import abc from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import field, asdict, dataclass from typing import ( Any, Dict, List, Type, Tuple, Union, Generic, Mapping, TypeVar, Iterable, overload, ) from ._template import MessageTemplate T = TypeVar("T") TMS = TypeVar("TMS", covariant=True) TM = TypeVar("TM", bound="Message") @dataclass class MessageSegment(Mapping, abc.ABC, Generic[TM]): """消息段基类""" type: str """ 消息段类型 """ data: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) """ 消息段数据 """ @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_message_class(cls) -> Type[TM]: raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def __str__(self) -> str: """该消息段所代表的 str,在命令匹配部分使用""" raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self) -> int: return len(str(self)) def __ne__(self: T, other: T) -> bool: return not self == other def __add__(self, other: Union[str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]) -> TM: return self.get_message_class()(self) + other # type: ignore def __radd__(self, other: Union[str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]) -> TM: return self.get_message_class()(other) + self # type: ignore def __getitem__(self, key: str): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any): return setattr(self, key, value) def __iter__(self): yield from asdict(self).keys() def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool: return key in asdict(self).keys() def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None): return getattr(self, key, default) def keys(self): return asdict(self).keys() def values(self): return asdict(self).values() def items(self): return asdict(self).items() def copy(self: T) -> T: return deepcopy(self) @abc.abstractmethod def is_text(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError class Message(List[TMS], Generic[TMS], abc.ABC): """消息数组""" def __init__( self: TM, message: Union[str, None, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping], TMS, TM, Any] = None, *args, **kwargs, ): """ 参数: message: 消息内容 """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if message is None: return elif isinstance(message, Message): self.extend(message) elif isinstance(message, MessageSegment): self.append(message) else: self.extend(self._construct(message)) @classmethod def template(cls: Type[TM], format_string: Union[str, TM]) -> MessageTemplate[TM]: """ 根据创建消息模板, 用法和 `str.format` 大致相同, 但是可以输出消息对象, 并且支持以 `Message` 对象作为消息模板 并且提供了拓展的格式化控制符, 可以用适用于该消息类型的 `MessageSegment` 的工厂方法创建消息 用法: ```python >>> Message.template("{} {}").format("hello", "world") # 基础演示 Message(MessageSegment(type='text', data={'text': 'hello world'})) >>> Message.template("{} {}").format(MessageSegment.image("file///..."), "world") # 支持消息段等对象 Message(MessageSegment(type='image', data={'file': 'file///...'}), MessageSegment(type='text', data={'text': 'world'})) >>> Message.template( # 支持以Message对象作为消息模板 ... MessageSegment.text('test {event.user_id}') + MessageSegment.face(233) + ... MessageSegment.text('test {event.message}')).format(event={'user_id':123456, 'message':'hello world'}) Message(MessageSegment(type='text', data={'text': 'test 123456'}), MessageSegment(type='face', data={'face': 233}), MessageSegment(type='text', data={'text': 'test hello world'})) >>> Message.template("{link:image}").format(link='https://...') # 支持拓展格式化控制符 Message(MessageSegment(type='image', data={'file': 'https://...'})) ``` 参数: format_string: 格式化字符串 返回: MessageFormatter[TM]: 消息格式化器 """ return MessageTemplate(format_string, cls) @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_segment_class(cls) -> Type[TMS]: raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return "".join(str(seg) for seg in self) @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): yield cls._validate @classmethod def _validate(cls, value): return cls(value) @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def _construct(msg: Union[str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping], Any]) -> Iterable[TMS]: raise NotImplementedError def __add__(self: TM, other: Union[str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]) -> TM: result = self.copy() result += other return result def __radd__(self: TM, other: Union[str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]) -> TM: result = self.__class__(other) # type: ignore return result + self def __iadd__(self: TM, other: Union[str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping]]) -> TM: if isinstance(other, MessageSegment): self.append(other) elif isinstance(other, Message): self.extend(other) else: self.extend(self._construct(other)) return self @overload def __getitem__(self: TM, __args: str) -> TM: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, __args: Tuple[str, int]) -> TMS: ... @overload def __getitem__(self: TM, __args: Tuple[str, slice]) -> TM: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, __args: int) -> TMS: ... @overload def __getitem__(self: TM, __args: slice) -> TM: ... def __getitem__( self: TM, __args: Union[ str, Tuple[str, int], Tuple[str, slice], int, slice, ], ) -> Union[TMS, TM]: arg1, arg2 = __args if isinstance(__args, tuple) else (__args, None) if isinstance(arg1, int) and arg2 is None: return super().__getitem__(arg1) elif isinstance(arg1, slice) and arg2 is None: return self.__class__(super().__getitem__(arg1)) elif isinstance(arg1, str) and arg2 is None: return self.__class__(seg for seg in self if seg.type == arg1) elif isinstance(arg1, str) and isinstance(arg2, int): return [seg for seg in self if seg.type == arg1][arg2] elif isinstance(arg1, str) and isinstance(arg2, slice): return self.__class__([seg for seg in self if seg.type == arg1][arg2]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid arguments to __getitem__") def append(self: TM, obj: Union[str, TMS]) -> TM: """ 添加一个消息段到消息数组末尾 参数: obj: 要添加的消息段 """ if isinstance(obj, MessageSegment): super(Message, self).append(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): self.extend(self._construct(obj)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type: {type(obj)} {obj}") return self def extend(self: TM, obj: Union[TM, Iterable[TMS]]) -> TM: """ 拼接一个消息数组或多个消息段到消息数组末尾 参数: obj: 要添加的消息数组 """ for segment in obj: self.append(segment) return self def copy(self: TM) -> TM: return deepcopy(self) def extract_plain_text(self: "Message[MessageSegment]") -> str: """ 提取消息内纯文本消息 """ return "".join(str(seg) for seg in self if seg.is_text())