2016-12-02 22:24:19 +08:00
import re
import sys
import importlib
from flask import Flask, request
import interactive
from little_shit import *
from config import config
from command import hub as cmdhub
from command import CommandNotExistsError, CommandScopeError, CommandPermissionError
from apiclient import client as api
app = Flask(__name__)
_fallback_command = config.get('fallback_command')
_command_start_flags = get_command_start_flags()
_command_args_start_flags = get_command_args_start_flags()
def _send_text(text, ctx_msg):
msg_type = ctx_msg.get('type')
if msg_type == 'group_message':
api.send_group_message(gnumber=ctx_msg.get('gnumber'), content=text)
elif msg_type == 'message':
api.send_message(qq=ctx_msg.get('sender_qq'), content=text)
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def _index():
ctx_msg = request.json
source = get_source(ctx_msg)
if ctx_msg.get('msg_class') != 'recv':
raise SkipException
content = ctx_msg.get('content', '')
if content.startswith('@'):
my_group_nick = ctx_msg.get('receiver')
if not my_group_nick:
raise SkipException
at_me = '@' + my_group_nick
if not content.startswith(at_me):
my_nick = api.get_user_info().json().get('nick', my_group_nick)
at_me = '@' + my_nick
if not content.startswith(at_me):
raise SkipException
content = content[len(at_me):]
# Not starts with '@'
if ctx_msg.get('type') == 'group_message':
# And it's a group message, so we don't reply
raise SkipException
content = content.lstrip()
start_flag = None
for flag in _command_start_flags:
# Match the command start flag
if content.startswith(flag):
start_flag = flag
if not start_flag or len(content) <= len(start_flag):
# No command, check if a session exists
if interactive.has_session(source):
command = [interactive.get_session(source).cmd, content]
# Use fallback
if _fallback_command:
command = [_fallback_command, content]
# No fallback
raise SkipException
# Split command and arguments
command = re.split('|'.join(_command_args_start_flags),
content[len(start_flag):], 1)
if len(command) == 1:
# Add an empty argument
# Starting a new command, so remove any previous command session
cmdhub.call(command[0], command[1], ctx_msg)
except SkipException:
# Skip this message
except CommandNotExistsError:
_send_text('暂时还没有这个命令哦~', ctx_msg)
except CommandPermissionError:
_send_text('你没有权限使用这个命令哦~', ctx_msg)
except CommandScopeError as se:
_send_text('这个命令不支持' + se.msg_type + '哦~', ctx_msg)
return '', 204
2016-12-03 17:16:16 +08:00
def _load_commands():
2016-12-02 22:24:19 +08:00
command_mod_files = filter(
lambda filename: filename.endswith('.py') and not filename.startswith('_'),
command_mods = [os.path.splitext(file)[0] for file in command_mod_files]
for mod_name in command_mods:
cmd_mod = importlib.import_module('commands.' + mod_name)
cmdhub.add_registry(mod_name, cmd_mod.__registry__)
except AttributeError:
print('Failed to load command module "' + mod_name + '.py".', file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
2016-12-03 17:16:16 +08:00
2016-12-03 22:41:12 +08:00
app.run(host=os.environ.get('HOST'), port=os.environ.get('PORT'))