# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 伶伦 开发交流群 861684859 """ 伶伦转换器 Linglun Converter 版权所有 © 2023 金羿 & 睿穆开发组 Copyright © 2023 EillesWan & TriM Org. 开源相关声明请见 ./License.md Terms & Conditions: ./Lisense.md """ __version__ = "0.0.3" import datetime import os import random import sys import Musicreater from Musicreater.plugin import ConvertConfig from Musicreater.plugin.bdxfile import to_BDX_file_in_delay, to_BDX_file_in_score from Musicreater.plugin.funcpack import to_function_addon_in_score from Musicreater.plugin.mcstructpack import to_mcstructure_addon_in_delay from utils.io import * from languages.lang import languages print("小贴:不妨试试Mid-BDX转换网页:在线的多功能Midi转换器") print("https://dislink.github.io/midi2bdx/") MainConsole.print( "[#121110 on #F0F2F4] ", style="#121110 on #F0F2F4", justify="center", ) osc.project_name = "伶伦转换器" osc.version = __version__ def go_for_args( languageChange: str = "ZH-CN", debugMode: str = "False", logfile: str = "True" ): global currentLang global logger currentLang = ( languageChange.upper() if languageChange.upper() in languages.keys() else "ZH-CN" ) osc.isRelease = False if debugMode.lower() in ("true", "1") else True logger.printing = not osc.isRelease logger.writing = True if logfile.lower() in ("true", "1") else False if len(sys.argv) > 0: go_for_args(*sys.argv) def _(__): """ `languages` """ return languages[currentLang][__] # 显示大标题 MainConsole.rule(title="[bold #AB70FF]欢迎使用伶伦独立转换器", characters="=", style="#26E2FF") MainConsole.rule(title="[bold #AB70FF]Welcome to Linglun Converter", characters="-") nowYang = datetime.datetime.now() if nowYang.month == 8 and nowYang.day == 6: # 诸葛八卦生日 MainConsole.print( "[#7DB5F0 on #121110]今天可不是催更的日子!\n诸葛亮与八卦阵{}岁生日快乐!".format(nowYang.year - 2008), style="#7DB5F0 on #121110", justify="center", ) elif nowYang.month == 4 and nowYang.day == 3: # 金羿生日快乐 MainConsole.print( "[#0089F2 on #F0F2F4]今天就不要催更啦!\n金羿{}岁生日快乐!".format(nowYang.year - 2006), style="#0089F2 on #F0F2F4", justify="center", ) else: # 显示箴言部分 MainConsole.print( "[#121110 on #F0F2F4]{}".format(random.choice(myWords)), style="#121110 on #F0F2F4", justify="center", ) prt(f"{_('LangChd')}{_(':')}{_(currentLang)}") def format_ipt( notice: str, fun, err_note: str = f"{_('ErrEnter')}{_(',')}{_('Re-Enter')}{_('.')}", *extraArg, ): """循环输入,以某种格式 notice: 输入时的提示 fun: 格式函数 err_note: 输入不符格式时的提示 *extraArg: 对于函数的其他参数""" while True: result = ipt(notice) try: fun_result = fun(result, *extraArg) break except ValueError: prt(err_note) continue return result, fun_result # 获取midi列表 while True: midi_path = ipt(f"{_('ChoosePath')}{_(':')}").lower() if os.path.exists(midi_path): if os.path.isfile(midi_path): midis = (midi_path,) elif os.path.isdir(midi_path): midis = tuple( ( os.path.join(midi_path, i) for i in os.listdir(midi_path) if i.lower().endswith(".mid") or i.lower().endswith(".midi") ) ) else: prt(f"{_('ErrEnter')}{_(',')}{_('Re-Enter')}{_('.')}") continue else: prt(f"{_('FileNotFound')}{_(',')}{_('Re-Enter')}{_('.')}") continue break # 获取输出地址 out_path = format_ipt( f"{_('ChooseOutPath')}{_(':')}", os.path.exists, f"{_('FileNotFound')}{_(',')}{_('Re-Enter')}{_('.')}", )[0].lower() # 选择输出格式 def is_in_bdx_mcpack(sth: str): if sth.lower() in ("0", "mcpack"): return 0 elif sth.lower() in ("1", "bdx"): return 1 else: raise ValueError("文件格式字符串啊?") fileFormat = format_ipt( f"{_('ChooseFileFormat')}{_(':')}", is_in_bdx_mcpack, f"{_('ErrEnter')}{_(',')}{_('Re-Enter')}{_('.')}", )[1] def is_in_player(sth: str): if sth.lower() in ("0", "延迟", "delay"): return 0 elif sth.lower() in ("1", "计分板", "scoreboard"): return 1 else: raise ValueError("播放器字符串啊?") playerFormat = format_ipt( f"{_('ChoosePlayer')}{_(':')}", is_in_player, f"{_('ErrEnter')}{_(',')}{_('Re-Enter')}{_('.')}", )[1] # 真假字符串判断 def bool_str(sth: str) -> bool: try: return bool(int(sth)) except ValueError: if str(sth).lower() in ("true", "真", "是"): return True elif str(sth).lower() == ("false", "假", "否", "非"): return False else: raise ValueError("布尔字符串啊?") if os.path.exists("./demo_config.json"): import json prompts = json.load(open("./demo_config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8")) prompts = prompts[:-1] else: prompts = [] # 提示语 检测函数 错误提示语 for args in [ ( f'{_("EnterVolume")}{_(":")}', float, ), ( f'{_("EnterSpeed")}{_(":")}', float, ), ( f'{_("WhetherPgb")}{_(":")}', bool_str, ), ( f'{_("EnterSbName")}{_(":")}', str, ) if playerFormat == 1 else ( f'{_("EnterSelecter")}{_(":")}', str, ), ( f'{_("WhetherSbReset")}{_(":")}', bool_str, ) if playerFormat == 1 else (), ( f'{_("EnterAuthor")}{_(":")}', str, ) if fileFormat == 1 else (), ( f'{_("EnterMaxHeight")}{_(":")}', int, ) if playerFormat == 0 else (), ]: if args: prompts.append(format_ipt(*args)[1]) for singleMidi in midis: prt("\n" f"{_('Dealing')} {singleMidi} {_(':')}") cvt_mid = Musicreater.MidiConvert.from_midi_file(singleMidi, old_exe_format=False) cvt_cfg = ConvertConfig(out_path, *prompts[:3]) conversion_result = (( to_function_addon_in_score(cvt_mid, cvt_cfg, *prompts[3:]) if playerFormat == 1 else to_mcstructure_addon_in_delay(cvt_mid, cvt_cfg, *prompts[3:]) )if fileFormat == 0 else ( to_BDX_file_in_score(cvt_mid, cvt_cfg, *prompts[3:]) if playerFormat == 1 else to_BDX_file_in_delay(cvt_mid, cvt_cfg, *prompts[3:]) )) prt( f" {_('CmdLength')}{_(':')}{conversion_result[0]}{_(',')}{_('MaxDelay')}{_(':')}{conversion_result[1]}{f'''{_(',')}{_('PlaceSize')}{_(':')}{conversion_result[2]}{_(',')}{_('LastPos')}{_(':')}{conversion_result[3]}''' if fileFormat == 1 else ''}" ) exitSth = ipt(_("PressEnterExit")).lower() if exitSth == "record": import json with open("./demo_config.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(prompts, f) elif exitSth == "delrec": os.remove("./demo_config.json")