from typing import Tuple, Optional import pytest from nonebug import App from utils import make_fake_event from nonebot.exception import SkippedException from nonebot.permission import ( USER, NOTICE, MESSAGE, REQUEST, METAEVENT, SUPERUSER, User, Notice, Message, Request, MetaEvent, SuperUser, Permission, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_permission(app: App): async def falsy(): return False async def truthy(): return True async def skipped() -> bool: raise SkippedException def _is_eq(a: Permission, b: Permission) -> bool: return { for d in a.checkers} == { for d in b.checkers} assert _is_eq(Permission(truthy) | None, Permission(truthy)) assert _is_eq(Permission(truthy) | falsy, Permission(truthy, falsy)) assert _is_eq(Permission(truthy) | Permission(falsy), Permission(truthy, falsy)) assert _is_eq(None | Permission(truthy), Permission(truthy)) assert _is_eq(truthy | Permission(falsy), Permission(truthy, falsy)) event = make_fake_event()() async with app.test_api() as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() assert await Permission(falsy)(bot, event) == False assert await Permission(truthy)(bot, event) == True assert await Permission(skipped)(bot, event) == False assert await Permission(truthy, falsy)(bot, event) == True assert await Permission(truthy, skipped)(bot, event) == True @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize("type, expected", [("message", True), ("notice", False)]) async def test_message(type: str, expected: bool): dependent = list(MESSAGE.checkers)[0] checker = assert isinstance(checker, Message) event = make_fake_event(_type=type)() assert await dependent(event=event) == expected @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize("type, expected", [("message", False), ("notice", True)]) async def test_notice(type: str, expected: bool): dependent = list(NOTICE.checkers)[0] checker = assert isinstance(checker, Notice) event = make_fake_event(_type=type)() assert await dependent(event=event) == expected @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize("type, expected", [("message", False), ("request", True)]) async def test_request(type: str, expected: bool): dependent = list(REQUEST.checkers)[0] checker = assert isinstance(checker, Request) event = make_fake_event(_type=type)() assert await dependent(event=event) == expected @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize("type, expected", [("message", False), ("meta_event", True)]) async def test_metaevent(type: str, expected: bool): dependent = list(METAEVENT.checkers)[0] checker = assert isinstance(checker, MetaEvent) event = make_fake_event(_type=type)() assert await dependent(event=event) == expected @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "type, user_id, expected", [ ("message", "test", True), ("message", "foo", False), ("message", "faketest", True), ("message", None, False), ("notice", "test", True), ], ) async def test_superuser(app: App, type: str, user_id: str, expected: bool): dependent = list(SUPERUSER.checkers)[0] checker = assert isinstance(checker, SuperUser) event = make_fake_event(_type=type, _user_id=user_id)() async with app.test_api() as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() assert await dependent(bot=bot, event=event) == expected @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "session_ids, session_id, expected", [ (("user", "foo"), "user", True), (("user", "foo"), "bar", False), (("user", "foo"), None, False), ], ) async def test_user( app: App, session_ids: Tuple[str, ...], session_id: Optional[str], expected: bool ): dependent = list(USER(*session_ids).checkers)[0] checker = assert isinstance(checker, User) event = make_fake_event(_session_id=session_id)() async with app.test_api() as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() assert await dependent(bot=bot, event=event) == expected