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synced 2025-02-22 18:45:26 +08:00
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832 lines
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import re
import shlex
import asyncio
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial, update_wrapper
from typing import (Tuple, Union, Callable, Iterable, Any, Optional, List, Dict,
from aiocqhttp import Event as CQEvent
from nonebot import NoneBot, permission as perm
from nonebot.command.argfilter import ValidateError
from nonebot.helpers import context_id, send, render_expression
from nonebot.log import logger
from nonebot.message import Message
from nonebot.session import BaseSession
from nonebot.typing import (CommandName_T, CommandArgs_T, Message_T, State_T,
# key: context id
# value: CommandSession object
_sessions = {} # type: Dict[str, "CommandSession"]
CommandHandler_T = Callable[['CommandSession'], Any]
class Command:
__slots__ = ('name', 'func', 'permission', 'only_to_me', 'privileged',
'args_parser_func', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__',
'__annotations__', '__dict__')
def __init__(self, *, name: CommandName_T, func: CommandHandler_T,
permission: int, only_to_me: bool, privileged: bool):
self.name = name
self.func = func
self.permission = permission
self.only_to_me = only_to_me
self.privileged = privileged
self.args_parser_func: Optional[CommandHandler_T] = None
async def run(self, session, *, check_perm: bool = True,
dry: bool = False) -> bool:
Run the command in a given session.
:param session: CommandSession object
:param check_perm: should check permission before running
:param dry: just check any prerequisite, without actually running
:return: the command is finished (or can be run, given dry == True)
has_perm = await self._check_perm(session) if check_perm else True
if self.func and has_perm:
if dry:
return True
if session.current_arg_filters is not None and \
session.current_key is not None:
# argument-level filters are given, use them
arg = session.current_arg
config = session.bot.config
for f in session.current_arg_filters:
res = f(arg)
if isinstance(res, Awaitable):
res = await res
arg = res
except ValidateError as e:
# validation failed
# should check number of validation failures
session.state['__validation_failure_num'] = \
'__validation_failure_num', 0) + 1
if session.state['__validation_failure_num'] >= \
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
), **session._current_send_kwargs)
failure_message = e.message
if failure_message is None:
failure_message = render_expression(
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
# passed all filters
session.state[session.current_key] = arg
# fallback to command-level args_parser_func
if self.args_parser_func:
await self.args_parser_func(session)
if session.current_key is not None and \
session.current_key not in session.state:
# args_parser_func didn't set state, here we set it
session.state[session.current_key] = session.current_arg
await self.func(session)
return True
return False
async def _check_perm(self, session) -> bool:
Check if the session has sufficient permission to
call the command.
:param session: CommandSession object
:return: the session has the permission
return await perm.check_permission(session.bot, session.event,
def args_parser(self, parser_func: CommandHandler_T) -> CommandHandler_T:
Decorator to register a function as the arguments parser of
the corresponding command.
self.args_parser_func = parser_func
return parser_func
def __repr__(self):
return f'<Command, name={self.name.__repr__()}>'
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
class CommandManager:
"""Global Command Manager"""
_commands = {} # type: Dict[CommandName_T, Command]
_aliases = {} # type: Dict[str, Command]
_switches = {} # type: Dict[CommandName_T, bool]
def __init__(self):
self.commands = CommandManager._commands.copy()
self.aliases = CommandManager._aliases.copy()
self.switches = CommandManager._switches.copy()
def add_command(cls, cmd_name: CommandName_T, cmd: Command) -> None:
"""Register a command
cmd_name (CommandName_T): Command name
cmd (Command): Command object
if cmd_name in cls._commands:
warnings.warn(f"Command {cmd_name} already exists")
cls._switches[cmd_name] = True
cls._commands[cmd_name] = cmd
def reload_command(cls, cmd_name: CommandName_T, cmd: Command) -> None:
"""Reload a command
**Warning! Dangerous function**
cmd_name (CommandName_T): Command name
cmd (Command): Command object
if cmd_name not in cls._commands:
f"Command {cmd_name} does not exist. Please use add_command instead"
cls._commands[cmd_name] = cmd
def remove_command(cls, cmd_name: CommandName_T) -> bool:
"""Remove a command
**Warning! Dangerous function**
cmd_name (CommandName_T): Command name to remove
bool: Success or not
if cmd_name in cls._commands:
del cls._commands[cmd_name]
if cmd_name in cls._switches:
del cls._switches[cmd_name]
return True
return False
def switch_command_global(cls,
cmd_name: CommandName_T,
state: Optional[bool] = None):
"""Change command state globally or simply switch it if `state` is None
cmd_name (CommandName_T): Command name
state (Optional[bool]): State to change to. Defaults to None.
cls._switches[cmd_name] = not cls._switches[
cmd_name] if state is None else bool(state)
def add_aliases(cls, aliases: Union[Iterable[str], str], cmd: Command):
"""Register command alias(es)
aliases (Union[Iterable[str], str]): Command aliases
cmd_name (Command): Command
if isinstance(aliases, str):
aliases = (aliases,)
for alias in aliases:
if not isinstance(alias, str):
warnings.warn(f"Alias {alias} is not a string! Ignored")
elif alias in cls._aliases:
warnings.warn(f"Alias {alias} already exists")
cls._aliases[alias] = cmd
def _add_command_to_tree(self, cmd_name: CommandName_T, cmd: Command,
tree: Dict[str, Union[Dict, Command]]) -> None:
"""Add command to the target command tree.
cmd_name (CommandName_T): Name of the command
cmd (Command): Command object
tree (Dict[str, Union[Dict, Command]): Target command tree
current_parent = tree
for parent_key in cmd_name[:-1]:
current_parent[parent_key] = current_parent.get(parent_key) or {}
current_parent = current_parent[parent_key]
# TODO: 支持test test.sub子命令
if not isinstance(current_parent, dict):
warnings.warn(f"{current_parent} is not a registry dict")
if cmd_name[-1] in current_parent:
warnings.warn(f"There is already a command named {cmd_name}")
current_parent[cmd_name[-1]] = cmd
def _generate_command_tree(self, commands: Dict[CommandName_T, Command]
) -> Dict[str, Union[Dict, Command]]:
"""Generate command tree from commands dictionary.
commands (Dict[CommandName_T, Command]): Dictionary of commands
Dict[str, Union[Dict, "Command"]]: Command tree
cmd_tree = {} #type: Dict[str, Union[Dict, "Command"]]
for cmd_name, cmd in commands.items():
self._add_command_to_tree(cmd_name, cmd, cmd_tree)
return cmd_tree
def _find_command(self,
name: Union[str, CommandName_T]) -> Optional[Command]:
cmd_name = (name,) if isinstance(name, str) else name
if not cmd_name:
return None
cmd_tree = self._generate_command_tree({
name: cmd
for name, cmd in self.commands.items()
if self.switches.get(name, True)
for part in cmd_name[:-1]:
if part not in cmd_tree or not isinstance(
cmd_tree[part], #type: ignore
return None
cmd_tree = cmd_tree[part] # type: ignore
cmd = cmd_tree.get(cmd_name[-1]) # type: ignore
return cmd if isinstance(cmd, Command) else None
def parse_command(self, bot: NoneBot, cmd_string: str
) -> Tuple[Optional[Command], Optional[str]]:
logger.debug(f'Parsing command: {repr(cmd_string)}')
matched_start = None
for start in bot.config.COMMAND_START:
# loop through COMMAND_START to find the longest matched start
curr_matched_start = None
if isinstance(start, type(re.compile(''))):
m = start.search(cmd_string)
if m and m.start(0) == 0:
curr_matched_start = m.group(0)
elif isinstance(start, str):
if cmd_string.startswith(start):
curr_matched_start = start
if curr_matched_start is not None and \
(matched_start is None or
len(curr_matched_start) > len(matched_start)):
# a longer start, use it
matched_start = curr_matched_start
if matched_start is None:
# it's not a command
logger.debug('It\'s not a command')
return None, None
logger.debug(f'Matched command start: '
f'{matched_start}{"(empty)" if not matched_start else ""}')
full_command = cmd_string[len(matched_start):].lstrip()
if not full_command:
# command is empty
return None, None
cmd_name_text, *cmd_remained = full_command.split(maxsplit=1)
cmd_name = None
for sep in bot.config.COMMAND_SEP:
# loop through COMMAND_SEP to find the most optimized split
curr_cmd_name = None
if isinstance(sep, type(re.compile(''))):
curr_cmd_name = tuple(sep.split(cmd_name_text))
elif isinstance(sep, str):
curr_cmd_name = tuple(cmd_name_text.split(sep))
if curr_cmd_name is not None and \
(not cmd_name or len(curr_cmd_name) > len(cmd_name)):
# a more optimized split, use it
cmd_name = curr_cmd_name
if not cmd_name:
cmd_name = (cmd_name_text,)
logger.debug(f'Split command name: {cmd_name}')
cmd = self._find_command(cmd_name) # type: ignore
if not cmd:
logger.debug(f'Command {cmd_name} not found. Try to match aliases')
cmd = self.aliases.get(cmd_name_text)
if not cmd:
return None, None
logger.debug(f'Command {cmd.name} found, function: {cmd.func}')
return cmd, ''.join(cmd_remained)
def switch_command(self,
cmd_name: CommandName_T,
state: Optional[bool] = None):
"""Change command state or simply switch it if `state` is None
cmd_name (CommandName_T): Command name
state (Optional[bool]): State to change to. Defaults to None.
self.switches[cmd_name] = not self.switches[
cmd_name] if state is None else bool(state)
def on_command(name: Union[str, CommandName_T],
aliases: Union[Iterable[str], str] = (),
permission: int = perm.EVERYBODY,
only_to_me: bool = True,
privileged: bool = False,
shell_like: bool = False) -> Callable:
Decorator to register a function as a command.
:param name: command name (e.g. 'echo' or ('random', 'number'))
:param aliases: aliases of command name, for convenient access
:param permission: permission required by the command
:param only_to_me: only handle messages to me
:param privileged: can be run even when there is already a session
:param shell_like: use shell-like syntax to split arguments
def deco(func: CommandHandler_T) -> Command:
if not isinstance(name, (str, tuple)):
raise TypeError('the name of a command must be a str or tuple')
if not name:
raise ValueError('the name of a command must not be empty')
cmd_name = (name,) if isinstance(name, str) else name
cmd = Command(name=cmd_name,
if shell_like:
async def shell_like_args_parser(session):
session.args['argv'] = shlex.split(session.current_arg)
cmd.args_parser_func = shell_like_args_parser
CommandManager.add_command(cmd_name, cmd)
CommandManager.add_aliases(aliases, cmd)
update_wrapper(wrapper=cmd, wrapped=func) # type: ignore
return cmd
return deco
class _PauseException(Exception):
Raised by session.pause() indicating that the command session
should be paused to ask the user for some arguments.
class _FinishException(Exception):
Raised by session.finish() indicating that the command session
should be stopped and removed.
def __init__(self, result: bool = True):
:param result: succeeded to call the command
self.result = result
class SwitchException(Exception):
Raised by session.switch() indicating that the command session
should be stopped and replaced with a new one (going through
handle_message() again).
Since the new message will go through handle_message() again,
the later function should be notified. So this exception is
intended to be propagated to handle_message().
def __init__(self, new_message: Message):
:param new_message: new message which should be placed in event
self.new_message = new_message
class CommandSession(BaseSession):
__slots__ = ('cmd', 'current_key', 'current_arg_filters',
'_current_send_kwargs', 'current_arg', '_current_arg_text',
'_current_arg_images', '_state', '_last_interaction',
'_running', '_run_future')
def __init__(self,
bot: NoneBot,
event: CQEvent,
cmd: Command,
current_arg: Optional[str] = '',
args: Optional[CommandArgs_T] = None):
super().__init__(bot, event)
self.cmd = cmd # Command object
# unique key of the argument that is currently requesting (asking)
self.current_key: Optional[str] = None
# initialize current argument filters
self.current_arg_filters: Optional[List[Filter_T]] = None
self._current_send_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
# initialize current argument
self.current_arg: Optional[str] = '' # with potential CQ codes
self._current_arg_text = None
self._current_arg_images = None
self.refresh(event, current_arg=current_arg) # fill the above
self._run_future = partial(asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe,
self._state: State_T = {}
if args:
self._last_interaction = None # last interaction time of this session
self._running = False
def state(self) -> State_T:
State of the session.
This contains all named arguments and
other session scope temporary values.
return self._state
def args(self) -> CommandArgs_T:
"""Deprecated. Use `session.state` instead."""
return self.state
def running(self) -> bool:
return self._running
def running(self, value) -> None:
if self._running is True and value is False:
# change status from running to not running, record the time
self._last_interaction = datetime.now()
self._running = value
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
"""Check if the session is expired or not."""
if self.bot.config.SESSION_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT and \
self._last_interaction and \
datetime.now() - self._last_interaction > \
return False
return True
def is_first_run(self) -> bool:
return self._last_interaction is None
def current_arg_text(self) -> str:
Plain text part in the current argument, without any CQ codes.
if self._current_arg_text is None:
self._current_arg_text = Message(
return self._current_arg_text
def current_arg_images(self) -> List[str]:
Images (as list of urls) in the current argument.
if self._current_arg_images is None:
self._current_arg_images = [
for s in Message(self.current_arg)
if s.type == 'image' and 'url' in s.data
return self._current_arg_images
def argv(self) -> List[str]:
Shell-like argument list, similar to sys.argv.
Only available while shell_like is True in on_command decorator.
return self.state.get('argv', [])
def refresh(self, event: CQEvent, *,
current_arg: Optional[str] = '') -> None:
Refill the session with a new message event.
:param event: new message event
:param current_arg: new command argument as a string
self.event = event
self.current_arg = current_arg
self._current_arg_text = None
self._current_arg_images = None
def get(self,
key: str,
prompt: Optional[Message_T] = None,
arg_filters: Optional[List[Filter_T]] = None,
**kwargs) -> Any:
Get an argument with a given key.
If the argument does not exist in the current session,
a pause exception will be raised, and the caller of
the command will know it should keep the session for
further interaction with the user.
:param key: argument key
:param prompt: prompt to ask the user
:param arg_filters: argument filters for the next user input
:return: the argument value
if key in self.state:
return self.state[key]
self.current_key = key
self.current_arg_filters = arg_filters
self._current_send_kwargs = kwargs
self.pause(prompt, **kwargs)
def get_optional(self, key: str,
default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
Simply get a argument with given key.
Deprecated. Use `session.state.get()` instead.
return self.state.get(key, default)
def pause(self, message: Optional[Message_T] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Pause the session for further interaction."""
if message:
self._run_future(self.send(message, **kwargs))
raise _PauseException
def finish(self, message: Optional[Message_T] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Finish the session."""
if message:
self._run_future(self.send(message, **kwargs))
raise _FinishException
def switch(self, new_message: Message_T) -> None:
Finish the session and switch to a new (fake) message event.
The user may send another command (or another intention as natural
language) when interacting with the current session. In this case,
the session may not understand what the user is saying, so it
should call this method and pass in that message, then NoneBot will
handle the situation properly.
if self.is_first_run:
# if calling this method during first run,
# we think the command is not handled
raise _FinishException(result=False)
if not isinstance(new_message, Message):
new_message = Message(new_message)
raise SwitchException(new_message)
async def handle_command(bot: NoneBot, event: CQEvent,
manager: CommandManager) -> Optional[bool]:
Handle a message as a command.
This function is typically called by "handle_message".
:param bot: NoneBot instance
:param event: message event
:param manager: command manager
:return: the message is handled as a command
cmd, current_arg = manager.parse_command(bot, str(event.message).lstrip())
is_privileged_cmd = cmd and cmd.privileged
if is_privileged_cmd and cmd.only_to_me and not event['to_me']:
is_privileged_cmd = False
disable_interaction = bool(is_privileged_cmd)
if is_privileged_cmd:
logger.debug(f'Command {cmd.name} is a privileged command')
ctx_id = context_id(event)
if not is_privileged_cmd:
# wait for 1.5 seconds (at most) if the current session is running
retry = 5
while retry > 0 and \
_sessions.get(ctx_id) and _sessions[ctx_id].running:
retry -= 1
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
check_perm = True
session = _sessions.get(ctx_id) if not is_privileged_cmd else None
if session:
if session.running:
logger.warning(f'There is a session of command '
f'{session.cmd.name} running, notify the user')
send(bot, event,
# pretend we are successful, so that NLP won't handle it
return True
if session.is_valid:
logger.debug(f'Session of command {session.cmd.name} exists')
# since it's in a session, the user must be talking to me
event['to_me'] = True
session.refresh(event, current_arg=str(event['message']))
# there is no need to check permission for existing session
check_perm = False
# the session is expired, remove it
logger.debug(f'Session of command {session.cmd.name} is expired')
if ctx_id in _sessions:
del _sessions[ctx_id]
session = None
if not session:
if not cmd:
logger.debug('Not a known command, ignored')
return False
if cmd.only_to_me and not event['to_me']:
logger.debug('Not to me, ignored')
return False
session = CommandSession(bot, event, cmd, current_arg=current_arg)
logger.debug(f'New session of command {session.cmd.name} created')
return await _real_run_command(session,
async def call_command(bot: NoneBot,
event: CQEvent,
name: Union[str, CommandName_T],
current_arg: str = '',
args: Optional[CommandArgs_T] = None,
check_perm: bool = True,
disable_interaction: bool = False) -> Optional[bool]:
Call a command internally.
This function is typically called by some other commands
or "handle_natural_language" when handling NLPResult object.
Note: If disable_interaction is not True, after calling this function,
any previous command session will be overridden, even if the command
being called here does not need further interaction (a.k.a asking
the user for more info).
:param bot: NoneBot instance
:param event: message event
:param name: command name
:param current_arg: command current argument string
:param args: command args
:param check_perm: should check permission before running command
:param disable_interaction: disable the command's further interaction
:return: the command is successfully called
cmd = CommandManager()._find_command(name)
if not cmd:
return False
session = CommandSession(bot,
return await _real_run_command(session,
async def _real_run_command(session: CommandSession,
ctx_id: str,
disable_interaction: bool = False,
**kwargs) -> Optional[bool]:
if not disable_interaction:
# override session only when interaction is not disabled
_sessions[ctx_id] = session
logger.debug(f'Running command {session.cmd.name}')
session.running = True
future = asyncio.ensure_future(session.cmd.run(session, **kwargs))
timeout = None
if session.bot.config.SESSION_RUN_TIMEOUT:
timeout = session.bot.config.SESSION_RUN_TIMEOUT.total_seconds()
await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout)
handled = future.result()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
handled = True
except (_PauseException, _FinishException, SwitchException) as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'An exception occurred while '
f'running command {session.cmd.name}:')
handled = True
raise _FinishException(handled)
except _PauseException:
session.running = False
if disable_interaction:
# if the command needs further interaction, we view it as failed
return False
logger.debug(f'Further interaction needed for '
f'command {session.cmd.name}')
# return True because this step of the session is successful
return True
except (_FinishException, SwitchException) as e:
session.running = False
logger.debug(f'Session of command {session.cmd.name} finished')
if not disable_interaction and ctx_id in _sessions:
# the command is finished, remove the session,
# but if interaction is disabled during this command call,
# we leave the _sessions untouched.
del _sessions[ctx_id]
if isinstance(e, _FinishException):
return e.result
elif isinstance(e, SwitchException):
# we are guaranteed that the session is not first run here,
# which means interaction is definitely enabled,
# so we can safely touch _sessions here.
if ctx_id in _sessions:
# make sure there is no session waiting
del _sessions[ctx_id]
logger.debug(f'Session of command {session.cmd.name} switching, '
f'new message: {e.new_message}')
raise e # this is intended to be propagated to handle_message()
def kill_current_session(event: CQEvent) -> None:
Force kill current session of the given event context,
despite whether it is running or not.
:param event: message event
ctx_id = context_id(event)
if ctx_id in _sessions:
del _sessions[ctx_id]
from nonebot.command.group import CommandGroup