"""本模块实现插件加载流程。 参考: [import hooks](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html#import-hooks), [PEP302](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0302/) FrontMatter: sidebar_position: 5 description: nonebot.plugin.manager 模块 """ import sys import pkgutil import importlib from pathlib import Path from itertools import chain from types import ModuleType from importlib.abc import MetaPathFinder from importlib.machinery import PathFinder, SourceFileLoader from typing import Set, Dict, List, Union, Iterable, Optional, Sequence from nonebot.log import logger from nonebot.utils import escape_tag from . import _managers, _current_plugin from .plugin import Plugin, _new_plugin, _confirm_plugin class PluginManager: def __init__( self, plugins: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, search_path: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ): # simple plugin not in search path self.plugins: Set[str] = set(plugins or []) self.search_path: Set[str] = set(search_path or []) # cache plugins self.searched_plugins: Dict[str, Path] = {} self.list_plugins() def _path_to_module_name(self, path: Path) -> str: rel_path = path.resolve().relative_to(Path(".").resolve()) if rel_path.stem == "__init__": return ".".join(rel_path.parts[:-1]) else: return ".".join(rel_path.parts[:-1] + (rel_path.stem,)) def _previous_plugins(self) -> List[str]: _pre_managers: List[PluginManager] if self in _managers: _pre_managers = _managers[: _managers.index(self)] else: _pre_managers = _managers[:] return [ *chain.from_iterable( [ *map(lambda x: x.rsplit(".", 1)[-1], manager.plugins), *manager.searched_plugins.keys(), ] for manager in _pre_managers ) ] def list_plugins(self) -> Set[str]: # get all previous ready to load plugins previous_plugins = self._previous_plugins() searched_plugins: Dict[str, Path] = {} third_party_plugins: Set[str] = set() for plugin in self.plugins: name = plugin.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] if name in third_party_plugins or name in previous_plugins: raise RuntimeError( f"Plugin already exists: {name}! Check your plugin name" ) third_party_plugins.add(plugin) for module_info in pkgutil.iter_modules(self.search_path): if module_info.name.startswith("_"): continue if ( module_info.name in searched_plugins.keys() or module_info.name in previous_plugins or module_info.name in third_party_plugins ): raise RuntimeError( f"Plugin already exists: {module_info.name}! Check your plugin name" ) module_spec = module_info.module_finder.find_spec(module_info.name, None) if not module_spec: continue module_path = module_spec.origin if not module_path: continue searched_plugins[module_info.name] = Path(module_path).resolve() self.searched_plugins = searched_plugins return third_party_plugins | set(self.searched_plugins.keys()) def load_plugin(self, name: str) -> Optional[Plugin]: try: if name in self.plugins: module = importlib.import_module(name) elif name in self.searched_plugins: module = importlib.import_module( self._path_to_module_name(self.searched_plugins[name]) ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Plugin not found: {name}! Check your plugin name") logger.opt(colors=True).success( f'Succeeded to import "{escape_tag(name)}"' ) plugin = getattr(module, "__plugin__", None) if plugin is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Module {module.__name__} is not loaded as a plugin! " "Make sure not to import it before loading." ) return plugin except Exception as e: logger.opt(colors=True, exception=e).error( f'Failed to import "{escape_tag(name)}"' ) def load_all_plugins(self) -> Set[Plugin]: return set( filter(None, (self.load_plugin(name) for name in self.list_plugins())) ) class PluginFinder(MetaPathFinder): def find_spec( self, fullname: str, path: Optional[Sequence[Union[bytes, str]]], target: Optional[ModuleType] = None, ): if _managers: index = -1 module_spec = PathFinder.find_spec(fullname, path, target) if not module_spec: return module_origin = module_spec.origin if not module_origin: return module_path = Path(module_origin).resolve() while -index <= len(_managers): manager = _managers[index] if ( fullname in manager.plugins or module_path in manager.searched_plugins.values() ): module_spec.loader = PluginLoader(manager, fullname, module_origin) return module_spec index -= 1 return class PluginLoader(SourceFileLoader): def __init__(self, manager: PluginManager, fullname: str, path) -> None: self.manager = manager self.loaded = False super().__init__(fullname, path) def create_module(self, spec) -> Optional[ModuleType]: if self.name in sys.modules: self.loaded = True return sys.modules[self.name] # return None to use default module creation return super().create_module(spec) def exec_module(self, module: ModuleType) -> None: if self.loaded: return plugin = _new_plugin(self.name, module, self.manager) parent_plugin = _current_plugin.get() if parent_plugin and _managers.index(parent_plugin.manager) < _managers.index( self.manager ): plugin.parent_plugin = parent_plugin parent_plugin.sub_plugins.add(plugin) _plugin_token = _current_plugin.set(plugin) setattr(module, "__plugin__", plugin) # try: # super().exec_module(module) # except Exception as e: # raise ImportError( # f"Error when executing module {module_name} from {module.__file__}." # ) from e super().exec_module(module) _confirm_plugin(plugin) _current_plugin.reset(_plugin_token) return sys.meta_path.insert(0, PluginFinder())