r""" 规则 ==== 每个事件响应器 ``Matcher`` 拥有一个匹配规则 ``Rule`` ,其中是 ``RuleChecker`` 的集合,只有当所有 ``RuleChecker`` 检查结果为 ``True`` 时继续运行。 \:\:\:tip 提示 ``RuleChecker`` 既可以是 async function 也可以是 sync function \:\:\: """ import re import shlex import asyncio from itertools import product from argparse import Namespace from contextlib import AsyncExitStack from typing_extensions import TypedDict from argparse import ArgumentParser as ArgParser from typing import ( Any, Dict, List, Type, Tuple, Union, Callable, NoReturn, Optional, Sequence, ) from pygtrie import CharTrie from nonebot.log import logger from nonebot.handler import Handler from nonebot import params, get_driver from nonebot.typing import T_State, T_RuleChecker from nonebot.adapters import Bot, Event, MessageSegment from nonebot.exception import ParserExit, SkippedException PREFIX_KEY = "_prefix" SUFFIX_KEY = "_suffix" CMD_KEY = "command" RAW_CMD_KEY = "raw_command" CMD_RESULT = TypedDict( "CMD_RESULT", {"command": Optional[Tuple[str, ...]], "raw_command": Optional[str]} ) SHELL_ARGS = "_args" SHELL_ARGV = "_argv" REGEX_MATCHED = "_matched" REGEX_GROUP = "_matched_groups" REGEX_DICT = "_matched_dict" class Rule: """ :说明: ``Matcher`` 规则类,当事件传递时,在 ``Matcher`` 运行前进行检查。 :示例: .. code-block:: python Rule(async_function) & sync_function # 等价于 from nonebot.utils import run_sync Rule(async_function, run_sync(sync_function)) """ __slots__ = ("checkers",) HANDLER_PARAM_TYPES = [ params.BotParam, params.EventParam, params.StateParam, params.DefaultParam, ] def __init__(self, *checkers: Union[T_RuleChecker, Handler]) -> None: """ :参数: * ``*checkers: Union[T_RuleChecker, Handler]``: RuleChecker """ self.checkers = set( checker if isinstance(checker, Handler) else Handler(checker, allow_types=self.HANDLER_PARAM_TYPES) for checker in checkers ) """ :说明: 存储 ``RuleChecker`` :类型: * ``Set[Handler]`` """ async def __call__( self, bot: Bot, event: Event, state: T_State, stack: Optional[AsyncExitStack] = None, dependency_cache: Optional[Dict[Callable[..., Any], Any]] = None, ) -> bool: """ :说明: 检查是否符合所有规则 :参数: * ``bot: Bot``: Bot 对象 * ``event: Event``: Event 对象 * ``state: T_State``: 当前 State * ``stack: Optional[AsyncExitStack]``: 异步上下文栈 * ``dependency_cache: Optional[Dict[Callable[..., Any], Any]]``: 依赖缓存 :返回: - ``bool`` """ if not self.checkers: return True try: results = await asyncio.gather( *( checker( bot=bot, event=event, state=state, _stack=stack, _dependency_cache=dependency_cache, ) for checker in self.checkers ) ) except SkippedException: return False return all(results) def __and__(self, other: Optional[Union["Rule", T_RuleChecker]]) -> "Rule": if other is None: return self elif isinstance(other, Rule): return Rule(*self.checkers, *other.checkers) else: return Rule(*self.checkers, other) def __or__(self, other) -> NoReturn: raise RuntimeError("Or operation between rules is not allowed.") class TrieRule: prefix: CharTrie = CharTrie() suffix: CharTrie = CharTrie() @classmethod def add_prefix(cls, prefix: str, value: Any): if prefix in cls.prefix: logger.warning(f'Duplicated prefix rule "{prefix}"') return cls.prefix[prefix] = value @classmethod def add_suffix(cls, suffix: str, value: Any): if suffix[::-1] in cls.suffix: logger.warning(f'Duplicated suffix rule "{suffix}"') return cls.suffix[suffix[::-1]] = value @classmethod def get_value( cls, bot: Bot, event: Event, state: T_State ) -> Tuple[CMD_RESULT, CMD_RESULT]: prefix = CMD_RESULT(command=None, raw_command=None) suffix = CMD_RESULT(command=None, raw_command=None) state[PREFIX_KEY] = prefix state[SUFFIX_KEY] = suffix if event.get_type() != "message": return prefix, suffix message = event.get_message() message_seg: MessageSegment = message[0] if message_seg.is_text(): pf = cls.prefix.longest_prefix(str(message_seg).lstrip()) prefix[RAW_CMD_KEY] = pf.key prefix[CMD_KEY] = pf.value message_seg_r: MessageSegment = message[-1] if message_seg_r.is_text(): sf = cls.suffix.longest_prefix(str(message_seg_r).rstrip()[::-1]) suffix[RAW_CMD_KEY] = sf.key suffix[CMD_KEY] = sf.value return prefix, suffix class Startswith: def __init__(self, msg: Tuple[str, ...], ignorecase: bool = False): self.msg = msg self.ignorecase = ignorecase async def __call__(self, event: Event) -> Any: if event.get_type() != "message": return False text = event.get_plaintext() return bool( re.match( f"^(?:{'|'.join(re.escape(prefix) for prefix in self.msg)})", text, re.IGNORECASE if self.ignorecase else 0, ) ) def startswith(msg: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], ignorecase: bool = False) -> Rule: """ :说明: 匹配消息开头 :参数: * ``msg: str``: 消息开头字符串 """ if isinstance(msg, str): msg = (msg,) return Rule(Startswith(msg, ignorecase)) class Endswith: def __init__(self, msg: Tuple[str, ...], ignorecase: bool = False): self.msg = msg self.ignorecase = ignorecase async def __call__(self, event: Event) -> Any: if event.get_type() != "message": return False text = event.get_plaintext() return bool( re.search( f"(?:{'|'.join(re.escape(prefix) for prefix in self.msg)})$", text, re.IGNORECASE if self.ignorecase else 0, ) ) def endswith(msg: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], ignorecase: bool = False) -> Rule: """ :说明: 匹配消息结尾 :参数: * ``msg: str``: 消息结尾字符串 """ if isinstance(msg, str): msg = (msg,) return Rule(Endswith(msg, ignorecase)) class Keywords: def __init__(self, *keywords: str): self.keywords = keywords async def __call__(self, bot: Bot, event: Event, state: T_State) -> bool: if event.get_type() != "message": return False text = event.get_plaintext() return bool(text and any(keyword in text for keyword in self.keywords)) def keyword(*keywords: str) -> Rule: """ :说明: 匹配消息关键词 :参数: * ``*keywords: str``: 关键词 """ return Rule(Keywords(*keywords)) class Command: def __init__(self, cmds: List[Tuple[str, ...]]): self.cmds = cmds async def __call__(self, state: T_State) -> bool: return state[PREFIX_KEY][CMD_KEY] in self.cmds def __repr__(self): return f"" def command(*cmds: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]) -> Rule: r""" :说明: 命令形式匹配,根据配置里提供的 ``command_start``, ``command_sep`` 判断消息是否为命令。 可以通过 ``state["_prefix"]["command"]`` 获取匹配成功的命令(例:``("test",)``),通过 ``state["_prefix"]["raw_command"]`` 获取匹配成功的原始命令文本(例:``"/test"``)。 :参数: * ``*cmds: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]``: 命令内容 :示例: 使用默认 ``command_start``, ``command_sep`` 配置 命令 ``("test",)`` 可以匹配:``/test`` 开头的消息 命令 ``("test", "sub")`` 可以匹配”``/test.sub`` 开头的消息 \:\:\:tip 提示 命令内容与后续消息间无需空格! \:\:\: """ config = get_driver().config command_start = config.command_start command_sep = config.command_sep commands: List[Tuple[str, ...]] = [] for command in cmds: if isinstance(command, str): command = (command,) commands.append(command) if len(command) == 1: for start in command_start: TrieRule.add_prefix(f"{start}{command[0]}", command) else: for start, sep in product(command_start, command_sep): TrieRule.add_prefix(f"{start}{sep.join(command)}", command) return Rule(Command(commands)) class ArgumentParser(ArgParser): """ :说明: ``shell_like`` 命令参数解析器,解析出错时不会退出程序。 """ def _print_message(self, message, file=None): old_message: str = getattr(self, "message", "") if old_message: old_message += "\n" old_message += message setattr(self, "message", old_message) def exit(self, status: int = 0, message: Optional[str] = None): raise ParserExit( status=status, message=message or getattr(self, "message", None) ) def parse_args( self, args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, namespace: Optional[Namespace] = None, ) -> Namespace: setattr(self, "message", "") return super().parse_args(args=args, namespace=namespace) # type: ignore class ShellCommand: def __init__(self, cmds: List[Tuple[str, ...]], parser: Optional[ArgumentParser]): self.cmds = cmds self.parser = parser async def __call__(self, event: Event, state: T_State) -> bool: if state[PREFIX_KEY][CMD_KEY] in self.cmds: message = str(event.get_message()) strip_message = message[len(state[PREFIX_KEY][RAW_CMD_KEY]) :].lstrip() state[SHELL_ARGV] = shlex.split(strip_message) if self.parser: try: args = self.parser.parse_args(state[SHELL_ARGV]) state[SHELL_ARGS] = args except ParserExit as e: state[SHELL_ARGS] = e return True else: return False def shell_command( *cmds: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], parser: Optional[ArgumentParser] = None ) -> Rule: r""" :说明: 支持 ``shell_like`` 解析参数的命令形式匹配,根据配置里提供的 ``command_start``, ``command_sep`` 判断消息是否为命令。 可以通过 ``state["_prefix"]["command"]`` 获取匹配成功的命令(例:``("test",)``),通过 ``state["_prefix"]["raw_command"]`` 获取匹配成功的原始命令文本(例:``"/test"``)。 可以通过 ``state["argv"]`` 获取用户输入的原始参数列表 添加 ``parser`` 参数后, 可以自动处理消息并将结果保存在 ``state["args"]`` 中。 :参数: * ``*cmds: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]``: 命令内容 * ``parser: Optional[ArgumentParser]``: ``nonebot.rule.ArgumentParser`` 对象 :示例: 使用默认 ``command_start``, ``command_sep`` 配置,更多示例参考 ``argparse`` 标准库文档。 .. code-block:: python from nonebot.rule import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-a", action="store_true") rule = shell_command("ls", parser=parser) \:\:\:tip 提示 命令内容与后续消息间无需空格! \:\:\: """ if not isinstance(parser, ArgumentParser): raise TypeError("`parser` must be an instance of nonebot.rule.ArgumentParser") config = get_driver().config command_start = config.command_start command_sep = config.command_sep commands: List[Tuple[str, ...]] = [] for command in cmds: if isinstance(command, str): command = (command,) commands.append(command) if len(command) == 1: for start in command_start: TrieRule.add_prefix(f"{start}{command[0]}", command) else: for start, sep in product(command_start, command_sep): TrieRule.add_prefix(f"{start}{sep.join(command)}", command) return Rule(ShellCommand(commands, parser)) class Regex: def __init__(self, regex: str, flags: int = 0): self.regex = regex self.flags = flags async def __call__(self, event: Event, state: T_State) -> bool: if event.get_type() != "message": return False matched = re.search(self.regex, str(event.get_message()), self.flags) if matched: state[REGEX_MATCHED] = matched.group() state[REGEX_GROUP] = matched.groups() state[REGEX_DICT] = matched.groupdict() return True else: return False def regex(regex: str, flags: Union[int, re.RegexFlag] = 0) -> Rule: r""" :说明: 根据正则表达式进行匹配。 可以通过 ``state["_matched"]`` ``state["_matched_groups"]`` ``state["_matched_dict"]`` 获取正则表达式匹配成功的文本。 :参数: * ``regex: str``: 正则表达式 * ``flags: Union[int, re.RegexFlag]``: 正则标志 \:\:\:tip 提示 正则表达式匹配使用 search 而非 match,如需从头匹配请使用 ``r"^xxx"`` 来确保匹配开头 \:\:\: """ return Rule(Regex(regex, flags)) class ToMe: async def __call__(self, event: Event) -> bool: return event.is_tome() def to_me() -> Rule: """ :说明: 通过 ``event.is_tome()`` 判断事件是否与机器人有关 :参数: * 无 """ return Rule(ToMe())