mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:44:22 +08:00
192 lines
6.8 KiB
192 lines
6.8 KiB
import os
from datetime import datetime
import requests
import jieba
from command import CommandRegistry, split_args
from commands import core
from little_shit import get_source
from interactive import *
__registry__ = cr = CommandRegistry()
_api_key = os.environ.get('HEWEATHER_API_KEY')
_base_api_url = 'https://free-api.heweather.com/v5'
_search_api_url = _base_api_url + '/search'
_forecast_api_url = _base_api_url + '/forecast'
_now_api_url = _base_api_url + '/now'
_suggestion_api_url = _base_api_url + '/suggestion'
_cmd_weather = 'weather.weather'
_cmd_suggestion = 'weather.suggestion'
_weekday_string = ['周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六', '周日']
@cr.register('天气', '查天气', '天气预报', '查天气预报')
def weather(args, ctx_msg, allow_interactive=True):
source = get_source(ctx_msg)
if allow_interactive and (len(args) < 1 or not args[0].startswith('CN') or has_session(source, _cmd_weather)):
# Be interactive
return _do_interactively(_cmd_weather, weather, args, ctx_msg, source)
city_id = args[0]
session = requests.Session()
params = {'city': city_id, 'key': _api_key}
text = ''
# Get real-time weather
data_now = session.get(_now_api_url, params=params).json()
if data_now and 'HeWeather5' in data_now and data_now['HeWeather5'][0].get('status') == 'ok':
now = data_now['HeWeather5'][0]['now']
text += '实时:\n%s,气温%s˚C,体感温度%s˚C,%s%s级,能见度%skm' \
% (now['cond']['txt'], now['tmp'], now['fl'], now['wind']['dir'], now['wind']['sc'], now['vis'])
# Get forecast
data_forecast = session.get(_forecast_api_url, params=params).json()
if data_forecast and 'HeWeather5' in data_forecast and data_forecast['HeWeather5'][0].get('status') == 'ok':
daily_forecast = data_forecast['HeWeather5'][0]['daily_forecast']
text += '\n\n预报:\n'
for forecast in daily_forecast:
d = datetime.strptime(forecast['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
text += '%d月%d日%s,' % (d.month, d.day, _weekday_string[d.weekday()])
cond_d = forecast['cond']['txt_d']
cond_n = forecast['cond']['txt_n']
text += cond_d + ('转' + cond_n if cond_d != cond_n else '') + ','
text += forecast['tmp']['min'] + '~' + forecast['tmp']['max'] + '°C,'
text += forecast['wind']['dir'] + forecast['wind']['sc'] + '级,'
text += '降雨概率%s%%' % forecast['pop']
text += '\n'
text = text.rstrip()
if text:
core.echo(text, ctx_msg)
core.echo('查询失败了,请稍后再试哦~', ctx_msg)
@cr.register('生活指数', '生活建议', '天气建议')
def suggestion(args, ctx_msg, allow_interactive=True):
source = get_source(ctx_msg)
if allow_interactive and (len(args) < 1 or not args[0].startswith('CN') or has_session(source, _cmd_suggestion)):
# Be interactive
return _do_interactively(_cmd_suggestion, suggestion, args, ctx_msg, source)
city_id = args[0]
session = requests.Session()
params = {'city': city_id, 'key': _api_key}
text = ''
# Get suggestion
data_suggestion = session.get(_suggestion_api_url, params=params).json()
if data_suggestion and 'HeWeather5' in data_suggestion and data_suggestion['HeWeather5'][0].get('status') == 'ok':
data = data_suggestion['HeWeather5'][0]['suggestion']
text += '生活指数:\n\n' \
'舒适度:%s\n\n' \
'洗车指数:%s\n\n' \
'穿衣指数:%s\n\n' \
'感冒指数:%s\n\n' \
'运动指数:%s\n\n' \
'旅游指数:%s\n\n' \
'紫外线指数:%s' \
% tuple([data[k]['txt'] for k in ('comf', 'cw', 'drsg', 'flu', 'sport', 'trav', 'uv')])
if text:
core.echo(text, ctx_msg)
core.echo('查询失败了,请稍后再试哦~', ctx_msg)
_state_machines = {}
def _do_interactively(command_name, func, args, ctx_msg, source):
def ask_for_city(s, a, c):
if len(a) > 0:
if search_city(s, a, c):
return True
core.echo('你要查询哪个城市呢?', c)
s.state += 1
def search_city(s, a, c):
if len(a) < 1:
core.echo('你输入的城市不正确哦,请重新发送命令~', c)
return True
prov = None
city = a[0]
# Try to split province and city if possible
tmp = jieba.lcut(city)
if len(tmp) == 2:
prov, city = tmp
resp = requests.get(_search_api_url, params={
'city': city,
'key': _api_key
data = resp.json()
if resp.status_code == 200 and data and 'HeWeather5' in data:
city_list = data['HeWeather5']
if city_list[0].get('status') != 'ok':
core.echo('没有找到你输入的城市哦,请重新发送命令~', c)
return True
if prov:
city_list = list(filter(lambda c: c['basic']['prov'] == prov, city_list))
s.data['city_list'] = city_list
if len(city_list) == 1:
# Directly choose the first one
choose_city(s, ['1'], c)
return True
# Here comes more than one city with the same name
'找到 %d 个重名城市,请选择你要查询的那个,发送它的序号:\n\n' % len(city_list)
+ '\n'.join(
[str(i + 1) + '. ' + c['basic']['prov'] + c['basic']['city'] for i, c in enumerate(city_list)]
s.state += 1
def choose_city(s, a, c):
if len(a) != 1 or not a[0].isdigit():
core.echo('你输入的序号不正确哦,请重新发送命令~', c)
return True
choice = int(a[0]) - 1 # Should be from 0 to len(city_list) - 1
city_list = s.data['city_list']
if choice < 0 or choice >= len(city_list):
core.echo('你输入的序号超出范围了,请重新发送命令~', c)
return True
city_id = city_list[choice]['basic']['id']
# sess.data['func']([city_id], c, allow_interactive=False)
func([city_id], c, allow_interactive=False)
return True
if command_name not in _state_machines:
_state_machines[command_name] = (
ask_for_city, # 0
search_city, # 1
choose_city # 2
sess = get_session(source, command_name)
sess.data['func'] = func
if _state_machines[command_name][sess.state](sess, args, ctx_msg):
# Done
remove_session(source, command_name)