#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from pathlib import Path from datetime import timedelta from ipaddress import IPv4Address from pydantic import BaseSettings, IPvAnyAddress from pydantic.env_settings import SettingsError, env_file_sentinel, read_env_file from nonebot.typing import Any, Set, Dict, Union, Mapping, Optional class BaseConfig(BaseSettings): def _build_environ( self, _env_file: Union[Path, str, None] = None, _env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: """ Build environment variables suitable for passing to the Model. """ d: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {} if self.__config__.case_sensitive: env_vars: Mapping[str, Optional[str]] = os.environ else: env_vars = {k.lower(): v for k, v in os.environ.items()} env_file_vars: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {} env_file = _env_file if _env_file != env_file_sentinel else self.__config__.env_file env_file_encoding = _env_file_encoding if _env_file_encoding is not None else self.__config__.env_file_encoding if env_file is not None: env_path = Path(env_file) if env_path.is_file(): env_file_vars = read_env_file( env_path, encoding=env_file_encoding, case_sensitive=self.__config__.case_sensitive) env_vars = {**env_file_vars, **env_vars} for field in self.__fields__.values(): env_val: Optional[str] = None for env_name in field.field_info.extra['env_names']: env_val = env_vars.get(env_name) if env_name in env_file_vars: del env_file_vars[env_name] if env_val is not None: break if env_val is None: continue if field.is_complex(): try: env_val = self.__config__.json_loads(env_val) except ValueError as e: raise SettingsError( f'error parsing JSON for "{env_name}"' # type: ignore ) from e d[field.alias] = env_val if env_file_vars: for env_name, env_val in env_file_vars.items(): try: env_val = self.__config__.json_loads(env_val) except ValueError as e: pass d[env_name] = env_val return d def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return self.__dict__.get(name) class Env(BaseSettings): """ 运行环境配置。大小写不敏感。 将会从 ``nonebot.init 参数`` > ``环境变量`` > ``.env 环境配置文件`` 的优先级读取配置。 """ environment: str = "prod" """ - 类型: ``str`` - 默认值: ``"prod"`` - 说明: 当前环境名。 NoneBot 将从 ``.env.{environment}`` 文件中加载配置。 """ class Config: env_file = ".env" class Config(BaseConfig): """ NoneBot 主要配置。大小写不敏感。 除了 NoneBot 的配置项外,还可以自行添加配置项到 ``.env.{environment}`` 文件中。这些配置将会一起带入 ``Config`` 类中。 """ # nonebot configs driver: str = "nonebot.drivers.fastapi" """ - 类型: ``str`` - 默认值: ``"nonebot.drivers.fastapi"`` - 说明: NoneBot 运行所使用的 ``Driver`` 。继承自 ``nonebot.driver.BaseDriver`` 。 """ host: IPvAnyAddress = IPv4Address("") # type: ignore """ - 类型: ``IPvAnyAddress`` - 默认值: ```` - 说明: NoneBot 的 HTTP 和 WebSocket 服务端监听的 IP/主机名。 """ port: int = 8080 """ - 类型: ``int`` - 默认值: ``8080`` - 说明: NoneBot 的 HTTP 和 WebSocket 服务端监听的端口。 """ secret: Optional[str] = None """ - 类型: ``Optional[str]`` - 默认值: ``None`` - 说明: 上报连接 NoneBot 所需的密钥。 - 示例: .. code-block:: http POST /cqhttp/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer kSLuTF2GC2Q4q4ugm3 """ debug: bool = False """ - 类型: ``bool`` - 默认值: ``False`` - 说明: 是否以调试模式运行 NoneBot。 """ # bot connection configs api_root: Dict[str, str] = {} api_timeout: Optional[float] = 60. access_token: Optional[str] = None # bot runtime configs superusers: Set[int] = set() nickname: Union[str, Set[str]] = "" command_start: Set[str] = {"/"} command_sep: Set[str] = {"."} session_expire_timeout: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=2) # custom configs # custom configs can be assigned during nonebot.init # or from env file using json loads class Config: extra = "allow" env_file = ".env.prod"