## Before we Use ### Installing Terminal APP We choose **Termux** as the Terminal APP as it is the powerful Linux simulator. 1. Dowloading From both [GitHub](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/releases) or [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/) to download is OK. 2. Installing *APK* file is easy to install and you must know it without my instruments, you can see something like below after opening this app. 3. Finish OK, congratulations for ok installing *Termux*. ### Installing Runtime Environment 1. Installing **Python** ```bash apt-get install python3 ``` The picture left below is while you may enter `Y` to continue. Aftering succeed in installing you will see as right bicture below.
OK, let try whether success installing **Python** via ```bash python3 -V ``` Sth. like `Python 3.X.X` will occur if so. 3. Installing dependences ```bash pip install mido pip install brotli ``` Sth. like below will occur if successful. ### Install Downloading Tool Tired to translate, QwQ..... Sleep for a while and this can be a TO-DO. 既然已经有了运行环境,那么我们就需要下载下我们的**音·创库版示例代码**工具,我非常推崇**Git**这种方便快捷好用还能下载仓库的代码管理器,这个世界上你也找不到第二个,所以我们来安装一下: ```bash pkg install git ``` 安装完成后记得测试一下: ## 本代码库的下载与演示程序的使用 1. 使用Git下载本库及其示例代码 ```bash git clone -b pkgver https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git MSCTpkgver ``` 当上述命令执行成功,你会在执行此命令的所在位置发现一个名为 `MSCTpkgver` 的文件夹,其中包含的正是我们心心念念下载的本程序和示例代码。 而我们要运行的也正是示例代码,因此,赶快进入下载到的文件夹: ```bash cd MSCTpkgver ``` 1. 开始使用演示程序 依照你的需要,执行以下命令以运行库的演示程序: ```bash python magicDemo.py ``` 运行成功了,哦耶!