from typing import Optional, Callable, Union from aiocqhttp.bus import EventBus from . import NoneBot from .exceptions import CQHttpError from .log import logger from .session import BaseSession from .typing import Context_T _bus = EventBus() def _make_event_deco(post_type: str) -> Callable: def deco_deco(arg: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None, *events: str) -> Callable: def deco(func: Callable) -> Callable: if isinstance(arg, str): for e in [arg] + list(events): _bus.subscribe(f'{post_type}.{e}', func) else: _bus.subscribe(post_type, func) return func if isinstance(arg, Callable): return deco(arg) return deco return deco_deco on_notice = _make_event_deco('notice') on_request = _make_event_deco('request') class NoticeSession(BaseSession): __slots__ = () def __init__(self, bot: NoneBot, ctx: Context_T): super().__init__(bot, ctx) class RequestSession(BaseSession): __slots__ = () def __init__(self, bot: NoneBot, ctx: Context_T): super().__init__(bot, ctx) async def approve(self, remark: str = '') -> None: """ Approve the request. :param remark: remark of friend (only works in friend request) """ try: await action='.handle_quick_operation_async', self_id=self.ctx.get('self_id'), context=self.ctx, operation={'approve': True, 'remark': remark} ) except CQHttpError: pass async def reject(self, reason: str = '') -> None: """ Reject the request. :param reason: reason to reject (only works in group request) """ try: await action='.handle_quick_operation_async', self_id=self.ctx.get('self_id'), context=self.ctx, operation={'approve': False, 'reason': reason} ) except CQHttpError: pass async def handle_notice_or_request(bot: NoneBot, ctx: Context_T) -> None: post_type = ctx['post_type'] # "notice" or "request" detail_type = ctx[f'{post_type}_type'] event = f'{post_type}.{detail_type}' if ctx.get('sub_type'): event += f'.{ctx["sub_type"]}' if post_type == 'notice': _log_notice(ctx) session = NoticeSession(bot, ctx) else: # must be 'request' _log_request(ctx) session = RequestSession(bot, ctx) logger.debug(f'Emitting event: {event}') await _bus.emit(event, session) def _log_notice(ctx: Context_T) -> None:'Notice: {ctx}') def _log_request(ctx: Context_T) -> None:'Request: {ctx}')