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Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, macos-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, macos-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, macos-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Failing after 2s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Failing after 6m59s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.10) (push) Failing after 7m7s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.10) (push) Failing after 5m14s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Failing after 5m42s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Failing after 4m51s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Failing after 7m12s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Failing after 6m33s
Pyright Lint / Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1) (push) Failing after 8m12s
Ruff Lint / Ruff Lint (push) Successful in 43s
Pyright Lint / Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2) (push) Failing after 6m56s
Site Deploy / publish (push) Failing after 7m21s
--- sidebar_position: 1 description: Alconna 命令解析拓展 slug: /best-practice/alconna/ --- import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; # Alconna 插件 [`nonebot-plugin-alconna`](https://github.com/nonebot/plugin-alconna) 是一类提供了拓展响应规则的插件。 该插件使用 [Alconna](https://github.com/ArcletProject/Alconna) 作为命令解析器, 是一个简单、灵活、高效的命令参数解析器,并且不局限于解析命令式字符串。 该插件提供了一类新的事件响应器辅助函数 `on_alconna`,以及 `AlconnaResult` 等依赖注入函数。 该插件声明了一个 `Matcher` 的子类 `AlconnaMatcher`,并在 `AlconnaMatcher` 中添加了一些新的方法,例如: - `assign`:基于 `Alconna` 解析结果,执行满足目标路径的处理函数 - `dispatch`:类似 `CommandGroup`,对目标路径创建一个新的 `AlconnaMatcher`,并将解析结果分配给该 `AlconnaMatcher` - `got_path`:类似 `got`,但是可以指定目标路径,并且能够验证解析结果是否可用 - ... 基于 `Alconna` 的特性,该插件同时提供了一系列便捷的消息段标注。 标注可用于在 `Alconna` 中匹配消息中除 text 外的其他消息段,也可用于快速创建各适配器下的消息段。所有标注位于 `nonebot_plugin_alconna.adapters` 中。 该插件同时通过提供 `UniMessage` (通用消息模型) 实现了**跨平台接收和发送消息**的功能。 ## 安装插件 在使用前请先安装 `nonebot-plugin-alconna` 插件至项目环境中,可参考[获取商店插件](../../tutorial/store.mdx#安装插件)来了解并选择安装插件的方式。如: 在**项目目录**下执行以下命令: <Tabs groupId="install"> <TabItem value="cli" label="使用 nb-cli"> ```shell nb plugin install nonebot-plugin-alconna ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="pip" label="使用 pip"> ```shell pip install nonebot-plugin-alconna ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="pdm" label="使用 pdm"> ```shell pdm add nonebot-plugin-alconna ``` </TabItem> </Tabs> ## 导入插件 由于 `nonebot-plugin-alconna` 作为插件,因此需要在使用前对其进行**加载**并**导入**其中的 `on_alconna` 来使用命令拓展。使用 `require` 方法可轻松完成这一过程,可参考 [跨插件访问](../../advanced/requiring.md) 一节进行了解。 ```python from nonebot import require require("nonebot_plugin_alconna") from nonebot_plugin_alconna import on_alconna ``` ## 使用插件 在前面的[深入指南](../../appendices/session-control.mdx)中,我们已经得到了一个天气插件。 现在我们将使用 `Alconna` 来改写这个插件。 <details> <summary>插件示例</summary> ```python title=weather/__init__.py from nonebot import on_command from nonebot.rule import to_me from nonebot.matcher import Matcher from nonebot.adapters import Message from nonebot.params import CommandArg, ArgPlainText weather = on_command("天气", rule=to_me(), aliases={"weather", "天气预报"}) @weather.handle() async def handle_function(matcher: Matcher, args: Message = CommandArg()): if args.extract_plain_text(): matcher.set_arg("location", args) @weather.got("location", prompt="请输入地名") async def got_location(location: str = ArgPlainText()): if location not in ["北京", "上海", "广州", "深圳"]: await weather.reject(f"你想查询的城市 {location} 暂不支持,请重新输入!") await weather.finish(f"今天{location}的天气是...") ``` </details> ```python {5-9,13-15,17-18} from nonebot.rule import to_me from arclet.alconna import Alconna, Args from nonebot_plugin_alconna import Match, on_alconna weather = on_alconna( Alconna("天气", Args["location?", str]), aliases={"weather", "天气预报"}, rule=to_me(), ) @weather.handle() async def handle_function(location: Match[str]): if location.available: weather.set_path_arg("location", location.result) @weather.got_path("location", prompt="请输入地名") async def got_location(location: str): if location not in ["北京", "上海", "广州", "深圳"]: await weather.reject(f"你想查询的城市 {location} 暂不支持,请重新输入!") await weather.finish(f"今天{location}的天气是...") ``` 在上面的代码中,我们使用 `Alconna` 来解析命令,`on_alconna` 用来创建响应器,使用 `Match` 来获取解析结果。 关于更多 `Alconna` 的使用方法,可参考 [Alconna 文档](https://arclet.top/docs/tutorial/alconna), 或阅读 [Alconna 基本介绍](./command.md) 一节。 关于更多 `on_alconna` 的使用方法,可参考 [插件文档](https://github.com/nonebot/plugin-alconna/blob/master/docs.md), 或阅读 [响应规则的使用](./matcher.mdx) 一节。 ## 交流与反馈 QQ 交流群: [🔗 链接](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=PUPOnCSH) 友链: [📚 文档](https://graiax.cn/guide/message_parser/alconna.html)