mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 12:54:41 +08:00
576 lines
23 KiB
576 lines
23 KiB
import os
import uuid
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
import nonebot
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
default_color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
default_font = "resources/fonts/MiSans-Semibold.ttf"
def render_canvas_from_json(file: str, background: Image) -> "Canvas":
class BasePanel:
def __init__(self,
uv_size: Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]] = (1.0, 1.0),
box_size: Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]] = (1.0, 1.0),
parent_point: Tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 0.5),
point: Tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 0.5)):
:param uv_size: 底面板大小
:param box_size: 子(自身)面板大小
:param parent_point: 底面板锚点
:param point: 子(自身)面板锚点
self.canvas: Canvas | None = None
self.uv_size = uv_size
self.box_size = box_size
self.parent_point = parent_point
self.point = point
self.parent: BasePanel | None = None
self.canvas_box: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
# 此节点在父节点上的盒子
self.box = (
self.parent_point[0] - self.point[0] * self.box_size[0] / self.uv_size[0],
self.parent_point[1] - self.point[1] * self.box_size[1] / self.uv_size[1],
self.parent_point[0] + (1 - self.point[0]) * self.box_size[0] / self.uv_size[0],
self.parent_point[1] + (1 - self.point[1]) * self.box_size[1] / self.uv_size[1]
def load(self, only_calculate=False):
self.actual_pos = self.canvas_box
def save_as(self, canvas_box, only_calculate=False):
:param only_calculate:
:param canvas_box 此节点在画布上的盒子,并不是在父节点上的盒子
for name, child in self.__dict__.items():
# 此节点在画布上的盒子
if isinstance(child, BasePanel) and name not in ["canvas", "parent"]:
child.parent = self
if isinstance(self, Canvas):
child.canvas = self
child.canvas = self.canvas
dxc = canvas_box[2] - canvas_box[0]
dyc = canvas_box[3] - canvas_box[1]
child.canvas_box = (
canvas_box[0] + dxc * child.box[0],
canvas_box[1] + dyc * child.box[1],
canvas_box[0] + dxc * child.box[2],
canvas_box[1] + dyc * child.box[3]
child.save_as(child.canvas_box, only_calculate)
class Canvas(BasePanel):
def __init__(self, base_img: Image.Image):
self.base_img = base_img
self.canvas = self
super(Canvas, self).__init__()
self.draw_line_list = []
def export(self, file, alpha=False):
self.base_img = self.base_img.convert("RGBA")
self.save_as((0, 0, 1, 1))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.base_img)
for line in self.draw_line_list:
if not alpha:
self.base_img = self.base_img.convert("RGB")
def delete(self):
def get_actual_box(self, path: str) -> Union[None, Tuple[float, float, float, float]]:
:param path: 控件路径
sub_obj = self
self.save_as((0, 0, 1, 1), True)
control_path = ""
for i, seq in enumerate(path.split(".")):
if seq not in sub_obj.__dict__:
raise KeyError(f"在{control_path}中找不到控件:{seq}")
control_path += f".{seq}"
sub_obj = sub_obj.__dict__[seq]
return sub_obj.actual_pos
def get_actual_pixel_size(self, path: str) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int]]:
:param path: 控件路径
sub_obj = self
self.save_as((0, 0, 1, 1), True)
control_path = ""
for i, seq in enumerate(path.split(".")):
if seq not in sub_obj.__dict__:
raise KeyError(f"在{control_path}中找不到控件:{seq}")
control_path += f".{seq}"
sub_obj = sub_obj.__dict__[seq]
dx = int(sub_obj.canvas.base_img.size[0] * (sub_obj.actual_pos[2] - sub_obj.actual_pos[0]))
dy = int(sub_obj.canvas.base_img.size[1] * (sub_obj.actual_pos[3] - sub_obj.actual_pos[1]))
return dx, dy
def get_actual_pixel_box(self, path: str) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
:param path: 控件路径
sub_obj = self
self.save_as((0, 0, 1, 1), True)
control_path = ""
for i, seq in enumerate(path.split(".")):
if seq not in sub_obj.__dict__:
raise KeyError(f"在{control_path}中找不到控件:{seq}")
control_path += f".{seq}"
sub_obj = sub_obj.__dict__[seq]
x1 = int(sub_obj.canvas.base_img.size[0] * sub_obj.actual_pos[0])
y1 = int(sub_obj.canvas.base_img.size[1] * sub_obj.actual_pos[1])
x2 = int(sub_obj.canvas.base_img.size[2] * sub_obj.actual_pos[2])
y2 = int(sub_obj.canvas.base_img.size[3] * sub_obj.actual_pos[3])
return x1, y1, x2, y2
def get_parent_box(self, path: str) -> Union[None, Tuple[float, float, float, float]]:
:param path: 控件路径
sub_obj = self.get_control_by_path(path)
on_parent_pos = (
(sub_obj.actual_pos[0] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[0]) / (sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[2] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[0]),
(sub_obj.actual_pos[1] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[1]) / (sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[3] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[1]),
(sub_obj.actual_pos[2] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[0]) / (sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[2] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[0]),
(sub_obj.actual_pos[3] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[1]) / (sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[3] - sub_obj.parent.actual_pos[1])
return on_parent_pos
def get_control_by_path(self, path: str) -> Union[BasePanel, "Img", "Rectangle", "Text"]:
sub_obj = self
self.save_as((0, 0, 1, 1), True)
control_path = ""
for i, seq in enumerate(path.split(".")):
if seq not in sub_obj.__dict__:
raise KeyError(f"在{control_path}中找不到控件:{seq}")
control_path += f".{seq}"
sub_obj = sub_obj.__dict__[seq]
return sub_obj
def draw_line(self, path: str, p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float], color, width):
:param color:
:param width:
:param path:
:param p1:
:param p2:
ac_pos = self.get_actual_box(path)
control = self.get_control_by_path(path)
dx = ac_pos[2] - ac_pos[0]
dy = ac_pos[3] - ac_pos[1]
xy_box = int((ac_pos[0] + dx * p1[0]) * control.canvas.base_img.size[0]), int((ac_pos[1] + dy * p1[1]) * control.canvas.base_img.size[1]), int(
(ac_pos[0] + dx * p2[0]) * control.canvas.base_img.size[0]), int((ac_pos[1] + dy * p2[1]) * control.canvas.base_img.size[1])
self.draw_line_list.append((xy_box, color, width))
class Panel(BasePanel):
def __init__(self, uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point):
super(Panel, self).__init__(uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point)
class TextSegment:
def __init__(self, text, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(text, str):
raise TypeError("请输入字符串")
self.text = text
self.color = kwargs.get("color", None)
self.font = kwargs.get("font", None)
def text2text_segment_list(text: str):
:param text: %FFFFFFFF%1123%FFFFFFFF%21323
class Text(BasePanel):
def __init__(self, uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point, text: Union[str, list], font=default_font, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), vertical=False,
line_feed=False, force_size=False, fill=(0, 0, 0, 0), fillet=0, outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), outline_width=0, rectangle_side=0, font_size=None, dp: int = 5,
anchor: str = "la"):
:param uv_size:
:param box_size:
:param parent_point:
:param point:
:param text: list[TextSegment] | str
:param font:
:param color:
:param vertical: 是否竖直
:param line_feed: 是否换行
:param force_size: 强制大小
:param dp: 字体大小递减精度
:param anchor : https://www.zhihu.com/question/474216280
:param fill: 底部填充颜色
:param fillet: 填充圆角
:param rectangle_side: 边框宽度
:param outline: 填充矩形边框颜色
:param outline_width: 填充矩形边框宽度
self.actual_pos = None
self.outline_width = outline_width
self.outline = outline
self.fill = fill
self.fillet = fillet
self.font = font
self.text = text
self.color = color
self.force_size = force_size
self.vertical = vertical
self.line_feed = line_feed
self.dp = dp
self.font_size = font_size
self.rectangle_side = rectangle_side
self.anchor = anchor
super(Text, self).__init__(uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point)
def load(self, only_calculate=False):
if isinstance(self.text, str):
self.text = [
TextSegment(text=self.text, color=self.color, font=self.font)
all_text = str()
for text in self.text:
all_text += text.text
limited_size = int((self.canvas_box[2] - self.canvas_box[0]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[0]), int((self.canvas_box[3] - self.canvas_box[1]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[1])
font_size = limited_size[1] if self.font_size is None else self.font_size
image_font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font, font_size)
actual_size = image_font.getsize(all_text)
while (actual_size[0] > limited_size[0] or actual_size[1] > limited_size[1]) and not self.force_size:
font_size -= self.dp
image_font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font, font_size)
actual_size = image_font.getsize(all_text)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.canvas.base_img)
if isinstance(self.parent, Img) or isinstance(self.parent, Text):
self.parent.canvas_box = self.parent.actual_pos
dx0 = self.parent.canvas_box[2] - self.parent.canvas_box[0]
dy0 = self.parent.canvas_box[3] - self.parent.canvas_box[1]
dx1 = actual_size[0] / self.canvas.base_img.size[0]
dy1 = actual_size[1] / self.canvas.base_img.size[1]
start_point = [
int((self.parent.canvas_box[0] + dx0 * self.parent_point[0] - dx1 * self.point[0]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[0]),
int((self.parent.canvas_box[1] + dy0 * self.parent_point[1] - dy1 * self.point[1]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[1])
self.actual_pos = (
start_point[0] / self.canvas.base_img.size[0],
start_point[1] / self.canvas.base_img.size[1],
(start_point[0] + actual_size[0]) / self.canvas.base_img.size[0],
(start_point[1] + actual_size[1]) / self.canvas.base_img.size[1],
self.font_size = font_size
if not only_calculate:
for text_segment in self.text:
if text_segment.color is None:
text_segment.color = self.color
if text_segment.font is None:
text_segment.font = self.font
image_font = ImageFont.truetype(font=text_segment.font, size=font_size)
if self.fill[-1] > 0:
rectangle = Shape.rectangle(size=(actual_size[0] + 2 * self.rectangle_side, actual_size[1] + 2 * self.rectangle_side), fillet=self.fillet, fill=self.fill,
width=self.outline_width, outline=self.outline)
self.canvas.base_img.paste(im=rectangle, box=(start_point[0] - self.rectangle_side,
start_point[1] - self.rectangle_side,
start_point[0] + actual_size[0] + self.rectangle_side,
start_point[1] + actual_size[1] + self.rectangle_side),
draw.text((start_point[0] - self.rectangle_side, start_point[1] - self.rectangle_side),
text_segment.text, text_segment.color, font=image_font, anchor=self.anchor)
text_width = image_font.getsize(text_segment.text)
start_point[0] += text_width[0]
class Img(BasePanel):
def __init__(self, uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point, img: Image.Image, keep_ratio=True):
self.img_base_img = img
self.keep_ratio = keep_ratio
super(Img, self).__init__(uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point)
def load(self, only_calculate=False):
self.img_base_img = self.img_base_img.convert("RGBA")
limited_size = int((self.canvas_box[2] - self.canvas_box[0]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[0]), \
int((self.canvas_box[3] - self.canvas_box[1]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[1])
if self.keep_ratio:
actual_ratio = self.img_base_img.size[0] / self.img_base_img.size[1]
limited_ratio = limited_size[0] / limited_size[1]
if actual_ratio >= limited_ratio:
# 图片过长
self.img_base_img = self.img_base_img.resize(
(int(self.img_base_img.size[0] * limited_size[0] / self.img_base_img.size[0]),
int(self.img_base_img.size[1] * limited_size[0] / self.img_base_img.size[0]))
self.img_base_img = self.img_base_img.resize(
(int(self.img_base_img.size[0] * limited_size[1] / self.img_base_img.size[1]),
int(self.img_base_img.size[1] * limited_size[1] / self.img_base_img.size[1]))
self.img_base_img = self.img_base_img.resize(limited_size)
# 占比长度
if isinstance(self.parent, Img) or isinstance(self.parent, Text):
self.parent.canvas_box = self.parent.actual_pos
dx0 = self.parent.canvas_box[2] - self.parent.canvas_box[0]
dy0 = self.parent.canvas_box[3] - self.parent.canvas_box[1]
dx1 = self.img_base_img.size[0] / self.canvas.base_img.size[0]
dy1 = self.img_base_img.size[1] / self.canvas.base_img.size[1]
start_point = (
int((self.parent.canvas_box[0] + dx0 * self.parent_point[0] - dx1 * self.point[0]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[0]),
int((self.parent.canvas_box[1] + dy0 * self.parent_point[1] - dy1 * self.point[1]) * self.canvas.base_img.size[1])
alpha = self.img_base_img.split()[3]
self.actual_pos = (
start_point[0] / self.canvas.base_img.size[0],
start_point[1] / self.canvas.base_img.size[1],
(start_point[0] + self.img_base_img.size[0]) / self.canvas.base_img.size[0],
(start_point[1] + self.img_base_img.size[1]) / self.canvas.base_img.size[1],
if not only_calculate:
self.canvas.base_img.paste(self.img_base_img, start_point, alpha)
def preprocess(self):
class Rectangle(Img):
def __init__(self, uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point, fillet: Union[int, float] = 0, img: Union[Image.Image] = None, keep_ratio=True,
color=default_color, outline_width=0, outline_color=default_color):
:param uv_size:
:param box_size:
:param parent_point:
:param point:
:param fillet: 圆角半径浮点或整数
:param img:
:param keep_ratio:
self.fillet = fillet
self.color = color
self.outline_width = outline_width
self.outline_color = outline_color
super(Rectangle, self).__init__(uv_size, box_size, parent_point, point, img, keep_ratio)
def preprocess(self):
limited_size = (int(self.canvas.base_img.size[0] * (self.canvas_box[2] - self.canvas_box[0])),
int(self.canvas.base_img.size[1] * (self.canvas_box[3] - self.canvas_box[1])))
if not self.keep_ratio and self.img_base_img is not None and self.img_base_img.size[0] / self.img_base_img.size[1] != limited_size[0] / limited_size[1]:
self.img_base_img = self.img_base_img.resize(limited_size)
self.img_base_img = Shape.rectangle(size=limited_size, fillet=self.fillet, fill=self.color, width=self.outline_width, outline=self.outline_color)
class Color:
GREY = (128, 128, 128, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255, 255)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0, 255)
PURPLE = (255, 0, 255, 255)
CYAN = (0, 255, 255, 255)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0, 255)
def hex2dec(colorHex: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
:param colorHex: FFFFFFFF (ARGB)-> (R, G, B, A)
return int(colorHex[2:4], 16), int(colorHex[4:6], 16), int(colorHex[6:8], 16), int(colorHex[0:2], 16)
class Shape:
def circular(radius: int, fill: tuple, width: int = 0, outline: tuple = Color.BLACK) -> Image.Image:
:param radius: 半径(像素)
:param fill: 填充颜色
:param width: 轮廓粗细(像素)
:param outline: 轮廓颜色
:return: 圆形Image对象
img = Image.new("RGBA", (radius * 2, radius * 2), color=radius)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.ellipse(xy=(0, 0, radius * 2, radius * 2), fill=fill, outline=outline, width=width)
return img
def rectangle(size: Tuple[int, int], fill: tuple, width: int = 0, outline: tuple = Color.BLACK, fillet: int = 0) -> Image.Image:
:param fillet: 圆角半径(像素)
:param size: 长宽(像素)
:param fill: 填充颜色
:param width: 轮廓粗细(像素)
:param outline: 轮廓颜色
:return: 矩形Image对象
img = Image.new("RGBA", size, color=fill)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.rounded_rectangle(xy=(0, 0, size[0], size[1]), fill=fill, outline=outline, width=width, radius=fillet)
return img
def ellipse(size: Tuple[int, int], fill: tuple, outline: int = 0, outline_color: tuple = Color.BLACK) -> Image.Image:
:param size: 长宽(像素)
:param fill: 填充颜色
:param outline: 轮廓粗细(像素)
:param outline_color: 轮廓颜色
:return: 椭圆Image对象
img = Image.new("RGBA", size, color=fill)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.ellipse(xy=(0, 0, size[0], size[1]), fill=fill, outline=outline_color, width=outline)
return img
def polygon(points: List[Tuple[int, int]], fill: tuple, outline: int, outline_color: tuple) -> Image.Image:
:param points: 多边形顶点列表
:param fill: 填充颜色
:param outline: 轮廓粗细(像素)
:param outline_color: 轮廓颜色
:return: 多边形Image对象
img = Image.new("RGBA", (max(points)[0], max(points)[1]), color=fill)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.polygon(xy=points, fill=fill, outline=outline_color, width=outline)
return img
def line(points: List[Tuple[int, int]], fill: tuple, width: int) -> Image:
:param points: 线段顶点列表
:param fill: 填充颜色
:param width: 线段粗细(像素)
:return: 线段Image对象
img = Image.new("RGBA", (max(points)[0], max(points)[1]), color=fill)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.line(xy=points, fill=fill, width=width)
return img
class Utils:
def central_clip_by_ratio(img: Image.Image, size: Tuple, use_cache=True):
:param use_cache: 是否使用缓存,剪切过一次后默认生成缓存
:param img:
:param size: 仅为比例,满填充裁剪
cache_file_path = str()
if use_cache:
filename_without_end = ".".join(os.path.basename(img.fp.name).split(".")[0:-1]) + f"_{size[0]}x{size[1]}" + ".png"
cache_file_path = os.path.join(".cache", filename_without_end)
if os.path.exists(cache_file_path):
return Image.open(os.path.join(".cache", filename_without_end))
img_ratio = img.size[0] / img.size[1]
limited_ratio = size[0] / size[1]
if limited_ratio > img_ratio:
actual_size = (
img.size[0] / size[0] * size[1]
box = (
0, (img.size[1] - actual_size[1]) // 2,
img.size[0], img.size[1] - (img.size[1] - actual_size[1]) // 2
actual_size = (
img.size[1] / size[1] * size[0],
box = (
(img.size[0] - actual_size[0]) // 2, 0,
img.size[0] - (img.size[0] - actual_size[0]) // 2, img.size[1]
img = img.crop(box).resize(size)
if use_cache:
return img
def circular_clip(img: Image.Image):
:param img:
length = min(img.size)
alpha_cover = Image.new("RGBA", (length, length), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
if img.size[0] > img.size[1]:
box = (
(img.size[0] - img[1]) // 2, 0,
(img.size[0] - img[1]) // 2 + img.size[1], img.size[1]
box = (
0, (img.size[1] - img.size[0]) // 2,
img.size[0], (img.size[1] - img.size[0]) // 2 + img.size[0]
img = img.crop(box).resize((length, length))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(alpha_cover)
draw.ellipse(xy=(0, 0, length, length), fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
alpha = alpha_cover.split()[-1]
return img
def open_img(path) -> Image.Image:
return Image.open(path, "RGBA")