import asyncio import logging from typing import Any, Optional, Callable, Awaitable import aiocqhttp from aiocqhttp import CQHttp from .log import logger from .sched import Scheduler if Scheduler: scheduler = Scheduler() else: scheduler = None class NoneBot(CQHttp): def __init__(self, config_object: Optional[Any] = None): if config_object is None: from . import default_config as config_object config_dict = { k: v for k, v in config_object.__dict__.items() if k.isupper() and not k.startswith('_') } logger.debug(f'Loaded configurations: {config_dict}') super().__init__(message_class=aiocqhttp.message.Message, **{k.lower(): v for k, v in config_dict.items()}) self.config = config_object self.asgi.debug = self.config.DEBUG from .message import handle_message from .notice_request import handle_notice_or_request @self.on_message async def _(event: aiocqhttp.Event): asyncio.create_task(handle_message(self, event)) @self.on_notice async def _(event: aiocqhttp.Event): asyncio.create_task(handle_notice_or_request(self, event)) @self.on_request async def _(event: aiocqhttp.Event): asyncio.create_task(handle_notice_or_request(self, event)) def run(self, host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None: host = host or self.config.HOST port = port or self.config.PORT if 'debug' not in kwargs: kwargs['debug'] = self.config.DEBUG'Running on {host}:{port}') super().run(host=host, port=port, *args, **kwargs) _bot: Optional[NoneBot] = None def init(config_object: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: """ Initialize NoneBot instance. This function must be called at the very beginning of code, otherwise the get_bot() function will return None and nothing is gonna work properly. :param config_object: configuration object """ global _bot _bot = NoneBot(config_object) if _bot.config.DEBUG: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) _bot.server_app.before_serving(_start_scheduler) async def _start_scheduler(): if scheduler and not scheduler.running: scheduler.configure(_bot.config.APSCHEDULER_CONFIG) scheduler.start()'Scheduler started') def get_bot() -> NoneBot: """ Get the NoneBot instance. The result is ensured to be not None, otherwise an exception will be raised. :raise ValueError: instance not initialized """ if _bot is None: raise ValueError('NoneBot instance has not been initialized') return _bot def run(host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Run the NoneBot instance.""" get_bot().run(host=host, port=port, *args, **kwargs) def on_startup(func: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]) \ -> Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]: """ Decorator to register a function as startup callback. """ return get_bot().server_app.before_serving(func) def on_websocket_connect(func: Callable[[aiocqhttp.Event], Awaitable[None]]) \ -> Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]: """ Decorator to register a function as websocket connect callback. Only work with CQHTTP v4.14+. """ return get_bot().on_meta_event('lifecycle.connect')(func) from .exceptions import * from .command import CommandSession, CommandGroup from .plugin import (on_command, on_natural_language, on_notice, on_request, load_plugin, load_plugins, load_builtin_plugins, get_loaded_plugins) from .message import message_preprocessor, Message, MessageSegment from .natural_language import NLPSession, NLPResult, IntentCommand from .notice_request import NoticeSession, RequestSession from .helpers import context_id __all__ = [ 'NoneBot', 'scheduler', 'init', 'get_bot', 'run', 'on_startup', 'on_websocket_connect', 'CQHttpError', 'load_plugin', 'load_plugins', 'load_builtin_plugins', 'get_loaded_plugins', 'message_preprocessor', 'Message', 'MessageSegment', 'on_command', 'CommandSession', 'CommandGroup', 'on_natural_language', 'NLPSession', 'NLPResult', 'IntentCommand', 'on_notice', 'NoticeSession', 'on_request', 'RequestSession', 'context_id', ]