import {defineConfig} from 'vitepress' import { ThemeConfig } from './common' export const en = defineConfig({ lang: "en-US", title: "Marsho AI", description: "Kawaii, Intelligent and Easy to Extend", themeConfig: { docFooter: { prev: 'Prev', next: 'Next' }, nav: [ {text: 'Home', link: '/en'}, {text: 'Usage', link: '/en/start/install'}, {text: 'Develop', link: '/en/dev/extension'}, ], editLink: ThemeConfig.getEditLink('Edit this page'), langMenuLabel: 'Language', returnToTopLabel: 'To top', sidebarMenuLabel: 'Option', darkModeSwitchLabel: 'Theme', lightModeSwitchTitle: 'Light', darkModeSwitchTitle: 'Dark', footer: { message: "The document is being improved. Suggestions are welcome.
Webpage is deployed at Liteyuki Meli and accelerated by Liteyukiflare.", copyright: '© 2024 Liteyuki Studio', } }, })