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synced 2025-03-14 12:51:55 +08:00
342 lines
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342 lines
11 KiB
import sys
from typing import Tuple, Union
import pytest
from nonebug import App
from utils import make_fake_event, make_fake_message
async def test_rule(app: App):
from nonebot.rule import Rule
from nonebot.exception import SkippedException
async def falsy():
return False
async def truthy():
return True
async def skipped() -> bool:
raise SkippedException
def _is_eq(a: Rule, b: Rule) -> bool:
return {d.call for d in a.checkers} == {d.call for d in b.checkers}
assert _is_eq(Rule(truthy) & None, Rule(truthy))
assert _is_eq(Rule(truthy) & falsy, Rule(truthy, falsy))
assert _is_eq(Rule(truthy) & Rule(falsy), Rule(truthy, falsy))
assert _is_eq(None & Rule(truthy), Rule(truthy))
assert _is_eq(truthy & Rule(falsy), Rule(truthy, falsy))
event = make_fake_event()()
async with app.test_api() as ctx:
bot = ctx.create_bot()
assert await Rule(falsy)(bot, event, {}) == False
assert await Rule(truthy)(bot, event, {}) == True
assert await Rule(skipped)(bot, event, {}) == False
assert await Rule(truthy, falsy)(bot, event, {}) == False
assert await Rule(truthy, skipped)(bot, event, {}) == False
("prefix", False, "message", "prefix_", True),
("prefix", False, "message", "Prefix_", False),
("prefix", True, "message", "prefix_", True),
("prefix", True, "message", "Prefix_", True),
("prefix", False, "message", "prefoo", False),
("prefix", False, "message", "fooprefix", False),
(("prefix", "foo"), False, "message", "fooprefix", True),
("prefix", False, "notice", "foo", False),
async def test_startswith(
app: App,
msg: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
ignorecase: bool,
type: str,
text: str,
expected: bool,
from nonebot.rule import StartswithRule, startswith
test_startswith = startswith(msg, ignorecase)
dependent = list(test_startswith.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, StartswithRule)
assert checker.msg == (msg,) if isinstance(msg, str) else msg
assert checker.ignorecase == ignorecase
message = make_fake_message()(text)
event = make_fake_event(_type=type, _message=message)()
assert await dependent(event=event) == expected
("suffix", False, "message", "_suffix", True),
("suffix", False, "message", "_Suffix", False),
("suffix", True, "message", "_suffix", True),
("suffix", True, "message", "_Suffix", True),
("suffix", False, "message", "suffoo", False),
("suffix", False, "message", "suffixfoo", False),
(("suffix", "foo"), False, "message", "suffixfoo", True),
("suffix", False, "notice", "foo", False),
async def test_endswith(
app: App,
msg: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
ignorecase: bool,
type: str,
text: str,
expected: bool,
from nonebot.rule import EndswithRule, endswith
test_endswith = endswith(msg, ignorecase)
dependent = list(test_endswith.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, EndswithRule)
assert checker.msg == (msg,) if isinstance(msg, str) else msg
assert checker.ignorecase == ignorecase
message = make_fake_message()(text)
event = make_fake_event(_type=type, _message=message)()
assert await dependent(event=event) == expected
("fullmatch", False, "message", "fullmatch", True),
("fullmatch", False, "message", "Fullmatch", False),
("fullmatch", True, "message", "fullmatch", True),
("fullmatch", True, "message", "Fullmatch", True),
("fullmatch", False, "message", "fullfoo", False),
("fullmatch", False, "message", "_fullmatch_", False),
(("fullmatch", "foo"), False, "message", "fullmatchfoo", False),
("fullmatch", False, "notice", "foo", False),
async def test_fullmatch(
app: App,
msg: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
ignorecase: bool,
type: str,
text: str,
expected: bool,
from nonebot.rule import FullmatchRule, fullmatch
test_fullmatch = fullmatch(msg, ignorecase)
dependent = list(test_fullmatch.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, FullmatchRule)
assert checker.msg == ((msg,) if isinstance(msg, str) else msg)
assert checker.ignorecase == ignorecase
message = make_fake_message()(text)
event = make_fake_event(_type=type, _message=message)()
assert await dependent(event=event) == expected
(("key",), "message", "_key_", True),
(("key", "foo"), "message", "_foo_", True),
(("key",), "notice", "foo", False),
async def test_keyword(
app: App,
kws: Tuple[str, ...],
type: str,
text: str,
expected: bool,
from nonebot.rule import KeywordsRule, keyword
test_keyword = keyword(*kws)
dependent = list(test_keyword.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, KeywordsRule)
assert checker.keywords == kws
message = make_fake_message()(text)
event = make_fake_event(_type=type, _message=message)()
assert await dependent(event=event) == expected
"cmds", [(("help",),), (("help", "foo"),), (("help",), ("foo",))]
async def test_command(app: App, cmds: Tuple[Tuple[str, ...]]):
from nonebot.rule import CommandRule, command
from nonebot.consts import CMD_KEY, PREFIX_KEY
test_command = command(*cmds)
dependent = list(test_command.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, CommandRule)
assert checker.cmds == cmds
for cmd in cmds:
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: cmd}}
assert await dependent(state=state)
async def test_shell_command(app: App):
from nonebot.typing import T_State
from nonebot.exception import ParserExit
from nonebot.rule import Namespace, ArgumentParser, ShellCommandRule, shell_command
state: T_State
CMD = ("test",)
Message = make_fake_message()
MessageSegment = Message.get_segment_class()
test_not_cmd = shell_command(CMD)
dependent = list(test_not_cmd.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ShellCommandRule)
message = Message()
event = make_fake_event(_message=message)()
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: ("not",), CMD_ARG_KEY: message}}
assert not await dependent(event=event, state=state)
test_no_parser = shell_command(CMD)
dependent = list(test_no_parser.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ShellCommandRule)
message = Message()
event = make_fake_event(_message=message)()
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: CMD, CMD_ARG_KEY: message}}
assert await dependent(event=event, state=state)
assert state[SHELL_ARGV] == []
assert SHELL_ARGS not in state
parser = ArgumentParser("test")
parser.add_argument("-a", required=True)
test_simple_parser = shell_command(CMD, parser=parser)
dependent = list(test_simple_parser.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ShellCommandRule)
message = Message("-a 1")
event = make_fake_event(_message=message)()
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: CMD, CMD_ARG_KEY: message}}
assert await dependent(event=event, state=state)
assert state[SHELL_ARGV] == ["-a", "1"]
assert state[SHELL_ARGS] == Namespace(a="1")
test_parser_help = shell_command(CMD, parser=parser)
dependent = list(test_parser_help.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ShellCommandRule)
message = Message("-h")
event = make_fake_event(_message=message)()
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: CMD, CMD_ARG_KEY: message}}
assert await dependent(event=event, state=state)
assert state[SHELL_ARGV] == ["-h"]
assert isinstance(state[SHELL_ARGS], ParserExit)
assert state[SHELL_ARGS].status == 0
assert state[SHELL_ARGS].message == parser.format_help()
test_parser_error = shell_command(CMD, parser=parser)
dependent = list(test_parser_error.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ShellCommandRule)
message = Message()
event = make_fake_event(_message=message)()
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: CMD, CMD_ARG_KEY: message}}
assert await dependent(event=event, state=state)
assert state[SHELL_ARGV] == []
assert isinstance(state[SHELL_ARGS], ParserExit)
assert state[SHELL_ARGS].status != 0
test_message_parser = shell_command(CMD, parser=parser)
dependent = list(test_message_parser.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ShellCommandRule)
message = MessageSegment.text("-a") + MessageSegment.image("test")
event = make_fake_event(_message=message)()
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: CMD, CMD_ARG_KEY: message}}
assert await dependent(event=event, state=state)
assert state[SHELL_ARGV] == ["-a", MessageSegment.image("test")]
assert state[SHELL_ARGS] == Namespace(a=MessageSegment.image("test"))
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
parser = ArgumentParser("test", exit_on_error=False)
parser.add_argument("-a", required=True)
test_not_exit = shell_command(CMD, parser=parser)
dependent = list(test_not_exit.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ShellCommandRule)
message = Message()
event = make_fake_event(_message=message)()
state = {PREFIX_KEY: {CMD_KEY: CMD, CMD_ARG_KEY: message}}
assert await dependent(event=event, state=state)
assert state[SHELL_ARGV] == []
assert isinstance(state[SHELL_ARGS], ParserExit)
assert state[SHELL_ARGS].status != 0
# TODO: regex
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expected", [True, False])
async def test_to_me(app: App, expected: bool):
from nonebot.rule import ToMeRule, to_me
test_keyword = to_me()
dependent = list(test_keyword.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, ToMeRule)
event = make_fake_event(_to_me=expected)()
assert await dependent(event=event) == expected
async def test_is_type(app: App):
from nonebot.rule import IsTypeRule, is_type
Event1 = make_fake_event()
Event2 = make_fake_event()
Event3 = make_fake_event()
test_type = is_type(Event1, Event2)
dependent = list(test_type.checkers)[0]
checker = dependent.call
assert isinstance(checker, IsTypeRule)
event = Event1()
assert await dependent(event=event)
event = Event3()
assert not await dependent(event=event)