""" 协议适配基类 ============ 各协议请继承以下基类,并使用 ``driver.register_adapter`` 注册适配器 """ import abc import asyncio from copy import copy from functools import reduce, partial from typing_extensions import Protocol from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import (Any, Set, List, Dict, Tuple, Union, TypeVar, Mapping, Optional, Iterable, Awaitable, TYPE_CHECKING) from pydantic import BaseModel from nonebot.log import logger from nonebot.utils import DataclassEncoder from nonebot.drivers import HTTPConnection, HTTPResponse from nonebot.typing import T_CallingAPIHook, T_CalledAPIHook if TYPE_CHECKING: from nonebot.config import Config from nonebot.drivers import Driver, WebSocket class _ApiCall(Protocol): def __call__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable[Any]: ... class Bot(abc.ABC): """ Bot 基类。用于处理上报消息,并提供 API 调用接口。 """ driver: "Driver" """Driver 对象""" config: "Config" """Config 配置对象""" _calling_api_hook: Set[T_CallingAPIHook] = set() """ :类型: ``Set[T_CallingAPIHook]`` :说明: call_api 时执行的函数 """ _called_api_hook: Set[T_CalledAPIHook] = set() """ :类型: ``Set[T_CalledAPIHook]`` :说明: call_api 后执行的函数 """ def __init__(self, self_id: str, request: HTTPConnection): """ :参数: * ``connection_type: str``: http 或者 websocket * ``self_id: str``: 机器人 ID * ``websocket: Optional[WebSocket]``: Websocket 连接对象 """ self.self_id: str = self_id """机器人 ID""" self.request: HTTPConnection = request """连接信息""" def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> _ApiCall: return partial(self.call_api, name) @property @abc.abstractmethod def type(self) -> str: """Adapter 类型""" raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def register(cls, driver: "Driver", config: "Config"): """ :说明: `register` 方法会在 `driver.register_adapter` 时被调用,用于初始化相关配置 """ cls.driver = driver cls.config = config @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod async def check_permission( cls, driver: "Driver", request: HTTPConnection ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[HTTPResponse]]: """ :说明: 检查连接请求是否合法的函数,如果合法则返回当前连接 ``唯一标识符``,通常为机器人 ID;如果不合法则抛出 ``RequestDenied`` 异常。 :参数: * ``driver: Driver``: Driver 对象 * ``connection_type: str``: 连接类型 * ``headers: dict``: 请求头 * ``body: Optional[bytes]``: 请求数据,WebSocket 连接该部分为 None :返回: - ``str``: 连接唯一标识符,``None`` 代表连接不合法 - ``HTTPResponse``: HTTP 上报响应 :异常: - ``RequestDenied``: 请求非法 """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod async def handle_message(self, message: bytes): """ :说明: 处理上报消息的函数,转换为 ``Event`` 事件后调用 ``nonebot.message.handle_event`` 进一步处理事件。 :参数: * ``message: bytes``: 收到的上报消息 """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod async def _call_api(self, api: str, **data) -> Any: """ :说明: ``adapter`` 实际调用 api 的逻辑实现函数,实现该方法以调用 api。 :参数: * ``api: str``: API 名称 * ``**data``: API 数据 """ raise NotImplementedError async def call_api(self, api: str, **data: Any) -> Any: """ :说明: 调用机器人 API 接口,可以通过该函数或直接通过 bot 属性进行调用 :参数: * ``api: str``: API 名称 * ``**data``: API 数据 :示例: .. code-block:: python await bot.call_api("send_msg", message="hello world") await bot.send_msg(message="hello world") """ coros = list(map(lambda x: x(self, api, data), self._calling_api_hook)) if coros: try: logger.debug("Running CallingAPI hooks...") await asyncio.gather(*coros) except Exception as e: logger.opt(colors=True, exception=e).error( "Error when running CallingAPI hook. " "Running cancelled!") exception = None result = None try: result = await self._call_api(api, **data) except Exception as e: exception = e coros = list( map(lambda x: x(self, exception, api, data, result), self._called_api_hook)) if coros: try: logger.debug("Running CalledAPI hooks...") await asyncio.gather(*coros) except Exception as e: logger.opt(colors=True, exception=e).error( "Error when running CalledAPI hook. " "Running cancelled!") if exception: raise exception return result @abc.abstractmethod async def send(self, event: "Event", message: Union[str, "Message", "MessageSegment"], **kwargs) -> Any: """ :说明: 调用机器人基础发送消息接口 :参数: * ``event: Event``: 上报事件 * ``message: Union[str, Message, MessageSegment]``: 要发送的消息 * ``**kwargs`` """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def on_calling_api(cls, func: T_CallingAPIHook) -> T_CallingAPIHook: cls._calling_api_hook.add(func) return func @classmethod def on_called_api(cls, func: T_CalledAPIHook) -> T_CalledAPIHook: cls._called_api_hook.add(func) return func T_Message = TypeVar("T_Message", bound="Message") T_MessageSegment = TypeVar("T_MessageSegment", bound="MessageSegment") @dataclass class MessageSegment(abc.ABC, Mapping): """消息段基类""" type: str """ - 类型: ``str`` - 说明: 消息段类型 """ data: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) """ - 类型: ``Dict[str, Union[str, list]]`` - 说明: 消息段数据 """ @abc.abstractmethod def __str__(self) -> str: """该消息段所代表的 str,在命令匹配部分使用""" raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self) -> int: return len(str(self)) def __ne__(self: T_MessageSegment, other: T_MessageSegment) -> bool: return not self == other @abc.abstractmethod def __add__(self: T_MessageSegment, other: Union[str, T_MessageSegment, T_Message]) -> T_Message: """你需要在这里实现不同消息段的合并: 比如: if isinstance(other, str): ... elif isinstance(other, MessageSegment): ... 注意:需要返回一个新生成的对象 """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def __radd__( self: T_MessageSegment, other: Union[str, dict, list, T_MessageSegment, T_Message]) -> "T_Message": """你需要在这里实现不同消息段的合并: 比如: if isinstance(other, str): ... elif isinstance(other, MessageSegment): ... 注意:需要返回一个新生成的对象 """ raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return setattr(self, key, value) def __iter__(self): yield from self.data.__iter__() def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: return key in self.data def get(self, key: str, default=None): return getattr(self, key, default) def keys(self): return self.data.keys() def values(self): return self.data.values() def items(self): return self.data.items() def copy(self: T_MessageSegment) -> T_MessageSegment: return copy(self) @abc.abstractmethod def is_text(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError class Message(List[T_MessageSegment], abc.ABC): """消息数组""" def __init__(self, message: Union[str, None, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping], T_MessageSegment, T_Message, Any] = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :参数: * ``message: Union[str, list, dict, MessageSegment, Message, Any]``: 消息内容 """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if message is None: return elif isinstance(message, Message): self.extend(message) elif isinstance(message, MessageSegment): self.append(message) else: self.extend(self._construct(message)) def __str__(self): return ''.join((str(seg) for seg in self)) @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): yield cls._validate @classmethod def _validate(cls, value): return cls(value) @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def _construct( msg: Union[str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping], Any] ) -> Iterable[T_MessageSegment]: raise NotImplementedError def __add__(self: T_Message, other: Union[str, T_MessageSegment, T_Message]) -> T_Message: result = self.__class__(self) if isinstance(other, str): result.extend(self._construct(other)) elif isinstance(other, MessageSegment): result.append(other) elif isinstance(other, Message): result.extend(other) return result def __radd__(self: T_Message, other: Union[str, T_MessageSegment, T_Message]) -> T_Message: result = self.__class__(other) return result.__add__(self) def __iadd__(self: T_Message, other: Union[str, T_MessageSegment, T_Message]) -> T_Message: if isinstance(other, str): self.extend(self._construct(other)) elif isinstance(other, MessageSegment): self.append(other) elif isinstance(other, Message): self.extend(other) return self def append(self: T_Message, obj: Union[str, T_MessageSegment]) -> T_Message: """ :说明: 添加一个消息段到消息数组末尾 :参数: * ``obj: Union[str, MessageSegment]``: 要添加的消息段 """ if isinstance(obj, MessageSegment): super().append(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): self.extend(self._construct(obj)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type: {type(obj)} {obj}") return self def extend(self: T_Message, obj: Union[T_Message, Iterable[T_MessageSegment]]) -> T_Message: """ :说明: 拼接一个消息数组或多个消息段到消息数组末尾 :参数: * ``obj: Union[Message, Iterable[MessageSegment]]``: 要添加的消息数组 """ for segment in obj: self.append(segment) return self def reduce(self: T_Message) -> None: """ :说明: 缩减消息数组,即按 MessageSegment 的实现拼接相邻消息段 """ index = 0 while index < len(self): if index > 0 and self[index - 1].is_text() and self[index].is_text(): self[index - 1] += self[index] del self[index] else: index += 1 def extract_plain_text(self: T_Message) -> str: """ :说明: 提取消息内纯文本消息 """ def _concat(x: str, y: T_MessageSegment) -> str: return f"{x} {y}" if y.is_text() else x plain_text = reduce(_concat, self, "") return plain_text[1:] if plain_text else plain_text class Event(abc.ABC, BaseModel): """Event 基类。提供获取关键信息的方法,其余信息可直接获取。""" class Config: extra = "allow" json_encoders = {Message: DataclassEncoder} @abc.abstractmethod def get_type(self) -> str: """ :说明: 获取事件类型的方法,类型通常为 NoneBot 内置的四种类型。 :返回: * ``Literal["message", "notice", "request", "meta_event"]`` * 其他自定义 ``str`` """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def get_event_name(self) -> str: """ :说明: 获取事件名称的方法。 :返回: * ``str`` """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def get_event_description(self) -> str: """ :说明: 获取事件描述的方法,通常为事件具体内容。 :返回: * ``str`` """ raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self) -> str: return f"[{self.get_event_name()}]: {self.get_event_description()}" def get_log_string(self) -> str: """ :说明: 获取事件日志信息的方法,通常你不需要修改这个方法,只有当希望 NoneBot 隐藏该事件日志时,可以抛出 ``NoLogException`` 异常。 :返回: * ``str`` :异常: - ``NoLogException`` """ return f"[{self.get_event_name()}]: {self.get_event_description()}" @abc.abstractmethod def get_user_id(self) -> str: """ :说明: 获取事件主体 id 的方法,通常是用户 id 。 :返回: * ``str`` """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def get_session_id(self) -> str: """ :说明: 获取会话 id 的方法,用于判断当前事件属于哪一个会话,通常是用户 id、群组 id 组合。 :返回: * ``str`` """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def get_message(self) -> Message: """ :说明: 获取事件消息内容的方法。 :返回: * ``Message`` """ raise NotImplementedError def get_plaintext(self) -> str: """ :说明: 获取消息纯文本的方法,通常不需要修改,默认通过 ``get_message().extract_plain_text`` 获取。 :返回: * ``str`` """ return self.get_message().extract_plain_text() @abc.abstractmethod def is_tome(self) -> bool: """ :说明: 获取事件是否与机器人有关的方法。 :返回: * ``bool`` """ raise NotImplementedError