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synced 2025-02-23 19:15:52 +08:00
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248 lines
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import json
import urllib.parse
from datetime import datetime
import time
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import httpx
from nonebot.log import logger
from nonebot.typing import overrides
from nonebot.message import handle_event
from nonebot.adapters import Bot as BaseBot
from nonebot.exception import RequestDenied
from .utils import calc_hmac_base64, log
from .config import Config as DingConfig
from .message import Message, MessageSegment
from .exception import NetworkError, ApiNotAvailable, ActionFailed, SessionExpired
from .event import MessageEvent, PrivateMessageEvent, GroupMessageEvent, ConversationType
from nonebot.config import Config
from nonebot.drivers import Driver
SEND = "send"
class Bot(BaseBot):
钉钉 协议 Bot 适配。继承属性参考 `BaseBot <./#class-basebot>`_ 。
ding_config: DingConfig
def __init__(self, connection_type: str, self_id: str, **kwargs):
super().__init__(connection_type, self_id, **kwargs)
def type(self) -> str:
- 返回: ``"ding"``
return "ding"
def register(cls, driver: "Driver", config: "Config"):
super().register(driver, config)
cls.ding_config = DingConfig(**config.dict())
async def check_permission(cls, driver: "Driver", connection_type: str,
headers: dict, body: Optional[bytes]) -> str:
钉钉协议鉴权。参考 `鉴权 <https://ding-doc.dingtalk.com/doc#/serverapi2/elzz1p>`_
timestamp = headers.get("timestamp")
sign = headers.get("sign")
# 检查连接方式
if connection_type not in ["http"]:
raise RequestDenied(
405, "Unsupported connection type, available type: `http`")
# 检查 timestamp
if not timestamp:
raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `timestamp` Header")
# 检查 sign
secret = cls.ding_config.secret
if secret:
if not sign:
log("WARNING", "Missing Signature Header")
raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `sign` Header")
sign_base64 = calc_hmac_base64(str(timestamp), secret)
if sign != sign_base64.decode('utf-8'):
log("WARNING", "Signature Header is invalid")
raise RequestDenied(403, "Signature is invalid")
log("WARNING", "Ding signature check ignored!")
return json.loads(body.decode())["chatbotUserId"]
async def handle_message(self, message: dict):
if not message:
# 判断消息类型,生成不同的 Event
conversation_type = message["conversationType"]
if conversation_type == ConversationType.private:
event = PrivateMessageEvent.parse_obj(message)
elif conversation_type == ConversationType.group:
event = GroupMessageEvent.parse_obj(message)
raise ValueError("Unsupported conversation type")
except Exception as e:
log("ERROR", "Event Parser Error", e)
await handle_event(self, event)
except Exception as e:
logger.opt(colors=True, exception=e).error(
f"<r><bg #f8bbd0>Failed to handle event. Raw: {message}</bg #f8bbd0></r>"
async def _call_api(self,
api: str,
event: Optional[MessageEvent] = None,
**data) -> Any:
if self.connection_type != "http":
log("ERROR", "Only support http connection.")
log("DEBUG", f"Calling API <y>{api}</y>")
params = {}
# 传入参数有 webhook,则使用传入的 webhook
webhook = data.get("webhook")
if webhook:
secret = data.get("secret")
if secret:
# 有这个参数的时候再计算加签的值
timestamp = str(round(time.time() * 1000))
params["timestamp"] = timestamp
hmac_code_base64 = calc_hmac_base64(timestamp, secret)
sign = urllib.parse.quote_plus(hmac_code_base64)
params["sign"] = sign
# webhook 不存在则使用 event 中的 sessionWebhook
if event:
# 确保 sessionWebhook 没有过期
if int(datetime.now().timestamp()) > int(
event.sessionWebhookExpiredTime / 1000):
raise SessionExpired
webhook = event.sessionWebhook
raise ApiNotAvailable
headers = {}
message: Message = data.get("message", None)
if not message:
raise ValueError("Message not found")
async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers) as client:
response = await client.post(webhook,
if 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
result = response.json()
if isinstance(result, dict):
if result.get("errcode") != 0:
raise ActionFailed(errcode=result.get("errcode"),
return result
raise NetworkError(f"HTTP request received unexpected "
f"status code: {response.status_code}")
except httpx.InvalidURL:
raise NetworkError("API root url invalid")
except httpx.HTTPError:
raise NetworkError("HTTP request failed")
async def call_api(self,
api: str,
event: Optional[MessageEvent] = None,
**data) -> Any:
调用 钉钉 协议 API
* ``api: str``: API 名称
* ``event: Optional[MessageEvent]``: Event 对象
* ``**data: Any``: API 参数
- ``Any``: API 调用返回数据
- ``NetworkError``: 网络错误
- ``ActionFailed``: API 调用失败
return await super().call_api(api, event=event, **data)
async def send(self,
event: MessageEvent,
message: Union[str, "Message", "MessageSegment"],
at_sender: bool = False,
webhook: Optional[str] = None,
secret: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs) -> Any:
根据 ``event`` 向触发事件的主体发送消息。
* ``event: Event``: Event 对象
* ``message: Union[str, Message, MessageSegment]``: 要发送的消息
* ``at_sender: bool``: 是否 @ 事件主体
* ``webhook: Optional[str]``: 该条消息将调用的 webhook 地址。不传则将使用 sessionWebhook,若其也不存在,该条消息不发送,使用自定义 webhook 时注意你设置的安全方式,如加关键词,IP地址,加签等等。
* ``secret: Optional[str]``: 如果你使用自定义的 webhook 地址,推荐使用加签方式对消息进行验证,将 `机器人安全设置页面,加签一栏下面显示的SEC开头的字符串` 传入这个参数即可。
* ``**kwargs``: 覆盖默认参数
- ``Any``: API 调用返回数据
- ``ValueError``: 缺少 ``user_id``, ``group_id``
- ``NetworkError``: 网络错误
- ``ActionFailed``: API 调用失败
msg = message if isinstance(message, Message) else Message(message)
at_sender = at_sender and bool(event.senderId)
params = {}
params["event"] = event
if webhook:
params["webhook"] = webhook
params["secret"] = secret
if at_sender and event.conversationType != ConversationType.private:
"message"] = f"@{event.senderId} " + msg + MessageSegment.atDingtalkIds(
params["message"] = msg
return await self.call_api(SEND, **params)