""" 权限 ==== 每个 ``Matcher`` 拥有一个 ``Permission`` ,其中是 **异步** ``PermissionChecker`` 的集合,只要有一个 ``PermissionChecker`` 检查结果为 ``True`` 时就会继续运行。 \:\:\:tip 提示 ``PermissionChecker`` 既可以是 async function 也可以是 sync function \:\:\: """ import asyncio from typing import Union, Optional, Callable, NoReturn, Awaitable, TYPE_CHECKING from nonebot.utils import run_sync from nonebot.typing import PermissionChecker if TYPE_CHECKING: from nonebot.adapters import Bot, Event class Permission: __slots__ = ("checkers",) def __init__( self, *checkers: Callable[["Bot", "Event"], Awaitable[bool]]) -> None: """ :参数: * ``*checkers: Callable[[Bot, Event], Awaitable[bool]]``: **异步** PermissionChecker """ self.checkers = set(checkers) """ :说明: 存储 ``PermissionChecker`` :类型: * ``Set[Callable[[Bot, Event], Awaitable[bool]]]`` """ async def __call__(self, bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: """ :说明: 检查是否满足某个权限 :参数: * ``bot: Bot``: Bot 对象 * ``event: Event``: Event 对象 :返回: - ``bool`` """ if not self.checkers: return True results = await asyncio.gather( *map(lambda c: c(bot, event), self.checkers)) return any(results) def __and__(self, other) -> NoReturn: raise RuntimeError("And operation between Permissions is not allowed.") def __or__( self, other: Optional[Union["Permission", PermissionChecker]]) -> "Permission": checkers = self.checkers.copy() if other is None: return self elif isinstance(other, Permission): checkers |= other.checkers elif asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(other): checkers.add(other) # type: ignore else: checkers.add(run_sync(other)) return Permission(*checkers) async def _message(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: return event.get_type() == "message" async def _notice(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: return event.get_type() == "notice" async def _request(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: return event.get_type() == "request" async def _metaevent(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: return event.get_type() == "meta_event" MESSAGE = Permission(_message) """ - **说明**: 匹配任意 ``message`` 类型事件,仅在需要同时捕获不同类型事件时使用。优先使用 message type 的 Matcher。 """ NOTICE = Permission(_notice) """ - **说明**: 匹配任意 ``notice`` 类型事件,仅在需要同时捕获不同类型事件时使用。优先使用 notice type 的 Matcher。 """ REQUEST = Permission(_request) """ - **说明**: 匹配任意 ``request`` 类型事件,仅在需要同时捕获不同类型事件时使用。优先使用 request type 的 Matcher。 """ METAEVENT = Permission(_metaevent) """ - **说明**: 匹配任意 ``meta_event`` 类型事件,仅在需要同时捕获不同类型事件时使用。优先使用 meta_event type 的 Matcher。 """ def USER(*user: str, perm: Permission = Permission()): """ :说明: 在白名单内且满足 perm :参数: * ``*user: str``: 白名单 * ``perm: Permission``: 需要同时满足的权限 """ async def _user(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: return event.get_type() == "message" and event.get_session_id( ) in user and await perm(bot, event) return Permission(_user) # async def _private(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "private" # async def _private_friend(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return (event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "private" and # event.sub_type == "friend") # async def _private_group(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return (event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "private" and # event.sub_type == "group") # async def _private_other(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return (event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "private" and # event.sub_type == "other") # PRIVATE = Permission(_private) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意私聊消息类型事件 # """ # PRIVATE_FRIEND = Permission(_private_friend) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意好友私聊消息类型事件 # """ # PRIVATE_GROUP = Permission(_private_group) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意群临时私聊消息类型事件 # """ # PRIVATE_OTHER = Permission(_private_other) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意其他私聊消息类型事件 # """ # async def _group(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "group" # async def _group_member(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return (event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "group" and # event.sender.get("role") == "member") # async def _group_admin(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return (event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "group" and # event.sender.get("role") == "admin") # async def _group_owner(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return (event.get_type() == "message" and event.detail_type == "group" and # event.sender.get("role") == "owner") # GROUP = Permission(_group) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意群聊消息类型事件 # """ # GROUP_MEMBER = Permission(_group_member) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意群员群聊消息类型事件 # \:\:\:warning 警告 # 该权限通过 event.sender 进行判断且不包含管理员以及群主! # \:\:\: # """ # GROUP_ADMIN = Permission(_group_admin) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意群管理员群聊消息类型事件 # """ # GROUP_OWNER = Permission(_group_owner) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意群主群聊消息类型事件 # """ # async def _superuser(bot: "Bot", event: "Event") -> bool: # return event.get_type( # ) == "message" and event.user_id in bot.config.superusers # SUPERUSER = Permission(_superuser) # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意超级用户消息类型事件 # """ # EVERYBODY = MESSAGE # """ # - **说明**: 匹配任意消息类型事件 # """