--- title: Install order: 1 --- # Install ## **Normal Installation** 1. Install [`Git`](https://git-scm.com/download/) and [`Python3.10+`](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-31010/) Environment. ```bash # Clone the project git clone https://github.com/LiteyukiStudio/LiteyukiBot --depth=1 # change directory cd LiteyukiBot # install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt # start the bot! python main.py ``` > [!tip] > It is recommended to use a virtual environment to run Liteyuki to avoid dependency conflicts. > You can use `python -m venv .venv` to create a virtual environment, and then use `.venv\Scripts\activate` to activate the virtual environment > (use `source .venv/bin/activate` to activate on Linux). ## **Run with Docker** 1. Install [`Docker`](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) 2. Clone Repo `git clone https://github.com/LiteyukiStudio/LiteyukiBot --depth=1` 3. Change directory `cd LiteyukiBot` 4. Build docker image `docker build -t liteyukibot .` 5. Run container `docker run -p 20216:20216 -v $(pwd):/liteyukibot -v $(pwd)/.cache:/root/.cache liteyukibot` > [!tip] > If you are using Windows, please use the absolute project directory `/path/to/LiteyukiBot` instead of `$(pwd)`
> If you have modified the port number, please replace `20216:20216` with your port number ## **Use TRSS Script** [TRSS_Liteyuki Management Script](https://timerainstarsky.github.io/TRSS_Liteyuki/), which provides a more convenient way to manage LiteyukiBot, recommended to use `Arch Linux` ## **Device Requirements** - Windows system version minimum `Windows10+`/`Windows Server 2019+` - Linux system requires Python3.10+, recommended `Ubuntu 20.04+` - CPU: at least `1vCPU` - Memory: Bot without other plugins will occupy `300~500MB`, including `chromium` and `node` processes, other plugins depend on specific plugins, recommended `1GB` or more - Disk: at least `1GB` of space > [!warning] > If there are multiple environments on the device, please use `path/to/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt` to install dependencies, `path/to/python` is the path to your Python executable > [!warning] > Liteyuki's update function depends on Git. If you do not have Git installed and run the source code directly, you will not be able to use the update function #### For other questions, please refer to [FAQ](./fandq)