2019-01-21 05:03:37 +00:00

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Dress - 面向可爱的蓝孩子 (/ω\) 的 git 学习实践项目 on GitHub

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项目很简单且并不要求你贡献代码,没有编程技能都可以参加。你可以从这里学习从克隆项目,创建分支,提交和同步修改,到合并分支请求的整套流程,一次即可熟悉 Git/GitHub 的使用。


This simple repository requires no contribution of code from you so that you could participate in it without any coding skills to learn the whole process of cloning a repository, creating a branch, pushing and pulling changes, and making a pull request, thus mastering how to use Git/GitHub.

However, of course, you have to prepare a crossing-dress photo of yours first.

