import re import asyncio from datetime import datetime from typing import Tuple, Union, Callable, Iterable, Dict, Any, Optional, List from aiocqhttp import CQHttp, Error as CQHttpError from aiocqhttp.message import Message from . import permissions as perm from .helpers import context_source # Key: str (one segment of command name) # Value: subtree or a leaf Command object _registry = {} # Key: str # Value: tuple that identifies a command _aliases = {} # Key: context source # Value: Session object _sessions = {} class Command: __slots__ = ('name', 'func', 'permission', 'args_parser_func') def __init__(self, name: Tuple[str], func: Callable, permission: int): = name self.func = func self.permission = permission self.args_parser_func = None async def run(self, session, *, permission: int = None) -> bool: if permission is None: permission = await calculate_permission(, session.ctx) if self.func and permission & self.permission: if self.args_parser_func: await self.args_parser_func(session) await self.func(session) return True return False async def calculate_permission(bot: CQHttp, ctx: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: permission = 0 if ctx['user_id'] in bot.config.SUPERUSERS: permission |= perm.IS_SUPERUSER if ctx['message_type'] == 'private': if ctx['sub_type'] == 'friend': permission |= perm.IS_PRIVATE_FRIEND elif ctx['sub_type'] == 'group': permission |= perm.IS_PRIVATE_GROUP elif ctx['sub_type'] == 'discuss': permission |= perm.IS_PRIVATE_DISCUSS elif ctx['sub_type'] == 'other': permission |= perm.IS_PRIVATE_OTHER elif ctx['message_type'] == 'group': permission |= perm.IS_GROUP_MEMBER if not ctx['anonymous']: try: member_info = await bot.get_group_member_info(**ctx) if member_info: if member_info['role'] == 'owner': permission |= perm.IS_GROUP_OWNER elif member_info['role'] == 'admin': permission |= perm.IS_GROUP_ADMIN except CQHttpError: pass elif ctx['message_type'] == 'discuss': permission |= perm.IS_DISCUSS return permission def on_command(name: Union[str, Tuple[str]], aliases: Iterable = (), permission: int = perm.EVERYONE) -> Callable: def deco(func: Callable) -> Callable: if not isinstance(name, (str, tuple)): raise TypeError('the name of a command must be a str or tuple') if not name: raise ValueError('the name of a command must not be empty') cmd_name = name if isinstance(name, tuple) else (name,) current_parent = _registry for parent_key in cmd_name[:-1]: current_parent[parent_key] = {} current_parent = current_parent[parent_key] cmd = Command(name=cmd_name, func=func, permission=permission) current_parent[cmd_name[-1]] = cmd for alias in aliases: _aliases[alias] = cmd_name def args_parser(parser_func: Callable): cmd.args_parser_func = parser_func return parser_func func.args_parser = args_parser return func return deco def _find_command(name: Union[str, Tuple[str]]) -> Optional[Command]: cmd_name = name if isinstance(name, tuple) else (name,) if not cmd_name: return None cmd_tree = _registry for part in cmd_name[:-1]: if part not in cmd_tree: return None cmd_tree = cmd_tree[part] return cmd_tree.get(cmd_name[-1]) class FurtherInteractionNeeded(Exception): """ Raised by session.require_arg() indicating that the command should enter interactive mode to ask the user for some arguments. """ pass class Session: __slots__ = ('bot', 'cmd', 'ctx', 'current_key', 'current_arg', 'current_arg_text', 'images', 'args', 'last_interaction') def __init__(self, bot: CQHttp, cmd: Command, ctx: Dict[str, Any], *, current_arg: str = '', args: Dict[str, Any] = None): = bot self.cmd = cmd self.ctx = ctx self.current_key = None self.current_arg = current_arg self.current_arg_text = Message(current_arg).extract_plain_text() self.images = [['url'] for s in ctx['message'] if s.type == 'image' and 'url' in] self.args = args or {} self.last_interaction = None def refresh(self, ctx: Dict[str, Any], *, current_arg: str = ''): self.ctx = ctx self.current_arg = current_arg self.current_arg_text = Message(current_arg).extract_plain_text() self.images = [['url'] for s in ctx['message'] if s.type == 'image' and 'url' in] @property def is_valid(self): if self.last_interaction and \ - self.last_interaction > \ return False return True def require_arg(self, key: str, prompt: str, *, interactive: bool = True) -> Any: """ Get an argument with a given key. If "interactive" is True, and the argument does not exist in the current session, a FurtherInteractionNeeded exception will be raised, and the caller of the command will know it should keep the session for further interaction with the user. If "interactive" is False, missed key will cause a result of None. :param key: argument key :param prompt: prompt to ask the user :param interactive: should enter interactive mode while key missing :return: the argument value :raise FurtherInteractionNeeded: further interaction is needed """ value = self.args.get(key) if value is not None or not interactive: return value self.current_key = key # ask the user for more information asyncio.ensure_future(self.send(prompt)) raise FurtherInteractionNeeded async def send(self, message: Union[str, Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]], *, ignore_failure: bool = True) -> None: try: await, message) except CQHttpError: if not ignore_failure: raise def _new_command_session(bot: CQHttp, ctx: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Session]: msg_text = str(ctx['message']).lstrip() for start in bot.config.COMMAND_START: if isinstance(start, type(re.compile(''))): m = if m: full_command = msg_text[len(].lstrip() break elif isinstance(start, str): if msg_text.startswith(start): full_command = msg_text[len(start):].lstrip() break else: # it's not a command return None if not full_command: # command is empty return None cmd_name_text, *cmd_remained = full_command.split(maxsplit=1) cmd_name = _aliases.get(cmd_name_text) if not cmd_name: for sep in bot.config.COMMAND_SEP: if isinstance(sep, type(re.compile(''))): cmd_name = tuple(sep.split(cmd_name_text)) break elif isinstance(sep, str): cmd_name = tuple(cmd_name_text.split(sep)) break else: cmd_name = (cmd_name_text,) cmd = _find_command(cmd_name) if not cmd: return None return Session(bot, cmd, ctx, current_arg=''.join(cmd_remained)) async def handle_command(bot: CQHttp, ctx: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: src = context_source(ctx) session = None if _sessions.get(src): session = _sessions[src] if session and session.is_valid: session.refresh(ctx, current_arg=str(ctx['message'])) else: # the session is expired, remove it del _sessions[src] session = None if not session: session = _new_command_session(bot, ctx) if not session: return False _sessions[src] = session try: res = await # the command is finished, remove the session del _sessions[src] return res except FurtherInteractionNeeded: session.last_interaction = # return True because this step of the session is successful return True