2020-08-11 16:54:45 +08:00

335 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import httpx
from nonebot.config import Config
from nonebot.message import handle_event
from nonebot.exception import ApiNotAvailable
from nonebot.adapters import BaseBot, BaseEvent, BaseMessage, BaseMessageSegment
from nonebot.typing import Union, Tuple, Iterable, Optional, overrides, WebSocket
def escape(s: str, *, escape_comma: bool = True) -> str:
对字符串进行 CQ 码转义。
``escape_comma`` 参数控制是否转义逗号(``,``)。
s = s.replace("&", "&") \
.replace("[", "[") \
.replace("]", "]")
if escape_comma:
s = s.replace(",", ",")
return s
def unescape(s: str) -> str:
"""对字符串进行 CQ 码去转义。"""
return s.replace(",", ",") \
.replace("[", "[") \
.replace("]", "]") \
.replace("&", "&")
def _b2s(b: bool) -> str:
return str(b).lower()
class Bot(BaseBot):
def __init__(self,
connection_type: str,
config: Config,
self_id: int,
websocket: WebSocket = None):
if connection_type not in ["http", "websocket"]:
raise ValueError("Unsupported connection type")
super().__init__(connection_type, config, self_id, websocket=websocket)
def type(self) -> str:
return "cqhttp"
async def handle_message(self, message: dict):
if not message:
# TODO: convert message into event
event = Event(message)
await handle_event(self, event)
async def call_api(self, api: str, data: dict):
# TODO: Call API
if self.type == "websocket":
elif self.type == "http":
api_root = self.config.api_root.get(self.self_id)
if not api_root:
raise ApiNotAvailable
elif not api_root.endswith("/"):
api_root += "/"
headers = {}
if self.config.access_token:
headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + self.config.access_token
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await + api)
if 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
# TODO: handle http api response
return ...
raise httpx.HTTPError(
"<HttpFailed {0.status_code} for url: {0.url}>", response)
class Event(BaseEvent):
def __init__(self, raw_event: dict):
if "message" in raw_event:
raw_event["message"] = Message(raw_event["message"])
def type(self) -> str:
return self._raw_event["post_type"]
def type(self, value) -> None:
self._raw_event["post_type"] = value
def detail_type(self) -> str:
return self._raw_event[f"{self.type}_type"]
def detail_type(self, value) -> None:
self._raw_event[f"{self.type}_type"] = value
def sub_type(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._raw_event.get("sub_type")
def sub_type(self, value) -> None:
self._raw_event["sub_type"] = value
class MessageSegment(BaseMessageSegment):
def __str__(self):
type_ = self.type
data =
# process special types
if type_ == "at_all":
type_ = "at"
data = {"qq": "all"}
elif type_ == "poke":
type_ = "shake"
elif type_ == "text":
return escape(data.get("text", ""), escape_comma=False)
params = ",".join([f"{k}={escape(str(v))}" for k, v in data.items()])
return f"[CQ:{type_}{',' if params else ''}{params}]"
def __add__(self, other) -> "Message":
return Message(self) + other
def anonymous(ignore_failure: bool = False) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("anonymous", {"ignore": _b2s(ignore_failure)})
def at(user_id: int) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("at", {"qq": str(user_id)})
def at_all() -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("at_all")
def contact_group(group_id: int) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("contact", {"type": "group", "id": str(group_id)})
def contact_user(user_id: int) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("contact", {"type": "qq", "id": str(user_id)})
def face(id_: int) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("face", {"id": str(id_)})
def forward(id_: str) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("forward", {"id": id_})
def image(file: str) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("image", {"file": file})
def location(latitude: float,
longitude: float,
title: str = "",
content: str = "") -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment(
"location", {
"lat": str(latitude),
"lon": str(longitude),
"title": title,
"content": content
def magic_face(type_: str) -> "MessageSegment":
if type_ not in ["dice", "rpc"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Coolq doesn't support magic face type {type_}. Supported types: dice, rpc."
return MessageSegment("magic_face", {"type": type_})
def music(type_: str,
id_: int,
style: Optional[int] = None) -> "MessageSegment":
if style is None:
return MessageSegment("music", {"type": type_, "id": id_})
return MessageSegment("music", {
"type": type_,
"id": id_,
"style": style
def music_custom(type_: str,
url: str,
audio: str,
title: str,
content: str = "",
img_url: str = "") -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment(
"music", {
"type": type_,
"url": url,
"audio": audio,
"title": title,
"content": content,
"image": img_url
def node(id_: int) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("node", {"id": str(id_)})
def node_custom(name: str, uin: int,
content: "Message") -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("node", {
"name": name,
"uin": str(uin),
"content": str(content)
def poke(type_: str = "Poke") -> "MessageSegment":
if type_ not in ["Poke"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Coolq doesn't support poke type {type_}. Supported types: Poke."
return MessageSegment("poke", {"type": type_})
def record(file: str, magic: bool = False) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("record", {"file": file, "magic": _b2s(magic)})
def replay(id_: int) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("replay", {"id": str(id_)})
def share(url: str = "",
title: str = "",
content: str = "",
img_url: str = "") -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("share", {
"url": url,
"title": title,
"content": content,
"img_url": img_url
def text(text: str) -> "MessageSegment":
return MessageSegment("text", {"text": text})
class Message(BaseMessage):
def _construct(msg: Union[str, dict, list]) -> Iterable[MessageSegment]:
if isinstance(msg, dict):
yield MessageSegment(msg["type"], msg.get("data") or {})
elif isinstance(msg, list):
for seg in msg:
yield MessageSegment(seg["type"], seg.get("data") or {})
def _iter_message() -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]:
text_begin = 0
for cqcode in re.finditer(
r"),?\]", msg):
yield "text", unescape(msg[text_begin:cqcode.pos +
text_begin = cqcode.pos + cqcode.end()
yield "text", unescape(msg[text_begin:])
for type_, data in _iter_message():
if type_ == "text":
if data:
# only yield non-empty text segment
yield MessageSegment(type_, {"text": data})
data = {
k: v for k, v in map(
lambda x: x.split("=", maxsplit=1),
filter(lambda x: x, (
x.lstrip() for x in data.split(","))))
if type_ == "at" and data["qq"] == "all":
type_ = "at_all"
elif type_ in ["dice", "rpc"]:
type_ = "magic_face"
data["type"] = type_
elif type_ == "shake":
type_ = "poke"
data["type"] = "Poke"
yield MessageSegment(type_, data)