from .qw_models import * import httpx language_map = { "zh-CN" : "zh", "zh-HK" : "zh-hant", "en-US" : "en", "ja-JP" : "ja", "ko-KR" : "ko", "fr-FR" : "fr", "es-ES" : "es", "de-DE" : "de", "it-IT" : "it", "ru-RU" : "ru", "ar-SA" : "ar", "pt-BR" : "pt", "nl-NL" : "nl", "pl-PL" : "pl", "tr-TR" : "tr", "th-TH" : "th", "vi-VN" : "vi", "id-ID" : "id", "ms-MY" : "ms", "fil-PH": "fil", } # 其他使用默认对应 dev_url = "" # 开发HBa com_url = "" # 正式环境 async def city_lookup( location: str, key: str, adm: str = "", number: int = 20, lang: str = "zh", ) -> CityLookup: """ 通过关键字搜索城市信息 Args: location: key: adm: number: lang: 可传入标准i18n语言代码,如zh-CN、en-US等 Returns: """ url = "" params = { "location": location, "adm" : adm, "number" : number, "key" : key, "lang" : language_map.get(lang, lang), } async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: resp = await client.get(url, params=params) return CityLookup.parse_obj(resp.json()) async def get_weather_now( key: str, location: str, lang: str = "zh", unit: str = "m", dev: bool = True, ) -> dict: url_path = "v7/weather/now?" url = dev_url + url_path if dev else com_url + url_path params = { "location": location, "key" : key, "lang" : language_map.get(lang, lang), "unit" : unit, } async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: resp = await client.get(url, params=params) return resp.json() async def get_weather_daily( key: str, location: str, lang: str = "zh", unit: str = "m", dev: bool = True, ) -> dict: url_path = "v7/weather/%dd?" % (7 if dev else 30) url = dev_url + url_path if dev else com_url + url_path params = { "location": location, "key" : key, "lang" : language_map.get(lang, lang), "unit" : unit, } async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: resp = await client.get(url, params=params) return resp.json() async def get_weather_hourly( key: str, location: str, lang: str = "zh", unit: str = "m", dev: bool = True, ) -> dict: url_path = "v7/weather/%dh?" % (24 if dev else 168) url = dev_url + url_path if dev else com_url + url_path params = { "location": location, "key" : key, "lang" : language_map.get(lang, lang), "unit" : unit, } async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: resp = await client.get(url, params=params) return resp.json() async def get_airquality( key: str, location: str, lang: str, pollutant: bool = False, station: bool = False, dev: bool = True ) -> dict: url_path = f"airquality/v1/now/{location}?" url = dev_url + url_path if dev else com_url + url_path params = { "key" : key, "lang" : language_map.get(lang, lang), "pollutant": pollutant, "station" : station, } async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: resp = await client.get(url, params=params) return resp.json()