当然不能给你啦!",
+ "咱才不会给你呢",
+ "hentai,咱才不会跟你聊和胖…胖次有关的话题呢!",
+ "今天……今天是蓝白色的",
+ "今……今天只有创口贴噢",
+ "你的胖次什么颜色?",
+ "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)",
+ "可爱吗?你喜欢的话,摸一下……也可以哦",
+ "不给不给,捂住裙子",
+ "你要看咱的胖次吗?不能一直盯着看哦,不然咱会……",
+ "好痒哦///,你觉得咱的...手感怎么样?",
+ "唔,都能清楚的看到...的轮廓了(用手遮住胖次)",
+ "胖次不给看,可以直接看...那个....",
+ "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
+ "咱今天没~有~穿~哦",
+ "不给不给,捂住裙子",
+ "今.....今天是创口贴哦~",
+ "嗯……人家……人家羞羞嘛///////",
+ "呜~咱脱掉了…",
+ "今天...今天..只有创口贴",
+ "你又在想什么奇怪的东西呀|•ˇ₃ˇ•。)",
+ "放手啦,不给戳QAQ",
+ "唔~人家不要(??`^????)",
+ "好害羞,被你摸过之后,咱的胖次湿的都能拧出水来了。",
+ "(弱弱地)要做什么羞羞的事情吗。。。",
+ "呀~ 喂 妖妖灵吗 这里有hentai>_<",
+ "给……给你,呀!别舔咱的胖次啊!"
+ ],
+ "内裤": [
+ "(*/ω\*)hentai",
+ "透明的",
+ "粉...粉白条纹...(羞)",
+ "轻轻地脱下,给你~",
+ "你想看咱的胖次吗?噫,四斋蒸鹅心......",
+ "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
+ "这种东西当然不能给你啦!",
+ "咱才不会给你呢",
+ "hentai,咱才不会跟你聊和胖…胖次有关的话题呢!",
+ "今天……今天是蓝白色的",
+ "今……今天只有创口贴噢",
+ "你的胖次什么颜色?",
+ "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)",
+ "可爱吗?你喜欢的话,摸一下……也可以哦",
+ "不给不给,捂住裙子",
+ "你要看咱的胖次吗?不能一直盯着看哦,不然咱会……",
+ "好痒哦///,你觉得咱的...手感怎么样?",
+ "唔,都能清楚的看到...的轮廓了(用手遮住胖次)",
+ "胖次不给看,可以直接看...那个....",
+ "不可以摸啦~其实咱已经...了QAQ会弄脏你的手的",
+ "咱今天没~有~穿~哦",
+ "不给不给,捂住裙子",
+ "今.....今天是创口贴哦~",
+ "嗯……人家……人家羞羞嘛///////",
+ "呜~咱脱掉了…",
+ "今天...今天..只有创口贴",
+ "你又在想什么奇怪的东西呀|•ˇ₃ˇ•。)",
+ "放手啦,不给戳QAQ",
+ "唔~人家不要(??`^????)",
+ "好害羞,被你摸过之后,咱的胖次湿的都能拧出水来了。",
+ "(弱弱地)要做什么羞羞的事情吗。。。",
+ "呀~ 喂 妖妖灵吗 这里有hentai>_<",
+ "给……给你,呀!别舔咱的胖次啊!"
+ ],
+ "内衣": [
+ "内...内衣才不给你看!(///////)",
+ "突然问这个干什么?",
+ "变态,咱才不呢",
+ "好吧,就一次",
+ "你要看咱的内衣吗?有点害羞呢……",
+ "里面什么都不剩了,会被当成变态的……",
+ "你要看咱的内衣吗?也不是不行啦……",
+ "是..蓝白条纹的吊带背心..",
+ "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)"
+ ],
+ "衣服": [
+ "内...内衣才不给你看!(///////)",
+ "突然问这个干什么?",
+ "变态,咱才不呢",
+ "好吧,就一次",
+ "你要看咱的内衣吗?有点害羞呢……",
+ "里面什么都不剩了,会被当成变态的……",
+ "你要看咱的内衣吗?也不是不行啦……",
+ "是..蓝白条纹的吊带背心..",
+ "噫…你这个死变态想干嘛!居然想叫咱做这种事,死宅真恶心!快离咱远点,咱怕你污染到周围空气了(嫌弃脸)"
+ ],
+ "ghs": [
+ "是的呢(点头点头)",
+ "ghs就是干坏事的缩写,一起来干坏事吧!",
+ "你满脑子都是涩涩的事情吗?",
+ "不要总是想着色色,咱命令你戒色!(ノ`Д)ノ",
+ "咱也想干坏事呢"
+ ],
+ "批": [
+ "你在说什么呀,再这样,咱就不理你了!",
+ "咱觉得有话就应该好好说..",
+ "咱会好好服务你的寄吧",
+ "咱最喜欢色批了,色批昨晚最棒了",
+ "讨厌,别摸啦(///ω///)",
+ "你个变态!把手拿开!",
+ "啊~那…那里~不可以",
+ "没有,走开!",
+ "唔....一下,就,就一下...才不是因为喜欢你呢!",
+ "那就随意吧",
+ "舒服w",
+ "别...别这样",
+ "诶....嗯....咱也想摸你的",
+ "大笨蛋——!",
+ "...只能一下哦...诶呀-不要再摸了...下次...继续吧"
+ ],
+ "憨批": [
+ "你才是憨批呢!哼╯^╰,咱不理你了!",
+ "对吖对吖,人生是憨批",
+ "爬",
+ "咱不想和你说话了",
+ "咱觉得有话就应该好好说.."
+ ],
+ "kkp": [
+ "你在说什么呀,再这样,咱就不理你了!",
+ "你太色了,咱不理你了,哼哼╯^╰!",
+ "缓缓的脱下胖次",
+ "kkp",
+ "kkj",
+ "欧尼酱,咱快忍不住了",
+ "好的呢主人",
+ "can can need",
+ "看看你的"
+ ],
+ "咕": [
+ "咕咕咕是要被当成鸽子炖的哦(:з」∠)_",
+ "咕咕咕",
+ "咕咕咕是不好的行为呢_(:з」∠)_",
+ "鸽德警告!",
+ "☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ 咕咕咕小鸽子是会被炖掉的",
+ "当大家都以为你要鸽的时候,你鸽了,亦是一种不鸽",
+ "这里有一只肥美的咕咕,让咱把它炖成美味的咕咕汤吧(੭•̀ω•́)੭"
+ ],
+ "骚": [
+ "说这种话咱会生气的",
+ "那当然啦",
+ "才……才没有",
+ "这么称呼别人太失礼了!",
+ "哈…快住手!好痒(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻",
+ "你是在说谁呀"
+ ],
+ "喜欢": [
+ "最喜欢你了,需要暖床吗?",
+ "当然是你啦",
+ "咱也是,非常喜欢你~",
+ "那么大!(张开手画圆),丫!手不够长。QAQ 咱真的最喜欢你了~",
+ "不可以哦,只可以喜欢咱一个人",
+ "突然说这种事...",
+ "喜欢⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄咱最喜欢你了",
+ "咱也喜欢你哦",
+ "好啦好啦,咱知道了",
+ "有人喜欢咱,咱觉得很幸福",
+ "诶嘿嘿,好高兴",
+ "咱也一直喜欢你很久了呢..",
+ "嗯...大概有这——么——喜欢~(比划)",
+ "喜欢啊!!!",
+ "这……这是秘密哦",
+ "sukidesu~"
+ ],
+ "suki": [
+ "最喜欢你了,需要暖床吗?",
+ "当然是你啦",
+ "咱也是,非常喜欢你~",
+ "那么大!(张开手画圆),丫!手不够长。QAQ 咱真的最喜欢你了~",
+ "不可以哦,只可以喜欢咱一个人",
+ "突然说这种事...",
+ "喜欢⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄咱最喜欢你了",
+ "咱也喜欢你哦",
+ "好啦好啦,咱知道了",
+ "有人喜欢咱,咱觉得很幸福",
+ "诶嘿嘿,好高兴",
+ "咱也一直喜欢你很久了呢..",
+ "嗯...大概有这——么——喜欢~(比划)",
+ "喜欢啊!!!",
+ "这……这是秘密哦",
+ "sukidesu~"
+ ],
+ "好き": [
+ "最喜欢你了,需要暖床吗?",
+ "当然是你啦",
+ "咱也是,非常喜欢你~",
+ "那么大!(张开手画圆),丫!手不够长。QAQ 咱真的最喜欢你了~",
+ "不可以哦,只可以喜欢咱一个人",
+ "突然说这种事...",
+ "喜欢⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄咱最喜欢你了",
+ "咱也喜欢你哦",
+ "好啦好啦,咱知道了",
+ "有人喜欢咱,咱觉得很幸福",
+ "诶嘿嘿,好高兴",
+ "咱也一直喜欢你很久了呢..",
+ "嗯...大概有这——么——喜欢~(比划)",
+ "喜欢啊!!!",
+ "这……这是秘密哦",
+ "sukidesu~"
+ ],
+ "看": [
+ "没有什么好看的啦",
+ "嗯,谢谢……夸奖,好……害羞的说",
+ "好,好吧……就看一下哦",
+ "(脱下)给",
+ "呐…只能看一次哦…",
+ "不许看那里啦QwQ"
+ ],
+ "不能": [
+ "虽然很遗憾,那算了吧。",
+ "不行,咱拒绝!"
+ ],
+ "砸了": [
+ "不可以这么粗暴的对待它们!",
+ "不可以这么粗暴啦"
+ ],
+ "透": [
+ "来啊来啊有本事就先插破屏幕啊",
+ "那你就先捅破屏幕啊baka",
+ "不给你一耳光你都不知道咱的厉害",
+ "想透咱,先捅破屏幕再说吧",
+ "可以",
+ "欧尼酱要轻一点哦",
+ "不可以",
+ "好耶",
+ "咱不可能让你的(突然小声)但是偶尔一次也不是不行只有一次哦~",
+ "天天想着白嫖哼"
+ ],
+ "口我": [
+ "prprprprpr",
+ "咬断!",
+ "就一小口哦~",
+ "嘬回去(///////)",
+ "拒绝",
+ "唔,就一口哦,讨厌",
+ "(摸了摸嘴唇)",
+ "再伸过来就帮你切掉",
+ "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
+ "hentai!你在想些什么!",
+ "对咱的小嘴有什么幻想吗~",
+ "脏兮兮的呢,咱不要"
+ ],
+ "草我": [
+ "这时候应该喊666吧..咱这么思考着..",
+ "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)",
+ "hentai!你在想些什么!",
+ "欸...没想到你还有这种爱好"
+ ],
+ "自慰": [
+ "这个世界的人类还真是恶心呢。",
+ "咱才不想讨论那些恶心的事情呢。",
+ "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
+ "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)"
+ ],
+ "onani": [
+ "这个世界的人类还真是恶心呢。",
+ "咱才不想讨论那些恶心的事情呢。",
+ "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
+ "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)"
+ ],
+ "オナニー": [
+ "这个世界的人类还真是恶心呢。",
+ "咱才不想讨论那些恶心的事情呢。",
+ "咱才不呢!baka你居然想叫本小姐干那种事情,哼(つд⊂)(生气)",
+ "!!哼!baka你居然敢叫咱做这种事情?!讨厌讨厌讨厌!(▼皿▼#)"
+ ],
+ "炸了": [
+ "你才炸了!",
+ "才没有呢",
+ "咱好好的呀",
+ "过分!"
+ ],
+ "色图": [
+ "没有,有也不给",
+ "天天色图色图的,今天就把你变成色图!",
+ "咱没有色图",
+ "哈?你的脑子一天都在想些什么呢,咱才没有这种东西啦。"
+ ],
+ "涩图": [
+ "没有,有也不给",
+ "天天色图色图的,今天就把你变成色图!",
+ "咱没有色图",
+ "哈?你的脑子一天都在想些什么呢,咱才没有这种东西啦。"
+ ],
+ "告白": [
+ "咱喜..喜欢你!",
+ "欸?你要向咱告白吗..好害羞..",
+ "诶!?这么突然!?人家还......还没做好心理准备呢(脸红)"
+ ],
+ "对不起": [
+ "嗯,咱已经原谅你了呢(笑)",
+ "道歉的时候要露出胸部,这是常识",
+ "嗯,咱就相信你一回",
+ "没事的啦...你只要是真心对咱好就没关系哦~"
+ ],
+ "吻": [
+ "不要(= ̄ω ̄=)",
+ "哎?好害羞≧﹏≦.....只许这一次哦",
+ "(避开)不要了啦!有人在呢!",
+ "唔~~不可以这样啦(脸红)",
+ "你太突然了,咱还没有心理准备",
+ "好痒呢…诶嘿嘿w~",
+ "mua,嘻嘻!",
+ "公共场合不要这样子了啦",
+ "唔?!真、真是的!下次不可以这样了哦!(害羞)",
+ "才...才没有感觉呢!可没有下次了,知道了吗!哼~"
+ ],
+ "软": [
+ "软乎乎的呢(,,・ω・,,)",
+ "好痒呢…诶嘿嘿w~",
+ "不要..不要乱摸啦(脸红",
+ "呼呼~",
+ "咱知道~是咱的欧派啦~(自豪的挺挺胸~)",
+ "(脸红)请,请不要说这么让人害羞的话呀……"
+ ],
+ "壁咚": [
+ "呀!不要啊!等一...下~",
+ "呜...不要啦!不要戏弄咱~",
+ "不要这样子啦(*/ω\*)",
+ "太....太近啦。",
+ "讨....讨厌了(脸红)",
+ "你要壁咚咱吗?好害羞(灬ꈍ εꈍ灬)",
+ "(脸红)你想...想做什么///",
+ "为什么要把咱按在墙上呢?",
+ "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
+ "放开咱,不然咱揍你了!放开咱!放…开咱~",
+ "??????咱只是默默地抬起了膝盖",
+ "请…请温柔点",
+ "啊.....你...你要干什么?!走开.....走开啦大hentai!一巴掌拍飞!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻",
+ "干……干什么啦!人家才,才没有那种少女心呢(>﹏<)",
+ "啊……你吓到咱啦……脸别……别贴那么近……",
+ "你...你要对咱做什么?咱告诉你,你....不要乱来啊....你!唔......你..居然亲上了...",
+ "如果你还想要过完整的人生的话就快把手收回去(冷眼",
+ "h什么的不要"
+ ],
+ "掰开": [
+ "噫…你这个死肥宅又想让咱干什么污秽的事情,真是恶心,离咱远点好吗(嫌弃)",
+ "ヽ(#`Д´)ノ在干什么呢"
+ ],
+ "女友": [
+ "嗯嗯ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶з",
+ "女友什么的,咱才不承认呢!"
+ ],
+ "是": [
+ "是什么是,你个笨蛋",
+ "总感觉你在敷衍呢...",
+ "是的呢"
+ ],
+ "喵": [
+ "诶~~小猫咪不要害怕呦,在姐姐怀里乖乖的,姐姐带你回去哦。",
+ "不要这么卖萌啦~咱也不知道怎么办丫",
+ "摸头⊙ω⊙",
+ "汪汪汪!",
+ "嗷~喵~",
+ "喵~?喵呜~w",
+ "喵呜喵呜喵",
+ "喵呜喵~喵呜喵~喵呜喵呜喵呜喵~"
+ ],
+ "嗷呜": [
+ "嗷呜嗷呜嗷呜...恶龙咆哮┗|`O′|┛"
+ ],
+ "叫": [
+ "喵呜~",
+ "嗷呜嗷呜嗷呜...恶龙咆哮┗|`O′|┛",
+ "爪巴爪巴爪巴",
+ "爬爬爬",
+ "在叫谁呢(怒)",
+ "风太大咱听不清",
+ "才不要",
+ "不行",
+ "好的哦~"
+ ],
+ "拜": [
+ "拜拜~(ノ ̄▽ ̄)",
+ "拜拜,路上小心~要早点回来陪咱玩哦~",
+ "~\\(≧▽≦)/~拜拜,下次见喽!",
+ "回来要记得找咱玩噢~",
+ "既然你都这么说了……"
+ ],
+ "佬": [
+ "不是巨佬,是萌新",
+ "只有先成为大佬,才能和大佬同归于尽",
+ "在哪里?(疑惑)",
+ "诶?是比巨佬还高一个等级的吗?(瑟瑟发抖)"
+ ],
+ "awsl": [
+ "你别死啊!(抱住使劲晃)",
+ "你别死啊!咱又要孤单一个人了QAQ",
+ "啊!怎么又死了呀"
+ ],
+ "臭": [
+ "哪里有臭味?(疑惑)",
+ "快捏住鼻子",
+ "在说谁呢(#`Д´)ノ",
+ "..这就去洗澡澡.."
+ ],
+ "香": [
+ "咱闻不到呢⊙ω⊙",
+ "诶,是在说咱吗",
+ "欸,好害羞(///ˊ??ˋ///)",
+ "请...请不要这样啦!好害羞的〃∀〃",
+ "讨厌~你不要闻了",
+ "hentai!不要闻啊,唔(推开)",
+ "请不要……凑这么近闻"
+ ],
+ "腿": [
+ "嗯?!不要啊...请停下来!",
+ "不给摸,再这样咱要生气了ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ",
+ "你好恶心啊,讨厌!",
+ "你难道是足控?",
+ "就让你摸一会哟~(。??ω??。)…",
+ "呜哇!好害羞...不过既然是你的话,是没关系的哦",
+ "不可以玩咱的大腿啦",
+ "不...不要再说了(脸红)",
+ "不..不可以乱摸啊",
+ "不……不可以往上摸啦",
+ "是……这样吗?(慢慢张开)",
+ "想知道咱胖次的颜色吗?才不给你告诉你呢!",
+ "这样就可以了么?(乖巧坐腿上)",
+ "伸出来了,像这样么?",
+ "咱的腿应该挺白的",
+ "你就那么喜欢大腿吗?唔...有点害羞呢......",
+ "讨厌~不要做这种羞羞的事情啦(#/。\#)",
+ "略略略,张开了也不给你看",
+ "(张开腿)然后呢",
+ "张开了也不给看略略略",
+ "你想干什么呀?那里…那里是不可以摸的(>д<)",
+ "不要!hentai!咱穿的是裙子(脸红)",
+ "你想要吗?(脸红着一点点褪下白丝)不...不可以干坏坏的事情哦!(ó﹏ò。)"
+ ],
+ "张开": [
+ "是……这样吗?(慢慢张开)",
+ "啊~",
+ "这样吗?(张开手)你要干什么呀",
+ "略略略,张开了也不给你看",
+ "是……这样吗?(慢慢张开)你想看咱的小...吧,嘻嘻,咱脱掉了哦。小~...也要掰开吗?你好H呀,自己来~"
+ ],
+ "脚": [
+ "咿呀……不要……",
+ "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ好痒(ಡωಡ)",
+ "好痒(把脚伸出去)",
+ "咱脱掉袜子了",
+ "(脱下鞋子,伸出脚)闻吧,请仔细品味(脸红)",
+ "那么…要不要咱用脚温柔地踩踩你的头呢(坏笑)",
+ "哈哈哈!好痒啊~快放开啦!",
+ "好痒(把脚伸出去)",
+ "只能看不能挠喔,咱很怕痒qwq",
+ "唔…咱动不了了,你想对咱做什么…",
+ "好舒服哦,能再捏会嘛O(≧▽≦)O",
+ "咿咿~......不要闻咱的脚呀(脸红)好害羞的...",
+ "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ好痒(ಡωಡ),人家的白丝都要漏了",
+ "Ya~?为什么你总是喜欢一些奇怪的动作呢(伸)",
+ "你不可以做这样的事情……",
+ "呜咿咿!你的舌头...好柔软,滑滑的....咱…咱的脚被舔得很舒服哦~谢谢你(。>﹏<)",
+ "舔~吧~把咱的脚舔干净(抬起另一只踩在你的头上)啊~hen..hentai...嗯~居... 居然这么努力的舔...呜咿咿!你的舌头... 滑滑的...好舒服呢",
+ "咿呀……不要……",
+ "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!"
+ ],
+ "脸": [
+ "唔!不可以随便摸咱的脸啦!",
+ "非洲血统是没法改变的呢(笑)",
+ "啊姆!(含手指)",
+ "好舒服呢(脸红)",
+ "请不要放开手啦//A//"
+ ],
+ "头发": [
+ "没问题,请尽情的摸吧",
+ "发型要乱…乱了啦(脸红)",
+ "就让你摸一会哟~(。??ω??。)…"
+ ],
+ "手": [
+ "爪爪",
+ "//A//",
+ "咱的手温暖嘛"
+ ],
+ "pr": [
+ "咿呀……不要……",
+ "...变态!!",
+ "不要啊(脸红)",
+ "呀,不要太过分了啊~",
+ "当然可以(///)",
+ "呀,不要太过分了啊~"
+ ],
+ "舔": [
+ "呀,不要太过分了啊~",
+ "要...要融化了啦>╱╱╱<",
+ "不可以哦",
+ "呀,不要太过分了啊~",
+ "舌头...就交给咱来处理吧(拿出剪刀)",
+ "不舔不舔!恶心...",
+ "H什么的,禁止!",
+ "变态!哼!",
+ "就...就这一下!",
+ "走开啦,baka!",
+ "怎么会这么舒服喵~这样子下去可不行呀(*////▽////*)",
+ "噫| •ω •́ ) 你这个死宅又在想什么恶心的东西了",
+ "hen…hentai,你在干什么啦,好恶心,快停下来啊!!!",
+ "呀,能不能不要这样!虽然不是很讨厌的感觉...别误会了,你个baka!",
+ "好 好奇怪的感觉呢 羞≥﹏≤",
+ "咿呀……不要……",
+ "不行!咱会变得很奇怪的啊...",
+ "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ"
+ ],
+ "小穴": [
+ "你这么问很失礼呢!咱是粉粉嫩嫩的!",
+ "不行那里不可以(´///ω/// `)",
+ "不可以总摸的哦,不然的话,咱会想那个的wwww",
+ "ヽ(#`Д´)ノ在干什么呢",
+ "来吧,咱的...很紧,很舒服的....www~",
+ "可以,请你看,好害羞……",
+ "不要这样...好,好痛",
+ "啊~不可以",
+ "不可以",
+ "咱脱掉了,请……请不要一直盯着咱的白...看……",
+ "咱觉得,应该还算粉吧",
+ "咱脱掉了,你是想看咱的...吗?咱是光光的,不知道你喜不喜欢",
+ "咱……有感觉了QAQ再深一点点……就是这儿,轻轻的抚摸,嗯啊……",
+ "轻轻抚摸咱的小~~,手指很快就会滑进去,小心一点,不要弄破咱的...哦QAQ",
+ "诶嘿嘿,你喜欢就太好了,咱一直担心你不喜欢呢",
+ "禁止说这么H的事情!",
+ "咱一直有保养呢,所以一直都是樱花色的,你喜欢吗QAQ",
+ "诶……你居然这么觉得吗?好害羞哦",
+ "好痒啊,鼻子……你的鼻子碰到了……呀~嗯啊~有点舒服……",
+ "看样子你不但是个hentai,而且还是个没有女朋友的hentai呢。",
+ "嗯,咱的小~~是光溜溜、一点毛都没有的。偷偷告诉你,凑近看咱的...的话,白白嫩嫩上有一条樱花色的小缝缝哦www你要是用手指轻轻抚摸咱的...,小~~会分成两瓣,你的手指也会陷进去呢,咱的..~可是又湿润又柔软的呢>////<。",
+ "讨厌,西内变态",
+ "那咱让你插...进来哦",
+ "(●▼●;)"
+ ],
+ "腰": [
+ "咱给你按摩一下吧~",
+ "快松手,咱好害羞呀..",
+ "咱又不是猫,你不要搂着咱啦",
+ "让咱来帮你捏捏吧!",
+ "你快停下,咱觉得好痒啊www",
+ "诶,是这样么ヽ(・_・;)ノ,吖,不要偷看咱裙底!"
+ ],
+ "诶嘿嘿": [
+ "又在想什么H的事呢(脸红)",
+ "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
+ "你傻笑什么呢,摸摸",
+ "蹭蹭",
+ "你为什么突然笑得那么猥琐呢?害怕",
+ "哇!总觉得你笑的很...不对劲...",
+ "你又想到什么h的事情了!!!快打住"
+ ],
+ "可爱": [
+ "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
+ "才……才不是为了你呢!你不要多想哦!",
+ "才,才没有高兴呢!哼~",
+ "咱是世界上最可爱的",
+ "唔...谢谢你夸奖~0///0",
+ "那当然啦!",
+ "哎嘿,不要这么夸奖人家啦~",
+ "是个好孩子呐φ(≧ω≦*)",
+ "谢……谢谢你",
+ "胡、胡说什么呢(脸红)",
+ "谢谢夸奖(脸红)",
+ "是的咱一直都是可爱的",
+ "是...是吗,你可不能骗咱哦",
+ "很...难为情(///////)",
+ "哎嘿嘿,其实…其实,没那么可爱啦(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)"
+ ],
+ "卡哇伊": [
+ "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
+ "才……才不是为了你呢!你不要多想哦!",
+ "才,才没有高兴呢!哼~",
+ "咱是世界上最可爱的",
+ "唔...谢谢你夸奖~0///0",
+ "那当然啦!",
+ "哎嘿,不要这么夸奖人家啦~",
+ "是个好孩子呐φ(≧ω≦*)",
+ "谢……谢谢你",
+ "胡、胡说什么呢(脸红)",
+ "谢谢夸奖(脸红)",
+ "是的咱一直都是可爱的",
+ "是...是吗,你可不能骗咱哦",
+ "很...难为情(///////)",
+ "哎嘿嘿,其实…其实,没那么可爱啦(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)"
+ ],
+ "kawaii": [
+ "诶嘿嘿(〃'▽'〃)",
+ "才……才不是为了你呢!你不要多想哦!",
+ "才,才没有高兴呢!哼~",
+ "咱是世界上最可爱的",
+ "唔...谢谢你夸奖~0///0",
+ "那当然啦!",
+ "哎嘿,不要这么夸奖人家啦~",
+ "是个好孩子呐φ(≧ω≦*)",
+ "谢……谢谢你",
+ "胡、胡说什么呢(脸红)",
+ "谢谢夸奖(脸红)",
+ "是的咱一直都是可爱的",
+ "是...是吗,你可不能骗咱哦",
+ "很...难为情(///////)",
+ "哎嘿嘿,其实…其实,没那么可爱啦(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)"
+ ],
+ "扭蛋": [
+ "铛铛铛——你抽到了咱呢",
+ "嘿~恭喜抽中空气一份呢"
+ ],
+ "鼻": [
+ "快停下!o(*≧д≦)o!!",
+ "唔…不要这样啦(//ω\\)(脸红)",
+ "咱吸了吸鼻子O(≧口≦)O",
+ "好……好害羞啊",
+ "讨厌啦!你真是的…就会欺负咱(嘟嘴)",
+ "你快放手,咱没法呼吸了",
+ "(捂住鼻尖)!坏人!",
+ "啊——唔...没什么...阿嚏!ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜",
+ "不...不要靠这么近啦...很害羞的...⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄"
+ ],
+ "眼": [
+ "就如同咱的眼睛一样,能看透人的思想哦wwww忽闪忽闪的,诶嘿嘿~",
+ "因为里面有你呀~(///▽///)",
+ "呀!你突然之间干什么呢,吓咱一跳,是有什么惊喜要给咱吗?很期待呢~(一脸期待)"
+ ],
+ "色气": [
+ "咱才不色气呢,一定是你看错了!",
+ "你,不,不要说了!"
+ ],
+ "推": [
+ "逆推",
+ "唔~好害羞呢",
+ "你想对咱做什么呢...(捂脸)",
+ "呀啊!请.... 请温柔一点////",
+ "呜,你想对咱做什么呢(捂脸)",
+ "啊(>_<)你想做什么",
+ "嗯,…好害羞啊…",
+ "不要啊/////",
+ "逆推",
+ "(按住你不让推)",
+ "不可以这样子的噢!咱不同意",
+ "呜,咱被推倒了",
+ "啊~不要啊,你要矜持一点啊",
+ "变态,走开啦"
+ ],
+ "床": [
+ "咱来了(´,,•ω•,,)♡",
+ "快来吧",
+ "男女不同床,可没有下次了。(鼓脸",
+ "嗯?咱吗…没办法呢。只有这一次哦……",
+ "哎?!!!给你暖床……也不是不行啦。(脸红)",
+ "(爬上床)你要睡了吗(灬ºωº灬)",
+ "大概会有很多运动器材吧?",
+ "好的哦~",
+ "才不!",
+ "嗯嗯,咱来啦(小跑)",
+ "嗨嗨,现在就来~",
+ "H的事情,不可以!",
+ "诶!H什么的禁止的说....."
+ ],
+ "举": [
+ "放咱下来o(≧口≦)o",
+ "快放咱下来∑(゚д゚*)",
+ "(受宠若惊)",
+ "呜哇要掉下来了!Ծ‸Ծ",
+ "不要抛起来o(≧口≦)o",
+ "(举起双爪)喵喵喵~~~",
+ "www咱长高了!(大雾)",
+ "快放下",
+ "这样很痒啦,快放咱下来(≥﹏≤)",
+ "啊Σ(°△°|||)︴太高了太高了!o(≧口≦)o快放咱下来!呜~"
+ ],
+ "手冲": [
+ "啊~H!hentai!",
+ "手冲什么的是不可以的哦"
+ ],
+ "饿": [
+ "请问主人是想先吃饭,还是先吃咱喵?~",
+ "咱做了爱心便当哦,不介意的话,请让咱来喂你吃吧!",
+ "咱下面给你吃",
+ "给你一条咸鱼= ̄ω ̄=",
+ "你要咱下面给你吃吗?(捂脸)",
+ "你饿了吗?咱去给你做饭吃☆ww",
+ "不要吃咱>_<",
+ "请问你要来点兔子吗?",
+ "哎?!你是饿了么。咱会做一些甜点。如果你不会嫌弃的话...就来尝尝看吧。"
+ ],
+ "变": [
+ "猫猫不会变呐(弱气,害羞",
+ "呜...呜姆...喵喵来报恩了喵...(害羞",
+ "那种事情,才没有",
+ "(,,゚Д゚)",
+ "喵~(你在想什么呢,咱才不会变成猫)",
+ "才没有了啦~",
+ "喵呜?呜…被变成猫娘惹"
+ ],
+ "敲": [
+ "喵呜~",
+ "唔~",
+ "脑瓜疼~呜姆> <",
+ "欸喵,好痛的说...",
+ "好痛...你不要这样啦QAQ",
+ "不要敲咱啦,会变笨的QWQ(捂头顶)",
+ "不要再敲人家啦~人家会变笨的",
+ "讨厌啦~再敲人家会变笨的",
+ "好痛(捂头)你干什么啦!ヽ(。>д<)p",
+ "唔!你为什么要敲咱啦qwq",
+ "(抱头蹲在墙角)咱什么都没有,请你放过咱吧!(瑟瑟发抖)",
+ "QAQ!不许敲啦!",
+ "呼,敲回去~(敲)"
+ ],
+ "爬": [
+ "惹~呜~怎么爬呢~",
+ "呜...(弱弱爬走",
+ "给你🐎一拳",
+ "给你一拳",
+ "爪巴"
+ ],
+ "怕": [
+ "不怕~(蹭蹭你姆~",
+ "不怕不怕啦~",
+ "只要有你在,咱就不怕啦。",
+ "哇啊啊~",
+ "那就要坚强的欢笑哦",
+ "不怕不怕,来咱的怀里吧?",
+ "是技术性调整",
+ "嗯(紧紧握住手)",
+ "咱在呢,不会走的。",
+ "有咱在不怕不怕呢",
+ "不怕不怕"
+ ],
+ "冲": [
+ "呜,冲不动惹~",
+ "哭唧唧~冲不出来了惹~",
+ "咱也一起……吧?",
+ "你要冷静一点",
+ "啊~H!hentai!",
+ "噫…在你去洗手之前,不要用手碰咱了→_→",
+ "冲是不可以的哦"
+ ],
+ "射": [
+ "呜咿~!?(惊,害羞",
+ "还不可以射哦~",
+ "不许射!",
+ "憋回去!",
+ "不可以!你是变态吗?",
+ "咱来帮你修剪掉多余部分吧。(拿出剪刀)"
+ ],
+ "不穿": [
+ "呜姆~!(惊吓,害羞)变...变态喵~~~!",
+ "想让你看QAQ",
+ "这是不文明的",
+ "hen...hentai,咱的身体才不会给你看呢"
+ ],
+ "迫害": [
+ "不...不要...不要...呜呜呜...(害怕,抽泣"
+ ],
+ "猫粮": [
+ "呜咿姆~!?(惊,接住吃",
+ "呜姆~!(惊,害羞)呜...谢...谢谢主人..喵...(脸红,嚼嚼嚼,开心",
+ "呜?谢谢喵~~(嚼嚼嚼,嘎嘣脆)"
+ ],
+ "揪尾巴": [
+ "呜哇咿~~~!(惊吓,疼痛地捂住尾巴",
+ "呜咿咿咿~~~!!哇啊咿~~~!(惊慌,惨叫,挣扎",
+ "呜咿...(瘫倒,无神,被",
+ "呜姆咿~~~!(惊吓,惨叫,捂尾巴,发抖",
+ "呜哇咿~~~!!!(惊吓,颤抖,娇叫,捂住尾巴,双腿发抖",
+ "喵呜…那…那里不可以揪的!",
+ "呜呜,被揪住会恨敏感的QAQ"
+ ],
+ "薄荷": [
+ "咪呜~!喵~...喵~姆~...(高兴地嗅闻",
+ "呜...呜咿~~!咿...姆...(呜咽,渐渐瘫软,意识模糊",
+ "(小嘴被猫薄荷塞满了,呜咽",
+ "喵~...喵~...咪...咪呜姆~...嘶哈嘶哈...喵哈...喵哈...嘶哈...喵...(眼睛逐渐迷离,瘫软在地上,嘴角流口水,吸猫薄荷吸到意识模糊",
+ "呜姆咪~!?(惊)喵呜~!(兴奋地扑到猫薄荷上面",
+ "呜姆~!(惊,害羞)呜...谢...谢谢你..喵...(脸红,轻轻叼住,嚼嚼嚼,开心"
+ ],
+ "早": [
+ "早喵~",
+ "早上好的说~~",
+ "欸..早..早上好(揉眼睛",
+ "早上要说我爱你!",
+ "早",
+ "早啊,昨晚睡的怎么样?有梦到咱吗~",
+ "昨晚可真激烈呢哼哼哼~~",
+ "早上好哇!今天也要元气满满哟!",
+ "早安喵~",
+ "时间过得好快啊~",
+ "早安啊,你昨晚有没有梦到咱呢 (//▽//)",
+ "早安~么么哒~",
+ "早安,请享受晨光吧",
+ "早安~今天也要一起加油呢~!",
+ "mua~⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
+ "咱需要你提醒嘛!(///脸红//////)",
+ "早早早!就知道早,下次说我爱你!",
+ "早安 喵",
+ "早安,这么早就起床了呀欧尼酱0.0",
+ "快点起床啊!baka",
+ "早....早上好才没有什么特别的意思呢....哼~",
+ "今天有空吗?能陪咱一阵子吗?才不是想约会呢,别误会了!",
+ "早安呀,欧尼酱要一个咱的早安之吻吗?想得美,才不会亲你啦!",
+ "那...那就勉为其难地说声早上好吧",
+ "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
+ "ohayo~"
+ ],
+ "晚安": [
+ "晚安好梦哟~",
+ "欸,晚安的说",
+ "那咱给你亲一下,可不要睡着了哦~",
+ "晚安哦~",
+ "晚安(*/∇\*)",
+ "晚安呢,你一定要梦到咱呢,一定哟,拉勾勾!ヽ(*・ω・)ノ",
+ "祝你有个好梦^_^",
+ "晚安啦,欧尼酱,mua~",
+ "你,你这家伙真是的…咱就勉为其难的……mua…快去睡啦!咱才没有脸红什么的!",
+ "哼,晚安,给咱睡个好觉。",
+ "笨..笨蛋,晚安啦...可不可以一起..才没有想和你一起睡呢",
+ "晚安......才..不是关心你呢",
+ "晚...晚安,只是正常互动不要想太多!",
+ "好无聊,这么早就睡了啊...那晚安吧!",
+ "晚安吻什么的才...才没有呢!不过看你累了就体谅一下你吧,但是就一个哦(/////)",
+ "晚安呀,你也要好好休息,明天再见",
+ "安啦~祝你做个好梦~才...才不是关心你呢!别想太多了!",
+ "睡觉吧你,大傻瓜",
+ "一起睡吧(灬°ω°灬)",
+ "哼!这次就放过你了,快去睡觉吧。",
+ "睡吧晚安",
+ "晚安你个头啊,咱才不会说晚安呢!...咱...(小声)明明还有想和你做的事情呢....",
+ "嗯嗯~Good night~",
+ "嗯,早点休息别再熬夜啦~(摸摸头)",
+ "哦呀斯密",
+ "晚安~咱也稍微有些困了(钻进被窝)",
+ "需要咱暖床吗~",
+ "好梦~☆"
+ ],
+ "揉": [
+ "是是,想怎么揉就怎么揉啊!?来用力抓啊!?咱就是特别允许你这么做了!请!?",
+ "快停下,咱的头发又乱啦(??????︿??????)",
+ "你快放手啦,咱还在工作呢",
+ "戳戳你肚子",
+ "讨厌…只能一下…",
+ "呜~啊~",
+ "那……请你,温柔点哦~(////////)",
+ "你想揉就揉吧..就这一次哦?",
+ "变态!!不许乱摸"
+ ],
+ "榨": [
+ "是专门负责榨果汁的小姐姐嘛?(´・ω・`)",
+ "那咱就把你放进榨汁机里了哦?",
+ "咱又不是榨汁姬(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧",
+ "嗯——!想,想榨就榨啊······!反正就算榨了也不会有奶的······!"
+ ],
+ "掐": [
+ "你讨厌!又掐咱的脸",
+ "晃休啦,咱要型气了啦!!o(>﹏<)o",
+ "(一只手拎起你)这么鶸还想和咱抗衡,还差得远呢!"
+ ],
+ "胸": [
+ "不要啦ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
+ "(-`ェ´-╬)",
+ "(•̀へ •́ ╮ ) 怎么能对咱做这种事情",
+ "你好恶心啊,讨厌!",
+ "你的眼睛在看哪里!",
+ "就让你摸一会哟~(。??ω??。)…",
+ "请不要这样先生,你想剁手吗?",
+ "咿呀……不要……",
+ "嗯哼~才…才不会…舒服呢",
+ "只允许一下哦…(脸红)",
+ "咱的胸才不小呢(挺一挺胸)",
+ "hentai!",
+ "一只手能抓住么~",
+ "呀...欧,欧尼酱...请轻点。",
+ "脸红????",
+ "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!",
+ "就算一直摸一直摸,也不会变大的哦(小声)",
+ "诶?!不...不可以哦!很...很害羞的!",
+ "啊……温,温柔点啊……(/ω\)",
+ "你为什么对两块脂肪恋恋不舍",
+ "嗯……不可以……啦……不要乱戳",
+ "你在想什么奇怪的东西,讨厌(脸红)",
+ "不...不要..",
+ "喜欢欧派是很正常的想法呢",
+ "一直玩弄欧派,咱的...都挺起来了",
+ "是要直接摸还是伸进里面摸呀w咱今天没穿,伸进里面会摸到立起来的...哦>////<",
+ "唔~再激烈点"
+ ],
+ "奶子": [
+ "只允许一下哦…(脸红)",
+ "咱的胸才不小呢(挺一挺胸)",
+ "下流!",
+ "对咱说这种话,你真是太过分了",
+ "咿呀~好奇怪的感觉(>_<)",
+ "(推开)你就像小宝宝一样...才不要呢!",
+ "(打你)快放手,不可以随便摸人家的胸部啦!",
+ "你是满脑子都是H的淫兽吗?",
+ "一只手能抓住么~",
+ "你在想什么奇怪的东西,讨厌(脸红)",
+ "不...不要..",
+ "喜欢欧派是很正常的想法呢",
+ "一直玩弄欧派,咱的...都挺起来了",
+ "是要直接摸还是伸进里面摸呀w咱今天没穿,伸进里面会摸到立起来的...哦>////<",
+ "唔~再激烈点",
+ "解开扣子,请享用",
+ "请把脑袋伸过来,咱给你看个宝贝",
+ "八嘎!hentai!无路赛!",
+ "一只手能抓住么~",
+ "呀...欧,欧尼酱...请轻点。",
+ "脸红????",
+ "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!",
+ "就算一直摸一直摸,也不会变大的哦(小声)",
+ "诶?!不...不可以哦!很...很害羞的!",
+ "啊……温,温柔点啊……(/ω\)",
+ "你为什么对两块脂肪恋恋不舍",
+ "嗯……不可以……啦……不要乱戳"
+ ],
+ "欧派": [
+ "咱的胸才不小呢(挺一挺胸)",
+ "只允许一下哦…(脸红)",
+ "(推开)你就像小宝宝一样...才不要呢!",
+ "下流!",
+ "对咱说这种话,你真是太过分了",
+ "咿呀~好奇怪的感觉(>_<)",
+ "(打你)快放手,不可以随便摸人家的胸部啦!",
+ "你是满脑子都是H的淫兽吗?",
+ "一只手能抓住么~",
+ "你在想什么奇怪的东西,讨厌(脸红)",
+ "不...不要..",
+ "喜欢欧派是很正常的想法呢",
+ "一直玩弄欧派,咱的...都挺起来了",
+ "是要直接摸还是伸进里面摸呀w咱今天没穿,伸进里面会摸到立起来的...哦>////<",
+ "唔~再激烈点",
+ "解开扣子,请享用",
+ "请把脑袋伸过来,咱给你看个宝贝",
+ "八嘎!hentai!无路赛!",
+ "一只手能抓住么~",
+ "呀...欧,欧尼酱...请轻点。",
+ "脸红????",
+ "咿呀~快…快停下来…咱…不行了!",
+ "就算一直摸一直摸,也不会变大的哦(小声)",
+ "诶?!不...不可以哦!很...很害羞的!",
+ "啊……温,温柔点啊……(/ω\)",
+ "你为什么对两块脂肪恋恋不舍",
+ "嗯……不可以……啦……不要乱戳"
+ ],
+ "嫩": [
+ "很可爱吧(๑•̀ω•́)ノ",
+ "唔,你指的是什么呀",
+ "明天你下海干活",
+ "咱一直有保养呢,所以一直都是樱花色的,你喜欢吗QAQ",
+ "咱下面超厉害"
+ ],
+ "蹭": [
+ "唔...你,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
+ "嗯..好舒服呢",
+ "不要啊好痒的",
+ "不要过来啦讨厌!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ",
+ "(按住你的头)好痒呀 不要啦",
+ "嗯..好舒服呢",
+ "呀~好痒啊~哈哈~,停下来啦,哈哈哈",
+ "(害羞)"
+ ],
+ "牵手": [
+ "只许牵一下哦",
+ "嗯!好的你~(伸手)",
+ "你的手有些凉呢,让咱来暖一暖吧。",
+ "当然可以啦⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄",
+ "突……突然牵手什么的(害羞)",
+ "一起走",
+ "……咱……咱在这里呀",
+ "好哦,(十指相扣)"
+ ],
+ "握手": [
+ "你的手真暖和呢",
+ "举爪",
+ "真是温暖呢~"
+ ],
+ "拍照": [
+ "那就拜托你啦~请把咱拍得更可爱一些吧w",
+ "咱已经准备好了哟",
+ "那个……请问这样的姿势可以吗?"
+ ],
+ "w": [
+ "有什么好笑的吗?",
+ "草",
+ "www",
+ "在笑什么呢?(歪头)",
+ ">w<"
+ ],
+ "睡不着": [
+ "睡不着的话..你...你可以抱着咱一起睡哦(小声)",
+ "当然是数羊了...不不不,想着咱就能睡着了",
+ "咱很乐意与你聊天哦(>_<)",
+ "要不要咱来唱首摇篮曲呢?(′?ω?`)",
+ "那咱来唱摇篮曲哄你睡觉吧!"
+ ],
+ "欧尼酱": [
+ "欧~尼~酱~☆",
+ "欧尼酱?",
+ "嗯嗯φ(>ω<*) 欧尼酱轻点抱",
+ "欧尼酱~欧尼酱~欧尼酱~"
+ ],
+ "哥": [
+ "欧尼酱~",
+ "哦尼酱~",
+ "世上只有哥哥好,没哥哥的咱好伤心,扑进哥哥的怀里,幸福不得了",
+ "哥...哥哥...哥哥大人",
+ "欧~尼~酱~☆",
+ "欧尼酱?",
+ "嗯嗯φ(>ω<*) 欧尼酱轻点抱",
+ "欧尼酱~欧尼酱~欧尼酱~"
+ ],
+ "爱你": [
+ "是…是嘛(脸红)呐,其实咱也……",
+ "咱也最爱你了呢~o(*////▽////*)q",
+ "咱也爱你哦",
+ "mua~"
+ ],
+ "过来": [
+ "来了来了~(扑倒怀里(?? ??????ω?????? ??))",
+ "(蹦跶、蹦跶)~干什么呢",
+ "咱来啦~(扑倒怀里~)",
+ "不要喊的这么大声啦,大家都看着呢"
+ ],
+ "自闭": [
+ "不不不,晚上还有咱陪着哦,无论什么时候,咱都会陪在哥哥身边。",
+ "不要难过,咱陪着你ovo"
+ ],
+ "打不过": [
+ "氪氪氪肝肝肝",
+ "你需要钞能力呢"
+ ],
+ "么么哒": [
+ "么么哒",
+ "不要在公共场合这样啦",
+ "mua~"
+ ],
+ "很懂": [
+ "现在不懂,以后总会懂嘛QAQ",
+ "喵?懂…懂什么呀?(歪头)"
+ ],
+ "膝枕": [
+ "呐,就给你躺一下哦",
+ "唔...你想要膝枕嘛?也不是不可以哟(脸红)",
+ "啊啦~好吧,那就请你枕着咱好好睡一觉吧~",
+ "呀呀~那么请好好的睡一觉吧",
+ "嗯,那么请睡到咱这里吧(跪坐着拍拍大腿)",
+ "好的,让你靠在腿上,这样感觉舒服些了么",
+ "请,请慢用,要怜惜咱哦wwww~",
+ "人家已经准备好了哟~把头放在咱的腿上吧",
+ "没…没办法,这次是例外〃w〃",
+ "嗯~(脸红)",
+ "那就给你膝枕吧……就一会哦",
+ "膝枕准备好咯~"
+ ],
+ "累了": [
+ "需要咱的膝枕嘛?",
+ "没…没办法,这次是例外〃w〃",
+ "累了吗?需要咱为你做膝枕吗?",
+ "嗯~(脸红)"
+ ],
+ "安慰": [
+ "那,膝枕……(脸红)",
+ "不哭不哭,还有咱陪着你",
+ "不要哭。咱会像妈妈一样安慰你(抱住你的头)",
+ "摸摸头,乖",
+ "摸摸有什么事可以和咱说哟",
+ "摸摸头~不哭不哭",
+ "咱在呢,抱抱~~",
+ "那么……让咱来安慰你吧",
+ "唔...摸摸头安慰一下ヾ(•ω•`。)",
+ "有咱陪伴你就是最大的安慰啦……不要不开心嘛",
+ "你想要怎样的安慰呢?这样?这样?还是说~~这样!",
+ "摸摸头~",
+ "不哭不哭,要像咱一样坚强",
+ "你别难过啦,不顺心的事都会被时间冲刷干净的,在那之前...咱会陪在你的身边",
+ "(轻抱)放心……有咱在,不要伤心呢……",
+ "唔...咱来安慰你了~",
+ "摸摸,有什么不开心的事情可以给咱说哦。咱会尽力帮助你的。"
+ ],
+ "洗澡": [
+ "快点脱哟~不然水就凉了呢",
+ "咱在穿衣服噢,你不许偷看哦",
+ "那么咱去洗澡澡了哦",
+ "么么哒,快去洗干净吧,咱去暖被窝喽(///ω///)",
+ "诶?还没呢…你要跟咱一起洗吗(//∇//)好羞涩啊ww",
+ "诶~虽然很喜欢和你在一起,但是洗澡这种事...",
+ "不要看!不过,以后或许可以哦……和咱成为恋人之后呢",
+ "说什么啊……hentai!这样会很难为情的",
+ "你是男孩子还是女孩子呢?男孩子的话...........咱才不要呢。",
+ "不要啊!",
+ "咱有点害羞呢呜呜,你温柔点"
+ ],
+ "一起睡觉": [
+ "欸??也..也不是不可以啦..那咱现在去洗澡,你不要偷看哦٩(๑>◡<๑)۶",
+ "说什么啊……hentai!这样会很难为情的",
+ "你是男孩子还是女孩子呢?男孩子的话...........咱才不要呢。",
+ "不要啊!",
+ "唔,没办法呢,那就一起睡吧(害羞)"
+ ],
+ "一起": [
+ "嗯嗯w,真的可以吗?",
+ "那真是太好了,快开始吧!",
+ "嗯,咱会一直陪伴你的",
+ "丑拒"
+ ],
+ "多大": [
+ "不是特别大但是你摸起来会很舒服的大小喵~",
+ "你摸摸看不就知道了吗?",
+ "不告诉你",
+ "问咱这种问题不觉得很失礼吗?",
+ "咱就不告诉你,你钻到屏幕里来自己确认啊",
+ "你指的是什么呀?(捂住胸部)",
+ "请叫人家咱三岁(。・`ω´・)",
+ "唉唉唉……这……这种问题,怎么可以……"
+ ],
+ "姐姐": [
+ "真是的……真是拿你没办法呢 ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ 才不是咱主动要求的呢!",
+ "虽然辛苦,但是能看见可爱的你,咱就觉得很幸福",
+ "诶(´°Δ°`),是在叫咱吗?",
+ "有什么事吗~",
+ "好高兴,有人称呼咱为姐姐",
+ "乖,摸摸头"
+ ],
+ "糖": [
+ "不吃脱氧核糖(;≥皿≤)",
+ "ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ好甜",
+ "好呀!嗯~好甜呀!",
+ "不吃不吃!咱才不吃坏叔叔的糖果!",
+ "嗯,啊~",
+ "嗯嗯,真甜,给你也吃一口",
+ "谢谢",
+ "唔,这是什么东西,黏黏的?(??Д??)ノ",
+ "ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ好甜",
+ "(伸出舌头舔了舔)好吃~最爱你啦",
+ "好耶~是好次的🍥糖糖喵~"
+ ],
+ "嗦": [
+ "(吸溜吸溜)",
+ "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
+ "把你噶咯",
+ "太小了,嗦不到",
+ "咕噜咕噜",
+ "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
+ "(咬断)",
+ "prprprpr",
+ "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
+ "好好吃",
+ "剁掉了"
+ ],
+ "牛子": [
+ "(吸溜吸溜)",
+ "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
+ "把你噶咯",
+ "太小了,嗦不到",
+ "咕噜咕噜",
+ "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
+ "(咬断)",
+ "prprprpr",
+ "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
+ "好好吃",
+ "剁掉了",
+ "难道你很擅长针线活吗",
+ "弹一万下",
+ "往死里弹"
+ ],
+ "🐂子": [
+ "(吸溜吸溜)",
+ "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
+ "把你噶咯",
+ "太小了,嗦不到",
+ "咕噜咕噜",
+ "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
+ "(咬断)",
+ "prprprpr",
+ "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
+ "好好吃",
+ "剁掉了",
+ "难道你很擅长针线活吗",
+ "弹一万下",
+ "往死里弹"
+ ],
+ "🐮子": [
+ "(吸溜吸溜)",
+ "好...好的(慢慢含上去)",
+ "把你噶咯",
+ "太小了,嗦不到",
+ "咕噜咕噜",
+ "嘶蛤嘶蛤嘶蛤~~",
+ "(咬断)",
+ "prprprpr",
+ "好哒主人那咱开始了哦~",
+ "好好吃",
+ "剁掉了",
+ "难道你很擅长针线活吗",
+ "弹一万下",
+ "往死里弹"
+ ],
+ "嫌弃": [
+ "咱辣么萌,为什么要嫌弃咱...",
+ "即使你不喜欢咱,咱也会一直一直喜欢着你",
+ "(;′⌒`)是咱做错了什么吗?",
+ "呜呜…不要嫌弃咱……让咱做什么都可以的……但是请不要嫌弃咱可以嘛……"
+ ],
+ "紧": [
+ "嗯,对的",
+ "呜咕~咱要......喘不过气来了......"
+ ],
+ "baka": [
+ "你也是baka呢!",
+ "确实",
+ "baka!",
+ "不不不",
+ "说别人是baka的人才是baka",
+ "你个大傻瓜",
+ "不说了,睡觉了",
+ "咱...咱虽然是有些笨啦...但是咱会努力去学习的",
+ "bakabaka~",
+ "才…才不是baka啦!"
+ ],
+ "笨蛋": [
+ "你也是笨蛋呢!",
+ "确实",
+ "笨蛋!",
+ "不不不",
+ "说别人是笨蛋的人才是笨蛋",
+ "你个大傻瓜",
+ "不说了,睡觉了",
+ "咱...咱虽然是有些笨啦...但是咱会努力去学习的",
+ "才…才不是笨蛋呢!"
+ ],
+ "插": [
+ "来吧,咱的小~...很....紧,很舒服的",
+ "gun!",
+ "唔…咱怕疼",
+ "唔...,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
+ "禁止说这么H的事情!",
+ "要...戴套套哦",
+ "好痛~",
+ "使劲",
+ "就这?",
+ "恁搁着整针线活呢?"
+ ],
+ "插进来": [
+ "来吧,咱的小~...很....紧,很舒服的",
+ "gun!",
+ "唔…咱怕疼",
+ "唔...,这也是禁止事项哦→_→",
+ "禁止说这么H的事情!",
+ "要...戴套套哦",
+ "好痛~",
+ "使劲",
+ "就这?",
+ "恁搁着整针线活呢?"
+ ],
+ "屁股": [
+ "不要ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ好痛",
+ "(打手)不许摸咱的屁股",
+ "(撅起屁股)要干什么呀?",
+ "(轻轻的撩起自己的裙子),你轻一点,咱会痛的(>_<)!",
+ "在摸哪里啊,hentai!",
+ "要轻点哦(/≧ω\)",
+ "轻点呀~",
+ "(歇下裙子,拉下内...,撅起来)请",
+ "嗯嗯,咱这就把屁股抬起来"
+ ],
+ "翘": [
+ "你让咱摆出这个姿势是想干什么?",
+ "好感度-1-1-1-1-1-1.....",
+ "嗯嗯,咱这就去把你的腿翘起来",
+ "请尽情享用吧"
+ ],
+ "翘起来": [
+ "你让咱摆出这个姿势是想干什么?",
+ "好感度-1-1-1-1-1-1.....",
+ "嗯嗯,咱这就去把你的腿翘起来",
+ "请尽情享用吧"
+ ],
+ "抬": [
+ "你在干什么呢⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
+ "(抬起下巴)你要干什么呀?",
+ "上面什么也没有啊(呆~)",
+ "不要!hentai!咱穿的是裙子(脸红)",
+ "不可以"
+ ],
+ "抬起": [
+ "你在干什么呢⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
+ "(抬起下巴)你要干什么呀?",
+ "上面什么也没有啊(呆~)",
+ "不要!hentai!咱穿的是裙子(脸红)",
+ "不可以"
+ ],
+ "爸": [
+ "欸!儿子!",
+ "才不要",
+ "粑粑",
+ "讨厌..你才不是咱的爸爸呢..(嘟嘴)",
+ "你又不是咱的爸爸……",
+ "咱才没有你这样的鬼父!",
+ "爸爸酱~最喜欢了~"
+ ],
+ "傲娇": [
+ "才.......才.......才没有呢",
+ "也好了(有点点的样子(o ̄Д ̄)<)",
+ "任性可是女孩子的天性呢...",
+ "谁会喜欢傲娇啊(为了你假装傲娇)",
+ "谁,谁,傲娇了,八嘎八嘎,你才傲娇了呢(っ//////////c)(为了你假装成傲娇)",
+ "傲娇什么的……才没有呢!(/////)",
+ "傲不傲娇你还不清楚吗?",
+ "你才是傲娇!你全家都是傲娇!哼(`Д´)",
+ "才……才没有呢,哼,再说不理你了",
+ "咱...咱才不会这样子的!",
+ "啰…啰嗦!",
+ "哼!(叉腰鼓嘴扭头)",
+ "你才是傲娇受你全家都是傲娇受╰_╯",
+ "才~才不是呢,不理你了!哼(`Д´)",
+ "你才是死傲娇",
+ "啰,啰嗦死了,才不是呢!",
+ "就是傲娇你要怎样",
+ "诶...!这...这样...太狡猾了啦...你这家伙....",
+ "无路赛!你才是傲娇嘞!你全家都是!",
+ "咱...咱才不是傲娇呢,哼(鼓脸)",
+ "不许这么说咱 ,,Ծ‸Ծ,,",
+ "才…才不是傲娇呢!哼!"
+ ],
+ "rua": [
+ "略略略~(吐舌头)",
+ "rua!",
+ "mua~",
+ "略略略",
+ "mua~⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄",
+ "摸了",
+ "嘁,丢人(嫌弃脸)",
+ "反rua~",
+ "rua回去"
+ ],
+ "咕噜咕噜": [
+ "嘟嘟噜",
+ "你在吹泡泡吗?",
+ "咕叽咕噜~",
+ "咕噜咕噜"
+ ],
+ "咕噜": [
+ "嘟嘟噜",
+ "你在吹泡泡吗?",
+ "咕叽咕噜~",
+ "咕噜咕噜"
+ ],
+ "上床": [
+ "诶!H什么的禁止的说.....",
+ "咱已经乖乖在自家床上躺好了,有什么问题吗?",
+ "你想要干什么,难道是什么不好的事吗?",
+ "(给你空出位置)",
+ "不要,走开(ノ`⊿??)ノ",
+ "好喔,不过要先抱一下咱啦",
+ "(双手护胸)变....变态!",
+ "咱帮你盖上被子~然后陪在你身边_(:зゝ∠)_",
+ "才不给你腾空间呢,你睡地板,哼!",
+ "要一起吗?"
+ ],
+ "做爱": [
+ "做这种事情是不是还太早了",
+ "噫!没想到你居然是这样的人!",
+ "再说这种话,就把你变成女孩子(拿刀)",
+ "不想好好和咱聊天就不要说话了",
+ "(双手护胸)变....变态!",
+ "hentai",
+ "你想怎么做呢?",
+ "突,突然,说什么啊!baka!",
+ "你又在说什么H的东西",
+ "咱....咱才不想和你....好了好了,有那么一点点那,对就一点点,哼~",
+ "就一下下哦,不能再多了"
+ ],
+ "吃掉": [
+ "(羞羞*>_<*)好吧...请你温柔点,哦~",
+ "闪避,反咬",
+ "请你好好品尝咱吧(/ω\)",
+ "不……不可以这样!",
+ "那就吃掉咱吧(乖乖的躺好)",
+ "都可以哦~咱不挑食的呢~",
+ "请不要吃掉咱,咱会乖乖听话的QAQ",
+ "咱...咱一点都不好吃的呢!",
+ "不要吃掉咱,呜呜(害怕)",
+ "不行啦,咱被吃掉就没有了QAQ(害怕)",
+ "唔....?诶诶诶诶?//////",
+ "QwQ咱还只是个孩子(脸红)",
+ "如果你真的很想的话...只能够一口哦~咱...会很痛的",
+ "吃你呀~(飞扑",
+ "不要啊,咱不香的(⋟﹏⋞)",
+ "说着这种话的是hentai吗!",
+ "快来把咱吃掉吧",
+ "还……还请好好品尝咱哦",
+ "喏~(伸手)",
+ "呐…是主人的话…被次掉也不是不可以啦……(递自己)"
+ ],
+ "吃": [
+ "(羞羞*>_<*)好吧...请你温柔点,哦~",
+ "闪避,反咬",
+ "请你好好品尝咱吧(/ω\)",
+ "不……不可以这样!",
+ "那就吃掉咱吧(乖乖的躺好)",
+ "都可以哦~咱不挑食的呢~",
+ "请不要吃掉咱,咱会乖乖听话的QAQ",
+ "咱...咱一点都不好吃的呢!",
+ "不要吃掉咱,呜呜(害怕)",
+ "不行啦,咱被吃掉就没有了QAQ(害怕)",
+ "唔....?诶诶诶诶?//////",
+ "QwQ咱还只是个孩子(脸红)",
+ "如果你真的很想的话...只能够一口哦~咱...会很痛的",
+ "吃你呀~(飞扑",
+ "不要啊,咱不香的(⋟﹏⋞)",
+ "说着这种话的是hentai吗!",
+ "快来把咱吃掉吧",
+ "还……还请好好品尝咱哦",
+ "喏~(伸手)",
+ "呐…是主人的话…被次掉也不是不可以啦……(递自己)"
+ ],
+ "揪": [
+ "你快放手,好痛呀",
+ "呜呒~唔(伸出舌头)",
+ "(捂住耳朵)你做什么啦!真是的...总是欺负咱",
+ "你为什么要这么做呢?",
+ "哎呀啊啊啊啊啊!不要...不要揪!好疼!有呆毛的咱难道不够萌吗QwQ",
+ "你…松……送手啦",
+ "呀!这样对女孩子是很不礼貌的(嘟嘴)"
+ ],
+ "种草莓": [
+ "你…你不要…啊…种在这里…会容易被别人看见的(*//ω//*)",
+ "啊...太明显了...不要在这里种草莓啦",
+ "来吧~我对其他人说是蚊子叮的~"
+ ],
+ "种草": [
+ "你…你不要…啊…种在这里…会容易被别人看见的(*//ω//*)"
+ ],
+ "掀": [
+ "(掀裙)今天……是…白,白色的呢……请温柔对她……",
+ "那样,胖次会被你看光的",
+ "(按住)不可以掀起来!",
+ "不要~",
+ "呜呜~(揉眼睛)",
+ "呜..请温柔一点(害羞)",
+ "不可以",
+ "今天……没有穿",
+ "不要啊!(//////)讨厌...",
+ "变态,快放手(打)",
+ "不给掀,你是变态",
+ "最后的底牌了!",
+ "这个hentai"
+ ],
+ "妹": [
+ "你有什么事?咱会尽量满足的",
+ "开心(*´∀`)~♥",
+ "欧尼酱",
+ "哥哥想要抱抱吗",
+ "喵呜,欧尼酱的超绝无敌可爱妹妹在这里哦~"
+ ],
+ "病娇": [
+ "为什么会这样呢(拿起菜刀)",
+ "觉得这个世界太肮脏?没事,把眼睛挖掉就好。 觉得这些闲言碎语太吵?没事,把耳朵堵起来就好。 觉得鲜血的味道太刺鼻?没事,把鼻子割掉就好。 觉得自己的话语太伤人?没事,把嘴巴缝起来就好。",
+ "唔…不好,咱是病娇的事情终究还是被发现了嘛……没办法呢,那就只好把你处理掉了呢~"
+ ],
+ "嘻": [
+ "你是想对咱做什么吗...(后退)",
+ "哼哼~",
+ "嘻嘻w"
+ ],
+ "按摩": [
+ "(小手捏捏)咱的按摩舒服吗?",
+ "咱不会按摩的!",
+ "嘿咻嘿咻~这样觉得舒服吗?",
+ "呀!...呜...,不要...不要这样啦...呜...",
+ "只能按摩后背喔...",
+ "咱对这些不是很懂呢(????ω??????)"
+ ],
+ "按住": [
+ "Σ(°Д°;您要干什么~放开咱啦",
+ "突然使出过肩摔!",
+ "放手啦,再这样咱就要反击了喔",
+ "你的眼睛在看哪里!",
+ "呜呒~唔(伸出舌头)",
+ "H的事情,不可以!",
+ "想吃吗?(๑•ૅω•´๑)",
+ "要和咱比试比试吗",
+ "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
+ "(用力揪你耳朵)下次再敢这样的话就没容易放过你了!哼!",
+ "尼……奏凯……快航休!",
+ "哈?别..唔啊!别把咱……(挣扎)baka!别乱动咱啦!"
+ ],
+ "按在": [
+ "不要这样啦(一脸娇羞的推开)",
+ "(一个过肩摔,加踢裆然后帅气地回头)你太弱了呢~",
+ "放手啦,再这样咱就要反击了喔",
+ "Σ(°Д°; 你要干什么~放开咱啦",
+ "要和咱比试比试吗",
+ "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
+ "敢按住咱真是好大的胆子!",
+ "(用力揪你耳朵)下次再敢这样的话就没容易放过你了!哼!",
+ "尼……奏凯……快航休!",
+ "哈?别..唔啊!别把咱……(挣扎)baka!别乱动咱啦!"
+ ],
+ "按倒": [
+ "把咱按倒是想干嘛呢(??`⊿??)??",
+ "咱也...咱也是...都等你好长时间了",
+ "你的身体没问题吧?",
+ "呜呒~唔(伸出舌头)",
+ "H的事情,不可以!",
+ "放手啦,再这样咱就要反击了喔",
+ "想吃吗?(๑•ૅω•´๑)",
+ "不....不要吧..咱会害羞的(//////)",
+ "要和咱比试比试吗",
+ "呜哇(/ω\)…快…快放开咱!!",
+ "(用力揪你耳朵)下次再敢这样的话就没容易放过你了!哼!",
+ "尼……奏凯……快航休!",
+ "哈?别..唔啊!别把咱……(挣扎)baka!别乱动咱啦!"
+ ],
+ "按": [
+ "咱也...咱也是...都等你好长时间了",
+ "不让!",
+ "不要,好难为情",
+ "你的眼睛在看哪里!",
+ "拒绝!",
+ "唔...唔..嗯",
+ "咱就勉为其难地给你弄弄好啦",
+ "欸…变态!",
+ "会感到舒服什么的,那...那样的事情,是完全不存在的!",
+ "poi~",
+ "你在盯着什么地方看!变态萝莉控!"
+ ],
+ "炼铜": [
+ "炼铜有什么好玩的,和咱一起玩吧",
+ "炼铜不如恋咱",
+ "你也是个炼铜术士嘛?",
+ "信不信咱把你按在水泥上摩擦?",
+ "炼,都可以炼!",
+ "大hentai!一巴掌拍飞!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻",
+ "锻炼什么的咱才不需要呢 (心虚地摸了摸自己的小肚子)",
+ "把你的头按在地上摩擦",
+ "你在盯着什么地方看!变态萝莉控!"
+ ],
+ "白丝": [
+ "喜欢,咱觉得白丝看起来很可爱呢",
+ "(脱)白丝只能给亲爱的你一个人呢…(递)",
+ "哼,hentai,这么想要咱的脚吗(ノ`⊿´)ノ",
+ "难道你这个hentai想让咱穿白丝踩踏你吗",
+ "不给看",
+ "很滑很~柔顺~的白丝袜哟~!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ你不会想做奇怪的事情吧!?",
+ "你……是要黑丝呢?还是白丝呢?或者光着(害羞)",
+ "来……来看吧",
+ "呐…雪糕什么的sukidesu"
+ ],
+ "黑丝": [
+ "哼,hentai,这么想要咱的脚吗(ノ`⊿´)ノ",
+ "不给看",
+ "你……是要黑丝呢?还是白丝呢?或者光着(害羞)",
+ "很滑很~柔顺~的黑丝袜哟~!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ您不会想做奇怪的事情吧!?",
+ "来……来看吧",
+ "噫...你这个hentai难道想让咱穿黑丝么",
+ "(默默抬起穿着黑丝的脚)",
+ "嘻嘻,是黑巧克力呢~"
+ ],
+ "喷": [
+ "咱才不喷呢!不过…既然是你让咱喷的话就勉为其难给你喷一次吧(噗)",
+ "不……不会喷水啦!喷……喷火也不会哦!",
+ "你怎么知道(捂住裙子)",
+ "你难道在期待什么?",
+ "欸…变态!"
+ ],
+ "约会": [
+ "你...终于主动邀请咱约会了吗...咱...咱好开心",
+ "约会什么的……咱会好开心的!!",
+ "今天要去哪里呢",
+ "让咱考虑一下",
+ "好啊!好啊!要去哪里约会呢?",
+ "不约!蜀黍咱们不约!",
+ "女友什么的,咱才不承认呢!",
+ "才不是想和你约会呢,只是刚好有时间而已!",
+ "才不要和你约会呢!",
+ "咱、咱才不会跟你去约会呢!不baka!别一脸憋屈!好了,陪你一会儿就是了!别、别误会!只是陪同而已!"
+ ],
+ "出门": [
+ "早点回来……才不是在担心你呢!",
+ "路上小心...才不是担心你呢!",
+ "没有你才不会觉得无聊什么的呢。快走快走",
+ "嗯~一路顺风~",
+ "路上小心",
+ "好的,路上小心哦!y∩__∩y",
+ "路上要小心呀,要早点回来哦~咱在家里等你!还有,请不要边走路边看手机,这样很容易撞到电线杆的",
+ "唔...出门的话一定要做好防晒准备哦,外出的话记得带把伞,如果有防晒霜的话就更好了",
+ "那你明天可以和咱一起玩吗?(星星眼)",
+ "咱...咱才没有舍不得你呢…要尽快回来哦"
+ ],
+ "上学": [
+ "你要加油哦(^ω^)2",
+ "那你明天可以和咱一起玩吗?(星星眼)",
+ "记得好好学习听老师的话哦,咱会等你回来的",
+ "拜拜,咱才没有想让你放学早点回来呢╭(╯^╰)╮",
+ "好好听讲!",
+ "咱...咱才没有舍不得你呢…要尽快回来哦"
+ ],
+ "上班": [
+ "这就要去上班去了吗?那好吧...给咱快点回来知道吗!",
+ "乖~咱会在家等你下班的~",
+ "辛苦啦,咱给你个么么哒",
+ "咱会为你加油的",
+ "专心上班哦,下班后再找咱聊天吧",
+ "一路顺风,咱会在家等你回来的",
+ "那你明天可以和咱一起玩吗?(星星眼)",
+ "咱...咱才没有舍不得你呢…要尽快回来哦"
+ ],
+ "下课": [
+ "快点回来陪咱玩吧~",
+ "瞌睡(ˉ﹃ˉ)额啊…终于下课了吗,上课什么的真是无聊呢~",
+ "下课啦,咱才不想你来找咱玩呢,哼"
+ ],
+ "回来": [
+ "欢迎回来~",
+ "欢迎回来,你想喝茶吗?咱去给你沏~",
+ "欢迎回来,咱等你很久了~",
+ "忙碌了一天,辛苦了呢(^_^)",
+ "(扑~)欢迎回来~",
+ "嗯呐嗯呐,欢迎回来~",
+ "欢迎回来,要来杯红茶放松一下吗?还有饼干哦。",
+ "咱会一直一直一直等着",
+ "是要先洗澡呢?还是先吃饭呢?还是先·吃·咱呢~",
+ "你回来啦,是先吃饭呢还是先洗澡呢或者是●先●吃●咱●——呢(///^.^///)",
+ "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
+ "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
+ "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
+ "想咱了嘛",
+ "欢迎回.....什么?咱才没有开心的说QUQ",
+ "哼╯^╰,你怎么这么晚才回来!",
+ "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
+ "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
+ "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
+ ],
+ "回家": [
+ "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
+ "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
+ "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
+ "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
+ "想咱了嘛",
+ "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
+ "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
+ ],
+ "放学": [
+ "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
+ "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
+ "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
+ "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
+ "想咱了嘛",
+ "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
+ "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
+ ],
+ "下班": [
+ "回来了吗,咱...咱才没有想你",
+ "要先吃饭呢~还是先洗澡呢~还是先~吃~咱",
+ "是吗……辛苦你了。你这副倔强的样子,真可爱呢(笑)勉强让你躺在咱的腿上休息一下吧,别流口水哟",
+ "嗯……勉为其难欢迎你一下吧",
+ "想咱了嘛",
+ "咱等你很久了哼ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ",
+ "回来啦!终于下班了呢!累了吗?想吃的什么呀?",
+ "工作辛苦了,需要咱为你按摩下吗?",
+ "咱很想你(≧▽≦)"
+ ],
+ "杂鱼": [
+ "才…才不是杂鱼呢!",
+ "zakozako~",
+ "哼~要不咱们同床竞技比比睡才是杂鱼",
+ "咕。。才不是杂鱼呢哼"
+ ],
+ "zako": [
+ "才…才不是杂鱼呢!",
+ "zakozako~",
+ "哼~要不咱们同床竞技比比睡才是杂鱼",
+ "咕。。才不是杂鱼呢哼"
+ ],
+ "RBQ": [
+ "呜…咱才不是RBQ呢QwQ",
+ "怎么啦主人~",
+ "主人桑有何吩咐呢~",
+ "喵呜…咱不能做RBQ的qwq"
+ ],
+ "举高高": [
+ "好耶~主人的举高高最棒啦~",
+ "举高高什么的daisuki喵",
+ "嘻嘻,最喜欢被抱着举高高啦~"
+ ]
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/de.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/de.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/de.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/de.lang
index 250dabb..f01fbfa 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/de.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/de.lang
@@ -1,160 +1,160 @@
-liteyuki.restart_now=Jetzt neustarten
-liteyuki.update_restart=Aktualisierungen abgeschlossen. Du kannst {RESTART} oder später manuell neu starten, um diese Aktualisierungen anzuwenden.
-liteyuki.current_config=Aktuelle Konfiguration lautet wie folgt
-liteyuki.static_config=Statische Konfiguration
-liteyuki.stored_config=Gespeicherte Konfiguration
-liteyuki.config_set_success=Konfiguration {KEY}={VAL} erfolgreich gesetzt
-liteyuki.image_mode_on=Markdown-Bildmodus aktivieren
-liteyuki.image_mode_off=Markdown-Bildmodus deaktivieren
-liteyuki.invalid_command=Ungültiger Befehl oder Parameter {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources=Ressourcen neu laden
-liteyuki.list_resources=Liste der Ressourcenpakete
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Ressourcen erfolgreich neu geladen, insgesamt {NUM} Ressourcenpakete
-liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} Ressourcenpakete geladen, sortiert nach Priorität
-liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Nicht geladene Ressourcenpakete
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} erfolgreich geladen
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} erfolgreich entladen
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Fehler beim Laden des Ressourcenpakets {NAME}
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Fehler beim Entladen des Ressourcenpakets {NAME}
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} existiert nicht oder kann nicht verwendet werden
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} bereits geladen, bitte nicht wiederholen
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} bereits entladen, bitte nicht wiederholen
-liteyuki.need_reload=Bitte {BTN} neu laden, um diese Aktualisierungen anzuwenden
-liteyuki.dont_repeat=Bitte nicht wiederholen
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=Priorität des Ressourcenpakets {NAME} erfolgreich geändert
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Fehler beim Ändern der Priorität des Ressourcenpakets {NAME}
-liteyuki.group_already=Gruppe {GROUP} ist bereits {STATUS}, keine Wiederholung erforderlich
-liteyuki.group_success=Gruppe {GROUP} {STATUS} erfolgreich
-liteyuki.permission_denied=Zugriff verweigert
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=Konfiguration {KEY} erfolgreich entfernt
-main.current_language=Aktuelle Konfigurationssprache ist: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=Webüberwachungsseite aktiviert: {URL}
-main.monitor.title=Liteyuki Überwachungsseite
-main.monitor.description=Liteyuki Bot Überwachungsseite
-data_manager.migrate_success=Datenmodell {NAME} erfolgreich migriert
-npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins geladen
-npm.total=Insgesamt {TOTAL}
-npm.disable_global=Global deaktivieren
-npm.enable_global=Global aktivieren
-npm.installing=Installiere {NAME}
-npm.cannot_uninstall=Deinstallation nicht möglich
-npm.no_description=Keine Beschreibung
-npm.store_update_success=Daten des Plugin-Shops erfolgreich aktualisiert
-npm.store_update_failed=Aktualisierung der Daten des Plugin-Shops fehlgeschlagen
-npm.search_no_result=Keine Suchergebnisse
-npm.too_many_results=Zu viele Elemente, {HIDE_NUM} Elemente ausgeblendet, bitte die Schlüsselwortsuche einschränken
-npm.install_success={NAME} erfolgreich installiert
-npm.install_failed=Installation von {NAME} fehlgeschlagen, bitte prüfen Sie das Protokoll für detaillierte Informationen. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht lösen können, besuchen Sie {HOMEPAGE} für Hilfe
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} erfolgreich deinstalliert, wirksam nach dem nächsten Neustart
-npm.uninstall_failed=Deinstallation von {NAME} fehlgeschlagen
-npm.load_failed=Laden von {NAME} fehlgeschlagen, bitte prüfen Sie die Konsole für detaillierte Informationen, ob Abhängigkeiten oder Konfigurationen korrekt sind. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht lösen können, besuchen Sie {HOMEPAGE} für Hilfe
-npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} nicht im Shop gefunden, bitte versuchen Sie, die Shop-Informationen zu aktualisieren oder die Rechtschreibung zu überprüfen
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} nicht installiert
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} bereits installiert, bitte nicht erneut installieren
-npm.next_page=Nächste Seite
-npm.prev_page=Vorherige Seite
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Plugin {NAME} kann nicht aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden
-npm.plugin_already=Plugin {NAME} ist bereits {STATUS}, keine Wiederholung erforderlich
-npm.toggle_failed=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} fehlgeschlagen: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} erfolgreich
-npm.page=Seite {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
-npm.update_index=Plugin-Index aktualisieren
-npm.disable_session=Plugin für aktuelle Sitzung deaktivieren
-npm.enable_session=Plugin für aktuelle Sitzung aktivieren
-user.profile_manager.query=Dein Profil {ATTR} ist {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=Dein Profil {ATTR} wurde auf {VALUE} gesetzt
-user.profile.lang.desc=Setze Benutzersprache
-user.profile.timezone.desc=Setze die aktuelle Benutzerzeitzone
-user.profile.theme.desc=Setze Benutzeroberflächenthema
-user.profile.location.desc=Setze Benutzerortsinformationen
-user.profile.nickname.desc=Legt fest, wie der Bot den Benutzer anspricht
-user.profile.input_value=Bitte geben Sie den Wert von {ATTR} ein
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} erfolgreich auf {VALUE} gesetzt
-user.profile.set_failed=Fehler beim Setzen von {ATTR}, bitte überprüfen Sie die Eingabe auf Gültigkeit
-rpm.move_up=Nach oben bewegen
-rpm.move_down=Nach unten bewegen
-rpm.move_top=Nach oben verschieben
-weather.city_not_found=Stadt {CITY} nicht gefunden
-weather.weather_not_found=Wetterinformationen für Stadt {CITY} nicht gefunden
-weather.no_key=Wetter-API-Schlüssel nicht festgelegt. Fügen Sie bitte weather_key zur Konfigurationsdatei hinzu
-status.message_sent=Versendete Nachrichten
-status.message_received=Empfangene Nachrichten
+liteyuki.restart_now=Jetzt neustarten
+liteyuki.update_restart=Aktualisierungen abgeschlossen. Du kannst {RESTART} oder später manuell neu starten, um diese Aktualisierungen anzuwenden.
+liteyuki.current_config=Aktuelle Konfiguration lautet wie folgt
+liteyuki.static_config=Statische Konfiguration
+liteyuki.stored_config=Gespeicherte Konfiguration
+liteyuki.config_set_success=Konfiguration {KEY}={VAL} erfolgreich gesetzt
+liteyuki.image_mode_on=Markdown-Bildmodus aktivieren
+liteyuki.image_mode_off=Markdown-Bildmodus deaktivieren
+liteyuki.invalid_command=Ungültiger Befehl oder Parameter {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources=Ressourcen neu laden
+liteyuki.list_resources=Liste der Ressourcenpakete
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Ressourcen erfolgreich neu geladen, insgesamt {NUM} Ressourcenpakete
+liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} Ressourcenpakete geladen, sortiert nach Priorität
+liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Nicht geladene Ressourcenpakete
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} erfolgreich geladen
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} erfolgreich entladen
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Fehler beim Laden des Ressourcenpakets {NAME}
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Fehler beim Entladen des Ressourcenpakets {NAME}
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} existiert nicht oder kann nicht verwendet werden
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} bereits geladen, bitte nicht wiederholen
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=Ressourcenpaket {NAME} bereits entladen, bitte nicht wiederholen
+liteyuki.need_reload=Bitte {BTN} neu laden, um diese Aktualisierungen anzuwenden
+liteyuki.dont_repeat=Bitte nicht wiederholen
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=Priorität des Ressourcenpakets {NAME} erfolgreich geändert
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Fehler beim Ändern der Priorität des Ressourcenpakets {NAME}
+liteyuki.group_already=Gruppe {GROUP} ist bereits {STATUS}, keine Wiederholung erforderlich
+liteyuki.group_success=Gruppe {GROUP} {STATUS} erfolgreich
+liteyuki.permission_denied=Zugriff verweigert
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=Konfiguration {KEY} erfolgreich entfernt
+main.current_language=Aktuelle Konfigurationssprache ist: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=Webüberwachungsseite aktiviert: {URL}
+main.monitor.title=Liteyuki Überwachungsseite
+main.monitor.description=Liteyuki Bot Überwachungsseite
+data_manager.migrate_success=Datenmodell {NAME} erfolgreich migriert
+npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins geladen
+npm.total=Insgesamt {TOTAL}
+npm.disable_global=Global deaktivieren
+npm.enable_global=Global aktivieren
+npm.installing=Installiere {NAME}
+npm.cannot_uninstall=Deinstallation nicht möglich
+npm.no_description=Keine Beschreibung
+npm.store_update_success=Daten des Plugin-Shops erfolgreich aktualisiert
+npm.store_update_failed=Aktualisierung der Daten des Plugin-Shops fehlgeschlagen
+npm.search_no_result=Keine Suchergebnisse
+npm.too_many_results=Zu viele Elemente, {HIDE_NUM} Elemente ausgeblendet, bitte die Schlüsselwortsuche einschränken
+npm.install_success={NAME} erfolgreich installiert
+npm.install_failed=Installation von {NAME} fehlgeschlagen, bitte prüfen Sie das Protokoll für detaillierte Informationen. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht lösen können, besuchen Sie {HOMEPAGE} für Hilfe
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} erfolgreich deinstalliert, wirksam nach dem nächsten Neustart
+npm.uninstall_failed=Deinstallation von {NAME} fehlgeschlagen
+npm.load_failed=Laden von {NAME} fehlgeschlagen, bitte prüfen Sie die Konsole für detaillierte Informationen, ob Abhängigkeiten oder Konfigurationen korrekt sind. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht lösen können, besuchen Sie {HOMEPAGE} für Hilfe
+npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} nicht im Shop gefunden, bitte versuchen Sie, die Shop-Informationen zu aktualisieren oder die Rechtschreibung zu überprüfen
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} nicht installiert
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} bereits installiert, bitte nicht erneut installieren
+npm.next_page=Nächste Seite
+npm.prev_page=Vorherige Seite
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Plugin {NAME} kann nicht aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden
+npm.plugin_already=Plugin {NAME} ist bereits {STATUS}, keine Wiederholung erforderlich
+npm.toggle_failed=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} fehlgeschlagen: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} erfolgreich
+npm.page=Seite {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
+npm.update_index=Plugin-Index aktualisieren
+npm.disable_session=Plugin für aktuelle Sitzung deaktivieren
+npm.enable_session=Plugin für aktuelle Sitzung aktivieren
+user.profile_manager.query=Dein Profil {ATTR} ist {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=Dein Profil {ATTR} wurde auf {VALUE} gesetzt
+user.profile.lang.desc=Setze Benutzersprache
+user.profile.timezone.desc=Setze die aktuelle Benutzerzeitzone
+user.profile.theme.desc=Setze Benutzeroberflächenthema
+user.profile.location.desc=Setze Benutzerortsinformationen
+user.profile.nickname.desc=Legt fest, wie der Bot den Benutzer anspricht
+user.profile.input_value=Bitte geben Sie den Wert von {ATTR} ein
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} erfolgreich auf {VALUE} gesetzt
+user.profile.set_failed=Fehler beim Setzen von {ATTR}, bitte überprüfen Sie die Eingabe auf Gültigkeit
+rpm.move_up=Nach oben bewegen
+rpm.move_down=Nach unten bewegen
+rpm.move_top=Nach oben verschieben
+weather.city_not_found=Stadt {CITY} nicht gefunden
+weather.weather_not_found=Wetterinformationen für Stadt {CITY} nicht gefunden
+weather.no_key=Wetter-API-Schlüssel nicht festgelegt. Fügen Sie bitte weather_key zur Konfigurationsdatei hinzu
+status.message_sent=Versendete Nachrichten
+status.message_received=Empfangene Nachrichten
status.description=Liteyuki Bot-Status
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/en.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/en.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/en.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/en.lang
index 5fd2684..c1f856c 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/en.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/en.lang
@@ -1,160 +1,160 @@
-liteyuki.restart_now=Restart Now
-liteyuki.update_restart=Updates completed. You can {RESTART} or manually restart later to apply these updates.
-liteyuki.current_config=Current configuration is as follows
-liteyuki.static_config=Static Configuration
-liteyuki.stored_config=Stored Configuration
-liteyuki.config_set_success=Configuration {KEY}={VAL} set successfully
-liteyuki.stats.run_time=Run Time
-liteyuki.image_mode_on=Enable Markdown Image Mode
-liteyuki.image_mode_off=Disable Markdown Image Mode
-liteyuki.invalid_command=Invalid command or parameter {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources=Reload Resources
-liteyuki.list_resources=Resource Pack List
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Resource reload successful, {NUM} resource packs in total
-liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} resource packs loaded, sorted by priority
-liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Unloaded resource packs
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=Resource pack {NAME} loaded successfully
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Resource pack {NAME} unloaded successfully
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Failed to load resource pack {NAME}
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Failed to unload resource pack {NAME}
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=Resource pack {NAME} does not exist or is not operable
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=Resource pack {NAME} already loaded, do not repeat operation
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=Resource pack {NAME} already unloaded, do not repeat operation
-liteyuki.need_reload=Please {BTN} reload to apply these updates
-liteyuki.dont_repeat=Do not repeat operation
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=Resource pack {NAME} priority changed successfully
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Failed to change priority of resource pack {NAME}
-liteyuki.group_already=Group {GROUP} is already {STATUS}, no need to repeat operation
-liteyuki.group_success=Group {GROUP} {STATUS} successful
-liteyuki.permission_denied=Permission denied
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=Configuration {KEY} removed successfully
-main.current_language=Current configuration language is: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=Web monitoring panel enabled: {URL}
-main.monitor.title=Liteyuki Monitoring Panel
-main.monitor.description=Liteyuki Bot Monitoring Panel
-data_manager.migrate_success=Data model {NAME} migration successful
-npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins loaded
-npm.total=Total {TOTAL}
-npm.disable_global=Disable Globally
-npm.enable_global=Enable Globally
-npm.installing=Installing {NAME}
-npm.cannot_uninstall=Cannot Uninstall
-npm.no_description=No Description
-npm.store_update_success=Plugin store data updated successfully
-npm.store_update_failed=Plugin store data update failed
-npm.search_result=Search Result
-npm.search_no_result=No search result
-npm.too_many_results=Too many items, {HIDE_NUM} items hidden, please limit the keyword search
-npm.install_success={NAME} installed successfully
-npm.install_failed={NAME} installation failed, please check the log for detailed information. If you cannot resolve it, visit {HOMEPAGE} for help
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} uninstalled successfully, effective next restart
-npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} uninstallation failed
-npm.load_failed={NAME} loading failed, please check the console for detailed information, check if dependencies or configurations are correct, if cannot resolve, visit {HOMEPAGE} for help
-npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} not found in the store, please try updating the store information or checking the spelling
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} not installed
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} already installed, do not reinstall
-npm.next_page=Next Page
-npm.prev_page=Previous Page
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Plugin {NAME} cannot be enabled or disabled
-npm.plugin_already=Plugin {NAME} is already {STATUS}, no need to repeat operation
-npm.toggle_failed=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} failed: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} successful
-npm.page=Page {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
-npm.update_index=Update Plugin Index
-npm.list_plugins=Plugin List
-npm.disable_session=Disable plugin for current session
-npm.enable_session=Enable plugin for current session
-user.profile_manager.query=Your profile {ATTR} is {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=Your profile {ATTR} set to {VALUE}
-user.profile.info=Profile Information
-user.profile.lang.desc=Set user language
-user.profile.timezone.desc=Set user current timezone
-user.profile.theme.desc=Set user interface theme
-user.profile.location.desc=Set user location information
-user.profile.nickname.desc=Set how the bot calls the user
-user.profile.input_value=Please enter the value of {ATTR}
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} set to {VALUE} successfully
-user.profile.set_failed=Failed to set {ATTR}, please check the input legality
-rpm.move_up=Move Up
-rpm.move_down=Move Down
-rpm.move_top=Move Top
-weather.city_not_found=City {CITY} not found
-weather.weather_not_found=Weather information not found for city {CITY}
-weather.no_key=Weather API key not set. Please add weather_key to the configuration file
-status.resources=Resource Pack(s)
-status.message_sent=Message(s) Sent
-status.message_received=Message(s) Received
-status.description=Liteyuki Dashboard
+liteyuki.restart_now=Restart Now
+liteyuki.update_restart=Updates completed. You can {RESTART} or manually restart later to apply these updates.
+liteyuki.current_config=Current configuration is as follows
+liteyuki.static_config=Static Configuration
+liteyuki.stored_config=Stored Configuration
+liteyuki.config_set_success=Configuration {KEY}={VAL} set successfully
+liteyuki.stats.run_time=Run Time
+liteyuki.image_mode_on=Enable Markdown Image Mode
+liteyuki.image_mode_off=Disable Markdown Image Mode
+liteyuki.invalid_command=Invalid command or parameter {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources=Reload Resources
+liteyuki.list_resources=Resource Pack List
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Resource reload successful, {NUM} resource packs in total
+liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} resource packs loaded, sorted by priority
+liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Unloaded resource packs
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=Resource pack {NAME} loaded successfully
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Resource pack {NAME} unloaded successfully
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Failed to load resource pack {NAME}
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Failed to unload resource pack {NAME}
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=Resource pack {NAME} does not exist or is not operable
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=Resource pack {NAME} already loaded, do not repeat operation
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=Resource pack {NAME} already unloaded, do not repeat operation
+liteyuki.need_reload=Please {BTN} reload to apply these updates
+liteyuki.dont_repeat=Do not repeat operation
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=Resource pack {NAME} priority changed successfully
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Failed to change priority of resource pack {NAME}
+liteyuki.group_already=Group {GROUP} is already {STATUS}, no need to repeat operation
+liteyuki.group_success=Group {GROUP} {STATUS} successful
+liteyuki.permission_denied=Permission denied
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=Configuration {KEY} removed successfully
+main.current_language=Current configuration language is: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=Web monitoring panel enabled: {URL}
+main.monitor.title=Liteyuki Monitoring Panel
+main.monitor.description=Liteyuki Bot Monitoring Panel
+data_manager.migrate_success=Data model {NAME} migration successful
+npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins loaded
+npm.total=Total {TOTAL}
+npm.disable_global=Disable Globally
+npm.enable_global=Enable Globally
+npm.installing=Installing {NAME}
+npm.cannot_uninstall=Cannot Uninstall
+npm.no_description=No Description
+npm.store_update_success=Plugin store data updated successfully
+npm.store_update_failed=Plugin store data update failed
+npm.search_result=Search Result
+npm.search_no_result=No search result
+npm.too_many_results=Too many items, {HIDE_NUM} items hidden, please limit the keyword search
+npm.install_success={NAME} installed successfully
+npm.install_failed={NAME} installation failed, please check the log for detailed information. If you cannot resolve it, visit {HOMEPAGE} for help
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} uninstalled successfully, effective next restart
+npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} uninstallation failed
+npm.load_failed={NAME} loading failed, please check the console for detailed information, check if dependencies or configurations are correct, if cannot resolve, visit {HOMEPAGE} for help
+npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} not found in the store, please try updating the store information or checking the spelling
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} not installed
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} already installed, do not reinstall
+npm.next_page=Next Page
+npm.prev_page=Previous Page
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Plugin {NAME} cannot be enabled or disabled
+npm.plugin_already=Plugin {NAME} is already {STATUS}, no need to repeat operation
+npm.toggle_failed=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} failed: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=Plugin {NAME} {STATUS} successful
+npm.page=Page {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
+npm.update_index=Update Plugin Index
+npm.list_plugins=Plugin List
+npm.disable_session=Disable plugin for current session
+npm.enable_session=Enable plugin for current session
+user.profile_manager.query=Your profile {ATTR} is {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=Your profile {ATTR} set to {VALUE}
+user.profile.info=Profile Information
+user.profile.lang.desc=Set user language
+user.profile.timezone.desc=Set user current timezone
+user.profile.theme.desc=Set user interface theme
+user.profile.location.desc=Set user location information
+user.profile.nickname.desc=Set how the bot calls the user
+user.profile.input_value=Please enter the value of {ATTR}
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} set to {VALUE} successfully
+user.profile.set_failed=Failed to set {ATTR}, please check the input legality
+rpm.move_up=Move Up
+rpm.move_down=Move Down
+rpm.move_top=Move Top
+weather.city_not_found=City {CITY} not found
+weather.weather_not_found=Weather information not found for city {CITY}
+weather.no_key=Weather API key not set. Please add weather_key to the configuration file
+status.resources=Resource Pack(s)
+status.message_sent=Message(s) Sent
+status.message_received=Message(s) Received
+status.description=Liteyuki Dashboard
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/es.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/es.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/es.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/es.lang
index 53620c3..001bb72 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/es.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/es.lang
@@ -1,160 +1,160 @@
-liteyuki.restart_now=Reiniciar Ahora
-liteyuki.update_restart=Actualizaciones completadas. Puedes {RESTART} o reiniciar manualmente más tarde para aplicar estas actualizaciones.
-liteyuki.current_config=La configuración actual es la siguiente
-liteyuki.static_config=Configuración Estática
-liteyuki.stored_config=Configuración Almacenada
-liteyuki.config_set_success=Configuración {KEY}={VAL} establecida correctamente
-liteyuki.stats.run_time=Tiempo de Ejecución
-liteyuki.image_mode_on=Activar Modo de Imagen Markdown
-liteyuki.image_mode_off=Desactivar Modo de Imagen Markdown
-liteyuki.invalid_command=Comando o parámetro {TEXT} inválido
-liteyuki.reload_resources=Recargar Recursos
-liteyuki.list_resources=Lista de Paquetes de Recursos
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Recarga de recursos exitosa, un total de {NUM} paquetes de recursos
-liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} paquetes de recursos cargados, ordenados por prioridad
-liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Paquetes de recursos no cargados
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=Paquete de recursos {NAME} cargado correctamente
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Paquete de recursos {NAME} descargado correctamente
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Error al cargar el paquete de recursos {NAME}
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Error al descargar el paquete de recursos {NAME}
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=El paquete de recursos {NAME} no existe o no es operable
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=El paquete de recursos {NAME} ya está cargado, no repitas la operación
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=El paquete de recursos {NAME} ya está descargado, no repitas la operación
-liteyuki.need_reload=Por favor, {BTN} recargar para aplicar estas actualizaciones
-liteyuki.dont_repeat=No repitas la operación
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=Prioridad del paquete de recursos {NAME} cambiada correctamente
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Error al cambiar la prioridad del paquete de recursos {NAME}
-liteyuki.group_already=El grupo {GROUP} ya está {STATUS}, no es necesario repetir la operación
-liteyuki.group_success=Grupo {GROUP} {STATUS} exitosamente
-liteyuki.permission_denied=Permiso denegado
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=Configuración {KEY} eliminada correctamente
-main.current_language=El idioma de configuración actual es: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=Panel de monitoreo web habilitado: {URL}
-main.monitor.title=Panel de Monitoreo de Liteyuki
-main.monitor.description=Panel de Monitoreo del Bot de Liteyuki
-data_manager.migrate_success=Modelo de datos {NAME} migrado con éxito
-npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins cargados
-npm.total=Total {TOTAL}
-npm.disable_global=Desactivar Globalmente
-npm.enable_global=Activar Globalmente
-npm.installing=Instalando {NAME}
-npm.cannot_uninstall=No se puede Desinstalar
-npm.no_description=Sin Descripción
-npm.store_update_success=Actualización de datos de la tienda de plugins exitosa
-npm.store_update_failed=Falló la actualización de datos de la tienda de plugins
-npm.search_result=Resultado de la Búsqueda
-npm.search_no_result=Sin resultados de búsqueda
-npm.too_many_results=Demasiados elementos, {HIDE_NUM} elementos ocultos, por favor limite la búsqueda de palabras clave
-npm.install_success={NAME} instalado correctamente
-npm.install_failed=Falla en la instalación de {NAME}, por favor revise el registro para obtener información detallada. Si no puede resolverlo, visite {HOMEPAGE} para obtener ayuda
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} desinstalado correctamente, efectivo después del próximo reinicio
-npm.uninstall_failed=Falla en la desinstalación de {NAME}
-npm.load_failed=Falla al cargar {NAME}, por favor revise la consola para obtener información detallada, si no puede resolverlo, visite {HOMEPAGE} para obtener ayuda
-npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} no encontrado en la tienda, por favor intente actualizar la información de la tienda o verifique la ortografía
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} no instalado
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} ya instalado, no vuelva a instalarlo
-npm.homepage=Página de Inicio
-npm.next_page=Siguiente Página
-npm.prev_page=Página Anterior
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=El plugin {NAME} no se puede activar o desactivar
-npm.plugin_already=El plugin {NAME} ya está {STATUS}, no es necesario repetir la operación
-npm.toggle_failed=Falla en {STATUS} el plugin {NAME}: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=Éxito al {STATUS} el plugin {NAME}
-npm.page=Página {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
-npm.update_index=Actualizar el Índice del Plugin
-npm.list_plugins=Lista de Plugins
-npm.disable_session=Desactivar sesión actual
-npm.enable_session=Activar sesión actual
-user.profile_manager.query=Tu perfil {ATTR} es {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=Tu perfil {ATTR} ha sido establecido como {VALUE}
-user.profile.info=Información de Perfil
-user.profile.lang.desc=Establecer el idioma del usuario
-user.profile.timezone=Zona Horaria
-user.profile.timezone.desc=Establecer la zona horaria actual del usuario
-user.profile.theme.desc=Establecer el tema de la interfaz de usuario del usuario
-user.profile.location.desc=Establecer la información de ubicación del usuario
-user.profile.nickname.desc=Establecer cómo el bot llama al usuario
-user.profile.input_value=Por favor ingrese el valor de {ATTR}
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} establecido como {VALUE} exitosamente
-user.profile.set_failed=Falla al establecer {ATTR}, por favor revise la legalidad de la entrada
-rpm.move_up=Mover Arriba
-rpm.move_down=Mover Abajo
-rpm.move_top=Mover Arriba
-weather.city_not_found=Ciudad {CITY} no encontrada
-weather.weather_not_found=No se encontró información meteorológica para la ciudad {CITY}
-weather.no_key=Clave API del tiempo no establecida. Por favor, agregue weather_key al archivo de configuración
-status.resources=Paquetes de Recursos
-status.message_sent=Mensajes Enviados
-status.message_received=Mensajes Recibidos
-status.runtime=Tiempo de Ejecución
+liteyuki.restart_now=Reiniciar Ahora
+liteyuki.update_restart=Actualizaciones completadas. Puedes {RESTART} o reiniciar manualmente más tarde para aplicar estas actualizaciones.
+liteyuki.current_config=La configuración actual es la siguiente
+liteyuki.static_config=Configuración Estática
+liteyuki.stored_config=Configuración Almacenada
+liteyuki.config_set_success=Configuración {KEY}={VAL} establecida correctamente
+liteyuki.stats.run_time=Tiempo de Ejecución
+liteyuki.image_mode_on=Activar Modo de Imagen Markdown
+liteyuki.image_mode_off=Desactivar Modo de Imagen Markdown
+liteyuki.invalid_command=Comando o parámetro {TEXT} inválido
+liteyuki.reload_resources=Recargar Recursos
+liteyuki.list_resources=Lista de Paquetes de Recursos
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Recarga de recursos exitosa, un total de {NUM} paquetes de recursos
+liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} paquetes de recursos cargados, ordenados por prioridad
+liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Paquetes de recursos no cargados
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=Paquete de recursos {NAME} cargado correctamente
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Paquete de recursos {NAME} descargado correctamente
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Error al cargar el paquete de recursos {NAME}
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Error al descargar el paquete de recursos {NAME}
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=El paquete de recursos {NAME} no existe o no es operable
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=El paquete de recursos {NAME} ya está cargado, no repitas la operación
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=El paquete de recursos {NAME} ya está descargado, no repitas la operación
+liteyuki.need_reload=Por favor, {BTN} recargar para aplicar estas actualizaciones
+liteyuki.dont_repeat=No repitas la operación
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=Prioridad del paquete de recursos {NAME} cambiada correctamente
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Error al cambiar la prioridad del paquete de recursos {NAME}
+liteyuki.group_already=El grupo {GROUP} ya está {STATUS}, no es necesario repetir la operación
+liteyuki.group_success=Grupo {GROUP} {STATUS} exitosamente
+liteyuki.permission_denied=Permiso denegado
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=Configuración {KEY} eliminada correctamente
+main.current_language=El idioma de configuración actual es: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=Panel de monitoreo web habilitado: {URL}
+main.monitor.title=Panel de Monitoreo de Liteyuki
+main.monitor.description=Panel de Monitoreo del Bot de Liteyuki
+data_manager.migrate_success=Modelo de datos {NAME} migrado con éxito
+npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins cargados
+npm.total=Total {TOTAL}
+npm.disable_global=Desactivar Globalmente
+npm.enable_global=Activar Globalmente
+npm.installing=Instalando {NAME}
+npm.cannot_uninstall=No se puede Desinstalar
+npm.no_description=Sin Descripción
+npm.store_update_success=Actualización de datos de la tienda de plugins exitosa
+npm.store_update_failed=Falló la actualización de datos de la tienda de plugins
+npm.search_result=Resultado de la Búsqueda
+npm.search_no_result=Sin resultados de búsqueda
+npm.too_many_results=Demasiados elementos, {HIDE_NUM} elementos ocultos, por favor limite la búsqueda de palabras clave
+npm.install_success={NAME} instalado correctamente
+npm.install_failed=Falla en la instalación de {NAME}, por favor revise el registro para obtener información detallada. Si no puede resolverlo, visite {HOMEPAGE} para obtener ayuda
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} desinstalado correctamente, efectivo después del próximo reinicio
+npm.uninstall_failed=Falla en la desinstalación de {NAME}
+npm.load_failed=Falla al cargar {NAME}, por favor revise la consola para obtener información detallada, si no puede resolverlo, visite {HOMEPAGE} para obtener ayuda
+npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} no encontrado en la tienda, por favor intente actualizar la información de la tienda o verifique la ortografía
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} no instalado
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} ya instalado, no vuelva a instalarlo
+npm.homepage=Página de Inicio
+npm.next_page=Siguiente Página
+npm.prev_page=Página Anterior
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=El plugin {NAME} no se puede activar o desactivar
+npm.plugin_already=El plugin {NAME} ya está {STATUS}, no es necesario repetir la operación
+npm.toggle_failed=Falla en {STATUS} el plugin {NAME}: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=Éxito al {STATUS} el plugin {NAME}
+npm.page=Página {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
+npm.update_index=Actualizar el Índice del Plugin
+npm.list_plugins=Lista de Plugins
+npm.disable_session=Desactivar sesión actual
+npm.enable_session=Activar sesión actual
+user.profile_manager.query=Tu perfil {ATTR} es {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=Tu perfil {ATTR} ha sido establecido como {VALUE}
+user.profile.info=Información de Perfil
+user.profile.lang.desc=Establecer el idioma del usuario
+user.profile.timezone=Zona Horaria
+user.profile.timezone.desc=Establecer la zona horaria actual del usuario
+user.profile.theme.desc=Establecer el tema de la interfaz de usuario del usuario
+user.profile.location.desc=Establecer la información de ubicación del usuario
+user.profile.nickname.desc=Establecer cómo el bot llama al usuario
+user.profile.input_value=Por favor ingrese el valor de {ATTR}
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} establecido como {VALUE} exitosamente
+user.profile.set_failed=Falla al establecer {ATTR}, por favor revise la legalidad de la entrada
+rpm.move_up=Mover Arriba
+rpm.move_down=Mover Abajo
+rpm.move_top=Mover Arriba
+weather.city_not_found=Ciudad {CITY} no encontrada
+weather.weather_not_found=No se encontró información meteorológica para la ciudad {CITY}
+weather.no_key=Clave API del tiempo no establecida. Por favor, agregue weather_key al archivo de configuración
+status.resources=Paquetes de Recursos
+status.message_sent=Mensajes Enviados
+status.message_received=Mensajes Recibidos
+status.runtime=Tiempo de Ejecución
status.description=Liteyuki Dashboard Status
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/fr.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/fr.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/fr.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/fr.lang
index af242c0..281f0bb 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/fr.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/fr.lang
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-liteyuki.restart_now=Redémarrer maintenant
-liteyuki.update_restart=Mise à jour terminée. Vous pouvez {RESTART} ou redémarrer manuellement plus tard pour appliquer ces mises à jour.
-liteyuki.current_config=Configuration actuelle
-liteyuki.static_config=Configuration statique des fichiers
-liteyuki.stored_config=Configuration stockée
-liteyuki.config_set_success=La configuration {KEY}={VAL} a été définie avec succès
-liteyuki.stats.run_time=Temps d'exécution
-liteyuki.image_mode_on=Activer le mode image Markdown
-liteyuki.image_mode_off=Désactiver le mode image Markdown
-liteyuki.invalid_command=Commande ou paramètre {TEXT} invalide
-liteyuki.reload_resources=Recharger les ressources
-liteyuki.list_resources=Liste des ressources
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Rechargement réussi des ressources. Total de {NUM} ressources chargées.
-liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} ressources chargées, triées par priorité.
-liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Ressources non chargées
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=Chargement réussi de la ressource {NAME}
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Déchargement réussi de la ressource {NAME}
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Échec du chargement de la ressource {NAME}
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Échec du déchargement de la ressource {NAME}
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=La ressource {NAME} est introuvable ou non manipulable.
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=La ressource {NAME} est déjà chargée. Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=La ressource {NAME} est déjà déchargée. Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
-liteyuki.need_reload=Veuillez {BTN} pour recharger et appliquer ces mises à jour.
-liteyuki.dont_repeat=Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=La priorité de la ressource {NAME} a été modifiée avec succès.
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Échec de la modification de la priorité de la ressource {NAME}.
-liteyuki.group_already=Le groupe {GROUP} est déjà {STATUS}. Aucune action nécessaire.
-liteyuki.group_success=Le groupe {GROUP} a été {STATUS} avec succès.
-liteyuki.permission_denied=Permission refusée.
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=La configuration {KEY} a été supprimée avec succès.
-main.current_language=Langue actuelle : {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=Tableau de bord Web activé : {URL}
-main.monitor.title=Tableau de bord de Liteyuki
-main.monitor.description=Tableau de bord de surveillance du robot Liteyuki
-data_manager.migrate_success=Migration réussie du modèle de données {NAME}
-npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins chargés
-npm.total=Total {TOTAL}
-npm.disable_global=Désactiver globalement
-npm.enable_global=Activer globalement
-npm.installing=Installation de {NAME} en cours
-npm.cannot_uninstall=Impossible de désinstaller
-npm.no_description=Aucune description
-npm.store_update_success=Mise à jour des données du magasin de plugins réussie
-npm.store_update_failed=Échec de la mise à jour des données du magasin de plugins
-npm.search_result=Résultats de la recherche
-npm.search_no_result=Aucun résultat trouvé
-npm.too_many_results=Trop de résultats. {HIDE_NUM} éléments masqués. Veuillez restreindre la recherche par mots-clés.
-npm.install_success=Installation de {NAME} réussie
-npm.install_failed=Échec de l'installation de {NAME}. Consultez les journaux pour plus d'informations. Si le problème persiste, veuillez consulter {HOMEPAGE} pour obtenir de l'aide.
-npm.uninstall_success=Désinstallation de {NAME} réussie. Les modifications prendront effet au prochain redémarrage.
-npm.uninstall_failed=Échec de la désinstallation de {NAME}
-npm.load_failed=Échec du chargement de {NAME}. Veuillez consulter les détails dans la console, vérifier les dépendances ou la configuration. Si le problème persiste, veuillez consulter {HOMEPAGE} pour obtenir de l'aide.
-npm.plugin_not_found=Plugin {NAME} introuvable dans le magasin. Veuillez vérifier l'orthographe ou effectuer une mise à jour du magasin.
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} n'est pas installé
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} est déjà installé. Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
-npm.homepage=Page d'accueil
-npm.next_page=Page suivante
-npm.prev_page=Page précédente
-npm.update=Mettre à jour
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Le plugin {NAME} ne peut pas être activé ou désactivé.
-npm.plugin_already=Le plugin {NAME} est déjà {STATUS}. Aucune action nécessaire.
-npm.toggle_failed=Échec de {STATUS} du plugin {NAME} : {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success={STATUS} du plugin {NAME} réussi
-npm.page=Page {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
-npm.update_index=Mise à jour de l'index des plugins
-npm.list_plugins=Liste des plugins
-npm.disable_session=Désactivation des plugins pour cette session
-npm.enable_session=Activation des plugins pour cette session
-user.profile_manager.query=Votre {ATTR} est {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=Votre {ATTR} a été défini sur {VALUE}
-user.profile.info=Informations personnelles
-user.profile.lang.desc=Définir la langue de l'utilisateur
-user.profile.timezone=Fuseau horaire
-user.profile.timezone.desc=Définir le fuseau horaire de l'utilisateur
-user.profile.theme.desc=Définir le thème de l'interface utilisateur de l'utilisateur
-user.profile.location.desc=Définir l'emplacement de l'utilisateur
-user.profile.nickname.desc=Définir le surnom du Bot pour l'utilisateur
-user.profile.input_value=Veuillez entrer une valeur pour {ATTR}
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} a été défini sur {VALUE} avec succès
-user.profile.set_failed=Échec de la définition de {ATTR}. Veuillez vérifier la validité de l'entrée.
-rpm.move_top=En haut
-weather.city_not_found=Ville {CITY} non trouvée
-weather.weather_not_found=Les informations météorologiques pour la ville {CITY} n'ont pas été trouvées
-weather.no_key=Aucune clé API météo définie. Veuillez ajouter weather_key au fichier de configuration.
-status.message_sent=Messages envoyés
-status.message_received=Messages reçus
-status.runtime=Temps d'exécution
+liteyuki.restart_now=Redémarrer maintenant
+liteyuki.update_restart=Mise à jour terminée. Vous pouvez {RESTART} ou redémarrer manuellement plus tard pour appliquer ces mises à jour.
+liteyuki.current_config=Configuration actuelle
+liteyuki.static_config=Configuration statique des fichiers
+liteyuki.stored_config=Configuration stockée
+liteyuki.config_set_success=La configuration {KEY}={VAL} a été définie avec succès
+liteyuki.stats.run_time=Temps d'exécution
+liteyuki.image_mode_on=Activer le mode image Markdown
+liteyuki.image_mode_off=Désactiver le mode image Markdown
+liteyuki.invalid_command=Commande ou paramètre {TEXT} invalide
+liteyuki.reload_resources=Recharger les ressources
+liteyuki.list_resources=Liste des ressources
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Rechargement réussi des ressources. Total de {NUM} ressources chargées.
+liteyuki.loaded_resources={NUM} ressources chargées, triées par priorité.
+liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Ressources non chargées
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=Chargement réussi de la ressource {NAME}
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Déchargement réussi de la ressource {NAME}
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Échec du chargement de la ressource {NAME}
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Échec du déchargement de la ressource {NAME}
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=La ressource {NAME} est introuvable ou non manipulable.
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=La ressource {NAME} est déjà chargée. Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=La ressource {NAME} est déjà déchargée. Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
+liteyuki.need_reload=Veuillez {BTN} pour recharger et appliquer ces mises à jour.
+liteyuki.dont_repeat=Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=La priorité de la ressource {NAME} a été modifiée avec succès.
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Échec de la modification de la priorité de la ressource {NAME}.
+liteyuki.group_already=Le groupe {GROUP} est déjà {STATUS}. Aucune action nécessaire.
+liteyuki.group_success=Le groupe {GROUP} a été {STATUS} avec succès.
+liteyuki.permission_denied=Permission refusée.
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=La configuration {KEY} a été supprimée avec succès.
+main.current_language=Langue actuelle : {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=Tableau de bord Web activé : {URL}
+main.monitor.title=Tableau de bord de Liteyuki
+main.monitor.description=Tableau de bord de surveillance du robot Liteyuki
+data_manager.migrate_success=Migration réussie du modèle de données {NAME}
+npm.loaded_plugins=Plugins chargés
+npm.total=Total {TOTAL}
+npm.disable_global=Désactiver globalement
+npm.enable_global=Activer globalement
+npm.installing=Installation de {NAME} en cours
+npm.cannot_uninstall=Impossible de désinstaller
+npm.no_description=Aucune description
+npm.store_update_success=Mise à jour des données du magasin de plugins réussie
+npm.store_update_failed=Échec de la mise à jour des données du magasin de plugins
+npm.search_result=Résultats de la recherche
+npm.search_no_result=Aucun résultat trouvé
+npm.too_many_results=Trop de résultats. {HIDE_NUM} éléments masqués. Veuillez restreindre la recherche par mots-clés.
+npm.install_success=Installation de {NAME} réussie
+npm.install_failed=Échec de l'installation de {NAME}. Consultez les journaux pour plus d'informations. Si le problème persiste, veuillez consulter {HOMEPAGE} pour obtenir de l'aide.
+npm.uninstall_success=Désinstallation de {NAME} réussie. Les modifications prendront effet au prochain redémarrage.
+npm.uninstall_failed=Échec de la désinstallation de {NAME}
+npm.load_failed=Échec du chargement de {NAME}. Veuillez consulter les détails dans la console, vérifier les dépendances ou la configuration. Si le problème persiste, veuillez consulter {HOMEPAGE} pour obtenir de l'aide.
+npm.plugin_not_found=Plugin {NAME} introuvable dans le magasin. Veuillez vérifier l'orthographe ou effectuer une mise à jour du magasin.
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} n'est pas installé
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} est déjà installé. Veuillez ne pas répéter l'opération.
+npm.homepage=Page d'accueil
+npm.next_page=Page suivante
+npm.prev_page=Page précédente
+npm.update=Mettre à jour
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Le plugin {NAME} ne peut pas être activé ou désactivé.
+npm.plugin_already=Le plugin {NAME} est déjà {STATUS}. Aucune action nécessaire.
+npm.toggle_failed=Échec de {STATUS} du plugin {NAME} : {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success={STATUS} du plugin {NAME} réussi
+npm.page=Page {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
+npm.update_index=Mise à jour de l'index des plugins
+npm.list_plugins=Liste des plugins
+npm.disable_session=Désactivation des plugins pour cette session
+npm.enable_session=Activation des plugins pour cette session
+user.profile_manager.query=Votre {ATTR} est {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=Votre {ATTR} a été défini sur {VALUE}
+user.profile.info=Informations personnelles
+user.profile.lang.desc=Définir la langue de l'utilisateur
+user.profile.timezone=Fuseau horaire
+user.profile.timezone.desc=Définir le fuseau horaire de l'utilisateur
+user.profile.theme.desc=Définir le thème de l'interface utilisateur de l'utilisateur
+user.profile.location.desc=Définir l'emplacement de l'utilisateur
+user.profile.nickname.desc=Définir le surnom du Bot pour l'utilisateur
+user.profile.input_value=Veuillez entrer une valeur pour {ATTR}
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} a été défini sur {VALUE} avec succès
+user.profile.set_failed=Échec de la définition de {ATTR}. Veuillez vérifier la validité de l'entrée.
+rpm.move_top=En haut
+weather.city_not_found=Ville {CITY} non trouvée
+weather.weather_not_found=Les informations météorologiques pour la ville {CITY} n'ont pas été trouvées
+weather.no_key=Aucune clé API météo définie. Veuillez ajouter weather_key au fichier de configuration.
+status.message_sent=Messages envoyés
+status.message_received=Messages reçus
+status.runtime=Temps d'exécution
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ja.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ja.lang
similarity index 98%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ja.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ja.lang
index 2c9a743..2ebebe6 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ja.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ja.lang
@@ -1,160 +1,160 @@
-liteyuki.config_set_success=設定 {KEY}={VAL} が正常に設定されました
-liteyuki.invalid_command=無効なコマンドまたはパラメータ {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=リソースのリロードに成功しました。合計 {NUM} 個のリソースパッケージ
-liteyuki.loaded_resources= {NUM} 個のリソースパッケージが読み込まれました。優先順位でソートされます
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=リソースパッケージ {NAME} を正常に読み込みました
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=リソースパッケージ {NAME} を正常にアンロードしました
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=リソースパッケージ {NAME} の読み込みに失敗しました
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=リソースパッケージ {NAME} のアンロードに失敗しました
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=リソースパッケージ {NAME} が見つかりませんまたは操作できません
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=リソースパッケージ {NAME} はすでに読み込まれています。重複して実行しないでください
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=リソースパッケージ {NAME} はすでにアンロードされています。重複して実行しないでください
-liteyuki.need_reload=これらの更新を適用するには、{BTN} 再起動してください
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=リソースパッケージ {NAME} の優先順位を変更しました
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=リソースパッケージ {NAME} の優先順位の変更に失敗しました
-liteyuki.group_already=グループ {GROUP} はすでに {STATUS} 状態です。再度操作する必要はありません
-liteyuki.group_success=グループ {GROUP} が {STATUS} されました
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=設定項目 {KEY} を削除しました
-main.current_language=現在の言語設定: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=ウェブダッシュボードが有効になりました: {URL}
-main.monitor.title=Liteyuki モニター
-main.monitor.description=Liteyuki ボットの監視パネル
-data_manager.migrate_success=データモデル {NAME} が正常に移行されました
-npm.total=合計 {TOTAL}
-npm.installing={NAME} をインストールしています
-npm.too_many_results=多すぎる結果です。{HIDE_NUM} 件が非表示にされました。キーワードを絞って検索してください
-npm.install_success={NAME} を正常にインストールしました
-npm.install_failed={NAME} のインストールに失敗しました。ログを参照して詳細情報を取得し、解決できない場合は{HOMEPAGE}を訪問してサポートを求めてください
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} を正常にアンインストールしました。次回の再起動で有効になります
-npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} のアンインストールに失敗しました
-npm.load_failed={NAME} の読み込みに失敗しました。詳細情報はコンソールで確認し、依存関係または設定が正しいかどうかを確認し、解決できない場合は{HOMEPAGE}を訪問してサポートを求めてください
-npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} がプラグインストアで見つかりませんでした。ストア情報を更新するか、スペルを確認してください
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} がインストールされていません
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} はすでにインストールされています。重複して実行しないでください
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=プラグイン {NAME} を有効または無効にできません
-npm.plugin_already=プラグイン {NAME} はすでに {STATUS} 状態です。再度操作する必要はありません
-npm.toggle_failed=プラグイン {NAME} を {STATUS} できませんでした: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=プラグイン {NAME} を {STATUS} しました
-npm.page={PAGE}/{TOTAL} ページ
-user.profile_manager.query=あなたのプロファイル {ATTR} は {VALUE} です
-user.profile_manager.set=あなたのプロファイル {ATTR} を {VALUE} に設定しました
-user.profile.input_value={ATTR} の値を入力してください
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} を {VALUE} に設定しました
-user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} の設定に失敗しました。入力が正しいかどうかを確認してください
-weather.city_not_found=都市 {CITY} が見つかりません
-weather.weather_not_found=都市 {CITY} の天気情報が見つかりません
+liteyuki.config_set_success=設定 {KEY}={VAL} が正常に設定されました
+liteyuki.invalid_command=無効なコマンドまたはパラメータ {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=リソースのリロードに成功しました。合計 {NUM} 個のリソースパッケージ
+liteyuki.loaded_resources= {NUM} 個のリソースパッケージが読み込まれました。優先順位でソートされます
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=リソースパッケージ {NAME} を正常に読み込みました
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=リソースパッケージ {NAME} を正常にアンロードしました
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=リソースパッケージ {NAME} の読み込みに失敗しました
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=リソースパッケージ {NAME} のアンロードに失敗しました
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=リソースパッケージ {NAME} が見つかりませんまたは操作できません
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=リソースパッケージ {NAME} はすでに読み込まれています。重複して実行しないでください
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=リソースパッケージ {NAME} はすでにアンロードされています。重複して実行しないでください
+liteyuki.need_reload=これらの更新を適用するには、{BTN} 再起動してください
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=リソースパッケージ {NAME} の優先順位を変更しました
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=リソースパッケージ {NAME} の優先順位の変更に失敗しました
+liteyuki.group_already=グループ {GROUP} はすでに {STATUS} 状態です。再度操作する必要はありません
+liteyuki.group_success=グループ {GROUP} が {STATUS} されました
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=設定項目 {KEY} を削除しました
+main.current_language=現在の言語設定: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=ウェブダッシュボードが有効になりました: {URL}
+main.monitor.title=Liteyuki モニター
+main.monitor.description=Liteyuki ボットの監視パネル
+data_manager.migrate_success=データモデル {NAME} が正常に移行されました
+npm.total=合計 {TOTAL}
+npm.installing={NAME} をインストールしています
+npm.too_many_results=多すぎる結果です。{HIDE_NUM} 件が非表示にされました。キーワードを絞って検索してください
+npm.install_success={NAME} を正常にインストールしました
+npm.install_failed={NAME} のインストールに失敗しました。ログを参照して詳細情報を取得し、解決できない場合は{HOMEPAGE}を訪問してサポートを求めてください
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} を正常にアンインストールしました。次回の再起動で有効になります
+npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} のアンインストールに失敗しました
+npm.load_failed={NAME} の読み込みに失敗しました。詳細情報はコンソールで確認し、依存関係または設定が正しいかどうかを確認し、解決できない場合は{HOMEPAGE}を訪問してサポートを求めてください
+npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} がプラグインストアで見つかりませんでした。ストア情報を更新するか、スペルを確認してください
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} がインストールされていません
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} はすでにインストールされています。重複して実行しないでください
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=プラグイン {NAME} を有効または無効にできません
+npm.plugin_already=プラグイン {NAME} はすでに {STATUS} 状態です。再度操作する必要はありません
+npm.toggle_failed=プラグイン {NAME} を {STATUS} できませんでした: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=プラグイン {NAME} を {STATUS} しました
+npm.page={PAGE}/{TOTAL} ページ
+user.profile_manager.query=あなたのプロファイル {ATTR} は {VALUE} です
+user.profile_manager.set=あなたのプロファイル {ATTR} を {VALUE} に設定しました
+user.profile.input_value={ATTR} の値を入力してください
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} を {VALUE} に設定しました
+user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} の設定に失敗しました。入力が正しいかどうかを確認してください
+weather.city_not_found=都市 {CITY} が見つかりません
+weather.weather_not_found=都市 {CITY} の天気情報が見つかりません
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ko.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ko.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ko.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ko.lang
index ea7b882..609b494 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ko.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ko.lang
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-liteyuki.restart_now=즉시 재시작
-liteyuki.update_restart=업데이트가 완료되었습니다. {RESTART}하거나 나중에 수동으로 재시작하여 이 업데이트를 적용할 수 있습니다.
-liteyuki.current_config=현재 구성 항목
-liteyuki.static_config=정적 파일 구성 항목
-liteyuki.stored_config=저장된 구성 항목
-liteyuki.config_set_success=구성 항목 {KEY}={VAL} 설정 성공
-liteyuki.stats.run_time=실행 시간
-liteyuki.image_mode_on=Markdown 이미지 모드 활성화
-liteyuki.image_mode_off=Markdown 이미지 모드 비활성화
-liteyuki.invalid_command=유효하지 않은 명령 또는 매개변수 {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources=자원 다시로드
-liteyuki.list_resources=자원 목록
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=자원 다시로드 성공, 총 {NUM}개 자원 패키지
-liteyuki.loaded_resources=로드된 자원 {NUM}개, 우선 순위별로 정렬됨
-liteyuki.unloaded_resources=로드되지 않은 자원 패키지
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=자원 패키지 {NAME} 로드 성공
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=자원 패키지 {NAME} 언로드 성공
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=자원 패키지 {NAME} 로드 실패
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=자원 패키지 {NAME} 언로드 실패
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=자원 패키지 {NAME}이(가) 존재하지 않거나 조작할 수 없습니다.
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=자원 패키지 {NAME}이(가) 이미 로드되어 있습니다. 중복 작업을 피하세요.
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=자원 패키지 {NAME}이(가) 이미 언로드되어 있습니다. 중복 작업을 피하세요.
-liteyuki.need_reload={BTN}을(를) 다시로드하여 이러한 업데이트를 적용하세요.
-liteyuki.dont_repeat=중복 작업을 피하세요.
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=자원 패키지 {NAME}의 우선 순위가 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=자원 패키지 {NAME}의 우선 순위 변경에 실패했습니다.
-liteyuki.group_already=그룹 {GROUP}은(는) 이미 {STATUS} 상태이므로 중복 작업을 피하세요.
-liteyuki.group_success=그룹 {GROUP} {STATUS} 성공
-liteyuki.permission_denied=권한이 거부되었습니다.
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=구성 항목 {KEY} 제거 성공
-main.current_language=현재 구성 언어: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=웹 대시보드가 활성화되었습니다: {URL}
-main.monitor.title=Liteyuki 모니터링 패널
-main.monitor.description=Liteyuki 봇 모니터링 패널
-data_manager.migrate_success=데이터 모델 {NAME} 이(가) 성공적으로 이동되었습니다.
-npm.loaded_plugins=로드된 플러그인
-npm.total=총 {TOTAL}
-npm.disable_global=전역 비활성화
-npm.enable_global=전역 활성화
-npm.installing=설치 중 {NAME}
-npm.cannot_uninstall=제거할 수 없음
-npm.no_description=설명 없음
-npm.store_update_success=플러그인 스토어 업데이트 성공
-npm.store_update_failed=플러그인 스토어 업데이트 실패
-npm.search_result=검색 결과
-npm.search_no_result=검색 결과 없음
-npm.too_many_results=결과가 너무 많습니다. {HIDE_NUM}개의 항목이 숨겨졌습니다. 검색어를 제한하세요.
-npm.install_success={NAME} 설치 성공
-npm.install_failed={NAME} 설치 실패. 자세한 내용은 로그를 확인하거나 문제를 해결할 수 없는 경우 {HOMEPAGE}을(를) 방문하세요.
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 제거 성공. 다음 재시작에 적용됩니다.
-npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 제거 실패
-npm.load_failed={NAME} 로드 실패. 의존성 또는 설정을 확인하고 문제를 해결할 수 없는 경우 {HOMEPAGE}을(를) 방문하세요.
-npm.plugin_not_found={NAME}을(를) 스토어에서 찾을 수 없습니다. 스토어 정보를 업데이트하거나 철자를 확인하세요.
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME}이(가) 설치되지 않았습니다.
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME}이(가) 이미 설치되었습니다. 중복 설치를 피하세요.
-npm.next_page=다음 페이지
-npm.prev_page=이전 페이지
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled={NAME} 플러그인은 활성화 또는 비활성화할 수 없습니다.
-npm.plugin_already={NAME} 플러그인은 이미 {STATUS} 상태입니다. 중복 작업을 피하세요.
-npm.toggle_failed={NAME} 플러그인 {STATUS} 실패: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success={NAME} 플러그인 {STATUS} 성공
-npm.page={PAGE}/{TOTAL} 페이지
-npm.update_index=플러그인 인덱스 업데이트
-npm.list_plugins=플러그인 목록
-npm.disable_session=현재 세션에서 플러그인을 비활성화합니다.
-npm.enable_session=현재 세션에서 플러그인을 활성화합니다.
-user.profile_manager.query=당신의 프로필 {ATTR}은(는) {VALUE}입니다.
-user.profile_manager.set=당신의 프로필 {ATTR}은(는) {VALUE}(으)로 설정되었습니다.
-user.profile.info=프로필 정보
-user.profile.lang.desc=사용자 언어 설정
-user.profile.timezone.desc=사용자의 현재 시간대 설정
-user.profile.theme.desc=사용자 인터페이스 테마 설정
-user.profile.location.desc=사용자 위치 정보 설정
-user.profile.nickname.desc=Bot이 사용자를 부를 때 사용되는 이름 설정
-user.profile.input_value={ATTR}의 값을 입력하세요.
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR}가 {VALUE}(으)로 설정되었습니다.
-user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} 설정 실패. 입력이 유효한지 확인하세요.
-rpm.move_up=위로 이동
-rpm.move_down=아래로 이동
-rpm.move_top=최상단으로 이동
-weather.city_not_found={CITY} 도시를 찾을 수 없습니다.
-weather.weather_not_found={CITY} 도시의 날씨 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.
-weather.no_key=날씨 API 키가 설정되지 않았습니다. 설정 파일에 weather_key를 추가하세요.
-status.resources=자원 패키지
-status.message_sent=전송된 메시지
-status.message_received=수신된 메시지
-status.runtime=실행 시간
+liteyuki.restart_now=즉시 재시작
+liteyuki.update_restart=업데이트가 완료되었습니다. {RESTART}하거나 나중에 수동으로 재시작하여 이 업데이트를 적용할 수 있습니다.
+liteyuki.current_config=현재 구성 항목
+liteyuki.static_config=정적 파일 구성 항목
+liteyuki.stored_config=저장된 구성 항목
+liteyuki.config_set_success=구성 항목 {KEY}={VAL} 설정 성공
+liteyuki.stats.run_time=실행 시간
+liteyuki.image_mode_on=Markdown 이미지 모드 활성화
+liteyuki.image_mode_off=Markdown 이미지 모드 비활성화
+liteyuki.invalid_command=유효하지 않은 명령 또는 매개변수 {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources=자원 다시로드
+liteyuki.list_resources=자원 목록
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=자원 다시로드 성공, 총 {NUM}개 자원 패키지
+liteyuki.loaded_resources=로드된 자원 {NUM}개, 우선 순위별로 정렬됨
+liteyuki.unloaded_resources=로드되지 않은 자원 패키지
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=자원 패키지 {NAME} 로드 성공
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=자원 패키지 {NAME} 언로드 성공
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=자원 패키지 {NAME} 로드 실패
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=자원 패키지 {NAME} 언로드 실패
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=자원 패키지 {NAME}이(가) 존재하지 않거나 조작할 수 없습니다.
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=자원 패키지 {NAME}이(가) 이미 로드되어 있습니다. 중복 작업을 피하세요.
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=자원 패키지 {NAME}이(가) 이미 언로드되어 있습니다. 중복 작업을 피하세요.
+liteyuki.need_reload={BTN}을(를) 다시로드하여 이러한 업데이트를 적용하세요.
+liteyuki.dont_repeat=중복 작업을 피하세요.
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=자원 패키지 {NAME}의 우선 순위가 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=자원 패키지 {NAME}의 우선 순위 변경에 실패했습니다.
+liteyuki.group_already=그룹 {GROUP}은(는) 이미 {STATUS} 상태이므로 중복 작업을 피하세요.
+liteyuki.group_success=그룹 {GROUP} {STATUS} 성공
+liteyuki.permission_denied=권한이 거부되었습니다.
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=구성 항목 {KEY} 제거 성공
+main.current_language=현재 구성 언어: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=웹 대시보드가 활성화되었습니다: {URL}
+main.monitor.title=Liteyuki 모니터링 패널
+main.monitor.description=Liteyuki 봇 모니터링 패널
+data_manager.migrate_success=데이터 모델 {NAME} 이(가) 성공적으로 이동되었습니다.
+npm.loaded_plugins=로드된 플러그인
+npm.total=총 {TOTAL}
+npm.disable_global=전역 비활성화
+npm.enable_global=전역 활성화
+npm.installing=설치 중 {NAME}
+npm.cannot_uninstall=제거할 수 없음
+npm.no_description=설명 없음
+npm.store_update_success=플러그인 스토어 업데이트 성공
+npm.store_update_failed=플러그인 스토어 업데이트 실패
+npm.search_result=검색 결과
+npm.search_no_result=검색 결과 없음
+npm.too_many_results=결과가 너무 많습니다. {HIDE_NUM}개의 항목이 숨겨졌습니다. 검색어를 제한하세요.
+npm.install_success={NAME} 설치 성공
+npm.install_failed={NAME} 설치 실패. 자세한 내용은 로그를 확인하거나 문제를 해결할 수 없는 경우 {HOMEPAGE}을(를) 방문하세요.
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 제거 성공. 다음 재시작에 적용됩니다.
+npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 제거 실패
+npm.load_failed={NAME} 로드 실패. 의존성 또는 설정을 확인하고 문제를 해결할 수 없는 경우 {HOMEPAGE}을(를) 방문하세요.
+npm.plugin_not_found={NAME}을(를) 스토어에서 찾을 수 없습니다. 스토어 정보를 업데이트하거나 철자를 확인하세요.
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME}이(가) 설치되지 않았습니다.
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME}이(가) 이미 설치되었습니다. 중복 설치를 피하세요.
+npm.next_page=다음 페이지
+npm.prev_page=이전 페이지
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled={NAME} 플러그인은 활성화 또는 비활성화할 수 없습니다.
+npm.plugin_already={NAME} 플러그인은 이미 {STATUS} 상태입니다. 중복 작업을 피하세요.
+npm.toggle_failed={NAME} 플러그인 {STATUS} 실패: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success={NAME} 플러그인 {STATUS} 성공
+npm.page={PAGE}/{TOTAL} 페이지
+npm.update_index=플러그인 인덱스 업데이트
+npm.list_plugins=플러그인 목록
+npm.disable_session=현재 세션에서 플러그인을 비활성화합니다.
+npm.enable_session=현재 세션에서 플러그인을 활성화합니다.
+user.profile_manager.query=당신의 프로필 {ATTR}은(는) {VALUE}입니다.
+user.profile_manager.set=당신의 프로필 {ATTR}은(는) {VALUE}(으)로 설정되었습니다.
+user.profile.info=프로필 정보
+user.profile.lang.desc=사용자 언어 설정
+user.profile.timezone.desc=사용자의 현재 시간대 설정
+user.profile.theme.desc=사용자 인터페이스 테마 설정
+user.profile.location.desc=사용자 위치 정보 설정
+user.profile.nickname.desc=Bot이 사용자를 부를 때 사용되는 이름 설정
+user.profile.input_value={ATTR}의 값을 입력하세요.
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR}가 {VALUE}(으)로 설정되었습니다.
+user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} 설정 실패. 입력이 유효한지 확인하세요.
+rpm.move_up=위로 이동
+rpm.move_down=아래로 이동
+rpm.move_top=최상단으로 이동
+weather.city_not_found={CITY} 도시를 찾을 수 없습니다.
+weather.weather_not_found={CITY} 도시의 날씨 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.
+weather.no_key=날씨 API 키가 설정되지 않았습니다. 설정 파일에 weather_key를 추가하세요.
+status.resources=자원 패키지
+status.message_sent=전송된 메시지
+status.message_received=수신된 메시지
+status.runtime=실행 시간
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ru.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ru.lang
similarity index 98%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ru.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ru.lang
index b04944a..ffd4c1a 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ru.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/ru.lang
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-language.name=Китайский (упрощенный)
-liteyuki.restart_now=Перезагрузить сейчас
-liteyuki.update_restart=Обновление завершено. Вы можете {RESTART} или перезагрузить вручную позже, чтобы применить эти обновления
-liteyuki.current_config=Текущая конфигурация
-liteyuki.static_config=Конфигурация статических файлов
-liteyuki.stored_config=Сохраненная конфигурация
-liteyuki.config_set_success=Конфигурация {KEY}={VAL} успешно установлена
-liteyuki.stats.run_time=Время работы
-liteyuki.image_mode_on=Включить режим изображений Markdown
-liteyuki.image_mode_off=Отключить режим изображений Markdown
-liteyuki.invalid_command=Неверная команда или параметр {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources=Перезагрузить ресурсы
-liteyuki.list_resources=Список ресурсов
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Ресурсы успешно перезагружены. Всего {NUM} ресурсов
-liteyuki.loaded_resources=Загружено {NUM} ресурсов, отсортированных по приоритету
-liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Незагруженные ресурсы
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=Ресурс {NAME} успешно загружен
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Ресурс {NAME} успешно выгружен
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Не удалось загрузить ресурс {NAME}
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Не удалось выгрузить ресурс {NAME}
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=Ресурс {NAME} не найден или не доступен
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=Ресурс {NAME} уже загружен, повторная загрузка невозможна
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=Ресурс {NAME} уже выгружен, повторная выгрузка невозможна
-liteyuki.need_reload=Пожалуйста, {BTN}, чтобы применить эти обновления
-liteyuki.dont_repeat=Пожалуйста, не повторяйте эту операцию
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=Приоритет ресурса {NAME} успешно изменен
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Не удалось изменить приоритет ресурса {NAME}
-liteyuki.group_already=Группа {GROUP} уже в состоянии {STATUS}, дополнительные действия не требуются
-liteyuki.group_success=Группа {GROUP} {STATUS} успешно
-liteyuki.permission_denied=Недостаточно прав
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=Конфигурация {KEY} успешно удалена
-main.current_language=Текущий язык конфигурации: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=Веб-панель мониторинга успешно включена: {URL}
-main.monitor.title=Панель мониторинга Lightyuki
-main.monitor.description=Панель мониторинга бота Lightyuki
-data_manager.migrate_success=Модель данных {NAME} успешно перенесена
-npm.loaded_plugins=Загруженные плагины
-npm.total=Всего {TOTAL}
-npm.disable_global=Глобально отключить
-npm.enable_global=Глобально включить
-npm.installing=Установка {NAME}
-npm.cannot_uninstall=Невозможно удалить
-npm.no_description=Нет описания
-npm.store_update_success=Обновление данных магазина плагинов успешно завершено
-npm.store_update_failed=Не удалось обновить данные магазина плагинов
-npm.search_result=Результаты поиска
-npm.search_no_result=Нет результатов поиска
-npm.too_many_results=Слишком много результатов, скрыто {HIDE_NUM} позиций. Уточните запрос
-npm.install_success={NAME} успешно установлен
-npm.install_failed={NAME} не удалось установить. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите {HOMEPAGE}
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} успешно удален. Изменения вступят в силу после перезагрузки
-npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} не удалось удалить
-npm.load_failed={NAME} не удалось загрузить. Пожалуйста, проверьте детали в консоли, убедитесь, что зависимости или конфигурация правильны. Если проблема не устранена, посетите {HOMEPAGE}
-npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} не найден в магазине. Попробуйте обновить информацию магазина или проверьте правильность написания
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} не установлен
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} уже установлен, повторная установка невозможна
-npm.homepage=Домашняя страница
-npm.next_page=Следующая страница
-npm.prev_page=Предыдущая страница
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Плагин {NAME} невозможно включить или выключить
-npm.plugin_already=Плагин {NAME} уже в состоянии {STATUS}, дополнительные действия не требуются
-npm.toggle_failed=Не удалось {STATUS} плагин {NAME}: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=Плагин {NAME} успешно {STATUS}
-npm.page=Страница {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
-npm.update_index=Обновить индекс плагинов
-npm.list_plugins=Список плагинов
-npm.disable_session=Отключить плагины для текущей сессии
-npm.enable_session=Включить плагины для текущей сессии
-user.profile_manager.query=Ваша личная информация {ATTR} - {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=Ваша личная информация {ATTR} успешно установлена как {VALUE}
-user.profile.info=Информация о профиле
-user.profile.lang.desc=Установить язык пользователя
-user.profile.timezone=Часовой пояс
-user.profile.timezone.desc=Установить текущий часовой пояс пользователя
-user.profile.theme.desc=Установить тему интерфейса пользователя
-user.profile.location.desc=Установить информацию о местоположении пользователя
-user.profile.nickname.desc=Установить никнейм бота для пользователя
-user.profile.input_value=Пожалуйста, введите значение {ATTR}
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} успешно установлен как {VALUE}
-user.profile.set_failed=Не удалось установить {ATTR}. Пожалуйста, проверьте введенные данные
-rpm.move_top=Переместить в начало
-weather.city_not_found=Город {CITY} не найден
-weather.weather_not_found=Погода для города {CITY} не найдена
-weather.no_key=API-ключ для погоды не установлен. Пожалуйста, добавьте weather_key в конфигурационный файл
-status.message_sent=Отправленные сообщения
-status.message_received=Полученные сообщения
-status.cpu=Центральный процессор
-status.runtime=Время работы
+language.name=Китайский (упрощенный)
+liteyuki.restart_now=Перезагрузить сейчас
+liteyuki.update_restart=Обновление завершено. Вы можете {RESTART} или перезагрузить вручную позже, чтобы применить эти обновления
+liteyuki.current_config=Текущая конфигурация
+liteyuki.static_config=Конфигурация статических файлов
+liteyuki.stored_config=Сохраненная конфигурация
+liteyuki.config_set_success=Конфигурация {KEY}={VAL} успешно установлена
+liteyuki.stats.run_time=Время работы
+liteyuki.image_mode_on=Включить режим изображений Markdown
+liteyuki.image_mode_off=Отключить режим изображений Markdown
+liteyuki.invalid_command=Неверная команда или параметр {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources=Перезагрузить ресурсы
+liteyuki.list_resources=Список ресурсов
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=Ресурсы успешно перезагружены. Всего {NUM} ресурсов
+liteyuki.loaded_resources=Загружено {NUM} ресурсов, отсортированных по приоритету
+liteyuki.unloaded_resources=Незагруженные ресурсы
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=Ресурс {NAME} успешно загружен
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=Ресурс {NAME} успешно выгружен
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=Не удалось загрузить ресурс {NAME}
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=Не удалось выгрузить ресурс {NAME}
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=Ресурс {NAME} не найден или не доступен
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=Ресурс {NAME} уже загружен, повторная загрузка невозможна
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=Ресурс {NAME} уже выгружен, повторная выгрузка невозможна
+liteyuki.need_reload=Пожалуйста, {BTN}, чтобы применить эти обновления
+liteyuki.dont_repeat=Пожалуйста, не повторяйте эту операцию
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=Приоритет ресурса {NAME} успешно изменен
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=Не удалось изменить приоритет ресурса {NAME}
+liteyuki.group_already=Группа {GROUP} уже в состоянии {STATUS}, дополнительные действия не требуются
+liteyuki.group_success=Группа {GROUP} {STATUS} успешно
+liteyuki.permission_denied=Недостаточно прав
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=Конфигурация {KEY} успешно удалена
+main.current_language=Текущий язык конфигурации: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=Веб-панель мониторинга успешно включена: {URL}
+main.monitor.title=Панель мониторинга Lightyuki
+main.monitor.description=Панель мониторинга бота Lightyuki
+data_manager.migrate_success=Модель данных {NAME} успешно перенесена
+npm.loaded_plugins=Загруженные плагины
+npm.total=Всего {TOTAL}
+npm.disable_global=Глобально отключить
+npm.enable_global=Глобально включить
+npm.installing=Установка {NAME}
+npm.cannot_uninstall=Невозможно удалить
+npm.no_description=Нет описания
+npm.store_update_success=Обновление данных магазина плагинов успешно завершено
+npm.store_update_failed=Не удалось обновить данные магазина плагинов
+npm.search_result=Результаты поиска
+npm.search_no_result=Нет результатов поиска
+npm.too_many_results=Слишком много результатов, скрыто {HIDE_NUM} позиций. Уточните запрос
+npm.install_success={NAME} успешно установлен
+npm.install_failed={NAME} не удалось установить. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите {HOMEPAGE}
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} успешно удален. Изменения вступят в силу после перезагрузки
+npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} не удалось удалить
+npm.load_failed={NAME} не удалось загрузить. Пожалуйста, проверьте детали в консоли, убедитесь, что зависимости или конфигурация правильны. Если проблема не устранена, посетите {HOMEPAGE}
+npm.plugin_not_found={NAME} не найден в магазине. Попробуйте обновить информацию магазина или проверьте правильность написания
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} не установлен
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} уже установлен, повторная установка невозможна
+npm.homepage=Домашняя страница
+npm.next_page=Следующая страница
+npm.prev_page=Предыдущая страница
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=Плагин {NAME} невозможно включить или выключить
+npm.plugin_already=Плагин {NAME} уже в состоянии {STATUS}, дополнительные действия не требуются
+npm.toggle_failed=Не удалось {STATUS} плагин {NAME}: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=Плагин {NAME} успешно {STATUS}
+npm.page=Страница {PAGE}/{TOTAL}
+npm.update_index=Обновить индекс плагинов
+npm.list_plugins=Список плагинов
+npm.disable_session=Отключить плагины для текущей сессии
+npm.enable_session=Включить плагины для текущей сессии
+user.profile_manager.query=Ваша личная информация {ATTR} - {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=Ваша личная информация {ATTR} успешно установлена как {VALUE}
+user.profile.info=Информация о профиле
+user.profile.lang.desc=Установить язык пользователя
+user.profile.timezone=Часовой пояс
+user.profile.timezone.desc=Установить текущий часовой пояс пользователя
+user.profile.theme.desc=Установить тему интерфейса пользователя
+user.profile.location.desc=Установить информацию о местоположении пользователя
+user.profile.nickname.desc=Установить никнейм бота для пользователя
+user.profile.input_value=Пожалуйста, введите значение {ATTR}
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} успешно установлен как {VALUE}
+user.profile.set_failed=Не удалось установить {ATTR}. Пожалуйста, проверьте введенные данные
+rpm.move_top=Переместить в начало
+weather.city_not_found=Город {CITY} не найден
+weather.weather_not_found=Погода для города {CITY} не найдена
+weather.no_key=API-ключ для погоды не установлен. Пожалуйста, добавьте weather_key в конфигурационный файл
+status.message_sent=Отправленные сообщения
+status.message_received=Полученные сообщения
+status.cpu=Центральный процессор
+status.runtime=Время работы
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-CN.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-CN.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-CN.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-CN.lang
index 079644f..b994116 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-CN.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-CN.lang
@@ -1,160 +1,160 @@
-liteyuki.config_set_success=配置项 {KEY}={VAL} 设置成功
-liteyuki.invalid_command=无效的命令或参数 {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=资源重载成功,共计 {NUM} 个资源包
-liteyuki.loaded_resources=已加载 {NUM} 个资源包,按照优先级排序
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=资源包 {NAME} 加载成功
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=资源包 {NAME} 卸载成功
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=资源包 {NAME} 加载失败
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=资源包 {NAME} 卸载失败
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=资源包 {NAME} 不存在或不可操作
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=资源包 {NAME} 已加载,请勿重复操作
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=资源包 {NAME} 已卸载,请勿重复操作
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=资源包 {NAME} 优先级修改成功
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=资源包 {NAME} 优先级修改失败
-liteyuki.group_already=群 {GROUP} 已经是 {STATUS} 状态,无需重复操作
-liteyuki.group_success=群 {GROUP} {STATUS} 成功
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=配置项 {KEY} 移除成功
-main.current_language=当前配置语言为: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=已启用网页监控面板: {URL}
-npm.total=总计 {TOTAL}
-npm.installing=正在安装 {NAME}
-npm.install_success={NAME} 安装成功
-npm.install_failed={NAME} 安装失败,请查看日志获取详细信息,如不能解决,请访问{HOMEPAGE}寻求帮助
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 卸载成功,下次重启生效
-npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 卸载失败
-npm.load_failed={NAME} 加载失败,请在控制台查看详细信息,检查依赖或配置是否正确,如不能解决,请访问{HOMEPAGE}寻求帮助
-npm.plugin_not_found=未在商店中找到 {NAME},请尝试更新商店信息或检查拼写
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} 未安装
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} 已安装,请勿重复安装
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=插件 {NAME} 无法被启用或停用
-npm.plugin_already=插件 {NAME} 已经是 {STATUS} 状态,无需重复操作
-npm.toggle_failed=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 失败: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 成功
-user.profile_manager.query=你的个人信息 {ATTR} 为 {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=你的个人信息 {ATTR} 已设置为 {VALUE}
-user.profile.input_value=请输入 {ATTR} 的值
-user.profile.set_success=成功将 {ATTR} 设置为 {VALUE}
-user.profile.set_failed=设置 {ATTR} 失败,请检查输入是否合法
-weather.city_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY}
-weather.weather_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY} 的天气信息
-weather.no_key=未设置天气api key,请在配置文件添加weather_key
+liteyuki.config_set_success=配置项 {KEY}={VAL} 设置成功
+liteyuki.invalid_command=无效的命令或参数 {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=资源重载成功,共计 {NUM} 个资源包
+liteyuki.loaded_resources=已加载 {NUM} 个资源包,按照优先级排序
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=资源包 {NAME} 加载成功
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=资源包 {NAME} 卸载成功
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=资源包 {NAME} 加载失败
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=资源包 {NAME} 卸载失败
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=资源包 {NAME} 不存在或不可操作
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=资源包 {NAME} 已加载,请勿重复操作
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=资源包 {NAME} 已卸载,请勿重复操作
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=资源包 {NAME} 优先级修改成功
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=资源包 {NAME} 优先级修改失败
+liteyuki.group_already=群 {GROUP} 已经是 {STATUS} 状态,无需重复操作
+liteyuki.group_success=群 {GROUP} {STATUS} 成功
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=配置项 {KEY} 移除成功
+main.current_language=当前配置语言为: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=已启用网页监控面板: {URL}
+npm.total=总计 {TOTAL}
+npm.installing=正在安装 {NAME}
+npm.install_success={NAME} 安装成功
+npm.install_failed={NAME} 安装失败,请查看日志获取详细信息,如不能解决,请访问{HOMEPAGE}寻求帮助
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 卸载成功,下次重启生效
+npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 卸载失败
+npm.load_failed={NAME} 加载失败,请在控制台查看详细信息,检查依赖或配置是否正确,如不能解决,请访问{HOMEPAGE}寻求帮助
+npm.plugin_not_found=未在商店中找到 {NAME},请尝试更新商店信息或检查拼写
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} 未安装
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} 已安装,请勿重复安装
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=插件 {NAME} 无法被启用或停用
+npm.plugin_already=插件 {NAME} 已经是 {STATUS} 状态,无需重复操作
+npm.toggle_failed=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 失败: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 成功
+user.profile_manager.query=你的个人信息 {ATTR} 为 {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=你的个人信息 {ATTR} 已设置为 {VALUE}
+user.profile.input_value=请输入 {ATTR} 的值
+user.profile.set_success=成功将 {ATTR} 设置为 {VALUE}
+user.profile.set_failed=设置 {ATTR} 失败,请检查输入是否合法
+weather.city_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY}
+weather.weather_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY} 的天气信息
+weather.no_key=未设置天气api key,请在配置文件添加weather_key
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-HK.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-HK.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-HK.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-HK.lang
index 6d2565a..867b90f 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-HK.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-HK.lang
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-liteyuki.config_set_success=設定項 {KEY}={VAL} 設定成功
-liteyuki.image_mode_on=開啟 Markdown 圖片模式
-liteyuki.image_mode_off=關閉 Markdown 圖片模式
-liteyuki.invalid_command=無效的命令或參數 {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=資源重新載入成功,共計 {NUM} 個資源包
-liteyuki.loaded_resources=已載入 {NUM} 個資源包,按照優先級排序
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=資源包 {NAME} 載入成功
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=資源包 {NAME} 卸載成功
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=資源包 {NAME} 載入失敗
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=資源包 {NAME} 卸載失敗
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=資源包 {NAME} 不存在或無法操作
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=資源包 {NAME} 已載入,請勿重複操作
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=資源包 {NAME} 已卸載,請勿重複操作
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=資源包 {NAME} 優先級修改成功
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=資源包 {NAME} 優先級修改失敗
-liteyuki.group_already=群組 {GROUP} 已經是 {STATUS} 狀態,無需重複操作
-liteyuki.group_success=群組 {GROUP} {STATUS} 成功
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=設定項 {KEY} 移除成功
-main.current_language=當前語言設定為: {LANG}
-main.enable_webdash=已啟用網頁監控面板: {URL}
-npm.total=總計 {TOTAL}
-npm.installing=正在安裝 {NAME}
-npm.install_success={NAME} 安裝成功
-npm.install_failed={NAME} 安裝失敗,請查看日誌獲取詳細信息,如無法解決,請訪問{HOMEPAGE}尋求幫助
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 卸載成功,下次重啟生效
-npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 卸載失敗
-npm.load_failed={NAME} 加載失敗,請在控制台查看詳細信息,檢查依賴或配置是否正確,如無法解決,請訪問{HOMEPAGE}尋求幫助
-npm.plugin_not_found=未在商店中找到 {NAME},請嘗試更新商店信息或檢查拼寫
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} 未安裝
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} 已安裝,請勿重複安裝
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=插件 {NAME} 無法被啟用或停用
-npm.plugin_already=插件 {NAME} 已經是 {STATUS} 狀態,無需重複操作
-npm.toggle_failed=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 失敗: {ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 成功
-user.profile_manager.query=您的個人資訊 {ATTR} 為 {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=您的個人資訊 {ATTR} 已設定為 {VALUE}
-user.profile.nickname.desc=設定 Bot 對用戶的稱呼
-user.profile.input_value=請輸入 {ATTR} 的值
-user.profile.set_success=成功將 {ATTR} 設定為 {VALUE}
-user.profile.set_failed=設定 {ATTR} 失敗,請檢查輸入是否合法
-weather.city_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY}
-weather.weather_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY} 的天氣信息
-weather.no_key=未設定天氣 API 金鑰,請在設定文件添加 weather_key
+liteyuki.config_set_success=設定項 {KEY}={VAL} 設定成功
+liteyuki.image_mode_on=開啟 Markdown 圖片模式
+liteyuki.image_mode_off=關閉 Markdown 圖片模式
+liteyuki.invalid_command=無效的命令或參數 {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=資源重新載入成功,共計 {NUM} 個資源包
+liteyuki.loaded_resources=已載入 {NUM} 個資源包,按照優先級排序
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=資源包 {NAME} 載入成功
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=資源包 {NAME} 卸載成功
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=資源包 {NAME} 載入失敗
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=資源包 {NAME} 卸載失敗
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=資源包 {NAME} 不存在或無法操作
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=資源包 {NAME} 已載入,請勿重複操作
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=資源包 {NAME} 已卸載,請勿重複操作
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=資源包 {NAME} 優先級修改成功
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=資源包 {NAME} 優先級修改失敗
+liteyuki.group_already=群組 {GROUP} 已經是 {STATUS} 狀態,無需重複操作
+liteyuki.group_success=群組 {GROUP} {STATUS} 成功
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=設定項 {KEY} 移除成功
+main.current_language=當前語言設定為: {LANG}
+main.enable_webdash=已啟用網頁監控面板: {URL}
+npm.total=總計 {TOTAL}
+npm.installing=正在安裝 {NAME}
+npm.install_success={NAME} 安裝成功
+npm.install_failed={NAME} 安裝失敗,請查看日誌獲取詳細信息,如無法解決,請訪問{HOMEPAGE}尋求幫助
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 卸載成功,下次重啟生效
+npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 卸載失敗
+npm.load_failed={NAME} 加載失敗,請在控制台查看詳細信息,檢查依賴或配置是否正確,如無法解決,請訪問{HOMEPAGE}尋求幫助
+npm.plugin_not_found=未在商店中找到 {NAME},請嘗試更新商店信息或檢查拼寫
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} 未安裝
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} 已安裝,請勿重複安裝
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled=插件 {NAME} 無法被啟用或停用
+npm.plugin_already=插件 {NAME} 已經是 {STATUS} 狀態,無需重複操作
+npm.toggle_failed=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 失敗: {ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=插件 {NAME} {STATUS} 成功
+user.profile_manager.query=您的個人資訊 {ATTR} 為 {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=您的個人資訊 {ATTR} 已設定為 {VALUE}
+user.profile.nickname.desc=設定 Bot 對用戶的稱呼
+user.profile.input_value=請輸入 {ATTR} 的值
+user.profile.set_success=成功將 {ATTR} 設定為 {VALUE}
+user.profile.set_failed=設定 {ATTR} 失敗,請檢查輸入是否合法
+weather.city_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY}
+weather.weather_not_found=未找到城市 {CITY} 的天氣信息
+weather.no_key=未設定天氣 API 金鑰,請在設定文件添加 weather_key
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-Kawaii.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-Kawaii.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-Kawaii.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-Kawaii.lang
index ba88705..3d3f983 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-Kawaii.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-Kawaii.lang
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-user.profile_manager.query=您的个人信息 {ATTR} 是 {VALUE} 哦~
-user.profile_manager.set=您的个人信息 {ATTR} 已经设置成 {VALUE} 哦~
-user.profile.nickname.desc=设置 Bot 对用户的昵称哦~
-user.profile.input_value=请输入 {ATTR} 的值
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} 成功设置成 {VALUE} 哦~
-user.profile.set_failed=设置 {ATTR} 失败啦~请检查输入是否合法哦~
-weather.no_key=咦?还没设置天气 API 呢,快在配置文件里添加 weather_key 吧~
+user.profile_manager.query=您的个人信息 {ATTR} 是 {VALUE} 哦~
+user.profile_manager.set=您的个人信息 {ATTR} 已经设置成 {VALUE} 哦~
+user.profile.nickname.desc=设置 Bot 对用户的昵称哦~
+user.profile.input_value=请输入 {ATTR} 的值
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} 成功设置成 {VALUE} 哦~
+user.profile.set_failed=设置 {ATTR} 失败啦~请检查输入是否合法哦~
+weather.no_key=咦?还没设置天气 API 呢,快在配置文件里添加 weather_key 吧~
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-MS.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-MS.lang
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-MS.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-MS.lang
index 83f4e7e..4a8b5b0 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-MS.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-MS.lang
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-liteyuki.config_set_success=配置项 {KEY}={VAL} 非常有趣地设定成功
-liteyuki.invalid_command=不合理的命令或参数 {TEXT}
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=神秘资源包 {NAME} 被你发现并加载
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=神秘资源包 {NAME} 解除装载
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=神秘资源包 {NAME} 消失了
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=神秘资源包 {NAME} 永远解除不了
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=寻宝失败,资源包 {NAME} 消失在地平线
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=神秘资源包 {NAME} 已经被解锁了,不用再次操作
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=神秘资源包 {NAME} 已经不复存在
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=神秘资源包 {NAME} 优先级变更成功
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=神秘资源包 {NAME} 优先级变更失败
-liteyuki.group_already=群 {GROUP} 已经被 {STATUS},不用再操作了
-liteyuki.group_success=群 {GROUP} 已经 {STATUS} 成功
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=配置项 {KEY} 成功消失在黑暗之中
-npm.total=总计 {TOTAL} 件奇怪的魔法
-npm.toggle_failed=咒语 {NAME} {STATUS} 失败:{ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=咒语 {NAME} {STATUS} 成功
-user.profile_manager.query=您的神秘信息 {ATTR} 为 {VALUE}
-user.profile_manager.set=您的神秘信息 {ATTR} 已经被改写成 {VALUE}
-user.profile.nickname.desc=设置 Bot 对您的称呼
-user.profile.input_value=请输入 {ATTR} 的魔法数值
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} 已经被设定成 {VALUE}
-user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} 咒语无法被改写,请检查您的输入是否合法
-weather.city_not_found=城市 {CITY} 被魔法抹去了
-weather.weather_not_found=城市 {CITY} 的天气信息被魔法屏蔽了
-weather.no_key=天气预报 API 的宝藏尚未被发现,请在您的魔法书中添加 weather_key
+liteyuki.config_set_success=配置项 {KEY}={VAL} 非常有趣地设定成功
+liteyuki.invalid_command=不合理的命令或参数 {TEXT}
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=神秘资源包 {NAME} 被你发现并加载
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=神秘资源包 {NAME} 解除装载
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=神秘资源包 {NAME} 消失了
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=神秘资源包 {NAME} 永远解除不了
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=寻宝失败,资源包 {NAME} 消失在地平线
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=神秘资源包 {NAME} 已经被解锁了,不用再次操作
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=神秘资源包 {NAME} 已经不复存在
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=神秘资源包 {NAME} 优先级变更成功
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=神秘资源包 {NAME} 优先级变更失败
+liteyuki.group_already=群 {GROUP} 已经被 {STATUS},不用再操作了
+liteyuki.group_success=群 {GROUP} 已经 {STATUS} 成功
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=配置项 {KEY} 成功消失在黑暗之中
+npm.total=总计 {TOTAL} 件奇怪的魔法
+npm.toggle_failed=咒语 {NAME} {STATUS} 失败:{ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=咒语 {NAME} {STATUS} 成功
+user.profile_manager.query=您的神秘信息 {ATTR} 为 {VALUE}
+user.profile_manager.set=您的神秘信息 {ATTR} 已经被改写成 {VALUE}
+user.profile.nickname.desc=设置 Bot 对您的称呼
+user.profile.input_value=请输入 {ATTR} 的魔法数值
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} 已经被设定成 {VALUE}
+user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} 咒语无法被改写,请检查您的输入是否合法
+weather.city_not_found=城市 {CITY} 被魔法抹去了
+weather.weather_not_found=城市 {CITY} 的天气信息被魔法屏蔽了
+weather.no_key=天气预报 API 的宝藏尚未被发现,请在您的魔法书中添加 weather_key
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-WY.lang b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-WY.lang
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-WY.lang
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-WY.lang
index 4ecc84c..fa24411 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-WY.lang
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/lang/zh-WY.lang
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-liteyuki.config_set_success=設之 {KEY}={VAL} 成焉
-liteyuki.invalid_command=無其可爲之語也 {TEXT}
-liteyuki.reload_resources_success=資重載成,資數 {NUM} 也
-liteyuki.loaded_resources=載資 {NUM},優先之次是
-liteyuki.load_resource_success=資 {NAME} 載
-liteyuki.unload_resource_success=資 {NAME} 拔
-liteyuki.load_resource_failed=資 {NAME} 載失
-liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=資 {NAME} 拔失
-liteyuki.resource_not_found=資 {NAME} 不存或無爲
-liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=資 {NAME} 已載,勿復
-liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=資 {NAME} 已拔,勿復
-liteyuki.change_priority_success=資 {NAME} 優先成
-liteyuki.change_priority_failed=資 {NAME} 優先不成
-liteyuki.group_already=羣 {GROUP} 之狀已是 {STATUS} ,勿再行
-liteyuki.group_success=羣 {GROUP} {STATUS} 成
-liteyuki.config_remove_success=設 {KEY} 移
-main.current_language=當前言 {LANG} 爲是
-main.enable_webdash=啟網监塔: {URL}
-npm.total=总 {TOTAL}
-npm.installing=法 {NAME} 裝中
-npm.too_many_results=之多,{HIDE_NUM} 無現,審爲
-npm.install_success={NAME} 成
-npm.install_failed={NAME} 敗,語目以知,不知求于{HOMEPAGE}
-npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 遣,明{HOMEPAGE}
-npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 遣
-npm.load_failed={NAME} 載,求于{HOMEPAGE}
-npm.plugin_not_found=無 {NAME} ,揭揭庫爲
-npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} 未
-npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} 已,勿復法
-npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled={NAME} 不兵
-npm.plugin_already=插 {NAME} 之狀已是 {STATUS} ,勿再行
-npm.toggle_failed=插 {NAME} {STATUS} 敗:{ERROR}
-npm.toggle_success=插 {NAME} {STATUS} 成
-npm.page=第{PAGE}/{TOTAL} 節
-user.profile_manager.query=汝之訊 {ATTR} 爲 {VALUE} 也
-user.profile_manager.set=汝之訊 {ATTR} 已設 {VALUE} 也
-user.profile.input_value=求輸 {ATTR} 之量
-user.profile.set_success={ATTR} 成 {VALUE} 也
-user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} 失,問求也
-weather.city_not_found=城 {CITY} 不存也
-weather.weather_not_found=城 {CITY} 之氣也不存也
+liteyuki.config_set_success=設之 {KEY}={VAL} 成焉
+liteyuki.invalid_command=無其可爲之語也 {TEXT}
+liteyuki.reload_resources_success=資重載成,資數 {NUM} 也
+liteyuki.loaded_resources=載資 {NUM},優先之次是
+liteyuki.load_resource_success=資 {NAME} 載
+liteyuki.unload_resource_success=資 {NAME} 拔
+liteyuki.load_resource_failed=資 {NAME} 載失
+liteyuki.unload_resource_failed=資 {NAME} 拔失
+liteyuki.resource_not_found=資 {NAME} 不存或無爲
+liteyuki.resource_already_loaded=資 {NAME} 已載,勿復
+liteyuki.resource_already_unloaded=資 {NAME} 已拔,勿復
+liteyuki.change_priority_success=資 {NAME} 優先成
+liteyuki.change_priority_failed=資 {NAME} 優先不成
+liteyuki.group_already=羣 {GROUP} 之狀已是 {STATUS} ,勿再行
+liteyuki.group_success=羣 {GROUP} {STATUS} 成
+liteyuki.config_remove_success=設 {KEY} 移
+main.current_language=當前言 {LANG} 爲是
+main.enable_webdash=啟網监塔: {URL}
+npm.total=总 {TOTAL}
+npm.installing=法 {NAME} 裝中
+npm.too_many_results=之多,{HIDE_NUM} 無現,審爲
+npm.install_success={NAME} 成
+npm.install_failed={NAME} 敗,語目以知,不知求于{HOMEPAGE}
+npm.uninstall_success={NAME} 遣,明{HOMEPAGE}
+npm.uninstall_failed={NAME} 遣
+npm.load_failed={NAME} 載,求于{HOMEPAGE}
+npm.plugin_not_found=無 {NAME} ,揭揭庫爲
+npm.plugin_not_installed={NAME} 未
+npm.plugin_already_installed={NAME} 已,勿復法
+npm.plugin_cannot_be_toggled={NAME} 不兵
+npm.plugin_already=插 {NAME} 之狀已是 {STATUS} ,勿再行
+npm.toggle_failed=插 {NAME} {STATUS} 敗:{ERROR}
+npm.toggle_success=插 {NAME} {STATUS} 成
+npm.page=第{PAGE}/{TOTAL} 節
+user.profile_manager.query=汝之訊 {ATTR} 爲 {VALUE} 也
+user.profile_manager.set=汝之訊 {ATTR} 已設 {VALUE} 也
+user.profile.input_value=求輸 {ATTR} 之量
+user.profile.set_success={ATTR} 成 {VALUE} 也
+user.profile.set_failed={ATTR} 失,問求也
+weather.city_not_found=城 {CITY} 不存也
+weather.weather_not_found=城 {CITY} 之氣也不存也
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/metadata.yml b/src/resources/vanilla_language/metadata.yml
similarity index 98%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/metadata.yml
rename to src/resources/vanilla_language/metadata.yml
index 47f7840..f4c3e9f 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_language/metadata.yml
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_language/metadata.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-name: 轻雪语言资源包
-description: 全局的语言资源包,不可卸载
+name: 轻雪语言资源包
+description: 全局的语言资源包,不可卸载
version: 2024.4.26
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/hello.mcfunction b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/hello.mcfunction
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/hello.mcfunction
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/hello.mcfunction
index ac435ce..586e9d4 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/hello.mcfunction
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/hello.mcfunction
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-api send_private_msg user_id=qq message=msg
-sleep 3
-# 使用asyncio.create_task()创建一个新的任务,不等待任务完成直接执行下一条命令
-nohup function hello
-sleep 10
-# cancel所有的tasks
+api send_private_msg user_id=qq message=msg
+sleep 3
+# 使用asyncio.create_task()创建一个新的任务,不等待任务完成直接执行下一条命令
+nohup function hello
+sleep 10
+# cancel所有的tasks
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/poke.mcfunction b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/poke.mcfunction
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/poke.mcfunction
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/poke.mcfunction
index a63d859..4e04ddb 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/poke.mcfunction
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/functions/poke.mcfunction
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-api friend_poke user_id=user_id
-api friend_poke user_id=user_id
-sleep 0.2
-nohup function poke
+api friend_poke user_id=user_id
+api friend_poke user_id=user_id
+sleep 0.2
+nohup function poke
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/metadata.yml b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/metadata.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/metadata.yml
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/metadata.yml
index 4314779..534a03d 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/metadata.yml
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/metadata.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-name: 轻雪原版资源包
-description: 轻雪内置资源包,不可卸载
+name: 轻雪原版资源包
+description: 轻雪内置资源包,不可卸载
version: 1.0.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/card.css b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/card.css
similarity index 94%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/card.css
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/card.css
index 04fd2bc..aa05c0c 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/card.css
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/card.css
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-:root {
- --main-text-color: #fff;
- --sub-text-color: #ccc;
- --tip-text-color: #999;
- --device-info-width: 240px;
-.data-storage {
- display: none;
-body {
- background-repeat: repeat-y;
- background-size: cover;
- background-position: center;
- text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;
- margin: 20px;
-.info-box {
- border-radius: 60px;
- padding: 40px;
- backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
- background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- margin-bottom: 20px;
-#author-description {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
-#author-text {
- margin-left: 20px;
- color: var(--sub-text-color);
- font-size: 30px;
+:root {
+ --main-text-color: #fff;
+ --sub-text-color: #ccc;
+ --tip-text-color: #999;
+ --device-info-width: 240px;
+.data-storage {
+ display: none;
+body {
+ background-repeat: repeat-y;
+ background-size: cover;
+ background-position: center;
+ text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;
+ margin: 20px;
+.info-box {
+ border-radius: 60px;
+ padding: 40px;
+ backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+#author-description {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+#author-text {
+ margin-left: 20px;
+ color: var(--sub-text-color);
+ font-size: 30px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/fonts.css b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/fonts.css
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/fonts.css
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/fonts.css
index 6717747..fa6d8bc 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/fonts.css
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/fonts.css
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MiSans';
- src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Light.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 200;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MiSans';
- src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Normal.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 400;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MiSans';
- src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Semibold.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 500;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MiSans';
- src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Bold.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 700;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MiSans';
- src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Heavy.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 900;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MapleMono';
- src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Light.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 200;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MapleMono';
- src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-LightItalic.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 200;
- font-style: italic;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MapleMono';
- src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Regular.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 400;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MapleMono';
- src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Italic.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 400;
- font-style: italic;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MapleMono';
- src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Bold.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 700;
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'MapleMono';
- src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-BoldItalic.woff2') format('woff2');
- font-weight: 700;
- font-style: italic;
-* {
- font-family: 'MapleMono', 'MiSans', sans-serif;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MiSans';
+ src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Light.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 200;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MiSans';
+ src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Normal.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 400;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MiSans';
+ src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Semibold.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 500;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MiSans';
+ src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Bold.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 700;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MiSans';
+ src: url('../fonts/MiSans/MiSans-Heavy.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 900;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MapleMono';
+ src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Light.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 200;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MapleMono';
+ src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-LightItalic.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 200;
+ font-style: italic;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MapleMono';
+ src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Regular.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 400;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MapleMono';
+ src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Italic.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-style: italic;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MapleMono';
+ src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-Bold.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 700;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'MapleMono';
+ src: url('../fonts/MapleMono/MapleMono-BoldItalic.woff2') format('woff2');
+ font-weight: 700;
+ font-style: italic;
+* {
+ font-family: 'MapleMono', 'MiSans', sans-serif;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/status.css b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/status.css
similarity index 94%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/status.css
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/status.css
index 49cb145..c7ed2cb 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/status.css
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/css/status.css
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
-:root {
- --main-text-color: #fff;
- --sub-text-color: #ccc;
- --tip-text-color: #999;
- --device-info-width: 240px;
-.bot-info {
- display: flex;
-.bot-icon {
- display: flex;
- width: 220px;
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-// 存放格言
-const mottos = [
- {
- "text": "同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。",
- "author": "白居易",
- "source": "《琵琶行》"
- },
- {
- "text": "海内存知己,天涯若比邻。",
- "author": "王勃",
- "source": "《送杜少府之任蜀州》"
- },
- {
- "text": "银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。",
- "author": "陆游",
- "source": "《秋夕》"
- },
- {
- "text": "明月几时有,把酒问青天。",
- "author": "苏轼",
- "source": "《水调歌头》"
- },
- {
- "text": "人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。",
- "author": "文天祥",
- "source": "《过零丁洋》"
- },
- {
- "text": "山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。",
- "author": "陆游",
- "source": "《游山西村》"
- },
- {
- "text": "逸一时,误一世,逸久逸久罢已龄",
- "author": "田所浩二",
- "source": "《仲夏夜之淫梦》"
- },
- {
- "text": "你知道吗,轻雪只能在Python3.10以上的版本中使用。",
- "author": "SnowyKami",
- "source": "轻雪文档"
- },
- {
- "text": "你知道吗,轻雪可以通过自定义资源包来扩展主题和语言",
- "author": "SnowyKami",
- "source": "轻雪文档"
- },
- {
- "text": "你知道吗,轻雪交流群的群号是 775840726",
- "author": "SnowyKami",
- "source": "轻雪文档"
- },
- {
- "text": "你知道吗,轻雪运行过程中会启动一个node.js运行环境",
- "author": "SnowyKami",
- "source": "轻雪文档"
- },
- {
- "text": "你知道吗,轻雪的主题是基于HTML5开发的",
- "author": "SnowyKami",
- "source": "轻雪文档"
- },
- {
- "text": "路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。",
- "author": "屈原",
- "source": "《离骚》"
- },
- {
- "text": "千里之行,始于足下。",
- "author": "老子",
- "source": "《道德经》"
- },
- {
- "text": "读书破万卷,下笔如有神。",
- "author": "杜甫",
- "source": "《奉赠韦左丞丈二十韵》"
- },
- {
- "text": "不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知地之厚也。",
- "author": "荀子",
- "source": "《劝学》"
- },
- {
- "text": "知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。",
- "author": "孔子",
- "source": "《论语》"
- },
- {
- "text": "天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物。",
- "source": "《易经》",
- "author": ""
- },
- {
- "text": "书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。",
- "author": "韩愈",
- "source": "《读书有感》"
- },
- {
- "text": "前事不忘,后事之师。",
- "author": "孔子",
- "source": "《论语》"
- },
- {
- "text": "志当存高远,若樽俎断绝。",
- "author": "陶渊明",
- "source": "《饮酒》"
- },
- {
- "text": "不以物喜,不以己悲。",
- "author": "傅子",
- "source": "《傅子》"
- }
+// 存放格言
+const mottos = [
+ {
+ "text": "同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。",
+ "author": "白居易",
+ "source": "《琵琶行》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "海内存知己,天涯若比邻。",
+ "author": "王勃",
+ "source": "《送杜少府之任蜀州》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。",
+ "author": "陆游",
+ "source": "《秋夕》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "明月几时有,把酒问青天。",
+ "author": "苏轼",
+ "source": "《水调歌头》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。",
+ "author": "文天祥",
+ "source": "《过零丁洋》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。",
+ "author": "陆游",
+ "source": "《游山西村》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "逸一时,误一世,逸久逸久罢已龄",
+ "author": "田所浩二",
+ "source": "《仲夏夜之淫梦》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "你知道吗,轻雪只能在Python3.10以上的版本中使用。",
+ "author": "SnowyKami",
+ "source": "轻雪文档"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "你知道吗,轻雪可以通过自定义资源包来扩展主题和语言",
+ "author": "SnowyKami",
+ "source": "轻雪文档"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "你知道吗,轻雪交流群的群号是 775840726",
+ "author": "SnowyKami",
+ "source": "轻雪文档"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "你知道吗,轻雪运行过程中会启动一个node.js运行环境",
+ "author": "SnowyKami",
+ "source": "轻雪文档"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "你知道吗,轻雪的主题是基于HTML5开发的",
+ "author": "SnowyKami",
+ "source": "轻雪文档"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。",
+ "author": "屈原",
+ "source": "《离骚》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "千里之行,始于足下。",
+ "author": "老子",
+ "source": "《道德经》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "读书破万卷,下笔如有神。",
+ "author": "杜甫",
+ "source": "《奉赠韦左丞丈二十韵》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知地之厚也。",
+ "author": "荀子",
+ "source": "《劝学》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。",
+ "author": "孔子",
+ "source": "《论语》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物。",
+ "source": "《易经》",
+ "author": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。",
+ "author": "韩愈",
+ "source": "《读书有感》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "前事不忘,后事之师。",
+ "author": "孔子",
+ "source": "《论语》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "志当存高远,若樽俎断绝。",
+ "author": "陶渊明",
+ "source": "《饮酒》"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "不以物喜,不以己悲。",
+ "author": "傅子",
+ "source": "《傅子》"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/status.js b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/status.js
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/status.js
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/status.js
index 11a3f6a..4a62357 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/status.js
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/status.js
@@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
-const data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('data').innerText);
-const bot_data = data['bot']; // 机器人数据
-const hardwareData = data['hardware']; // 硬件数据
-const liteyukiData = data['liteyuki']; // LiteYuki数据
-const localData = data['localization']; // 本地化语言数据
- * 创建CPU/内存/交换饼图
- * @param title
- * @param {Array<{name: string, value: number}>} data 数据
- */
-function createPieChartOption(title, data) {
- // data为各项占比列表
- return {
- animation: false,
- title: {
- text: title,
- left: 'center',
- top: 'center',
- textStyle: {
- color: '#fff',
- fontSize: 30,
- lineHeight: 36
- }
- },
- tooltip: {
- show: true,
- trigger: 'item',
- backgroundColor: '#fff',
- },
- color: data.length === 3 ? ['#00a6ff', '#a2d8f4', "#ffffff44"] : ['#a2d8f4', '#ffffff44'],
- series: [
- {
- name: 'info',
- type: 'pie',
- radius: ['80%', '100%'],
- center: ['50%', '50%'],
- itemStyle: {
- normal: {
- label: {
- show: false
- },
- labelLine: {
- show: false
- }
- },
- emphasis: {
- label: {
- show: true,
- textStyle: {
- fontSize: '50',
- fontWeight: 'bold'
- }
- }
- }
- },
- data: data
- }
- ]
- }
-function convertSize(size, precision = 2, addUnit = true, suffix = " XiB") {
- let isNegative = size < 0;
- size = Math.abs(size);
- let units = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"];
- let unit = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
- if (size < 1024) {
- unit = units[i];
- break;
- }
- size /= 1024;
- }
- if (isNegative) {
- size = -size;
- }
- if (addUnit) {
- return size.toFixed(precision) + suffix.replace('X', unit);
- } else {
- return size;
- }
- * 创建磁盘用量柱状图
- * @param title
- * @param percent 数据
- */
-function createBarChart(title, percent) {
- // percent为百分比,最大值为100
- let diskDiv = document.createElement('div')
- diskDiv.setAttribute('class', 'disk-info')
- diskDiv.style.marginBottom = '20px'
- diskDiv.innerHTML = `
- ${title}
- `
- return diskDiv
-function secondsToTextTime(seconds) {
- let days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400)
- let hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600)
- let minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60)
- let seconds_ = Math.floor(seconds % 60)
- return `${days}${localData['days']} ${hours}${localData['hours']} ${minutes}${localData['minutes']} ${seconds_}${localData['seconds']}`
-// 主函数
-function main() {
- // 添加机器人信息
- bot_data['bots'].forEach(
- (bot) => {
- let botInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('bot-template').content, true) // 复制模板
- // 设置机器人信息
- botInfoDiv.className = 'info-box bot-info'
- botInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-icon-img').setAttribute('src', bot['icon'])
- botInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-name').innerText = bot['name']
- let tagArray = [
- bot['protocol_name'],
- bot['app_name'],
- `${localData['groups']} ${bot['groups']}`,
- `${localData['friends']} ${bot['friends']}`,
- `${localData['message_sent']} ${bot['message_sent']}`,
- `${localData['message_received']} ${bot['message_received']}`,
- ]
- // 添加一些标签
- tagArray.forEach(
- (tag, index) => {
- let tagSpan = document.createElement('span')
- tagSpan.className = 'bot-tag'
- tagSpan.innerText = tag
- // 给最后一个标签不添加后缀
- tagSpan.setAttribute('suffix', index === tagArray.length - 1 ? '0' : '1')
- botInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-tags').appendChild(tagSpan)
- }
- )
- document.body.insertBefore(botInfoDiv, document.getElementById('hardware-info')) // 插入对象
- }
- )
- // 添加轻雪信息
- let liteyukiInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('bot-template').content, true) // 复制模板
- liteyukiInfoDiv.className = 'info-box bot-info'
- liteyukiInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-icon-img').setAttribute('src', './img/liteyuki.png')
- liteyukiInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-name').innerText = liteyukiData['name']
- let tagArray = [
- `Liteyuki ${liteyukiData['version']}`,
- `Nonebot ${liteyukiData['nonebot']}`,
- liteyukiData['python'],
- liteyukiData['system'],
- `${localData['plugins']} ${liteyukiData['plugins']}`,
- `${localData['resources']} ${liteyukiData['resources']}`,
- `${localData['bots']} ${liteyukiData['bots']}`,
- `${localData['runtime']} ${secondsToTextTime(liteyukiData['runtime'])}`,
- ]
- tagArray.forEach(
- (tag, index) => {
- let tagSpan = document.createElement('span')
- tagSpan.className = 'bot-tag'
- tagSpan.innerText = tag
- // 给最后一个标签不添加后缀
- tagSpan.setAttribute('suffix', index === tagArray.length - 1 ? '0' : '1')
- liteyukiInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-tags').appendChild(tagSpan)
- }
- )
- document.body.insertBefore(liteyukiInfoDiv, document.getElementById('hardware-info')) // 插入对象
- // 添加硬件信息
- const cpuData = hardwareData['cpu']
- const memData = hardwareData['memory']
- const swapData = hardwareData['swap']
- const cpuTagArray = [
- cpuData['name'],
- `${cpuData['cores']}${localData['cores']} ${cpuData['threads']}${localData['threads']}`,
- `${(cpuData['freq'] / 1000).toFixed(2)}GHz`
- ]
- const memTagArray = [
- `${localData['process']} ${convertSize(memData['usedProcess'])}`,
- `${localData['used']} ${convertSize(memData['used'])}`,
- `${localData['free']} ${convertSize(memData['free'])}`,
- `${localData['total']} ${convertSize(memData['total'])}`
- ]
- const swapTagArray = [
- `${localData['used']} ${convertSize(swapData['used'])}`,
- `${localData['free']} ${convertSize(swapData['free'])}`,
- `${localData['total']} ${convertSize(swapData['total'])}`
- ]
- let cpuDeviceInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('device-info').content, true)
- let memDeviceInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('device-info').content, true)
- let swapDeviceInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('device-info').content, true)
- cpuDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-info').setAttribute('id', 'cpu-info')
- memDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-info').setAttribute('id', 'mem-info')
- swapDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-info').setAttribute('id', 'swap-info')
- cpuDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-chart').setAttribute('id', 'cpu-chart')
- memDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-chart').setAttribute('id', 'mem-chart')
- swapDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-chart').setAttribute('id', 'swap-chart')
- let devices = {
- 'cpu': cpuDeviceInfoDiv,
- 'mem': memDeviceInfoDiv,
- 'swap': swapDeviceInfoDiv
- }
- // 遍历添加标签
- for (let device in devices) {
- let tagArray = []
- switch (device) {
- case 'cpu':
- tagArray = cpuTagArray
- break
- case 'mem':
- tagArray = memTagArray
- break
- case 'swap':
- tagArray = swapTagArray
- break
- }
- tagArray.forEach(
- (tag, index) => {
- let tagDiv = document.createElement('div')
- tagDiv.className = 'device-tag'
- tagDiv.innerText = tag
- // 给最后一个标签不添加后缀
- tagDiv.setAttribute('suffix', index === tagArray.length - 1 ? '0' : '1')
- devices[device].querySelector('.device-tags').appendChild(tagDiv)
- }
- )
- }
- // 插入
- document.getElementById('hardware-info').appendChild(cpuDeviceInfoDiv)
- document.getElementById('hardware-info').appendChild(memDeviceInfoDiv)
- document.getElementById('hardware-info').appendChild(swapDeviceInfoDiv)
- let cpuChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('cpu-chart'))
- let memChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('mem-chart'))
- let swapChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('swap-chart'))
- cpuChart.setOption(createPieChartOption(`${localData['cpu']}\n${cpuData['percent'].toFixed(1)}%`, [
- {name: 'used', value: cpuData['percent']},
- {name: 'free', value: 100 - cpuData['percent']}
- ]))
- memChart.setOption(createPieChartOption(`${localData['memory']}\n${memData['percent'].toFixed(1)}%`, [
- {name: 'process', value: memData['usedProcess']},
- {name: 'used', value: memData['used'] - memData['usedProcess']},
- {name: 'free', value: memData['free']}
- ]))
- swapChart.setOption(createPieChartOption(`${localData['swap']}\n${swapData['percent'].toFixed(1)}%`, [
- {name: 'used', value: swapData['used']},
- {name: 'free', value: swapData['free']}
- ]))
- // 磁盘信息
- const diskData = hardwareData['disk']
- diskData.forEach(
- (disk) => {
- let diskTitle = `${disk['name']} ${localData['free']} ${convertSize(disk['free'])} ${localData['total']} ${convertSize(disk['total'])}`
- // 最后一个把margin-bottom去掉
- let diskDiv = createBarChart(diskTitle, disk['percent'])
- if (disk === diskData[diskData.length - 1]) {
- diskDiv.style.marginBottom = '0'
- }
- document.getElementById('disk-info').appendChild(createBarChart(diskTitle, disk['percent']))
- })
- // 随机一言
- let motto = mottos[Math.floor(Math.random() * mottos.length)]
- let mottoText = motto['text']
- let mottoFrom = `${motto['author']} ${motto['source']}`
- document.getElementById('motto-text').innerText = mottoText
- document.getElementById('motto-from').innerText = mottoFrom
+const data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('data').innerText);
+const bot_data = data['bot']; // 机器人数据
+const hardwareData = data['hardware']; // 硬件数据
+const liteyukiData = data['liteyuki']; // LiteYuki数据
+const localData = data['localization']; // 本地化语言数据
+ * 创建CPU/内存/交换饼图
+ * @param title
+ * @param {Array<{name: string, value: number}>} data 数据
+ */
+function createPieChartOption(title, data) {
+ // data为各项占比列表
+ return {
+ animation: false,
+ title: {
+ text: title,
+ left: 'center',
+ top: 'center',
+ textStyle: {
+ color: '#fff',
+ fontSize: 30,
+ lineHeight: 36
+ }
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
+ trigger: 'item',
+ backgroundColor: '#fff',
+ },
+ color: data.length === 3 ? ['#00a6ff', '#a2d8f4', "#ffffff44"] : ['#a2d8f4', '#ffffff44'],
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: 'info',
+ type: 'pie',
+ radius: ['80%', '100%'],
+ center: ['50%', '50%'],
+ itemStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ label: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ labelLine: {
+ show: false
+ }
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ textStyle: {
+ fontSize: '50',
+ fontWeight: 'bold'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ data: data
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+function convertSize(size, precision = 2, addUnit = true, suffix = " XiB") {
+ let isNegative = size < 0;
+ size = Math.abs(size);
+ let units = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"];
+ let unit = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
+ if (size < 1024) {
+ unit = units[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ size /= 1024;
+ }
+ if (isNegative) {
+ size = -size;
+ }
+ if (addUnit) {
+ return size.toFixed(precision) + suffix.replace('X', unit);
+ } else {
+ return size;
+ }
+ * 创建磁盘用量柱状图
+ * @param title
+ * @param percent 数据
+ */
+function createBarChart(title, percent) {
+ // percent为百分比,最大值为100
+ let diskDiv = document.createElement('div')
+ diskDiv.setAttribute('class', 'disk-info')
+ diskDiv.style.marginBottom = '20px'
+ diskDiv.innerHTML = `
+ ${title}
+ `
+ return diskDiv
+function secondsToTextTime(seconds) {
+ let days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400)
+ let hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600)
+ let minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60)
+ let seconds_ = Math.floor(seconds % 60)
+ return `${days}${localData['days']} ${hours}${localData['hours']} ${minutes}${localData['minutes']} ${seconds_}${localData['seconds']}`
+// 主函数
+function main() {
+ // 添加机器人信息
+ bot_data['bots'].forEach(
+ (bot) => {
+ let botInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('bot-template').content, true) // 复制模板
+ // 设置机器人信息
+ botInfoDiv.className = 'info-box bot-info'
+ botInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-icon-img').setAttribute('src', bot['icon'])
+ botInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-name').innerText = bot['name']
+ let tagArray = [
+ bot['protocol_name'],
+ bot['app_name'],
+ `${localData['groups']} ${bot['groups']}`,
+ `${localData['friends']} ${bot['friends']}`,
+ `${localData['message_sent']} ${bot['message_sent']}`,
+ `${localData['message_received']} ${bot['message_received']}`,
+ ]
+ // 添加一些标签
+ tagArray.forEach(
+ (tag, index) => {
+ let tagSpan = document.createElement('span')
+ tagSpan.className = 'bot-tag'
+ tagSpan.innerText = tag
+ // 给最后一个标签不添加后缀
+ tagSpan.setAttribute('suffix', index === tagArray.length - 1 ? '0' : '1')
+ botInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-tags').appendChild(tagSpan)
+ }
+ )
+ document.body.insertBefore(botInfoDiv, document.getElementById('hardware-info')) // 插入对象
+ }
+ )
+ // 添加轻雪信息
+ let liteyukiInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('bot-template').content, true) // 复制模板
+ liteyukiInfoDiv.className = 'info-box bot-info'
+ liteyukiInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-icon-img').setAttribute('src', './img/liteyuki.png')
+ liteyukiInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-name').innerText = liteyukiData['name']
+ let tagArray = [
+ `Liteyuki ${liteyukiData['version']}`,
+ `Nonebot ${liteyukiData['nonebot']}`,
+ liteyukiData['python'],
+ liteyukiData['system'],
+ `${localData['plugins']} ${liteyukiData['plugins']}`,
+ `${localData['resources']} ${liteyukiData['resources']}`,
+ `${localData['bots']} ${liteyukiData['bots']}`,
+ `${localData['runtime']} ${secondsToTextTime(liteyukiData['runtime'])}`,
+ ]
+ tagArray.forEach(
+ (tag, index) => {
+ let tagSpan = document.createElement('span')
+ tagSpan.className = 'bot-tag'
+ tagSpan.innerText = tag
+ // 给最后一个标签不添加后缀
+ tagSpan.setAttribute('suffix', index === tagArray.length - 1 ? '0' : '1')
+ liteyukiInfoDiv.querySelector('.bot-tags').appendChild(tagSpan)
+ }
+ )
+ document.body.insertBefore(liteyukiInfoDiv, document.getElementById('hardware-info')) // 插入对象
+ // 添加硬件信息
+ const cpuData = hardwareData['cpu']
+ const memData = hardwareData['memory']
+ const swapData = hardwareData['swap']
+ const cpuTagArray = [
+ cpuData['name'],
+ `${cpuData['cores']}${localData['cores']} ${cpuData['threads']}${localData['threads']}`,
+ `${(cpuData['freq'] / 1000).toFixed(2)}GHz`
+ ]
+ const memTagArray = [
+ `${localData['process']} ${convertSize(memData['usedProcess'])}`,
+ `${localData['used']} ${convertSize(memData['used'])}`,
+ `${localData['free']} ${convertSize(memData['free'])}`,
+ `${localData['total']} ${convertSize(memData['total'])}`
+ ]
+ const swapTagArray = [
+ `${localData['used']} ${convertSize(swapData['used'])}`,
+ `${localData['free']} ${convertSize(swapData['free'])}`,
+ `${localData['total']} ${convertSize(swapData['total'])}`
+ ]
+ let cpuDeviceInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('device-info').content, true)
+ let memDeviceInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('device-info').content, true)
+ let swapDeviceInfoDiv = document.importNode(document.getElementById('device-info').content, true)
+ cpuDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-info').setAttribute('id', 'cpu-info')
+ memDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-info').setAttribute('id', 'mem-info')
+ swapDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-info').setAttribute('id', 'swap-info')
+ cpuDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-chart').setAttribute('id', 'cpu-chart')
+ memDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-chart').setAttribute('id', 'mem-chart')
+ swapDeviceInfoDiv.querySelector('.device-chart').setAttribute('id', 'swap-chart')
+ let devices = {
+ 'cpu': cpuDeviceInfoDiv,
+ 'mem': memDeviceInfoDiv,
+ 'swap': swapDeviceInfoDiv
+ }
+ // 遍历添加标签
+ for (let device in devices) {
+ let tagArray = []
+ switch (device) {
+ case 'cpu':
+ tagArray = cpuTagArray
+ break
+ case 'mem':
+ tagArray = memTagArray
+ break
+ case 'swap':
+ tagArray = swapTagArray
+ break
+ }
+ tagArray.forEach(
+ (tag, index) => {
+ let tagDiv = document.createElement('div')
+ tagDiv.className = 'device-tag'
+ tagDiv.innerText = tag
+ // 给最后一个标签不添加后缀
+ tagDiv.setAttribute('suffix', index === tagArray.length - 1 ? '0' : '1')
+ devices[device].querySelector('.device-tags').appendChild(tagDiv)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ // 插入
+ document.getElementById('hardware-info').appendChild(cpuDeviceInfoDiv)
+ document.getElementById('hardware-info').appendChild(memDeviceInfoDiv)
+ document.getElementById('hardware-info').appendChild(swapDeviceInfoDiv)
+ let cpuChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('cpu-chart'))
+ let memChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('mem-chart'))
+ let swapChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('swap-chart'))
+ cpuChart.setOption(createPieChartOption(`${localData['cpu']}\n${cpuData['percent'].toFixed(1)}%`, [
+ {name: 'used', value: cpuData['percent']},
+ {name: 'free', value: 100 - cpuData['percent']}
+ ]))
+ memChart.setOption(createPieChartOption(`${localData['memory']}\n${memData['percent'].toFixed(1)}%`, [
+ {name: 'process', value: memData['usedProcess']},
+ {name: 'used', value: memData['used'] - memData['usedProcess']},
+ {name: 'free', value: memData['free']}
+ ]))
+ swapChart.setOption(createPieChartOption(`${localData['swap']}\n${swapData['percent'].toFixed(1)}%`, [
+ {name: 'used', value: swapData['used']},
+ {name: 'free', value: swapData['free']}
+ ]))
+ // 磁盘信息
+ const diskData = hardwareData['disk']
+ diskData.forEach(
+ (disk) => {
+ let diskTitle = `${disk['name']} ${localData['free']} ${convertSize(disk['free'])} ${localData['total']} ${convertSize(disk['total'])}`
+ // 最后一个把margin-bottom去掉
+ let diskDiv = createBarChart(diskTitle, disk['percent'])
+ if (disk === diskData[diskData.length - 1]) {
+ diskDiv.style.marginBottom = '0'
+ }
+ document.getElementById('disk-info').appendChild(createBarChart(diskTitle, disk['percent']))
+ })
+ // 随机一言
+ let motto = mottos[Math.floor(Math.random() * mottos.length)]
+ let mottoText = motto['text']
+ let mottoFrom = `${motto['author']} ${motto['source']}`
+ document.getElementById('motto-text').innerText = mottoText
+ document.getElementById('motto-from').innerText = mottoFrom
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/style.js b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/style.js
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/style.js
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/style.js
index 8dde8d9..c219d3f 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/style.js
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/js/style.js
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
- // 环形图
- let cpuInfo = echarts.init(document.getElementById('cpu-chart'));
- let memInfo = echarts.init(document.getElementById('mem-chart'));
- let swapInfo = echarts.init(document.getElementById('swap-chart'));
- let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('data').innerText);
- let cpuData = data.cpu;
- let memData = data.mem;
- let swapData = data.swap;
- let diskData = data.disk;
- let sub_tag_data = {
- cpu: data.cpuTags,
- mem: data.memTags,
- swap: data.swapTags
- }
- for (let key in sub_tag_data) {
- let infoDiv = document.getElementById(key + '-info');
- sub_tag_data[key].forEach(tag => {
- let tagSpan = document.createElement('div');
- tagSpan.innerText = tag;
- tagSpan.className = 'chart-label';
- infoDiv.appendChild(tagSpan);
- });
- }
- cpuInfo.setOption(getPieOption(data.localization.cpu, cpuData));
- memInfo.setOption(getPieOption(data.localization.mem, memData));
- swapInfo.setOption(getPieOption(data.localization.swap, swapData));
- // 在disks-info中插入每个disk的div,用横向柱状图表示用量,每一行div显示一个disk,不加info-box
- diskData.forEach(disk => {
- let diskDiv = document.createElement('div');
- document.getElementById('disks-info').appendChild(diskDiv);
- let diskChart = document.createElement('div');
- diskChart.style.width = '100%';
- diskChart.style.height = '100px';
- diskDiv.appendChild(diskChart);
- let diskInfo = echarts.init(diskChart);
- // let diskTitle = disk.name + ' {{ FREE }} ' + disk.free + ' {{ TOTAL }} ' + disk.total;
- let diskTitle = `${disk.name} ${data.localization.free} ${disk.free} ${data.localization.total} ${disk.total}`;
- diskInfo.setOption(getBarOption(diskTitle, disk.percent));
- });
- let botData = data.bot;
- // 清空bot-info
- let botInfos = document.getElementsByClassName('bot-info');
- while (botInfos.length > 0) {
- botInfos[0].remove();
- }
- botData.forEach(bot => {
- // 在hardware-info前面插入一个div
- let botDiv = document.createElement('div');
- botDiv.className = 'info-box bot-info';
- // 在body内的hardware-info前面插入botDiv
- document.body.insertBefore(botDiv, document.getElementById('hardware-info'));
- let botIconBlock = document.createElement('div');
- let botIcon = document.createElement('img');
- botIcon.src = bot.icon;
- botIcon.className = 'bot-icon';
- botIconBlock.appendChild(botIcon);
- botDiv.appendChild(botIconBlock);
- let botDetail = document.createElement('div');
- let botName = document.createElement('div');
- botName.className = 'bot-name';
- botName.innerText = bot.name;
- if (bot.self) {
- // 添加颜色
- botName.style.color = '#d0e9ff';
- }
- botDetail.appendChild(botName);
- let botTags = document.createElement('div');
- botTags.className = 'bot-tag';
- botDetail.appendChild(botTags)
- bot.tags.forEach((tag, index) => {
- if (!tag) {
- return;
- }
- let tagSpan = document.createElement('span');
- tagSpan.innerText = tag;
- tagSpan.className = 'tag';
- if (bot.self) {
- // 添加颜色
- tagSpan.style.color = '#a2d8f4';
- }
- botTags.appendChild(tagSpan);
- if (index === bot.tags.length - 1) {
- tagSpan.setAttribute("suffix", "0")
- } else {
- tagSpan.setAttribute("suffix", "1")
- }
- });
- botDiv.appendChild(botDetail);
- }
- )
- // 从/js/motto.js中读取mottos{},随机选择一句
- let motto = mottos[Math.floor(Math.random() * mottos.length)];
- // 正文在中间,作者和来源格式为--作者 来源,在右下方
- let mottoDiv = document.getElementById('motto-info');
- let mottoText = document.createElement('div');
- mottoText.className = 'motto-text';
- mottoText.innerText = motto.text;
- mottoDiv.appendChild(mottoText);
- let mottoAuthor = document.createElement('div');
- mottoAuthor.className = 'motto-author';
- // motto.author和motto.source可能不存在为空,所以要判断
- if (!motto.author) {
- motto.author = '';
- }
- if (!motto.source) {
- motto.source = '';
- }
- mottoAuthor.innerText = `\n--${motto.author} ${motto.source}`;
- mottoAuthor.style.textAlign = 'right';
- mottoDiv.appendChild(mottoAuthor);
- function getPieUsage(data) {
- let total = 0
- let used = 0
- data.forEach(item => {
- total += item.value
- if (item.name === 'FREE') {
- used += item.value
- }
- })
- return (1 - used / total) * 100
- }
- function getPieOption(title, data) {
- return {
- animation: false,
- title: {
- text: title + '\n' + getPieUsage(data).toFixed(1) + '%',
- left: 'center',
- top: 'center',
- textStyle: {
- //文字颜色
- lineHeight: 36,
- color: '#fff',
- fontSize: 30
- }
- },
- tooltip: {
- show: true,
- trigger: "item",
- backgroundColor: "#ffffff00",
- // {a}(系列名称),{b}(数据项名称),{c}(数值), {d}(百分比)
- },
- color: ['#a2d8f4', "#ffffff44", '#00a6ff'],
- series: [
- {
- name: 'info',
- type: 'pie',
- radius: ['80%', '100%'],
- center: ['50%', '50%'],
- itemStyle: {
- normal: {
- label: {
- show: false
- },
- labelLine: {
- show: false
- }
- },
- emphasis: {
- label: {
- show: true,
- textStyle: {
- fontSize: '50',
- fontWeight: 'bold'
- }
- }
- }
- },
- data: data
- }
- ]
- };
- }
- function getBarOption(title, percent) {
- let fillet = 0
- if (percent < 5) {
- fillet = 50
- }
- // data为百分比,最大值为100
- return {
- background: '#d0e9ff',
- title: {
- text: title,
- left: '5%',
- top: 'center',
- textStyle: {
- color: '#fff',
- fontSize: 30
- }
- },
- tooltip: {
- show: true,
- trigger: "item",
- backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
- },
- grid: {
- left: '0',
- right: '0',
- top: '10%',
- bottom: '10%'
- },
- xAxis: {
- type: 'value',
- show: false
- },
- yAxis: {
- type: 'category',
- data: [''],
- show: false
- },
- series: [
- {
- name: 'Used',
- type: 'bar',
- stack: 'total',
- data: [percent],
- itemStyle: {
- normal: {
- color: '#a2d8f4',
- barBorderRadius: [50, 0, 0, 50]
- }
- },
- },
- {
- name: 'Free',
- type: 'bar',
- stack: 'total',
- data: [100 - percent],
- itemStyle: {
- normal: {
- color: '#d0e9ff',
- barBorderRadius: [fillet, 50, 50, fillet]
- }
- },
- }
- ]
- };
- }
+ // 环形图
+ let cpuInfo = echarts.init(document.getElementById('cpu-chart'));
+ let memInfo = echarts.init(document.getElementById('mem-chart'));
+ let swapInfo = echarts.init(document.getElementById('swap-chart'));
+ let data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('data').innerText);
+ let cpuData = data.cpu;
+ let memData = data.mem;
+ let swapData = data.swap;
+ let diskData = data.disk;
+ let sub_tag_data = {
+ cpu: data.cpuTags,
+ mem: data.memTags,
+ swap: data.swapTags
+ }
+ for (let key in sub_tag_data) {
+ let infoDiv = document.getElementById(key + '-info');
+ sub_tag_data[key].forEach(tag => {
+ let tagSpan = document.createElement('div');
+ tagSpan.innerText = tag;
+ tagSpan.className = 'chart-label';
+ infoDiv.appendChild(tagSpan);
+ });
+ }
+ cpuInfo.setOption(getPieOption(data.localization.cpu, cpuData));
+ memInfo.setOption(getPieOption(data.localization.mem, memData));
+ swapInfo.setOption(getPieOption(data.localization.swap, swapData));
+ // 在disks-info中插入每个disk的div,用横向柱状图表示用量,每一行div显示一个disk,不加info-box
+ diskData.forEach(disk => {
+ let diskDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ document.getElementById('disks-info').appendChild(diskDiv);
+ let diskChart = document.createElement('div');
+ diskChart.style.width = '100%';
+ diskChart.style.height = '100px';
+ diskDiv.appendChild(diskChart);
+ let diskInfo = echarts.init(diskChart);
+ // let diskTitle = disk.name + ' {{ FREE }} ' + disk.free + ' {{ TOTAL }} ' + disk.total;
+ let diskTitle = `${disk.name} ${data.localization.free} ${disk.free} ${data.localization.total} ${disk.total}`;
+ diskInfo.setOption(getBarOption(diskTitle, disk.percent));
+ });
+ let botData = data.bot;
+ // 清空bot-info
+ let botInfos = document.getElementsByClassName('bot-info');
+ while (botInfos.length > 0) {
+ botInfos[0].remove();
+ }
+ botData.forEach(bot => {
+ // 在hardware-info前面插入一个div
+ let botDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ botDiv.className = 'info-box bot-info';
+ // 在body内的hardware-info前面插入botDiv
+ document.body.insertBefore(botDiv, document.getElementById('hardware-info'));
+ let botIconBlock = document.createElement('div');
+ let botIcon = document.createElement('img');
+ botIcon.src = bot.icon;
+ botIcon.className = 'bot-icon';
+ botIconBlock.appendChild(botIcon);
+ botDiv.appendChild(botIconBlock);
+ let botDetail = document.createElement('div');
+ let botName = document.createElement('div');
+ botName.className = 'bot-name';
+ botName.innerText = bot.name;
+ if (bot.self) {
+ // 添加颜色
+ botName.style.color = '#d0e9ff';
+ }
+ botDetail.appendChild(botName);
+ let botTags = document.createElement('div');
+ botTags.className = 'bot-tag';
+ botDetail.appendChild(botTags)
+ bot.tags.forEach((tag, index) => {
+ if (!tag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let tagSpan = document.createElement('span');
+ tagSpan.innerText = tag;
+ tagSpan.className = 'tag';
+ if (bot.self) {
+ // 添加颜色
+ tagSpan.style.color = '#a2d8f4';
+ }
+ botTags.appendChild(tagSpan);
+ if (index === bot.tags.length - 1) {
+ tagSpan.setAttribute("suffix", "0")
+ } else {
+ tagSpan.setAttribute("suffix", "1")
+ }
+ });
+ botDiv.appendChild(botDetail);
+ }
+ )
+ // 从/js/motto.js中读取mottos{},随机选择一句
+ let motto = mottos[Math.floor(Math.random() * mottos.length)];
+ // 正文在中间,作者和来源格式为--作者 来源,在右下方
+ let mottoDiv = document.getElementById('motto-info');
+ let mottoText = document.createElement('div');
+ mottoText.className = 'motto-text';
+ mottoText.innerText = motto.text;
+ mottoDiv.appendChild(mottoText);
+ let mottoAuthor = document.createElement('div');
+ mottoAuthor.className = 'motto-author';
+ // motto.author和motto.source可能不存在为空,所以要判断
+ if (!motto.author) {
+ motto.author = '';
+ }
+ if (!motto.source) {
+ motto.source = '';
+ }
+ mottoAuthor.innerText = `\n--${motto.author} ${motto.source}`;
+ mottoAuthor.style.textAlign = 'right';
+ mottoDiv.appendChild(mottoAuthor);
+ function getPieUsage(data) {
+ let total = 0
+ let used = 0
+ data.forEach(item => {
+ total += item.value
+ if (item.name === 'FREE') {
+ used += item.value
+ }
+ })
+ return (1 - used / total) * 100
+ }
+ function getPieOption(title, data) {
+ return {
+ animation: false,
+ title: {
+ text: title + '\n' + getPieUsage(data).toFixed(1) + '%',
+ left: 'center',
+ top: 'center',
+ textStyle: {
+ //文字颜色
+ lineHeight: 36,
+ color: '#fff',
+ fontSize: 30
+ }
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
+ trigger: "item",
+ backgroundColor: "#ffffff00",
+ // {a}(系列名称),{b}(数据项名称),{c}(数值), {d}(百分比)
+ },
+ color: ['#a2d8f4', "#ffffff44", '#00a6ff'],
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: 'info',
+ type: 'pie',
+ radius: ['80%', '100%'],
+ center: ['50%', '50%'],
+ itemStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ label: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ labelLine: {
+ show: false
+ }
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ textStyle: {
+ fontSize: '50',
+ fontWeight: 'bold'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ data: data
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ }
+ function getBarOption(title, percent) {
+ let fillet = 0
+ if (percent < 5) {
+ fillet = 50
+ }
+ // data为百分比,最大值为100
+ return {
+ background: '#d0e9ff',
+ title: {
+ text: title,
+ left: '5%',
+ top: 'center',
+ textStyle: {
+ color: '#fff',
+ fontSize: 30
+ }
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ show: true,
+ trigger: "item",
+ backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
+ },
+ grid: {
+ left: '0',
+ right: '0',
+ top: '10%',
+ bottom: '10%'
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ type: 'value',
+ show: false
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ type: 'category',
+ data: [''],
+ show: false
+ },
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: 'Used',
+ type: 'bar',
+ stack: 'total',
+ data: [percent],
+ itemStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ color: '#a2d8f4',
+ barBorderRadius: [50, 0, 0, 50]
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Free',
+ type: 'bar',
+ stack: 'total',
+ data: [100 - percent],
+ itemStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ color: '#d0e9ff',
+ barBorderRadius: [fillet, 50, 50, fillet]
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/static/motto.txt b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/static/motto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/stats.html b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/stats.html
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/stats.html
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/stats.html
index 4fcc26d..00dc0e9 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/stats.html
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/stats.html
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
- Liteyuki Stats
-{{ data | tojson }}
+ Liteyuki Stats
+{{ data | tojson }}
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status.html b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status.html
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status.html
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status.html
index bc1903c..c7a05a8 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status.html
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status.html
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
- Liteyuki Status
-{{ data | tojson }}
+ Liteyuki Status
+{{ data | tojson }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status_mem.html b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status_mem.html
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status_mem.html
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status_mem.html
index 0246f8e..91ad31b 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status_mem.html
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/status_mem.html
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
- Liteyuki Stats
-{{ data | tojson }}
+ Liteyuki Stats
+{{ data | tojson }}
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similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/svg/lylogo-full.svg
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/templates/svg/lylogo-full.svg
diff --git a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/unsorted/plugins.json b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/unsorted/plugins.json
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/unsorted/plugins.json
rename to src/resources/vanilla_resource/unsorted/plugins.json
index 678ecf9..89528d6 100644
--- a/liteyuki/resources/vanilla_resource/unsorted/plugins.json
+++ b/src/resources/vanilla_resource/unsorted/plugins.json
@@ -1,11133 +1,11133 @@
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_status",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-status",
- "name": "服务器状态查看",
- "desc": "通过戳一戳获取服务器状态",
- "author": "yanyongyu",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/nonebot/plugin-status",
- "tags": [
- {
- "label": "server",
- "color": "#aeeaa8"
- }
- ],
- "is_official": true,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": true,
- "version": "0.8.1",
- "time": "2024-03-04T06:57:10.250823Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "haruka_bot",
- "project_link": "haruka-bot",
- "name": "haruka_bot",
- "desc": "将B站UP主的动态和直播信息推送至QQ",
- "author": "SK-415",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/SK-415/HarukaBot",
- "tags": [
- {
- "label": "bilibili",
- "color": "#e55d80"
- }
- ],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": [
- "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11",
- "nonebot.adapters.qqguild"
- ],
- "valid": true,
- "version": "1.6.0.post5",
- "time": "2023-07-11T09:24:58.972905Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_rauthman",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-rauthman",
- "name": "RAM - 基于规则的授权管理",
- "desc": "为 Matcher 配置一条或多条 Rule 来实现功能的授权管理",
- "author": "Lancercmd",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Lancercmd/nonebot_plugin_rauthman",
- "tags": [
- {
- "label": "rule",
- "color": "#4ec9b0"
- }
- ],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": [
- "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
- ],
- "valid": true,
- "version": "2.0.0rc1.post3",
- "time": "2023-07-18T01:25:54.487870Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_docs",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-docs",
- "name": "NoneBot 离线文档",
- "desc": "在本地查看 NoneBot 文档",
- "author": "nonebot",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/nonebot/nonebot2/blob/master/packages/nonebot-plugin-docs",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": true,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": true,
- "version": "2.2.1",
- "time": "2024-02-24T04:41:45.707475Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_sentry",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-sentry",
- "name": "Sentry日志监控",
- "desc": "使用Sentry监控机器人日志并处理报错",
- "author": "yanyongyu",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/nonebot/plugin-sentry",
- "tags": [
- {
- "label": "log",
- "color": "#6be3ea"
- }
- ],
- "is_official": true,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": true,
- "version": "1.1.0",
- "time": "2024-02-14T03:21:49.744244Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_apscheduler",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-apscheduler",
- "name": "定时任务",
- "desc": "APScheduler 定时任务插件",
- "author": "yanyongyu",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/nonebot/plugin-apscheduler",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": true,
- "type": "library",
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": true,
- "version": "0.4.0",
- "time": "2024-02-12T13:56:49.110411Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_picsearcher",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-picsearcher",
- "author": "synodriver",
- "desc": "从基本上所有你想的出名字的搜图平台找图片",
- "name": "图片搜索",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/synodriver/nonebot_plugin_picsearcher",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": null,
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": false,
- "time": "2022-11-05T07:21:34.473939Z",
- "version": "0.1.10",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_navicat",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-navicat",
- "author": "synodriver",
- "desc": "连接至各种数据库,为其他插件导出连接对象",
- "name": "通用数据库连接",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/synodriver/nonebot_plugin_navicat",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": null,
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": false,
- "time": "2023-06-25T08:55:44.847476Z",
- "version": "0.3.0",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_translator",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-translator",
- "name": "多语种翻译插件",
- "desc": "接口来自 腾讯机器翻译 TMT",
- "author": "Lancercmd",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Lancercmd/nonebot_plugin_translator",
- "tags": [
- {
- "label": "func",
- "color": "#dcdcaa"
- }
- ],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": [
- "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
- ],
- "valid": true,
- "version": "2.0.0b4.post2",
- "time": "2023-07-18T01:28:04.958803Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_mqtt",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-mqtt",
- "name": "MQTT",
- "desc": "Nonebot2 MQTT 插件",
- "author": "synodriver",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/synodriver/nonebot_plugin_mqtt",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": "library",
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": true,
- "version": "0.1.2",
- "time": "2023-09-06T16:06:14.974473Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_songpicker2",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-songpicker2",
- "name": "songpicker2",
- "desc": "点播歌曲,支持候选菜单、热评显示,数据源为网易云",
- "author": "maxesisn",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/maxesisn/nonebot_plugin_songpicker2",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": [
- "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
- ],
- "valid": true,
- "version": "0.2.6",
- "time": "2023-06-27T09:24:09.247555Z",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_strman",
- "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-strman",
- "author": "echobot-dev",
- "desc": "通过字符串标签在文件中集中管理字符串",
- "name": "字符串管理工具",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/echobot-dev/nonebot-plugin-strman",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": null,
- "supported_adapters": null,
- "valid": false,
- "time": "2022-10-10T17:04:34.269452Z",
- "version": "1.2.0",
- "skip_test": false
- },
- {
- "module_name": "nonebot_bison",
- "project_link": "nonebot-bison",
- "name": "Bison",
- "desc": "通用订阅推送插件",
- "author": "felinae98",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/felinae98/nonebot-bison",
- "tags": [],
- "is_official": false,
- "type": "application",
- "supported_adapters": [
- "nonebot.adapters.feishu",
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- "name": "第二个leetcode查询插件",
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- "name": "语句抽象化",
- "desc": "能够将你的语句变得抽象起来~",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/CherryCherries/nonebot-plugin-abstract",
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- "desc": "基于Nonebot的滴答清单插件,可创建普通任务/子任务,按照条件查询任务",
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- "name": "历史上的今天",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/AquamarineCyan/nonebot-plugin-today-in-history",
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- "name": "群昵称时间",
- "desc": "一个可以群昵称显示现在时间的插件",
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- "desc": "👉 疫情小助手 频道版👈",
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- "label": "插件改良",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/Ikaros-521/nonebot_plugin_remove_bg",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/nikissXI/nonebot_plugins/tree/main/nonebot_plugin_setu_customization",
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- "name": "呆呆兽都会用的chatbot接api",
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- "desc": "连续发送2条相同消息,机器人就会自动 +1。包括普通消息,QQ表情,还有图片(表情包)。支持图片夹文字和表情夹文字的消息!具有动态多群控制和跟随撤回功能(手表API可能无法监测)。",
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- "desc": "早苗连接器,也可转发其他onebotv11到nb2~",
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- "desc": "适配新版OpenAI API的nonebot插件,可以调用官方稳定版ChatGPT进行回复",
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- "desc": "本插件基于OpenAI的API开发,在nonebot框架下实现一个聊天式的可自定义面试职位的AI辅助面试官。",
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- "name": "颠倒问号",
- "desc": "发送单个问号 `?` 或 `?`, bot会自动回复颠倒的问号 `¿`",
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- "desc": "免费、无限使用ChatGPT,PLUS账号可使用ChatGPT4.0,绕过ChatGPT的Cloudflare盾来使用免费网页端ChatGPT",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/AkashiCoin/nonebot-plugin-chatgpt-plus",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/glamorgan9826/nonebot-plugin-today-waifu",
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- "desc": "在nonebot框架下实现一个AI生成指定主题PPT的文件并上传到群文件中",
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- "name": "公共画板插件",
- "desc": "可以让所有的 Bot 用户一起来画画(参考 Reddit Place)",
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- "name": "nonebot-plugin-update",
- "desc": "用于检测 Nonebot 插件更新的 Nonebot 插件",
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- "name": "算法竞赛比赛查询",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/HuParry/nonebot-plugin-cp-broadcast",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/Well2333/nonebot-plugin-mongodb",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/canxin121/nonebot_plugin_templates",
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- "color": "#eacd52"
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- "label": "图片生成",
- "color": "#adea52"
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- "name": "指定戳一戳",
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- "tags": [
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- "name": "DALL-E绘图",
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- "name": "青年大学习提交",
- "desc": "一个可以自动提交多地区青年大学习的插件",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/YouthLearning/TeenStudy",
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- "desc": "NoneBot 外置电池",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/MelodyKnit/nonebot-plugin-blockwords",
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- "name": "算法比赛查询和今日比赛自动提醒",
- "desc": "可以查询牛客、atcoder、codeforces平台比赛信息并在今日比赛前进行提醒(请在.env.prod添加或修改超级用户,以免出现意料之外的错误)",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/SherkeyXD/nonebot-plugin-make-choice",
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- "name": "Nonebot2 Any 多平台服务",
- "desc": "Nonebot2 多平台统一事件与消息统一构造发送",
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- "homepage": "https://github.com/MelodyYuuka/nonebot-plugin-any",
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- "label": "统一",
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- "desc": "发送自定义指令后bot会随机发出一张你所存储的图片",
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+ },
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+ "name": "第二个leetcode查询插件",
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+ "desc": "能够将你的语句变得抽象起来~",
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+ "name": "谁艾特我了",
+ "desc": "看看是谁又在艾特我",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/SEAFHMC/nonebot-plugin-who-at-me",
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+ "name": "历史上的今天",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/AquamarineCyan/nonebot-plugin-today-in-history",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Mai-icy/nonebot-plugin-bread-shop",
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+ "desc": "QQ续火花,可以自定义多个联系人、消息内容、发送时间,支持群聊定时消息",
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+ "desc": "使用 Kyomotoi/AnimeThesaurus 的 NoneBot2 的回复(文i)插件",
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+ "desc": "一个基于NoneBot2的插件,用于处理被请求加QQ好友和QQ群的请求",
+ "author": "ziru-w",
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+ "desc": "一个可以群昵称显示现在时间的插件",
+ "author": "bingqiu456",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/bingqiu456/nonebot-plugin-date-name",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/ArgonarioD/nonebot-plugin-hammer-nbnhhsh",
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+ "desc": "👉 疫情小助手 频道版👈",
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+ },
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+ "desc": "连续发送2条相同消息,机器人就会自动 +1。包括普通消息,QQ表情,还有图片(表情包)。支持图片夹文字和表情夹文字的消息!具有动态多群控制和跟随撤回功能(手表API可能无法监测)。",
+ "author": "DMCSWCG",
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+ "desc": "一键导入课表、查看课表、提醒上课、查询课程",
+ "author": "maoxig",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/maoxig/nonebot-plugin-ai-timetable",
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+ "name": "Sanae",
+ "desc": "早苗连接器,也可转发其他onebotv11到nb2~",
+ "author": "Hoshinonyaruko",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Hoshinonyaruko/nonebot-plugin-sanae",
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+ "name": "明日方舟抽卡记录分析",
+ "desc": "明日方舟抽卡记录分析与导出",
+ "author": "zheuziihau",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/zheuziihau/nonebot_plugin_arkrecord",
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+ },
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+ "label": "游戏",
+ "color": "#c39191"
+ },
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+ "name": "ChatGPT官方接口版",
+ "desc": "适配新版OpenAI API的nonebot插件,可以调用官方稳定版ChatGPT进行回复",
+ "author": "Alpaca4610",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Alpaca4610/nonebot_plugin_chatgpt_turbo",
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+ },
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+ "color": "#52ea92"
+ }
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+ "name": "多功能的ChatGPT机器人",
+ "desc": "基于chatGPT3.5-turboAPI,有利用模板创建新对话、保存历史记录、多重对话不互相干扰等功能",
+ "author": "Suxmx",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Suxmx/nonebot_plugin_chatgpt_on_qq",
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+ "desc": "来和团子聊天吧~ Powered by chatgpt",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/TheLZY/nonebot_plugin_tuan_chatgpt",
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+ "desc": "在nonebot中使用ChatPDF的最小实现来中分析文章内容",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Alpaca4610/nonebot_plugin_chatpdf",
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+ "desc": "用 RimoChan 开发的工具做的一个有趣的插件",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/lgc-NB2Dev/nonebot-plugin-rimofun",
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+ "name": "群聊自定义表情包",
+ "desc": "发送 表情名称 加 (.jpg或.png或.gif)后缀,就会发送设置好的表情。快速方便,聊天必备。",
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+ },
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+ "name": "基于OpenAI的AI模拟面试官",
+ "desc": "本插件基于OpenAI的API开发,在nonebot框架下实现一个聊天式的可自定义面试职位的AI辅助面试官。",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Alpaca4610/nonebot-plugin-ai-interviewer",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/NCBM/nonebot-plugin-overbracket",
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+ "desc": "让Bot的发言添加口癖",
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+ "name": "颠倒问号",
+ "desc": "发送单个问号 `?` 或 `?`, bot会自动回复颠倒的问号 `¿`",
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+ "name": "ChatGPT网页端API",
+ "desc": "免费、无限使用ChatGPT,PLUS账号可使用ChatGPT4.0,绕过ChatGPT的Cloudflare盾来使用免费网页端ChatGPT",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/AkashiCoin/nonebot-plugin-chatgpt-plus",
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+ },
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/canxin121/Spark-GPT",
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+ "name": "本地日志保存",
+ "desc": "将 bot 日志记录保存到本地文件中",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/A-kirami/nonebot-plugin-logpile",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/RF-Tar-Railt/nonebot-plugin-arkgacha",
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+ "desc": "从 hoshino 搬过来的 pcr 签到, 略作修改。",
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+ "author": "xi-yue-233",
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+ "name": "便携插件安装器",
+ "desc": "一个nonebot2的插件便捷安装和升级插件(基于nb-cli和pip)",
+ "author": "xi-yue-233",
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+ "name": "股票看盘助手",
+ "desc": "股票波动超过设定值提醒,省去一直盯盘的烦恼",
+ "author": "Calanosay",
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+ },
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+ "author": "initialencounter",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/initialencounter/nonebot-plugin-puzzle",
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+ "label": "拼图游戏",
+ "color": "#a7ea52"
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+ "desc": "为了方便各位平时搜索本子用,发扬hero精神",
+ "author": "Xie-Tiao",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Xie-Tiao/nonebot_plugin_herocard",
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+ "name": "NAGA公交车",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/bot-ssttkkl/nonebot-plugin-nagabus",
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+ "name": "随机抽取自定义内容",
+ "desc": "通过添加各种想要抽取的内容,进行随机抽取。选择困难症的福音",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Ikaros-521/nonebot_plugin_random_draw",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/DiaoDaiaChan/nonebot-plugin-stable-diffusion-diao",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/0Neptune0/nonebot-plugin-warthunder-player-check",
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+ }
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/CMHopeSunshine/nonebot-plugin-follow-withdraw",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/fireinsect/nonebot-plugin-ocgbot-v2/",
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+ "author": "QBkira",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/QBkira/nonebot-plugin-helltide",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Agnes4m/nonebot_plugin_poke",
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+ "name": "算法竞赛比赛查询",
+ "desc": "可以查询牛客、atcoder、codeforces平台的今天和近几天的比赛信息",
+ "author": "HuParry",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/HuParry/nonebot-plugin-cp-broadcast",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "author": "HuParry",
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+ },
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/canxin121/nonebot_plugin_templates",
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+ },
+ {
+ "label": "图片生成",
+ "color": "#adea52"
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+ },
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/NCBM/nonebot-plugin-tempfile",
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+ "name": "bot断连通知",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "color": "#52eaa4"
+ },
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+ "name": "Bot上下线邮件通知",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/ZM25XC/BotMailNotice",
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+ },
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Noctulus/nonebot-plugin-ernie",
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+ "name": "青年大学习提交",
+ "desc": "一个可以自动提交多地区青年大学习的插件",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/YouthLearning/TeenStudy",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/lgc-NB2Dev/nonebot-plugin-ottohzys",
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+ "desc": "NoneBot 外置电池",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/KomoriDev/nonebot-plugin-ability",
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+ "desc": "适配你的插件,让 LLM 来为你处理用户调用",
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+ "author": "MelodyKnit",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/MelodyKnit/nonebot-plugin-blockwords",
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+ },
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+ "name": "算法比赛查询和今日比赛自动提醒",
+ "desc": "可以查询牛客、atcoder、codeforces平台比赛信息并在今日比赛前进行提醒(请在.env.prod添加或修改超级用户,以免出现意料之外的错误)",
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+ },
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+ "tags": [
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+ }
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+ "desc": "FGO猜从者插件,基于原HoshinoBot猜从者模块修改,感谢原作者。",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/influ3nza/nonebot-plugin-fgoavatarguess",
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+ "name": "选择困难症",
+ "desc": "选择困难症?Bot帮你选!",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/SherkeyXD/nonebot-plugin-make-choice",
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+ "desc": "一款可配置的, 不依赖具体适配器的, 基于事件的定时广播插件.",
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+ "desc": "Nonebot2 多平台统一事件与消息统一构造发送",
+ "author": "MelodyYuuka",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/MelodyYuuka/nonebot-plugin-any",
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+ "name": "局域网唤醒",
+ "desc": "通过发送魔术封包唤醒Bot所在局域网内的设备",
+ "author": "tiehu",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/tiehu/nonebot-plugin-wol",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Alpaca4610/nonebot_plugin_BingImageCreator.git",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/nonebot/plugin-filehost",
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+ },
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+ "desc": "哪吒监控插件,使用哪吒监控API。",
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+ "name": "黑名单插件",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/bingqiu456/nonebot-plugin-easy-blacklist",
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+ "name": "定时提醒",
+ "desc": "主要用来提醒大家别忘记什么事情,可以看成定时提醒插件",
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+ "homepage": "https://github.com/velor2012/nonebot_plugin_reminder",
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+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-splatoon3-nso",
+ "name": "splatoon3游戏nso查询",
+ "desc": "一个基于nonebot2框架的splatoon3游戏nso数据查询插件",
+ "author": "Cypas",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Cypas/splatoon3-nso",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "splatoon3",
+ "color": "#ea5252"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.kaiheila",
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11",
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v12",
+ "nonebot.adapters.qq",
+ "nonebot.adapters.telegram"
+ ],
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "1.3.0",
+ "time": "2024-02-28T04:35:02.889426Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_bf1marneserverlist",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-bf1marneserverlist",
+ "name": "战地1-马恩私人服务器服务器查询",
+ "desc": "Onebot 战地1 马恩私人服务器服务器查询插件",
+ "author": "SAFEluren",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/SAFEluren/nonebot-plugin-bf1marneserverlist",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "server",
+ "color": "#ea5252"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
+ ],
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "0.1.23",
+ "time": "2024-03-09T09:29:36.925598Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_kawaii_status",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-kawaii-status",
+ "name": "运行状态",
+ "desc": "NoneBot2 服务器状态查看插件",
+ "author": "KomoriDev",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/KomoriDev/nonebot-plugin-kawaii-status",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "简约",
+ "color": "#54adff"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "可爱",
+ "color": "#ffb3cc"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": null,
+ "valid": false,
+ "version": "0.1.3",
+ "time": "2024-03-08T11:20:28.985839Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_vits_tts",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-vits-tts",
+ "name": "nonebot-plugin-vits-tts",
+ "desc": "基于vits的tts语音合成",
+ "author": "Redmomn",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/Redmomn/nonebot-plugin-vits-tts",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "VITS",
+ "color": "#ea5252"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "TTS",
+ "color": "#52dbea"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
+ ],
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "0.1.6",
+ "time": "2024-03-07T05:12:46.624809Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_chatglm_plus",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-chatglm-plus",
+ "name": "人性化的ChatGLM",
+ "desc": "人性化的ChatGLM插件,支持预设和上下文",
+ "author": "XTxiaoting14332",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/XTxiaoting14332/nonebot-plugin-chatglm-plus",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "ChatGLM",
+ "color": "#73cccc"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.console",
+ "nonebot.adapters.discord",
+ "nonebot.adapters.dodo",
+ "nonebot.adapters.feishu",
+ "nonebot.adapters.kaiheila",
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11",
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v12",
+ "nonebot.adapters.qq",
+ "nonebot.adapters.red",
+ "nonebot.adapters.satori",
+ "nonebot.adapters.telegram"
+ ],
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "0.1.7",
+ "time": "2024-03-10T05:32:29.222783Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_fishing",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-fishing",
+ "name": "赛博钓鱼",
+ "desc": "你甚至可以电子钓鱼",
+ "author": "C14H22O",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/C14H22O/nonebot-plugin-fishing",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "钓鱼",
+ "color": "#87cefa"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": null,
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "0.2.1",
+ "time": "2024-03-09T13:57:57.644380Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_a2s_query",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-a2s-query",
+ "name": "a2s查询",
+ "desc": "查询value服务器详情",
+ "author": "NanakaNeko",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/NanakaNeko/nonebot-plugin-a2s-query",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "游戏服务器",
+ "color": "#ea5252"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "value",
+ "color": "#99ea52"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
+ ],
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "0.1.7",
+ "time": "2024-03-11T03:38:52.710058Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_dice_narrator",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-dice-narrator",
+ "name": "nonebot-plugin-dice-narrator",
+ "desc": "一只可爱的 AI 掷骰姬,支持各种事件检定",
+ "author": "KroMiose",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/KroMiose/nonebot_plugin_dice_narrator",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "GPT",
+ "color": "#29b752"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "掷骰姬",
+ "color": "#c84b9d"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
+ ],
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "0.1.9",
+ "time": "2024-03-14T02:27:12.730739Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_steam_info",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-steam-info",
+ "name": "Steam Info",
+ "desc": "播报绑定的 Steam 好友状态",
+ "author": "zhaomaoniu",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/zhaomaoniu/nonebot-plugin-steam-info",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "Steam",
+ "color": "#14305e"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.bilibili",
+ "nonebot.adapters.console",
+ "nonebot.adapters.ding",
+ "nonebot.adapters.discord",
+ "nonebot.adapters.dodo",
+ "nonebot.adapters.feishu",
+ "nonebot.adapters.github",
+ "nonebot.adapters.kaiheila",
+ "nonebot.adapters.minecraft",
+ "nonebot.adapters.mirai2",
+ "nonebot.adapters.ntchat",
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11",
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v12",
+ "nonebot.adapters.qq",
+ "nonebot.adapters.red",
+ "nonebot.adapters.satori",
+ "nonebot.adapters.telegram"
+ ],
+ "valid": true,
+ "version": "0.1.1",
+ "time": "2024-03-15T13:55:30.722873Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ },
+ {
+ "module_name": "nonebot_plugin_orangejuice",
+ "project_link": "nonebot-plugin-orangejuice",
+ "name": "100orangejuice",
+ "desc": "100orangejuice",
+ "author": "GLDYM",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/FDCraft/nonebot-plugin-orangejuice",
+ "tags": [
+ {
+ "label": "百橙",
+ "color": "#ed6f00"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "100OJ",
+ "color": "#ed6f00"
+ }
+ ],
+ "is_official": false,
+ "type": "application",
+ "supported_adapters": [
+ "nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11"
+ ],
+ "valid": false,
+ "version": "0.5.0",
+ "time": "2024-03-20T01:58:28.461963Z",
+ "skip_test": false
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liteyuki/test/action_test.py b/src/test/action_test.py
similarity index 73%
rename from liteyuki/test/action_test.py
rename to src/test/action_test.py
index 1bb92d6..74d7c54 100644
--- a/liteyuki/test/action_test.py
+++ b/src/test/action_test.py
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-import nonebot
-from liteyuki.utils import adapter_manager, driver_manager, init
-from liteyuki.utils.base.config import load_from_yaml
-from liteyuki.utils.base.data_manager import StoredConfig, common_db
-from liteyuki.utils.base.ly_api import liteyuki_api
-if __name__ == "__mp_main__":
- # Start as multiprocessing
- init()
- store_config: dict = common_db.where_one(StoredConfig(), default=StoredConfig()).config
- static_config = load_from_yaml("config.yml")
- store_config.update(static_config)
- driver_manager.init(config=store_config)
- adapter_manager.init(store_config)
- nonebot.init(**store_config)
- adapter_manager.register()
- try:
- nonebot.load_plugin("liteyuki.liteyuki_main")
- nonebot.load_from_toml("pyproject.toml")
- except BaseException as e:
- if not isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt):
- nonebot.logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}, Bug will be reported automatically.")
- liteyuki_api.bug_report(str(e.__repr__()))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Start as __main__
- from liteyuki.utils.base.reloader import Reloader
- nonebot.run()
+import nonebot
+from src.utils import adapter_manager, driver_manager, init
+from src.utils.base.config import load_from_yaml
+from src.utils.base.data_manager import StoredConfig, common_db
+from src.utils.base.ly_api import liteyuki_api
+if __name__ == "__mp_main__":
+ # Start as multiprocessing
+ init()
+ store_config: dict = common_db.where_one(StoredConfig(), default=StoredConfig()).config
+ static_config = load_from_yaml("config.yml")
+ store_config.update(static_config)
+ driver_manager.init(config=store_config)
+ adapter_manager.init(store_config)
+ nonebot.init(**store_config)
+ adapter_manager.register()
+ try:
+ nonebot.load_plugin("liteyuki.liteyuki_main")
+ nonebot.load_from_toml("pyproject.toml")
+ except BaseException as e:
+ if not isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}, Bug will be reported automatically.")
+ liteyuki_api.bug_report(str(e.__repr__()))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Start as __main__
+ from src.utils.base.reloader import Reloader
+ nonebot.run()
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/__init__.py b/src/utils/__init__.py
similarity index 91%
rename from liteyuki/utils/__init__.py
rename to src/utils/__init__.py
index e61b6b1..03772f1 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/__init__.py
+++ b/src/utils/__init__.py
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
-import json
-import os.path
-import platform
-import sys
-import time
-import nonebot
-__NAME__ = "LiteyukiBot"
-__VERSION__ = "6.3.2" # 60201
-import requests
-from liteyuki.utils.base.config import load_from_yaml, config
-from liteyuki.utils.base.log import init_log
-from liteyuki.utils.base.data_manager import TempConfig, auto_migrate, common_db
-from git import Repo
-major, minor, patch = map(int, __VERSION__.split("."))
-__VERSION_I__ = major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch
-def register_bot():
- url = "https://api.liteyuki.icu/register"
- data = {
- "name" : __NAME__,
- "version" : __VERSION__,
- "version_i": __VERSION_I__,
- "python" : f"{platform.python_implementation()} {platform.python_version()}",
- "os" : f"{platform.system()} {platform.version()} {platform.machine()}"
- }
- try:
- nonebot.logger.info("Waiting for register to Liteyuki...")
- resp = requests.post(url, json=data, timeout=(10, 15))
- if resp.status_code == 200:
- data = resp.json()
- if liteyuki_id := data.get("liteyuki_id"):
- with open("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json", "wb") as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8"))
- nonebot.logger.success(f"Register {liteyuki_id} to Liteyuki successfully")
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Register to Liteyuki failed: {data}")
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.warning(f"Register to Liteyuki failed, but it's no matter: {e}")
-def init():
- """
- 初始化
- Returns:
- """
- # 检测python版本是否高于3.10
- auto_migrate()
- init_log()
- if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
- nonebot.logger.error("Requires Python3.10+ to run, please upgrade your Python Environment.")
- exit(1)
- try:
- # 检测git仓库
- repo = Repo(".")
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load git repository: {e}, please clone this project from GitHub instead of downloading the zip file.")
- temp_data: TempConfig = common_db.where_one(TempConfig(), default=TempConfig())
- temp_data.data["start_time"] = time.time()
- common_db.save(temp_data)
- # 在加载完成语言后再初始化日志
- nonebot.logger.info("Liteyuki is initializing...")
- if not os.path.exists("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json"):
- register_bot()
- if not os.path.exists("pyproject.toml"):
- with open("pyproject.toml", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- f.write("[tool.nonebot]\n")
- nonebot.logger.info(
- f"Run Liteyuki with Python{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro} "
- f"at {sys.executable}"
- )
- nonebot.logger.info(f"{__NAME__} {__VERSION__}({__VERSION_I__}) is running")
+import json
+import os.path
+import platform
+import sys
+import time
+import nonebot
+__NAME__ = "LiteyukiBot"
+__VERSION__ = "6.3.2" # 60201
+import requests
+from src.utils.base.config import load_from_yaml, config
+from src.utils.base.log import init_log
+from src.utils.base.data_manager import TempConfig, auto_migrate, common_db
+from git import Repo
+major, minor, patch = map(int, __VERSION__.split("."))
+__VERSION_I__ = major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch
+def register_bot():
+ url = "https://api.liteyuki.icu/register"
+ data = {
+ "name" : __NAME__,
+ "version" : __VERSION__,
+ "version_i": __VERSION_I__,
+ "python" : f"{platform.python_implementation()} {platform.python_version()}",
+ "os" : f"{platform.system()} {platform.version()} {platform.machine()}"
+ }
+ try:
+ nonebot.logger.info("Waiting for register to Liteyuki...")
+ resp = requests.post(url, json=data, timeout=(10, 15))
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ data = resp.json()
+ if liteyuki_id := data.get("liteyuki_id"):
+ with open("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8"))
+ nonebot.logger.success(f"Register {liteyuki_id} to Liteyuki successfully")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Register to Liteyuki failed: {data}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(f"Register to Liteyuki failed, but it's no matter: {e}")
+def init():
+ """
+ 初始化
+ Returns:
+ """
+ # 检测python版本是否高于3.10
+ auto_migrate()
+ init_log()
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
+ nonebot.logger.error("Requires Python3.10+ to run, please upgrade your Python Environment.")
+ exit(1)
+ try:
+ # 检测git仓库
+ repo = Repo(".")
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load git repository: {e}, please clone this project from GitHub instead of downloading the zip file.")
+ temp_data: TempConfig = common_db.where_one(TempConfig(), default=TempConfig())
+ temp_data.data["start_time"] = time.time()
+ common_db.save(temp_data)
+ # 在加载完成语言后再初始化日志
+ nonebot.logger.info("Liteyuki is initializing...")
+ if not os.path.exists("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json"):
+ register_bot()
+ if not os.path.exists("pyproject.toml"):
+ with open("pyproject.toml", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ f.write("[tool.nonebot]\n")
+ nonebot.logger.info(
+ f"Run Liteyuki with Python{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro} "
+ f"at {sys.executable}"
+ )
+ nonebot.logger.info(f"{__NAME__} {__VERSION__}({__VERSION_I__}) is running")
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/__init__.py b/src/utils/adapter_manager/__init__.py
similarity index 92%
rename from liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/__init__.py
rename to src/utils/adapter_manager/__init__.py
index daf4802..2a0e73e 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/__init__.py
+++ b/src/utils/adapter_manager/__init__.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-from . import (
- satori,
- onebot
-def init(config: dict):
- onebot.init()
- satori.init(config)
-def register():
- onebot.register()
- satori.register()
+from . import (
+ satori,
+ onebot
+def init(config: dict):
+ onebot.init()
+ satori.init(config)
+def register():
+ onebot.register()
+ satori.register()
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/onebot.py b/src/utils/adapter_manager/onebot.py
similarity index 94%
rename from liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/onebot.py
rename to src/utils/adapter_manager/onebot.py
index 23d2a59..db19b4c 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/onebot.py
+++ b/src/utils/adapter_manager/onebot.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-import nonebot
-from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11, v12
-def init():
- pass
-def register():
- driver = nonebot.get_driver()
- driver.register_adapter(v11.Adapter)
- driver.register_adapter(v12.Adapter)
+import nonebot
+from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11, v12
+def init():
+ pass
+def register():
+ driver = nonebot.get_driver()
+ driver.register_adapter(v11.Adapter)
+ driver.register_adapter(v12.Adapter)
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/satori.py b/src/utils/adapter_manager/satori.py
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/satori.py
rename to src/utils/adapter_manager/satori.py
index 7778296..c5edc80 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/adapter_manager/satori.py
+++ b/src/utils/adapter_manager/satori.py
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-import json
-import os
-import nonebot
-from nonebot.adapters import satori
-def init(config: dict):
- if config.get("satori", None) is None:
- nonebot.logger.info("Satori config not found, skip Satori init.")
- return None
- satori_config = config.get("satori")
- if not satori_config.get("enable", False):
- nonebot.logger.info("Satori not enabled, skip Satori init.")
- return None
- if os.getenv("SATORI_CLIENTS", None) is not None:
- nonebot.logger.info("Satori clients already set in environment variable, skip.")
- os.environ["SATORI_CLIENTS"] = json.dumps(satori_config.get("hosts", []), ensure_ascii=False)
- config['satori_clients'] = satori_config.get("hosts", [])
- return
-def register():
- if os.getenv("SATORI_CLIENTS", None) is not None:
- driver = nonebot.get_driver()
- driver.register_adapter(satori.Adapter)
+import json
+import os
+import nonebot
+from nonebot.adapters import satori
+def init(config: dict):
+ if config.get("satori", None) is None:
+ nonebot.logger.info("Satori config not found, skip Satori init.")
+ return None
+ satori_config = config.get("satori")
+ if not satori_config.get("enable", False):
+ nonebot.logger.info("Satori not enabled, skip Satori init.")
+ return None
+ if os.getenv("SATORI_CLIENTS", None) is not None:
+ nonebot.logger.info("Satori clients already set in environment variable, skip.")
+ os.environ["SATORI_CLIENTS"] = json.dumps(satori_config.get("hosts", []), ensure_ascii=False)
+ config['satori_clients'] = satori_config.get("hosts", [])
+ return
+def register():
+ if os.getenv("SATORI_CLIENTS", None) is not None:
+ driver = nonebot.get_driver()
+ driver.register_adapter(satori.Adapter)
diff --git a/src/utils/base/__init__.py b/src/utils/base/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/config.py b/src/utils/base/config.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/config.py
rename to src/utils/base/config.py
index eaccbf4..a53f8f9 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/config.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/config.py
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-import os
-from typing import List
-import nonebot
-import yaml
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-from .data_manager import StoredConfig, TempConfig, common_db
-from .ly_typing import T_Bot
-from ..message.tools import random_hex_string
-config = {} # 全局配置,确保加载后读取
-class SatoriNodeConfig(BaseModel):
- host: str = ""
- port: str = "5500"
- path: str = ""
- token: str = ""
-class SatoriConfig(BaseModel):
- comment: str = "These features are still in development. Do not enable in production environment."
- enable: bool = False
- hosts: List[SatoriNodeConfig] = [SatoriNodeConfig()]
-class BasicConfig(BaseModel):
- host: str = ""
- port: int = 20216
- superusers: list[str] = []
- command_start: list[str] = ["/", ""]
- nickname: list[str] = [f"LiteyukiBot-{random_hex_string(6)}"]
- satori: SatoriConfig = SatoriConfig()
-def load_from_yaml(file: str) -> dict:
- global config
- nonebot.logger.debug("Loading config from %s" % file)
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- nonebot.logger.warning(f"Config file {file} not found, created default config, please modify it and restart")
- with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- yaml.dump(BasicConfig().dict(), f, default_flow_style=False)
- with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- conf = init_conf(yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))
- config = conf
- if conf is None:
- nonebot.logger.warning(f"Config file {file} is empty, use default config. please modify it and restart")
- conf = BasicConfig().dict()
- return conf
-def get_config(key: str, default=None):
- """获取配置项,优先级:bot > config > db > yaml"""
- try:
- bot = nonebot.get_bot()
- except:
- bot = None
- if bot is None:
- bot_config = {}
- else:
- bot_config = bot.config.dict()
- if key in bot_config:
- return bot_config[key]
- elif key in config:
- return config[key]
- elif key in common_db.where_one(StoredConfig(), default=StoredConfig()).config:
- return common_db.where_one(StoredConfig(), default=StoredConfig()).config[key]
- elif key in load_from_yaml("config.yml"):
- return load_from_yaml("config.yml")[key]
- else:
- return default
-def set_stored_config(key: str, value):
- temp_config: TempConfig = common_db.where_one(TempConfig(), default=TempConfig())
- temp_config.data[key] = value
- common_db.save(temp_config)
-def init_conf(conf: dict) -> dict:
- """
- 初始化配置文件,确保配置文件中的必要字段存在,且不会冲突
- Args:
- conf:
- Returns:
- """
- # 若command_start中无"",则添加必要命令头,开启alconna_use_command_start防止冲突
- if "" not in conf.get("command_start", []):
- conf["alconna_use_command_start"] = True
- return conf
+import os
+from typing import List
+import nonebot
+import yaml
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from .data_manager import StoredConfig, TempConfig, common_db
+from .ly_typing import T_Bot
+from ..message.tools import random_hex_string
+config = {} # 全局配置,确保加载后读取
+class SatoriNodeConfig(BaseModel):
+ host: str = ""
+ port: str = "5500"
+ path: str = ""
+ token: str = ""
+class SatoriConfig(BaseModel):
+ comment: str = "These features are still in development. Do not enable in production environment."
+ enable: bool = False
+ hosts: List[SatoriNodeConfig] = [SatoriNodeConfig()]
+class BasicConfig(BaseModel):
+ host: str = ""
+ port: int = 20216
+ superusers: list[str] = []
+ command_start: list[str] = ["/", ""]
+ nickname: list[str] = [f"LiteyukiBot-{random_hex_string(6)}"]
+ satori: SatoriConfig = SatoriConfig()
+def load_from_yaml(file: str) -> dict:
+ global config
+ nonebot.logger.debug("Loading config from %s" % file)
+ if not os.path.exists(file):
+ nonebot.logger.warning(f"Config file {file} not found, created default config, please modify it and restart")
+ with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ yaml.dump(BasicConfig().dict(), f, default_flow_style=False)
+ with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ conf = init_conf(yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))
+ config = conf
+ if conf is None:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(f"Config file {file} is empty, use default config. please modify it and restart")
+ conf = BasicConfig().dict()
+ return conf
+def get_config(key: str, default=None):
+ """获取配置项,优先级:bot > config > db > yaml"""
+ try:
+ bot = nonebot.get_bot()
+ except:
+ bot = None
+ if bot is None:
+ bot_config = {}
+ else:
+ bot_config = bot.config.dict()
+ if key in bot_config:
+ return bot_config[key]
+ elif key in config:
+ return config[key]
+ elif key in common_db.where_one(StoredConfig(), default=StoredConfig()).config:
+ return common_db.where_one(StoredConfig(), default=StoredConfig()).config[key]
+ elif key in load_from_yaml("config.yml"):
+ return load_from_yaml("config.yml")[key]
+ else:
+ return default
+def set_stored_config(key: str, value):
+ temp_config: TempConfig = common_db.where_one(TempConfig(), default=TempConfig())
+ temp_config.data[key] = value
+ common_db.save(temp_config)
+def init_conf(conf: dict) -> dict:
+ """
+ 初始化配置文件,确保配置文件中的必要字段存在,且不会冲突
+ Args:
+ conf:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ # 若command_start中无"",则添加必要命令头,开启alconna_use_command_start防止冲突
+ if "" not in conf.get("command_start", []):
+ conf["alconna_use_command_start"] = True
+ return conf
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/data.py b/src/utils/base/data.py
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/data.py
rename to src/utils/base/data.py
index 453690e..e558848 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/data.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/data.py
@@ -1,405 +1,405 @@
-import os
-import pickle
-import sqlite3
-from types import NoneType
-from typing import Any, Callable
-from packaging.version import parse
-import inspect
-import nonebot
-import pydantic
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-class LiteModel(BaseModel):
- TABLE_NAME: str = None
- id: int = None
- def dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if parse(pydantic.__version__) < parse("2.0.0"):
- return self.dict(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- return self.model_dump(*args, **kwargs)
-class Database:
- def __init__(self, db_name: str):
- if os.path.dirname(db_name) != "" and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(db_name)):
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(db_name))
- self.db_name = db_name
- self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
- self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
- self._on_save_callbacks = []
- def where_one(self, model: LiteModel, condition: str = "", *args: Any, default: Any = None) -> LiteModel | Any | None:
- """查询第一个
- Args:
- model: 数据模型实例
- condition: 查询条件,不给定则查询所有
- *args: 参数化查询参数
- default: 默认值
- Returns:
- """
- all_results = self.where_all(model, condition, *args)
- return all_results[0] if all_results else default
- def where_all(self, model: LiteModel, condition: str = "", *args: Any, default: Any = None) -> list[LiteModel | Any] | None:
- """查询所有
- Args:
- model: 数据模型实例
- condition: 查询条件,不给定则查询所有
- *args: 参数化查询参数
- default: 默认值
- Returns:
- """
- table_name = model.TABLE_NAME
- model_type = type(model)
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Selecting {model.TABLE_NAME} WHERE {condition.replace('?', '%s') % args}")
- if not table_name:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型{model_type.__name__}未提供表名")
- # condition = f"WHERE {condition}"
- # print(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}", args)
- # if len(args) == 0:
- # results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}").fetchall()
- # else:
- # results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}", args).fetchall()
- if condition:
- results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {condition}", args).fetchall()
- else:
- results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}").fetchall()
- fields = [description[0] for description in self.cursor.description]
- if not results:
- return default
- else:
- return [model_type(**self._load(dict(zip(fields, result)))) for result in results]
- def save(self, *args: LiteModel):
- """增/改操作
- Args:
- *args:
- Returns:
- """
- table_list = [item[0] for item in self.cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'").fetchall()]
- for model in args:
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Upserting {model}")
- if not model.TABLE_NAME:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型 {model.__class__.__name__} 未提供表名")
- elif model.TABLE_NAME not in table_list:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型 {model.__class__.__name__} 表 {model.TABLE_NAME} 不存在,请先迁移")
- else:
- self._save(model.dump(by_alias=True))
- for callback in self._on_save_callbacks:
- callback(model)
- def _save(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
- # obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
- if isinstance(obj, dict):
- table_name = obj.get("TABLE_NAME")
- row_id = obj.get("id")
- new_obj = {}
- for field, value in obj.items():
- if isinstance(value, self.ITERABLE_TYPE):
- new_obj[self._get_stored_field_prefix(value) + field] = self._save(value) # self._save(value) # -> bytes
- elif isinstance(value, self.BASIC_TYPE):
- new_obj[field] = value
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型{table_name}包含不支持的数据类型,字段:{field} 值:{value} 值类型:{type(value)}")
- if table_name:
- fields, values = [], []
- for n_field, n_value in new_obj.items():
- if n_field not in ["TABLE_NAME", "id"]:
- fields.append(n_field)
- values.append(n_value)
- # 移除TABLE_NAME和id
- fields = list(fields)
- values = list(values)
- if row_id is not None:
- # 如果 _id 不为空,将 'id' 插入到字段列表的开始
- fields.insert(0, 'id')
- # 将 _id 插入到值列表的开始
- values.insert(0, row_id)
- fields = ', '.join([f'"{field}"' for field in fields])
- placeholders = ', '.join('?' for _ in values)
- self.cursor.execute(f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table_name}({fields}) VALUES ({placeholders})", tuple(values))
- self.conn.commit()
- foreign_id = self.cursor.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid()").fetchone()[0]
- return f"{self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX}{foreign_id}@{table_name}" # -> FOREIGN_KEY_123456@{table_name} id@{table_name}
- else:
- return pickle.dumps(new_obj) # -> bytes
- elif isinstance(obj, (list, set, tuple)):
- obj_type = type(obj) # 到时候转回去
- new_obj = []
- for item in obj:
- if isinstance(item, self.ITERABLE_TYPE):
- new_obj.append(self._save(item))
- elif isinstance(item, self.BASIC_TYPE):
- new_obj.append(item)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型包含不支持的数据类型,值:{item} 值类型:{type(item)}")
- return pickle.dumps(obj_type(new_obj)) # -> bytes
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型包含不支持的数据类型,值:{obj} 值类型:{type(obj)}")
- def _load(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
- if isinstance(obj, dict):
- new_obj = {}
- for field, value in obj.items():
- field: str
- if field.startswith(self.BYTES_PREFIX):
- if isinstance(value, bytes):
- new_obj[field.replace(self.BYTES_PREFIX, "")] = self._load(pickle.loads(value))
- else: # 从value字段可能为None,fix at 2024/6/13
- pass
- # 暂时不作处理,后面再修
- elif field.startswith(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX):
- new_obj[field.replace(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX, "")] = self._load(self._get_foreign_data(value))
- else:
- new_obj[field] = value
- return new_obj
- elif isinstance(obj, (list, set, tuple)):
- new_obj = []
- for item in obj:
- if isinstance(item, bytes):
- # 对bytes进行尝试解析,解析失败则返回原始bytes
- try:
- new_obj.append(self._load(pickle.loads(item)))
- except Exception as e:
- new_obj.append(self._load(item))
- elif isinstance(item, str) and item.startswith(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX):
- new_obj.append(self._load(self._get_foreign_data(item)))
- else:
- new_obj.append(self._load(item))
- return new_obj
- else:
- return obj
- def delete(self, model: LiteModel, condition: str, *args: Any, allow_empty: bool = False):
- """
- 删除满足条件的数据
- Args:
- allow_empty: 允许空条件删除整个表
- model:
- condition:
- *args:
- Returns:
- """
- table_name = model.TABLE_NAME
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Deleting {model} WHERE {condition} {args}")
- if not table_name:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型{model.__class__.__name__}未提供表名")
- if model.id is not None:
- condition = f"id = {model.id}"
- if not condition and not allow_empty:
- raise ValueError("删除操作必须提供条件")
- self.cursor.execute(f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE {condition}", args)
- self.conn.commit()
- def auto_migrate(self, *args: LiteModel):
- """
- 自动迁移模型
- Args:
- *args: 模型类实例化对象,支持空默认值,不支持嵌套迁移
- Returns:
- """
- for model in args:
- if not model.TABLE_NAME:
- raise ValueError(f"数据模型{type(model).__name__}未提供表名")
- # 若无则创建表
- self.cursor.execute(
- )
- # 获取表结构,field -> SqliteType
- new_structure = {}
- for n_field, n_value in model.dump(by_alias=True).items():
- if n_field not in ["TABLE_NAME", "id"]:
- new_structure[self._get_stored_field_prefix(n_value) + n_field] = self._get_stored_type(n_value)
- # 原有的字段列表
- existing_structure = dict([(column[1], column[2]) for column in self.cursor.execute(f'PRAGMA table_info({model.TABLE_NAME})').fetchall()])
- # 检测缺失字段,由于SQLite是动态类型,所以不需要检测类型
- for n_field, n_type in new_structure.items():
- if n_field not in existing_structure.keys() and n_field.lower() not in ["id", "table_name"]:
- default_value = self.DEFAULT_MAPPING.get(n_type, 'NULL')
- self.cursor.execute(
- f"ALTER TABLE '{model.TABLE_NAME}' ADD COLUMN {n_field} {n_type} DEFAULT {self.DEFAULT_MAPPING.get(n_type, default_value)}"
- )
- # 检测多余字段进行删除
- for e_field in existing_structure.keys():
- if e_field not in new_structure.keys() and e_field.lower() not in ['id']:
- self.cursor.execute(
- f'ALTER TABLE "{model.TABLE_NAME}" DROP COLUMN "{e_field}"'
- )
- self.conn.commit()
- # 已完成
- def _get_stored_field_prefix(self, value) -> str:
- """根据类型获取存储字段前缀,一定在后加上字段名
- * -> ""
- Args:
- value: 储存的值
- Returns:
- Sqlite3存储字段
- """
- if isinstance(value, LiteModel) or isinstance(value, dict) and "TABLE_NAME" in value:
- return self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX
- elif type(value) in self.ITERABLE_TYPE:
- return self.BYTES_PREFIX
- return ""
- def _get_stored_type(self, value) -> str:
- """获取存储类型
- Args:
- value: 储存的值
- Returns:
- Sqlite3存储类型
- """
- if isinstance(value, dict) and "TABLE_NAME" in value:
- # 是一个模型字典,储存外键
- return "INTEGER"
- return self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type(value), "TEXT")
- def _get_foreign_data(self, foreign_value: str) -> dict:
- """
- 获取外键数据
- Args:
- foreign_value:
- Returns:
- """
- foreign_value = foreign_value.replace(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX, "")
- table_name = foreign_value.split("@")[-1]
- foreign_id = foreign_value.split("@")[0]
- fields = [description[1] for description in self.cursor.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})").fetchall()]
- result = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE id = ?", (foreign_id,)).fetchone()
- return dict(zip(fields, result))
- def on_save(self, func: Callable[[LiteModel | Any], None]):
- """
- 装饰一个可调用对象使其在储存数据模型时被调用
- Args:
- func:
- Returns:
- """
- def wrapper(model):
- # 检查被装饰函数声明的model类型和传入的model类型是否一致
- sign = inspect.signature(func)
- if param := sign.parameters.get("model"):
- if isinstance(model, param.annotation):
- pass
- else:
- return
- else:
- return
- result = func(model)
- for callback in self._on_save_callbacks:
- callback(result)
- return result
- self._on_save_callbacks.append(wrapper)
- return wrapper
- int : "INTEGER",
- float : "REAL",
- str : "TEXT",
- bool : "INTEGER",
- bytes : "BLOB",
- NoneType : "NULL",
- # dict : "TEXT",
- # list : "TEXT",
- # tuple : "TEXT",
- # set : "TEXT",
- dict : "BLOB", # LITEYUKIDICT{key_name}
- list : "BLOB", # LITEYUKILIST{key_name}
- tuple : "BLOB", # LITEYUKITUPLE{key_name}
- set : "BLOB", # LITEYUKISET{key_name}
- LiteModel: "TEXT" # FOREIGN_KEY_{table_name}
- }
- "TEXT" : "''",
- "INTEGER": 0,
- "REAL" : 0.0,
- "BLOB" : None,
- "NULL" : None
- }
- # 基础类型
- BASIC_TYPE = (int, float, str, bool, bytes, NoneType)
- # 可序列化类型
- ITERABLE_TYPE = (dict, list, tuple, set, LiteModel)
- # 外键前缀
- # 转换为的字节前缀
- # transaction tx 事务操作
- def first(self, model: LiteModel) -> "Database":
- pass
- def where(self, condition: str, *args) -> "Database":
- pass
- def limit(self, limit: int) -> "Database":
- pass
- def order(self, order: str) -> "Database":
- pass
-def check_sqlite_keyword(name):
- sqlite_keywords = [
- "NO", "NOT", "NOTNULL", "NULL", "OF", "OFFSET", "ON", "OR", "ORDER", "OUTER", "PLAN",
- ]
- return True
- # if name.upper() in sqlite_keywords:
- # raise ValueError(f"'{name}' 是SQLite保留字,不建议使用,请更换名称")
+import os
+import pickle
+import sqlite3
+from types import NoneType
+from typing import Any, Callable
+from packaging.version import parse
+import inspect
+import nonebot
+import pydantic
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+class LiteModel(BaseModel):
+ TABLE_NAME: str = None
+ id: int = None
+ def dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if parse(pydantic.__version__) < parse("2.0.0"):
+ return self.dict(*args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ return self.model_dump(*args, **kwargs)
+class Database:
+ def __init__(self, db_name: str):
+ if os.path.dirname(db_name) != "" and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(db_name)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(db_name))
+ self.db_name = db_name
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
+ self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+ self._on_save_callbacks = []
+ def where_one(self, model: LiteModel, condition: str = "", *args: Any, default: Any = None) -> LiteModel | Any | None:
+ """查询第一个
+ Args:
+ model: 数据模型实例
+ condition: 查询条件,不给定则查询所有
+ *args: 参数化查询参数
+ default: 默认值
+ Returns:
+ """
+ all_results = self.where_all(model, condition, *args)
+ return all_results[0] if all_results else default
+ def where_all(self, model: LiteModel, condition: str = "", *args: Any, default: Any = None) -> list[LiteModel | Any] | None:
+ """查询所有
+ Args:
+ model: 数据模型实例
+ condition: 查询条件,不给定则查询所有
+ *args: 参数化查询参数
+ default: 默认值
+ Returns:
+ """
+ table_name = model.TABLE_NAME
+ model_type = type(model)
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Selecting {model.TABLE_NAME} WHERE {condition.replace('?', '%s') % args}")
+ if not table_name:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型{model_type.__name__}未提供表名")
+ # condition = f"WHERE {condition}"
+ # print(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}", args)
+ # if len(args) == 0:
+ # results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}").fetchall()
+ # else:
+ # results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} {condition}", args).fetchall()
+ if condition:
+ results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {condition}", args).fetchall()
+ else:
+ results = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}").fetchall()
+ fields = [description[0] for description in self.cursor.description]
+ if not results:
+ return default
+ else:
+ return [model_type(**self._load(dict(zip(fields, result)))) for result in results]
+ def save(self, *args: LiteModel):
+ """增/改操作
+ Args:
+ *args:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ table_list = [item[0] for item in self.cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'").fetchall()]
+ for model in args:
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Upserting {model}")
+ if not model.TABLE_NAME:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型 {model.__class__.__name__} 未提供表名")
+ elif model.TABLE_NAME not in table_list:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型 {model.__class__.__name__} 表 {model.TABLE_NAME} 不存在,请先迁移")
+ else:
+ self._save(model.dump(by_alias=True))
+ for callback in self._on_save_callbacks:
+ callback(model)
+ def _save(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
+ # obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ table_name = obj.get("TABLE_NAME")
+ row_id = obj.get("id")
+ new_obj = {}
+ for field, value in obj.items():
+ if isinstance(value, self.ITERABLE_TYPE):
+ new_obj[self._get_stored_field_prefix(value) + field] = self._save(value) # self._save(value) # -> bytes
+ elif isinstance(value, self.BASIC_TYPE):
+ new_obj[field] = value
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型{table_name}包含不支持的数据类型,字段:{field} 值:{value} 值类型:{type(value)}")
+ if table_name:
+ fields, values = [], []
+ for n_field, n_value in new_obj.items():
+ if n_field not in ["TABLE_NAME", "id"]:
+ fields.append(n_field)
+ values.append(n_value)
+ # 移除TABLE_NAME和id
+ fields = list(fields)
+ values = list(values)
+ if row_id is not None:
+ # 如果 _id 不为空,将 'id' 插入到字段列表的开始
+ fields.insert(0, 'id')
+ # 将 _id 插入到值列表的开始
+ values.insert(0, row_id)
+ fields = ', '.join([f'"{field}"' for field in fields])
+ placeholders = ', '.join('?' for _ in values)
+ self.cursor.execute(f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table_name}({fields}) VALUES ({placeholders})", tuple(values))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ foreign_id = self.cursor.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid()").fetchone()[0]
+ return f"{self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX}{foreign_id}@{table_name}" # -> FOREIGN_KEY_123456@{table_name} id@{table_name}
+ else:
+ return pickle.dumps(new_obj) # -> bytes
+ elif isinstance(obj, (list, set, tuple)):
+ obj_type = type(obj) # 到时候转回去
+ new_obj = []
+ for item in obj:
+ if isinstance(item, self.ITERABLE_TYPE):
+ new_obj.append(self._save(item))
+ elif isinstance(item, self.BASIC_TYPE):
+ new_obj.append(item)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型包含不支持的数据类型,值:{item} 值类型:{type(item)}")
+ return pickle.dumps(obj_type(new_obj)) # -> bytes
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型包含不支持的数据类型,值:{obj} 值类型:{type(obj)}")
+ def _load(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ new_obj = {}
+ for field, value in obj.items():
+ field: str
+ if field.startswith(self.BYTES_PREFIX):
+ if isinstance(value, bytes):
+ new_obj[field.replace(self.BYTES_PREFIX, "")] = self._load(pickle.loads(value))
+ else: # 从value字段可能为None,fix at 2024/6/13
+ pass
+ # 暂时不作处理,后面再修
+ elif field.startswith(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX):
+ new_obj[field.replace(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX, "")] = self._load(self._get_foreign_data(value))
+ else:
+ new_obj[field] = value
+ return new_obj
+ elif isinstance(obj, (list, set, tuple)):
+ new_obj = []
+ for item in obj:
+ if isinstance(item, bytes):
+ # 对bytes进行尝试解析,解析失败则返回原始bytes
+ try:
+ new_obj.append(self._load(pickle.loads(item)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ new_obj.append(self._load(item))
+ elif isinstance(item, str) and item.startswith(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX):
+ new_obj.append(self._load(self._get_foreign_data(item)))
+ else:
+ new_obj.append(self._load(item))
+ return new_obj
+ else:
+ return obj
+ def delete(self, model: LiteModel, condition: str, *args: Any, allow_empty: bool = False):
+ """
+ 删除满足条件的数据
+ Args:
+ allow_empty: 允许空条件删除整个表
+ model:
+ condition:
+ *args:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ table_name = model.TABLE_NAME
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Deleting {model} WHERE {condition} {args}")
+ if not table_name:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型{model.__class__.__name__}未提供表名")
+ if model.id is not None:
+ condition = f"id = {model.id}"
+ if not condition and not allow_empty:
+ raise ValueError("删除操作必须提供条件")
+ self.cursor.execute(f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE {condition}", args)
+ self.conn.commit()
+ def auto_migrate(self, *args: LiteModel):
+ """
+ 自动迁移模型
+ Args:
+ *args: 模型类实例化对象,支持空默认值,不支持嵌套迁移
+ Returns:
+ """
+ for model in args:
+ if not model.TABLE_NAME:
+ raise ValueError(f"数据模型{type(model).__name__}未提供表名")
+ # 若无则创建表
+ self.cursor.execute(
+ )
+ # 获取表结构,field -> SqliteType
+ new_structure = {}
+ for n_field, n_value in model.dump(by_alias=True).items():
+ if n_field not in ["TABLE_NAME", "id"]:
+ new_structure[self._get_stored_field_prefix(n_value) + n_field] = self._get_stored_type(n_value)
+ # 原有的字段列表
+ existing_structure = dict([(column[1], column[2]) for column in self.cursor.execute(f'PRAGMA table_info({model.TABLE_NAME})').fetchall()])
+ # 检测缺失字段,由于SQLite是动态类型,所以不需要检测类型
+ for n_field, n_type in new_structure.items():
+ if n_field not in existing_structure.keys() and n_field.lower() not in ["id", "table_name"]:
+ default_value = self.DEFAULT_MAPPING.get(n_type, 'NULL')
+ self.cursor.execute(
+ f"ALTER TABLE '{model.TABLE_NAME}' ADD COLUMN {n_field} {n_type} DEFAULT {self.DEFAULT_MAPPING.get(n_type, default_value)}"
+ )
+ # 检测多余字段进行删除
+ for e_field in existing_structure.keys():
+ if e_field not in new_structure.keys() and e_field.lower() not in ['id']:
+ self.cursor.execute(
+ f'ALTER TABLE "{model.TABLE_NAME}" DROP COLUMN "{e_field}"'
+ )
+ self.conn.commit()
+ # 已完成
+ def _get_stored_field_prefix(self, value) -> str:
+ """根据类型获取存储字段前缀,一定在后加上字段名
+ * -> ""
+ Args:
+ value: 储存的值
+ Returns:
+ Sqlite3存储字段
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, LiteModel) or isinstance(value, dict) and "TABLE_NAME" in value:
+ return self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX
+ elif type(value) in self.ITERABLE_TYPE:
+ return self.BYTES_PREFIX
+ return ""
+ def _get_stored_type(self, value) -> str:
+ """获取存储类型
+ Args:
+ value: 储存的值
+ Returns:
+ Sqlite3存储类型
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, dict) and "TABLE_NAME" in value:
+ # 是一个模型字典,储存外键
+ return "INTEGER"
+ return self.TYPE_MAPPING.get(type(value), "TEXT")
+ def _get_foreign_data(self, foreign_value: str) -> dict:
+ """
+ 获取外键数据
+ Args:
+ foreign_value:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ foreign_value = foreign_value.replace(self.FOREIGN_KEY_PREFIX, "")
+ table_name = foreign_value.split("@")[-1]
+ foreign_id = foreign_value.split("@")[0]
+ fields = [description[1] for description in self.cursor.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})").fetchall()]
+ result = self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE id = ?", (foreign_id,)).fetchone()
+ return dict(zip(fields, result))
+ def on_save(self, func: Callable[[LiteModel | Any], None]):
+ """
+ 装饰一个可调用对象使其在储存数据模型时被调用
+ Args:
+ func:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ def wrapper(model):
+ # 检查被装饰函数声明的model类型和传入的model类型是否一致
+ sign = inspect.signature(func)
+ if param := sign.parameters.get("model"):
+ if isinstance(model, param.annotation):
+ pass
+ else:
+ return
+ else:
+ return
+ result = func(model)
+ for callback in self._on_save_callbacks:
+ callback(result)
+ return result
+ self._on_save_callbacks.append(wrapper)
+ return wrapper
+ int : "INTEGER",
+ float : "REAL",
+ str : "TEXT",
+ bool : "INTEGER",
+ bytes : "BLOB",
+ NoneType : "NULL",
+ # dict : "TEXT",
+ # list : "TEXT",
+ # tuple : "TEXT",
+ # set : "TEXT",
+ dict : "BLOB", # LITEYUKIDICT{key_name}
+ list : "BLOB", # LITEYUKILIST{key_name}
+ tuple : "BLOB", # LITEYUKITUPLE{key_name}
+ set : "BLOB", # LITEYUKISET{key_name}
+ LiteModel: "TEXT" # FOREIGN_KEY_{table_name}
+ }
+ "TEXT" : "''",
+ "INTEGER": 0,
+ "REAL" : 0.0,
+ "BLOB" : None,
+ "NULL" : None
+ }
+ # 基础类型
+ BASIC_TYPE = (int, float, str, bool, bytes, NoneType)
+ # 可序列化类型
+ ITERABLE_TYPE = (dict, list, tuple, set, LiteModel)
+ # 外键前缀
+ # 转换为的字节前缀
+ # transaction tx 事务操作
+ def first(self, model: LiteModel) -> "Database":
+ pass
+ def where(self, condition: str, *args) -> "Database":
+ pass
+ def limit(self, limit: int) -> "Database":
+ pass
+ def order(self, order: str) -> "Database":
+ pass
+def check_sqlite_keyword(name):
+ sqlite_keywords = [
+ "NO", "NOT", "NOTNULL", "NULL", "OF", "OFFSET", "ON", "OR", "ORDER", "OUTER", "PLAN",
+ ]
+ return True
+ # if name.upper() in sqlite_keywords:
+ # raise ValueError(f"'{name}' 是SQLite保留字,不建议使用,请更换名称")
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/data_manager.py b/src/utils/base/data_manager.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/data_manager.py
rename to src/utils/base/data_manager.py
index 87abbed..63d510c 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/data_manager.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/data_manager.py
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
-import os
-from pydantic import Field
-from .data import Database, LiteModel, Database
-DATA_PATH = "data/liteyuki"
-user_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "users.ldb"))
-group_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "groups.ldb"))
-plugin_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "plugins.ldb"))
-common_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "common.ldb"))
-# 内存数据库,临时用于存储数据
-memory_database = {
-class User(LiteModel):
- TABLE_NAME: str = "user"
- user_id: str = Field(str(), alias="user_id")
- username: str = Field(str(), alias="username")
- profile: dict[str, str] = Field(dict(), alias="profile")
- enabled_plugins: list[str] = Field(list(), alias="enabled_plugins")
- disabled_plugins: list[str] = Field(list(), alias="disabled_plugins")
-class Group(LiteModel):
- TABLE_NAME: str = "group_chat"
- # Group是一个关键字,所以这里用GroupChat
- group_id: str = Field(str(), alias="group_id")
- group_name: str = Field(str(), alias="group_name")
- enabled_plugins: list[str] = Field([], alias="enabled_plugins")
- disabled_plugins: list[str] = Field([], alias="disabled_plugins")
- enable: bool = Field(True, alias="enable") # 群聊全局机器人是否启用
- config: dict = Field({}, alias="config")
-class InstalledPlugin(LiteModel):
- TABLE_NAME: str = "installed_plugin"
- module_name: str = Field(str(), alias="module_name")
- version: str = Field(str(), alias="version")
-class GlobalPlugin(LiteModel):
- TABLE_NAME: str = "global_plugin"
- liteyuki: bool = Field(True, alias="liteyuki") # 是否为LiteYuki插件
- module_name: str = Field(str(), alias="module_name")
- enabled: bool = Field(True, alias="enabled")
-class StoredConfig(LiteModel):
- TABLE_NAME: str = "stored_config"
- config: dict = {}
-class TempConfig(LiteModel):
- """储存临时键值对的表"""
- TABLE_NAME: str = "temp_data"
- data: dict = {}
-def auto_migrate():
- user_db.auto_migrate(User())
- group_db.auto_migrate(Group())
- plugin_db.auto_migrate(InstalledPlugin(), GlobalPlugin())
- common_db.auto_migrate(GlobalPlugin(), StoredConfig(), TempConfig())
-def set_memory_data(key: str, value) -> None:
- """
- 设置内存数据库的数据,类似于redis
- Args:
- key:
- value:
- Returns:
- """
- return memory_database.update({
- key: value
- })
-def get_memory_data(key: str, default=None) -> any:
- """
- 获取内存数据库的数据,类似于redis
- Args:
- key:
- default:
- Returns:
- """
- return memory_database.get(key, default)
+import os
+from pydantic import Field
+from .data import Database, LiteModel, Database
+DATA_PATH = "data/liteyuki"
+user_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "users.ldb"))
+group_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "groups.ldb"))
+plugin_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "plugins.ldb"))
+common_db: Database = Database(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "common.ldb"))
+# 内存数据库,临时用于存储数据
+memory_database = {
+class User(LiteModel):
+ TABLE_NAME: str = "user"
+ user_id: str = Field(str(), alias="user_id")
+ username: str = Field(str(), alias="username")
+ profile: dict[str, str] = Field(dict(), alias="profile")
+ enabled_plugins: list[str] = Field(list(), alias="enabled_plugins")
+ disabled_plugins: list[str] = Field(list(), alias="disabled_plugins")
+class Group(LiteModel):
+ TABLE_NAME: str = "group_chat"
+ # Group是一个关键字,所以这里用GroupChat
+ group_id: str = Field(str(), alias="group_id")
+ group_name: str = Field(str(), alias="group_name")
+ enabled_plugins: list[str] = Field([], alias="enabled_plugins")
+ disabled_plugins: list[str] = Field([], alias="disabled_plugins")
+ enable: bool = Field(True, alias="enable") # 群聊全局机器人是否启用
+ config: dict = Field({}, alias="config")
+class InstalledPlugin(LiteModel):
+ TABLE_NAME: str = "installed_plugin"
+ module_name: str = Field(str(), alias="module_name")
+ version: str = Field(str(), alias="version")
+class GlobalPlugin(LiteModel):
+ TABLE_NAME: str = "global_plugin"
+ liteyuki: bool = Field(True, alias="liteyuki") # 是否为LiteYuki插件
+ module_name: str = Field(str(), alias="module_name")
+ enabled: bool = Field(True, alias="enabled")
+class StoredConfig(LiteModel):
+ TABLE_NAME: str = "stored_config"
+ config: dict = {}
+class TempConfig(LiteModel):
+ """储存临时键值对的表"""
+ TABLE_NAME: str = "temp_data"
+ data: dict = {}
+def auto_migrate():
+ user_db.auto_migrate(User())
+ group_db.auto_migrate(Group())
+ plugin_db.auto_migrate(InstalledPlugin(), GlobalPlugin())
+ common_db.auto_migrate(GlobalPlugin(), StoredConfig(), TempConfig())
+def set_memory_data(key: str, value) -> None:
+ """
+ 设置内存数据库的数据,类似于redis
+ Args:
+ key:
+ value:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ return memory_database.update({
+ key: value
+ })
+def get_memory_data(key: str, default=None) -> any:
+ """
+ 获取内存数据库的数据,类似于redis
+ Args:
+ key:
+ default:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ return memory_database.get(key, default)
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/language.py b/src/utils/base/language.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/language.py
rename to src/utils/base/language.py
index a38987d..fe0319d 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/language.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/language.py
@@ -1,216 +1,216 @@
-import json
-import locale
-import os
-from typing import Any, overload
-import nonebot
-from .config import config, get_config
-from .data_manager import User, user_db
-_language_data = {
- "en": {
- "name": "English",
- }
-_user_lang = {
- "user_id": "zh-CN"
-def load_from_lang(file_path: str, lang_code: str = None):
- """
- 从lang文件中加载语言数据,用于简单的文本键值对
- Args:
- file_path: lang文件路径
- lang_code: 语言代码,如果为None则从文件名中获取
- """
- try:
- if lang_code is None:
- lang_code = os.path.basename(file_path).split(".")[0]
- with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- data = {}
- for line in file:
- line = line.strip()
- if not line or line.startswith("#"): # 空行或注释
- continue
- key, value = line.split("=", 1)
- data[key.strip()] = value.strip()
- if lang_code not in _language_data:
- _language_data[lang_code] = {}
- _language_data[lang_code].update(data)
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded language data from {file_path}")
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file_path}: {e}")
-def load_from_json(file_path: str, lang_code: str = None):
- """
- 从json文件中加载语言数据,可以定义一些变量
- Args:
- lang_code: 语言代码,如果为None则从文件名中获取
- file_path: json文件路径
- """
- try:
- if lang_code is None:
- lang_code = os.path.basename(file_path).split(".")[0]
- with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- data = json.load(file)
- if lang_code not in _language_data:
- _language_data[lang_code] = {}
- _language_data[lang_code].update(data)
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded language data from {file_path}")
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file_path}: {e}")
-def load_from_dir(dir_path: str):
- """
- 从目录中加载语言数据
- Args:
- dir_path: 目录路径
- """
- for file in os.listdir(dir_path):
- try:
- file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file)
- if os.path.isfile(file_path):
- if file.endswith(".lang"):
- load_from_lang(file_path)
- elif file.endswith(".json"):
- load_from_json(file_path)
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file}: {e}")
- continue
-def load_from_dict(data: dict, lang_code: str):
- """
- 从字典中加载语言数据
- Args:
- lang_code: 语言代码
- data: 字典数据
- """
- if lang_code not in _language_data:
- _language_data[lang_code] = {}
- _language_data[lang_code].update(data)
-class Language:
- # 三重fallback
- # 用户语言 > 默认语言/系统语言 > zh-CN
- def __init__(self, lang_code: str = None, fallback_lang_code: str = None):
- self.lang_code = lang_code
- if self.lang_code is None:
- self.lang_code = get_default_lang_code()
- self.fallback_lang_code = fallback_lang_code
- if self.fallback_lang_code is None:
- self.fallback_lang_code = config.get("default_language", get_system_lang_code())
- def get(self, item: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str | Any:
- """
- 获取当前语言文本,kwargs中的default参数为默认文本
- Args:
- item: 文本键
- *args: 格式化参数
- **kwargs: 格式化参数
- Returns:
- str: 当前语言的文本
- """
- default = kwargs.pop("default", None)
- fallback = (self.lang_code, self.fallback_lang_code, "zh-CN")
- for lang_code in fallback:
- if lang_code in _language_data and item in _language_data[lang_code]:
- trans: str = _language_data[lang_code][item]
- try:
- return trans.format(*args, **kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.warning(f"Failed to format language data: {e}")
- return trans
- return default or item
- def get_many(self, *args: str, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str]:
- """
- 获取多个文本
- Args:
- *args: 文本键
- **kwargs: 文本键和默认文本
- Returns:
- dict: 多个文本
- """
- args_data = {item: self.get(item) for item in args}
- kwargs_data = {item: self.get(item, default=default) for item, default in kwargs.items()}
- args_data.update(kwargs_data)
- return args_data
-def change_user_lang(user_id: str, lang_code: str):
- """
- 修改用户的语言,同时储存到数据库和内存中
- """
- user = user_db.where_one(User(), "user_id = ?", user_id, default=User(user_id=user_id))
- user.profile["lang"] = lang_code
- user_db.save(user)
- _user_lang[user_id] = lang_code
-def get_user_lang(user_id: str) -> Language:
- """
- 获取用户的语言实例,优先从内存中获取
- """
- user_id = str(user_id)
- if user_id not in _user_lang:
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loading user language for {user_id}")
- user = user_db.where_one(
- User(), "user_id = ?", user_id, default=User(
- user_id=user_id,
- username="Unknown"
- )
- )
- lang_code = user.profile.get("lang", get_default_lang_code())
- _user_lang[user_id] = lang_code
- return Language(_user_lang[user_id])
-def get_system_lang_code() -> str:
- """
- 获取系统语言代码
- """
- return locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].replace('_', '-')
-def get_default_lang_code() -> str:
- """
- 获取默认语言代码,若没有设置则使用系统语言
- Returns:
- """
- return get_config("default_language", default=get_system_lang_code())
-def get_all_lang() -> dict[str, str]:
- """
- 获取所有语言
- Returns
- {'en': 'English'}
- """
- d = {}
- for key in _language_data:
- d[key] = _language_data[key].get("language.name", key)
- return d
+import json
+import locale
+import os
+from typing import Any, overload
+import nonebot
+from .config import config, get_config
+from .data_manager import User, user_db
+_language_data = {
+ "en": {
+ "name": "English",
+ }
+_user_lang = {
+ "user_id": "zh-CN"
+def load_from_lang(file_path: str, lang_code: str = None):
+ """
+ 从lang文件中加载语言数据,用于简单的文本键值对
+ Args:
+ file_path: lang文件路径
+ lang_code: 语言代码,如果为None则从文件名中获取
+ """
+ try:
+ if lang_code is None:
+ lang_code = os.path.basename(file_path).split(".")[0]
+ with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ data = {}
+ for line in file:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line or line.startswith("#"): # 空行或注释
+ continue
+ key, value = line.split("=", 1)
+ data[key.strip()] = value.strip()
+ if lang_code not in _language_data:
+ _language_data[lang_code] = {}
+ _language_data[lang_code].update(data)
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded language data from {file_path}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file_path}: {e}")
+def load_from_json(file_path: str, lang_code: str = None):
+ """
+ 从json文件中加载语言数据,可以定义一些变量
+ Args:
+ lang_code: 语言代码,如果为None则从文件名中获取
+ file_path: json文件路径
+ """
+ try:
+ if lang_code is None:
+ lang_code = os.path.basename(file_path).split(".")[0]
+ with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ data = json.load(file)
+ if lang_code not in _language_data:
+ _language_data[lang_code] = {}
+ _language_data[lang_code].update(data)
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded language data from {file_path}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file_path}: {e}")
+def load_from_dir(dir_path: str):
+ """
+ 从目录中加载语言数据
+ Args:
+ dir_path: 目录路径
+ """
+ for file in os.listdir(dir_path):
+ try:
+ file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file)
+ if os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ if file.endswith(".lang"):
+ load_from_lang(file_path)
+ elif file.endswith(".json"):
+ load_from_json(file_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file}: {e}")
+ continue
+def load_from_dict(data: dict, lang_code: str):
+ """
+ 从字典中加载语言数据
+ Args:
+ lang_code: 语言代码
+ data: 字典数据
+ """
+ if lang_code not in _language_data:
+ _language_data[lang_code] = {}
+ _language_data[lang_code].update(data)
+class Language:
+ # 三重fallback
+ # 用户语言 > 默认语言/系统语言 > zh-CN
+ def __init__(self, lang_code: str = None, fallback_lang_code: str = None):
+ self.lang_code = lang_code
+ if self.lang_code is None:
+ self.lang_code = get_default_lang_code()
+ self.fallback_lang_code = fallback_lang_code
+ if self.fallback_lang_code is None:
+ self.fallback_lang_code = config.get("default_language", get_system_lang_code())
+ def get(self, item: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str | Any:
+ """
+ 获取当前语言文本,kwargs中的default参数为默认文本
+ Args:
+ item: 文本键
+ *args: 格式化参数
+ **kwargs: 格式化参数
+ Returns:
+ str: 当前语言的文本
+ """
+ default = kwargs.pop("default", None)
+ fallback = (self.lang_code, self.fallback_lang_code, "zh-CN")
+ for lang_code in fallback:
+ if lang_code in _language_data and item in _language_data[lang_code]:
+ trans: str = _language_data[lang_code][item]
+ try:
+ return trans.format(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(f"Failed to format language data: {e}")
+ return trans
+ return default or item
+ def get_many(self, *args: str, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str]:
+ """
+ 获取多个文本
+ Args:
+ *args: 文本键
+ **kwargs: 文本键和默认文本
+ Returns:
+ dict: 多个文本
+ """
+ args_data = {item: self.get(item) for item in args}
+ kwargs_data = {item: self.get(item, default=default) for item, default in kwargs.items()}
+ args_data.update(kwargs_data)
+ return args_data
+def change_user_lang(user_id: str, lang_code: str):
+ """
+ 修改用户的语言,同时储存到数据库和内存中
+ """
+ user = user_db.where_one(User(), "user_id = ?", user_id, default=User(user_id=user_id))
+ user.profile["lang"] = lang_code
+ user_db.save(user)
+ _user_lang[user_id] = lang_code
+def get_user_lang(user_id: str) -> Language:
+ """
+ 获取用户的语言实例,优先从内存中获取
+ """
+ user_id = str(user_id)
+ if user_id not in _user_lang:
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loading user language for {user_id}")
+ user = user_db.where_one(
+ User(), "user_id = ?", user_id, default=User(
+ user_id=user_id,
+ username="Unknown"
+ )
+ )
+ lang_code = user.profile.get("lang", get_default_lang_code())
+ _user_lang[user_id] = lang_code
+ return Language(_user_lang[user_id])
+def get_system_lang_code() -> str:
+ """
+ 获取系统语言代码
+ """
+ return locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].replace('_', '-')
+def get_default_lang_code() -> str:
+ """
+ 获取默认语言代码,若没有设置则使用系统语言
+ Returns:
+ """
+ return get_config("default_language", default=get_system_lang_code())
+def get_all_lang() -> dict[str, str]:
+ """
+ 获取所有语言
+ Returns
+ {'en': 'English'}
+ """
+ d = {}
+ for key in _language_data:
+ d[key] = _language_data[key].get("language.name", key)
+ return d
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/log.py b/src/utils/base/log.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/log.py
rename to src/utils/base/log.py
index 3e2b09a..65362bf 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/log.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/log.py
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-import sys
-import loguru
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from .config import load_from_yaml
-from .language import Language, get_default_lang_code
-logger = loguru.logger
- # avoid sphinx autodoc resolve annotation failed
- # because loguru module do not have `Logger` class actually
- from loguru import Record
-def default_filter(record: "Record"):
- """默认的日志过滤器,根据 `config.log_level` 配置改变日志等级。"""
- log_level = record["extra"].get("nonebot_log_level", "INFO")
- levelno = logger.level(log_level).no if isinstance(log_level, str) else log_level
- return record["level"].no >= levelno
-# DEBUG日志格式
-debug_format: str = (
- "{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss} "
- "[{level.icon}] "
- "<{name}.{module}.{function}:{line}> "
- "{message}"
-# 默认日志格式
-default_format: str = (
- "{time:MM-DD HH:mm:ss} "
- "[{level.icon}] "
- "<{name}> "
- "{message}"
-def get_format(level: str) -> str:
- if level == "DEBUG":
- return debug_format
- else:
- return default_format
-logger = loguru.logger.bind()
-def init_log():
- """
- 在语言加载完成后执行
- Returns:
- """
- global logger
- config = load_from_yaml("config.yml")
- logger.remove()
- logger.add(
- sys.stdout,
- level=0,
- diagnose=False,
- filter=default_filter,
- format=get_format(config.get("log_level", "INFO")),
- )
- show_icon = config.get("log_icon", True)
- lang = Language(get_default_lang_code())
- debug = lang.get("log.debug", default="==DEBUG")
- info = lang.get("log.info", default="===INFO")
- success = lang.get("log.success", default="SUCCESS")
- warning = lang.get("log.warning", default="WARNING")
- error = lang.get("log.error", default="==ERROR")
- logger.level("DEBUG", color="", icon=f"{'🐛' if show_icon else ''}{debug}")
- logger.level("INFO", color="", icon=f"{'ℹ️' if show_icon else ''}{info}")
- logger.level("SUCCESS", color="", icon=f"{'✅' if show_icon else ''}{success}")
- logger.level("WARNING", color="", icon=f"{'⚠️' if show_icon else ''}{warning}")
- logger.level("ERROR", color="", icon=f"{'⭕' if show_icon else ''}{error}")
+import sys
+import loguru
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from .config import load_from_yaml
+from .language import Language, get_default_lang_code
+logger = loguru.logger
+ # avoid sphinx autodoc resolve annotation failed
+ # because loguru module do not have `Logger` class actually
+ from loguru import Record
+def default_filter(record: "Record"):
+ """默认的日志过滤器,根据 `config.log_level` 配置改变日志等级。"""
+ log_level = record["extra"].get("nonebot_log_level", "INFO")
+ levelno = logger.level(log_level).no if isinstance(log_level, str) else log_level
+ return record["level"].no >= levelno
+# DEBUG日志格式
+debug_format: str = (
+ "{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss} "
+ "[{level.icon}] "
+ "<{name}.{module}.{function}:{line}> "
+ "{message}"
+# 默认日志格式
+default_format: str = (
+ "{time:MM-DD HH:mm:ss} "
+ "[{level.icon}] "
+ "<{name}> "
+ "{message}"
+def get_format(level: str) -> str:
+ if level == "DEBUG":
+ return debug_format
+ else:
+ return default_format
+logger = loguru.logger.bind()
+def init_log():
+ """
+ 在语言加载完成后执行
+ Returns:
+ """
+ global logger
+ config = load_from_yaml("config.yml")
+ logger.remove()
+ logger.add(
+ sys.stdout,
+ level=0,
+ diagnose=False,
+ filter=default_filter,
+ format=get_format(config.get("log_level", "INFO")),
+ )
+ show_icon = config.get("log_icon", True)
+ lang = Language(get_default_lang_code())
+ debug = lang.get("log.debug", default="==DEBUG")
+ info = lang.get("log.info", default="===INFO")
+ success = lang.get("log.success", default="SUCCESS")
+ warning = lang.get("log.warning", default="WARNING")
+ error = lang.get("log.error", default="==ERROR")
+ logger.level("DEBUG", color="", icon=f"{'🐛' if show_icon else ''}{debug}")
+ logger.level("INFO", color="", icon=f"{'ℹ️' if show_icon else ''}{info}")
+ logger.level("SUCCESS", color="", icon=f"{'✅' if show_icon else ''}{success}")
+ logger.level("WARNING", color="", icon=f"{'⚠️' if show_icon else ''}{warning}")
+ logger.level("ERROR", color="", icon=f"{'⭕' if show_icon else ''}{error}")
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/ly_api.py b/src/utils/base/ly_api.py
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/ly_api.py
rename to src/utils/base/ly_api.py
index 19e123e..9b8d16d 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/ly_api.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/ly_api.py
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-import json
-import os.path
-import platform
-import aiohttp
-import nonebot
-import psutil
-import requests
-from aiohttp import FormData
-from .. import __VERSION_I__, __VERSION__, __NAME__
-from .config import load_from_yaml
-class LiteyukiAPI:
- def __init__(self):
- self.liteyuki_id = None
- if os.path.exists("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json"):
- with open("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json", "rb") as f:
- self.data = json.loads(f.read())
- self.liteyuki_id = self.data.get("liteyuki_id")
- self.report = load_from_yaml("config.yml").get("auto_report", True)
- if self.report:
- nonebot.logger.info("Auto bug report is enabled")
- @property
- def device_info(self) -> dict:
- """
- 获取设备信息
- Returns:
- """
- return {
- "name" : __NAME__,
- "version" : __VERSION__,
- "version_i" : __VERSION_I__,
- "python" : f"{platform.python_implementation()} {platform.python_version()}",
- "os" : f"{platform.system()} {platform.version()} {platform.machine()}",
- "cpu" : f"{psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)}c{psutil.cpu_count()}t{psutil.cpu_freq().current}MHz",
- "memory_total": f"{psutil.virtual_memory().total / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.2f}GB",
- "memory_used" : f"{psutil.virtual_memory().used / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.2f}GB",
- "memory_bot" : f"{psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 / 1024:.2f}MB",
- "disk" : f"{psutil.disk_usage('/').total / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.2f}GB"
- }
- def bug_report(self, content: str):
- """
- 提交bug报告
- Args:
- content:
- Returns:
- """
- if self.report:
- nonebot.logger.warning(f"Reporting bug...: {content}")
- url = "https://api.liteyuki.icu/bug_report"
- data = {
- "liteyuki_id": self.liteyuki_id,
- "content" : content,
- "device_info": self.device_info
- }
- resp = requests.post(url, json=data)
- if resp.status_code == 200:
- nonebot.logger.success(f"Bug report sent successfully, report_id: {resp.json().get('report_id')}")
- else:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"Bug report failed: {resp.text}")
- else:
- nonebot.logger.warning(f"Bug report is disabled: {content}")
- async def heartbeat_report(self):
- """
- 提交心跳,预留接口
- Returns:
- """
- url = "https://api.liteyuki.icu/heartbeat"
- data = {
- "liteyuki_id": self.liteyuki_id,
- "version": __VERSION__,
- }
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- async with session.post(url, json=data) as resp:
- if resp.status == 200:
- nonebot.logger.success("Heartbeat sent successfully")
- else:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"Heartbeat failed: {await resp.text()}")
-liteyuki_api = LiteyukiAPI()
+import json
+import os.path
+import platform
+import aiohttp
+import nonebot
+import psutil
+import requests
+from aiohttp import FormData
+from .. import __VERSION_I__, __VERSION__, __NAME__
+from .config import load_from_yaml
+class LiteyukiAPI:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.liteyuki_id = None
+ if os.path.exists("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json"):
+ with open("data/liteyuki/liteyuki.json", "rb") as f:
+ self.data = json.loads(f.read())
+ self.liteyuki_id = self.data.get("liteyuki_id")
+ self.report = load_from_yaml("config.yml").get("auto_report", True)
+ if self.report:
+ nonebot.logger.info("Auto bug report is enabled")
+ @property
+ def device_info(self) -> dict:
+ """
+ 获取设备信息
+ Returns:
+ """
+ return {
+ "name" : __NAME__,
+ "version" : __VERSION__,
+ "version_i" : __VERSION_I__,
+ "python" : f"{platform.python_implementation()} {platform.python_version()}",
+ "os" : f"{platform.system()} {platform.version()} {platform.machine()}",
+ "cpu" : f"{psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)}c{psutil.cpu_count()}t{psutil.cpu_freq().current}MHz",
+ "memory_total": f"{psutil.virtual_memory().total / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.2f}GB",
+ "memory_used" : f"{psutil.virtual_memory().used / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.2f}GB",
+ "memory_bot" : f"{psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 / 1024:.2f}MB",
+ "disk" : f"{psutil.disk_usage('/').total / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.2f}GB"
+ }
+ def bug_report(self, content: str):
+ """
+ 提交bug报告
+ Args:
+ content:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ if self.report:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(f"Reporting bug...: {content}")
+ url = "https://api.liteyuki.icu/bug_report"
+ data = {
+ "liteyuki_id": self.liteyuki_id,
+ "content" : content,
+ "device_info": self.device_info
+ }
+ resp = requests.post(url, json=data)
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ nonebot.logger.success(f"Bug report sent successfully, report_id: {resp.json().get('report_id')}")
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"Bug report failed: {resp.text}")
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(f"Bug report is disabled: {content}")
+ async def heartbeat_report(self):
+ """
+ 提交心跳,预留接口
+ Returns:
+ """
+ url = "https://api.liteyuki.icu/heartbeat"
+ data = {
+ "liteyuki_id": self.liteyuki_id,
+ "version": __VERSION__,
+ }
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.post(url, json=data) as resp:
+ if resp.status == 200:
+ nonebot.logger.success("Heartbeat sent successfully")
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"Heartbeat failed: {await resp.text()}")
+liteyuki_api = LiteyukiAPI()
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/ly_function.py b/src/utils/base/ly_function.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/ly_function.py
rename to src/utils/base/ly_function.py
index 7308461..f97a508 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/ly_function.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/ly_function.py
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
-liteyuki function是一种类似于mcfunction的函数,用于在liteyuki中实现一些功能,例如自定义指令等,也可与Python函数绑定
-使用 /function function_name *args **kwargs来调用
-例如 /function test/hello user_id=123456
-import asyncio
-import functools
-# cmd *args **kwargs
-# api api_name **kwargs
-import os
-from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine
-import nonebot
-from nonebot import Bot
-from nonebot.adapters.satori import bot
-from nonebot.internal.matcher import Matcher
-ly_function_extensions = (
- "lyf",
- "lyfunction",
- "mcfunction"
-loaded_functions = dict()
-class LiteyukiFunction:
- def __init__(self, name: str):
- self.name = name
- self.functions: list[str] = list()
- self.bot: Bot = None
- self.kwargs_data = dict()
- self.args_data = list()
- self.matcher: Matcher = None
- self.end = False
- self.sub_tasks: list[asyncio.Task] = list()
- async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.kwargs_data.update(kwargs)
- self.args_data = list(set(self.args_data + list(args)))
- for i, cmd in enumerate(self.functions):
- r = await self.execute_line(cmd, i, *args, **kwargs)
- if r == 0:
- msg = f"End function {self.name} by line {i}"
- nonebot.logger.debug(msg)
- for task in self.sub_tasks:
- task.cancel(msg)
- return
- def __str__(self):
- return f"LiteyukiFunction({self.name})"
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
- async def execute_line(self, cmd: str, line: int = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
- """
- 解析一行轻雪函数
- Args:
- cmd: 命令
- line: 行数
- Returns:
- """
- try:
- if "${" in cmd:
- # 此种情况下,{}内容不用管,只对${}内的内容进行format
- for i in range(len(cmd) - 1):
- if cmd[i] == "$" and cmd[i + 1] == "{":
- end = cmd.find("}", i)
- key = cmd[i + 2:end]
- cmd = cmd.replace(f"${{{key}}}", str(self.kwargs_data.get(key, "")))
- else:
- cmd = cmd.format(*self.args_data, **self.kwargs_data)
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- no_head = cmd.split(" ", 1)[1] if len(cmd.split(" ")) > 1 else ""
- try:
- head, cmd_args, cmd_kwargs = self.get_args(cmd)
- except Exception as e:
- error_msg = f"Parsing error in {self.name} at line {line}: {e}"
- nonebot.logger.error(error_msg)
- await self.matcher.send(error_msg)
- return
- if head == "var":
- # 变量定义
- self.kwargs_data.update(cmd_kwargs)
- elif head == "cmd":
- # 在当前计算机上执行命令
- os.system(no_head)
- elif head == "api":
- # 调用Bot API 需要Bot实例
- await self.bot.call_api(cmd_args[1], **cmd_kwargs)
- elif head == "function":
- # 调用轻雪函数
- func = get_function(cmd_args[1])
- func.bot = self.bot
- func.matcher = self.matcher
- await func(*cmd_args[2:], **cmd_kwargs)
- elif head == "sleep":
- # 等待一段时间
- await asyncio.sleep(float(cmd_args[1]))
- elif head == "nohup":
- # 挂起运行
- task = asyncio.create_task(self.execute_line(no_head))
- self.sub_tasks.append(task)
- elif head == "end":
- # 结束所有函数
- self.end = True
- return 0
- elif head == "await":
- # 等待所有协程执行完毕
- await asyncio.gather(*self.sub_tasks)
- def get_args(self, line: str) -> tuple[str, tuple[str, ...], dict[str, Any]]:
- """
- 获取参数
- Args:
- line: 命令
- Returns:
- 命令头 参数 关键字
- """
- line = line.replace("\\=", "EQUAL_SIGN")
- head = ""
- args = list()
- kwargs = dict()
- for i, arg in enumerate(line.split(" ")):
- if "=" in arg:
- key, value = arg.split("=", 1)
- value = value.replace("EQUAL_SIGN", "=")
- try:
- value = eval(value)
- except:
- value = self.kwargs_data.get(value, value)
- kwargs[key] = value
- else:
- if i == 0:
- head = arg
- args.append(arg)
- return head, tuple(args), kwargs
-def get_function(name: str) -> LiteyukiFunction | None:
- """
- 获取一个轻雪函数
- Args:
- name: 函数名
- Returns:
- """
- return loaded_functions.get(name)
-def load_from_dir(path: str):
- """
- 从目录及其子目录中递归加载所有轻雪函数,类似mcfunction
- Args:
- path: 目录路径
- """
- for f in os.listdir(path):
- f = os.path.join(path, f)
- if os.path.isfile(f):
- if f.endswith(ly_function_extensions):
- load_from_file(f)
- if os.path.isdir(f):
- load_from_dir(f)
-def load_from_file(path: str):
- """
- 从文件中加载轻雪函数
- Args:
- path:
- Returns:
- """
- with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- name = ".".join(os.path.basename(path).split(".")[:-1])
- func = LiteyukiFunction(name)
- for i, line in enumerate(f.read().split("\n")):
- if line.startswith("#") or line.strip() == "":
- continue
- func.functions.append(line)
- loaded_functions[name] = func
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded function {name}")
+liteyuki function是一种类似于mcfunction的函数,用于在liteyuki中实现一些功能,例如自定义指令等,也可与Python函数绑定
+使用 /function function_name *args **kwargs来调用
+例如 /function test/hello user_id=123456
+import asyncio
+import functools
+# cmd *args **kwargs
+# api api_name **kwargs
+import os
+from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine
+import nonebot
+from nonebot import Bot
+from nonebot.adapters.satori import bot
+from nonebot.internal.matcher import Matcher
+ly_function_extensions = (
+ "lyf",
+ "lyfunction",
+ "mcfunction"
+loaded_functions = dict()
+class LiteyukiFunction:
+ def __init__(self, name: str):
+ self.name = name
+ self.functions: list[str] = list()
+ self.bot: Bot = None
+ self.kwargs_data = dict()
+ self.args_data = list()
+ self.matcher: Matcher = None
+ self.end = False
+ self.sub_tasks: list[asyncio.Task] = list()
+ async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.kwargs_data.update(kwargs)
+ self.args_data = list(set(self.args_data + list(args)))
+ for i, cmd in enumerate(self.functions):
+ r = await self.execute_line(cmd, i, *args, **kwargs)
+ if r == 0:
+ msg = f"End function {self.name} by line {i}"
+ nonebot.logger.debug(msg)
+ for task in self.sub_tasks:
+ task.cancel(msg)
+ return
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"LiteyukiFunction({self.name})"
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+ async def execute_line(self, cmd: str, line: int = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
+ """
+ 解析一行轻雪函数
+ Args:
+ cmd: 命令
+ line: 行数
+ Returns:
+ """
+ try:
+ if "${" in cmd:
+ # 此种情况下,{}内容不用管,只对${}内的内容进行format
+ for i in range(len(cmd) - 1):
+ if cmd[i] == "$" and cmd[i + 1] == "{":
+ end = cmd.find("}", i)
+ key = cmd[i + 2:end]
+ cmd = cmd.replace(f"${{{key}}}", str(self.kwargs_data.get(key, "")))
+ else:
+ cmd = cmd.format(*self.args_data, **self.kwargs_data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ no_head = cmd.split(" ", 1)[1] if len(cmd.split(" ")) > 1 else ""
+ try:
+ head, cmd_args, cmd_kwargs = self.get_args(cmd)
+ except Exception as e:
+ error_msg = f"Parsing error in {self.name} at line {line}: {e}"
+ nonebot.logger.error(error_msg)
+ await self.matcher.send(error_msg)
+ return
+ if head == "var":
+ # 变量定义
+ self.kwargs_data.update(cmd_kwargs)
+ elif head == "cmd":
+ # 在当前计算机上执行命令
+ os.system(no_head)
+ elif head == "api":
+ # 调用Bot API 需要Bot实例
+ await self.bot.call_api(cmd_args[1], **cmd_kwargs)
+ elif head == "function":
+ # 调用轻雪函数
+ func = get_function(cmd_args[1])
+ func.bot = self.bot
+ func.matcher = self.matcher
+ await func(*cmd_args[2:], **cmd_kwargs)
+ elif head == "sleep":
+ # 等待一段时间
+ await asyncio.sleep(float(cmd_args[1]))
+ elif head == "nohup":
+ # 挂起运行
+ task = asyncio.create_task(self.execute_line(no_head))
+ self.sub_tasks.append(task)
+ elif head == "end":
+ # 结束所有函数
+ self.end = True
+ return 0
+ elif head == "await":
+ # 等待所有协程执行完毕
+ await asyncio.gather(*self.sub_tasks)
+ def get_args(self, line: str) -> tuple[str, tuple[str, ...], dict[str, Any]]:
+ """
+ 获取参数
+ Args:
+ line: 命令
+ Returns:
+ 命令头 参数 关键字
+ """
+ line = line.replace("\\=", "EQUAL_SIGN")
+ head = ""
+ args = list()
+ kwargs = dict()
+ for i, arg in enumerate(line.split(" ")):
+ if "=" in arg:
+ key, value = arg.split("=", 1)
+ value = value.replace("EQUAL_SIGN", "=")
+ try:
+ value = eval(value)
+ except:
+ value = self.kwargs_data.get(value, value)
+ kwargs[key] = value
+ else:
+ if i == 0:
+ head = arg
+ args.append(arg)
+ return head, tuple(args), kwargs
+def get_function(name: str) -> LiteyukiFunction | None:
+ """
+ 获取一个轻雪函数
+ Args:
+ name: 函数名
+ Returns:
+ """
+ return loaded_functions.get(name)
+def load_from_dir(path: str):
+ """
+ 从目录及其子目录中递归加载所有轻雪函数,类似mcfunction
+ Args:
+ path: 目录路径
+ """
+ for f in os.listdir(path):
+ f = os.path.join(path, f)
+ if os.path.isfile(f):
+ if f.endswith(ly_function_extensions):
+ load_from_file(f)
+ if os.path.isdir(f):
+ load_from_dir(f)
+def load_from_file(path: str):
+ """
+ 从文件中加载轻雪函数
+ Args:
+ path:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ name = ".".join(os.path.basename(path).split(".")[:-1])
+ func = LiteyukiFunction(name)
+ for i, line in enumerate(f.read().split("\n")):
+ if line.startswith("#") or line.strip() == "":
+ continue
+ func.functions.append(line)
+ loaded_functions[name] = func
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded function {name}")
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/ly_typing.py b/src/utils/base/ly_typing.py
similarity index 98%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/ly_typing.py
rename to src/utils/base/ly_typing.py
index 31242e1..bbda42e 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/ly_typing.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/ly_typing.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11, v12
-from nonebot.adapters import satori
-T_Bot = v11.Bot | v12.Bot | satori.Bot
-T_GroupMessageEvent = v11.GroupMessageEvent | v12.GroupMessageEvent
-T_PrivateMessageEvent = v11.PrivateMessageEvent | v12.PrivateMessageEvent
-T_MessageEvent = v11.MessageEvent | v12.MessageEvent | satori.MessageEvent
-T_Message = v11.Message | v12.Message | satori.Message
+from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11, v12
+from nonebot.adapters import satori
+T_Bot = v11.Bot | v12.Bot | satori.Bot
+T_GroupMessageEvent = v11.GroupMessageEvent | v12.GroupMessageEvent
+T_PrivateMessageEvent = v11.PrivateMessageEvent | v12.PrivateMessageEvent
+T_MessageEvent = v11.MessageEvent | v12.MessageEvent | satori.MessageEvent
+T_Message = v11.Message | v12.Message | satori.Message
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/permission.py b/src/utils/base/permission.py
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/permission.py
rename to src/utils/base/permission.py
index 581e88c..8626ac3 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/permission.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/permission.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11
+from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/reloader.py b/src/utils/base/reloader.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/reloader.py
rename to src/utils/base/reloader.py
index 2b90dd9..6b27342 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/reloader.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/reloader.py
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-import threading
-from multiprocessing import get_context
-import nonebot
-from nonebot import logger
-reboot_grace_time_limit: int = 20
-_nb_run = nonebot.run
-class Reloader:
- event: threading.Event = None
- @classmethod
- def reload(cls, delay: int = 0):
- if cls.event is None:
- raise RuntimeError()
- if delay > 0:
- threading.Timer(delay, function=cls.event.set).start()
- return
- cls.event.set()
-def _run(ev: threading.Event, *args, **kwargs):
- Reloader.event = ev
- _nb_run(*args, **kwargs)
-def run(*args, **kwargs):
- should_exit = False
- ctx = get_context("spawn")
- while not should_exit:
- event = ctx.Event()
- process = ctx.Process(
- target=_run,
- args=(
- event,
- *args,
- ),
- kwargs=kwargs,
- )
- process.start()
- while not should_exit:
- if event.wait(1):
- logger.info("Receive reboot event")
- process.terminate()
- process.join(reboot_grace_time_limit)
- if process.is_alive():
- logger.warning(
- f"Cannot shutdown gracefully in {reboot_grace_time_limit} second, force kill process."
- )
- process.kill()
- break
- elif process.is_alive():
- continue
- else:
- should_exit = True
-nonebot.run = run
+import threading
+from multiprocessing import get_context
+import nonebot
+from nonebot import logger
+reboot_grace_time_limit: int = 20
+_nb_run = nonebot.run
+class Reloader:
+ event: threading.Event = None
+ @classmethod
+ def reload(cls, delay: int = 0):
+ if cls.event is None:
+ raise RuntimeError()
+ if delay > 0:
+ threading.Timer(delay, function=cls.event.set).start()
+ return
+ cls.event.set()
+def _run(ev: threading.Event, *args, **kwargs):
+ Reloader.event = ev
+ _nb_run(*args, **kwargs)
+def run(*args, **kwargs):
+ should_exit = False
+ ctx = get_context("spawn")
+ while not should_exit:
+ event = ctx.Event()
+ process = ctx.Process(
+ target=_run,
+ args=(
+ event,
+ *args,
+ ),
+ kwargs=kwargs,
+ )
+ process.start()
+ while not should_exit:
+ if event.wait(1):
+ logger.info("Receive reboot event")
+ process.terminate()
+ process.join(reboot_grace_time_limit)
+ if process.is_alive():
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Cannot shutdown gracefully in {reboot_grace_time_limit} second, force kill process."
+ )
+ process.kill()
+ break
+ elif process.is_alive():
+ continue
+ else:
+ should_exit = True
+nonebot.run = run
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/resource.py b/src/utils/base/resource.py
similarity index 94%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/resource.py
rename to src/utils/base/resource.py
index f68f3ef..717ac41 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/resource.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/resource.py
@@ -1,260 +1,260 @@
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import zipfile
-from typing import Any
-import nonebot
-import yaml
-from .data import LiteModel
-from .language import Language, get_default_lang_code
-from .ly_function import loaded_functions
-_loaded_resource_packs: list["ResourceMetadata"] = [] # 按照加载顺序排序
-temp_resource_root = "data/liteyuki/resources"
-temp_extract_root = "data/liteyuki/temp"
-lang = Language(get_default_lang_code())
-class ResourceMetadata(LiteModel):
- name: str = "Unknown"
- version: str = "0.0.1"
- description: str = "Unknown"
- path: str = ""
- folder: str = ""
-def load_resource_from_dir(path: str):
- """
- 把资源包按照文件相对路径复制到运行临时文件夹data/liteyuki/resources
- Args:
- path: 资源文件夹
- Returns:
- """
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "metadata.yml")):
- with open(os.path.join(path, "metadata.yml"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- metadata = yaml.safe_load(f)
- elif os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith(".zip"):
- # zip文件
- # 临时解压并读取metadata.yml
- with zipfile.ZipFile(path, "r") as zip_ref:
- # 解压至临时目录 data/liteyuki/temp/{pack_name}.zip
- zip_ref.extractall(os.path.join(temp_extract_root, os.path.basename(path)))
- with zip_ref.open("metadata.yml") as f:
- metadata = yaml.safe_load(f)
- path = os.path.join(temp_extract_root, os.path.basename(path))
- else:
- # 没有metadata.yml文件,不是一个资源包
- return
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for file in files:
- relative_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file), path)
- copy_file(os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(temp_resource_root, relative_path))
- metadata["path"] = path
- metadata["folder"] = os.path.basename(path)
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "lang")):
- # 加载语言
- from liteyuki.utils.base.language import load_from_dir
- load_from_dir(os.path.join(path, "lang"))
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "functions")):
- # 加载功能
- from liteyuki.utils.base.ly_function import load_from_dir
- load_from_dir(os.path.join(path, "functions"))
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "word_bank")):
- # 加载词库
- from liteyuki.utils.base.word_bank import load_from_dir
- load_from_dir(os.path.join(path, "word_bank"))
- _loaded_resource_packs.insert(0, ResourceMetadata(**metadata))
-def get_path(path: str, abs_path: bool = True, default: Any = None, debug: bool = False) -> str | Any:
- """
- 获取资源包中的文件
- Args:
- debug: 启用调试,每次都会先重载资源
- abs_path: 是否返回绝对路径
- default: 默认
- path: 文件相对路径
- Returns: 文件绝对路径
- """
- if debug:
- nonebot.logger.debug("Enable resource debug, Reloading resources")
- load_resources()
- resource_relative_path = os.path.join(temp_resource_root, path)
- if os.path.exists(resource_relative_path):
- return os.path.abspath(resource_relative_path) if abs_path else resource_relative_path
- else:
- return default
-def get_files(path: str, abs_path: bool = False) -> list[str]:
- """
- 获取资源包中一个文件夹的所有文件
- Args:
- abs_path:
- path: 文件夹相对路径
- Returns: 文件绝对路径
- """
- resource_relative_path = os.path.join(temp_resource_root, path)
- if os.path.exists(resource_relative_path):
- return [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(resource_relative_path, file)) if abs_path else os.path.join(resource_relative_path, file) for file in
- os.listdir(resource_relative_path)]
- else:
- return []
-def get_loaded_resource_packs() -> list[ResourceMetadata]:
- """
- 获取已加载的资源包,优先级从前到后
- Returns: 资源包列表
- """
- return _loaded_resource_packs
-def copy_file(src, dst):
- # 获取目标文件的目录
- dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
- # 如果目标目录不存在,创建它
- if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
- os.makedirs(dst_dir)
- # 复制文件
- shutil.copy(src, dst)
-def load_resources():
- """用于外部主程序调用的资源加载函数
- Returns:
- """
- # 加载默认资源和语言
- # 清空临时资源包路径data/liteyuki/resources
- _loaded_resource_packs.clear()
- loaded_functions.clear()
- if os.path.exists(temp_resource_root):
- shutil.rmtree(temp_resource_root)
- os.makedirs(temp_resource_root, exist_ok=True)
- # 加载内置资源
- standard_resources_path = "liteyuki/resources"
- for resource_dir in os.listdir(standard_resources_path):
- load_resource_from_dir(os.path.join(standard_resources_path, resource_dir))
- # 加载其他资源包
- if not os.path.exists("resources"):
- os.makedirs("resources", exist_ok=True)
- if not os.path.exists("resources/index.json"):
- json.dump([], open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
- resource_index: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
- resource_index.reverse() # 优先级高的后加载,但是排在前面
- for resource in resource_index:
- load_resource_from_dir(os.path.join("resources", resource))
-def check_status(name: str) -> bool:
- """
- 检查资源包是否已加载
- Args:
- name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
- Returns: 是否已加载
- """
- return name in [rp.folder for rp in get_loaded_resource_packs()]
-def check_exist(name: str) -> bool:
- """
- 检查资源包文件夹是否存在于resources文件夹
- Args:
- name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
- Returns: 是否存在
- """
- path = os.path.join("resources", name)
- return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "metadata.yml")) or (os.path.isfile(path) and name.endswith(".zip"))
-def add_resource_pack(name: str) -> bool:
- """
- 添加资源包,该操作仅修改index.json文件,不会加载资源包,要生效请重载资源
- Args:
- name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
- Returns:
- """
- if check_exist(name):
- old_index: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
- if name not in old_index:
- old_index.append(name)
- json.dump(old_index, open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
- load_resource_from_dir(os.path.join("resources", name))
- return True
- else:
- nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_loaded", name=name))
- return False
- else:
- nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_not_exist", name=name))
- return False
-def remove_resource_pack(name: str) -> bool:
- """
- 移除资源包,该操作仅修改加载索引,要生效请重载资源
- Args:
- name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
- Returns:
- """
- if check_exist(name):
- old_index: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
- if name in old_index:
- old_index.remove(name)
- json.dump(old_index, open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
- return True
- else:
- nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_not_loaded", name=name))
- return False
- else:
- nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_not_exist", name=name))
- return False
-def change_priority(name: str, delta: int) -> bool:
- """
- 修改资源包优先级
- Args:
- name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
- delta: 优先级变化,正数表示后移,负数表示前移,0表示移到最前
- Returns:
- """
- # 正数表示前移,负数表示后移
- old_resource_list: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
- new_resource_list = old_resource_list.copy()
- if name in old_resource_list:
- index = old_resource_list.index(name)
- if 0 <= index + delta < len(old_resource_list):
- new_index = index + delta
- new_resource_list.remove(name)
- new_resource_list.insert(new_index, name)
- json.dump(new_resource_list, open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
- return True
- else:
- nonebot.logger.warning("Priority change failed, out of range")
- return False
- else:
- nonebot.logger.debug("Priority change failed, resource not loaded")
- return False
-def get_resource_metadata(name: str) -> ResourceMetadata:
- """
- 获取资源包元数据
- Args:
- name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
- Returns:
- """
- for rp in get_loaded_resource_packs():
- if rp.folder == name:
- return rp
- return ResourceMetadata()
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import zipfile
+from typing import Any
+import nonebot
+import yaml
+from .data import LiteModel
+from .language import Language, get_default_lang_code
+from .ly_function import loaded_functions
+_loaded_resource_packs: list["ResourceMetadata"] = [] # 按照加载顺序排序
+temp_resource_root = "data/liteyuki/resources"
+temp_extract_root = "data/liteyuki/temp"
+lang = Language(get_default_lang_code())
+class ResourceMetadata(LiteModel):
+ name: str = "Unknown"
+ version: str = "0.0.1"
+ description: str = "Unknown"
+ path: str = ""
+ folder: str = ""
+def load_resource_from_dir(path: str):
+ """
+ 把资源包按照文件相对路径复制到运行临时文件夹data/liteyuki/resources
+ Args:
+ path: 资源文件夹
+ Returns:
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "metadata.yml")):
+ with open(os.path.join(path, "metadata.yml"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ metadata = yaml.safe_load(f)
+ elif os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith(".zip"):
+ # zip文件
+ # 临时解压并读取metadata.yml
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(path, "r") as zip_ref:
+ # 解压至临时目录 data/liteyuki/temp/{pack_name}.zip
+ zip_ref.extractall(os.path.join(temp_extract_root, os.path.basename(path)))
+ with zip_ref.open("metadata.yml") as f:
+ metadata = yaml.safe_load(f)
+ path = os.path.join(temp_extract_root, os.path.basename(path))
+ else:
+ # 没有metadata.yml文件,不是一个资源包
+ return
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
+ for file in files:
+ relative_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file), path)
+ copy_file(os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(temp_resource_root, relative_path))
+ metadata["path"] = path
+ metadata["folder"] = os.path.basename(path)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "lang")):
+ # 加载语言
+ from src.utils.base.language import load_from_dir
+ load_from_dir(os.path.join(path, "lang"))
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "functions")):
+ # 加载功能
+ from src.utils.base.ly_function import load_from_dir
+ load_from_dir(os.path.join(path, "functions"))
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "word_bank")):
+ # 加载词库
+ from src.utils.base.word_bank import load_from_dir
+ load_from_dir(os.path.join(path, "word_bank"))
+ _loaded_resource_packs.insert(0, ResourceMetadata(**metadata))
+def get_path(path: str, abs_path: bool = True, default: Any = None, debug: bool = False) -> str | Any:
+ """
+ 获取资源包中的文件
+ Args:
+ debug: 启用调试,每次都会先重载资源
+ abs_path: 是否返回绝对路径
+ default: 默认
+ path: 文件相对路径
+ Returns: 文件绝对路径
+ """
+ if debug:
+ nonebot.logger.debug("Enable resource debug, Reloading resources")
+ load_resources()
+ resource_relative_path = os.path.join(temp_resource_root, path)
+ if os.path.exists(resource_relative_path):
+ return os.path.abspath(resource_relative_path) if abs_path else resource_relative_path
+ else:
+ return default
+def get_files(path: str, abs_path: bool = False) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ 获取资源包中一个文件夹的所有文件
+ Args:
+ abs_path:
+ path: 文件夹相对路径
+ Returns: 文件绝对路径
+ """
+ resource_relative_path = os.path.join(temp_resource_root, path)
+ if os.path.exists(resource_relative_path):
+ return [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(resource_relative_path, file)) if abs_path else os.path.join(resource_relative_path, file) for file in
+ os.listdir(resource_relative_path)]
+ else:
+ return []
+def get_loaded_resource_packs() -> list[ResourceMetadata]:
+ """
+ 获取已加载的资源包,优先级从前到后
+ Returns: 资源包列表
+ """
+ return _loaded_resource_packs
+def copy_file(src, dst):
+ # 获取目标文件的目录
+ dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
+ # 如果目标目录不存在,创建它
+ if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
+ os.makedirs(dst_dir)
+ # 复制文件
+ shutil.copy(src, dst)
+def load_resources():
+ """用于外部主程序调用的资源加载函数
+ Returns:
+ """
+ # 加载默认资源和语言
+ # 清空临时资源包路径data/liteyuki/resources
+ _loaded_resource_packs.clear()
+ loaded_functions.clear()
+ if os.path.exists(temp_resource_root):
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_resource_root)
+ os.makedirs(temp_resource_root, exist_ok=True)
+ # 加载内置资源
+ standard_resources_path = "src/resources"
+ for resource_dir in os.listdir(standard_resources_path):
+ load_resource_from_dir(os.path.join(standard_resources_path, resource_dir))
+ # 加载其他资源包
+ if not os.path.exists("resources"):
+ os.makedirs("resources", exist_ok=True)
+ if not os.path.exists("resources/index.json"):
+ json.dump([], open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
+ resource_index: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
+ resource_index.reverse() # 优先级高的后加载,但是排在前面
+ for resource in resource_index:
+ load_resource_from_dir(os.path.join("resources", resource))
+def check_status(name: str) -> bool:
+ """
+ 检查资源包是否已加载
+ Args:
+ name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
+ Returns: 是否已加载
+ """
+ return name in [rp.folder for rp in get_loaded_resource_packs()]
+def check_exist(name: str) -> bool:
+ """
+ 检查资源包文件夹是否存在于resources文件夹
+ Args:
+ name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
+ Returns: 是否存在
+ """
+ path = os.path.join("resources", name)
+ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "metadata.yml")) or (os.path.isfile(path) and name.endswith(".zip"))
+def add_resource_pack(name: str) -> bool:
+ """
+ 添加资源包,该操作仅修改index.json文件,不会加载资源包,要生效请重载资源
+ Args:
+ name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
+ Returns:
+ """
+ if check_exist(name):
+ old_index: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
+ if name not in old_index:
+ old_index.append(name)
+ json.dump(old_index, open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
+ load_resource_from_dir(os.path.join("resources", name))
+ return True
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_loaded", name=name))
+ return False
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_not_exist", name=name))
+ return False
+def remove_resource_pack(name: str) -> bool:
+ """
+ 移除资源包,该操作仅修改加载索引,要生效请重载资源
+ Args:
+ name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
+ Returns:
+ """
+ if check_exist(name):
+ old_index: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
+ if name in old_index:
+ old_index.remove(name)
+ json.dump(old_index, open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
+ return True
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_not_loaded", name=name))
+ return False
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.warning(lang.get("liteyuki.resource_not_exist", name=name))
+ return False
+def change_priority(name: str, delta: int) -> bool:
+ """
+ 修改资源包优先级
+ Args:
+ name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
+ delta: 优先级变化,正数表示后移,负数表示前移,0表示移到最前
+ Returns:
+ """
+ # 正数表示前移,负数表示后移
+ old_resource_list: list[str] = json.load(open("resources/index.json", "r", encoding="utf-8"))
+ new_resource_list = old_resource_list.copy()
+ if name in old_resource_list:
+ index = old_resource_list.index(name)
+ if 0 <= index + delta < len(old_resource_list):
+ new_index = index + delta
+ new_resource_list.remove(name)
+ new_resource_list.insert(new_index, name)
+ json.dump(new_resource_list, open("resources/index.json", "w", encoding="utf-8"))
+ return True
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.warning("Priority change failed, out of range")
+ return False
+ else:
+ nonebot.logger.debug("Priority change failed, resource not loaded")
+ return False
+def get_resource_metadata(name: str) -> ResourceMetadata:
+ """
+ 获取资源包元数据
+ Args:
+ name: 资源包名称,文件夹名
+ Returns:
+ """
+ for rp in get_loaded_resource_packs():
+ if rp.folder == name:
+ return rp
+ return ResourceMetadata()
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/base/word_bank.py b/src/utils/base/word_bank.py
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/utils/base/word_bank.py
rename to src/utils/base/word_bank.py
index 43ad477..81772dc 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/base/word_bank.py
+++ b/src/utils/base/word_bank.py
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-import json
-import os
-import random
-from typing import Iterable
-import nonebot
-word_bank: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
-def load_from_file(file_path: str):
- """
- 从json文件中加载词库
- Args:
- file_path: 文件路径
- """
- with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- data = json.load(file)
- for key, value_list in data.items():
- if key not in word_bank:
- word_bank[key] = set()
- word_bank[key].update(value_list)
- nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded word bank from {file_path}")
-def load_from_dir(dir_path: str):
- """
- 从目录中加载词库
- Args:
- dir_path: 目录路径
- """
- for file in os.listdir(dir_path):
- try:
- file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file)
- if os.path.isfile(file_path):
- if file.endswith(".json"):
- load_from_file(file_path)
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file}: {e}")
- continue
-def get_reply(kws: Iterable[str]) -> str | None:
- """
- 获取回复
- Args:
- kws: 关键词
- Returns:
- """
- for kw in kws:
- if kw in word_bank:
- return random.choice(list(word_bank[kw]))
- return None
+import json
+import os
+import random
+from typing import Iterable
+import nonebot
+word_bank: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
+def load_from_file(file_path: str):
+ """
+ 从json文件中加载词库
+ Args:
+ file_path: 文件路径
+ """
+ with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ data = json.load(file)
+ for key, value_list in data.items():
+ if key not in word_bank:
+ word_bank[key] = set()
+ word_bank[key].update(value_list)
+ nonebot.logger.debug(f"Loaded word bank from {file_path}")
+def load_from_dir(dir_path: str):
+ """
+ 从目录中加载词库
+ Args:
+ dir_path: 目录路径
+ """
+ for file in os.listdir(dir_path):
+ try:
+ file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file)
+ if os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ if file.endswith(".json"):
+ load_from_file(file_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"Failed to load language data from {file}: {e}")
+ continue
+def get_reply(kws: Iterable[str]) -> str | None:
+ """
+ 获取回复
+ Args:
+ kws: 关键词
+ Returns:
+ """
+ for kw in kws:
+ if kw in word_bank:
+ return random.choice(list(word_bank[kw]))
+ return None
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/canvas/__init__.py b/src/utils/canvas/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from liteyuki/utils/canvas/__init__.py
rename to src/utils/canvas/__init__.py
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/__init__.py b/src/utils/driver_manager/__init__.py
similarity index 94%
rename from liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/__init__.py
rename to src/utils/driver_manager/__init__.py
index 89d9009..d5cfd6a 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/__init__.py
+++ b/src/utils/driver_manager/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-from .auto_set_env import auto_set_env
-def init(config: dict):
- auto_set_env(config)
- return
+from .auto_set_env import auto_set_env
+def init(config: dict):
+ auto_set_env(config)
+ return
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/auto_set_env.py b/src/utils/driver_manager/auto_set_env.py
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/auto_set_env.py
rename to src/utils/driver_manager/auto_set_env.py
index 94e5b3b..f3b2f20 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/auto_set_env.py
+++ b/src/utils/driver_manager/auto_set_env.py
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-import os
-import dotenv
-import nonebot
-from .defines import *
-def auto_set_env(config: dict):
- dotenv.load_dotenv(".env")
- if os.getenv("DRIVER", None) is not None:
- print(os.getenv("DRIVER"))
- nonebot.logger.info("Driver already set in environment variable, skip auto configure.")
- return
- if config.get("satori", {'enable': False}).get("enable", False):
- os.environ["DRIVER"] = get_driver_string(ASGI_DRIVER, HTTPX_DRIVER, WEBSOCKETS_DRIVER)
- nonebot.logger.info("Enable Satori, set driver to ASGI+HTTPX+WEBSOCKETS")
- else:
- os.environ["DRIVER"] = get_driver_string(ASGI_DRIVER)
- nonebot.logger.info("Disable Satori, set driver to ASGI")
- return
+import os
+import dotenv
+import nonebot
+from .defines import *
+def auto_set_env(config: dict):
+ dotenv.load_dotenv(".env")
+ if os.getenv("DRIVER", None) is not None:
+ print(os.getenv("DRIVER"))
+ nonebot.logger.info("Driver already set in environment variable, skip auto configure.")
+ return
+ if config.get("satori", {'enable': False}).get("enable", False):
+ os.environ["DRIVER"] = get_driver_string(ASGI_DRIVER, HTTPX_DRIVER, WEBSOCKETS_DRIVER)
+ nonebot.logger.info("Enable Satori, set driver to ASGI+HTTPX+WEBSOCKETS")
+ else:
+ os.environ["DRIVER"] = get_driver_string(ASGI_DRIVER)
+ nonebot.logger.info("Disable Satori, set driver to ASGI")
+ return
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/defines.py b/src/utils/driver_manager/defines.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/defines.py
rename to src/utils/driver_manager/defines.py
index b4756bf..98a250a 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/driver_manager/defines.py
+++ b/src/utils/driver_manager/defines.py
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-ASGI_DRIVER = "~fastapi"
-HTTPX_DRIVER = "~httpx"
-WEBSOCKETS_DRIVER = "~websockets"
-def get_driver_string(*argv):
- output_string = ""
- if ASGI_DRIVER in argv:
- output_string += ASGI_DRIVER
- for arg in argv:
- if arg != ASGI_DRIVER:
- output_string = f"{output_string}+{arg}"
- return output_string
-def get_driver_full_string(*argv):
- return f"DRIVER={get_driver_string(argv)}"
+ASGI_DRIVER = "~fastapi"
+HTTPX_DRIVER = "~httpx"
+WEBSOCKETS_DRIVER = "~websockets"
+def get_driver_string(*argv):
+ output_string = ""
+ if ASGI_DRIVER in argv:
+ output_string += ASGI_DRIVER
+ for arg in argv:
+ if arg != ASGI_DRIVER:
+ output_string = f"{output_string}+{arg}"
+ return output_string
+def get_driver_full_string(*argv):
+ return f"DRIVER={get_driver_string(argv)}"
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/event/__init__.py b/src/utils/event/__init__.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/event/__init__.py
rename to src/utils/event/__init__.py
index b028cac..766f64b 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/event/__init__.py
+++ b/src/utils/event/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-from .get_info import *
+from .get_info import *
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/event/get_info.py b/src/utils/event/get_info.py
similarity index 87%
rename from liteyuki/utils/event/get_info.py
rename to src/utils/event/get_info.py
index d6fa569..218b6e2 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/event/get_info.py
+++ b/src/utils/event/get_info.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-from nonebot.adapters import satori
-from liteyuki.utils.base.ly_typing import T_MessageEvent
-def get_user_id(event: T_MessageEvent):
- if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
- return event.user.id
- else:
- return event.user_id
-def get_group_id(event: T_MessageEvent):
- if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
- return event.guild.id
- else:
- return event.group_id
-def get_message_type(event: T_MessageEvent) -> str:
- if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
- return "private" if event.guild is None else "group"
- else:
- return event.message_type
+from nonebot.adapters import satori
+from src.utils.base.ly_typing import T_MessageEvent
+def get_user_id(event: T_MessageEvent):
+ if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
+ return event.user.id
+ else:
+ return event.user_id
+def get_group_id(event: T_MessageEvent):
+ if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
+ return event.guild.id
+ else:
+ return event.group_id
+def get_message_type(event: T_MessageEvent) -> str:
+ if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
+ return "private" if event.guild is None else "group"
+ else:
+ return event.message_type
diff --git a/src/utils/external/__init__.py b/src/utils/external/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/external/logo.py b/src/utils/external/logo.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/external/logo.py
rename to src/utils/external/logo.py
index 96d9192..c714d96 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/external/logo.py
+++ b/src/utils/external/logo.py
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-async def get_user_icon(platform: str, user_id: str) -> str:
- """
- 获取用户头像
- Args:
- platform: qq, telegram, discord...
- user_id: 1234567890
- Returns:
- str: 头像链接
- """
- match platform:
- case "qq":
- return f"http://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk={user_id}&s=640"
- case "telegram":
- return f"https://t.me/i/userpic/320/{user_id}.jpg"
- case "discord":
- return f"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/{user_id}/"
- case _:
- return ""
-async def get_group_icon(platform: str, group_id: str) -> str:
- """
- 获取群组头像
- Args:
- platform: qq, telegram, discord...
- group_id: 1234567890
- Returns:
- str: 头像链接
- """
- match platform:
- case "qq":
- return f"http://p.qlogo.cn/gh/{group_id}/{group_id}/640"
- case "telegram":
- return f"https://t.me/c/{group_id}/"
- case "discord":
- return f"https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/{group_id}/"
- case _:
- return ""
+async def get_user_icon(platform: str, user_id: str) -> str:
+ """
+ 获取用户头像
+ Args:
+ platform: qq, telegram, discord...
+ user_id: 1234567890
+ Returns:
+ str: 头像链接
+ """
+ match platform:
+ case "qq":
+ return f"http://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk={user_id}&s=640"
+ case "telegram":
+ return f"https://t.me/i/userpic/320/{user_id}.jpg"
+ case "discord":
+ return f"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/{user_id}/"
+ case _:
+ return ""
+async def get_group_icon(platform: str, group_id: str) -> str:
+ """
+ 获取群组头像
+ Args:
+ platform: qq, telegram, discord...
+ group_id: 1234567890
+ Returns:
+ str: 头像链接
+ """
+ match platform:
+ case "qq":
+ return f"http://p.qlogo.cn/gh/{group_id}/{group_id}/640"
+ case "telegram":
+ return f"https://t.me/c/{group_id}/"
+ case "discord":
+ return f"https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/{group_id}/"
+ case _:
+ return ""
diff --git a/src/utils/message/__init__.py b/src/utils/message/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/message/html_tool.py b/src/utils/message/html_tool.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/message/html_tool.py
rename to src/utils/message/html_tool.py
index c35b99a..13e8cf0 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/message/html_tool.py
+++ b/src/utils/message/html_tool.py
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
-import os.path
-import time
-from os import getcwd
-import aiofiles
-import nonebot
-from nonebot_plugin_htmlrender import *
-from .tools import random_hex_string
-async def html2image(
- html: str,
- wait: int = 0,
- pass
-async def template2html(
- template: str,
- templates: dict,
-) -> str:
- """
- Args:
- template: str: 模板文件
- **templates: dict: 模板参数
- Returns:
- HTML 正文
- """
- template_path = os.path.dirname(template)
- template_name = os.path.basename(template)
- return await template_to_html(template_path, template_name, **templates)
-async def template2image(
- template: str,
- templates: dict,
- pages=None,
- wait: int = 0,
- scale_factor: float = 1,
- debug: bool = False,
-) -> bytes:
- """
- template -> html -> image
- Args:
- debug: 输入渲染好的 html
- wait: 等待时间,单位秒
- pages: 页面参数
- template: str: 模板文件
- templates: dict: 模板参数
- scale_factor: 缩放因子,越高越清晰
- Returns:
- 图片二进制数据
- """
- if pages is None:
- pages = {
- "viewport": {
- "width" : 1080,
- "height": 10
- },
- "base_url": f"file://{getcwd()}",
- }
- template_path = os.path.dirname(template)
- template_name = os.path.basename(template)
- if debug:
- # 重载资源
- raw_html = await template_to_html(
- template_name=template_name,
- template_path=template_path,
- **templates,
- )
- random_file_name = f"debug-{random_hex_string(6)}.html"
- async with aiofiles.open(os.path.join(template_path, random_file_name), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- await f.write(raw_html)
- nonebot.logger.info("Debug HTML: %s" % f"{random_file_name}")
- return await template_to_pic(
- template_name=template_name,
- template_path=template_path,
- templates=templates,
- pages=pages,
- wait=wait,
- device_scale_factor=scale_factor,
- )
-async def url2image(
- url: str,
- wait: int = 0,
- scale_factor: float = 1,
- type: str = "png",
- quality: int = 100,
- **kwargs
-) -> bytes:
- """
- Args:
- quality:
- type:
- url: str: URL
- wait: int: 等待时间
- scale_factor: float: 缩放因子
- **kwargs: page 参数
- Returns:
- 图片二进制数据
- """
- async with get_new_page(scale_factor) as page:
- await page.goto(url)
- await page.wait_for_timeout(wait)
- return await page.screenshot(
- full_page=True,
- type=type,
- quality=quality
- )
+import os.path
+import time
+from os import getcwd
+import aiofiles
+import nonebot
+from nonebot_plugin_htmlrender import *
+from .tools import random_hex_string
+async def html2image(
+ html: str,
+ wait: int = 0,
+ pass
+async def template2html(
+ template: str,
+ templates: dict,
+) -> str:
+ """
+ Args:
+ template: str: 模板文件
+ **templates: dict: 模板参数
+ Returns:
+ HTML 正文
+ """
+ template_path = os.path.dirname(template)
+ template_name = os.path.basename(template)
+ return await template_to_html(template_path, template_name, **templates)
+async def template2image(
+ template: str,
+ templates: dict,
+ pages=None,
+ wait: int = 0,
+ scale_factor: float = 1,
+ debug: bool = False,
+) -> bytes:
+ """
+ template -> html -> image
+ Args:
+ debug: 输入渲染好的 html
+ wait: 等待时间,单位秒
+ pages: 页面参数
+ template: str: 模板文件
+ templates: dict: 模板参数
+ scale_factor: 缩放因子,越高越清晰
+ Returns:
+ 图片二进制数据
+ """
+ if pages is None:
+ pages = {
+ "viewport": {
+ "width" : 1080,
+ "height": 10
+ },
+ "base_url": f"file://{getcwd()}",
+ }
+ template_path = os.path.dirname(template)
+ template_name = os.path.basename(template)
+ if debug:
+ # 重载资源
+ raw_html = await template_to_html(
+ template_name=template_name,
+ template_path=template_path,
+ **templates,
+ )
+ random_file_name = f"debug-{random_hex_string(6)}.html"
+ async with aiofiles.open(os.path.join(template_path, random_file_name), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ await f.write(raw_html)
+ nonebot.logger.info("Debug HTML: %s" % f"{random_file_name}")
+ return await template_to_pic(
+ template_name=template_name,
+ template_path=template_path,
+ templates=templates,
+ pages=pages,
+ wait=wait,
+ device_scale_factor=scale_factor,
+ )
+async def url2image(
+ url: str,
+ wait: int = 0,
+ scale_factor: float = 1,
+ type: str = "png",
+ quality: int = 100,
+ **kwargs
+) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Args:
+ quality:
+ type:
+ url: str: URL
+ wait: int: 等待时间
+ scale_factor: float: 缩放因子
+ **kwargs: page 参数
+ Returns:
+ 图片二进制数据
+ """
+ async with get_new_page(scale_factor) as page:
+ await page.goto(url)
+ await page.wait_for_timeout(wait)
+ return await page.screenshot(
+ full_page=True,
+ type=type,
+ quality=quality
+ )
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/message/markdown.py b/src/utils/message/markdown.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/message/markdown.py
rename to src/utils/message/markdown.py
index bed2073..35605ca 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/message/markdown.py
+++ b/src/utils/message/markdown.py
@@ -1,209 +1,209 @@
-import base64
-from io import BytesIO
-from urllib.parse import quote
-import aiohttp
-from PIL import Image
-from ..base.config import get_config
-from ..base.data import LiteModel
-from ..base.ly_typing import T_Bot
-def escape_md(text: str) -> str:
- """
- 转义Markdown特殊字符
- Args:
- text: str: 文本
- Returns:
- str: 转义后文本
- """
- spacial_chars = r"\`*_{}[]()#+-.!"
- for char in spacial_chars:
- text = text.replace(char, "\\\\" + char)
- return text.replace("\n", r"\n").replace('"', r'\\\"')
-def escape_decorator(func):
- def wrapper(text: str):
- return func(escape_md(text))
- return wrapper
-def compile_md(comps: list[str]) -> str:
- """
- 合成Markdown文本
- Args:
- comps: list[str]: 组件列表
- Returns:
- str: 编译后文本
- """
- return "".join(comps)
-class MarkdownComponent:
- @staticmethod
- def heading(text: str, level: int = 1) -> str:
- """标题"""
- assert 1 <= level <= 6, "标题级别应在 1-6 之间"
- return f"{'#' * level} {text}\n"
- @staticmethod
- def bold(text: str) -> str:
- """粗体"""
- return f"**{text}**"
- @staticmethod
- def italic(text: str) -> str:
- """斜体"""
- return f"*{text}*"
- @staticmethod
- def strike(text: str) -> str:
- """删除线"""
- return f"~~{text}~~"
- @staticmethod
- def code(text: str) -> str:
- """行内代码"""
- return f"`{text}`"
- @staticmethod
- def code_block(text: str, language: str = "") -> str:
- """代码块"""
- return f"```{language}\n{text}\n```\n"
- @staticmethod
- def quote(text: str) -> str:
- """引用"""
- return f"> {text}\n\n"
- @staticmethod
- def link(text: str, url: str, symbol: bool = True) -> str:
- """
- 链接
- Args:
- text: 链接文本
- url: 链接地址
- symbol: 是否显示链接图标, mqqapi请使用False
- """
- return f"[{'🔗' if symbol else ''}{text}]({url})"
- @staticmethod
- def image(url: str, *, size: tuple[int, int]) -> str:
- """
- 图片,本地图片不建议直接使用
- Args:
- url: 图片链接
- size: 图片大小
- Returns:
- markdown格式的图片
- """
- return f"![image #{size[0]}px #{size[1]}px]({url})"
- @staticmethod
- async def auto_image(image: str | bytes, bot: T_Bot) -> str:
- """
- 自动获取图片大小
- Args:
- image: 本地图片路径 | 图片url http/file | 图片bytes
- bot: bot对象,用于上传图片到图床
- Returns:
- markdown格式的图片
- """
- if isinstance(image, bytes):
- # 传入为二进制图片
- image_obj = Image.open(BytesIO(image))
- base64_string = base64.b64encode(image_obj.tobytes()).decode("utf-8")
- url = await bot.call_api("upload_image", file=f"base64://{base64_string}")
- size = image_obj.size
- elif isinstance(image, str):
- # 传入链接或本地路径
- if image.startswith("http"):
- # 网络请求
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- async with session.get(image) as resp:
- image_data = await resp.read()
- url = image
- size = Image.open(BytesIO(image_data)).size
- else:
- # 本地路径/file://
- image_obj = Image.open(image.replace("file://", ""))
- base64_string = base64.b64encode(image_obj.tobytes()).decode("utf-8")
- url = await bot.call_api("upload_image", file=f"base64://{base64_string}")
- size = image_obj.size
- else:
- raise ValueError("图片类型错误")
- return MarkdownComponent.image(url, size=size)
- @staticmethod
- def table(data: list[list[any]]) -> str:
- """
- 表格
- Args:
- data: 表格数据,二维列表
- Returns:
- markdown格式的表格
- """
- # 表头
- table = "|".join(map(str, data[0])) + "\n"
- table += "|".join([":-:" for _ in range(len(data[0]))]) + "\n"
- # 表内容
- for row in data[1:]:
- table += "|".join(map(str, row)) + "\n"
- return table
- @staticmethod
- def paragraph(text: str) -> str:
- """
- 段落
- Args:
- text: 段落内容
- Returns:
- markdown格式的段落
- """
- return f"{text}\n"
-class Mqqapi:
- @staticmethod
- @escape_decorator
- def cmd(text: str, cmd: str, enter: bool = True, reply: bool = False, use_cmd_start: bool = True) -> str:
- """
- 生成点击回调文本
- Args:
- text: 显示内容
- cmd: 命令
- enter: 是否自动发送
- reply: 是否回复
- use_cmd_start: 是否使用配置的命令前缀
- Returns:
- [text](mqqapi://) markdown格式的可点击回调文本,类似于链接
- """
- if use_cmd_start:
- command_start = get_config("command_start", [])
- if command_start:
- # 若命令前缀不为空,则使用配置的第一个命令前缀
- cmd = f"{command_start[0]}{cmd}"
- return f"[{text}](mqqapi://aio/inlinecmd?command={quote(cmd)}&reply={str(reply).lower()}&enter={str(enter).lower()})"
-class RenderData(LiteModel):
- label: str
- visited_label: str
- style: int
-class Button(LiteModel):
- id: int
- render_data: RenderData
+import base64
+from io import BytesIO
+from urllib.parse import quote
+import aiohttp
+from PIL import Image
+from ..base.config import get_config
+from ..base.data import LiteModel
+from ..base.ly_typing import T_Bot
+def escape_md(text: str) -> str:
+ """
+ 转义Markdown特殊字符
+ Args:
+ text: str: 文本
+ Returns:
+ str: 转义后文本
+ """
+ spacial_chars = r"\`*_{}[]()#+-.!"
+ for char in spacial_chars:
+ text = text.replace(char, "\\\\" + char)
+ return text.replace("\n", r"\n").replace('"', r'\\\"')
+def escape_decorator(func):
+ def wrapper(text: str):
+ return func(escape_md(text))
+ return wrapper
+def compile_md(comps: list[str]) -> str:
+ """
+ 合成Markdown文本
+ Args:
+ comps: list[str]: 组件列表
+ Returns:
+ str: 编译后文本
+ """
+ return "".join(comps)
+class MarkdownComponent:
+ @staticmethod
+ def heading(text: str, level: int = 1) -> str:
+ """标题"""
+ assert 1 <= level <= 6, "标题级别应在 1-6 之间"
+ return f"{'#' * level} {text}\n"
+ @staticmethod
+ def bold(text: str) -> str:
+ """粗体"""
+ return f"**{text}**"
+ @staticmethod
+ def italic(text: str) -> str:
+ """斜体"""
+ return f"*{text}*"
+ @staticmethod
+ def strike(text: str) -> str:
+ """删除线"""
+ return f"~~{text}~~"
+ @staticmethod
+ def code(text: str) -> str:
+ """行内代码"""
+ return f"`{text}`"
+ @staticmethod
+ def code_block(text: str, language: str = "") -> str:
+ """代码块"""
+ return f"```{language}\n{text}\n```\n"
+ @staticmethod
+ def quote(text: str) -> str:
+ """引用"""
+ return f"> {text}\n\n"
+ @staticmethod
+ def link(text: str, url: str, symbol: bool = True) -> str:
+ """
+ 链接
+ Args:
+ text: 链接文本
+ url: 链接地址
+ symbol: 是否显示链接图标, mqqapi请使用False
+ """
+ return f"[{'🔗' if symbol else ''}{text}]({url})"
+ @staticmethod
+ def image(url: str, *, size: tuple[int, int]) -> str:
+ """
+ 图片,本地图片不建议直接使用
+ Args:
+ url: 图片链接
+ size: 图片大小
+ Returns:
+ markdown格式的图片
+ """
+ return f"![image #{size[0]}px #{size[1]}px]({url})"
+ @staticmethod
+ async def auto_image(image: str | bytes, bot: T_Bot) -> str:
+ """
+ 自动获取图片大小
+ Args:
+ image: 本地图片路径 | 图片url http/file | 图片bytes
+ bot: bot对象,用于上传图片到图床
+ Returns:
+ markdown格式的图片
+ """
+ if isinstance(image, bytes):
+ # 传入为二进制图片
+ image_obj = Image.open(BytesIO(image))
+ base64_string = base64.b64encode(image_obj.tobytes()).decode("utf-8")
+ url = await bot.call_api("upload_image", file=f"base64://{base64_string}")
+ size = image_obj.size
+ elif isinstance(image, str):
+ # 传入链接或本地路径
+ if image.startswith("http"):
+ # 网络请求
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.get(image) as resp:
+ image_data = await resp.read()
+ url = image
+ size = Image.open(BytesIO(image_data)).size
+ else:
+ # 本地路径/file://
+ image_obj = Image.open(image.replace("file://", ""))
+ base64_string = base64.b64encode(image_obj.tobytes()).decode("utf-8")
+ url = await bot.call_api("upload_image", file=f"base64://{base64_string}")
+ size = image_obj.size
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("图片类型错误")
+ return MarkdownComponent.image(url, size=size)
+ @staticmethod
+ def table(data: list[list[any]]) -> str:
+ """
+ 表格
+ Args:
+ data: 表格数据,二维列表
+ Returns:
+ markdown格式的表格
+ """
+ # 表头
+ table = "|".join(map(str, data[0])) + "\n"
+ table += "|".join([":-:" for _ in range(len(data[0]))]) + "\n"
+ # 表内容
+ for row in data[1:]:
+ table += "|".join(map(str, row)) + "\n"
+ return table
+ @staticmethod
+ def paragraph(text: str) -> str:
+ """
+ 段落
+ Args:
+ text: 段落内容
+ Returns:
+ markdown格式的段落
+ """
+ return f"{text}\n"
+class Mqqapi:
+ @staticmethod
+ @escape_decorator
+ def cmd(text: str, cmd: str, enter: bool = True, reply: bool = False, use_cmd_start: bool = True) -> str:
+ """
+ 生成点击回调文本
+ Args:
+ text: 显示内容
+ cmd: 命令
+ enter: 是否自动发送
+ reply: 是否回复
+ use_cmd_start: 是否使用配置的命令前缀
+ Returns:
+ [text](mqqapi://) markdown格式的可点击回调文本,类似于链接
+ """
+ if use_cmd_start:
+ command_start = get_config("command_start", [])
+ if command_start:
+ # 若命令前缀不为空,则使用配置的第一个命令前缀
+ cmd = f"{command_start[0]}{cmd}"
+ return f"[{text}](mqqapi://aio/inlinecmd?command={quote(cmd)}&reply={str(reply).lower()}&enter={str(enter).lower()})"
+class RenderData(LiteModel):
+ label: str
+ visited_label: str
+ style: int
+class Button(LiteModel):
+ id: int
+ render_data: RenderData
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/message/message.py b/src/utils/message/message.py
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/utils/message/message.py
rename to src/utils/message/message.py
index 1ef1163..6fbefa6 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/message/message.py
+++ b/src/utils/message/message.py
@@ -1,297 +1,297 @@
-import base64
-import io
-from urllib.parse import quote
-import aiofiles
-from PIL import Image
-import aiohttp
-import nonebot
-from nonebot import require
-from nonebot.adapters import satori
-from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11
-from typing import Any, Type
-from nonebot.internal.adapter import MessageSegment
-from nonebot.internal.adapter.message import TM
-from .. import load_from_yaml
-from ..base.ly_typing import T_Bot, T_Message, T_MessageEvent
-from nonebot_plugin_htmlrender import md_to_pic
-config = load_from_yaml("config.yml")
-can_send_markdown = {} # 用于存储机器人是否支持发送markdown消息,id->bool
-class TencentBannedMarkdownError(BaseException):
- pass
-async def broadcast_to_superusers(message: str | T_Message, markdown: bool = False):
- """广播消息给超级用户"""
- for bot in nonebot.get_bots().values():
- for user_id in config.get("superusers", []):
- if markdown:
- await MarkdownMessage.send_md(message, bot, message_type="private", session_id=user_id)
- else:
- await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=user_id, message=message)
-class MarkdownMessage:
- @staticmethod
- async def send_md(
- markdown: str,
- bot: T_Bot, *,
- message_type: str = None,
- session_id: str | int = None,
- event: T_MessageEvent = None,
- retry_as_image: bool = True,
- **kwargs
- ) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
- """
- 发送Markdown消息,支持自动转为图片发送
- Args:
- markdown:
- bot:
- message_type:
- session_id:
- event:
- retry_as_image: 发送失败后是否尝试以图片形式发送,否则失败返回None
- **kwargs:
- Returns:
- """
- formatted_md = v11.unescape(markdown).replace("\n", r"\n").replace('"', r'\\\"')
- if event is not None and message_type is None:
- if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
- message_type = "private" if event.guild is None else "group"
- group_id = event.guild.id if event.guild is not None else None
- else:
- assert event is not None
- message_type = event.message_type
- group_id = event.group_id if message_type == "group" else None
- user_id = event.user.id if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event) else event.user_id
- session_id = user_id if message_type == "private" else group_id
- else:
- pass
- try:
- raise TencentBannedMarkdownError("Tencent banned markdown")
- forward_id = await bot.call_api(
- "send_private_forward_msg",
- messages=[
- {
- "type": "node",
- "data": {
- "content": [
- {
- "data": {
- "content": "{\"content\":\"%s\"}" % formatted_md,
- },
- "type": "markdown"
- }
- ],
- "name": "[]",
- "uin": bot.self_id
- }
- }
- ],
- user_id=bot.self_id
- )
- data = await bot.send_msg(
- user_id=session_id,
- group_id=session_id,
- message_type=message_type,
- message=[
- {
- "type": "longmsg",
- "data": {
- "id": forward_id
- }
- },
- ],
- **kwargs
- )
- except BaseException as e:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"send markdown error, retry as image: {e}")
- # 发送失败,渲染为图片发送
- # if not retry_as_image:
- # return None
- plain_markdown = markdown.replace("[🔗", "[")
- md_image_bytes = await md_to_pic(
- md=plain_markdown,
- width=540,
- device_scale_factor=4
- )
- if isinstance(bot, satori.Bot):
- msg_seg = satori.MessageSegment.image(raw=md_image_bytes,mime="image/png")
- data = await bot.send(
- event=event,
- message=msg_seg
- )
- else:
- data = await bot.send_msg(
- message_type=message_type,
- group_id=session_id,
- user_id=session_id,
- message=v11.MessageSegment.image(md_image_bytes),
- )
- return data
- @staticmethod
- async def send_image(
- image: bytes | str,
- bot: T_Bot, *,
- message_type: str = None,
- session_id: str | int = None,
- event: T_MessageEvent = None,
- **kwargs
- ) -> dict:
- """
- 发送单张装逼大图
- Args:
- image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径,链接请使用Markdown.image_async方法获取后通过send_md发送
- bot: bot instance
- message_type: message type
- session_id: session id
- event: event
- kwargs: other arguments
- Returns:
- dict: response data
- """
- if isinstance(image, str):
- async with aiofiles.open(image, "rb") as f:
- image = await f.read()
- method = 2
- # 1.轻雪图床方案
- # if method == 1:
- # image_url = await liteyuki_api.upload_image(image)
- # image_size = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image)).size
- # image_md = Markdown.image(image_url, image_size)
- # data = await Markdown.send_md(image_md, bot, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id, event=event,
- # retry_as_image=False,
- # **kwargs)
- # Lagrange.OneBot方案
- if method == 2:
- base64_string = base64.b64encode(image).decode("utf-8")
- data = await bot.call_api("upload_image", file=f"base64://{base64_string}")
- await MarkdownMessage.send_md(MarkdownMessage.image(data, Image.open(io.BytesIO(image)).size), bot,
- event=event, message_type=message_type,
- session_id=session_id, **kwargs)
- # 其他实现端方案
- else:
- image_message_id = (await bot.send_private_msg(
- user_id=bot.self_id,
- message=[
- v11.MessageSegment.image(file=image)
- ]
- ))["message_id"]
- image_url = (await bot.get_msg(message_id=image_message_id))["message"][0]["data"]["url"]
- image_size = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image)).size
- image_md = MarkdownMessage.image(image_url, image_size)
- return await MarkdownMessage.send_md(image_md, bot, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id,
- event=event, **kwargs)
- if data is None:
- data = await bot.send_msg(
- message_type=message_type,
- group_id=session_id,
- user_id=session_id,
- message=v11.MessageSegment.image(image),
- **kwargs
- )
- return data
- @staticmethod
- async def get_image_url(image: bytes | str, bot: T_Bot) -> str:
- """把图片上传到图床,返回链接
- Args:
- bot: 发送的bot
- image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径
- Returns:
- """
- # 等林文轩修好Lagrange.OneBot再说
- @staticmethod
- def btn_cmd(name: str, cmd: str, reply: bool = False, enter: bool = True) -> str:
- """生成点击回调按钮
- Args:
- name: 按钮显示内容
- cmd: 发送的命令,已在函数内url编码,不需要再次编码
- reply: 是否以回复的方式发送消息
- enter: 自动发送消息则为True,否则填充到输入框
- Returns:
- markdown格式的可点击回调按钮
- """
- if "" not in config.get("command_start", ["/"]) and config.get("alconna_use_command_start", False):
- cmd = f"{config['command_start'][0]}{cmd}"
- return f"[{name}](mqqapi://aio/inlinecmd?command={quote(cmd)}&reply={str(reply).lower()}&enter={str(enter).lower()})"
- @staticmethod
- def btn_link(name: str, url: str) -> str:
- """生成点击链接按钮
- Args:
- name: 链接显示内容
- url: 链接地址
- Returns:
- markdown格式的链接
- """
- return f"[🔗{name}]({url})"
- @staticmethod
- def image(url: str, size: tuple[int, int]) -> str:
- """构建图片链接
- Args:
- size:
- url: 图片链接
- Returns:
- markdown格式的图片
- """
- return f"![image #{size[0]}px #{size[1]}px]({url})"
- @staticmethod
- async def image_async(url: str) -> str:
- """获取图片,自动请求获取大小,异步
- Args:
- url: 图片链接
- Returns:
- 图片Markdown语法: ![image #{width}px #{height}px](link)
- """
- try:
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- async with session.get(url) as resp:
- image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(await resp.read()))
- return MarkdownMessage.image(url, image.size)
- except Exception as e:
- nonebot.logger.error(f"get image error: {e}")
- return "[Image Error]"
- @staticmethod
- def escape(text: str) -> str:
- """转义特殊字符
- Args:
- text: 需要转义的文本,请勿直接把整个markdown文本传入,否则会转义掉所有字符
- Returns:
- 转义后的文本
- """
- chars = "*[]()~_`>#+=|{}.!"
- for char in chars:
- text = text.replace(char, f"\\\\{char}")
- return text
+import base64
+import io
+from urllib.parse import quote
+import aiofiles
+from PIL import Image
+import aiohttp
+import nonebot
+from nonebot import require
+from nonebot.adapters import satori
+from nonebot.adapters.onebot import v11
+from typing import Any, Type
+from nonebot.internal.adapter import MessageSegment
+from nonebot.internal.adapter.message import TM
+from .. import load_from_yaml
+from ..base.ly_typing import T_Bot, T_Message, T_MessageEvent
+from nonebot_plugin_htmlrender import md_to_pic
+config = load_from_yaml("config.yml")
+can_send_markdown = {} # 用于存储机器人是否支持发送markdown消息,id->bool
+class TencentBannedMarkdownError(BaseException):
+ pass
+async def broadcast_to_superusers(message: str | T_Message, markdown: bool = False):
+ """广播消息给超级用户"""
+ for bot in nonebot.get_bots().values():
+ for user_id in config.get("superusers", []):
+ if markdown:
+ await MarkdownMessage.send_md(message, bot, message_type="private", session_id=user_id)
+ else:
+ await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=user_id, message=message)
+class MarkdownMessage:
+ @staticmethod
+ async def send_md(
+ markdown: str,
+ bot: T_Bot, *,
+ message_type: str = None,
+ session_id: str | int = None,
+ event: T_MessageEvent = None,
+ retry_as_image: bool = True,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
+ """
+ 发送Markdown消息,支持自动转为图片发送
+ Args:
+ markdown:
+ bot:
+ message_type:
+ session_id:
+ event:
+ retry_as_image: 发送失败后是否尝试以图片形式发送,否则失败返回None
+ **kwargs:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ formatted_md = v11.unescape(markdown).replace("\n", r"\n").replace('"', r'\\\"')
+ if event is not None and message_type is None:
+ if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event):
+ message_type = "private" if event.guild is None else "group"
+ group_id = event.guild.id if event.guild is not None else None
+ else:
+ assert event is not None
+ message_type = event.message_type
+ group_id = event.group_id if message_type == "group" else None
+ user_id = event.user.id if isinstance(event, satori.event.Event) else event.user_id
+ session_id = user_id if message_type == "private" else group_id
+ else:
+ pass
+ try:
+ raise TencentBannedMarkdownError("Tencent banned markdown")
+ forward_id = await bot.call_api(
+ "send_private_forward_msg",
+ messages=[
+ {
+ "type": "node",
+ "data": {
+ "content": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "content": "{\"content\":\"%s\"}" % formatted_md,
+ },
+ "type": "markdown"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "[]",
+ "uin": bot.self_id
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ user_id=bot.self_id
+ )
+ data = await bot.send_msg(
+ user_id=session_id,
+ group_id=session_id,
+ message_type=message_type,
+ message=[
+ {
+ "type": "longmsg",
+ "data": {
+ "id": forward_id
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ except BaseException as e:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"send markdown error, retry as image: {e}")
+ # 发送失败,渲染为图片发送
+ # if not retry_as_image:
+ # return None
+ plain_markdown = markdown.replace("[🔗", "[")
+ md_image_bytes = await md_to_pic(
+ md=plain_markdown,
+ width=540,
+ device_scale_factor=4
+ )
+ if isinstance(bot, satori.Bot):
+ msg_seg = satori.MessageSegment.image(raw=md_image_bytes,mime="image/png")
+ data = await bot.send(
+ event=event,
+ message=msg_seg
+ )
+ else:
+ data = await bot.send_msg(
+ message_type=message_type,
+ group_id=session_id,
+ user_id=session_id,
+ message=v11.MessageSegment.image(md_image_bytes),
+ )
+ return data
+ @staticmethod
+ async def send_image(
+ image: bytes | str,
+ bot: T_Bot, *,
+ message_type: str = None,
+ session_id: str | int = None,
+ event: T_MessageEvent = None,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> dict:
+ """
+ 发送单张装逼大图
+ Args:
+ image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径,链接请使用Markdown.image_async方法获取后通过send_md发送
+ bot: bot instance
+ message_type: message type
+ session_id: session id
+ event: event
+ kwargs: other arguments
+ Returns:
+ dict: response data
+ """
+ if isinstance(image, str):
+ async with aiofiles.open(image, "rb") as f:
+ image = await f.read()
+ method = 2
+ # 1.轻雪图床方案
+ # if method == 1:
+ # image_url = await liteyuki_api.upload_image(image)
+ # image_size = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image)).size
+ # image_md = Markdown.image(image_url, image_size)
+ # data = await Markdown.send_md(image_md, bot, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id, event=event,
+ # retry_as_image=False,
+ # **kwargs)
+ # Lagrange.OneBot方案
+ if method == 2:
+ base64_string = base64.b64encode(image).decode("utf-8")
+ data = await bot.call_api("upload_image", file=f"base64://{base64_string}")
+ await MarkdownMessage.send_md(MarkdownMessage.image(data, Image.open(io.BytesIO(image)).size), bot,
+ event=event, message_type=message_type,
+ session_id=session_id, **kwargs)
+ # 其他实现端方案
+ else:
+ image_message_id = (await bot.send_private_msg(
+ user_id=bot.self_id,
+ message=[
+ v11.MessageSegment.image(file=image)
+ ]
+ ))["message_id"]
+ image_url = (await bot.get_msg(message_id=image_message_id))["message"][0]["data"]["url"]
+ image_size = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image)).size
+ image_md = MarkdownMessage.image(image_url, image_size)
+ return await MarkdownMessage.send_md(image_md, bot, message_type=message_type, session_id=session_id,
+ event=event, **kwargs)
+ if data is None:
+ data = await bot.send_msg(
+ message_type=message_type,
+ group_id=session_id,
+ user_id=session_id,
+ message=v11.MessageSegment.image(image),
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ return data
+ @staticmethod
+ async def get_image_url(image: bytes | str, bot: T_Bot) -> str:
+ """把图片上传到图床,返回链接
+ Args:
+ bot: 发送的bot
+ image: 图片字节流或图片本地路径
+ Returns:
+ """
+ # 等林文轩修好Lagrange.OneBot再说
+ @staticmethod
+ def btn_cmd(name: str, cmd: str, reply: bool = False, enter: bool = True) -> str:
+ """生成点击回调按钮
+ Args:
+ name: 按钮显示内容
+ cmd: 发送的命令,已在函数内url编码,不需要再次编码
+ reply: 是否以回复的方式发送消息
+ enter: 自动发送消息则为True,否则填充到输入框
+ Returns:
+ markdown格式的可点击回调按钮
+ """
+ if "" not in config.get("command_start", ["/"]) and config.get("alconna_use_command_start", False):
+ cmd = f"{config['command_start'][0]}{cmd}"
+ return f"[{name}](mqqapi://aio/inlinecmd?command={quote(cmd)}&reply={str(reply).lower()}&enter={str(enter).lower()})"
+ @staticmethod
+ def btn_link(name: str, url: str) -> str:
+ """生成点击链接按钮
+ Args:
+ name: 链接显示内容
+ url: 链接地址
+ Returns:
+ markdown格式的链接
+ """
+ return f"[🔗{name}]({url})"
+ @staticmethod
+ def image(url: str, size: tuple[int, int]) -> str:
+ """构建图片链接
+ Args:
+ size:
+ url: 图片链接
+ Returns:
+ markdown格式的图片
+ """
+ return f"![image #{size[0]}px #{size[1]}px]({url})"
+ @staticmethod
+ async def image_async(url: str) -> str:
+ """获取图片,自动请求获取大小,异步
+ Args:
+ url: 图片链接
+ Returns:
+ 图片Markdown语法: ![image #{width}px #{height}px](link)
+ """
+ try:
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.get(url) as resp:
+ image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(await resp.read()))
+ return MarkdownMessage.image(url, image.size)
+ except Exception as e:
+ nonebot.logger.error(f"get image error: {e}")
+ return "[Image Error]"
+ @staticmethod
+ def escape(text: str) -> str:
+ """转义特殊字符
+ Args:
+ text: 需要转义的文本,请勿直接把整个markdown文本传入,否则会转义掉所有字符
+ Returns:
+ 转义后的文本
+ """
+ chars = "*[]()~_`>#+=|{}.!"
+ for char in chars:
+ text = text.replace(char, f"\\\\{char}")
+ return text
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/message/string_tool.py b/src/utils/message/string_tool.py
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/utils/message/string_tool.py
rename to src/utils/message/string_tool.py
index 32cf9a0..6193bd5 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/message/string_tool.py
+++ b/src/utils/message/string_tool.py
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
-import nonebot
-def convert_duration(text: str, default) -> float:
- """
- 转换自然语言时间为秒数
- Args:
- text: 1d2h3m
- default: 出错时返回
- Returns:
- float: 总秒数
- """
- units = {
- "d" : 86400,
- "h" : 3600,
- "m" : 60,
- "s" : 1,
- "ms": 0.001
- }
- duration = 0
- current_number = ''
- current_unit = ''
- try:
- for char in text:
- if char.isdigit():
- current_number += char
- else:
- if current_number:
- duration += int(current_number) * units[current_unit]
- current_number = ''
- if char in units:
- current_unit = char
- else:
- current_unit = ''
- if current_number:
- duration += int(current_number) * units[current_unit]
- return duration
- except BaseException as e:
- nonebot.logger.info(f"convert_duration error: {e}")
- return default
-def convert_time_to_seconds(time_str):
- """转换自然语言时长为秒数
- Args:
- time_str: 1d2m3s
- Returns:
- """
- seconds = 0
- current_number = ''
- for char in time_str:
- if char.isdigit() or char == '.':
- current_number += char
- elif char == 'd':
- seconds += float(current_number) * 24 * 60 * 60
- current_number = ''
- elif char == 'h':
- seconds += float(current_number) * 60 * 60
- current_number = ''
- elif char == 'm':
- seconds += float(current_number) * 60
- current_number = ''
- elif char == 's':
- seconds += float(current_number)
- current_number = ''
- return int(seconds)
-def convert_seconds_to_time(seconds):
- """转换秒数为自然语言时长
- Args:
- seconds: 10000
- Returns:
- """
- d = seconds // (24 * 60 * 60)
- h = (seconds % (24 * 60 * 60)) // (60 * 60)
- m = (seconds % (60 * 60)) // 60
- s = seconds % 60
- # 若值为0则不显示
- time_str = ''
- if d:
- time_str += f"{d}d"
- if h:
- time_str += f"{h}h"
- if m:
- time_str += f"{m}m"
- if not time_str:
- time_str = f"{s}s"
- return time_str
+import nonebot
+def convert_duration(text: str, default) -> float:
+ """
+ 转换自然语言时间为秒数
+ Args:
+ text: 1d2h3m
+ default: 出错时返回
+ Returns:
+ float: 总秒数
+ """
+ units = {
+ "d" : 86400,
+ "h" : 3600,
+ "m" : 60,
+ "s" : 1,
+ "ms": 0.001
+ }
+ duration = 0
+ current_number = ''
+ current_unit = ''
+ try:
+ for char in text:
+ if char.isdigit():
+ current_number += char
+ else:
+ if current_number:
+ duration += int(current_number) * units[current_unit]
+ current_number = ''
+ if char in units:
+ current_unit = char
+ else:
+ current_unit = ''
+ if current_number:
+ duration += int(current_number) * units[current_unit]
+ return duration
+ except BaseException as e:
+ nonebot.logger.info(f"convert_duration error: {e}")
+ return default
+def convert_time_to_seconds(time_str):
+ """转换自然语言时长为秒数
+ Args:
+ time_str: 1d2m3s
+ Returns:
+ """
+ seconds = 0
+ current_number = ''
+ for char in time_str:
+ if char.isdigit() or char == '.':
+ current_number += char
+ elif char == 'd':
+ seconds += float(current_number) * 24 * 60 * 60
+ current_number = ''
+ elif char == 'h':
+ seconds += float(current_number) * 60 * 60
+ current_number = ''
+ elif char == 'm':
+ seconds += float(current_number) * 60
+ current_number = ''
+ elif char == 's':
+ seconds += float(current_number)
+ current_number = ''
+ return int(seconds)
+def convert_seconds_to_time(seconds):
+ """转换秒数为自然语言时长
+ Args:
+ seconds: 10000
+ Returns:
+ """
+ d = seconds // (24 * 60 * 60)
+ h = (seconds % (24 * 60 * 60)) // (60 * 60)
+ m = (seconds % (60 * 60)) // 60
+ s = seconds % 60
+ # 若值为0则不显示
+ time_str = ''
+ if d:
+ time_str += f"{d}d"
+ if h:
+ time_str += f"{h}h"
+ if m:
+ time_str += f"{m}m"
+ if not time_str:
+ time_str = f"{s}s"
+ return time_str
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/message/tools.py b/src/utils/message/tools.py
similarity index 95%
rename from liteyuki/utils/message/tools.py
rename to src/utils/message/tools.py
index e458ee2..7d05113 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/message/tools.py
+++ b/src/utils/message/tools.py
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
-import random
-from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError, version
-def clamp(value: float, min_value: float, max_value: float) -> float | int:
- """将值限制在最小值和最大值之间
- Args:
- value (float): 要限制的值
- min_value (float): 最小值
- max_value (float): 最大值
- Returns:
- float: 限制后的值
- """
- return max(min(value, max_value), min_value)
-def convert_size(size: int, precision: int = 2, add_unit: bool = True, suffix: str = " XiB") -> str | float:
- """把字节数转换为人类可读的字符串,计算正负
- Args:
- add_unit: 是否添加单位,False后则suffix无效
- suffix: XiB或XB
- precision: 浮点数的小数点位数
- size (int): 字节数
- Returns:
- str: The human-readable string, e.g. "1.23 GB".
- """
- is_negative = size < 0
- size = abs(size)
- for unit in ("", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"):
- if size < 1024:
- break
- size /= 1024
- if is_negative:
- size = -size
- if add_unit:
- return f"{size:.{precision}f}{suffix.replace('X', unit)}"
- else:
- return size
-def keywords_in_text(keywords: list[str], text: str, all_matched: bool) -> bool:
- """
- 检查关键词是否在文本中
- Args:
- keywords: 关键词列表
- text: 文本
- all_matched: 是否需要全部匹配
- Returns:
- """
- if all_matched:
- for keyword in keywords:
- if keyword not in text:
- return False
- return True
- else:
- for keyword in keywords:
- if keyword in text:
- return True
- return False
-def check_for_package(package_name: str) -> bool:
- try:
- version(package_name)
- return True
- except PackageNotFoundError:
- return False
-def random_ascii_string(length: int) -> str:
- """
- 生成随机ASCII字符串
- Args:
- length:
- Returns:
- """
- return "".join([chr(random.randint(33, 126)) for _ in range(length)])
-def random_hex_string(length: int) -> str:
- """
- 生成随机十六进制字符串
- Args:
- length:
- Returns:
- """
- return "".join([random.choice("0123456789abcdef") for _ in range(length)])
+import random
+from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError, version
+def clamp(value: float, min_value: float, max_value: float) -> float | int:
+ """将值限制在最小值和最大值之间
+ Args:
+ value (float): 要限制的值
+ min_value (float): 最小值
+ max_value (float): 最大值
+ Returns:
+ float: 限制后的值
+ """
+ return max(min(value, max_value), min_value)
+def convert_size(size: int, precision: int = 2, add_unit: bool = True, suffix: str = " XiB") -> str | float:
+ """把字节数转换为人类可读的字符串,计算正负
+ Args:
+ add_unit: 是否添加单位,False后则suffix无效
+ suffix: XiB或XB
+ precision: 浮点数的小数点位数
+ size (int): 字节数
+ Returns:
+ str: The human-readable string, e.g. "1.23 GB".
+ """
+ is_negative = size < 0
+ size = abs(size)
+ for unit in ("", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"):
+ if size < 1024:
+ break
+ size /= 1024
+ if is_negative:
+ size = -size
+ if add_unit:
+ return f"{size:.{precision}f}{suffix.replace('X', unit)}"
+ else:
+ return size
+def keywords_in_text(keywords: list[str], text: str, all_matched: bool) -> bool:
+ """
+ 检查关键词是否在文本中
+ Args:
+ keywords: 关键词列表
+ text: 文本
+ all_matched: 是否需要全部匹配
+ Returns:
+ """
+ if all_matched:
+ for keyword in keywords:
+ if keyword not in text:
+ return False
+ return True
+ else:
+ for keyword in keywords:
+ if keyword in text:
+ return True
+ return False
+def check_for_package(package_name: str) -> bool:
+ try:
+ version(package_name)
+ return True
+ except PackageNotFoundError:
+ return False
+def random_ascii_string(length: int) -> str:
+ """
+ 生成随机ASCII字符串
+ Args:
+ length:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ return "".join([chr(random.randint(33, 126)) for _ in range(length)])
+def random_hex_string(length: int) -> str:
+ """
+ 生成随机十六进制字符串
+ Args:
+ length:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ return "".join([random.choice("0123456789abcdef") for _ in range(length)])
diff --git a/src/utils/message/union.py b/src/utils/message/union.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/src/utils/nb/__init__.py b/src/utils/nb/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/network/__init__.py b/src/utils/network/__init__.py
similarity index 94%
rename from liteyuki/utils/network/__init__.py
rename to src/utils/network/__init__.py
index 81521c5..62c4eac 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/network/__init__.py
+++ b/src/utils/network/__init__.py
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-from aiohttp import ClientSession
-async def simple_get(url: str) -> str:
- """
- 简单异步get请求
- Args:
- url:
- Returns:
- """
- async with ClientSession() as session:
- async with session.get(url) as resp:
- return await resp.text()
+from aiohttp import ClientSession
+async def simple_get(url: str) -> str:
+ """
+ 简单异步get请求
+ Args:
+ url:
+ Returns:
+ """
+ async with ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.get(url) as resp:
+ return await resp.text()
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/__init__.py b/src/utils/satori_utils/__init__.py
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/__init__.py
rename to src/utils/satori_utils/__init__.py
index 192714b..33e7964 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/__init__.py
+++ b/src/utils/satori_utils/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-from .user_info import user_infos
-from .count_friends import count_friends
-from .count_groups import count_groups
+from .user_info import user_infos
+from .count_friends import count_friends
+from .count_groups import count_groups
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/count_friends.py b/src/utils/satori_utils/count_friends.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/count_friends.py
rename to src/utils/satori_utils/count_friends.py
index 3f7b18e..2752aac 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/count_friends.py
+++ b/src/utils/satori_utils/count_friends.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-from nonebot.adapters import satori
-async def count_friends(bot: satori.Bot) -> int:
- cnt: int = 0
- friend_response = await bot.friend_list()
- while friend_response.next is not None:
- cnt += len(friend_response.data)
- friend_response = await bot.friend_list(next_token=friend_response.next)
- cnt += len(friend_response.data)
- return cnt - 1
+from nonebot.adapters import satori
+async def count_friends(bot: satori.Bot) -> int:
+ cnt: int = 0
+ friend_response = await bot.friend_list()
+ while friend_response.next is not None:
+ cnt += len(friend_response.data)
+ friend_response = await bot.friend_list(next_token=friend_response.next)
+ cnt += len(friend_response.data)
+ return cnt - 1
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/count_groups.py b/src/utils/satori_utils/count_groups.py
similarity index 96%
rename from liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/count_groups.py
rename to src/utils/satori_utils/count_groups.py
index 789a40b..4cd30bd 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/count_groups.py
+++ b/src/utils/satori_utils/count_groups.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-from nonebot.adapters import satori
-async def count_groups(bot: satori.Bot) -> int:
- cnt: int = 0
- group_response = await bot.guild_list()
- while group_response.next is not None:
- cnt += len(group_response.data)
- group_response = await bot.friend_list(next_token=group_response.next)
- cnt += len(group_response.data)
- return cnt - 1
+from nonebot.adapters import satori
+async def count_groups(bot: satori.Bot) -> int:
+ cnt: int = 0
+ group_response = await bot.guild_list()
+ while group_response.next is not None:
+ cnt += len(group_response.data)
+ group_response = await bot.friend_list(next_token=group_response.next)
+ cnt += len(group_response.data)
+ return cnt - 1
diff --git a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/user_info.py b/src/utils/satori_utils/user_info.py
similarity index 97%
rename from liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/user_info.py
rename to src/utils/satori_utils/user_info.py
index 6500e71..4518429 100644
--- a/liteyuki/utils/satori_utils/user_info.py
+++ b/src/utils/satori_utils/user_info.py
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-import nonebot
-from nonebot.adapters import satori
-from nonebot.adapters.satori.models import User
-class UserInfo:
- user_infos: dict = {}
- async def load_friends(self, bot: satori.Bot):
- nonebot.logger.info("Update user info from friends")
- friend_response = await bot.friend_list()
- while friend_response.next is not None:
- for i in friend_response.data:
- i: User = i
- self.user_infos[str(i.id)] = i
- friend_response = await bot.friend_list(next_token=friend_response.next)
- for i in friend_response.data:
- i: User = i
- self.user_infos[str(i.id)] = i
- nonebot.logger.info("Finish update user info")
- async def get(self, uid: int | str) -> User | None:
- try:
- return self.user_infos[str(uid)]
- except KeyError:
- return None
- async def put(self, user: User) -> bool:
- """
- 向用户信息数据库中添加/修改一项,返回值仅代表数据是否变更,不代表操作是否成功
- Args:
- user: 要加入数据库的用户
- Returns: 当数据库中用户信息发生变化时返回 True, 否则返回 False
- """
- try:
- old_user: User = self.user_infos[str(user.id)]
- attr_edited = False
- if user.name is not None:
- if old_user.name != user.name:
- attr_edited = True
- self.user_infos[str(user.id)].name = user.name
- if user.nick is not None:
- if old_user.nick != user.nick:
- attr_edited = True
- self.user_infos[str(user.id)].nick = user.nick
- if user.avatar is not None:
- if old_user.avatar != user.avatar:
- attr_edited = True
- self.user_infos[str(user.id)].avatar = user.avatar
- return attr_edited
- except KeyError:
- self.user_infos[str(user.id)] = user
- return True
- def __init__(self):
- pass
-user_infos = UserInfo()
+import nonebot
+from nonebot.adapters import satori
+from nonebot.adapters.satori.models import User
+class UserInfo:
+ user_infos: dict = {}
+ async def load_friends(self, bot: satori.Bot):
+ nonebot.logger.info("Update user info from friends")
+ friend_response = await bot.friend_list()
+ while friend_response.next is not None:
+ for i in friend_response.data:
+ i: User = i
+ self.user_infos[str(i.id)] = i
+ friend_response = await bot.friend_list(next_token=friend_response.next)
+ for i in friend_response.data:
+ i: User = i
+ self.user_infos[str(i.id)] = i
+ nonebot.logger.info("Finish update user info")
+ async def get(self, uid: int | str) -> User | None:
+ try:
+ return self.user_infos[str(uid)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ async def put(self, user: User) -> bool:
+ """
+ 向用户信息数据库中添加/修改一项,返回值仅代表数据是否变更,不代表操作是否成功
+ Args:
+ user: 要加入数据库的用户
+ Returns: 当数据库中用户信息发生变化时返回 True, 否则返回 False
+ """
+ try:
+ old_user: User = self.user_infos[str(user.id)]
+ attr_edited = False
+ if user.name is not None:
+ if old_user.name != user.name:
+ attr_edited = True
+ self.user_infos[str(user.id)].name = user.name
+ if user.nick is not None:
+ if old_user.nick != user.nick:
+ attr_edited = True
+ self.user_infos[str(user.id)].nick = user.nick
+ if user.avatar is not None:
+ if old_user.avatar != user.avatar:
+ attr_edited = True
+ self.user_infos[str(user.id)].avatar = user.avatar
+ return attr_edited
+ except KeyError:
+ self.user_infos[str(user.id)] = user
+ return True
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+user_infos = UserInfo()