"""本模块包含了 NoneBot 的一些工具函数

    sidebar_position: 8
    description: nonebot.utils 模块

import re
import json
import asyncio
import inspect
import importlib
import contextlib
import dataclasses
from pathlib import Path
from collections import deque
from contextvars import copy_context
from functools import wraps, partial
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager, asynccontextmanager
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, get_args, override, get_origin
from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence, Coroutine, AsyncGenerator
from typing import Any, Union, Generic, TypeVar, Callable, Optional, overload

from pydantic import BaseModel

from nonebot.log import logger
from nonebot.typing import (

P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")
T = TypeVar("T")
K = TypeVar("K")
V = TypeVar("V")

def escape_tag(s: str) -> str:
    """用于记录带颜色日志时转义 `<tag>` 类型特殊标签

    参考: [loguru color 标签](https://loguru.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/logger.html#color)

        s: 需要转义的字符串
    return re.sub(r"</?((?:[fb]g\s)?[^<>\s]*)>", r"\\\g<0>", s)

def deep_update(
    mapping: dict[K, Any], *updating_mappings: dict[K, Any]
) -> dict[K, Any]:
    updated_mapping = mapping.copy()
    for updating_mapping in updating_mappings:
        for k, v in updating_mapping.items():
            if (
                k in updated_mapping
                and isinstance(updated_mapping[k], dict)
                and isinstance(v, dict)
                updated_mapping[k] = deep_update(updated_mapping[k], v)
                updated_mapping[k] = v
    return updated_mapping

def lenient_issubclass(
    cls: Any, class_or_tuple: Union[type[Any], tuple[type[Any], ...]]
) -> bool:
    """检查 cls 是否是 class_or_tuple 中的一个类型子类并忽略类型错误。"""
        return isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple)
    except TypeError:
        return False

def generic_check_issubclass(
    cls: Any, class_or_tuple: Union[type[Any], tuple[type[Any], ...]]
) -> bool:
    """检查 cls 是否是 class_or_tuple 中的一个类型子类。


    - 如果 cls 是 `typing.Union` 或 `types.UnionType` 类型,
      则会检查其中的所有类型是否是 class_or_tuple 中一个类型的子类或 None。
    - 如果 cls 是 `typing.Literal` 类型,
      则会检查其中的所有值是否是 class_or_tuple 中一个类型的实例。
    - 如果 cls 是 `typing.TypeVar` 类型,
      则会检查其 `__bound__` 或 `__constraints__`
      是否是 class_or_tuple 中一个类型的子类或 None。
    if not type_has_args(cls):
        with contextlib.suppress(TypeError):
            return issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple)

    origin = get_origin(cls)
    if origin_is_union(origin):
        return all(
            is_none_type(type_) or generic_check_issubclass(type_, class_or_tuple)
            for type_ in get_args(cls)
    elif origin_is_literal(origin):
        return all(
            is_none_type(value) or isinstance(value, class_or_tuple)
            for value in all_literal_values(cls)
    # ensure generic List, Dict can be checked
    elif origin:
        # avoid class check error (typing.Final, typing.ClassVar, etc...)
            return issubclass(origin, class_or_tuple)
        except TypeError:
            return False
    elif isinstance(cls, TypeVar):
        if cls.__constraints__:
            return all(
                is_none_type(type_) or generic_check_issubclass(type_, class_or_tuple)
                for type_ in cls.__constraints__
        elif cls.__bound__:
            return generic_check_issubclass(cls.__bound__, class_or_tuple)
    return False

def type_is_complex(type_: type[Any]) -> bool:
    """检查 type_ 是否是复杂类型"""
    origin = get_origin(type_)
    return _type_is_complex_inner(type_) or _type_is_complex_inner(origin)

def _type_is_complex_inner(type_: Optional[type[Any]]) -> bool:
    if lenient_issubclass(type_, (str, bytes)):
        return False

    return lenient_issubclass(
        type_, (BaseModel, Mapping, Sequence, tuple, set, frozenset, deque)
    ) or dataclasses.is_dataclass(type_)

def is_coroutine_callable(call: Callable[..., Any]) -> bool:
    """检查 call 是否是一个 callable 协程函数"""
    if inspect.isroutine(call):
        return inspect.iscoroutinefunction(call)
    if inspect.isclass(call):
        return False
    func_ = getattr(call, "__call__", None)
    return inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func_)

def is_gen_callable(call: Callable[..., Any]) -> bool:
    """检查 call 是否是一个生成器函数"""
    if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(call):
        return True
    func_ = getattr(call, "__call__", None)
    return inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func_)

def is_async_gen_callable(call: Callable[..., Any]) -> bool:
    """检查 call 是否是一个异步生成器函数"""
    if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(call):
        return True
    func_ = getattr(call, "__call__", None)
    return inspect.isasyncgenfunction(func_)

def run_sync(call: Callable[P, R]) -> Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, R]]:
    """一个用于包装 sync function 为 async function 的装饰器

        call: 被装饰的同步函数

    async def _wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
        pfunc = partial(call, *args, **kwargs)
        context = copy_context()
        result = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial(context.run, pfunc))
        return result

    return _wrapper

async def run_sync_ctx_manager(
    cm: AbstractContextManager[T],
) -> AsyncGenerator[T, None]:
    """一个用于包装 sync context manager 为 async context manager 的执行函数"""
        yield await run_sync(cm.__enter__)()
    except Exception as e:
        ok = await run_sync(cm.__exit__)(type(e), e, None)
        if not ok:
            raise e
        await run_sync(cm.__exit__)(None, None, None)

async def run_coro_with_catch(
    coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, T],
    exc: tuple[type[Exception], ...],
    return_on_err: None = None,
) -> Union[T, None]: ...

async def run_coro_with_catch(
    coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, T],
    exc: tuple[type[Exception], ...],
    return_on_err: R,
) -> Union[T, R]: ...

async def run_coro_with_catch(
    coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, T],
    exc: tuple[type[Exception], ...],
    return_on_err: Optional[R] = None,
) -> Optional[Union[T, R]]:

        coro: 要运行的协程
        exc: 要捕获的异常
        return_on_err: 当发生异常时返回的值


        return await coro
    except exc:
        return return_on_err

def get_name(obj: Any) -> str:
    if inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.isclass(obj):
        return obj.__name__
    return obj.__class__.__name__

def path_to_module_name(path: Path) -> str:
    rel_path = path.resolve().relative_to(Path.cwd().resolve())
    if rel_path.stem == "__init__":
        return ".".join(rel_path.parts[:-1])
        return ".".join(rel_path.parts[:-1] + (rel_path.stem,))

def resolve_dot_notation(
    obj_str: str, default_attr: str, default_prefix: Optional[str] = None
) -> Any:
    modulename, _, cls = obj_str.partition(":")
    if default_prefix is not None and modulename.startswith("~"):
        modulename = default_prefix + modulename[1:]
    module = importlib.import_module(modulename)
    if not cls:
        return getattr(module, default_attr)
    instance = module
    for attr_str in cls.split("."):
        instance = getattr(instance, attr_str)
    return instance

class classproperty(Generic[T]):

    def __init__(self, func: Callable[[Any], T]) -> None:
        self.func = func

    def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Optional[type[Any]] = None) -> T:
        return self.func(type(instance) if owner is None else owner)

class DataclassEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """可以序列化 {ref}`nonebot.adapters.Message`(List[Dataclass]) 的 `JSONEncoder`"""

    def default(self, o):
        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(o):
            return {f.name: getattr(o, f.name) for f in dataclasses.fields(o)}
        return super().default(o)

def logger_wrapper(logger_name: str):
    """用于打印 adapter 的日志。

        logger_name: adapter 的名称



        - level: 日志等级
        - message: 日志信息
        - exception: 异常信息

    def log(level: str, message: str, exception: Optional[Exception] = None):
        logger.opt(colors=True, exception=exception).log(
            level, f"<m>{escape_tag(logger_name)}</m> | {message}"

    return log