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synced 2025-03-11 03:58:33 +08:00
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import random
import base64
# NyaCode
NyaCodeCharset = [
'喵', '呜', '?', '~'
NyaCodeSpecialCharset = [
'唔', '!', '...', '..'
NyaCodeEncode = {}
for i in range(64):
triplet = ''.join(NyaCodeCharset[(i // (4 ** j)) % 4] for j in range(3))
NyaCodeEncode[chr(65 + i if i < 26 else 97 + (i - 26) if i < 52 else 48 + (i - 52) if i < 62 else (
43 if i == 62 else 47))] = triplet
NyaCodeDecode = {value: key for key, value in NyaCodeEncode.items()}
# NyaCode Encrypt
def nya_encode(msg: str):
msg_b64str = base64.b64encode(msg.encode()).decode().replace('=', '')
msg_nyastr = ''.join(NyaCodeEncode[base64_char] for base64_char in msg_b64str)
result = ""
for char in msg_nyastr:
if char == '呜' and random.random() < 0.5:
result += "!"
if random.random() < 0.25:
result += random.choice(NyaCodeSpecialCharset) + char
result += char
return result
# NyaCode Decrypt
def nya_decode(msg: str):
msg = msg.replace('唔', '').replace('!', '').replace('.', '')
msg_nyastr = []
i = 0
if len(msg) % 3 != 0 :
return "这句话不是正确的猫语"
while i < len(msg):
nyachar = msg[i : i + 3]
if all(char in NyaCodeCharset for char in nyachar):
i += 3
except Exception:
return "这句话不是正确的猫语"
msg_b64str = ''.join(NyaCodeDecode[nya_char] for nya_char in msg_nyastr)
msg_b64str += "=" * (4 - len(msg_b64str) % 4)
result = base64.b64decode(msg_b64str.encode()).decode()
except Exception:
return "翻译失败"
return result