"""本模块为 Pydantic 版本兼容层模块 为兼容 Pydantic V1 与 V2 版本,定义了一系列兼容函数与类供使用。 FrontMatter: mdx: format: md sidebar_position: 16 description: nonebot.compat 模块 """ from collections.abc import Generator from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass from functools import cached_property from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated, Any, Callable, Generic, Literal, Optional, Protocol, TypeVar, Union, overload, ) from typing_extensions import Self, get_args, get_origin, is_typeddict from pydantic import VERSION, BaseModel from nonebot.typing import origin_is_annotated T = TypeVar("T") PYDANTIC_V2 = int(VERSION.split(".", 1)[0]) == 2 if TYPE_CHECKING: class _CustomValidationClass(Protocol): @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> Generator[Callable[..., Any], None, None]: ... CVC = TypeVar("CVC", bound=_CustomValidationClass) __all__ = ( "DEFAULT_CONFIG", "PYDANTIC_V2", "ConfigDict", "FieldInfo", "ModelField", "PydanticUndefined", "PydanticUndefinedType", "Required", "TypeAdapter", "custom_validation", "extract_field_info", "field_validator", "model_config", "model_dump", "model_fields", "model_validator", "type_validate_json", "type_validate_python", ) __autodoc__ = { "PydanticUndefined": "Pydantic Undefined object", "PydanticUndefinedType": "Pydantic Undefined type", } if PYDANTIC_V2: # pragma: pydantic-v2 from pydantic import GetCoreSchemaHandler from pydantic import TypeAdapter as TypeAdapter from pydantic import field_validator as field_validator from pydantic import model_validator as model_validator from pydantic._internal._repr import display_as_type from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo as BaseFieldInfo from pydantic_core import CoreSchema, core_schema Required = Ellipsis """Alias of Ellipsis for compatibility with pydantic v1""" # Export undefined type from pydantic_core import PydanticUndefined as PydanticUndefined from pydantic_core import PydanticUndefinedType as PydanticUndefinedType # isort: split # Export model config dict from pydantic import ConfigDict as ConfigDict DEFAULT_CONFIG = ConfigDict(extra="allow", arbitrary_types_allowed=True) """Default config for validations""" class FieldInfo(BaseFieldInfo): """FieldInfo class with extra property for compatibility with pydantic v1""" # make default can be positional argument def __init__(self, default: Any = PydanticUndefined, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(default=default, **kwargs) @property def extra(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Extra data that is not part of the standard pydantic fields. For compatibility with pydantic v1. """ # extract extra data from attributes set except used slots # we need to call super in advance due to # comprehension not inlined in cpython < 3.12 # https://peps.python.org/pep-0709/ slots = super().__slots__ return {k: v for k, v in self._attributes_set.items() if k not in slots} @dataclass class ModelField: """ModelField class for compatibility with pydantic v1""" name: str """The name of the field.""" annotation: Any """The annotation of the field.""" field_info: FieldInfo """The FieldInfo of the field.""" @classmethod def _construct(cls, name: str, annotation: Any, field_info: FieldInfo) -> Self: return cls(name, annotation, field_info) @classmethod def construct( cls, name: str, annotation: Any, field_info: Optional[FieldInfo] = None ) -> Self: """Construct a ModelField from given infos.""" return cls._construct(name, annotation, field_info or FieldInfo()) def __hash__(self) -> int: # Each ModelField is unique for our purposes, # to allow store them in a set. return id(self) @cached_property def type_adapter(self) -> TypeAdapter: """TypeAdapter of the field. Cache the TypeAdapter to avoid creating it multiple times. Pydantic v2 uses too much cpu time to create TypeAdapter. See: https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic/issues/9834 """ return TypeAdapter( Annotated[self.annotation, self.field_info], config=None if self._annotation_has_config() else DEFAULT_CONFIG, ) def _annotation_has_config(self) -> bool: """Check if the annotation has config. TypeAdapter raise error when annotation has config and given config is not None. """ type_is_annotated = origin_is_annotated(get_origin(self.annotation)) inner_type = ( get_args(self.annotation)[0] if type_is_annotated else self.annotation ) try: return ( issubclass(inner_type, BaseModel) or is_dataclass(inner_type) or is_typeddict(inner_type) ) except TypeError: return False def get_default(self) -> Any: """Get the default value of the field.""" return self.field_info.get_default(call_default_factory=True) def _type_display(self): """Get the display of the type of the field.""" return display_as_type(self.annotation) def validate_value(self, value: Any) -> Any: """Validate the value pass to the field.""" return self.type_adapter.validate_python(value) def extract_field_info(field_info: BaseFieldInfo) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get FieldInfo init kwargs from a FieldInfo instance.""" kwargs = field_info._attributes_set.copy() kwargs["annotation"] = field_info.rebuild_annotation() return kwargs def model_fields(model: type[BaseModel]) -> list[ModelField]: """Get field list of a model.""" return [ ModelField._construct( name=name, annotation=field_info.rebuild_annotation(), field_info=FieldInfo(**extract_field_info(field_info)), ) for name, field_info in model.model_fields.items() ] def model_config(model: type[BaseModel]) -> Any: """Get config of a model.""" return model.model_config def model_dump( model: BaseModel, include: Optional[set[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None, by_alias: bool = False, exclude_unset: bool = False, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, Any]: return model.model_dump( include=include, exclude=exclude, by_alias=by_alias, exclude_unset=exclude_unset, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, exclude_none=exclude_none, ) def type_validate_python(type_: type[T], data: Any) -> T: """Validate data with given type.""" return TypeAdapter(type_).validate_python(data) def type_validate_json(type_: type[T], data: Union[str, bytes]) -> T: """Validate JSON with given type.""" return TypeAdapter(type_).validate_json(data) def __get_pydantic_core_schema__( cls: type["_CustomValidationClass"], source_type: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler, ) -> CoreSchema: validators = list(cls.__get_validators__()) if len(validators) == 1: return core_schema.no_info_plain_validator_function(validators[0]) return core_schema.chain_schema( [core_schema.no_info_plain_validator_function(func) for func in validators] ) def custom_validation(class_: type["CVC"]) -> type["CVC"]: """Use pydantic v1 like validator generator in pydantic v2""" setattr( class_, "__get_pydantic_core_schema__", classmethod(__get_pydantic_core_schema__), ) return class_ else: # pragma: pydantic-v1 from pydantic import BaseConfig as PydanticConfig from pydantic import Extra, parse_obj_as, parse_raw_as, root_validator, validator from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo as BaseFieldInfo from pydantic.fields import ModelField as BaseModelField from pydantic.schema import get_annotation_from_field_info # isort: split from pydantic.fields import Required as Required # isort: split from pydantic.fields import Undefined as PydanticUndefined from pydantic.fields import UndefinedType as PydanticUndefinedType class ConfigDict(PydanticConfig): """Config class that allow get value with default value.""" @classmethod def get(cls, field: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Get a config value.""" return getattr(cls, field, default) class DEFAULT_CONFIG(ConfigDict): extra = Extra.allow arbitrary_types_allowed = True class FieldInfo(BaseFieldInfo): def __init__(self, default: Any = PydanticUndefined, **kwargs: Any): # preprocess default value to make it compatible with pydantic v2 # when default is Required, set it to PydanticUndefined if default is Required: default = PydanticUndefined super().__init__(default, **kwargs) class ModelField(BaseModelField): @classmethod def _construct(cls, name: str, annotation: Any, field_info: FieldInfo) -> Self: return cls( name=name, type_=annotation, class_validators=None, model_config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, default=field_info.default, default_factory=field_info.default_factory, required=( field_info.default is PydanticUndefined and field_info.default_factory is None ), field_info=field_info, ) @classmethod def construct( cls, name: str, annotation: Any, field_info: Optional[FieldInfo] = None ) -> Self: """Construct a ModelField from given infos. Field annotation is preprocessed with field_info. """ if field_info is not None: annotation = get_annotation_from_field_info( annotation, field_info, name ) return cls._construct(name, annotation, field_info or FieldInfo()) def validate_value(self, value: Any) -> Any: """Validate the value pass to the field.""" v, errs_ = self.validate(value, {}, loc=()) if errs_: raise ValueError(value, self) return v class TypeAdapter(Generic[T]): @overload def __init__( self, type: type[T], *, config: Optional[ConfigDict] = ..., ) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self, type: Any, *, config: Optional[ConfigDict] = ..., ) -> None: ... def __init__( self, type: Any, *, config: Optional[ConfigDict] = None, ) -> None: self.type = type self.config = config def validate_python(self, value: Any) -> T: return type_validate_python(self.type, value) def validate_json(self, value: Union[str, bytes]) -> T: return type_validate_json(self.type, value) def extract_field_info(field_info: BaseFieldInfo) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get FieldInfo init kwargs from a FieldInfo instance.""" kwargs = { s: getattr(field_info, s) for s in field_info.__slots__ if s != "extra" } kwargs.update(field_info.extra) return kwargs @overload def field_validator( field: str, /, *fields: str, mode: Literal["before"], check_fields: Optional[bool] = None, ): ... @overload def field_validator( field: str, /, *fields: str, mode: Literal["after"] = ..., check_fields: Optional[bool] = None, ): ... def field_validator( field: str, /, *fields: str, mode: Literal["before", "after"] = "after", check_fields: Optional[bool] = None, ): if mode == "before": return validator( field, *fields, pre=True, check_fields=check_fields or True, allow_reuse=True, ) else: return validator( field, *fields, check_fields=check_fields or True, allow_reuse=True ) def model_fields(model: type[BaseModel]) -> list[ModelField]: """Get field list of a model.""" # construct the model field without preprocess to avoid error return [ ModelField._construct( name=model_field.name, annotation=model_field.annotation, field_info=FieldInfo( **extract_field_info(model_field.field_info), ), ) for model_field in model.__fields__.values() ] def model_config(model: type[BaseModel]) -> Any: """Get config of a model.""" return model.__config__ def model_dump( model: BaseModel, include: Optional[set[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None, by_alias: bool = False, exclude_unset: bool = False, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, Any]: return model.dict( include=include, exclude=exclude, by_alias=by_alias, exclude_unset=exclude_unset, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, exclude_none=exclude_none, ) @overload def model_validator(*, mode: Literal["before"]): ... @overload def model_validator(*, mode: Literal["after"]): ... def model_validator(*, mode: Literal["before", "after"]): if mode == "before": return root_validator(pre=True, allow_reuse=True) else: return root_validator(skip_on_failure=True, allow_reuse=True) def type_validate_python(type_: type[T], data: Any) -> T: """Validate data with given type.""" return parse_obj_as(type_, data) def type_validate_json(type_: type[T], data: Union[str, bytes]) -> T: """Validate JSON with given type.""" return parse_raw_as(type_, data) def custom_validation(class_: type["CVC"]) -> type["CVC"]: """Do nothing in pydantic v1""" return class_