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synced 2025-02-19 00:59:11 +08:00
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206 lines
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from datetime import datetime
import httpx
from nonebot.log import logger
from nonebot.config import Config
from nonebot.message import handle_event
from nonebot.typing import Driver, WebSocket, NoReturn
from nonebot.typing import Any, Union, Optional
from nonebot.adapters import BaseBot
from nonebot.exception import NetworkError, RequestDenied, ApiNotAvailable
from .exception import ApiError, SessionExpired
from .utils import check_legal, log
from .event import Event
from .message import Message, MessageSegment
from .model import MessageModel
class Bot(BaseBot):
钉钉 协议 Bot 适配。继承属性参考 `BaseBot <./#class-basebot>`_ 。
def __init__(self,
driver: Driver,
connection_type: str,
config: Config,
self_id: str,
websocket: Optional[WebSocket] = None):
def type(self) -> str:
- 返回: ``"ding"``
return "ding"
async def check_permission(cls, driver: Driver, connection_type: str,
headers: dict,
body: Optional[dict]) -> Union[str, NoReturn]:
钉钉协议鉴权。参考 `鉴权 <https://ding-doc.dingtalk.com/doc#/serverapi2/elzz1p>`_
timestamp = headers.get("timestamp")
sign = headers.get("sign")
log("DEBUG", "headers: {}".format(headers))
log("DEBUG", "body: {}".format(body))
# 检查 timestamp
if not timestamp:
log("WARNING", "Missing `timestamp` Header")
raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `timestamp` Header")
# 检查 sign
if not sign:
log("WARNING", "Missing `sign` Header")
raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `sign` Header")
# 校验 sign 和 timestamp,判断是否是来自钉钉的合法请求
if not check_legal(timestamp, sign, driver):
log("WARNING", "Signature Header is invalid")
raise RequestDenied(403, "Signature is invalid")
# 检查连接方式
if connection_type not in ["http"]:
log("WARNING", "Unsupported connection type")
raise RequestDenied(405, "Unsupported connection type")
access_token = driver.config.access_token
if access_token and access_token != access_token:
"WARNING", "Authorization Header is invalid"
if access_token else "Missing Authorization Header")
raise RequestDenied(
403, "Authorization Header is invalid"
if access_token else "Missing Authorization Header")
return body.get("chatbotUserId")
async def handle_message(self, body: dict):
message = MessageModel.parse_obj(body)
if not message:
log("DEBUG", "message: {}".format(message))
event = Event(message)
await handle_event(self, event)
except Exception as e:
logger.opt(colors=True, exception=e).error(
f"<r><bg #f8bbd0>Failed to handle event. Raw: {message}</bg #f8bbd0></r>"
async def call_api(self, api: str, **data) -> Union[Any, NoReturn]:
调用 钉钉 协议 API
* ``api: str``: API 名称
* ``**data: Any``: API 参数
- ``Any``: API 调用返回数据
- ``NetworkError``: 网络错误
- ``ActionFailed``: API 调用失败
if "self_id" in data:
self_id = data.pop("self_id")
if self_id:
bot = self.driver.bots[str(self_id)]
return await bot.call_api(api, **data)
log("DEBUG", f"Calling API <y>{api}</y>")
log("DEBUG", f"Calling data <y>{data}</y>")
if self.connection_type == "http" and api == "post_webhook":
raw_event: MessageModel = data["raw_event"]
if int(datetime.now().timestamp()) > int(
raw_event.sessionWebhookExpiredTime / 1000):
raise SessionExpired
target = raw_event.sessionWebhook
if not target:
raise ApiNotAvailable
headers = {}
segment: MessageSegment = data["message"][0]
async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers) as client:
response = await client.post(
params={"access_token": self.config.access_token},
if 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
result = response.json()
if isinstance(result, dict):
if result.get("errcode") != 0:
raise ApiError(errcode=result.get("errcode"),
return result
raise NetworkError(f"HTTP request received unexpected "
f"status code: {response.status_code}")
except httpx.InvalidURL:
raise NetworkError("API root url invalid")
except httpx.HTTPError:
raise NetworkError("HTTP request failed")
async def send(self,
event: "Event",
message: Union[str, "Message", "MessageSegment"],
at_sender: bool = False,
**kwargs) -> Union[Any, NoReturn]:
根据 ``event`` 向触发事件的主体发送消息。
* ``event: Event``: Event 对象
* ``message: Union[str, Message, MessageSegment]``: 要发送的消息
* ``at_sender: bool``: 是否 @ 事件主体
* ``**kwargs``: 覆盖默认参数
- ``Any``: API 调用返回数据
- ``ValueError``: 缺少 ``user_id``, ``group_id``
- ``NetworkError``: 网络错误
- ``ActionFailed``: API 调用失败
msg = message if isinstance(message, Message) else Message(message)
log("DEBUG", f"send -> msg: {msg}")
at_sender = at_sender and bool(event.user_id)
log("DEBUG", f"send -> at_sender: {at_sender}")
params = {"raw_event": event.raw_event}
if at_sender and event.detail_type != "private":
params["message"] = f"@{event.user_id} " + msg
params["message"] = msg
log("DEBUG", f"send -> params: {params}")
return await self.call_api("post_webhook", **params)