import { VitePressSidebarOptions } from "vitepress-sidebar/types" export const gitea = { svg: '<svg t="1725391346807" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1025 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="5067" width="256" height="256"><path d="M1004.692673 466.396616l-447.094409-447.073929c-25.743103-25.763582-67.501405-25.763582-93.264987 0l-103.873521 103.873521 78.171378 78.171378c12.533635-6.00058 26.562294-9.359266 41.389666-9.359266 53.02219 0 96.00928 42.98709 96.00928 96.00928 0 14.827372-3.358686 28.856031-9.359266 41.389666l127.97824 127.97824c12.533635-6.00058 26.562294-9.359266 41.389666-9.359266 53.02219 0 96.00928 42.98709 96.00928 96.00928s-42.98709 96.00928-96.00928 96.00928-96.00928-42.98709-96.00928-96.00928c0-14.827372 3.358686-28.856031 9.359266-41.389666l-127.97824-127.97824c-3.051489 1.454065-6.184898 2.744293-9.379746 3.870681l0 266.97461c37.273227 13.188988 63.99936 48.721433 63.99936 90.520695 0 53.02219-42.98709 96.00928-96.00928 96.00928s-96.00928-42.98709-96.00928-96.00928c0-41.799262 26.726133-77.331707 63.99936-90.520695l0-266.97461c-37.273227-13.188988-63.99936-48.721433-63.99936-90.520695 0-14.827372 3.358686-28.856031 9.359266-41.389666l-78.171378-78.171378-295.892081 295.871601c-25.743103 25.784062-25.743103 67.542365 0 93.285467l447.114889 447.073929c25.743103 25.743103 67.480925 25.743103 93.264987 0l445.00547-445.00547c25.763582-25.763582 25.763582-67.542365 0-93.285467z" fill="#a2d8f4" p-id="5068"></path></svg>' } export const defaultLang = 'zh' const commonSidebarOptions: VitePressSidebarOptions = { collapsed: true, convertSameNameSubFileToGroupIndexPage: true, useTitleFromFrontmatter: true, useFolderTitleFromIndexFile: false, useFolderLinkFromIndexFile: true, useTitleFromFileHeading: true, rootGroupText: 'MARSHOAI', includeFolderIndexFile: true, sortMenusByFrontmatterOrder: true, } export function generateSidebarConfig(): VitePressSidebarOptions[] { let sections = ["dev", "start"] let languages = ['zh', 'en'] let ret: VitePressSidebarOptions[] = [] for (let language of languages) { for (let section of sections) { if (language === defaultLang) { ret.push({ basePath: `/${section}/`, scanStartPath: `docs/${language}/${section}`, resolvePath: `/${section}/`, ...commonSidebarOptions }) } else { ret.push({ basePath: `/${language}/${section}/`, scanStartPath: `docs/${language}/${section}`, resolvePath: `/${language}/${section}/`, ...commonSidebarOptions }) } } } return ret } export const ThemeConfig = { getEditLink: (editPageText: string): { pattern: (params: { filePath: string; }) => string; text: string; } => { return { pattern: ({filePath}: { filePath: string; }): string => { if (!filePath) { throw new Error("filePath is undefined"); } const regex = /^(dev\/api|[^\/]+\/dev\/api)/; if (regex.test(filePath)) { filePath = filePath.replace(regex, '') .replace('', '') .replace('.md', '.py'); const fileName = filePath.split('/').pop(); const parentFolder = filePath.split('/').slice(-2, -1)[0]; if (fileName && parentFolder && fileName.split('.')[0] === parentFolder) { filePath = filePath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + '/'; } return `${filePath}`; } else { return `${filePath}`; } }, text: editPageText }; }, getOutLine: (label: string): { label: string; level: [number, number]; } => { return { label: label, level: [2, 6] }; }, copyright: 'Copyright (C) 2020-2024 LiteyukiStudio. All Rights Reserved' }